Simulation of A Sustainable Cement Supply Chain Proposal Model Review
Simulation of A Sustainable Cement Supply Chain Proposal Model Review
Simulation of A Sustainable Cement Supply Chain Proposal Model Review
International Scholarly and Scientific Research & Innovation 7(3) 2013 418
World Academy of Science, Engineering and Technology
International Journal of Industrial and Manufacturing Engineering
Vol:7, No:3, 2013
Environmental Aspects
Quarrying Raw Materials Clinker production Grinding cement Storage/ shipping
Dust grinding Dust Dust Dust
Noise Dust Noise Noise Noise
Vibration Noise Gases SO2, NOX,CO2, Electricity Fuels
Landscape impact Electricity micro-pollutants
Raw materials Heat
Limestone Fuels
International Science Index, Industrial and Manufacturing Engineering Vol:7, No:3, 2013
Stockholder returns
Local taxes &wages
Health & Safety
Supplier's business
Widely used product
Local community impacts
Community investment
Computer simulation is one of the popular methodologies to traditional cement supply chain model by Arena (Version 10)
model cement supply chain systems. In order to identify, as an advanced step. Concerning sustainability in cement
implement and optimize strategies of cement supply chain industry, [7] reviewed the design and operation of the cement
framework and to demonstrate the value of sustainable supply value chain from sustainable point of view. Again based on
chain management in the cement industry, a simulation study Simulation approach [8] investigated SCM strategies to
of cement supply chain system is carried out. improve the manufacturing efficiency of cement industry in
Libya. In the past few years, the focus on critical issues in
II. RESEARCH BACKGROUND cement industry such as climate protection, responsible use of
fuels and raw materials, emissions monitoring and reduction
A. Scope of Research has resulted in the broader adoption of sustainability
The main scope of this research to create and simulate a principles into SCM practices. Sustainable supply chain
sustainable cement supply chain; as recommended in [4], by management is a vision of research that is gaining more
moving Push-Pull boundaries along the supply chain to attention in application. The cement industry has been recently
discuss the feasibility of (MTS, GTO and BTO) strategies; as developing strategies for implementing sustainable business
recommended in [3]. Furthermore proposing a chain of Mini– management along the value chain. The worldwide leading
cement grinding plants; as integration approach. international cement manufacturers [6] have set up a Cement
Sustainability Initiative CSI organized by the World Business
B. Literature Review
Council for Sustainable Development (WBCSD-CSI). In
Most research topics reflect the major concerns of the Germany, the social partners of the cement industry have
cement industry like cement production, material management formed the Initiative for sustainability in the German cement
and sustainability. Reference [3] proposed cement supply industry in 2002, which focuses on topics like Climate
chain frameworks from a business management perspective. protection, the use of alternative fuels and raw materials,
Reference [4] continued the strategic perspectives of [3], industrial safety and health of the employees, emission
analyzed the cement industry more in detail and simulated a abatement. The 1st Analysis [6] of the sustainable transport
International Scholarly and Scientific Research & Innovation 7(3) 2013 419
World Academy of Science, Engineering and Technology
International Journal of Industrial and Manufacturing Engineering
Vol:7, No:3, 2013
and logistic chains of German cement industry; published a supply chains, two ATO strategies – Grind-To-Order (GTO)
once in 2004. and Back-To-Order (PTO) ; as reviewed more in detail in
C. Research Objectives
Fig. 2 identified the main cement supply chain processes;
In general, this research aims to analyze the essential based on the three-target supply chain strategies, which are
characteristics of sustainable SCM in the cement industry, to taken as simulation scenarios, later on.
model an integrated cement supply chain from the quarry to Make-To-Stock strategy/Scenario I provide the fastest
the end customers, and to optimize the cement SC through response time to customer, but the storage costs can be high
enhancing key success factors in environmental, economic, and product portfolio is usually limited; which is more
and social dimensions. suitable for bulk cement supply chain. In order to reduce the
The environmental dimension of sustainability constitutes storage costs and enrich customer product choices, Assemble-
to improve thermal and electrical energy efficiency, reduce to-order is implemented to handle bag and bulk cement order
emissions, and prevent environmental pollution along the configurations.
cement supply chain. From the economic perspective, the Pack-To-Order strategy/Scenario II helps to cope with the
sustainable development of cement companies is largely high demand uncertainty of bag cement. PTO can be an
influenced by the continuous profitability of the cement option for mass-customization of cement supply chain. With
International Science Index, Industrial and Manufacturing Engineering Vol:7, No:3, 2013
supply chain network. Our proposed sustainable model aims increased variations in bag sizes and cement types in the
to increase cement production and distribution efficiency, future, the delay in the cement mixing and packaging process
reduce costs and generate revenue, streamline the cement is possible. Therefore, the implementation of PTO is
supply chain processes and enhance competitive advantages. reasonable with more flexibility in customer order fulfillment
The social dimension of sustainable SCM is frequently related and a trade-off analysis between the storage costs of cement in
with the concept of Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR), bulk and bag.
which tries to enhance the cement industry by investing in Grind-To-Order strategy/Scenario III sets the push-pull
employee safety and health, local impacts on land and boundary between clinker production and cement grinding
communities, as well as infrastructure and utilities process. GTO uses clinker as an intermediate product,
development. grinding cement as a final product according to customer
orders. GTO can integrate customer demand in the cement
III. SUSTAINABLE SUPPLY CHAIN MANAGEMENT IN CEMENT manufacturing process to reduce variability and improve
INDUSTRY flexibility in order fulfillment. The implementation of both
A. Cement Push-Pull Supply Chain Strategies GTO and PTO requires integrated information flow and
coordination along the cement supply chain.
Considering the response manner to demands, three
predominant supply chain systems are the push-model, pull- Market demand
Cement supply chain network and Scenarios
model and push/pull-model. Due to the high economies of Bulk
scale as well as the high (bag cement) and low (bulk cement) Fuel cement
demand uncertainty in the cement industry, the push-pull Quarry Bulk
strategy is adopted to figure the right cement supply chain &
Company’s Co.-
distribution cement
framework. Push-pull model takes advantage of risk pooling network sales
upstream to produce according to a forecast and keep Electricity
Cement Cement Cement
efficiencies high, while preserving responsiveness backing bags bags
downstream. Pull-push batches deliveries efficiently, while Push Pull
unit storage sales
Scenario 3
holds supply provisioning until demand uncertainty has been Grind To Order
revealed. In the supply chain framework, four strategies are Scenario 2
Push Pull
commonly used to address competitive priorities of response Pack To Order
to market demand: Make-to-stock (MTS), Assemble-to-order Scenario 1 Pull
Make To Stock
(ATO), Build-to-order (BTO) and Engineer-to-order (ETO);
these strategies and their Advantages and Disadvantages are Fig. 2 Cement push-pull supply chain framework; based on
reviewed in [9]. Concerning cement industry, MTS and ATO (MTS, BTO and GTO) strategies
are the most accepted supply chain strategies. Traditionally, B. Cement Eco-Balance Analysis
the cement supply chain applies push-strategy with a MTS As a spreading evaluation method worldwide, Life cycle
mechanism which produces cement based on demand forecast assessment (LCA) is a technique for assessing the potential
and holds cement in inventory for immediate customer environmental impacts associated with a process or activity
delivery, so as to minimize lead time to customer. ATO from “cradle to grave”, which allows a measurement of
requires efficient and low cost production in the cement environmental performances of products, as identified in DIN
manufacturing process and flexibility in the assembly stage to EN ISO 14040 [10]. Two basic methods: process analysis and
satisfy individualized customer demands. In the cement input-output analysis have been combined into the LCA
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Vol:7, No:3, 2013
method, which provides both completeness and accuracy of measures of environmental protection over the past decades.
the life-cycle inventory. This includes life phases along the Market and economic forces generally trigger the closure of
supply chain - the quarry, clinker manufacture, cement inefficient facilities as more advanced technologies are
grinding, and product distribution as in Fig. 3. commissioned. To become more energy- and Eco-efficient,
Eco-Balance summarizes all the environmentally relevant the use of alternative fuels besides fossil fuels in the clinker
input and output factors throughout the life cycle of cement. burning process is gaining in importance. By-products from
domestic, industrial, or agricultural sources can be used as
Fuel supply Power plant
alternative fuel, to replace partially the traditional fossil fuels.
In 2009, [12] found that the alternative fuels accounted
Thermal Electricity
energy more than 58% of the total fuel energy consumption of the
German cement industry. Meanwhile, this reduces the
Quarry Raw associated environmental impacts of finding, producing,
Clinker Clinker Cement Cement Distribution
works materials production grinding transporting and burning these fuels.
C. Integration Approach
Concerning Cement-Supply chains integration, as described
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International Journal of Industrial and Manufacturing Engineering
Vol:7, No:3, 2013
Homogenizing- and Storage silos. Raw-mix feeding into the cement is conveyed to Silos and stored in bulk. Further
Preheater is started by withdrawing material from the masonry cement types are produced in the Mixing-silo, on
Homogenizing silos into the proportioning section ’’clinker customers’ demands. Backing unit consists of more than a
production process’’; including Preheater with bypass and Cement-backer followed by truck-loading facilities in the
fans, Rotary kiln, Grate-cooler. truck yard via the belt conveyors. The cement in bulk or bag is
delivered according the customer orders in 25 ton Bulk-tank-
TABLE I trucks.
Fig. 4 and (Table I) review the proposal model.
Connected Capacity
Modules Location Products
Modules (tpa)
Quarry Close to Clinker 1.6 Limeston TABLE II
clinker plant I million e, clay, CEMENT MONTHLY DEMAND STATISTICS (SOURCE: BDZ)
plant I etc. Mon- Cement Cement Cement Av Cement Arr
ths Sales 2007 Sales 2008 Sales 2009 sales per
Clinker Close to Indoor One Clinker (ton) (ton) (ton) % (tpm) hr.
plant I quarry terminals, million Jan. 1208617 1308828 698298 4.3 34130 0.6
Port terminal Feb. 1451120 1722112 1158810 5.8 46160 0.8
Clinker Clinker Seaport, 200,000 Clinker
Mar. 2132910 1779963 1997258 7.9 63396 1.1
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International Journal of Industrial and Manufacturing Engineering
Vol:7, No:3, 2013
D.Model Structure
Arena cement supply chain model in Fig. 6 is arranged in 6
stages: quarry, clinker input, clinker output, cement raw
material (RM), distribution center (DC) inventory, and
customer demand management. In order to keep reasonable
inventory levels, the proposed cement supply chains applies
the well-known (Q, R) inventory control policy. The
inventory has an order quantity Q, and reorder point R. The
settings of order quantity and reorder point, as well as
production schedules can be used to implement different
cement supply chain strategies (MTS, PTO & GTO); as in
(Fig. 2).
The demand management module generates the cement
International Science Index, Industrial and Manufacturing Engineering Vol:7, No:3, 2013
Parameter Unit Value Type Source
Total raw materials ton per ton clinker 1.6 quoted VDZ
Clinker consumption ton per ton cement 1 quoted VDZ
Fuel energy consumption G.joul/ton cement 2.842 calculated VDZ
Electrical power consumption kWh/ton cement 100.167 calculated VDZ
CO2 emissions ton per ton cement 0.587 calculated VDZ
Clinker production costs EUR/ton clinker 37 quoted Mc Kinsey, VDZ, BDZ
Transport costs -Inland shipping EUR/ton clinker per 100 km 3.5 quoted Mc Kinsey, VDZ, BDZ
Road transport costs EUR/ton clinker per 100 km 8.6 quoted Mc Kinsey,VDZ, BDZ
CO2 emissions costs EUR/ton cement 20.53 calculated Mc Kinsey VDZ, BDZ
Transport distances - Inland Shipping km to Plants (III:200, IV:400 IV:600 assumed Data Assumption
Transport speed - Inland Shipping km/day 575 quoted Rodrigue al. 2009
Transport distances - 25 ton truck km TRIA (150, 80,10) assumed Data Assumption
Transport distances - Small trucks km UNIF (80,10) assumed Data Assumption
Transport speed -Truck transport km / day 600 quoted Pillay.S, 2010
Transport emissions – Inland Shipping gram/ton· km 31 quoted VDZ, BDZ
Transport emissions – Truck transport gram/ton·km 158 quoted VDZ, BDZ
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International Journal of Industrial and Manufacturing Engineering
Vol:7, No:3, 2013
Given the production capacity of 800,000 tpa, 25 operation of raw material, fuel and electrical power consumption, CO2
days per month (based on 300 operation days per year) and emission (Table III) during the production processes are
the customer order quantity of 25 ton each, the arrival rate per quoted from [13], [14], [15], and the fuel and electrical power
hour is calculated and generated at the demand management consumption, CO2 emission are the average values based on
module. the figures of recent three years in the German cement
In the cement sustainable supply chain model, parameters industry.
Clinker RM input
These input parameters are set into the entities of the clinker Scenario 1 based on the Make-to-stock (MTS) strategy, the
manufacturing sub model and cement grinding process sub safety stock of the distribution centers at outdoor cement
model to simulate the material flow and energy consumption. plants III, IV, V should be about 20% of storage capacity,
whereas the reorder point of indoor cement distribution center
A. Simulation Scenarios
II is set as 10% of silo capacity (Table I), because the
The what-if-scenarios of are designed according to the distances from clinker plant I to outdoor cement plants can
cement push-pull strategies in (Fig. 2). Three scenarios are cause extra transport delays. The order quantity of demand
separately implemented based on the supply chain strategies management is set to be same as the safety stock of cement
of Make-to- stock (MTS), Pack-to-Order (PTO) and Grind-to- DC; the reorder points of cement RM are calculated according
order (GTO), which varies in the inventory levels along the to the clinker to cement ratio of 1 and the order quantity of
cement supply chain. Given the continuous-review inventory cement DC; the reorder points of clinker input are calculated
policy (Q,R) the three scenarios can be implemented by according to the raw material to clinker ratio of 1.6 and the
setting the R and Q for each module and the change of order quantity of clinker output.
ordering mechanism, as calculated in (Table IV). The reorder
points of cement distribution centres are set based on the TABLE IV
storage capacity of cement silo. According to the data SCENARIO DESIGN – PARAMETER SETTINGS OF INVENTORY LEVEL
assumption of the cement supply chain, the silo capacity is Inventory Scenario 1 Scenario 2 Scenario 3
42,000 m3 with a common Portland cement density of 1.51 points R Q R Q R Q
ton/m3, the safety stock of each scenario can be therefore
calculated. inputs
92800 102000 26560 29800 5600 6300
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International Journal of Industrial and Manufacturing Engineering
Vol:7, No:3, 2013
54000 58000 15000 16600 3150 3500
production volume caused by lower safety stocks. In the cost
outputs analysis, the highest total costs occur in scenario 2; whereas
Cement RM scenario 1 has the highest production costs.
8000 9000 1400 1500 400 450
The reason is that the small transport batches can cause
Cement DC II 6000 8000 1200 1400 300 400
transportation inefficiency (increased number of transports
Cement RM 14000 15000 4000 4500 800 900 with rarely fully loaded transport units) therefore increased
(III, IV, V) (3) (3) (3) (3) (3) (3) transport costs in scenario 2. The lowest costs are shown in
scenario 3 with the minimum inventory levels.
Cement DC 12000 14000 3000 4000 600 800 The inventory levels of outdoor cement grinding plants are
(III, IV, V) (3) (3) (3) (3) (3) (3)
calculated in average for output analysis. Both scenario 1 and
Cement 2 deliver zero order delays; while the third scenario shows a
38500 42000 8600 10200 1900 2100
demand slightly decreased level of service due to the dramatically
R: reorders, Q= quantity decreased inventory levels. The simulation output confirms
the result of the cement push-pull supply chain analysis.
Scenario 2 adopts the Pack-to-Order (PTO) strategy with
5% of storage capacity at outdoor cement plants III, IV, V and TABLE V
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