Thermodynamic Steam Trap: Description
Thermodynamic Steam Trap: Description
Thermodynamic Steam Trap: Description
TD – 21
Thermodynamic steam trap with inbuilt strainer and
full stainless steel construction, best suited for
header and mainline drains and drop legs.
1/2" Screwed BSPT/NPT
Limiting Conditions:
Maximum operating pressure 21 kg/cm2
Maximum operating temperature 427°C.
Cold hydraulic test pressure 42 kg/cm2
Minimum pressure for
satisfactory operation 0.25 kg/cm2
Maximum back-pressure should not exceed 80% of
the inlet pressure.
No. Part Material Standard
1. Body St. Steel ASTM A 743
GR CA-40
2. Cap St. Steel ASTM A 743
GR CA-40
3. Disc St. Steel ASTM A 743
GR CA- 40
4. Strainer Screen St. Steel type ASTM A 240
5. Strainer Cap St. Steel ASTM A 743
GR CA-40
1/2" 33 62 40 36 45
Preferably in horizontal pipe with the disc on top.
Can be fitted in other positions if unavoidable.
Available Spares:
The parts available as spares are shown in heavy
outline. Parts drawn in dotted line are not available
as spares.
Disc & Strainer Screen (Packet of 3)
How to Service:
Unscrew the cap using a spanner (36A/F). Do not
use wrenches which may cause damage to the
cap. If the disc and body seating faces are only
slightly worn they can be resurfaced by lapping
individually on a flat surface such as a surface
plate. A figure of eight motion and a little grinding
compound gives the best results.
If the wear is too great to be rectified by simple
lapping, the seating face on the body must be
ground flat and then lapped and the disc replaced
by a new one. the total amount of metal removed in
this way should not exceed 0.25 mm.
When reassembling, the disc is normally placed in
position with the grooved side in contact with the
body seating face. Screw on the cap, no gasket is
required but a suitable high temperature anit-sieze
grease should be applied to the threads.