Castor Oil A Vital Industrial Raw Material

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Castor oil is extracted from the seeds of the castor plant. It has various industrial applications and can be used as a substitute for edible oils in some applications. It is produced mainly in India, China, and Brazil.

Castor oil is extracted from the seeds of the castor plant Ricinus communis.

Castor oil is extracted from the seeds through mechanical pressing or solvent extraction. Mechanical pressing involves crushing the seeds and pressing them to extract the oil.

Castor oil: A vital industrial raw material

D.S. Ogunniyi
Department of Chemistry, University of Ilorin, Ilorin, Nigeria


Even though castor oil is inedible, it has long been an article of commerce. This is, in large measure, due to the versatility of the
oil. This article discusses the extraction of castor oil and its refining methods and reviews the industrial applications of the oil. Since
castor oil is not edible, it could be substituted in many industrial application areas where edible oils are used. An awareness of the
various uses of the oil can be used to make a strong case for an increase in its production as a vital raw material for the chemical

Keywords: Castor oil; Raw material

1. Introduction toxic. If castor seed is accidentally ingested, it will bring

about abdominal pain, vomiting and diarrhea. Indeed,
The trade in castor oil as an item of commerce goes as little as 1 mg of ricin can kill an adult. The pure oil
back to antiquity. The oil is obtained from extracting however, if administered in recommended quantities,
or expressing the seed of a plant which has the botanical can be used as a laxative. It is noteworthy that the qual-
name Ricinus communis of the family Eurphorbiacae ity of seed oil is hardly affected by the variation in good
(Kirk-Othmer, 1979). The oil is not only a naturally- or poor seeds. There are numerous other medicinal uses
occurring resource, it is inexpensive and environmen- of castor oil but that is not the focus of this discussion.
tally friendly. Castor oil is a viscous, pale yellow The castor plant grows in the wild in large quantities
non-volatile and non-drying oil with a bland taste and in most tropical and sub-tropical countries. It is avail-
is sometimes used as a purgative. It has a slight charac- able at low cost and the plant is known to tolerate
teristic odour while the crude oil tastes slightly acrid varying weather conditions. Specifically, castor plant
with a nauseating after-taste. Relative to other vegetable requires a temperature of between 20 and 26 °C with
oils, it has a good shelf life and it does not turn rancid low humidity throughout the growing season in order
unless subjected to excessive heat. India is the worldÕs to obtain maximum yields. The weather conditions for
largest exporter of castor oil; other major producers its growth limit its cultivation to tropical areas of the
are China and Brazil as shown in Table 1. developing world. Also, the fear of accidental ingestion
There are different varieties of castor seeds but on the of the poisonous seed by children does not encourage
average, they contain about 46–55% oil by weight. Cas- the use of castor plant for ornamental purposes. Simi-
tor seeds are poisonous to humans and animals because larly, the seed cake is poisonous and consequently
they contain ricin, ricinine and certain allergens that are unsuitable as animal feed. Indeed, some people who
work with the meal may develop allergic reactions such
as asthma. Generally, the toxicity of castor seed is a
reason why US farmers no longer grow the crop
Table 1
Production volume of castor oil by major producersa
Major producers 1990 1991 1992 1993 1994 1995 1996 1997 1998 1999 2000
Ô000 t 000 t Ô000 t Ô000 t Ô000 t Ô000 t Ô000 t Ô000 t Ô000 t Ô000 t Ô000 t
India 192 239 232 242 271 333 344 278 304 294 324
China, PR 77 86 93 97 97 82 73 83 80 91 105
Brazil 77 73 54 28 28 22 21 43 21 19 52
Thailand 18 18 19 18 16 14 10 9 9 7 5
E.U.b 20 16 14 12 14 11 9 10 7 8 8
Others 54 52 49 41 20 21 22 19 20 23 23
Total 438 484 461 438 446 483 479 442 441 442 517
E.U.—European Union.

extensively. The total world production of seeds is esti- dal matter by settling and filtration, (b) neutralizing the
mated at one million tonnes and the oil extracted is free fatty acid by alkali, (c) removing coloured matter by
about 500,000 tonnes. Information about the agricul- bleaching, and (d) deodorizing by treatment with steam
tural production of castor oil is available from past at high temperature and low pressure. The general
work (Roetheli et al., 1991; Woodend, 1993), and other method of refining used for edible oils is applicable to
publications (Weiss, 1971, 1983). The objective of this castor oil.
review was to highlight the various uses of castor oil
in chemical production. Being a non-edible oil, its in-
creased cultivation, especially in developing countries, 4. Properties
and its use can free up some edible oils used in industry
for human consumption. Castor oil, like all other vegetable oils, has different
physical and chemical properties that vary with the
method of extraction. Cold-pressed castor oil has low
2. Extraction acid value, low iodine value and a slightly higher sapon-
ification value than solvent-extracted oil, and it is lighter
The extraction of oil from castor seed is by one or a in colour. Typical properties are given in Table 2 while
combination of mechanical pressing and solvent extrac- representative composition of the oil is given in Fig. 1.
tion. In mechanical pressing, the seeds are crushed and The chemistry of castor oil is centered on its high
then adjusted to low moisture content by warming in a content of ricinoleic acid and the three points of func-
steam-jacketed vessel. Thereafter, the crushed seeds are tionality existing in the molecule. These are: (1) the
loaded into hydraulic presses and they are pressed by carboxyl group which can provide a wide range of este-
mechanical means to extract oil. The oil from mechani- rifications; (2) the single point of unsaturation which can
cal pressing has light colour and low free fatty acids be altered by hydrogenation or epoxidation or vulcani-
(Kirk-Othmer, 1979). However, mechanical pressing will zation; and (3) the hydroxyl group which can be acety-
only remove about 45% of the oil present and the lated or alkoxylated, may be removed by dehydration
remaining oil in the cake can be recovered only by sol- to increase the unsaturation of the compound to give a
vent extraction. In the solvent extraction method, the semi-drying oil. The hydroxyl position is so reactive
crushed seeds are extracted with a solvent in a Soxhlet the molecule can be split at that point by high-tempera-
extractor or commercial extractor. Solvents used for ture pyrolysis and by caustic fusion to yield useful prod-
extraction include heptane, hexane and petroleum ucts of shorter chain length. The presence of hydroxyl
ethers. group on castor oil adds extra stability to the oil
and its derivatives by preventing the formation of

3. Refining
Table 2
As in other vegetable oils, it is usual to refine the Characteristics of castor oil grades
crude oil obtained from either mechanical pressing or Properties Cold-pressed Solvent-extracted Dehydrated
solvent extraction. The main aim of refining is to remove oil oil oil
impurities (e.g., colloidal matter, free fatty acid, colour- Specific gravity 0.961–0.963 0.957–0.963 0.926–0.937
ing matter) and other undesirable constituents, thus Acid value 3 10 6
making the oil more resistant to deterioration during Iodine value (Wij) 82–88 80–88 125–145
storage. Refining includes: (a) removing solid and colloi- Saponification value 179–185 177–182 185–188
stored for about 90 days. The reduction of these values
is due to the reaction between hydroxyl and carboxyl
groups in the oil molecule to form estolides.

5. Dehydration

Castor oil has only one double bond in each fatty

Fig. 1. Equation showing the constitution of castor oil. acid chain and, so, is classified as a non-drying oil. How-
ever, it can be dehydrated to give semi-drying or drying
oil which is used extensively in paints and varnishes. It
hydroperoxides. The ricinoleic acid comprises over 89% must be noted that coatings that incorporate castor oil
of the fatty acid of the oil. Other fatty acids present are alone will never achieve complete cure through oxidative
linoleic (4.2%), oleic (3.0%), stearic (1%), palmitic (1%), crosslinking as do coatings that contain oil with multiple
dihy- droxystearic acid (0.7%), linolenic acid (0.3%), and double bonds in their fatty acid components.
eicosanoic acid (0.3%). Castor oil consists mainly of es- As the name implies, dehydration involves the re-
ters of 12-hydroxy-9-octadecenoic acid (ricinoleic acid); moval of water from the fatty acid portion of the oil.
thus the presence of hydroxyl groups and double bonds Being a polyhydroxy compound, its hydroxyl function-
makes the oil suitable for many chemical reactions and ality can be reduced through dehydration or increased
modifications (see Table 3). The oil is characterized by by interesterification with a polyhydric alcohol. The
high viscosity although this is unusual for a natural veg- dehydration process is carried out at about 250 °C and
etable oil. This behaviour is due largely to hydrogen in the presence of catalysts (e.g., concentrated sulphuric
bonding of its hydroxyl groups. It is soluble in alcohols acid, activated earth) and under an inert atmosphere or
in any proportion but it has only limited solubility in ali- vacuum. Under this condition of dehydration, the hy-
phatic petroleum solvents. droxyl group and an adjacent hydrogen atom from the
Although castor oil is a unique naturally-occurring C-11 or C-13 position of the ricinoleic acid portion of
polyhydroxy compound, a limitation of the oil is the the molecule is removed as water (see Fig. 2). This yields
slight reduction of its hydroxyl value and acid value a mixture of two acids, each containing two double
on storage; both values may change by about 10% if bonds but in one case, they are conjugated. The presence

Table 3
Various reactions of castor oil
Nature of reaction Added reactants Type of products
Ester linkage Hydrolysis Acid, enzyme, or Twitchell reagent catalyst Fatty acids, glycerol
Esterification Monohydric alcohols Esters
Alcoholysis Glycerol, glycols, pentaerythritol, and other Mono- and diglycerides,
compounds monoglycols, etc.
Saponification Alkalies, alkalies plus metallic salts Soluble soaps, insoluble soaps
Reduction Na reduction Alcohols
Amidation Alkyl amines, alkanolamines, and other Amine salts, amides
Double bond Oxidation, polymerization Heat, oxygen, crosslink agent Polymerized oils
Hydrogenation Hydrogen (moderate pressure) Hydroxystearates
Epoxidation Hydrogen peroxide Epoxidized oils
Halogenation Cl2, Br2, I2 Halogenated oils
Addition reactions S, maleic acid Polymerized oils, factice
Sulphonation H2SO4 Sulphonated oils
Hydroxyl group Dehydration, hydrolysis, Catalyst (plus heat) Dehydrated castor oil,
distillation octadecadienoic acid
Caustic fusion NaOH Sebacic acid, capryl alcohol
Pyrolysis High heat Undecylenic acid, heptaldehyde
Halogenation PCl5, POCl3 Halogenated castor oils
Alkoxylation Ethylene and/or propylene oxide Alkoxylated castor oils
Esterification Acetic-, phosphoric-, maleic-, phthalic Alkyl and alkylaryl esters,
anhydrides phosphate esters
Urethane reactions Isocyanates Urethane polymers
Sulphation H2SO4 Sulphated castor oil (Turkey red oil)
Fig. 3. Production of sebacic acid and capryl alcohol from castor oil.

Fig. 2. Equation showing the dehydration of ricinoleic acid. thermore, the esters of sebacic acid also are used as
plasticizers for vinyl resins and in the manufacture of
dioctyl sebacate—a jet lubricant and lubricant in air-
of an acid containing conjugated double bonds results in cooled combustion motors. Capryl alcohol is used in
an oil resembling tung oil in some of its properties. plasticizers in the form of dicapryl esters of various
Thus, castor oil, which is non-drying, can be treated dibasic acids.
and converted into a semi-drying or drying oil known The pyrolysis of castor oil at 700 °C under reduced
as dehydrated castor oil. pressure has been used to obtain heptaldeyde and
undecylenic acid (Das et al., 1989) (Fig. 4). Undecylenic
acid and heptaldehyde are important intermediates in
6. Industrial uses the preparation of perfume formulations. When undecy-
lenic acid is mixed with isobutylamine, an insecticidal
Although castor oil is not edible, it is more versatile synergist is obtained. Heptaldehyde can be further
than other vegetable oils as it is widely used as a starting hydrogenated to produce alcohol for use as a plasticizer.
material for many industrial chemical products because In addition, undecylenic acid is used in preparing ath-
of its unique structure. It is one of those vegetable oils leteÕs foot remedy. Also, the synthesis of E-2-Nonenal,
that have found usage in many chemical industries. It an ingredient of natural flavours and fragrances has
is a raw material for paints, coatings, inks, lubricants been reported (Kula et al., 1994).
and a wide variety of other products. In order to obtain x-aminoundecanoic acid (Bryd-
Because of its hydroxyl functionality, the oil is son, 1975; Saunders, 1988), castor oil is subjected to
suitable for use in isocyanate reactions to make poly- methanolysis to yield methyl ester of ricinoleic acid by
urethane elastomers (Quipeng et al., 1990), polyurethane the route shown in Fig. 4. In the first step, the pyrolysis
millable (Kirk-Othmer, 1979; Yeganeh and Mehdi- of methyl ricinoleate is carried out at about 500 °C to
zadeh, 2004), castables (Heiss, 1960; Lyon and Garret,
1973), adhesives and coatings (Yeadon et al., 1959;
Trevino and Trumbo, 2002; Somani et al., 2003), inter-
penetrating polymer network from castor oil-based
polyurethane (Patel and Suthar, 1988; Xie and Guo,
2002) and polyurethane foam (Ehrlich et al., 1959;
Ogunniyi et al., 1996). Some semi-rigid foams that have
potential uses in thermal insulation were produced when
castor oil/polyether mixture was reacted with toluene
diisocyanate (Ogunniyi et al., 1996).
Sebacic acid, a 10-carbon dicarboxylic acid, is manu-
factured by heating castor oil to high temperatures
(about 250 °C) with alkali. This treatment results in
saponification of the castor oil to ricinoleic acid that is
then cleaved to give capryl alcohol (2-octanol) and seba-
cic acid (see Fig. 3). The preparation of sebacic acid and
2-octanol from castor oil has been reported (Vasishtha
et al., 1990). Although the sebacic acid yields are low,
this route has been found to be cost competitive. Sebacic
acid and hexamethylene diisocyanate react through con-
densation polymerization to produce nylon-6,10. Fur- Fig. 4. Production of x-aminoundecanoic acid from castor oil.
give n-heptaldehyde and methyl undecylenate. The perform better. Blown or oxidized castor oil is prepared
methyl undecylenate is hydrolysed to give undecylenic by blowing air or oxygen into it at temperatures of 80–
acid, which is treated with hydrogen bromide in a 130 °C, with or without catalyst to obtain oils of varying
non-polar solvent in the presence of peroxide. Under viscosity. The blown oil is used widely as a plasticizer in
these conditions, reverse Markownikoff addition occurs lacquers, artificial leathers, hydraulic fluids and adhes-
and the main product is x-bromoundecanoic acid. The ives (Kirk-Othmer, 1979; Weiss, 1971).
product is then treated with ammonia to give x-ami- Castor oil also can be modified by reduction with
noundecanoic acid, which is a crystalline solid. hydrogen to produce hydrogenated castor oil (HCO),
Aminoundecanoic acid is the starting material for ny- which is a wax-like material with melting point of
lon-11. It is claimed that a French company produces 86 °C. Hydrogenated castor oil is used in cosmetics, hair
nylon-11 by this route (Kovaly, 1982). dressing, ointments, preparation of hydrostearic acid
Another characteristic of castor oil is the hydrogen and its derivatives; and in certain cases as wax substi-
bonding of its hydroxyl group; this confers a high vis- tutes and for polishes. Sometimes HCO is used as a
cosity on the oil. This property makes the oil useful as paint additive, solid lubricant, pressure mould release
a component in blending lubricants (Kirk-Othmer, agent in the manufacture of formed plastics and rubber
1979). goods (Kirk-Othmer, 1979; Weiss, 1971).
The castor cake is mainly used as a fertilizer. It is Another product formed from the modification of
unsuitable as an animal feed because of the presence castor oil is sulphated castor oil (also known as ‘‘Turkey
of toxic protein called ricin and toxic allergen often re- red oil’’). Sulphated castor oil is prepared by adding
ferred to as CBA (castor bean allergen). However, it is concentrated sulphuric acid to castor oil at 25–30 °C
noteworthy that none of the toxic components is carried for several hours, followed by washing and neutralizing
into the oil. Some methods reported for the detoxifica- with sodium hydroxide solution. It is an active wetting
tion of the cake include treatment with ammonia, caus- agent. As such, it is used extensively in dyeing and in fin-
tic soda, lime and heat (Kirk-Othmer, 1979; Weiss, 1971; ishing of cotton and linen. Generally, the ability of cas-
Gardener, 1960; Horton and Williams, 1989). When the tor oil and some of its derivatives to wet surfaces make
cake is steamed, the ricin is detoxified and the allergen is them useful as excellent carriers of pigments and dyes.
inactivated. Although the use of detoxified cake as cattle Also, the action of sulphuric acid on castor oil produces
feed has been reported (Woodend, 1993), extreme cau- a useful emulsifier for certain insecticidal oils (Kirk-
tion and experimentation are desirable before the cake Othmer, 1979; Weiss, 1971).
is fed to farm animals. Another method of detoxifying Even though a small amount is involved, about 0.7
castor seed meal involved the wet mixing with sal (Sho- parts per hundred of castor oil is added to latex or wet
rea robusta) seed meal so that the toxic constituents of rubber to promote crumbling and thus produce the
castor seed were neutralized by tannins. (Ghandi et al., crumb rubber grade (Rubber Research Institute of
1994). Malaysia, 1966).
In addition, some people in parts of South-Eastern Dehydrated castor oil (DCO) is used in the prepara-
Nigeria have long developed a method for treating and tion of alkyd resins (Ogunniyi and Njikang, 2000) that
detoxifying the unextracted seed that is subsequently are in turn used for paints, enamels, lacquers and
used as food seasoning known as ogiri-igbo (Weiss, varnishes with high gloss, good adhesion and wetting
1971; Okagbue, 1993). In this case, the method used to qualities. It has advantages over tung oil because it is
detoxify castor seed involves fermentation. The seeds non-yellowing (Weiss, 1971). The vulcanization of
are first dehulled and boiled in water for about 18 h. DCO with sulphur has been reported (Botros and Mei-
The boiled seeds are cooled and wrapped together with necke, 1987): factice, the resulting product, has been
banana leaves and allowed to ferment in the fire place found to be a rubber additive with antiozonant and
for about five days. The fermented seeds are then good flow properties.
mashed by pounding using a mortar and pestle. This is Castor oil is used in the preparation of brake fluids;
followed by addition of ash from burnt palm kernel as an ingredient for soaps, lubricants, inks, paint and
husk which gives it a dark colour. The dark, mashed varnishes; and as the main ingredient in motor oils for
product is allowed to mature for a further period of five high speed automobile engines. Other miscellaneous
days after which it is packaged for sale. It is believed applications of castor oil are in the formulation of
that most of the detoxification takes place during fer- cathartic, the formulation of contraceptive creams, as
mentation and it leads to the elimination of the toxic a component of synthetic flower scents, the preparation
factors. Microbiological studies have shown that the of bland emollient to treat skin diseases, and for induc-
bacteria involved are spore-forming bacteria, especially ing labour in pregnancy at term. Castor oil-based syn-
members of the genus Bacillus (Odunfa, 1985). thetic detergents are less prone to foaming and the
Castor oil has been used as a plasticizer for celluloid disposal of the detergent is hastened since microbiolog-
and in lacquers but the blown oil has been discovered to ical breakdown is simplified. Since DCO contains unsat-
urated acids, it is felt that epoxidation of DCO should Horton, J., Williams, M.A., 1989. A cooker–extruder for deallergen-
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being used. Generally, it is considered that non-edible production of Heveacrumb rubbers.
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