National Commission On Muslim Filipinos: Revised 2018

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CS Form No.

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Revised 2018 be in MS Excel format
Republic of the Philippines
Request for Publication of Vacant Positions


We hereby request the publication of the following vacant positions, which are authorized to be filled, at the NATIONAL COMMISSION ON MUSLIM FILIPINOS in the CSC website:

Acting Chief, Human Resource Development Division
Date: March 5, 2019

Salary/ Qualification Standards

Position Title (Parenthetical Title, if Job/ Monthly
No. Plantilla Item No. Competency Place of Assignment
applicable) Pay Salary Education Training Experience Eligibility
Grade (if applicable)
Administrative Officer II [Human Resource Bachelor's degree relevant to Career Service Professional / 2nd Administrative Service
1 NCMFB-ADOF2-26-2014 11 20,179.00 None Required None Required N/A
Management Officer I] the job level eligibility - Quezon City
Finance and
Bachelor's degree relevant to
2 Administrative Officer II [Accountant I] NCMFB-ADOF2-27-2014 11 20,179.00 None Required None Required RA 1080 CPA N/A Management Service -
the job
Quezon City
Bachelor's degree relevant to 2 years relevant Career Service Professional / 2nd Planning Service -
3 Planning Officer III NCMFB-PLO3-29-2014 18 38,085.00 8 hours relevant training N/A
the job experience level eligibility Quezon City
Bachelor's degree relevant to 2 years relevant Career Service Professional / 2nd Planning Service -
4 Planning Officer III NCMFB-PLO3-30-2014 18 38,085.00 8 hours relevant training N/A
the job experience level eligibility Quezon City
Bachelor's degree relevant to Career Service Professional / 2nd Planning Service -
5 Statistician I NCMFB-STAT1-37-2014 11 20,179.00 None Required None Required N/A
the job level eligibility Quezon City
Bachelor's degree relevant to 1 year relevant Career Service Professional / 2nd Planning Service -
6 Computer Maintenance Technologist III NCMFB-CTMT3-31-2014 17 34,781.00 4 hours relevant training N/A
the job experience level eligibility Quezon City
3 years relevant Bureau of Legal
7 Attorney V NCMFB-ATY5-30-2014 25 82,439.00 Bachelor of Laws 16 hours relevant training RA 1080 BAR N/A
experience Affairs - Quezon City
Bureau of Pilgrimage
Bachelor's degree relevant to 2 years relevant Career Service Professional / 2nd
8 Development Management Officer III NCMFB-DMO3-35-2014 18 38,085.00 8 hours relevant training N/A and Endowment -
the job experience level eligibility
Quezon City
Bureau of Muslim
Bachelor's degree relevant to 1 year relevant Career Service Professional / 2nd
9 Development Management Officer II NCMFB-DMO2-48-2014 15 29,010.00 4 hours relevant training N/A Economic Affairs -
the job experience level eligibility
Quezon City
Bureau of Muslim
Bachelor's degree relevant to 3 years relevant Career Service Professional / 2nd
10 Development Management Officer IV NCMFB-DMO4-38-2014 22 58,717.00 16 hours relevant training N/A Cultural Affairs -
the job experience level eligibility
Quezon City
Bureau of Muslim
Bachelor's degree relevant to 3 years relevant Career Service Professional / 2nd
11 Development Management Officer IV NCMFB-DMO4-40-2014 22 58,717.00 16 hours relevant training N/A Settlement - Quezon
the job experience level eligibility
Bureau of Muslim
Bachelor's degree relevant to 1 year relevant Career Service Professional / 2nd
12 Development Management Officer II NCMFB-DMO2-57-2014 15 29,010.00 4 hours relevant training N/A Settlement - Quezon
the job experience level eligibility
Bureau of Muslim
Bachelor's degree relevant to 2 years relevant Career Service Professional / 2nd
13 Development Management Officer III NCMFB-DMO3-49-2014 18 38,085.00 8 hours relevant training N/A Settlement - Quezon
the job experience level eligibility

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Salary/ Qualification Standards
Position Title (Parenthetical Title, if Job/ Monthly
No. Plantilla Item No. Competency Place of Assignment
applicable) Pay Salary Education Training Experience Eligibility
Grade (if applicable)
Bureau of External
Bachelor's degree relevant to 3 years relevant Career Service Professional / 2nd
14 Development Management Officer IV NCMFB-DMO4-42-2014 22 58,717.00 16 hours relevant training N/A Relations - Quezon
the job experience level eligibility
Bureau of External
Bachelor's degree relevant to 2 years relevant Career Service Professional / 2nd
15 Development Management Officer III NCMFB-DMO3-51-2014 18 38,085.00 8 hours relevant training N/A Relations - Quezon
the job experience level eligibility
Bureau of External
Bachelor's degree relevant to 2 years relevant Career Service Professional / 2nd
16 Information Officer III NCMFB-INFO3-49-2014 18 38,085.00 8 hours relevant training N/A Relations - Quezon
the job experience level eligibility

Bachelor's degree relevant to 1 year relevant Career Service Professional / 2nd National Capital
17 Development Management Officer II NCMFB-DMO2-68-2014 15 29,010.00 4 hours relevant training N/A
the job experience level eligibility Region - Quezon City
North Luzon Regions
Bachelor's degree relevant to 3 years relevant Career Service Professional / 2nd
18 Development Management Officer IV NCMFB-DMO4-50-2014 22 58,717.00 16 hours relevant training N/A I, II and III -
the job experience level eligibility
Pampanga City
North Luzon Regions
Bachelor's degree relevant to 1 year relevant Career Service Professional / 2nd
19 Development Management Officer II NCMFB-DMO2-90-2014 15 29,010.00 4 hours relevant training N/A I, II and III -
the job experience level eligibility
Pampanga City
South Luzon Regions
Bachelor's degree relevant to 1 year relevant Career Service Professional / 2nd
20 Development Management Officer II NCMFB-DMO2-99-2014 15 29,010.00 4 hours relevant training N/A IV-A, IV-B and V -
the job experience level eligibility
Taytay Rizal
South Luzon Regions
Bachelor's degree relevant to 1 year relevant Career Service Professional / 2nd
21 Development Management Officer II NCMFB-DMO2-100-2014 15 29,010.00 4 hours relevant training N/A IV-A, IV-B and V -
the job experience level eligibility
Taytay Rizal
40 hours of supervisory /
Master's Degree or management learning and Visayas Regions VI,
Chief Administrative Officer [Administrative 4 years of supervisory / Career Service Professional / 2nd
22 NCMFB-CADOF-29-2014 24 73,299.00 Certificate of Leadership and development intervention N/A VII and VIII - Cebu
Officer V] undertaken within the last 5
management experience level eligibility
Management from CSC City
Zamboanga Region
Bachelor's degree relevant to 3 years relevant Career Service Professional / 2nd
23 Development Management Officer IV NCMFB-DMO4-62-2014 22 58,717.00 16 hours relevant training N/A IX-A - Zamboanga
the job experience level eligibility
Bachelor's degree relevant to 1 year relevant Career Service Professional / 2nd Sulu Region IX-B,
24 Development Management Officer II NCMFB-DMO2-138-2014 15 29,010.00 4 hours relevant training N/A
the job experience level eligibility Jolo, Sulu
Bachelor's degree relevant to 3 years relevant Career Service Professional / 2nd Sulu Region IX-B,
25 Development Management Officer IV NCMFB-DMO4-68-2014 22 58,717.00 16 hours relevant training N/A
the job experience level eligibility Jolo, Sulu
Northern Mindanao
Completion of two (2) years Career Service Sub-Professional
26 Administrative Aide IV [Clerk II] NCMFB-ADA4-110-2014 4 12,674.00 None Required None Required N/A Region X - Cagayan
studies in college / 1st level eligibility
De Oro City
Northern Mindanao
Completion of two (2) years 1 year relevant Career Service Sub-Professional
27 Administrative Aide VI [Stenographer II] NCMFB-ADA6-42-2014 6 14,340.00 4 hours relevant training N/A Region X - Cagayan
studies in college experience / 1st level eligibility
De Oro City
Bachelor's degree relevant to 3 years relevant Career Service Professional / 2nd Davao Region XI -
28 Development Management Officer IV NCMFB-DMO4-76-2014 22 58,717.00 16 hours relevant training N/A
the job experience level eligibility Davao City
Bachelor's degree relevant to 1 year relevant Career Service Professional / 2nd Cotabato Region XII-
29 Development Management Officer II NCMFB-DMO2-167-2014 15 29,010.00 4 hours relevant training N/A
the job experience level eligibility A - Cotabato City

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Salary/ Qualification Standards
Position Title (Parenthetical Title, if Job/ Monthly
No. Plantilla Item No. Competency Place of Assignment
applicable) Pay Salary Education Training Experience Eligibility
Grade (if applicable)
3 years relevant Cotabato Region XII-
30 Attorney V NCMFB-ATY5-39-2014 25 82,439.00 Bachelor of Laws 16 hours relevant training RA 1080 BAR N/A
experience A - Cotabato City
Bachelor's degree relevant to 1 year relevant Career Service Professional / 2nd Lanao Region XII-B -
31 Development Management Officer II NCMFB-DMO2-186-2014 15 29,010.00 4 hours relevant training N/A
the job experience level eligibility Marawi City
Bachelor's degree relevant to 3 years relevant Career Service Professional / 2nd Caraga Region XIII -
32 Development Management Officer IV NCMFB-DMO4-87-2014 22 58,717.00 16 hours relevant training N/A
the job experience level eligibility Butuan City
Bachelor's degree relevant to 1 year relevant Career Service Professional / 2nd Caraga Region XIII -
33 Development Management Officer II NCMFB-DMO2-191-2014 15 29,010.00 4 hours relevant training N/A
the job experience level eligibility Butuan City

Interested and qualified applicants should signify their interest in writing. Attach the following documents to the application letter and send to the address below not later than March 15, 2019.

1. Fully accomplished Personal Data Sheet (PDS) with recent passport-sized picture (CS Form No. 212, Revised 2017) which can be downloaded at;
2. Performance rating in the last rating period (if applicable);
3. Photocopy of certificate of eligibility/rating/license; and
4. Photocopy of Transcript of Records.

QUALIFIED APPLICANTS are advised to hand in or send through courier/email their application to:

Acting Chief, HRDD
79 Jocfer Annex Bldg Commonwealth Avenue Diliman Quezon City
[email protected]


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