Questionnaire: Dear Respondent
Questionnaire: Dear Respondent
Questionnaire: Dear Respondent
Dear Respondent,
I Jayant Vijan a student of XI Commerce Adorable at Gobindgarh Public School, Mandi
Gobindgarh. I am preparing a project on the topic ‘CUSTOMERS’ PREFERENCE
TOWARDS DIFFERENT BRANDS OF CHOCOLATE’ in partial fulfillment of the course
work of XI Economics prescribed by C.B.S.E. I request you to kindly fill this questionnaire. I
assure you that the information given by you will be kept secret and will be used only for the
preparation of this project.
Name: ____________________________________
Gender: __________________________________
Age Group: 10-20 years ( ) 20-30 years ( )
30-40 years ( ) Above 40 years ( )
Address: _____________________________________________________________________
Contact No. ___________________________________________________________________
Q. 1: Which brand of chocolate do you prefer ?
Cadbury( ) Nestle( ) Any other ( )
Q. 2: What according to you is the reasonable price of chocolate ?
0-20( ) 20-40( ) 40-Above( )
Q. 3: Do you think that the present choices available in chocolates are costly ?
Yes( ) No( )
Q. 4: Which nutritional facts you look for while purchasing chocolate?(can select more than
Energy( ) Protein( ) Calcium( ) Carbohydrates( )
Q. 5: Did you see manufacture date before buying chocolates ?
Yes( ) No( )
Q. 6: How frequently do you purchase chocolates ?
Daily( ) Weekly( ) Monthly( )
Q. 7: Which form of chocolates do you like ?
Creamy( ) Crunchy( ) Nuts( )
Q. 8: Which promotional offers attracts you the most ?
Free gift( ) Price discount( ) Any other( )
Q. 9: Which of these factors affect your purchase of chocolates ?
Advertisement( ) Doctor’s advice( ) Quality( )
Q.10: Which member of your family other than you eat chocolate ?
Mother/Father( ) Son/Daughter( ) Brother/Sister( )
Q. 11: What are the factors which drives you to prefer a particular brand over the other brands of
chocolates available in the market ?
Particulars Flavour & Taste Packaging Price Quality