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This chapter discusses about definition of icebreaker, the important of

icebreaker in learning, types of icebreaker, techniques of using icebreaker in

learning and its development, the effectiveness of icebreaker, how to measure and

to know the effectiveness of learning, characteristics of learning effectiveness,

learning strategy, definition of learning strategy, factors influence the learning, the

effectiveness of learning, the indicators of learning effectiveness.

1. Icebreaker

A. Definition of Icebreaker

The term of Icebreaker is actually a nutmeg originally used in

mechanical terms related to icebreaker.The most prominent thing in

Icebreaker activity was the creating of a ship of icebreaker in 1990s. This

technology is then widespread, especially in the continent of Europe and

parts of America that have been clogged due to very cold water


According to Supriadi (in Sunarto 2012: 1) icebreaker is the

equivalent of two English words that contain the meaning of "breaking

ice". This term is often used in training with the intention of eliminating

the freezing among participants, so that they know each other, understand

and have a good interaction each other. This is possible because of

differences in status, age, occupation, income, position and so on, all of

those will cause the wall of separation between one participant to other

participants. to merge the inhibiting walls is needed an Icebreaker process.


The same thing is also said by Said (2010: 2) that Icebreaker is a

game or an activity that serves to change the atmosphere of ice in the

group. Here Said gives a little explanation about how to do Icebreaker that

is with the game and or other activities. But the purpose of all the activities

undertaken in Icebreaker is the same, to break the ice of the atmosphere, so

that the process of training or learning becomes more effective. The

participants or the students concentration become focused again.

Lutfi (at

also said that icebreaking or ice-breaker is the activities undertaken by the

facilitators in order to refresh the class atmosphere or to make the

classroom atmosphere intimate and fun. Here Lutfi put more emphasis on

the purpose of icebreaking, regardless the activities of ice breaking. Here

the activities of the facilitator or the teacher are not limited to the necessity

to create activities that are games or games only. Icebreaking activity can

be done by any kinds of activities as long as it creates a fresh and

exhilarating atmosphere. It Can be done by way of doinghumor, singing,

applausing or refreshing body movements.

Based on some opinions above, the defination of Icebreakercan be

collaborated. Icebreaker in learning can be interpreted as a breaker of the

situation of students' mental or physical numbness.

Icebreaker is also intended to build a dynamic, vibrant learning

atmosphere, and enthusiasm. the characteristic of icebreaker is to create a

fun, serious, and enjoyble learning. Icebreaker is used to create from


passive learning atmosphere to active learning atmosphere, from rigid to

motion (familiar), and from saturation to be jaunty (fresh). Icebreaker is

not a major goal in learning, but is a major supporter in creating an

effective learning atmosphere.

B. The Importance of Icebreaker in Learning

The serious and regid learning process without anyhappy situation

of course it will be very quickly boring. Moreover, it is known that based

on research that the average of human power to concentrate in a

monotonous situation is only about 15 minutes. So, the human mind will

immediately think turn to things that may be very far from where he sat

following a particular activity.

When the mind cannot focus again, it is immediately needed some

effort to re-focus attention. Efforts that can be done by conventional

teachers is to increase the intonation of a louder voice, threatening or even

pounding the table to have attention again. That kind of effort actually

aggravate the learning situation, because the actual learning process is

needed student emotional involvement. Students who have an unhappy or

even fearful will naturally "escape" out of their involvement in joining

the lesson even though physically they are still in the seat. Similarly,

students who have a sense of excitement during the learning process will

have ability to focus their minds and engage actively for longer time in the

learning process. Thus it is very important for teachers to master the


various techniques of Icebreaker in order to keep the "stamina" learning of

their students.(By Sunarto 2012: 3)

C. Types of Icebreaker

There are many types of Icebreaker that can be developed by

teachers during the learning process at school. All existed Icebreaker must

be developed in order to optimize the learning process at school. by the

optimal learning process that occurs, it is expected to provide maximum

learning results. By Sunarto (2012:33)

1. Type of yell

This type of yel-yel is very effective in preparing students to

be ready to follow the lesson. Especially in the early hours of learning.

Yel-yel is also very effective in building cohesiveness and cooperation

in groups. Yel-yel is usually made by students by themselves in

groups. however based on experience there are two kind of yel-yel

used, namely:

a. Mono yel model

Mono yel is a model of yel-yel spoken by students both

individually and in groups from the begining untill the end yel

pronounced. Many examples of this model and usually students can

makeby themselves creatively. Yel is usually used by students or

groups of students to encourage their groups, such as when they

wanna perform a task or go forward to present their work.


b. Interactive Yel model

Interactive yel is a model of yel-yel spoken between

teachers with students and other students.

2. Type of applause

This type of Icebreaker is the most often type used by

educators. In scout group, the clapping of applause is very popular

utilized by the educators with all its variations. Start from scout

applause, devil applause and so on. In the learning process can also be

created various kinds of applause that can excite during the learning


The applause technique is the easiest Icebreaker technique,

since it does not require much time prepare it. A teacher modifies the

icebreaker or makes his own models of applause. There are several

variations of applause, namely:

a. Word replies applause

The word reply applause is every word spoken by the

teacher will be answered students with applause. The number of

applause depends on mutual agreement between teachers and

students concerned.

b. Applause replies applause

Applause reply applause is a variation of icebreaker with a

very easy type of applause reply applause. In this model of


applause is needed the agreements with the students and the

number of applause or other variations that allow students to be


c. Applause replies gestures

The type of applause replied by gestures or gestures replied

by applause requires concentration of students, but it’s very excited

to be icebreaker. However, making this icebreaker is very easy,

because it only needs an agreement with students about the


3. Song Type

Songs in learning are very popular in the learning process in the

past, it seems that today's teachers have begun to reluctantly use this

tool. Teachers of the past often give the songs "dolanan" (the language

of Java toy songs) to excite students during the learning process takes

place. Many variants of the song that can be used for icebreaker in


a. Pure songs for fun

Almost all the cheerful children'ssongs can be used in

icebreaker. A Thing that must be remembered in singing songs that

serve as Icebreaker is at the level of seriousness. In relation to the

shortest Icebreaker, so singing a song used for Icebreaker certainly

does not require the declaration of notation or tone at the time

singing it. Not as a singing lesson itself, which necessitates the


right tone, proper tapping and high tone. In singing the song in

Icebreaker is a saying that "the important happy" just become a

reference. So the difficulties of children in singing songs are not

felt at all. Because a happy nuance is the main target.

b. Composition songs containes the subject matter

The song icebreakerwill become more meaningful if the

teacher is able to change the songs with a lyric containing the

subject matter. Usually this kind of song is used at the end of the

lesson session as a form of reinforcement or conclusion. Many

songs are created, for example from the simplest of children's

songs, such as "Satu Ditambah Satu".

4. Body Movement Type

This type of icebreaker aims to move the body after a few hours

of silence in learning activities. by the body movement the

bloodstream will become smooth again. Thus the thinking process will

become more fresh and creative.

There are many ways to get students to move as a distraction in

the process of learning. These are the examples of Icebreaker in the

form of bodybuilding:

a. Starting with the easiest way is to provide a direct instruction for

students to do something, such as stretching hands, bend body, and

so on.

b. But for more interesting Icebreaker, teachers can do with some sort

of game. For example it is agreed that if students hear the word

Hu ... then the students should raise their hands when hearing the

word Ha .... they must jump up and hearing the word Hi ... they

must bow. Teachers can pronounce hu ... ha ... hi ... sequentially or

randomly as according the teachers’ wish. For the initial stages of

pronunciation should be done slowly, and if the students have been

quite in memorizing the movement then immediately accelerated.

c. Instructions of movement can also be combined with a story, for

example first agreed when hearing the word DIAN then students

should jump while shouting HORE, when hearing the word DINA

then students should be silent, and when he heard the word DIKA

then students should pat twice.

5. Type of Humor

Humor comes from English term that originally has several

meanings. However, it all comes from a term that means "fluid" (James

Dananjaya, 1999). This meaning originates from the ancient

physiology doctrine of four kinds of fluids, such as blood, mucus, bile

and black bile. The four liquids for several centuries are considered to

determine one's temperament (Friedman, 2002). The defination humor

in general developed in the community of many version. Sometimes

distinguish between humor with lulucon, comedy and so on.

As like other types of Icebreaker, humor is also an effective

way to refresh the atmosphere so that the students’ mentality become


more ready to follow the next learning process. However, many

statements from teachers that humor can not be done by everyone.

Sense of humor as singing is only owned by talented people who are

brought from birth. The assumption may be true, but the humor in

learning is not humor as the comedians perform their profession on


6. Game Type

Game is the kind of Icebreaker that makes students excited.

Students will appear more new spirit when doing the game.

Drowsiness is lost and spontaneous apathy becomes active. Through

the game atmosphere becomes liquid so that the learning conditions

become conducive. by the game can also build the concentration of

children to be able to think, act better and more effective. by the game

the students’ concentration will be re-focused so that the subject matter

will be easily digested.

7. Types of story / Tale

Tale is one of the most effective tool to focus students'

attention. The tale always attracts students'attention both at the

beginning and at the end of the lesson. Even since the upon times a go,

taleis used to shape the character of the child to become a honest, hard

work, and aspire child by listening it at bedtime or often called' fairy

”tale before sleeping”


a. Motivation Tale

Motivation Tale is a tale that contains to build a high spirit

in the struggle of life and in learning, tale invites to achieve the

highest success in every struggle.motivation tale is veryEffective to

be used as a distraction (Icebreaking) in learning and as a means of

effective character learning for the students.

b. Advice Tale

Advice Tale is a tale that contains about the advice policy

that is expected to be imitated by the students. This advise tale is

very effective to be used at the beginning of the subject or at the

end of a learning process. There are many examples of fairy tales

of good advice in the form of fables (animal stories) as well as in

the form of legends. It is better for teachers to collect books of fairy

tale in the market. Mostof tales books or saga contains about the


8. Type of Magic

Magic is a means of Icebreakerthat attracts children's attention.

However, this type is very rarely used by teachers at school. It may be

considered difficult or may also be considered as a magic. However, if

we want be open in the fact magic has many kinds of type.


9. Audio Visual Type

Lots of types of Audio Visual that can be used as icebreaker.

Usually in the form of a funny short movie clip, inspirational or

motivate students to learn harder. However, this type can not be

applied to all classes, especially classes that do not have a computer

multimedia device.

According to the type, audio visual media can be divided into 6

kinds, namely:

a. Sound motion Movie

Film is a powerful tool to convey a purpose to the

community and children who use more emotional aspects than the

aspect of rationality. The amount of usefulness of this media can

also be felt in education. Munadi stressed that through the media

involved, he concluded that film is a communication tool that can

help the learning process effectively. Because what the eyes see

and the ears hear, is faster and easier to remember than what can be

read or just heard.

b. Video

Video or movie media has many similarities in the terms of

its characteristics and weaknesses. It overcomes the limitations of

distance and time and very strongly affect one's emotions. Its

weakness is equally stressed the importance of material from the

material development process.


c. Television

Television is a media that forms as a live image as well as a

radio that can be seen and heard together. In addition, television

can also provide actual events when an event occurs with

comments from the announcer.

d. Open television media

Open television media is a visual audio media that transmits

the message through the emission of electromagnetic waves from

one station, then the message is received by viewers via television.

e. Limited broadcast television (TVST)

TVST or CCTV is a motion audiovisual medium whose

messaging is distributed over cable (not cable TV). With other

words, television cameras take an object in the studio, such as a

teacher who is teaching, then the resultsof the tehe taking is

distributed through the cables to the television sets in the



Learning using multimedia to improve learning

achievement learners, but it does not mean in practice has no

obstacles. The main obstacle is due to a misconception of the

concept that occurs when the expert group explains back to the

original group. Errors mainly occur in abstract learning materials.


D. Techniques of Using Icebreaker in Learning and its Development.

1. The principles of using icebreaker in learning

According to Sunarto (2012:105) The main goal of icebreaker in

learning is to optimize students’ learning outcomes. By doing the

icebreaker, students’ motivation become higher, so theywill be so

interested and fun in following the learning process.Therefore the use of

icebreakin learning process needs to consider several principles as


a. Effectiveness

Any type of icebreaker used in learning process must be in

order to strengthen the learning strategy that has been implemented.

By doing the icebreaker, the learning outcomes should be more

effective achieved.

b. Motivate

The main purpose of icebreaker is to improve students'

motivation in following the learning process. By using icebreaker, it

is expected that unmotivated students to follow the learning process

to be motivated, or students who have been saturated following the

learning process can return to the initial performance.


c. Syncronized

Icebreaker in learning is an integral part of the whole

learning process that is being done. It will be nice if the icebreaker

selected is the appropriate icebreaking or sync with the material

discussed at the time.

d. Not excessive

Icebreaker is a very fun activity for students, so they will be

motivated to follow the ongoing lessons.

e. Exact situation

Icebreakershould be implemented ina precise situation.

Icebreaker is carried out haphazardly it is feared it will damage the

conducive situation.

f. Not contain elements of SARA

Icebreaker given to students should be chosen icebreaker

that has a possitive value to the sense of unity

g. Not contain elements of pornography

Many interested icebreakerfor teachers. Whether earned

during the training of teachers or profession friends or from the

internet. But as educators must choose the type of educational


2. Techniques of Applicating Icebreakerin Learning.

A good Icebreaker is an Icebreaker that can provide optimal

benefit in the core learning process. There are two ways of The

technique of using Icebreakingthey are spontaneously implemented in

learning situation and planned.

A good and effective Icebreaker helping the learning process is

the Icebreaker planned and incorporated in the chase scenario. The

planned and inserted Icebreaker in the learning scenario can optimize

the achievement of predetermined learning purpose. Icebreaking in

learning can be done at the beginning of learning, at the core of the

learning process and at the end of the learning process. By Sunarto


a. Icebreakerapplication spontaneously in learning process

Icebreaker can be done spontaneously in the learning

process. This is certainly done without any preparation or without a

planningbefore by the teacher in question. A teacher who responds

to the condition of the student will immediately take action on

unconducive conditions and learning situations during the learning

process takes place.

b. Icebreaker at the beginning of learning activities

The planned Icebreaker in the lesson planning (RPP) has

the advantages that’s not had by the spontaneous icebreaker


c. Icebreaker at the core of learning activities

In the core activities of learning is a crucial moment where

students should continue to focus during the learning process,

either during the task or listening to teacher explanations. The long

time to keep concentrating on the same thing is very difficult for

students to do.

d. Icebreaker at the end of the learning activity

Although the lesson is over, the icebreaker is still necessary

to done because the icebreaker is done to provide reinforcement of

the understanding of the concept of the lesson, end the activity with

great excitement, and motivate students to always be happy to

follow the next lesson.

3. Icebreaker Development Techniques In Learning

Icebreaker Development Techniques In Learning has divided

into three techniques namely: Browsing and Sharing, modification and

innovation. These three techniques are techniques that can be done by

all teachers ranging from the easiest level up to a very creative level.

By Sunarto (2012:109)

a. Browsing and Sharing

Browsing and sharing or searching and sharing is the easiest

way to develop Icebreaker. It takes just a little effort to search

either from books, magazines, friends or from internet. Many books


that can be used as reference such as: Fun Games, Outbond, Humor

Icebreaker, and so on.

b. Modification

A rather creative technique in developing Icebreaker by

modifying. This technique can be done well if the teachers have

done the first technique, namely Browsing and Sharing. Based on

the collection Icebreaker owned we can modify or change the

Icebreaker accordanced to our creations.

c. Innovation

The term of innovation was first discovered by Schunpeter

(1934), innovation is creating and implementating something into a

new combination. According to Santoso (1974), the main goal of

innovation is to increase the sources of energy, money, and

facilities, including structures and organizational procedures.

According to wikipedia innovation is defined as follows:

"innovation is the creation of better or more effective products,

processes, services, technologies, or ideas that are accepted by

markets, goverment, and society. Innovation deverse from

invention in that innovation reffersto the use of new idea or

method, whereas invention reffers more directly to the creation of

the idea or method itself.


2. Effectiveness

A. The Definition of Effectiveness

Generally the definition of effectiveness shows how far reaching the

objectives that has been determined before. The word effectiveness refers

more to the output that has been targeted. Effectiveness is a very important

factor in learning because it determines the success of students’ learning.

Effectiveness is a derivation of the effective word which in English

effective defined "producing a desired or intended result" (Concise Oxford

Dictionary, 2001) or“producing the result that is wanted or intended”and its

simple defination is "coming into use" (Oxford Learner's Pocket Dictionary,

2003: 138).

According to the opinion of Steers (1985: 176). Effectiveness refers

to the ability to have the right goal or to achieve the goal that has been

determined. Effectiveness also relates to the problem of how the

achievement of the objectives or results obtained, the usefulness or benefits

of the results obtained, the power level of element’ function or component,

and the problem of client satisfaction level.

Based on the definition above That effectiveness is a state that

indicates how far a plan can be achieved. The more plans that can be

achieved, the more effective the activity, so the word effectiveness can also

be interpreted as the level of success that can be achieved by a certain way

based on the objectives that wants to be achieved. Learning media can be

said effective when it meets some criterias, such as able to give effect,

change or can bring a result. When we formulate instructional goals, then

the effectiveness can be seen from how far the goal is achieved. The more

goals are achieved, the more effective the learning media.

B. How to Measure and to Know the Effectiveness of Learning.

According to Slavin (2000) the effectiveness of learning can be

measured by using the following four indicators:

1. Quality of learning (quality of insurance), that is how much contents of

information presented so that students can easily learn it or students have

little mistakes. The smaller the mistake level done by students the more

effective learning of students. Determination of the level of learning

effectiveness depends on the achivement of mastery of certain teaching

objectives, it’s usually called learning mastery

2. Appropriate level of instruction is the extent to which teachers ensure the

level of readiness of students in receiving new material.

3. Incentives. It means that how much effort of teachersin motivating their

students to complete or do tasks and learn the material given. The greater

the motivation given, the greater the activity of the students. So that

learning will be effective.

4. Time, that is the time needed to complete the learning activities. Learning

will be effective if students can complete the lesson in accordance with

the specified time.

According to Eggen and Kauchan (Mattoaliang, 2015) the

effectiveness of learning is characterized by the activity of students in


learning, especially in organizing and discovering information.

Therefore, the more active the students in learning the more effective

learning implemented.

C. Characteristics of Learning Effectiveness

According to Surya (Agsha: 2015) Effectiveness of learning

program is marked with the following characteristics:

1. Successfully in delivering students to achieve the instructional goals that

have been set

2. Providing an attractive learning experience, involving students actively

so as to support the achievement of instructional goals

3. Having facilities that support the teaching and learning process.

Based on the explanation above it can be concluded that a good

learning model is how teachers successfully deliver their students to gain

knowledge and provide an antraktive learning experience.

3. Learning Strategy

Before the researcher explain more about what the definition of

learning strategy is, it’s better if the researcher explain about the differences

between Approach, Method, and Technique

According to Antony (in B. Kumawaravadivelu, 2006:85). He defined

approach as “a set of correlative assumptions dealing with the nature of

language and the nature of language teaching and learning. It describes the

nature of the subject matter to be taught. Thus, an approach embodies the


theoretical principles governing language learning and language teaching. A

method, however, is “an overall plan for the orderly presentation of language

material, no part of which contradicts, and all of which is based upon. Within

one approach there can be many methods. Methods are implemented in the

classroom through what are called techniques. A technique is defined as

“particular trick, strategy, or contrivance used to accomplish an immediate

objective” (P. 66). The tripartite framework is hierarchical in the sense that

approach informs method, and method informs techniques.

Based on the explanation above the researcher can conclude that the

icebreaker in this research is a technique, trick or strategy to accomplish an

immediate objective.

A. Defintion of Learning Strategy

According to Cropper (1990) Learning Strategy is the selection of

various types of specific exercises that fit the learning objectives to be

achieved. (In Zainal Aqib, 2014)

According to Gerlach and Ely (1980) Learning strategy is the chosen

way to deliver learning materials in a particular learing environment.

Furthermore, they describe that the learning strategy includes; Nature and

sequence of learning activities that can provide learning experiences for


According to J.R David (1976) Learning Strategy can be defined as

planning that contains about a series of activities designed to achieve certain

educational goals

Based on the explanation above it can be concluted that the learning

strategy is all the learning materials components and procedures or stages of

learning activities used by teachers in order to help learners achieve learning


According to Dick and Carrey (in Hamzah B. Uno, 2009 : 3) These

are the concepts of learning strategy

1. Preliminary Activity

Preliminary activities as part of a very important learning

concept. In this section the teacher is expected to be able to attract

learners’ focus to the lessons to be delivered. Preliminary activity is a

strategy how to make students to be more motivated to the lesson to be


2. Submission of information

Information handling is often regarded as the most important

activity in the learning process, whereas this section is only one of the

components of the learning strategy, without any interesting Preliminary

Activity, the delivery of this information becomes meaningless.

3. Learners Participation

Based on student centered priciples, learners are the center of a

learning activity. This is known as SAL (Student Active Learning). The

meaning is that the learning process will be more successful if learners


are actively doing the exercises directly and relevant to the intended

learning objectives (Dick and Carrey, 1978: 108).

4. Test

A series of general tests are used by teachers to know (a) whether

specific learning objectives have been achieved or not, and (b) whether

knowledge of attitudes and skills are actually owned by learners or not.

Implementation of the test is usually done at the end of learning activities

after learners through various learning processes.

5. Advanced Activity

This activity is known as follow-up of a result of activities that

have been done, this activity is often not done well by the teacher.

learners should receive a different follow-up As a consequence of these

varied learning outcomes.

B. Factors Influence the Learning

According to Zainal (2002).Many things that can inhibit and disrupt

the progress of learning, even often also failure. But Generally it can be

categorized into two factors namely:

1. Indogin Factor

Factor Indogin is a factor that comes from the student's self that is

related to biological factors and psychological factors of .

a. Biological factor is a factor related to the student's body. Factor such

as health and disability.


b. Psychological factor is a factor related to spirituality of students. They

are intelligence, attention, interest, and emotion

2. Exogin Factor

Exogin factor is a factor that comes from outside of students.

These factors include family, school and community factors.

a. FamilyFactor

These factors include parent factors, home atmosphere, and

family economic conditions of students.

b. School Factor

These factors include the relationship between teacher and

student, students and students, the way of teachers in teaching,

learning materials, and learning tools at school. Those are will

influence the learning process.

c. CommunityFactor

Community environment is one of the factors that greatly

influence learning. This factor includes (1). Mass media, such as

cinema, radio, television, newspaper, magazine, etc., (2).Friends

(3).Activities in the community (4).Neighbor life style.all of those can

influence students’ learning.


C. The Effectiveness of Learning

According to Yusufhadi Miarso (2004), the effectiveness of learning

is what produces a useful and purposeful learning for students, through

proper instructional procedures. Miarso continou obout the definition by

stating, the effectiveness of learning is often measured by the achievement

of learning objectives, or the precision in managing a situation.

According to Astim Riyanto (2003), the effectiveness of learning is

defined as effective or appropriate, or achieving the goal or achievement of

learning objectives. In this case the effectiveness of learning or effective

learning is an effort that produce result or produce a useful and purposeful

learning for students, through the proper use of procedure.

According to Dunne (1996: 12) the effectiveness of learning has two

characteristics. The first characteristic is to "facilitate students to learn"

something useful, such as facts, skills, values, concepts or desired learning

outcomes. Secondly, that skills are acknowledged by competent judges,

such as teachers, supervisors, tutors or students themselves.

Based on the explanation above "A truly effective organization is an

organization that can create a working environment where workers not only

do jobs that has been charged but also create an atmosphere for workers to

be more responsible, act creatively for increasing efficiency in Effort to

achieve the goal. Effectiveness is not only oriented to the goal but also

oriented towards the process of achieving goals. If this definition is applied

in learning, the effectiveness means the ability of an institution in


implementing the planned learning program and the ability to achieve

defined goals and objectives. The process of implementing the program in

an effort to achieve the goal is designed in a conducive and interesting

condition for learners.

D. The Indicators of Learning Effectiveness

These are some opinions of indicators that state learning can be said


1. According to sinabela (2006: 78) learning is said effective when

achieving the desired goals both in terms of learning objectives and

students’ achievement of the maximum. Some indicators of the

effectiveness of learning are

a. Achievement mastery learning

b.The effectiveness of students' activity (ie, the ideal time consumed by

the students to carry out each activity contained in the lesson plan)

2. According to Wotruba and Wright in YusuffhadiMiarso (2004) the

indicator that can be used to determine effectiveness in the learning

process is

a. Organizing good material

b. Effective communication

c. Mastery and enthusiasm for the subject matter

d. A positive attitude towards students

e. Giving fair value

f. Flexibility in learning approaches and


g. Good student learning outcomes

Based on the description above, the Researcher can conclute that the

Indicators of Learning Effectiveness that will use in this research are : (1)

the ablity of english teacher in managing learning proccess by using

icebreaker is good (2) the activities of students’ in learning proccess are

good (3) the outcomes of students learning are good clasically.

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