Bab II Boupra
Bab II Boupra
Bab II Boupra
This chapter discusses about definition of icebreaker, the important of
learning and its development, the effectiveness of icebreaker, how to measure and
learning strategy, definition of learning strategy, factors influence the learning, the
1. Icebreaker
A. Definition of Icebreaker
parts of America that have been clogged due to very cold water
ice". This term is often used in training with the intention of eliminating
the freezing among participants, so that they know each other, understand
those will cause the wall of separation between one participant to other
group. Here Said gives a little explanation about how to do Icebreaker that
is with the game and or other activities. But the purpose of all the activities
classroom atmosphere intimate and fun. Here Lutfi put more emphasis on
the activities of the facilitator or the teacher are not limited to the necessity
to create activities that are games or games only. Icebreaking activity can
monotonous situation is only about 15 minutes. So, the human mind will
immediately think turn to things that may be very far from where he sat
pounding the table to have attention again. That kind of effort actually
the lesson even though physically they are still in the seat. Similarly,
students who have a sense of excitement during the learning process will
have ability to focus their minds and engage actively for longer time in the
C. Types of Icebreaker
teachers during the learning process at school. All existed Icebreaker must
1. Type of yell
used, namely:
individually and in groups from the begining untill the end yel
2. Type of applause
utilized by the educators with all its variations. Start from scout
applause, devil applause and so on. In the learning process can also be
created various kinds of applause that can excite during the learning
since it does not require much time prepare it. A teacher modifies the
students concerned.
3. Song Type
past, it seems that today's teachers have begun to reluctantly use this
tool. Teachers of the past often give the songs "dolanan" (the language
of Java toy songs) to excite students during the learning process takes
place. Many variants of the song that can be used for icebreaker in
right tone, proper tapping and high tone. In singing the song in
subject matter. Usually this kind of song is used at the end of the
This type of icebreaker aims to move the body after a few hours
bloodstream will become smooth again. Thus the thinking process will
form of bodybuilding:
so on.
b. But for more interesting Icebreaker, teachers can do with some sort
Hu ... then the students should raise their hands when hearing the
word Ha .... they must jump up and hearing the word Hi ... they
example first agreed when hearing the word DIAN then students
should jump while shouting HORE, when hearing the word DINA
then students should be silent, and when he heard the word DIKA
5. Type of Humor
meanings. However, it all comes from a term that means "fluid" (James
and black bile. The four liquids for several centuries are considered to
brought from birth. The assumption may be true, but the humor in
6. Game Type
Students will appear more new spirit when doing the game.
children to be able to think, act better and more effective. by the game
beginning and at the end of the lesson. Even since the upon times a go,
taleis used to shape the character of the child to become a honest, hard
a. Motivation Tale
b. Advice Tale
tale in the market. Mostof tales books or saga contains about the
8. Type of Magic
multimedia device.
kinds, namely:
community and children who use more emotional aspects than the
help the learning process effectively. Because what the eyes see
and the ears hear, is faster and easier to remember than what can be
b. Video
distance and time and very strongly affect one's emotions. Its
c. Television
concept that occurs when the expert group explains back to the
a. Effectiveness
effective achieved.
b. Motivate
c. Syncronized
d. Not excessive
e. Exact situation
conducive situation.
benefit in the core learning process. There are two ways of The
students to do.
the understanding of the concept of the lesson, end the activity with
all teachers ranging from the easiest level up to a very creative level.
By Sunarto (2012:109)
that can be used as reference such as: Fun Games, Outbond, Humor
b. Modification
c. Innovation
2. Effectiveness
objectives that has been determined before. The word effectiveness refers
more to the output that has been targeted. Effectiveness is a very important
2003: 138).
to the ability to have the right goal or to achieve the goal that has been
indicates how far a plan can be achieved. The more plans that can be
achieved, the more effective the activity, so the word effectiveness can also
said effective when it meets some criterias, such as able to give effect,
the effectiveness can be seen from how far the goal is achieved. The more
little mistakes. The smaller the mistake level done by students the more
students to complete or do tasks and learn the material given. The greater
the motivation given, the greater the activity of the students. So that
4. Time, that is the time needed to complete the learning activities. Learning
Therefore, the more active the students in learning the more effective
learning implemented.
3. Learning Strategy
learning strategy is, it’s better if the researcher explain about the differences
language and the nature of language teaching and learning. It describes the
method, however, is “an overall plan for the orderly presentation of language
material, no part of which contradicts, and all of which is based upon. Within
one approach there can be many methods. Methods are implemented in the
objective” (P. 66). The tripartite framework is hierarchical in the sense that
Based on the explanation above the researcher can conclude that the
immediate objective.
Furthermore, they describe that the learning strategy includes; Nature and
educational goals
1. Preliminary Activity
2. Submission of information
activity in the learning process, whereas this section is only one of the
3. Learners Participation
are actively doing the exercises directly and relevant to the intended
4. Test
specific learning objectives have been achieved or not, and (b) whether
5. Advanced Activity
have been done, this activity is often not done well by the teacher.
the progress of learning, even often also failure. But Generally it can be
1. Indogin Factor
Factor Indogin is a factor that comes from the student's self that is
2. Exogin Factor
a. FamilyFactor
b. School Factor
c. CommunityFactor
organization that can create a working environment where workers not only
do jobs that has been charged but also create an atmosphere for workers to
achieve the goal. Effectiveness is not only oriented to the goal but also
These are some opinions of indicators that state learning can be said
the students to carry out each activity contained in the lesson plan)
process is
b. Effective communication
Based on the description above, the Researcher can conclute that the
Indicators of Learning Effectiveness that will use in this research are : (1)