The Penguins of Madagascar
The Penguins of Madagascar
The Penguins of Madagascar
Active note-taking: Encouraging students to take notes during lectures can help them engage
with the material and retain more information. Consider providing guided notes or
note-taking templates to help students focus on key points.Example: If a lecturer is teaching
a lesson on the solar system, they could provide a note-taking template that includes key
information such as the names of the planets, their distance from the sun, and their
characteristics. This would help students focus on the most important information while also
providing a structure for their notes.
Visual aids: Incorporating visual aids such as slideshows, diagrams, or videos can help
students understand complex concepts and retain information. Just be sure to avoid
overcrowding your slides with too much information.Example: If a lecturer is teaching a
lesson on the human body, they could use diagrams to illustrate the different organs and
systems. The lecturer could also use a video to show how the heart works. These visual aids
help students better understand complex concepts and make the lecture more engaging.
Here are a few strategies that can be used to enhance lectures:
Interactive lectures: Including interactive elements such as small group
discussions, quizzes, or case studies can help students apply the concepts
they're learning and increase engagement.Example: If a lecturer is teaching a
lesson on environmental issues, they could include a small group discussion
where students discuss different ways to reduce their carbon footprint. This
helps students apply the concepts they're learning to real-life situations,
making the lecture more engaging and memorable.
Recap and review: At the end of your lecture, provide a brief summary of key
points and encourage students to ask questions or clarify any confusion.
Consider providing review materials such as study guides or practice quizzes
to help students prepare for exams.Example: If a lecturer is teaching a lesson
on the Civil War, they could provide a summary of the key battles, leaders,
and outcomes. They could also provide a study guide that includes important
dates, names, and events. This helps students review the material and
prepare for exams.
Tip 1: Cold Call Strategy
What does it mean? active thinking during whole-class questioning. Rather than asking for a
volunteer, the teacher poses a question, pauses (allowing all students to think and answer in their
heads) and then calls on a particular student to respond.
Cold calling as a routine is the most effective way to maximise thinking during dynamic, responsive
question and answer exchanges
Tip1: Magic Wands
( Created by Elif Ozdeniz)
In some cases, when we attempt to create goals for ourselves, it can be
challenging to imagine our world without our problems. The Magic
Wand Address (moreover known as The Marvel Address) has its basis
in Solution-Focused Therapy and is presently often utilized as a
goal-setting strategy.
❏ It is hard to have students' attention at starting of lessons. To induce their attention, warm-up
exercises can be utilized such as Magic wands.
❏ Magic wands open up astonishing imaginative possibilities. Pass a 'magic wand" around your
classroom some time recently you start a new point and inquire your students what they would do
with a magic wand.
❏ What information would they need to have uncovered?
❏ What would they hope to form simple? Which perspective of the subject would they want to fully
❏ Your subject will decide the kinds of questions you'll inquire to get them begun.
❏ Fair inquire "What would you like to do on the off chance that you had a magic wand?
Tip2: Science Trivia
( Created by Elif Ozdeniz)
In the beginning of the lesson this is one of the stylish ways to gain
attention and edge your students basics about science while learning a
lot through entertainment. Test your students, children and people
around you of how much they know about science. Entertain your
learners with games, making sure the time you spend with them is
quality assured.
101 Great Classroom Games: Easy Ways to Get Your Students Playing,
Laughing, and Learning
Book by Alexis Ludewig and Amy Swan
Created by: Betul Ozaydin
Interactive lectures strategy Tip 1 → Small group discussions - “Jigsaw”
● Small group discussions are a fun and effective ● Jigsaw is a great example of a small group
learning strategy where a few students talk about discussion strategy where students work
a topic related to what the teacher is teaching. together to learn a topic, understand their part
The teacher divides the class into small groups, of the topic better, and promote collaborative
and each group has a leader who helps everyone learning.
participate and share their ideas. ● Each student becomes an expert on one part of
● Small group discussions help students apply what the topic and then teaches that part to their
they're learning to real-life situations, share their group members. When all the students share
ideas, and make friends in the classroom. They what they've learned, they complete the whole
also encourage participation and make learning puzzle of the topic.
more fun.
Created by: Betul Ozaydin
Interactive lectures strategy Tip: 2 → Smart Boards - “Jeopardy”
One of the tips for teachers to to review is to use Do-now assessment. It is a great
way to begin a lesson.
Often teachers use ‘Do Nows’ as quick pre-assessment tools. As students complete
the ‘Do Nows’ teachers can take informal data on performance in order to modify the
upcoming instruction or could use the completed ‘Do Nows’ to make leveled flexible
Do Now assessment:
A "Do Now" is a brief,
individual or group activity
that usually requires no (or Typically a ‘Do Now’ should take less than 10 minutes to complete and assess.
very little) teacher instruction.
A "Do Now" can be used to Example: if today's objective is know how to divide fractions by whole numbers, prior
get students interested in the
to lesson, teacher can assess question, how to divide fraction using models.
lesson's material, review
earlier material, or reveal prior
Created by: Akkerim Aibatbek
One way to recap the topic and check what students are thinking and
what they have learnt is using exit tickets.
We can use this strategy at the end of a lesson. Students must give you a
Exit Ticket: "ticket" filled out with an answer to a question, a solution to a problem, or
"Ticket to leave" (or "exit ticket") is an ideal a response to what they've learned before they leave. Exit Tickets assist
way to end a class. It can serve a number of you in determining if students "got what you taught" and planning for the
following lesson or unit of instruction.
● provide feedback to the teacher
about the class;
● require the student to do some
Example: At the end of the lesson, give students one question that covers
synthesis of the day’s content; the material. Example from my class: Students learnt how to
● challenge the student with a divide fraction by a whole number, and handed me their
question requiring some application ticket at the end of the lesson.
of what was learned in the lesson.
Created by: Akkerim Aibatbek
Additional resources, videos, and links cited.