Biomedical Signal Processing

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International Journal Of Electrical, Electronics And Data Communication, ISSN: 2320-2084 Volume-5, Issue-10, Oct.


B.Tech. Student, Dept. of Elec. & Comm.,

E-mail: [email protected]

Abstract - In the recent years, the collaboration of biomedicine and engineering revolutionised the study of human body and
acquainted clinicians with minute arts of the human body. The present paper highlights the advantages of Biomedical Signal
Processing. Biomedical Signal Processing involves techniques to obtain medical or biochemical information so as to provide
enhanced medical diagnosis. The systems in the body communicate through electrical or non-electrical signal called bio-
signals. Bio-signals are continuously read and examined. Biomedical Signal Processing is used to separate signals of interest
and perform absolute diagnosis. This paper entails the fundamentals of biomedical signal processing as used in diagnosis and
discusses various smart medical systems.

I. INTRODUCTION 1. Information gathering - measurement of

phenomena to interpret a system.
Improper functioning in a biological system disturbs 2. Diagnosis - detection of malfunction, pathology, or
the normal physiological processes. This results in abnormality.
pathological processes that affect the performance, 3. Monitoring - obtaining continuous or periodic
health, and general well-being of the biological information about a system.
system. The interference in the normal functioning of 4. Therapy and control - modification of the
the body produces signals different from the behaviour of a system based upon the outcome of the
corresponding normal signals. A proper insight into activities listed above to ensure a specific result.
the system of interest allows monitoring the normal 5. Evaluation - objective analysis to determine the
signals and determining the state of the system (Here, ability to meet functional requirement, obtain proof of
human body). performance, perform quality control, or quantify the
Biomedicine (i.e. medical biology) is a branch effect of treatment.
of medical science that applies biological and
physiological principles to clinical practice. The
branch especially applies to biology
and physiology. Biomedicine also can relate to many
other categories in health and biological related
fields. Biomedicine involves the study of
physiological processes with methods
from biology and physiology. Approaches range from
understanding molecular interactions to the study of
the consequences at the in vivo level. These processes
are studied with the particular point of view of
Fig 1: Bio-Medical Signal Processing Stages [2]
devising new strategies for diagnosis and therapy [1].
Biomedical signal processing is mainly about the
The main benefits of bio-medical signal processing
innovative applications of signal processing methods
are [4]:
in biomedical signals through various creative
integrations of the method and biomedical
1. Bio-medical signal processing allows real-time
knowledge. It is a rapidly expanding field with a wide
monitoring which can lead to better management
range of applications. These range from the
of chronic diseases, earlier detection of adverse
construction of artificial limbs and aids for the
events such as heart attacks and strokes and
disabled to the development of sophisticated medical
earlier diagnosis of disease. Biomedical signal
monitoring systems that can operate in a non-invasive
processing is especially useful in the critical care
manner to give real time views of the workings of the
setting, where patient data must be analyzed in
human body. There are a number of medical systems
in common use. These include ultrasound;
2. Bio-medical signal process allows cloud
electrocardiography and plythesmography are widely
computing through a remote database which also
used for many purposes [2].
has implications for telemedicine applications.
Real-time embedded signal processing is be
The major objectives of a bio-medical signal
programmed onto chips that are part of small,
processing are [3]:
lightweight devices integrated into smart phones
or worn by patients ,example wearables and

Biomedical Signal Processing

International Journal Of Electrical, Electronics And Data Communication, ISSN: 2320-2084 Volume-5, Issue-10, Oct.-2017
implantable technology, who can be monitored
from anywhere. Gardner and Shabot studied patient monitoring
3. The human body is a closed system where all systems and asserted the use of computer in making,
components are dependent. When a person is including interpretation of clinical data, making
infected, his body reacts. This reaction affects therapeutic recommendations, and alarming and
other processes and the cycle goes on. This alerting. In the past, most clinical data were in the
reaction is tracked and complex analyses are form of heart and respiratory rates, blood pressures,
performed of the body’s signals, through which and flows, but today they include integrating data
can determine early indicators for how various from bedside instruments which measure blood gases,
conditions become noticeable. chemistry, and haematology as well as integrating
4. Bio-medical signal processing excludes data from many sources outside the intensive-care
guesswork. This eliminates the trial and error unit (ICU) [7].
methodology followed by some doctors based on Kaushik and Sinha (2012) performed an elementary
their previous experience. The processing gives analysis on bio-medical signals and were successful
them accurate and efficient information about the in classifying them on the basis of their source,
internal dynamics of the body. application or in terms of the signal characteristics
5. Various protocols and standards are being [8].
followed to ensure effective analysis, optimum
data visualization and maintain quality of the Muthuswamy used various algorithms to study bio-
products. signals and devised various methods for further study.
He also performed a deep study of signal processing.
II. LITERATURE SURVEY He stated that goals of signal processing in all these
cases usually are noise removal, accurate
Ibrahimy (2010) stated that processing biomedical quantification of signal model and its components
signals is to filter the signal of interest out of from the through analysis (system identification for modelling
noisy background and to reduce the redundant data and control purposes), feature extraction for deciding
stream to only a few, but relevant parameters. [2]. function or dysfunction, and prediction of future
pathological or functional events as in prosthetic
Biological and medical information processing is a devices for heart and brain. Typical biological
dynamic field of natural science. The biomedical applications may involve the use of signal-processing
signals have been used by the architects for designing algorithms for more than one of these reasons. The
the bioelectrical and biomechanical systems. The monitored biological signal in most cases is
physicians and human service experts introduced the considered an additive combination of signal and
diagnosing procedures of medical issues. The noise [9].
biomedical signals handled by these experts have
been broadly focused on both diagnosis as well as X(2016) studied the applications of signal processing
interpretation of information on the health status of an and affirmed that signal processing in bio-medicine
individual. The existing signal processing tools or is essential as it provides techniques for image
programs are more suitable for engineers working in construction, enhancement, coding, storage,
biomedical applications, according to their position transmission, analysis, understanding and
they can utilize the tools or programs easily [4]. visualization of any number of different
multidimensional sensing modalities. As biomedical
Korenbaum et al (2013) used biomedical signal imaging is rapidly evolving, new and more powerful
processing to study FETa diagnostic capability in signal and image processing algorithms are required
revealing bronchial obstruction. A group of patients to meet the challenges imposed by modern huge
with bronchial asthma involved 50 males (16-24 multidimensional multimodal biomedical data,
years). Selection criteria: (a) diminution of particularly in real clinical settings [5].
FEV1/FVC (VC) relation; (b) bronchodilator
response to salbutamol; (c) diurnal variability of PEF. III. WORK DESCRIPTION
A group of 52 healthy volunteers was recruited as the
control one. Spirometry and forced expiratory Bio-medical signal processing consists of techniques
tracheal noises recording were sequentially which can be used to explain the various
accomplished for each person. FETa values were physiological processes, chemical mechanisms and
estimated by means of developed semi automated reactions that take place in the human body when
procedure, including band pass filtration (200–2000 diverted from ideal working. It involves modelling of
Hz), waveform envelope calculation with the system, simulation of signals if interest,
accumulation period of 0.01 sec, measurement of processing these signal and comparison with respect
FETa at 0.5% level from the peak value of the to the corresponding normal signals to achieve a
waveform. The value of FETa was significantly better understanding of the properties of
larger in BA patients group than in control one [6]. physiological systems.

Biomedical Signal Processing

International Journal Of Electrical, Electronics And Data Communication, ISSN: 2320-2084 Volume-5, Issue-10, Oct.-2017
The various steps involves in a bio-medical signal IV. APPLICATIONS
processing is shown in the figure below:
1. Bio-medical signal processing avails the use of
non-invasive procedures like recording of the
ECG using limb or chest electrodes, the EMG
with surface electrodes, or the PCG with
microphones or accelerometers placed on the
2. ECG is the process of recording the electrical
activity of the heart over a period of time using
electrodes placed on a patient's
body. These electrodes detect the tiny electrical
changes on the skin that arise from the heart
muscle depolarizing during each heartbeat. In a
conventional 12 lead ECG, ten electrodes are
placed on the patient's limbs and on the surface
of the chest. The overall magnitude of the heart's
Fig 2: Various Stages in a bio-medical processing technique [3]
electrical potential is then measured from twelve
different angles ("leads") and is recorded over a
The four main stages are:
period of time (usually 10 seconds). In this way,
 Measurement or observation, that is, the overall magnitude and direction of the heart's
acquiring the signal electrical depolarization is captured at each
 Amplification ,reduction and conversion of moment throughout the cardiac cycle [5].
the signals 3. Electroencephalography (EEG) is used to
 Examining the components of interest of the diagnose the abnormal activity of the
signal , and functionality of the brain. It involves the
 Analysis of the signals. information about the function of the brain.
4. In intensive-care monitoring, IR sensor are used
1. Acquiring the signal: The bio-signals are to measure the tympanic temperature.
obtained from the patient through application Sometimes, a temperature sensor is inserted in
specific sensors installed in the device. This the artery or heart to continuously monitor the
takes place in real-time. These signals are actual temperature of the body [3].
updated regularly and monitored regularly. 5. Digital images of the grey matter in the brain
2. Amplification .reduction and conversion of the allow understanding various processes of CNS
signals: The signals obtained from the body are like communication between sensors and the
low voltage signals. Thus, for efficient analysis physiological systems [3].
these signals are converted into electrical signals 6. Ultra-sonongraphy (USG) is a diagnostic
using transducers and are amplified. imaging technique based on the application of
3. Examining the components of interest of signals: ultrasound. It is used to see internal body
Prior to detection and examining the signals, they structures such as tendons, muscles, joints,
are converted into digital form. The components vessels and internal organs. Its aim is often to
of interest are detected and continuously find a source of disease or to exclude any
compared with the normal signals. pathology [5].
4. Analysis of the signals: After isolation of signals
of interest, the data is analysed through readings CONCLUSION
or visual aids. Based on the information received
the physician moves ahead with the treatment. This paper outlines the fundamentals of bio-medical
processing. The medical studies are done through
continuous acquisition and analysis of signals from
the human body. This allows an extensive look into
the working of the physiological systems. The
amalgamation of these two major subjects of Science,
Engineering and Medicine, will take us through
various levels of the human body through safe
procedures in order to recognise the state of one’s
physiological system. Despite its major need and
usefulness, bio-medical signal processing has some
shortcomings. Unstable signal source, spurious
Fig 3: Various bio-medical signals [2] signals from the bio-medical device, voluntary
physiological processes, patient safety and power

Biomedical Signal Processing

International Journal Of Electrical, Electronics And Data Communication, ISSN: 2320-2084 Volume-5, Issue-10, Oct.-2017
usage are some of the major concern in the field of [4] Biomedical Signal Processing, Areas of Research
bio-medical processing. When both the medical and areas-of-research/biomedical-signal-processing/
engineering studies of the human body combine, only [5] X, Literature Survey on Biomedical Signal Processing
then will we able to exploit this technique to Methods, International Journal of Innovative Research in
determine the answers to the unanswered phenomena Computer and Communication Engineering Vol. 4, Special
in the medical sciences. Issue 2, April 2016
[6] Korenbaum et al , Computer Evaluation of Tracheal Forced
Expiratory Noise Time for Bronchial Obstruction
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Biomedical Signal Processing


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