Teacher Placement Planning

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Audrey L. Karr

EAD- 536

August 18, 2021

Teacher Placement Planning


District Policy

The Elko County School District (ECSD) and Elko County Classroom Teachers Association

(ECCTA) policies coincide nicely with how teachers are to be hired and placed within the

district. Administrators are given the hiring ability to choose what applicants best fit each

school’s environment and teaching philosophy based on their credentials. The superintendent

approves all decisions made at school sites and adjusts accordingly if they feel a change is

needed when determining the best place for teacher placements.

For teacher transfers, district employees must receive an interview for the positions they are

wanting to transfer to. Per union contract, a teacher will then receive a response within 10 days

before the position is opened up to outside candidates. With that being said, a teacher who does

not receive the transfer and wishes to know why, can request a written statement for future

reference. If a transfer request is put in after the transfer date and an administrator is interested

in a district employee, it must be presented at the district office and an administrator must

request approval.

Teachers who are involuntarily being asked to move are based off of seniority and licensure

requirements. Throughout this process, these teachers are to be supported and provided ample

time to adjust to their new school settings. These teachers are also given first choice to come

back to their previous location once a position has opened back up (Elko County School District,

2012). Knowing the policies and procedures are helpful when making sure teachers are being

placed accordingly and teacher rights are respected.

Screening Procedures

Seeing that the hiring process is going to give good incite to all candidates and a plethora

of information, it’s important to see all aspects of the teachers applying: background knowledge/

teaching experience, types of degrees and prior leadership experience. With this information, a

candidate can then elaborate more during the interview process and be asked situational

questions that can provide a more in-depth understanding of how they would address certain

situations (FutureEd Interviews, 2018). It would be encouraged to have other grade level

teachers present so that they too can also ask questions (within reason) and get a feel for whom is

going to be the best fit for each open position.

The next step would be to investigate further by using the survey results given by each

teachers’ references which is automatically generated by the district and sent to each recipient.

This would provide community input on how candidates get along with their peers, work ethics

and what qualities stand out above the rest. By using this process, an administrator would be able

to identify which teachers would work best within each grade/subject no matter if they were

transfers or coming from outside of the district.


While looking at the descriptions of the entire staff, it’s important to hire people who are

going to fit in a grade level with similar personalities, can agree on achievable goals and work

together in doing what is best for students. This is why having teacher leaders involved in the

hiring process is so vital. Molding individuals to become leaders in a grade level can help the

team feel supported, build trust and create opportunities for each member to branch out into

trying new ideas with the openness to share. Collaboration is done effectively when everyone is

valued for their ideas and can feel as if they have something to offer. This is the process of a

quality PLC. Teams need to delegate jobs to each member and then hold one another accountable

by creating norms that will focus not only on making grade level expectations a reality, but also

by incorporating the school’s mission and vision. This will ensure that the overall goals of the

district are being held to the highest standards all the way down to each school, grade level and

classroom. Effective leaders remind their staff often about their school goals, how they are going

to achieve these goals and communicating the purpose behind instruction, data collecting and

collaboration. This creates clarity and consistency to ensure that all stakeholders are getting the

same message (Desravines, Aquino and Fenton, 2016).

Ethical Principles

Having compassion and concern for others means seeing that the adults at the workplace

feel supported and are appreciated for their efforts. This includes having respect for personal

opinions, being able to disagree in a manner that will not create hard feelings, having the

openness to have difficult conversations about student instruction by engaging in diverse

perspectives and finding ways to incorporate effective strategies within the curriculum being

taught. Most importantly, leaders need to foster equity and inclusion through teacher and student

dynamics within the learning environment so that everyone has a voice (Capsim, 2018).


Capsim (2018). Five Ways to Shape Ethical Decisions: Common Good Approach.





Desravines, J., Aquino, J., and Fenton, B. (2016). BREAKTHROUGH PRINCIPALS: A STEP-


Francisco, CA.

Elko County School District (2012). Section G Transfers/Reassignments/Promotions. Board

Docs. https://go.boarddocs.com/nv/elkcsd/Board.nsf/Public#

FutureEd Interviews (2018). Screening for the Strongest Teachers. McCourt School of Public

Policy Georgetown University. https://www.future-ed.org/work/screening-for-the-


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