Lesson Plan

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Daily Lesson Plan (Thelugu Novah Mary A/P Guruloo) Week 27 [19 Aug SMK SG MAONG

2021] 2021

PHYSICS Class: 4 Bijak [PdPR@Home] Time: Date: 19th Aug 2021 [Thursday]
FORM 4 2021 1200-1300 (PdP)
Theme: Learning Area: Scientific Attitudes & Noble Values:
WAVES, LIGHT AND OPTICS 6.0 LIGHT AND OPTICS Flexible and open minded.
Content Standard (KSSM) / LO: Learning Standard (KSSM) / Success Criteria: At the end of the lesson, students are able to:
6.1 Refraction of Light SC1: 6.1.1 Describe refraction of light
SC2: 6.1.2 Explain refractive index, n.
SC3: 6.1.3 Conceptualize Snell's Law
SC4: 6.1.5 Explain real depth and apparent depth.
SC5: 6.1.7 Solve at least one problem related to refraction of light.
Student Prior Knowledge: Phenomenon in light wave
Key Concepts / Key Vocabulary: As listed in SCs.
Elements Across the Curriculum: Science and Technology Noble Values Elements Across the Curriculum:

Resources / Teaching Aids: Physics Form 4 Textbook, Google Meet, module

Remarks / Notes / AfL
T&L Activities / Tasks
Performance Level
 Google meet link given to the class from 1200-1300 Platform1 : GM
https://meet.google.com/xuh-cgbd-ysh Attendance: 4A: ___/31
 Teacher give a simple quiz regarding topic today through Quizizz 4B: ___/27
https://quizizz.com/admin/quiz/5e393b952b8a6c001bc6f276/refraction-of-light (Live Quiz) Platform 2: Quizizz
 Teacher facilitates class discussion via module (simplified version) first then followed by digital textbook
presentation, PowerPoint slide (detailed version) and Q&A for better understanding.
SC Prior Knowledge Question
1 Relates and define the refraction of What is the meaning of optical density?
light wave
2 Refractive Index, n What is the meaning of refractive index, n?
3 Relate n with formula of Snell’s Law State the Snell’s Law.
4 Real depth, D and apparent depth, d How to determine n from D and d?
and relate with n
5 Solve 1 problem related refraction Example:
of light The speed of light in benzene is 2.0 x 108 ms-1. If the
speed of light in vacuum is 3.0 x 108 ms-1, calculate
the refractive index of benzene.
 Teacher give two different quizzes as bellow
a) https://quizizz.com/admin/quiz/5e393b952b8a6c001bc6f276/refraction-of-light (Live Quiz) for
those didn’t manage to get 100%
b) https://quizizz.com/admin/quiz/5f8ea9144d689e001b494dea/refraction-of-light (Live Quiz) for
those managed to score 100%
 Students required to complete the task as and upload their answer in Google Classroom. [PBD/AfL: Activity in GC]

 Self-Check on the understanding about the lesson today

 Video recording for repeating lesson

PL 3 : Apply knowledge of Measurement to explain the occurrences or phenomena of nature and perform
simple tasks.
PL 4 : Analyse information about Measurement in daily life problem solving about natural phenomena
PL 5 : Evaluate to make judgement about Measurement in daily life problem solving and decision making to
carry out a task.
Follow-up Activities
Remedial Reinforcement Enrichment
Activity in GC
Teacher’s Reflection:

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