Demonstrate Understanding of Explicit Meaning in Texts
Demonstrate Understanding of Explicit Meaning in Texts
Demonstrate Understanding of Explicit Meaning in Texts
I can apply my knowledge on Using expanded noun phrases? e.g. ...a dark, blustery afternoon the
slight, black- coated figure... ...thick layers of cavernous snow...
Using prepositional phrases? e.g. ...against the window... ...under the moonlit sky...
...with a deep sigh...
Using figurative language and personification? e.g. ...screeched like a wailing cat...
...the sun smiled down on them...
I can apply my knowledge of using - different techniques to reveal character’s personality traits. –
describe the character’s feeling (sadness, happiness, loneliness…), portray character through actions
and dialogues, use powerful verbs to describe character’s feelings and behaviour, give the thoughts
and feelings of the secondary characters, reveal the character’s thought and feelings.
I can use a semicolon to link two or more closely related independent clauses.
I can use a conjunctive adverb to link two or more closely related independent clauses.
I can apply capitalization, punctuation, and spelling when writing.
I can recall rules of using some cohesive devices within and across sentences?
I can apply my knowledge of Using pronouns to refer back to a noun you have already introduced?
e.g. Susie darted past the aliens and raced for her life. She gasped for breath in a panic as it felt like
there was no way to escape them.
Using fronted adverbials? e.g. Later the same day,... Back at the house,... Once the egg has
Using topic words linked to a theme? e.g. avalanche, blizzard, mountain range, conditions
I can recall the Use of different verb forms
I can appply my knowledge of the use of present and past tense correctly? (has/had +past participle)
e.g. Their popularity has increased... The snarling beast had escaped...use modal verbs to show how
likely an event is to happen in the future? e.g. The coastline will start to erode... The minotaur could
Ibe hiding
can applyanywhere...
my knowledge of using pronouns to refer back to a noun you have already introduced?
I canSusie
recalldarted past
the use the aliensdevices
of cohesive and raced for her life. She gasped for breath in a panic as it felt like
there was no way to escape them.
Using fronted adverbials? e.g. Later the same day,... Back at the house,... Once the egg has
Using topic words linked to a theme? e.g. avalanche, blizzard, mountain range, conditions.
Use Simple, Compound, Complex sentences Sequence words, phrases Use Subordinating
conjunctions, Subordinate clause, Direct speech Use sentence variation for the effectiveness of the
writing; secure control of complex sentences, understand how clauses can be manipulated to
achieve different effects; start and finish correctly with capital letters and full stops; use punctuation
to demarcate grammatical boundaries and the separate parts of a sentence (such as short clauses or
items in a list