MBA I Semester
MBA I Semester
MBA I Semester
Symbol of Excellence
Note : Attempt any Five questions. All questions carry equal marks. 1. Define Management. While comparing system and contingency approach discuss which of these two is having wider organizational implications and why? 2. Explain the meaning of personality. Which personality traits are highly significant for managerial effectiveness? Justify your viewpoint with relevant industry examples. 3. What do you mean by group dynamics? Why does individual behaviour vary according to situation? Suggest the guidelines for improving the performance of group working. 4. Explain the circumstances under which individual and group decision-making have greater suitability. Also discuss the prominent techniques of group decision making. 5. Learning does not take place in vaccum; rather it requires some ground for infusing the same. In the light of the statement discuss the important theories of learning. 6. Distinguish between a leader and a manager Explain the prominent leadership styles that have a larger influence on leadership process and effectiveness. 7. Differentiate between eustress and distress. Discuss the common stressors and the strategies to overcome the stress. 8. Define the term achievement motivation. What is its significance? Discuss how achievement motivation can be encouraged amongst the employees.
H.K. Hi-Tech
College of IT & Management
Symbol of Excellence
Note : Attempt any Five questions. All questions carry equal marks. Q.1 Discuss the concept, nature and scope of management. Also trace the evolution of management thought over ages. Q.2 Write a detailed note on Social Responsibility of Business. Q.3 Discuss the management levels. Do managers at different levels need to possess same set of managerial skills? Also discuss managerial roles. Q.4 Define Personality. What are different theories of personality and how these theories explain the role of personality in organizational behaviour? Q.5 What are different types of groups and how these influence human behaviour at work? Why people join groups? Q.6 Compare and contrast Maslow and Herzbergs theories of motivation. What are the imperative for managers in context of these theories? Q.7 Write a detailed not on leadership styles with special reference to managerial grid. Q.8 Write short notes on any two of the following: (a) Classical Conditioning (b) Causes of work Stress (c) Ways to overcome resistance to change (d) Selective Perception
H.K. Hi-Tech
College of IT & Management
Symbol of Excellence
Note : Attempt any Five questions. All questions carry equal marks. Q.1 Trace the development of management thought over the ages with special reference to contribution of systems approach. Q.2 Write in detail about social responsibility of business. Q.3 Controlling essence of planning. Define controlling and planning process and identify their interrelationship. Q.4 Define Personality. Discuss different theories of personality. Q.5 What is the importance of emotional intelligence in corporate world? How can one learn to be emotionally intelligent? Q.6 What are different barriers to communication? How can these barriers be overcome? Q.7 Why people join groups? What are different types of groups and what influence they have on individuals behaviour at workplace? Q.8 Write short notes on any two of the following: (a) Classical Conditioning (b) Managerial Skills (c) Leadership Styles (d) Reasons of Work Stress.
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(Old Question Paper) Note : Attempt any Five questions. All questions carry equal marks. Q.1 How does Managerial Economics help in Business Decision making? Discuss various tools that helps. Q.2 Demand function facilitate in better pricing, output and marketing decisions? How? Q.3 The output was changes with the level of output but the ratio varies, Why? What laws govern it? Q.4 How are output an pricing decisions made under Monopolistic Market situations? Q.5 How do Monetary and Fiscal Policies help in stabilizing the prices and fueling the Economic Growth? Discuss Q.6 What is National income? How is it Measured? Q.7 Write in Brief the following: (a) CPI (Consumer Price Index) (b) Economics of Scale (c) Utility (d) Macro Economics. Q.8 Write short notes on any two of the following: (a) Sales maximization V/s Profit Maximization (b) Marginal Costing (c) Inflation
Symbol of Excellence
H.K. Hi-Tech
College of IT & Management
Symbol of Excellence
Note : Attempt any Five questions. All questions carry equal marks. Q.1 Could you differentiate between Management, Economics and Managerial Economics? How are these interrelated? Q.2 Discuss Demand Function. How does it help in Marketing Decision-making? Q.3 Why is production referred to as value creation and addition? What laws govern production function? Q.4 What is GDP? How has been the performance of Indias GDP in recent years? What factors would you credit it with? Write a detailed note. Q.5 Why does Inflation take place? How can monetary and fiscal measures be used to check inflation? Q.6 What is Firm? Why does firm exist? Discuss the basic objective and function of a firm. Q.7 Write short notes on the following: (a) Monopoly (b) Break-even Analysis Q.8 Define the following: (a) Marginal Cost (b) CPI (c) Balance of Payment (d) Law of Demand (e) Macro Economic
H.K. Hi-Tech
College of IT & Management
Symbol of Excellence
Note : Attempt any Five questions. All questions carry equal marks. Q.1 Managerial Economics is the integration of economic theory with business practice for the purpose of facilitating decision-making and forward planning by managers. Explain and comment. Q.2 Indicate the importance of the study of consumer behaviour for businessman. How is utility analysis helpful in studying consumer bevhaviour? Discuss. Q.3 Explain fully the possibilities of the nature of economic intervention of the state of protect environment and ecology. Q.4 What are the conditions for the least-cost combination of inputs? Illustrate the maximization of output with the help of isocosts and isoquants. Q.5 Show that price is higher and output smaller under monopoly compared to those under perfect competition. Q.6 Describe briefly the concepts of aggregate demand, aggregate supply, consumption, saving and investment. How do they matter in the theory of national income distribution? Q.7 What are the causes of different kinds of disequilibrium in the balance of payments? How does it affect employment, inflation and environment in a country? Q.8 Write notes on the following: (a) Synthesis of Monetary and Real Factors (b) Demand Forecasts
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(Old Question Paper) Note : Attempt any Five questions. All questions carry equal marks. Q.1 What is environmental management? Explain various issues of environment management those affect sustainable development. Q.2 Explain the increasing importance of environment management. Why should business schools teach environment to business management students? Q.3 What is the concept of ecosystem? How is it being applied in business and industry? Q.4 Give a comprehensive note on environmental management system. Q.5 Give notes on the following: (a) Environmental auditing (b) Environmental ethics Q.6 What is pollution? Explain causes of air, water and land pollution. Q.7 What do you mean by biodiversity and biodiversity management? Explain the role of biodiversity in business and trade. Q.8 Explain any two of the following: (a) Population growth and environment (b) Energy management (c) ISO 14000 (d) Trade in wastes (e) WTO and environment
Symbol of Excellence
H.K. Hi-Tech
College of IT & Management (Old Question Paper) Note : Attempt any Five questions. All questions carry equal marks. Q.1 Explain the concept of environment management and sustainable development with suitable illustrations. Q.2 Write a detailed note on energy management with suitable examples. Q.3 What do you mean by Ecosystem? Discuss the components of Ecosystem and its impact on business and environment. Q.4 Write a detailed note on Environment Management System with suitable illustrations. Q.5 What is Environmental Auditing? Discuss the process of permissions for establishing industry. Q.6 Discuss in detail the causes and remedies for land, water and air pollution with suitable examples from industry. Q.7 What is Biodiversity? Discuss its role in international trade. Q.8 Write short notes on any two of the following: (a) Environment and Business Schools (b) Environment Economics and Green Funding (c) Environmental Ethics (d) Environmental Laws
Symbol of Excellence
H.K. Hi-Tech
College of IT & Management (Old Question Paper) Note : Attempt any Five questions. All questions carry equal marks. Q.1 Define Environment. What are the causes responsible for damaging the natural environment? Q.2 How can we achieve sustainable development? Support your answer with suitable examples. Q.3 Write a detailed note on Environment Management System. Q.4 What is Environment Audit? Discuss the entire process of such kind of audit in the industries. Q.5 Define pollution. What factors lead to air pollution and what remedies do you suggest to prevent this pollution? Q.6 Explain the role of biodiversity management in international trade. Q.7 Discuss the role of dams in preserving the surroundings. Q.8 Write short notes on the following: (a) Bio-ethics (b) Environmental Laws
Symbol of Excellence
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(Old Question Paper) Note: Attempt any Five questions. All questions carry equal marks. Q.1 Critically examine the various concepts and conventions in financial accounting with suitable examples. Q.2 (a) Which method of depreciation is relevant in financial accounting in current scenario and why? (b) Explain the accounting standard applicable for inventory valuation. Give your arguments in this respect with examples. Q.3 (a) Distinguish between horizontal and vertical analysis of financial statement data. (b) From the particulars given below, prepare the Balance Sheet of X Ltd. On 31st March, 2005: Particulars Rs. Annual Sales 4,00,000 Sales to net worth 4 times Current liabilities to net worth 50% Total debts to net worth 80% Current Ratio 2.2 times Average collection period 40 days Fixed assets to net worth 70% Assume that all sales are made on credit Q.4 Explain the term overhead and overhead accounting. How will you apportion and absorb factory and official overheads in costing? Explain with suitable data. Q.5 (a) Distinguish between marginal costing and absorption costing with examples. (b) From the following particulars find out: (i) P/V ratio (ii) Break-even point (in units and rupees) (iii) Margin of safety (in units and rupees). Variable cost per unit Rs. 15.00 Fixed cost per unit Rs. 9.00 Sales (in units) 10,000 The selling price is fixed to yield 25% profit on cost. Q.6 (a) Explain the essentials of an effective budgetary control system. (b) Explain the mechanism of zero-base budgeting with suitable examples. Q.7 From the following data, calculate various labour variances: Standard Wages: 120 men at Rs. 4 per hour 80 women at Rs. 3 per hour Actual wages: 140 men at Rs. 3 per hour 50 women at Rs. 4 per hour Budgeted hours : 2000 Actual hours : 2200 Budgeted gross production 8000 units Standard loss 10% Actual loss 500 units Q.8 Write notes on the following: (a) Relevant Costing (b) Performance budgeting
Symbol of Excellence
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Symbol of Excellence
Note: Attempt any Five questions. All questions carry equal marks. Q.1 According to the principle of Double Entry System, every debit has a corresponding credit. Explain and illustrate with suitable examples. Q.2 Rao Ltd. Charges depreciation on its machinery @ 10% per annum on the diminishing balance method. On 31/3/2000, the company decides to adopt straight line method of charging depreciation with retrospective effect from 1/4/1996, the rate of depreciation being 15%. On 1/4/1999 the machinery account stood in the books at Rs. 2,91,600. On 1/7/1999, a sum of Rs. 65,000 was realized by selling a machine, cost of which on 1/4/1996 was Rs.9,000. On 1/1/200 a new machine was acquired at a cost of Rs.1,50,000. Show the machinery account in the books of the company for the year ended 31/3/200. Q.3 Management accounting is the adoption and analysis of accounting information and its diagnosis and explanation in such a way as to assist management. Elucidate. Q.4 State the significance of preparing a funds flow statement. Distinguish between funds flow statement and cash flow statement. Q.5 What is meant by Machine Hour Rate? Explain as to how it is ascertained using imaginary figures? Q.6 What is budgetary control and how is it exercised? Discuss various advantages of a budgetary control system. Q.7 Define standard Costing. Discuss the advantages and limitations of standard costing. Q.8 A manufacturer has planned his level of operation at 50% of his plant capacity of 30000 units. His expenses are estimated as follows, if 50% of the plant capacity is utilized: Rs. (a) Direct Materials 8,250 (b) Direct Wages 11,160 (c) Variable and other 3,960 manufacturing expenses (d) Total expenses irrespective of 6,000 capacity utilization The expected selling price in the domestic market is Rs. 2 per unit. Recently, the manufacturer has received a trade enquiry from an overseas organization interested in purchasing 6,000 units at a price of Rs. 1.45 per unit. As a professional management what would be your suggestion regarding acceptance or rejection of the offer? Support your suggestion with suitable quantitative information.
Symbol of Excellence
H.K. Hi-Tech College of IT & Management MBA 1st Semester, CP 104 (Accounting For Managers) (Old Question Paper)
Note: Attempt any Five questions. All questions carry equal marks. Q.1 Discuss the merits and demerits of various methods of calculating depreciation. Q.2 Without accounting concepts and conventions objective, reliable, consistent and comparable accounts cannot be maintained. Comment. Q.3 X Co. Ltd. has an overall P/V Ratio of 40%. The marginal cost of product A is estimated to be Rs.30. Determine the selling price for product A. Q.4 The following figures are taken out from the record of a factory: Budgeted Actual No. of working days 22 25 Man hours per day 4,000 4,500 Output per man hour in units 2.5 3 Overheads (Rs.) 55,000 65,000 Calculate Overhead Variances Q.5 Describe the different methods of costing and state the particular industries to which they can be applied. Q.6 What is meant by Economic Order Quantity? What are the various costs which affect economic order quantity? Establish its formula. Q.7 What do you consider to be the objectives of Management Accounting? Support your answer with suitable illustrations. Q.8 Write notes on the following: (a) Balance Sheet (b) Marginal Costing
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Symbol of Excellence
Note: Attempt any Five questions. All questions carry equal marks. Q.1 Discuss the nature and importance of business communication in an organization. Q.2 Describe in detail the process of business communication. Q.3 What are the essentials of a good business communication? Q.4 Describe in detail the barriers affecting business communication in a firm. Q.5 Explain the Do and Dont of business writing. Q.6 What are the different types of commercial letters? Give a draft of any one of them. Q.7 Distinguish between verbal and non-verbal business communication. Which one is more important to a business organization? Q.8 Discuss in detail the legal aspects of business communication.
H.K. Hi-Tech College of IT & Management MBA 1st Semester, CP 105 (Business Communication) Symbol of Excellence (Old Question Paper) Note: Attempt any Five questions. All questions carry equal marks.
Q.1 Q.2 Q.3 Q.4 Define the term business communication. Why is its study significant for a business management student? How can you make communications skills more effective? Explain the different forms of communication. Discuss the process of communication with relevant examples in each stage of the process. What barriers may distort the efficacy of communication? How could these barriers be overcome to enhance communicational efficacy? You are incharge of the customer care centre in General Motors Ltd. You received a letter from a car owner who is not satisfied with the fuel efficiency of his car and is planning to move to Consumer Court. Draft a letter consoling the customer and requesting him not to move to the Consumer Court; and also suggesting him the ways of increasing the fuel efficiency of the car. You are working as the Regional Head of the Sales and Marketing Division of an organization manufacturing only Tooth Pastes in three different colours and flavors. There is a sharp decline in the sales during the last three months. You are reasons of decline in sales and also to offer strategies to restore and enhance the sales volume. Prepare a report on the same addressing it to the CEO of the company. What do you mean by report? Explain its types. Discuss the contents a business report should include. Why public speaking is more difficult as compared to interpersonal speaking. Explain the strategies to reduce the stage phobia and enhance the public speaking delivery. Write a critical and comprehensive not on the legal aspects of business communication.
H.K. Hi-Tech College of IT & Management MBA 1st Semester, CP 105 (Business Communication) Symbol of Excellence (Old Question Paper) Note: Attempt any Five questions. All questions carry equal marks.
Q.1 Q.2 Q.3 Q.4 Q.5 Q.6 Q.7 Q.8 Do you agree that the basic objective of all human communication is to obtain an understanding response? How can this be applied to the objectives of business communication? Discuss with examples. Discuss the basic principles that can be helpful in developing effective communication skills. How does internal communication differ from external communication? In what directions can information travel within an organizations formal hierarchy? Discuss. How do the following cause barrier in communication: (a) Perceptual and Language differences (b) Restrictive Environment (c) Information Overhead (d) Deceptive tactics. Distinguish between direct and indirect approaches to business writing. Would you use a direct or an indirect approach to ask employees to work overtime to meet an important deadline? Explain. Assume one of your companys credit customers has not paid his dept despite two reminders. Now draft a third collection letter as a reminder. What are the essentials for conducting an effective business meeting? How can different aspects of non-verbal communication support the conduct of such a meeting? Write notes on the following: (a) Technical Reports (b) Business Negotiations.
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H.K. Hi-Tech College of IT & Management MBA 1st Semester, CP 106 (Computer Applications in Management) Symbol of Excellence (Old Question Paper) Note: Attempt any Five questions. All questions carry equal marks.
Q.1 Q.2 Q.3 Q.4 Q.5 Q.6 Q.7 Q.8 Explain the elements of a computer system and discuss the utility of personal computers in Business Organization. Windows is an improvement over DOS. Do you agree with this statement? Elaborate your viewpoint by highlighting major commands of both operating systems. Differentiate between system and application software and discuss the steps involved in software development. What do you understand by Database Management System (DBMS)? How is it better than traditional file system? Discuss various types of files with special reference to Master and Transaction files and their organization. Describe the evolution of the following, briefly: (a) Generation of Computers (b) Computer Languages (c) Indian Computing Environment (a) How will you create graphics on spread-sheet? (b) How will you create presentations on PC? Discuss briefly the following: (a) Flow Chart (b) Networking (c) Label Generation (d)Database Manager
H.K. Hi-Tech College of IT & Management MBA 1st Semester, CP 106 (Computer Applications in Management) Symbol of Excellence (Old Question Paper) Note: Attempt any Five questions. All questions carry equal marks.
Q.1 Q.2 Q.3 Q.4 Q.5 Q.6 Q.7 Q.8 Explain the components of a Computer System and discuss the utility of computers in business world. Compare and contrast DOS and Windows operating System highlighting major commands of both. What do you understand by spreadsheet software? Discuss Database function and Graphics of spreadsheet citing suitable examples. Write a detailed note on the Software Development Process. In the context of Datafiles, explain the following: (a) Types of Datafiles (b) Organization of Datafiles (c) Datafile Access What do you understand by Computer Networking? Discuss the types and topologies of networking. Explain briefly: (a) Relevance of Database Management Systems (b) Application Portfolio Development. Write short notes on the following: (a) Creating a presentation on a PC (b) Flow Chart
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