Manual Input Devices 1. Keyboard
Manual Input Devices 1. Keyboard
Manual Input Devices 1. Keyboard
1. Keyboard
Keyboards are one of the most commonly used manual input devices. Most keyboards use a
QWERTY key layout. The name 'QWERTY' comes from the first five lettered keys on on the top
row of the keyboard Q-W-E-R-T-Y. Special keyboards called 'Ergonomic Keyboards' have been
developed to help reduce health problems (such as repetitive strain injury)linked with typing.
Ergonomic keyboards have a more natural shape to them with reduces stress on the wrist and
Ergonomic keyboards also come with a built-in hand-rest which further helps prevent health
issues such as RSI (Repetitive Strain Injury).Ergonomic keyboards have a more natural shape
to them with reduces stress on the wrist and hands.
Advantages Disadvantages
Enables fast entry of text into documents. People with wrist and hand problems can find
keyboards painful to use.
Information that you input instantly appears Entering data is slow when compared to
on the screen. This lets you quickly check automatic methods.
that what you are entering is correct.
For example - a barcode code scanner will
input data into the computer almost instantly.
2. Numeric Keypads
Numeric keypads are used for entering numbers into a computer system ('Numeric' means
number). Some numeric keypads also allow you to enter simple text and symbols.
Advantages Disadvantages
Faster than QWERTY keyboards when used People with large hands can find them hard to
for entering numbers. use because of their small keys.
Numeric keypads are small so they can easily Difficult (but not impossible) to enter text
fit on smaller devices like mobile phones. information.
3. Pointing Devices
Pointing devices are pieces of hardware that are used to control a pointer (cursor) on a
screen.Pointing devices are frequently used with Graphical User Interface (GUI) operating
systems where pointers are used to input commands by selecting icons.
● Mouse
There are two different types of mice - a ball mouse and an optical mouse. The ball (in a ball
mouse) and the reflected light (in an optical mouse) allows the user to direct and control an on-
screen pointer.
Mice have two buttons and a scroll wheel. These provide with a list of functions:
Cordless mice work in the same way as regular mice but they do not need a wire plugged into a
computer. They are powered by batteries instead of computers.
Advantages Disadvantages
Faster to select icons and options compared People with wrist and hand problems can find
to a keyboard. very painful to use.
Very easy to move a pointer around the Ball mice pick up dirt which will affect the
screen and to navigate through documents. accuracy of pointer movement.
Mice are small and do not take up much Mice need a flat surface in order to work
space. properly.
● Touchpad
Used as a replacement to a mouse in many laptops. Users lightly brush their fingers over the
touchpad in order to control a pointer. Touchpads have two buttons which have the same
purpose as the mouse buttons.
Advantages Disadvantages
Easier than the QWERTY keyboards when More difficult to control a mouse pointer when
used to select options and icons. compared to a mouse.
Touchpads are built on the laptops so there is People with wrist and hand problem can find
no need for a separate mouse. This helps touchpad very painful to use.
improve portability.
Can be used even when there is no flat Some operations are difficult to perform when
surface. compared to a mouse.Drag and drop for
● Trackerball
Trackerball’s are similar to the mice but the ball is on top of the device instead of the bottom.
Screen pointers are controlled by rotating the large ball with your hand. The buttons on
trackerballs perform the same functions as those on mice and touchpads.
Advantages Disadvantages
People with hand and wrist problems can still More expensive than mice.
use the trackerballs.
More accurate than mice or touchpads. More difficult to learn than to use a mouse.
4. Remote control
Remote controls are used to control other devices using infra-red signals. Buttons on the remote
controls can used to perform functions such as changing channel on a T.V,
increasing/decreasing the volume of a music player and selecting a different chapter on a DVD
player. Industries use remote controls to operate machinery that might to too dangerous to get
near to.
Advantages Disadvantages
Device can be operated without having to go People with limited hand movement can find
to them. This is useful for people with them difficult to use.
They can operate devices that are in a unsafe The infra-red signal between the remote
environment. control and the device, it operates may
become blocked.
5. Joysticks
They can control the characters or objects in video games. Can control the industrial machinery.
They are used in simulators. For example, flight simulators may use joysticks in order to for
trainee pilots to control the simulated plane.
Advantages Disadvantages
Easier to control an on screen cursor or move Not as easy to control an on screen cursor
an in-game character than it is when using a when compared to using a mouse.
Very simple to get used to. Anyone can just People with hand/wrist issues find joysticks
pick one up and use it. very painful to use.
Can be used by disabled people. Joysticks Difficult but not impossible to enter text.
can be operated by hands or even feet.
6. Touch screens
Touch screens allows users to input commands into a computer by pressing or touching the
buttons. Giving the users this ability to touch or press icons on the screen removes the need to
use a mouse. Touch screens are more suitable for use with a limited amount of options.
Advantages Disadvantages
Very fast and easy to enter options (you just Limited number of options available on the
press them). screen.
No training needed in order to for people to Expensive compared to other input devices. It
be able to use them. All people do is press can become dirty and full of germs due to
the correct options. people touching.
7. Scanners
Scanners are used to enter information on paper (hard copies) into a computer. Scanners
reflect light off the hard copy inorder to capture an analogue image of the document. The
scanner then converts the received analogue data into a digital format. Once the hard copy has
been converted to digital data, it can be stored onto a computer and manipulated using the
Graphics Editing Software (such as Photoshop). Old photos and important documents can be
scanned into the computer. This means you can still have a copy if the original is damaged or
Advantages Disadvantages
Very fast to enter hard copies into the Scanned images are usually lesser quality
computer (comparing to retyping on a than the original document.
Very easy to scan and store documents and Scanned images can take up a lot of disk
images into a computer. Digital copies of the space (especially if you scan them at a high
stored data can easily be duplicated and resolution.
backed up.
8. Graphics tablet
Graphics tablet are used by artists and designers to easily create and store digital graphics in a
computer. A graphics tablet can be drawn on with a special pen called a ‘stylus’. Whatever is
drawn onto the tablet can be seen on a computer screen.
Direct input devices
It reads information from magnetic stripes found on Bank Card, Membership cards and Hotel
door cards. The strip on the card holds the information such as the bank account number, name
of card holder and expiry date of membership. Data contained on the card’s stripe is read by
pulling the card through the magnetic stripe reader.
Advantages Disadvantages
Entering data is fast, you just swipe the card The magnetic stripe on cards can only hold a
through the machine. small amount of data.
No possibly of data entry errors as there is no The cards need to be in contact with the
typing involved. reader in order to be used.
The stripes on cards are not affected by water If the stripe does get damaged then the data
and are so quite robust. is lost.
Data held on the card cannot be read by eye Magnetic stripes on cards can easily be
so the bank details are safe. duplicated.
These allow people to pay for goods and services electronically at EFTPOS terminals
(electronic funds transfer point of sale). The chip and pin reader works by inserting a debit or
credit card into a slot and then entering a PIN. If the correct PIN is entered, the cost of goods or
services will be taken from the card holder’s bank and transferred to the companies.
Advantages Disadvantages
More secure than magnetic stripe readers as It is possible to forget your PIN which means
the user needs to know the correct PIN. you cannot make payments with your card.
Information contained on the chip is harder to People can look over your shoulder as you
clone than it is to copy magnetic stripes. Chip enter your PIN. This makes it possible to
can hold more data than the magnetic stripes access your money if they ever stole your
can. card.
3. Barcode Scanner
It is used to read information that is stored in the product’s barcodes. The barcode scanner
reads the information stored on the barcode using a visible red light which is reflected and
translated into a digital format. The barcode present on the products holds the information about
each product including the product ID number, manufacturer and country of origin. Once the
barcode has been scanned, a computer can read the information stored on the barcode and
access details about the product that are stored in a database. Barcode scanners are usually
built into POS terminals in supermarkets.
Handheld scanners are commonly used to read bar codes (usually if items are too large and
heavy to move).
Advantages Disadvantages
Quick and easy to change product prices. Quite an expensive way to gather information.
Each item needs a barcode and the scanners
Only the price data in the database needs to / computer technology / database needed is
updated. There is no need to change also expensive.
individual prices of each the item’s barcode.
Quick and easy way of getting information Bar codes can be swapped on items which
into a system. means people may pay less for more
expensive items.
Very accurate as there is no manual typing Rely on undamaged bar codes in order to
involved. function.
Contents are lost when computer is turned Contents are not lost when the computer is
off. Stores data and programs currently in turned off. Stores instructions that tell the
use. computer how to start up.
It stands for Read Only Memory. Data can be It stands for Random Access Memory.
modified to a limited number of times.
Differences between GUI (Graphical user interface) and CLI (Command Line Interface)
GUI's are visual (graphical) interfaces and A command line interface is an older style
they are more popular than CLI's because operating system where users type in
they are very easy to use. The graphics do commands using keyboard.
need more computer power however.
Instead of typing in commands, the user can Command Line Interface's do not make use
use a mouse to point and click objects on the of images, icons or graphics. All the user is
screen. sees is a plain black screen like the one to
the right.
There are two main components of any computer system, such as the typical system : the
hardware and software. Computer hardware consists of the physical parts of a computer
system, that parts are tangible.
This includes the computer case, screen, keyboard, mouse, printer, pen drive, and also all the
parts inside the computer case, for example components such as the hard disk drive,
motherboard or video card. There are many different types of hardware components, even
inside a mobile phone. Just because it is inside and we cannot touch it, this does not mean that
it is software.
Personal computers are usually found in home. They are designed to be used by one person at
a time and performs task such as school work, gaming, household accounts, internet access
and mailings.
Personal computers are made up input devices, output devices and storage devices all held
together within a base unit which houses all the hardware components that make the PC work.
Cheaper to buy due to components being They need a constant power supply as they
easier to make. do not use batteries.
The keyboard is easier to use as it is larger Need to copy file onto portable storage or
than the laptop keyboard. send via mail if you need to work in a different
1. Gutter margin: A typographical term meaning an addition to the margins on the inside
of two facing pages of a book. It compensates for the part of the paper made unusable
by the binding process.
2. Widow/orphan : A term used for lines at the beginning or end of paragraph, which are
split between the top and bottom of a page column, separated from the rest of the