Question: What Are The Hooks To Be Used in The Introduction, Body and Conclusion?

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Publish speaking Week 4

Name: Phan Ngọc Diễm – Student’s code: B1908962

Question: What are the hooks to be used in the introduction,

body and conclusion?

In the introduction of presentation, we usually use hooks to grab the audience’s

attention, which can be one word, one sentence, a quote, an outrageous
declaration or a short story. Besides that, we also need to hook ‘em and hold
‘em at the beginning. Furthermore, our hook can be a bit of theatrics, a question
a shocking statement or whatever we want it to be – as long as it is memorable.

In the body, we will use hook by giving the audience a good story about our
topic. There are many types of stories we can tell. Apart from entertaining
stories, there are four main categories: The ‘Who am I?’ story; The Inspirational
story; The Leader Story; The Organizational Story. Besides that, we can use
proverbs, analogies and metaphors to make the hooks in the body’s

In conclusion, we can use the “dinner party ending” to signal our intention long
before we do as hook in our presentation. Besides that, when we make the
“dinner party ending”, we can be conversational and natural before the
audience. Signal our intention to wrap up a few minutes before we actually do
will make the audience more prepared and more alert for our final words.


Section Jot down your ideas

Topic Is failure a chance to success?
Try to think of a snappy headline
Audience 1 professor and 44 audiences
How many and who are they?
Publish speaking Week 4

Time of Day 9:50 AM

Specific time
Controlling Idea I firmly support failure as an opportunity to
One sentence that’your focus/premise. succeed.
Hook Narrate a story about famous successful people
Ideas on how to grab the audience who have experienced failure.
What’s in it for them? - Encourage the audience no longer to fear failure
What are the benefits for the audience. - Assist the audience to realize that failure is the
impulse behind our success
- Reveal the audience ways to support themselves
overcome failure approximately.
Why me? I experienced setbacks during my high school
What are your credentials for speaking years and that's what motivated me to achieve my
on this topic. goals. Besides, I also learned about this topic in
the curriculum of the book Q Skills for success
listening and speaking 3 (second edition).
Context How many people have become discouraged, give
Jot down the need to know information. up, even seek death after failure.
Content 1. How do people usually sense after failure
2 or 3 subjetc areas – your facts, ideas 2. how people become more energetic after having
& arguments. experienced failure
3. how to utilize failure as a compelling motivator
for success.
Conclusion My own story proves even more that what I say is
Jot down the point (s) you want to make possible, I can do it, and you can too.
at the end.

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