Question: What Are The Hooks To Be Used in The Introduction, Body and Conclusion?
Question: What Are The Hooks To Be Used in The Introduction, Body and Conclusion?
Question: What Are The Hooks To Be Used in The Introduction, Body and Conclusion?
In the body, we will use hook by giving the audience a good story about our
topic. There are many types of stories we can tell. Apart from entertaining
stories, there are four main categories: The ‘Who am I?’ story; The Inspirational
story; The Leader Story; The Organizational Story. Besides that, we can use
proverbs, analogies and metaphors to make the hooks in the body’s
In conclusion, we can use the “dinner party ending” to signal our intention long
before we do as hook in our presentation. Besides that, when we make the
“dinner party ending”, we can be conversational and natural before the
audience. Signal our intention to wrap up a few minutes before we actually do
will make the audience more prepared and more alert for our final words.