Letter of Reprimand
Letter of Reprimand
Letter of Reprimand
Natalie Cline
USBE Board Member
[email protected]
The Board’s Bylaws allow Board leadership to reprimand a member of the Utah State
Board of Education for “conduct which tends to injure the good name of the Board.” Bylaws,
Article IV(12). We take this authority to reprimand a Board member seriously and are unaware
of any such action being previously taken against a Board member until now.
Since being sworn in as a Board member approximately eight months ago, you have
engendered controversy, frustration, and anger toward the Board, certain schools, certain
educators, and certain student populations with statements you have posted on your social media
regarding our LGBTQIA+ community. This happened again yesterday when you posted a
picture of a slide depicting the LGBTQIA+ flag (which welcomed these students to seminary).
You identified the location of this image (Layton High) and stated, “The world is too much with
us.” Your rhetoric incited hate speech, as evidenced by the response from Gregory Smith: “Time
to get out our muskets.” Superintendent Newey and his staff at Davis School District were so
concerned at your post and those who commented on it that they hired additional security to
patrol campus today to discourage potential violence. This happened because of your post.
This is not the first time your social media posts have incited threats toward educators
and students. Nor is it the first time your comments have caused LEA administrators, educators,
and parents to criticize the Board.
The message suggested in your controversial posts, including this most recent one about
Layton High, is contrary to the Board’s previously stated position. For example, in the Board’s
Resolution 2021-01, Denouncing Racism and Embracing Equity in Utah Schools, the Board
called on people everywhere – including all of us Board members – to “abandon attitudes of
prejudice against any group, to take action to create and maintain an environment of dignity and
respect for all, and to strive for understanding.” The Board also stated in this resolution that
schools “should be a place where all students feel safe,” that “education should create hope and
inclusion,” and that the Board’s activities and policies “shall promote unity and civility among
diverse groups.”
250 East 500 South P.O. Box 144200 Salt Lake City, UT 84114-4200 Phone: (801) 538-7500
Instead, your divisive rhetoric has repeatedly marginalized the LGBTQIA+ community –
students, faculty, and parents. Instead of sending messages of dignity, respect, safety, hope and
inclusion regarding a marginalized community, your social media posts convey an attitude of
prejudice, exclusion, and scorn for a population of students that suffers disproportionally with
incidents of bullying, depression, and suicide.
Besides injuring our LGBTQIA+ community, your social media posts have also brought
injury upon the Board. That is why we have taken this unprecedent action of sending you a letter
of reprimand. We hope that in the future you would be more circumspect and mindful of all of
Utah’s students when posting about sensitive issues.
Chair Mark Huntsman Vice Chair Laura Belnap Vice Chair Cindy Davis
250 East 500 South P.O. Box 144200 Salt Lake City, UT 84114-4200 Phone: (801) 538-7500