Materials 13 04110
Materials 13 04110
Materials 13 04110
Comparison of Tensile Properties of Glass Fibre
Reinforced Polymer Rebars by Testing According
to Various Standards
Agnieszka Wiater * and Tomasz Siwowski
Department of Roads & Bridges, Rzeszow University of Technology, Al. Powstancow Warszawy 12,
PL–35959 Rzeszow, Poland; [email protected]
* Correspondence: [email protected]
Received: 21 August 2020; Accepted: 14 September 2020; Published: 16 September 2020
Abstract: The widespread use of glass fibre reinforced polymer (GFRP) bars in reinforced concrete
(RC) elements has yet been limited due to the anisotropic and non-homogeneous material behaviour
of GFRP. The material characteristics of GFRP bars from different manufacturers vary as a function of
several factors. Several standards have developed various procedures to investigate the mechanical
characteristics of GFRP bars, but universal methods to test different types and diameters of GFRP bars
in tension have not been fully developed. Due to the lack of such a standardized test procedure, there
are some doubts and gaps in terms of the behaviour of GFRP bars in tension, which has led to lack of
reliable information on their tensile properties. The determination of tensile characteristics of GFRP
bars, including the tensile strength, modulus of elasticity, and ultimate strain, according to various test
standards, is the main subject of the paper. This paper reports test results for tensile characterization
obtained on four types of GFRP bars from four manufacturers with six various diameters. Moreover,
the study compares various test procedures according to seven standards to characterize the tensile
properties of GFRP bars, to examine the proposed test procedures, and to reveal main differences.
1. Introduction
Glass fibre reinforced polymer (GFRP) reinforcement has emerged as an attractive alternative
of steel rebars due to the higher ultimate tensile strength to weight ratio, resistance to corrosion and
chemical attack, electromagnetic neutrality, and long-term strength and durability of GFRP bars in
harsh and corrosive environments [1–4]. GFRP bars are mainly used in the construction or rehabilitation
of bridges [5–11]. Enormous potential exists for applications in multi-story buildings, parking garages,
and industrial structures. In these scenarios, GFRP could replace the steel bars in concrete susceptible
to corrosion.
However, the widespread use of GFRP bars in reinforced concrete (RC) elements has been limited
due to the anisotropic and non-homogeneous material behaviour of GFRP. Material characteristics of
GFRP bars from different manufacturers vary as a function of several factors, including the type and
proportions of fibre and resin and the quality control of the final products. Moreover, the difference
in geometric dimensions and reinforcement ratio over the cross-section of the bars entails different
resistance to applied loads. GFRP rebars may also differ in both raw components and surface texture
(projection), which governs their mechanical behaviour. These factors might constitute an effective
parameter in the diversity of the reported values for the strength and modulus of elasticity of GFRP bars.
There have been multiple studies on the characterization of GFRP bars in tension [12–19].
Given the fact that GFRP reinforcing bars cannot resist the required lateral confining pressure from
mechanical grips during the material tests, the test method for GFRP bars needs to be different from the
conventional steel bars. Several standards and codes have developed various procedures to investigate
the mechanical characteristics of GFRP bars [20–27]. Despite numerous studies, universal methods to
test different types and diameters of GFRP bars in tension have not been fully developed. Existing
test standards differentiate the determination of bar diameter and tensile properties as well as test
requirements and procedures. However, GFRP bars should be tested using a universal method so that
the various products on the market could be examined similarly. The knowledge of these characteristics
assists the analysis and design of structural concrete members reinforced with GFRP bars which are
under flexure and tension.
The determination of tensile characteristics of GFRP bars, including the tensile strength, modulus
of elasticity, and ultimate strain, according to various test standards, is the main subject of the current
paper. This paper reports test results for tensile characterization obtained on four types of GFRP
bars from four manufacturers, with six various diameters and two manufacturing factors. At least
three specimens of each type/diameter/factor were tested to yield a statistically valid mean and
distribution of tensile strength. 55 bar specimens were investigated. The data obtained through the
tensile tests were analysed using a statistical data analysis software program, Matlab. Moreover,
an investigation of load–strain behaviour and failure modes, and their correlation to the tensile
characteristics are discussed.
2. Research Significance
There is a fast-growing number of GFRP bars used in construction, and many variables determine
the material characteristics of these products. Because of this, a comprehensive investigation of the most
recent GFRP reinforcing bars was believed to be an essential step toward designing GFRP reinforced
concrete structures, demonstrating satisfactory performance. Various mechanical characteristics have
been reported for GFRP bars in tension by researchers using different test procedures. Due to the lack of
such a standardized test procedure, there are some doubts and gaps in terms of the behaviour of GFRP
bars in tension which led to a lack of reliable information on their tensile properties, i.e., tensile strength,
modulus of elasticity, and ultimate strain. Moreover, the notable scatter in the gathered results occurred
because of the various bars’ diameters, types of resin used in manufacturing, as well as fibre volume
content of the tested FRP bars. Therefore, this study compares various test procedures according to
standards [20–27] to characterize the tensile behaviour of GFRP bars and presents an experimental
study to examine the proposed test procedures and reveal the main differences. The influence of bar
type (manufacturer), diameter, and some manufacturing factors on the tensile characteristics of tested
GFRP bars is also presented in the paper. Because of the significant differences in tensile properties
revealed in this research, the necessity of test standards unification is realized.
coating, whilesurface
have a ribbed D bars have
that isa cut
intosurface that is bars.
the hardened cut into the last
In the hardened bars.
case, the ribsIndo
the last
not case,
take theinribs
part the
do not take
transfer part in load.
of tension the transfer of tension load.
Figure 1. Types
Types of tested GFRP bars. (A)
(A) AlbaKompozit;
AlbaKompozit; (B) ComRebars; (C) Pultrall; (D) Schoeck.
and effective diameter, respectively. It is worth noting that smaller deviations are obtained for core
diameter measurement.
Core Diameter Core Area Effective Diameter Effective Bar Area Diameter Difference Area Difference
[mm] [mm2 ] [mm] [mm2 ] [%] [%]
A–D8a 6.41 ± 0.26 32.27 6.71 ± 0.11 35.36 4.47 8.74
A–D8b 7.20 ± 0.35 40.72 n/a n/a n/a n/a
A–D10 8.24 ± 0.06 53.33 8.64 ± 0.05 58.63 4.63 9.04
A–D12 9.88 ± 0.04 76.67 10.13 ± 0.02 80.60 2.47 4.88
B–D5a 5.06 ± 0.05 20.11 5.32 ± 0.05 22.23 4.89 9.54
B–D5b 5.01 ± 0.18 19.71 5.21 ± 0.03 21.32 3.84 7.55
B–D5c 4.94 ± 0.20 19.17 5.04 ± 0.04 19.95 1.98 3.91
B–D6 6.05 ± 0.11 28.75 6.20 ± 0.03 30.19 2.42 4.77
B–D8 7.80 ± 0.06 47.78 8.07 ± 0.04 51.15 3.35 6.59
B–D11 9.81 ± 0.44 75.58 9.99 ± 0.07 78.38 1.80 3.57
C–D12 12.20 ± 0.05 116.90 12.90 ± 0.06 130.70 5.43 10.56
D–D12 12.14 ± 0.05 115.75 13.08 ± 0.09 134.37 7.19 13.86
In this research, the ends of GFRP bar specimens were embedded into steel tubes filled with
expansive cement grout. The PCV cups with a concentric through–hole of appropriate diameter were
used for plugging steel tubes and centring a bar inside the tube (Figure 2). This facilitated gripping of
the bar specimens and prevented the premature failure of bars at steel jaws of the testing machine.
Materials 2020, 13, 4110 5 of 23
The length between anchorages was taken as follows: 380 mm for diameters 5mm and 6 mm, 400 mm
for diameter 8 mm and 10 mm and 480 mm for 12 mm diameter. Thus, the requirements of all
Materials 2020,standards were
13, x FOR PEER met.
REVIEW 6 of 23
Figure 2. Exemplary GFRP bar gripped in the testing machine (left) and anchorages of bars (right).
Figure 2. Exemplary GFRP bar gripped in the testing machine (left) and anchorages of bars (right).
3.4. Test Procedure
4. Test Results
Specimens shall be instrumented with longitudinal strain gauges or extensometers to measure
4.1. Load-Strain of
the elongation the test piece under loading. The gauge length of the extensometer shall be met
requirements according to the appropriate standard presented in Table 3. Most of the standards required
a gauge observed
not tensile
less thanLoad-strain
eight timesbehaviour
the nominalof tested GFRP
diameter barstested
of the is presented
bar. Theinextensometer
Figures 3–5. shall
was to be expected that all specimens showed linear behaviour up to failure. Moreover,
be placed at in the centre of the test section. In this research gauge length of an extensometer was all specimens
in particular
100 mm and met series
thefailed at similar
requirements loadinlevel,
listed Tablebut
3. sometimes at the different ultimate strain. The
The tensile load shall be applied at a constant ratefor
relative scatter of ultimate strains is observed all A
until type
the specimens
failure and B typeMost
of the specimen. specimens
of the
with 5 mm and 6 mm diameters. It could show the worst manufacturing quality (in
standards [21,23–26] recommend a constant strain rate and determines the duration of the experiment. terms of tensile
properties homogeneity)
Other standards for A and
[22,27] propose the Bconstant
stress rate. Thelatter is only
detailed concerned with
requirements of thebars with the
standards in
smallest diameters (5 mm and 6 mm). However, since the perfect parallelism in the load–strain curves
terms of test duration and speed are presented in Table 3. In this research, bars were loaded at the
is observed for almost all specimens, the modulus of elasticity seems to be constant, with no
constant strain rate 4 mm/min regardless of bar diameter. This resulted in the fact that specimens failed
considerable scatter for all bar types or diameters. Some linearity disturbance observed at an early
after 3–7 min of loading.
stage of the test for A series of specimens is due to an initial adjustment of the extensometer.
All tensile tests were carried out using a 1200 kN—capacity universal testing machine with video
non-contacting extensometer (Figure 2). The tests of bars within each group were run consecutively
but in random order. Since all bars in a group were tested within a short time (1 h), it was assumed that
the test conditions within a group were similar. Also, for each group, a single batch of cementitious
grout for gripping was prepared, thus eliminating any variation due to grout differences among the
bars within each group. These measures reduced resultant variations due to changes in test conditions
over time.
4. Test Results
4. Test Resultsscatter for all bar types or diameters. Some linearity disturbance observed at an early
stage of the test for A series of specimens is due to an initial adjustment of the extensometer.
4.1. Load-Strain Behaviour
4.2. Failure Modes
The observed tensile Load-strain behaviour of tested GFRP bars is presented in Figures 3–5. This
was to All
expected thatfailed
specimens asshowed
expected. Thebehaviour
linear observed tensile failure Moreover,
up to failure. mode of a representative
all specimens
specimen of each type of tested GFRP bars are shown in Figure 6. All the
in particular series failed at similar load level, but sometimes at the different ultimate failures started with splitting
strain. The
(fibres delamination)
greatest relative scatterandof ended
ultimatewith rupture
strains of the barfor
is observed due
Atensile rupture ofand
type specimens fibres. Every
B type bar split
into different
with 5 mm andnumbers and sizes Itofcould
6 mm diameters. pieces.
showIt can
thebe noted
worst that the A and
manufacturing B types
quality (inofterms
bars of
less extensive
properties mode of failure.
homogeneity) ThisB might
for A and be related to the
manufacturers—the type
latter is of
onlysurface treatment.
concerned The with
with bars A and theB
type bars
smallest had continuous
diameters (5 mm and spiral ribbing
6 mm). made since
However, of fibres wounded
the perfect around in
parallelism thethe
bars which hold
load–strain the
longitudinal fibres and prevent spreading out. On the other hand, the C and
is observed for almost all specimens, the modulus of elasticity seems to be constant, with no D types indicated higher
tensile strength
considerable and modulus
scatter for all baroftypes
elasticity than A and
or diameters. B types
Some what also
linearity might beobserved
disturbance related toatthe
stage bars.
forthe failures
A series of occurred
specimens within
is duetheto test section.
an initial This shows
adjustment thatextensometer.
of the the selected gripping
method was sufficient to prevent uncontrolled slippage of bars.
Figure 3. Load-strain curves for A series of tested bars. (A-D8a) type A, 8 mm, batch “a”; (A-D8b) type
A, 8 mm, batch “b”; (A-D10) type A, 10 mm; (A-D12) type A, 12 mm.
Materials 2020, 13, x FOR PEER REVIEW 7 of 23
Figure 3. Load-strain curves for A series of tested bars. (A-D8a) type A, 8 mm, batch “a”; (A-D8b)
Materials 2020, 13, 4110 7 of 23
type A, 8 mm, batch “b”; (A-D10) type A, 10 mm; (A-D12) type A, 12 mm.
Figure 4. Load-strain curves for B series of tested bars. (B-D5a) type B, 5 mm, modification “a”;
(B-D5b) type B, 5 mm, modification “b”; (B-D5c) type B, 5 mm, modification “c”; (B-D6) type B, 6 mm;8 of 23
Materials 2020, 13, x FOR PEER REVIEW
(B-D8) type B, 8 mm; (B-D11) type B, 11 mm.
Figure 4. Load-strain curves for B series of tested bars. (B-D5a) type B, 5 mm, modification “a”; (B-
D5b) type B, 5 mm, modification “b”; (B-D5c) type B, 5 mm, modification “c”; (B-D6) type B, 6 mm;
(B-D8) type B, 8 mm; (B-D11) type B, 11 mm.
Figure 5. Load-strain curves for C and D series of tested bars. (C-D12) type B, 12 mm; (D-D12)
type D,5.12Load-strain
mm. curves for C and D series of tested bars. (C-D12) type B, 12 mm; (D-D12) type
D, 12 mm.
Figure 6.
Figure 6. Typical
Typical failure
modes of
of tested
tested GFRP
GFRP bars.
bars. (A)
(A) AlbaKompozit;
AlbaKompozit; (B) ComRebars; (C) Pultrall;
(D) Schoeck.
4.3. Tensile
Tensile Strength
dimensionsof ofthe
due toto shear
shear lag
lag effect
effect and
shouldbebereferenced based
referenced onon
based thethe
size. In In
size. case of of
case allall
standards[21–27], in
order to determine the tensile strength, the highest recorded load shall be divided by the cross-sectional
area according to Equation (1):
fu = [MPa] (1)
where Fu is the maximum tensile force (N) and A the cross–sectional area (mm2 ).
However, the cross-sectional area of each bar depends on the bar diameter, which is determined
as “core” and “effective” one (Table 2). In Figure 7, the results of individual tests and the average
value of tensile strength for each series based on core and effective diameters are plotted. For core
diameters, the determined values are in the range of 1031 MPa–1415 MPa. The highest tensile strength
was obtained for C–D12 series while the lowest value was obtained for B–D5c series of tested bars.
Test results indicate that types A, C and D exhibited similar results while type B is shown to have a
mean tensile strength significantly different from the other three. This difference might be related to
the volume fraction of fibres, which is the least for B type bars. Moreover, the series C and D indicate
the tensile strength over 1200 MPa. This is due to the higher fibre content in comparison of A and B
series. The slight influence of bar diameter on tensile strength is also observed. The strength for 10-
and 12-mm bars are higher in comparison to the ones with a smaller diameter. This is observed for A,
C and D types, while the B type bars are more homogeneous in terms of tensile strength despite the
bar diameter. The method of measuring the diameter affects the tensile strength values, which are
proportionally smaller for effective diameter. Since only standard [24] prescribes measurement of the
core diameter with a micrometer, the tensile strength determined according to this standard is about
4%–16% higher depending on bar type and diameter (Table 4).
generally less than 4%. Such a high variability for both B series could mean that the average strength
in these cases would not provide a reliable estimate of the true mean strength. However, the lowest
coefficient of variation was obtained for B–D5b series (0.95%), which can indicate the influence of
manufacturing factors on tensile strength variability. The method of measuring the diameter does
Materials 13, variability
not affect 4110 of the tensile strength values. 9 of 23
Figure strengthofoftested
Table 4. Tensile strength based on core (a) and effective (b) diameters.
Table 4. Tensile strength based on core (a) and effective (b) diameters
Tensile Strength
Tensile Strength
Series Number
Number of Tests AVG [MPa] SD [MPa] CV
of Tests [MPa] [MPa] [%]
(a) (b) (a)/(b) (a) (b) (a) (b)
(a) (b) (a)/(b) (a) (b) (a) (b)
A–D8a 7 1164.04 1062.28 9.58% 28.55 26.05 2.45 2.45
A–D8b 7 5 1164.04 1062.28 n.a.
1175.06 9.58% n.a. 28.5511.46 26.05 n.a. 2.45
0.98 2.45
A–D10 5 1320.30 1200.89 9.94% 50.30 45.75 3.81 3.81
A–D12 5 1243.11 1182.51 5.12% 44.93 42.74 3.61 3.61
B–D5a 3 1124.44 1017.52 10.51% 94.77 85.87 8.44 8.44
B–D5b 3 1183.98 1094.82 8.14% 11.28 10.44 0.95 0.95
B–D5c 3 1031.00 990.50 4.09% 29.98 28.80 2.91 2.91
B–D6 3 1193.44 1136.07 5.05% 12.31 11.64 1.02 1.02
B–D8 7 1189.58 1111.31 7.04% 23.94 22.37 2.01 2.01
B–D11 3 1136.30 1095.72 3.70% 60.71 58.54 5.34 5.34
C–D12 3 1415.99 1266.49 11.80% 33.13 29.63 2.34 2.34
D–D12 3 1227.41 1057.33 16.09% 35.13 30.26 2.86 2.86
Statistical data analysis of tensile strength test results is reported in Table 4. The coefficient of
variation is highest for B–D5a (8.5%) and B–D11 (5.35%) series, while for the rest series its value is
generally less than 4%. Such a high variability for both B series could mean that the average strength
in these cases would not provide a reliable estimate of the true mean strength. However, the lowest
coefficient of variation was obtained for B–D5b series (0.95%), which can indicate the influence of
manufacturing factors on tensile strength variability. The method of measuring the diameter does not
affect the variability of the tensile strength values.
E = [MPa] (2)
where ∆σ denotes the difference in applied tensile stress between the starting and ending points (MPa)
and ∆ε the difference in tensile strain between the starting and ending points.
Materials 2020, 13, 4110 10 of 23
The start and end points of the load–strain curve chosen to modulus calculation depend
on the standards used. Some standards specify strain interval [16,19] and others specify stress
levels [22,23,25–27], which shall be used to modulus calculation. The detailed specifications of the
standards are presented in Table 5.
The calculation of modulus of elasticity was made according to all presented standards. If data for
the exact stress/strain point were not available, the closest available data were applied. In Figure 8a–e
the results of individual tests and average values for each series are plotted. A statistical data analysis
(mean value (AVG), standard deviation (SD) and coefficient of variation (CV)) of test results is reported
for each series in Table 6 as calculated according to all standards.
The average modulus of elasticity ranges from 41 to 68 GPa when based on core diameter and
from 38 to 61 GPa when based on effective diameter (i.e., 11% less). The lowest values of moduli
were obtained for A–D8a and B–D5a series and the highest value for C–D12 series, regardless of the
standard used for determination. Modulus of elasticity is affected by the level of fibre content [12].
The higher values of modulus of elasticity (above 60 GPa) were obtained for the C and D series when
compared to A and B series due to the higher fibre content. The slight influence of bar diameter on the
modulus of elasticity is observed in A series only. The modulus increases with diameter. However,
this relationship is not observed in the B series. The method of measuring the diameter affects the
modulus of elasticity values, which are proportionally smaller for effective diameter. The same as for
the tensile strength, the modulus of elasticity determined according to standard [24] is about 1%–18%
higher depending on bar type and diameter (Table 6). The highest values are obtained for bars with
the greatest diameter and according to standard [27].
Statistical data analysis of modulus of elasticity test results is reported in Table 6. The 3–4 times
greater scatter of moduli values was observed for determination based on standards [21,24]. In these
cases, the coefficients of variation were in the range of 4%–31% and 2%–24% for both standards,
respectively. The greatest values were obtained mainly for A series. Such a high variability for A
series could mean that the average modulus of elasticity in these series would not provide a reliable
estimate of the true mean modulus. However, these both standards specify strain interval for modulus
calculation at a very early stage of the test; the end point is required for a strain of 0.003 and 0.005,
respectively. The greater coefficient of variation in case of standards [21,24] is due to extensometer
adjustment and linearity disorder observed at the early stage of the tensile test. The test reveals that
calculation of modulus of elasticity based on measurement in the range of 20%–60% of the ultimate
load seems to be the more reliable method because, in this case, a much smaller scatter of modulus was
obtained. According to standards based on this assumption the coefficient of variation is highest for
A-D8a (7.02%) and A-D12 (6.83%) series, while for the remaining series, its value is generally less than
4%. The lowest coefficient of variation was obtained for B-D8 series (1.29%). The method of measuring
the diameter does not affect the variability of the modulus of elasticity values.
Materials 2020,
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2020, 4110
11 of of 23
Figure 8. Cont.
Materials 2020,
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12 of of 23
Figure Modulus
8. 8.
Figure Modulusofofelasticity
obtained according to standard
according to standard(a)(a)ASTM
D7205;(b)(b) CAN/CSA
(c) (c)
206; GOST31938,
EN 17129;
17129; (e) JSCE-E 531
(e) JSCE-E 531[21,22,23,24,25,26,27].
The analysis
The averageofmodulus
test results carried out
of elasticity in this
ranges from study
41 toreveals
68 GPathewhenhigh dependence
based of modulus
on core diameter and of
from 38on to the testwhen
61 GPa standard used
based to determine
on effective its value.
diameter Two
(i.e., 11% main
less). Therequirements
lowest valueswhich distinguish
of moduli were
these standards
obtained are: primarily,
for A–D8a and B–D5a the location
series andof the
and end points
value forofC–D12
the load–strain curve taken
series, regardless into
of the
standard used for determination. Modulus of elasticity is affected by the level of fibre content [12]. or
in the modulus calculation and, secondly, the method of bar diameter determination (core
The higher
effective), whichvalues
is used for ∆σ calculation.
of modulus of elasticity (above 60 GPa)
To realize were obtained
the reader how wide forscatter
the C and D seriesvalues
of moduli when is,
in compared
Figures 9–11,to Athe
and B seriesvalues
average due toof the higher fibre
modulus content. The
are presented forslight influence
all tested of depending
series, bar diameterononthe
the modulus
standard used for of moduli
elasticity is observed in A series only. The modulus increases with diameter.
However, this relationship is not observed in the B series. The method of measuring the diameter
affects the modulus of elasticity values, which are proportionally smaller for effective diameter. The
same as for the tensile strength, the modulus of elasticity determined according to standard [24] is
about 1%–18% higher depending on bar type and diameter (Table 6). The highest values are obtained
for bars with the greatest diameter and according to standard [27].
Materials 2020, 13, 4110 13 of 23
Table 6. Modulus of elasticity based on core (a) and effective (b) diameter determined according to
various standards.
fu Fu
εu = = [−] (3)
where Fu denotes the maximum tensile force (N), A is cross-sectional area (mm2 ), and E is modulus of
elasticity (MPa).
elasticity on the test standard used to determine its value. Two main requirements which distinguish
these standards are: primarily, the location of start and end points of the load–strain curve taken into
account in the modulus calculation and, secondly, the method of bar diameter determination (core
or effective), which is used for ∆𝜎 calculation. To realize the reader how wide scatter of moduli
values is, in Figures 9–11, the average values of modulus are presented for all tested series, depending
Materials 2020, 13, 4110 14 of 23
on the standard used for moduli determination.
Figure Modulusof
12 mm.
12 mm.
Method II is also acceptable by most of the standards [22,23,25–27]. In the case of this method, the
modulus of elasticity determined according to standard [22] was taken into consideration, because this
standard allows using both methods for determining the ultimate strain.
In Figure 12, the results of individual tests and the average value of ultimate strain for each series
obtained with both methods are plotted. The average value of ultimate strain ranges from 2.03 to 2.46
for Method I and from 1.97 to 2.52 for Method II. In the case of both methods, the lowest value of
ultimate strain was obtained for B-D5c series and the highest value was obtained for A-D8a series.
It should be noted that, for B-D5c series, the lowest tensile strength was obtained as well. The influence
of fibre content and bar diameter on ultimate strain was not observed. The method of ultimate strain
determination has a slight effect on its average value. This effect can be measured in the percentage
difference estimated in the range from −4.63% to 3.04% (Table 7).
Materials 2020, 13, 4110 15 of 23
Materials 2020, 13, x FOR PEER REVIEW 15 of 23
Figure 10. Modulus of elasticity of B series’ bars determined according to different standards. (B-D5a)
Figure 10. Modulus of elasticity of B series’ bars determined according to different standards. (B-
type B, 5 mm, modification “a”; (B-D5b) type B, 5 mm, modification “b”; (B-D5c) type B, 5 mm,
D5a) type B, 5 mm, modification “a”; (B-D5b) type B, 5 mm, modification “b”; (B-D5c) type B, 5 mm,
modification “c”; (B-D6) type B, 6 mm; (B-D8) type B, 8 mm; (B-D11) type B, 11 mm.
modification “c”; (B-D6) type B, 6 mm; (B-D8) type B, 8 mm; (B-D11) type B, 11 mm.
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x FOR PEER REVIEW 1616ofof2323
Figure 11. Modulus of elasticity of C and D series’ bars determined according to different standards.
Materials 11.xModulus
2020, 13, FOR PEERof elasticity of C and D series’ bars determined according to different standards.
REVIEW 17 of 23
(C-D12) type C, 12 mm; (D-D12) type D, 12 mm.
(C-D12) type C, 12 mm; (D-D12) type D, 12 mm.
5. Discussion
Ultimate Strain
Series Number of Tests Method I Method II
[%] [%] [%] [%] [%] [%] [%]
A–D8a 7 2.46 0.41 16.54 2.52 0.16 6.41 –2.38
A–D8b 5 2.37 0.20 8.31 2.42 0.06 2.37 –2.07
A–D10 5 2.32 0.21 9.16 2.32 0.14 6.32 0.00
A–D12 5 2.28 0.15 6.68 2.22 0.09 3.89 2.70
B–D5a 3 2.37 0.21 8.67 2.30 0.14 6.02 3.04
B–D5b 3 2.38 0.07 2.94 2.34 0.07 3.02 1.71
B–D5c 3 2.03 0.06 3.17 1.97 0.07 3.64 3.05
B–D6 3 2.32 * 0.17 * 7.31 2.39 0.07 2.97 –2.93
B–D8 7 2.30 0.07 3.11 2.26 0.05 2.24 1.77
B–D11 3 2.14 0.07 3.06 2.19 0.09 3.97 –2.28
C–D12 3 2.23 0.02 0.93 2.18 0.03 1.50 2.29
D–D12 3 2.06 0.02 0.84 2.16 0.11 4.98 –4.63
* only two specimens were considered in analysis due to extensometer fault.
5. Discussion
As far as the tensile strength and modulus of elasticity are concerned, the highest values for both
were determined for C type bars, while the lowest for B type bars. The difference between these two
types of bars for both parameters is about 20%. It is mainly due to fibre content; lowest for B series,
much greater for C series (Table 1). However, the case of D type bars, with the highest fibre content but
medium tensile properties, indicates that not only this feature is decisive. The tensile properties of A
and D type bars were at a similar level. The greatest scatter of tensile strength was obtained for B type
(>5%) and modulus for A series (>7%). The average ultimate strain was at a similar level for all types;
the biggest difference was only 2.7%. For this property, the greatest scatter was obtained for D type
but medium tensile properties, indicates that not only this feature is decisive. The tensile properties
of A and D type bars were at a similar level. The greatest scatter of tensile strength was obtained for
B type (>5%) and modulus for A series (>7%). The average ultimate strain was at a similar level for
all types; the biggest difference was only 2.7%. For this property, the greatest scatter was obtained for
D type (>5%).
Materials 2020, 13, 4110 18 of 23
Figure 14. Influence of bar diameter on modulus of elasticity of A and B bar types.
Figure 14. Influence of bar diameter on modulus of elasticity of A and B bar types.
Materials 2020, 13, 4110 14. Influence of bar diameter on modulus of elasticity of A and B bar types.
Figure 19 of 23
Figure 15. Influence of bar diameter on the ultimate strain of A and B bar types.
Figure 15. Influence of bar diameter on the ultimate strain of A and B bar types.
No clear influence of bar diameter on the tensile properties of GFRP bare was determined in
the current
No clear research.
of barwere only on
diameter three
thediameters taken into
tensile properties consideration
of GFRP bare wasand it seemsin
determined tothe
not sufficient
current to evaluate
research. There were the objective
only three influence
diameters of bar diameter
taken on its tensileand
into consideration properties.
it seems Therefore
to be not
only slighttorelationships
sufficient evaluate the based on the
objective limitedofnumber
influence of testson
bar diameter can
itsbe discussed
tensile as follows.
properties. In case
Therefore onlyof
both type of bars, the increase of bar diameter up to 8 mm increased tensile strength
slight relationships based on the limited number of tests can be discussed as follows. In case of both and modulus of
type but further
of bars, increasing
the increase of barof diameter
diameter showed
up to 8 the
increased effect. However,
tensile theand
strength trend lines show
modulus of
elasticity, but further increasing of diameter showed the opposite effect. However, the trend linesa
the proportional increase of both tensile properties for A type and constant values for B type. This is
bit surprising
show because the
the proportional tensileofstrength
increase of GFRP
both tensile bars generally
properties for A type tends
reduce with
B type.
This [1–4].
is a bit This could
surprising be explained
because the tensile by strength
the fact that the stress
of GFRP barsdeveloped
generally at the fibres
tends located
to reduce near
with an
the surface is not fully transferred to the fibres located at the centre of the bar.
increasing diameter [1–4]. This could be explained by the fact that the stress developed at the fibres The opposite impact
of bar diameter
located near the on ultimate
surface strain
is not fully was observed;toultimate
transferred the fibresstrain decreases
located at thewith
of the bar.increase
and this reduction
opposite impact ofisbar much higher on
diameter for ultimate
A type than for was
strain B type of bars. Generally
observed; speaking,
ultimate strain takingwith
decreases into
consideration the slope of the trend lines, it can be noted that the tensile properties
diameter increase and this reduction is much higher for A type than for B type of bars. Generally seem to be more
sensitive totaking
speaking, bar size (diameter)
into for A type
consideration of barsofwhen
the slope compared
the trend lines,with B type
it can of bars.that
be noted Moreover, the
the tensile
latter seems to be fully insensitive (i.e., constant).
properties seem to be more sensitive to bar size (diameter) for A type of bars when compared with B
type of bars. Moreover, the latter seems to be fully insensitive (i.e., constant).
5.3. Influence of Manufacturing Factors on Tensile Properties
5.3. Influence of Manufacturing
The influence Factors on Tensile
of two manufacturing Properties
factors: modification of resin and uniformity of batch on
influencewas also investigated.
of two manufacturing Tofactors:
check ifmodification
the tensile properties
of resin remain invariableofregardless
and uniformity batch on
of a production batch, the A–D8a and A–D8b series were taken into account for the analysis,
tensile properties was also investigated. To check if the tensile properties remain invariable while
the series of B–D5a, B–D5b, and B–D5c were compared to determine the impact of resin modification.
The bars of B–D5a series were manufactured with the standard resin used by the company (reference
series), while the B–D5b and B–D5c series had the modified resin in search of better technological
parameters. The tensile properties of the above-mentioned series of bars are presented in Table 9.
Table 9. Comparison of tensile properties of bars produced with the different process.
The comparison of batch homogeneity for A type bars shows very good manufacturing quality.
The tensile strength of A-D8a and A-D8b series shows very good compliance with the difference of
less than 1%. The modulus of elasticity and ultimate strain of both series have also good agreement,
however, the difference in these cases is bigger, about 4%–5%. Therefore, it can be said that the tensile
properties of A type bars remain invariable between two manufacturing batches (means different
manufacturing time). However, attention should be paid to the fact the A-D8a series has more than
two times greater variability of test results.
The modification of resin for B type bars had no significant influence on tensile strength and
modulus of elasticity; the difference is in the range of 4%–9%. However, in the case of B-D5c series,
the modification caused a significant impact on the ultimate strain, resulted in a 17% reduction.
The resin modification had a positive influence on the homogeneity of test results. For all tensile
properties, the coefficient of variation for B-D5b and B-D5c series was smaller than for the reference
series even by nine times in the case of tensile strength.
to use extensometer up to the failure of the tested bar. Method II is also acceptable by most of the
standards [22,23,25–27], unfortunately not by the European one [24].
Summing up, the current research reveals that for determination of GFRP bars’ tensile properties
the following conditions should be taken into account: cross-sectional properties based on core
diameter, the start/end points at the Load-strain curve in the range from 20% to 60% of the ultimate
tensile load for modulus of elasticity determination, and Method II for ultimate strain determination.
However, it does not exist such a test standard, including all these conditions. Hence, the paper reveals
the main differences in test procedures according to various standards which can lead to adverse
differentiation of the tensile properties of the same GFRP bars.
Author Contributions: Conceptualization. A.W. and T.S.; Data curation. A.W.; Investigation. A.W.; Methodology.
A.W. and T.S.; Supervision. T.S.; Writing-original draft. A.W.; Writing-review and editing. T.S. All authors have
read and agreed to the published version of the manuscript.
Funding: The Polish Ministry of Science grant for maintenance and development of research capability.
Materials 2020, 13, 4110 22 of 23
Acknowledgments: The authors wish to acknowledge the following companies: ALBA Kompozit (Latvia);
ComRebars Sp. z o.o. (Poland) and Schöck Sp. z o.o. (Poland) for supplying GFRP rebars for testing.
Conflicts of Interest: The authors declare no conflict of interest.
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