Wingspan Length of Ateneo Undergraduate Students

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Wingspan Length of Ateneo Undergraduate Students

Bartolome, Achilles, Gamo, Juan Victor, Muñoz, Enrico, and Sanchez, Joseph Raymund
Bi 102 Biostatistics Group Exercise #1

Population. The population from which the sample

was taken is the entirety of all Ateneo undergraduate Table 3. Summary of descriptive statistics of
students, regardless of year level, course, or gender. wingspan length of female samples only.
Staff, faculty, graduate students, and non-Ateneo STATISTIC VALUE
undergraduate students were not included in the Mean 157.00
population. Median 156.00
Midrange 159.00
Sample. A sample of 50 Atenean students, comprising Mode 156
of exactly 25 males and 25 females, were purposely Interquartile Range 12.000
approached by the researchers and measured for their Variance 54.667
wingspan using a tape measure. The ID numbers of Standard Deviation 7.3937
each student were also noted down to ensure no Coefficient of Variation 0.047094
student was recorded twice.
Standard Error 1.4787
Skewness (Type I) 0.24115
Variable. The variable measured for this exercise was Kurtosis (Type I) -0.92372
wingspan length in terms of centimeters of the
students approached. This variable is a continuous
Plots and Graphs
quantitative variable and each measurement was
rounded off to the nearest ones digit. For the purposes
of this exercise, the distance from the tip of the middle
finger of one hand to the tip of the middle finger on the
other hand when the arms of the student were fully
stretched out horizontally was taken as the length of
the wingspan.

Descriptive Statistics

Table 1. Summary of descriptive statistics of

wingspan length of all samples.
Mean 165.16
Median 165.00
Midrange 168.50
Mode(s) 156, 162, 169, 184
Interquartile Range 17.250 Figure 1. Frequency histogram of wingspan length of
Variance 129.97 all samples.
Standard Deviation 11.401
Coefficient of Variation 0.069028
Standard Error 1.6123
Skewness (Type I) 0.19206
Kurtosis (Type I) -0.74326

Table 2. Summary of descriptive statistics of

wingspan length of male samples only.
Mean 173.32
Median 174.00
Midrange 174.00
Mode 184
Interquartile Range 13.000
Variance 71.977
Standard Deviation 8.4839
Coefficient of Variation 0.048949
Standard Error 1.6968
Skewness (Type I) 0.093517
Kurtosis (Type I) -0.63126

Figure 2. Frequency histogram of wingspan lengths

separated by gender.
Figure 6. Boxplot of wingspan length separated by
Figure 3. Probability density distribution of wingspan gender.
length of all samples.

Figure 7. Plot of means of wingspan length separated

Figure 4. Probability density distribution of wingspan by gender with standard deviations indicated
length separated by gender. in error bars.

Figure 5. Boxplot of wingspan length of all samples.

Figure 8. Stem-and-leaf plot of wingspan length of all
comparison with that of the female wingspan, as
summarized in Table 2 and 3. This can also be seen in
the plot of means between the two genders in Figure 7
where the magnitude in the difference of means
between male and female wingspans is further
emphasized. The same can be said about the variance
and standard deviation values of the two groups,
however the individual variances and standard
deviations are smaller in value as compared to those
of when the dataset was taken in its entirety. Despite
these differences, the coefficient of variation for both
males and females were rather similar in value and
thus it could be said that the wingspans of males more
or less vary as much as the wingspans of females, the
major difference being that male wingspans tend to
take on higher values as compared to female
wingspans. In terms of shape, the wingspans of
females are more positively skewed as compared to
Figure 9. Stem-and-leaf plot of wingspan length that of the males and likewise, the wingspans of
separated by gender. females have a broader peak as compared to males
due to the data for females having a more negative
Description kurtosis value than the males. This could also be
Based on the descriptive statistics of the entire visualized in the separated probability density
set of samples shown in Table 1, the dataset as a distributions of the wingspans by gender in Figure 4.
whole has a slight positive skew based on the positive
skewness value and that the mean is slightly greater It is interesting to note however that while the
than the median. The dataset as a whole also has a skewness value for the male wingspan data is very
rather wide spread of wingspan lengths as can be slightly positive, the relationship between the mean,
seen in its variance, standard deviation, and median, and mode are the exact opposite of what is
interquartile range values. It also has a broad peak as expected from a positively skewed dataset. A positive
can be seen in the visual shape of the probability skew, would more often than not, indicate that the
density distribution in Figure 3 and in the negative mean is greater than the median and likewise the
kurtosis value in Table 1. The measures of central median would be greater than the mode as is the case
tendency of the entire dataset also indicate that most with the female wingspan data in Table 3. However, for
of the wingspan lengths occur between 160cm and the male wingspan data in Table 2, the mean is slightly
170cm; this observation is further supported by the less than the median and the median much less than
different graphs and plots included in this paper. The the mode, yet the skewness value is still positive. This
highest peaks observed in the frequency histogram in is likely due to the fact that the mode in this case may
Figure 1 were observed to occur at the bins between be an unreliable measure of central tendency since
160 and 170cm, and likewise the peak of the while 184cm may be the most frequent individual
probability density distribution in Figure 3 also occurs measurement, most of the male wingspan values still
between 160 and 170cm. The boxplot in Figure 5 also occur between 165cm and 180cm as indicated in the
shows that 50% of all the data points occur frequency histogram in Figure 2 and the stem-and-leaf
approximately within this range as the 1st and 3rd plot in Figure 9. The boxplot in Figure 6 further asserts
quartiles are at 156.25 and 173.50 respectively. The this as the 1st and 3rd quartiles are indicated at 167
stem-and-leaf plot in Figure 8 also confirms this and 180 respectively while the mode of 184 is already
observation as most data points were found to occur at located outside of the central 50% of the data.
the 16-stem more than any other stem in the plot.
Meanwhile for the wingspan data of the
However, it is important to note that the females, there is a rather broad peak in the histogram
samples collected for this exercise belonged to one of in Figure 2 and in the graph in Figure 4 and so majority
two distinct groups: male and female. As such, further of the wingspan lengths of females are more spread
analyses were done to determine if there was any out yet overall, the range of female wingspans is still
significant differences in characteristics and wingspan smaller than the range of male wingspans. This can be
distribution between these two distinct groups. further seen in the separated boxplots in Figure 6 as
Although no immediate distinctions between the two the data for females would have a range of
groups were readily visible on either the frequency approximately 30 while the data for males has a range
histogram or probability density distribution of the of approximately 40. Furthermore, as compared to the
whole dataset (Figures 1 and 3), the presence of male wingspans which mostly occur from 165cm to
multiple modes far apart in value as listed in Table 1 180cm, majority of the female wingspan lengths was
seemed to indicate otherwise. observed to occur mostly between 150cm and 160cm.
This is further attested to in the boxplot in Figure 6
When separate analyses were performed for which marks the 1st and 3rd quartiles of the wingspans
the wingspans of males from the wingspans of of females at 150 and 162 respectively, as well as the
females, it was found that the central tendency stem-and-leaf plot in Figure 9, where most of the data
measures of the male wingspan values are all larger in points are found on the 15-stem.
Overall, it was observed that the did indeed 34 142738 174 M
exist a significant difference in the wingspan
35 143354 175 M
distribution between males and females and that these
individual distributions according to gender are also 36 143990 146 F
rather different from the distributions observed if 37 141569 175 M
gender was disregarded and the entire dataset was
taken and analyzed as a whole. 38 142025 149 F
39 140714 167 M
References 140999
40 162 M
Fox, J. (2005). The R Commander: A Basic Statistics
Graphical User Interface to R. Journal of 41 142548 169 M
Statistical Software, 14(9): 1--42. 42 140589 172 F
43 131792 154 F
R Core Team (2016). R: A language and environment
for statistical computing. R Foundation for 44 142213 171 M
Statistical Computing, Vienna, Austria. URL 45 142303 174 M 144550
46 180 M
Appendix: Raw Data 47 140338 163 F
48 144530 167 M
Subject Wingspan 49 144215 152 F
ID Number
Number (cm) Gender
50 142983 148 F
1 144382 166 M
2 141609 149 F
3 144397 158 F
4 144089 148 F
5 155105 147 F
6 124393 172 M
7 131644 176 M
8 120227 159 F
9 143435 184 M
10 143754 156 F
11 143341 161 F
12 141778 168 M
13 143644 164 F
14 140742 157 M
15 143555 153 F
16 142743 169 M
17 144667 168 F
18 141415 156 F
19 144817 164 F
20 143359 156 F
21 133551 166 M
22 133533 182 M
23 144774 184 M
24 130294 177 M
25 123720 162 F
26 121114 162 F
27 122479 160 M
28 121234 159 F
29 140286 169 F
30 144443 184 M
31 133127 183 M
32 141571 191 M
33 130036 150 F

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