First Press: First PR Esbyter I An Chur CH of San Bernar Dino
First Press: First PR Esbyter I An Chur CH of San Bernar Dino
First Press: First PR Esbyter I An Chur CH of San Bernar Dino
Volume 48, No. 1 January 2011
is printed monthly by
Actual Budgeted Over/(Under)
January is a fun, relaxed month at First Presbyterian Child Care Food Bagging
Center. We will be working on obedience. Hopefully, the children Fri., Jan. 14, 8:30 a.m.
will get to experience the feelings of being obeyed and the responsi- Food Distribution
bilities that come with that as well as the feelings of obeying. Sat., Jan. 15, 8:30 a.m.
We’ll be talking about obedience to God, our parents, our teach-
ers and law enforcement officers, etc. The older children will even You’ve been so generous bringing in
talk about being obedient to one’s own conscience when it comes to plastic grocery bags, that the Food Closet
saying no to inappropriate touching, choosing kindness over mean- is in overload. Therefore, we ask that you
ness and evaluating friendships. keep your bags at home until we put out a
The first weeks we will be learning about (and no doubt acting plea for more in a few months.
like) royalty as we hear about how the three kings visited baby Je- We can still use peanut butter, cereal
sus -- Epiphany. Each class will culminate this theme with a class- and books and magazines.
room coronation!
The staff at FPCCC is incredibly grateful to have the opportu-
nity to share the good news of Epiphany with the children and their
families in 2011. Because of the recession, the financial picture in
2010 was bleak.
The Session, on recommendation of the FPCCC Advisory Due to a variety of factors, Equal Ex-
Board, the Stewardship Committee and Jim Huffstutler, voted to use change coffee prices are rising. These
the FPCCC endowment funds to cover the 2010 losses and allow include rising labor and supply costs, un-
FPCCC to continue this mission. predictable weather patterns and economic
FPCCC has submitted a balanced budget, based on current en- pressures on co-ops.
rollment, for the first quarter of 2011. We will revisit the financial The Presbyterian Women provide this
situation at that time. The new budget has cut the director's hours fine organic cof-
by 50 percent and is asking the rest of the staff to take a 7 percent fee, and choco-
cut and one unpaid furlough day every two months. Please pray for late, for sale at
an increase in enrollment. their cost the first
The joyful news is the commitment to FPCCC by this congrega- Sunday of each
tion! Gifts for children in need have poured in from the Friendship month after wor-
Circle and an office at CSUSB who is connected to Liza Wilson. The ship.
Circle of Faith provided gifts for the FPCCC staff. They appreci-
Mariner's ships and individu- ate your contin-
als have given money for schol- ued support of
arships. The PW Alternative this mission that
Christmas gift was three times promotes fair trade for small farmers.
the largest amount ever given!
Most importantly, the
prayers, words of support and
encouragement, thank you's to
staff and BAKED GOODS have
helped us all remember that,
even in tough times,
God has surrounded us with
such loving people who believe The Deacons are con-
that their church should help tinuing to collect dia-
raise children who “learn to love pers of all sizes to
and love to learn!” support Option House
Thank you. and Time for Change.
Lynette DuClos Adelson If you see diapers on
sale, grab some and
drop them off in the
PAGE 4 V OLU ME 4 8, NO. 1
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I am the New Year. I am an unspoiled page in
your book of time.
I am your next chance at the art of living. I am
One of our church’s most important and rewarding minis-
tries is our Food Closet. Throughout the year, we touch and your opportunity to practice what you have
nourish thousands of families, children and individuals in learned about life during the last 12 months.
need. All you sought and didn’t find is hidden in me,
To sustain this beautiful and critical mission, we need waiting for you to search it but with more determi-
more help. nation. All the good you tried for and didn’t
Volunteer shoppers and drivers -- with vans, SUVs or pick- achieve is mine to grant when you have fewer
ups – are needed to select and transport the food that stocks
our church’s pantry. conflicting desires.
Your gift would be just one visit All you dreamed but didn’t dare to do, all you
to Second Harvest in Riverside hoped but did not will, all the faith you claimed
every three months. Your reward but did not have — these slumber lightly, waiting
would be helping to sustain this to be awakened by the touch of a strong pur-
ministry that sustains so many in pose.
our community.
I am your opportunity to renew your alle-
Please help us help those in
giance to him who said, “See, I am making all
need. For more information, con-
things new” (Revelation 21:5, NRSV).
tact Sally Morris at 883-4177.
Author unknown