Concept of Research Methodology in Ayurveda

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Review Article International Ayurvedic Medical Journal ISSN:2320 5091


Mishra Sangeeta Gupta ArvindKumar Meena Kedar Lal
Department of Basic Principles, National Institute of Ayurveda, Jaipur, Rajasthan, India
Medical sciences hold diversity in methodology, objects and their achievements
representing to different branches of medicine & health sciences. Ayurveda advancements
have multi-dimensional approaches and areas for the studies of various technical interests. It
is one such ancient Indian medicinal science that represent to the different aspects of medi-
cines. It develops gradually on the basis of different Pramanas, is a universal truth which is
present since before the existence of mankind and it will remain after the life of mankind. But
truth has no limits; therefore it is very essential to do the research continuously by taking the
supports of the available works. Research methodology is a way of examining your practice.
It is undertaken within most professions. More than a set of skills, it is a way of thinking,
examining critically the various aspects of professional work. It is a habit of questioning what
you do and a systematic examination of the observed information to find answers with a view
to instituting appropriate changes for a more effective professional service. When you say
that you are undertaking a research study to find answers to a question, you are implying that
the process, is being undertaken within a framework of a set of approaches; uses procedures,
methods and techniques that have been tested for their validity and reliability; is designed to
be unbiased and objective. This paper deals with how Research methodology can be useful in
the advancement of Ayurveda.
Keywords: Ayurveda, Research Methodology, Anusandhan

INTRODUCTION that there is no place for blind faith in

Ayurveda, the Science of life, is an tradition and authority of Shashtras. Faith
ancient system of medicine which guided has been replaced by skepticism and
the mankind to be healthy and stay away scientific enquiry even for truths which are
from any physical, mental or spiritual ill- traditionally established. Only the facts
ness throughout the life.1 Research Metho- established by proofs derived after careful
dology is the cornerstone of any science. It investigations, observations and
refers to the organized, structured and pur- experiments and supported by accurate
poseful attempt to gain knowledge about a data and convincing reasoning can
suspected relationship.2 Research means convince the people about validity or
searching the knowledge which is forgot- otherwise of any statement. Facts require
ten or which is hidden in us under the to be supported by figures and that figures
cover of ignorance and methodology refers can emerge out through research. So,
to a systematic procedure for carrying out Research methodology is an important to
an activity and in the present context of carry out fine and fruitful work.
medicine, implies a set of rules. It is the
characteristics of today’s modern world
Sangeeta Mishra et al: Concept of Research Methodology in Ayurveda
OBJECTIVES factor mentioned above. For carrying out
Ayurveda is not an historical relic. any research, there should be some steps
It adapts according to need of time and or procedure by which a hypothesis is stu-
requires to be expressed in the language of died. Such systematic procedure is called
the place. Unless Ayurveda is dilated, ex- methodology. Ayurveda has its own re-
panded, made elaborate, it cannot catch up search methodology. Pancha anumana
with other sciences ever progressing and vakya consists of Pratigya, Hetu, Udaha-
expanding. For re-modeling of Ayurveda, ran, Upanaya and Nigamana4 which
new materials and methodology should be respectively means the hypothesis, suppor-
supplemented. tive theory or experiment, example having
Whatever concepts and experiences same phenomenon proved, acceptance of
are accepted as established facts in Ayur- hypothesis and establishment of a prin-
veda and stood the test of time should be ciples. Similarly many concepts like
re-examined and their validity in the Nidanapanchaka5, Shat kriyakala6,
present era through acceptable scientific Janapadodwansaniya7 etc. are nothing but
parameters. The old concepts require to be the excellent examples of highly devel-
re-evaluated in the light of present theories oped research methodology in Ayurveda.
and experiences. Types
The work is based on literary re- 1. Three types8 -
search material compiled from Ayurvedic a. Pure- It is research done to find out
classics, articles, journals etc. analyzed something by examining anything
and evaluated to find out fruitful conclu- b. Original / Primary- It is looking for
sion. The allied literature has been referred information that nobody else has found
keenly to throw light on Research c. Secondary- It is finding out what oth-
methodology in advancement of Ayurveda. ers have discovered through original re-
Review search
Ayurveda developed ways to main- 2. Two types9
tain positive health including dinacharya, a. Directed- Specific purpose in mind
ritucharya, sadvrita, rasayana etc.3 Be- b. Non- directed- No specific purpose
cause of not following these regimens 3. Three types10 -
when disease developed, then it described a. Application of research study- Pure,
details etipathogenesis of every condition Applied
and also found their solutions. So, Ayur- b. Objectives in undertaking the research
veda has never denied the need of research c. Inquiry mode employed
in its advancement. Student of Ayurveda, a 4. Four types11
post-graduate scholar, Ayurvedic Practi- a. Descriptive- To describe systematically
tioner, Pharmaceutical companies cannot a situation, problems etc.
understand the classical texts written, until b. Co- relational – To discover or estab-
and unless, underlying utility and impor- lish the existence of a relationship
tance is not revealed. It can only be done c. Explanatory- To clarify why and how
with extensive research. there is relationship etc.
Scope d. Exploratory – To explore an area
There is a huge scope of research where little is known or to investigate etc.
in Ayurveda from the view point of each IAMJ: Volume 1; Issue 3; May – June 2013
Sangeeta Mishra et al: Concept of Research Methodology in Ayurveda
Problems in the advancement of Ayur- Research Methodology in Advancement of
vedic research methodology Ayurveda.
1. U G Students, though literary research Suggestions in the Advancement of
is carried out, it is very difficult to under- Ayurvedic research methodology
stand the concepts of Ayurveda tho- 1. Proper methodology should be devel-
roughly. oped at the institute level for teaching
2. PG Scholars, research is meant for the Ayurveda.
development and strengthening of Ayur- 2. All the available literature can be stu-
veda as a system. But practically, prob- died and accordingly subjects along with
lems arise just at the starting of research latest additions or changes made by re-
work. search in concerned topics should be
3. In case of disease or drug or any other taught in the colleges.
work when apply the parameters men- 3. Government has all the power of
tioned in classics those are not accepted by administration & regulation over Ayurveda
the modern science and if modern parame- colleges, PG institutes, research center etc
ters are applied for each and every Ayur- and all the system which by one or the
vedic research , those are insufficient to other way are related to Ayurveda.
express the results of study in true sense 4. At the level of pharmacies also what-
and the question of strengthening Ayur- ever researches carried out, those can be
vedic methodology remains unsolved. conducted through PG institutes.
4. The hospitals where PG researches are 5. Information regarding every project
carried out have patients of specific in- related to Ayurveda being carried out by
come group. So, random selection is not the government anywhere in India.
possible and the study becomes biased. 6. A Standard protocol for Ayurvedic re-
5. Ayurveda practitioner is a true search work which is uniquely accepted all
implementer of research methodology. over India.
Many practitioners work hard to find 7. To develop own parameters for the
newer ways of diagnosis and treatment but study topics.
are lacking the standard Ayurvedic re- Ancient methods of Research Methodol-
search protocol for documentation and ogy in Ayurveda12
presentation of cases. 1. Vidya- Knowledge
6. Pharmaceutical companies to do all 2. Vitarka- Reasoning
types of research constantly including lite- 3. Vignana- Scientific Method
rary, fundamental, drug research clinical 4. Smruti- Memory
trials etc. To find out different medicines 5. Tatparta- Repeated observation /
as per the need of time. Curiosity
7. Government has laid down some rules 6. Kriya- Practical application
and regulations for the manufacturing and Pramanas (Investigations)13
marketing of medicines and their patency 1. Aptopadesha- Knowledge through the
which come under the GMP. teaching of Authoritative resources.
8. Some herbal, animal and metallic origi- 2. Pratyaksha- Knowledge from senses.
nated drugs are banned by government due 3. Anumana- Knowledge by reason and
to their toxic effects to the human Role of logic
4. Yukti- Knowledge by ingenuity IAMJ: Volume 1; Issue 3; May – June 2013
Sangeeta Mishra et al: Concept of Research Methodology in Ayurveda
Choosing and developing a research force of personality rather than proof to
topic14 back up their ideas. Evidence is also the
1. Suggestion for finding a topic key to understanding your subject. A way
2. Identifying a topic to understand something is to break it
3. Testing the topic down into its component parts, examine
4. Finding background information each one, and put it back together. By hav-
5. Encyclopedias& dictionary ing a solid understanding of research me-
6. Exploit bibliography thods and statistical inference, chances of
7. Finding books articles and other mate- completing a research project are greatly
rials enhanced. Remember that nobody knows
8. Evaluating resources everything about doing research and that
9. Initial appraisal asking questions and getting advice along
10. Content analysis the way is not only accepted, it is highly
11. Objective reasoning recommended. Research as a global
12. Coverage phenomenon and prepare for the whole
13. Writing style gestalt of project but always make sure are
14. Evaluative reviews preceding in a logical and organized fa-
Steps of Research Methodology in Ad- shion. If work hard and work smart, will
vancement of Ayurveda15 soon be published and will be adding to
1. Determining a theory the Knowledge base in Ayurveda. Because
2. Defining Variables this paper is designed to focus on the Re-
3. Developing the Hypothesis search methodology in advancement of
4. Standardization Ayurveda, a basic understanding of statis-
5. Selecting subjects tics is assumed.
6. Testing subjects CONCLUSION
7. Analyzing Results The process of research can be
8. Determining significance painstakingly time consuming. It can in-
9. Communicating results volve the overcoming of many obstacles
10. Replication and may unfortunately need to be revised
DISCUSSION several times as progress through the
Research methodology in advance- steps. All work in such a coordinated and
ment of Ayurveda needs and requirements well organized way with no bias and giv-
vary with each assignment, project or pa- ing best of us.
per. Although there is no single "right" This paper will look at each of the
way to conduct research, certain methods areas discussed in more detail and provide
and skills can make research efforts more an overview of research methods. By the
efficient and effective. end of this text, should have a solid under-
It is pure, original or secondary, standing of research methods and be able
carries with it an inherent danger to those to intelligently analyze and critique re-
who are close-minded or comfortable in search methods.
their preconceptions and prejudices. One REFERENCES
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Jyothi, editor Reprint ed. - Second IAMJ: Volume 1; Issue 3; May – June 2013

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