Itp 001 Pipeline
Itp 001 Pipeline
Itp 001 Pipeline
1 Pre-Inspecion meeting Review against Drawing, Project Spec,Design Calculation Project Specification Approved document Engineer Inspector Engineer Officer H M H NA
ASME B31.4 / ASME B31.8
MS 830 / MS 930
2 Document Review
2.1 Construction Drawing Review and Verifying ASME B31.4 / ASME B31.8 Approved Document Engineer Inspector Engineer Officer R R AP NA
2.2 Welding Procedure Specification (WPS) and PQR Review and Verifying Asme B31.4 / Asme B31.8 / Asme IX Approved Document Engineer Inspector Engineer Officer R/M R AP NA
2.3 Welder Performance Qualification Records Review and Verifying Asme B31.4 / Asme B31.8 / Asme IX Approved Document, JKKP BP1 Engineer Inspector Engineer Officer H/M W/ R AP NA
2.4 NDE Procedure, Operator Qualificaton Cert Review and Verifying Asme B31.4 / Asme B31.8 /Asme Sec V Approved Document Engineer Inspector Engineer Officer R/M R AP NA
2.5 Painting / Coating Procedure Review and Verifying Project Specification Approved Document Engineer Inspector Engineer Officer R/M R AP NA
2.6 Pressure Test Procedure Review and Verifying Asme B31.4 / Asme B31.8 Approved Document Engineer Inspector Engineer Officer R/M R AP NA
3 Application For PTI / PTO Compilation of Mandatory document JKKP TPSP1 or TPSP2 Transmittal Document Engineer / Qc Inspector Engineer Officer H R H R / AP
4 Material
4.1 Material receiving inspection : Visual inspection - Plate, Flange, Pipe, Fitting '- Spec: Doc Nos and B.O.M Mill Certificate EN10204 QC inspector Inspector Inspection Officer H W R R / AP
Thickness, Diameter Inspection Acceptance Criteria:- Material Inspection Report
- Conformance to applicable Data sheet
4.2 Material Traceability Transfer heat number Approved procedure & Mill Cert Material tracebility data sheet QC inspector Inspector Inspection Officer H W/R R R
Colour Coding Material Inspection Report
Compile mill cert
4.3 Storage of Material Ensure all material adequately protected Approved procedure audit form QC inspector Inspector Inspection Officer M RD RD NA
4.4 Handling of Material Ensure all material carefully handled Approved procedure audit form QC inspector Inspector Inspection Officer M RD RD NA
5 Installation /Erection
5.1 Fit up joint connection Check alignment, edge preparation gap, Approved WPS Fit up Report QC inspector Inspector Inspection Officer H W RD NA
bavel angle, heat number transfer. Weld Map
Weld Key Form
5.2 Welding Execution Ensure correct consumables are used Approved WPS Visual Inspection report QC inspector Inspector Inspection Officer H M RD NA
Approved drawing
6.1 Visual Visual Inspection Approved WPS Visual Inspection Report QC inspector Inspector Inspection Officer H W RD NA Minor defect shall
Inspects for any discontinuity, Evaluate weld quality Asme B31.4 / Asme B31.8 /Asme Sec V be repair
, ovality, dimension
7.1 Radiography (If Applicable) Request for RT Approved procedure RT Film review QC inspector Inspector Inspection Officer M R R NA
Asme B31.4 / Asme B31.8 /Asme Sec V
7.2 Magnetic Particle Inspection or Evaluate weld quality Approved procedure MPI / DPI Report QC inspector Inspector Inspection Officer H R R NA
Dye Penetration Testing Asme B31.4 / Asme B31.8 /Asme Sec V
7.3 Ultra Sonic Testing Evaluate weld quality Approved procedure UT report QC inspector Inspector Inspection Officer M R R NA
Asme B31.4 / Asme B31.8 /Asme Sec V
8.1 Identified defect location Review NDT report Asme B31.4 / Asme B31.8 /Asme Sec V NDT report QC inspector Inspector Inspection Officer H M R NA
8.2 DPT after defect removed Evaluate weld quality Evaluate weld quality DPT Report QC inspector Inspector Inspection Officer H M R NA
8.3 Fit Up / Pre weld surface preparation Check root gap, bevel,correct consumable & Approved WPS Fit Up Inspection Report QC inspector Inspector Inspection Officer H W R NA
alignment Weld Map
Weld Key Form
8.4 Visual Inspection Evaluate weld quality, ovality, dimension Approved WPS Visual Inspection report QC inspector Inspector Inspection Officer H H R NA
Asme B31.4 / Asme B31.8 /Asme Sec V
9.1 Painting Inspection - Surface Prep, Salt Test, Visual, DFT Inspection, To measure final coat Dry Film Thickness Manufacturer's Painting Specification Painting and coating Report QC inspector Inspector Inspection Officer H W RD NA
Holiday Test. To check for any coating damage or failure Approved Painting Procedure
To check for any paint application defects. Project Specification
10 Pressure Test
10.1 Hydrotest / Leak test Ensure all hydrotest equipment properly install Asme B31.4 / Asme B31.8 Hydrotest Report QC inspector Inspector Inspection Officer H W W W
Ensure correct test pressure Approved Procedure Chart Recorder Graph
Ensure correct holding time Approved Drawing
10.2 Cleaning after test Visual Inspection Approved Procedure Visual report QC inspector Inspector Inspection Officer H W W R
11.1 Sign off ITP and PASSR Inspection Review and Verifying MDR index Inpection Test Plan QC inspector Inspector Inspection Officer H H H R
Project Specification Engineer
11.2 Sign off IRN ( INSPECTION RELEASE NOTE) Review and Verifying Project Specification Inspection Release Note QC inspector Inspector Inspection Officer H H H R
MDR index Engineer
All Qc Document
12 Manufacturer's Data Report (MDR) Review and Verifying P.O MDR Book QC inspector Inspector Inspection Officer H R AP NA
MDR index Engineer