PNPMC 2014-046 PNP Standards For In-Service Training

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Republic of the Philippines


Camp Crame, Quezon City

Oct 22 2014
NO. 2014-046



a. PNP P.A.T.R.O.L. PLAN 2030 and CODE-P 2013 and Beyond;

b. NAPOLCOM Memorandum Circular No. 94-008 which provides for the

creation of in-house training institutions in the PNP;

c. NAPOLCOM Resolution No. 2009-254 entitled: “Prescribing the Functions

of the PNP Training Service, amending for the Purpose NAPOLCOM
Resolution No. 2005-388”;

d. NAPOLCOM Resolution No. 92-036 which tasks the PNP to handle in-
service training, seminars and other short term courses not offered by
PPSC; and

e. PNP MC No. 2009-018 dated October 7, 2009 entitled: “Implementing

Guidelines and Procedures Governing the Functions of the PNP Training


In order to improve the quality of training for PNP personnel, a major project
study on the practices of PNP training units in planning, delivering, and evaluating
training programs was conducted by the Directorate for Human Resource and Doctrine
Development (DHRDD) and the PNP Training Service (PNPTS).

The study showed that the separately issued training guidelines and
directives resulted in confusion and different interpretations that greatly affected the
delivery of quality training in the PNP.

In the absence of commonly-accepted and comprehensive training

guidelines, PNP Training Program Directors are rendered blind and confused as to what
standards of performance to follow and what accountabilities to impose on their
respective training units.

The formulation and adoption of the training standards is anchored on the

ADDIE model (Assess-Design-Develop-Implement-Evaluate) of Instructional System
Design which shall be the basis of this standard. This model is shown in the following

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Training Needs
Assessment and Analysis,
Identification of Training or
Performance Gaps

Training program Training Design, Course Title,
evaluation, Instructor Course Objectives, Methods of
Evaluation, Course Training, Program of
assessment and analysis Instructions

Training Delivery, Provision Standard Training
of Training Facilities, Package, Lesson Plan,
Instructors, and other Training Evaluation Tools ,
logistical resources Instruction Materials

Figure 1. ADDIE Model

The development of knowledge, attitudes, skills, and values (KASV) among PNP
personnel requires a certain quality standard for training. By establishing the ADDIE
Model of training, it necessarily puts in place a system that will guide all training
managers and ensure the improvement of the quality of training in the PNP. It further
capacitates training units to correctly and properly assess, plan, and evaluate their
training capabilities and resources towards a more strategic and holistic approach to
training program delivery.

This training standard therefore, shall be the basis of the development of the
Instructors Certification Program, the Course Certification Program and the Training
Schools Certification Program which are interrelated and interlinked towards delivering
quality training in the PNP.


for In-
Training Service
Training Certification

Figure 2. PNP Quality Training Framework

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This PNP Memorandum Circular (MC) aims to establish common standards in

training for PNP in-service courses in order to continuously improve the quality of police
training and strengthen the accountability of all training managers and training program
directors in bridging the training gap.

With clearly set standards together with an established central monitoring and
evaluation system, the alignment of training programs with organizational and
institutional goals and objectives is ensured towards the effective and responsive
assessment and delivery of PNP training programs.


For purposes of this PNPMC, the following terms shall be used:

a. Course – is an organized and structured activity using different modes of

learning aimed at transferring knowledge, attitudes, skills, and values to
participants towards a specific goal or required competency level.

b. Course Coordinator/facilitator- a person designated to coordinate,

facilitate and assist the instructors or course director in the conduct of a
specific course.

c. Course Director – an official designated to provide general supervision of

the conduct of a specific course.

d. General Orders (G.O.) – refers to the order of circulation subject to

publication. Contains permanent instruction that apply to all members of
the command; not readily susceptible for incorporation with other
publication. It is numbered consecutively by calendar year.

e. Lesson Plan – a detailed description of the subject that is developed by

the instructor as a daily guide for class instruction.

f. Master Training Action Plan – a consolidated list of programmed training

courses submitted by the D-Staff, NSUs, and PROs to the DHRDD which
are required to be conducted by all training units through the PNPTS and

g. Occupational/Functional Eligibility Course - basic in-service training

courses used as a pre-requisite eligibility for assignment to a specific PNP
office or unit with specialized functions.

h. PNP In-service Training- all training programs, courses and seminars

offered and managed by the PNP for the development of the knowledge,
attitudes, skills, and values of its personnel.

i. Programmed Courses – refers to the training courses covered by the

Annual Training Directive issued by the Office of The Chief of Directorial
Staff. These are the funded training courses to be conducted by all PNP
Units for the year. Funds for these courses are incorporated in the MOOE
of the respective PNP Units.

j. Regional Special Training Unit (RSTU) – refers to the regional training

center under the PNP Training Service in charge of managing,
supervising, and controlling trainings in the jurisdiction of the PRO.

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k. Seminar – a method of training using lectures or presentations delivered
to an audience on a particular topic or set of subjects that are educational
and informative in nature.

l. Specialized Course - all other in-service training courses offered by PNP

offices/units to improve the basic competencies of particular personnel or
to train them for highly specialized or technical functions.

m. Standard Training Package (STP) – a complete training guide which is

composed of the Program of Instructions, Master Training Schedule,
Module Plan, Lesson Plan, Training Evaluation and Assessment Exams,
and Slide Presentations.

n. Training – the process of bringing a person to a desired level of

competency in terms of knowledge, attitudes, skills, and values.

o. Training Certificate Control Number- refers to the series of numbers

issued by PNPTS which is written at the bottom right corner of the
certificate of training given to each participant upon completion of the

p. Training Manager – pertains to the Chief of the Training Schools and

Regional Special Training Units.

q. Training Needs Analysis – a systematic approach in identifying

individual performance and skills gaps that forms the basis for designing a
training program intervention.

r. Training Program Director – the official who has control over training
funds and its utilization.

s. Unprogrammed Courses – are training courses addressing specific

critical policing concerns prevalent at that time and have not been
included in the Master Training Action Plan. Funds for these courses are
dependent on the availability of funds.

t. Workshop- a method of training that consists of practical exercises where

a tangible output is expected at the end of the training.

u. Write shop- a method of training that is focused on enhancing or

developing the participants’ skills in writing.


a. Training Program Management

1) The central supervision, management and monitoring unit of all PNP

training programs is the PNP Training Service.

2) The PNP’s Master Training Action Plan is the basic general reference
document for programmed training courses which is consolidated
annually by the PNPTS and is composed of the PRO’s Regional
Training Action Plans (RTAP) and NHQ Offices/units’ Training Action

3) The PRO’s Regional Training Action Plans shall be prepared by a

Regional Training Committee which shall be the central harmonizing

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authority on training-related programs and issues. The committee shall
be composed of but not limited to the following:


Members : C, RPHRDD
Secretariat : TM, RSTU

4) The standard classroom to student ratio shall be at 1:50. No lecture-

type class shall be opened with more than 50 participants, unless
approved by the DHRDD, to ensure effective transfer of learning to

5) All training courses to be conducted by all training units must be

coordinated with the PNPTS one month before opening, for proper
management, supervision, control and monitoring according to
prescribed training standards.

6) All PNP Training courses shall have at least one course director and
one course facilitator/coordinator that will ensure the adoption of these

7) All PNP specialized and occupational/functional eligibility courses shall

be conducted in coordination with the PNP Training Service. Any
training independently undertaken by any Unit without proper
coordination with PNPTS shall not be recognized and accredited and
therefore, cannot be used as valid eligibility for promotion or
designation to any position requiring such training.

8) All PNP Training Units shall formulate and display their Vision, Mission,
and Dashboards/Scorecards which they are committed to deliver
aligned to PNPTS and their respective Units. They shall also promote
the honor code as part of its training philosophy.

9) All RSTUs and other Specialized Training Units are required to

undergo a certification process by the Training Schools Certification
Board every two years to ensure their management and operations
according to the PNP training standards. They shall include in their
Roadmap an initiative towards a higher level of certification when

b. Training Needs Assessment and Analysis

1) Each PNP Unit/Office shall conduct the training needs analysis of their
individual personnel, which shall be the basis for the Unit/Office
Training Needs Assessment that will be submitted to PNPTS annually.

2) All Training program directors shall submit by semester a Training

Needs Assessment of their respective personnel based on their current
and existing staffing pattern and/or on actual tasks/functions being
performed by their personnel. Each Unit shall establish its own
functional eligibility course which shall be a prerequisite to assignment
to specialized and technical posts.

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3) PNPTS shall conduct the Training Needs Assessment of Individual
personnel through the RSTU/HRD officers.

4) DHRDD shall be responsible for the conduct of Organizational Training

Needs Analysis which will be the basis for the PNP Master Training
Action Plan.

5) The PNP Annual Master Training Action Plan shall be the primary
basis for the allotment of training funds of all PNP Offices/units.

c. Training Design and Development

1) PNP training shall adopt the two-pronged approach in training of

uniformed personnel. While the PPSC conducts the Mandatory training
by rank, the PNPTS shall conduct in-service training by specialization
and competency.

2) All training courses must adopt the adult learning principles and
blended learning approach in the design and development of training
courses/programs giving heavy priority to simulated and practical
training exercises over lectures and academic sessions.

3) No training directive shall be processed and/or issued to any

specialized course, whether programmed or unprogrammed, without a
complete Standard Training Package (STP).

4) Training Program Directors who previously opened courses without a

Standard Training Package shall develop their course STPs and
submit the same to PNPTS for the renewal of their respective training
directives by CY 2015.

5) A Standard Training Package shall adopt a common format which

shall be established by the DHRDD to include but not limited to the
following components:

a) Course Overview;
b) Program of Instructions;
c) Master Training Schedule;
d) Module Plan;
e) Lesson Plan;
f) Training Evaluation and Assessment Exams; and
g) Slide Presentations

6) All Standard Training Packages of PRO’s must be submitted to PNPTS

through the RSTUs for proper training accreditation and certification
based on standards.

7) A copy of all STPs (soft and hard copies) shall be furnished the
PNPTS and DHRDD through the PNP Command Library.

8) DHRDD/PNPTS shall provide technical assistance to any PNP

Office/Unit upon request for the development of their STPs.

9) For every hour of training delivery, ten man-hours of training design

and development shall be allotted. Such standard shall be the basis for
the cost estimate on STP development.

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d. Training Implementation and Delivery

1) PNP in-service trainings as far as practicable must be conducted

regionally for maximum and equitable access by all PNP personnel.

2) All training schools must display their quarterly training calendars/

schedule for the advance information of PNP personnel who are
interested in undergoing the training.

3) DHRDD shall adopt a comprehensive Instructor’s Certification and

Accreditation Program to ensure that only qualified instructors and
trainers are utilized in the delivery of PNP training programs.

4) Completion of an Instructors Development Course (IDC) or Training of

Trainers (TOT) shall be a basic requirement towards Instructor
Certification. No training participant or student shall be used as an
instructor or facilitator to the same course that he/she is attending.

5) Trainees shall not be unnecessarily utilized as audience to

command/promotional and product demonstration activities to avoid
disruption of training schedules except during their break time or open

6) All Training Units must adhere to the observance of human rights and
uphold the anti-hazing law at all times.

7) Authorized uniforms duly approved by the Uniform Evaluation and

Standardization Board (UESB) or other competent authorities shall be
used and worn in the duration of any training activity.

e. Training Monitoring and Evaluation

1) PNPTS shall provide a central system and facility that will issue all
course control numbers, class numbers, General Training Orders, and
Certificates of Training Completion. Hence, all Unit commanders shall
cease the issuance of the same for purposes of centralized monitoring
and evaluation of trainings.

2) A mechanism to monitor the instructor’s duty performed by all PNP

accredited and certified instructors shall be developed and adopted by
PNPTS for monitoring and evaluation purposes.

3) All D-Staff/NSUs training Units shall submit to DHRDD through PNPTS

a copy of all training reports for every course delivered for proper
monitoring and evaluation. PROs shall submit their after-training
reports to PNPTS through their respective RSTUs.

4) Training managers and/or the Chief, RPHRDD or designated training

authority who will fail the certification/accreditation process twice shall
be immediately relieved from their posts.

5) All training courses/seminars with the duration of three days and more
shall be administered the standard training evaluation as provided by

6) Training Evaluation Reports per course shall be submitted to PNPTS

for consolidation and analysis. Failure of training units to provide

PNP Standards for In-Service Training Page 7 of 9

training evaluation/assessments for each course shall be a valid
ground for pre-charge evaluation of the training manager or course
director as applicable.

7) PNPTS and DHRDD shall organize Mobile Training Validation Teams

to conduct surprise training validations of any unit that may be
identified for evaluation. Results of the validation shall form part of the
Unit Performance Evaluation Rating (UPER) and/or disciplinary action
as may be applicable.

f. Training Funds and Logistical Resources

1) The basic training infrastructures and facilities for all RSTUs and
Training Schools shall be the following:

a) Training Administration Office

b) Stock or Supply room
c) Staff Quarters
d) Classrooms
e) Multi-purpose Center
f) Student Quarters/ Barracks
g) Mess Hall
h) Gymnasium
i) Sports Facilities
j) Multi-Faith Chapel
k) Firing Range
l) Library

2) The basic training equipment for all RSTUs and Training Schools shall
be the following:

a) 50 Tables and chairs for every classroom

b) Blackboard/ White Board
c) Computer with printer
d) LCD or multi-media projector
e) Public Address or Sound system
f) Reloading machine
g) Training firearms
h) Utility Vehicle
i) Video Camera recorder

3) PROs shall extend adequate financial, logistical, and personnel

support to RSTUs for courses they are required to conduct to ensure
that personnel training needs are met and delivered on time and
according to standards.

4) Training Funds for programmed courses shall be released directly to

the program directors for D-Staff/NSUs and RDs for PROs as
embedded in their respective MOOEs.

5) Request for Funds for the conduct of unprogrammed courses shall be

submitted to DC through DHRDD for fund allocation subject to
availability of funds.

6) Training Program Directors shall be accountable to the disbursement

and utilization of training funds based on accounting rules and auditing

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7) Partnership with other private educational institutions and well-
meaning entities supportive of the training needs of the PNP are
encouraged and supported. All Regional Directors and the Director,
PNPTS can enter into MOUs/MOAs related to training copy furnish the

8) A PNP Standard Training Costing model shall be established by

DHRDD in coordination with DC as basis for training cost estimates
and training per capita cost.


a. These training standards shall be reviewed and recalibrated every two

years or when deemed necessary by a Committee or Technical Working
Group composed of DHRDD and PNPTS personnel to ensure its
responsiveness to the prevailing training environment; and

b. DHRDD shall be the Office of Primary Responsibility (OPR) in the

evaluation, monitoring, and compliance of all training units to these


All existing PNP issuances in conflict with this PNPMC are deemed repealed,
amended, or rescinded accordingly.


This PNPMC takes effect immediately.

“Serbisyong Makatotohanan”

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