International Business

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International Business

The presentation which was done by the CEO of Global Seven was exemplary. The

presentation touched on the commitment of the European Union to support the member states to

improve the levels of investment and create more employment opportunities. The presentation

highlights the agreement the EU commission has with Portugal starting the year 2014 all the way

to 2020. The partnership will oversee Portugal receive 25billion Euros to stimulate employment

and growth through investment. The funding is one of the general roles that the European Union

commission plays to the member states to help them meet their millennial goals and objectives.

The Portugal 2020 is a long time millennial project that is meant to bring about social inclusion

and employment, competitiveness and internationalization, development of human capital and

the sustainability of the economic growth in the country. The member states, therefore, enjoy the

ultimate support from the union differently by funding and the enabling environment to carry out

international business with other member states.

The commission is committed to the protection of the economic policy that Portugal has

undertaken and plays a significant role in overseeing the implementation of Portugal 2020

project. Through international business, the commission can offer Portugal the global market

approach and the territorial, social and economic cohesion by providing the funding and

investment forums for the country. The issue of the presentation was the contribution the

European Union is making to her member state to achieving one economic block and
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maintaining benefits to individual countries. The display indicates the interest of the Portugal

20202 project that the country will enjoy in the long run.

The presentation also identifies the different steps in entering the international business.

There are definite steps to follow for investors who have the capacity and for those who do not

have the ability are given the option of funding. International business requires a high entry that

will consider different economic situations to ensure proper preparation and sustainability. The

strategies to enter global business are well indicated by the Alex Jaleco presentation. Jaleco

shows even funding is possible to provide an entry that grasps the international market share.

First one has to ensure they are well prepared for the entry to the international

development. Preparation requires the idea to be well founded on a business approach and meets

international standards needed. The second strategy is an application through the European

Union that is followed by the company formation and consideration by the Commission. The

procedure that follows is the research and development program together with funding. The

research and development will identify a viable international business and the areas where the

business can do great. After the research and development, the entrepreneurship program will

follow where the expenses in entering the international business are highlighted. The decision-

making process follows and then certification. The certificati0on is done after the consideration

of eligibility of a company by the European Union. The certification ensures the business can

operate in the member states of the EU. After the certification, the internationalization strategy

takes place, and the business is operational in the member states of the EU. The international

business strategies are well presented, and the strategy the EU provides for the established and

startup businesses are also included.

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