Y-Pattern Check Valves FK 30.64 (7) GB: Primary Characteristics
Y-Pattern Check Valves FK 30.64 (7) GB: Primary Characteristics
Y-Pattern Check Valves FK 30.64 (7) GB: Primary Characteristics
DN 8 - 25, PN 100 5.97
NAF 518800 Replaces Fk 30.64(6)GB 8.95
Primary characteristics
The valve are made entirely of stainless steel and are
particularly well suited for process plant in industries
such as the cellulose industry, petro-chemical industry,
foodstuffs industry and wherever great importance is
attached to corroision resistance and reliability.
Design Connections
Precisions-cast Y-pattern check valve with spring-loaded Female screwed ends to R
disc; disc guiding in valve cap; seats integral with body
and disc. For DN above 25 see NAF 528520/528620,
datasheet Fk 30.70.
Working pressures and temperatures
NAF-No. Pressure Max. temperature ½C
Class 150 250
Max. pressure, bar gauge
SE-581 87 Linköping
Telephone +46 13 31 61 00
Facsimile +46 13 13 60 54
We reserve the right to design modifications without prior notice
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Website: www.naf.se