Republic of The Philippines: School I.D. 303353

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Republic of the Philippines

Burauen Comprehensive national High School

Burauen, Leyte
School I.D. 303353


School Year 2020 – 2021


MOV on providing assistance to colleagues about Attached in this particular strand as artifacts are 5.3 – Feedback to improve learning
giving feedback to learners the following:
*LDM2 Pre- Evaluation Checklist,
*Evaluation form for LDM Implementation
portfolio for teachers,
*pictures of teacher mentees during the
evaluation and mentoring sessions

COT rating sheet Attached 4 fully accomplished COT Rating Sheets 3.4 – Learners in difficult circumstances
(of mentees), and 3 Lesson plans taken and
chosen from the mentees’ submitted LPs during
the COT that made use of / utilized
contextualization and localization in their
MOV on providing feedback to colleagues on the Enclosed in this particular strand as artifacts are 4.5 – Teaching and learning resources including
development and use of learning resources as follows: ICT
(SLMs, activity sheets, etc.) *Instructional Supervision Report of Master
Teachers for October and November (TA Reports
for other months are available but was no longer
included as artifacts)
*Monitoring Record of Modules, LAS & Activity
Sheets of Learners
*Pictures taken during the mentoring, sharing of
strategy used in own class, and providing
feedbacks to mentees and colleagues on SLMs

Lesson Plans (e.g. , DLP, DLL, WHLP, WLP, WLLL, Attached in this strand as artifacts, 3 Lesson Plans 3.4 – Learners in difficult circumstances
Lesson Plan) and 3 PowerPoint presentations in English 9,
used and sent to learners through their Gmail 4.1 – Planning and management of teaching and
Accounts as supplementary materials for their learning process
Exemplars, and the likes Enclosed herewith as artifacts are the following: 4.2 – Learning outcomes aligned with learning
*Pictures taken during the COT of Master competencies
Teachers, LAC Session as speaker of various
topics. 5.1 – Design, selection, organization and
*PowerPoint Presentations of the assigned topics utilization of assessment strategies
during the different LAC Sessions held before and
during the start of classes.
*Sample Lesson Plan Incorporating Localization
and Contextualization which was used and
submitted by one of the mentees during the COT
*Pictures of learners during the remediation
sessions, home visitation, learner watching the
PPT with audio sent as supplementary material
, and messages in messenger and numbers which
serves as evidence that teacher conducted one
on one online or virtual graded recitation and
MOVs on professional engagement with Artifacts attached in this strand are as follows: 7.3 – Professional links with colleagues
colleagues *Pictures of virtual orientation, meeting and
*Pictures during National and Division level
virtual trainings.
MOVs on engaging key stakeholders in the Attached are screenshot pictures of messages 5.4 – Communication of learner needs, progress
teaching learning process taken from messenger showing virtual and online and achievement to key stakeholders
sending of Module and LAS files, giving of
instructions, monitoring and submitting of 6.2 – Engagement of parents and the wider
learner’s outputs through messenger. school community in the educative process

*Screenshots of one on one online/virtual graded

recitation and monitoring of students’ progress

*Screenshots of cellular numbers of learners

called during the conduct of one on one graded
recitation and monitoring of learner’s progress

*Pictures taken during one on one remediation

of learners, home visitation and conduct of
reading intervention project.

Reflective Summary Teachers’ reflection on the different teacher 7.4 – Professional reflection and learning to
practices and strategies adopted during the improve practice
entire implementation of distance and blended
learning which is a whole new experience to
everyone. The challenges encountered and how
they were resolved. The interventions made to
address the academic needs of learners.

Prepared by:

Master Teacher II

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