IBM Ultrium Tape IUG

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IBM Ultrium Device Drivers 

Installation and User’s Guide

IBM Ultrium Device Drivers 

Installation and User’s Guide

Before using this information and the product that it supports, be sure to read the general information under Appendix D,
“Notices,” on page 259.

Eleventh Edition (October 2003)

This edition of the IBM Ultrium Device Drivers Installation and User’s Guide, GA32-0430-07 obsoletes and replaces
GA32-0430-06. Changes or additions are indicated by a vertical line in the left margin.
© Copyright International Business Machines Corporation 2000, 2003. All rights reserved.
US Government Users Restricted Rights – Use, duplication or disclosure restricted by GSA ADP Schedule Contract
with IBM Corp.
Figures . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ix Software Requirements . . . . . . . . . 11
Library Control Path Failover Support . . . . 12
Tables . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . xi Hardware Requirements . . . . . . . . . 12

Preface . . . . . . . . . . . . . . xiii Chapter 3. Tape Drive, Media, and

Related Information . . . . . . . . . . . xiii Device Driver Parameters. . . . . . . 13
IBM TotalStorage® Ultrium External Tape Drive Configuration Parameters. . . . . . . . . . 13
3580 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . xiii Autoloading . . . . . . . . . . . . . 13
IBM TotalStorage Ultrium Tape Autoloader 3581 xiii Block Size . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14
IBM TotalStorage Ultrium Tape Library 3582 . . xiii Compression . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14
IBM TotalStorage Ultrium Scalable Tape Library Logging . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14
3583 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . xiii Maximum Size of the Log File . . . . . . . 14
IBM TotalStorage UltraScalable Tape Library Record Space Mode . . . . . . . . . . 14
3584 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . xiii Rewind Immediate . . . . . . . . . . . 15
Other Publications . . . . . . . . . . . xiii Trailer Labels . . . . . . . . . . . . . 15
Additional Information . . . . . . . . . xiii Media Parameter . . . . . . . . . . . . 15
How to Send Your Comments . . . . . . . . xv
Chapter 4. Installation and
Summary of Changes . . . . . . . . xvii Configuration Instructions . . . . . . 17
| Eleventh Edition (October 2003) . . . . . . . xvii Installation Procedure . . . . . . . . . . . 17
Tenth Edition (June 2003) . . . . . . . . . xvii Preinstallation Considerations . . . . . . . 17
Ninth Edition (April 2003) . . . . . . . . . xvii Installation Procedure . . . . . . . . . . 18
Eight Edition (January 2003) . . . . . . . . xvii Configuring Tape and Medium Changer Devices . . 19
Fifth Edition (March 2002) . . . . . . . . . xvii Deconfiguring Tape Devices . . . . . . . . . 19
Fourth Edition (September 2001) . . . . . . . xvii Deconfiguring Medium Changer Devices . . . . 20
Third Edition (July 2001) . . . . . . . . . xvii Uninstallation Procedure . . . . . . . . . . 20
Second Edition (March 2001) . . . . . . . . xviii
Chapter 5. Special Files . . . . . . . 21
Part 1. Introduction to IBM Ultrium Special Files for Tape Devices . . . . . . . . 21
Special Files for Medium Changer Devices . . . . 22
Device Drivers . . . . . . . . . . . 1
Chapter 6. Alternate Pathing Support
Chapter 1. Ultrium Device Drivers. . . . 3
for Library Control Path Failover . . . 25
Purpose . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3
Configuring and Unconfiguring Alternate Pathing
Platform Support . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3
Support . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 25
Introduction . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4
Primary and Alternate Paths . . . . . . . . . 26
IBM TotalStorage Ultrium External Tape Drive
Querying Primary and Alternate Path Configuration 26
3580 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6
Configuring and Unconfiguring Primary and
IBM TotalStorage Ultrium Tape Autoloader 3581 . 6
Alternate Devices . . . . . . . . . . . . 27
IBM TotalStorage Ultrium Tape Library 3582 . . . 6
IBM TotalStorage Ultrium Scalable Tape Library
3583 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6 Chapter 7. Alternate Pathing Support
IBM TotalStorage UltraScalable Tape Library 3584 7 for Tape Drives . . . . . . . . . . . 29
StorageSmart™ by IBM Ultrium Products . . . . 7 Automatic Failover . . . . . . . . . . . . 29
Dynamic Load Balancing . . . . . . . . . . 30
Configuring and Unconfiguring Alternate Pathing
Part 2. AIX Tape and Medium
Support . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 30
Changer Device Driver . . . . . . . 9 Primary and Alternate Paths . . . . . . . . . 31
Querying Primary and Alternate Path Configuration 32
Chapter 2. Introduction and Product Configuring and Unconfiguring Primary and
Requirements . . . . . . . . . . . . 11 Alternate Devices . . . . . . . . . . . . 32
Purpose . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11
Data Flow . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11 Chapter 8. Using the Dump Support . . 33
Product Requirements . . . . . . . . . . . 11

© Copyright IBM Corp. 2000, 2003 iii

Chapter 9. Tape Utility Program Installation Procedure from the Device Driver ftp
(tapeutil) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 35 Site . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 63
Interactive Interface . . . . . . . . . . . 35 Uninstalling . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 64
Command-Line Interface . . . . . . . . . . 35 Update Procedure . . . . . . . . . . . . 64
General Subcommands . . . . . . . . . 36 Query Procedure . . . . . . . . . . . . 64
Medium Changer Subcommands . . . . . . 39 Verify Procedure . . . . . . . . . . . . . 64
Tape Subcommands . . . . . . . . . . 40 Interactive Mode . . . . . . . . . . . . 64
Service Aid Subcommands . . . . . . . . 44 Command-Line Mode . . . . . . . . . . . 64
Block Size and SCSI Transfer Size . . . . . . . 44 Command-Line Options . . . . . . . . . 65
Configuration Parameters. . . . . . . . . . 44
Reserve and Release Commands . . . . . . . 45 Part 4. HP-UX Tape and Medium
Tape Drive Service Aids . . . . . . . . . . 45 Changer Device Driver . . . . . . . 67
Volume ID for Logging . . . . . . . . . . 45

Chapter 16. Introduction and Product

Chapter 10. Tape Drive Service Aids . . 47
Details of Tape Service Aids . . . . . . . . . 47
Requirements . . . . . . . . . . . . 69
Force Microcode Dump . . . . . . . . . 47 Purpose . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 69
Read Dump . . . . . . . . . . . . . 48 Product Requirements . . . . . . . . . . . 69
Microcode Load . . . . . . . . . . . . 48 ATDD Implementation . . . . . . . . . 69
Error Log Analysis . . . . . . . . . . . 49 Hardware Requirements . . . . . . . . . 69
Reset Drive . . . . . . . . . . . . . 49 Software Requirements . . . . . . . . . 72
Data Flow . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 72
Software Interface to the Device Driver . . . . . 73
Chapter 11. Performance
Considerations . . . . . . . . . . . 51 Chapter 17. Install, Uninstall, and
Data Path . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 51
Common AIX Utilities . . . . . . . . . . . 51
Configure . . . . . . . . . . . . . 75
Before Calling Support . . . . . . . . . . 52 Create the Drive Configuration File (Optional) . . . 76
Determine the Drive Hardware Path for IBM
3580 Ultrium Tape Drive, 3581 Tape Autoloader
Chapter 12. Device and Volume with SCSI Attachment . . . . . . . . . . 76
Information Logging . . . . . . . . . 53 Determine the Drive Hardware Paths for IBM
Log File . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 53 Ultrium Tape Libraries with SCSI Attachment . . 77
Tape Log Utility . . . . . . . . . . . . . 53 Determine the Drive Hardware Paths for IBM
3580 Ultrium Tape Drive, IBM Ultrium Tape
Chapter 13. Problem Determination . . 55 Libraries with Fibre Channel Attachment . . . 77
Error Logging . . . . . . . . . . . . . 55 Create the Hardware Path Entry . . . . . . 77
Error Log Templates . . . . . . . . . . 55 Create the Device Specific Configuration Entries
Error Labels . . . . . . . . . . . . . 55 (Optional) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 78
Detail Data . . . . . . . . . . . . . 55 Power Off the Tape Drives . . . . . . . . . 78
Automatic Dump Facility for the IBM 3580 Ultrium Install the Driver Using the CD Installation Script 78
Tape Drive . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 57 Install Drivers Manually . . . . . . . . . . 79
Trace Facility . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 57 Copy the Software to the Software Depot . . . 79
ATRC Utility . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 57 Review the atdd README File . . . . . . . 80
Install ATDD . . . . . . . . . . . . . 81
Post-Configuration of IBM Medium Changer
Part 3. Compaq Tru64 Tape and Devices . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 81
Medium Changer Device Driver . . . 59 Adding an IBM Ultrium Device Using the Currently
Installed ATTD . . . . . . . . . . . . . 84
Chapter 14. Introduction and Product Uninstalling the Software . . . . . . . . . . 85
Requirements . . . . . . . . . . . . 61 Other Administrative Tasks . . . . . . . . . 85
Purpose . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 61
Product Requirements . . . . . . . . . . . 61 Chapter 18. Special Files . . . . . . . 87
Hardware Requirements . . . . . . . . . 61
Software Requirements . . . . . . . . . 61 Chapter 19. Supported Configurations 89
Setting Up the Environment . . . . . . . . 61 Modifying Configuration Parameters . . . . . . 89

Chapter 15. RAS Utility Program For Chapter 20. Configuration Parameter
Compaq Tru64 System (IBMrasutil) . . 63 Definitions . . . . . . . . . . . . . 91
Installation Procedure from the Device Driver CD 63 Device-Specific Parameters . . . . . . . . . 91

iv IBM Ultrium Tape Device Drivers: Installation and User’s Guide

Driver-Specific Parameters . . . . . . . . . 92 Maximum Block Size . . . . . . . . . . 116
Minimum Block Size . . . . . . . . . . 116
Chapter 21. Troubleshooting . . . . . 93 Medium Type . . . . . . . . . . . . 116
Error Logging . . . . . . . . . . . . . 93 Read SILI Bit . . . . . . . . . . . . 116
Support_info Script . . . . . . . . . . . . 93 Record Space Mode . . . . . . . . . . 116
Tracing Facility . . . . . . . . . . . . . 93 Volume ID for Logging . . . . . . . . . 117
Atdd_d Log Daemon . . . . . . . . . . . 94 Write Protect . . . . . . . . . . . . 117
Problems and Solutions . . . . . . . . . . 95 Changeable Parameters: . . . . . . . . . . 117
Block Size . . . . . . . . . . . . . 117
Buffered Mode . . . . . . . . . . . . 117
Chapter 22. Tape Utility Program
Compression . . . . . . . . . . . . 117
(tapeutil) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 97 Disable Auto Drive Dump . . . . . . . . 117
Command Sequence Information . . . . . . . 97 Disable SIM Logging . . . . . . . . . . 117
Product Requirements . . . . . . . . . . . 97 Logging (Volume Logging) . . . . . . . . 117
Tapeutil Implementation . . . . . . . . . 97 Maximum SCSI Transfer Length . . . . . . 118
Hardware Requirements . . . . . . . . . 97 Read Past Filemark . . . . . . . . . . 118
Install tapeutil Using the CD Installation Script . . 98 Rewind Immediate . . . . . . . . . . 118
Install tapeutil Manually . . . . . . . . . . 98 Trace . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 118
Copy the Software to the Software Depot . . . . 98 Trailer Labels . . . . . . . . . . . . 119
Review the tapeutil README File . . . . . . . 99
Install tapeutil . . . . . . . . . . . . . 99
Chapter 25. Installation and
Uninstalling tapeutil . . . . . . . . . . . 100
Other Administrative Tasks . . . . . . . . . 100 Configuration Instructions . . . . . . 121
Using the tapeutil Program . . . . . . . . . 100 Conventions Used . . . . . . . . . . . . 121
Interactive Mode . . . . . . . . . . . . 101 Components Created During Installation . . . . 121
Command-Line Interface . . . . . . . . . 103 Installation Procedure . . . . . . . . . . 122
Service Commands . . . . . . . . . . 103 Updating Procedure . . . . . . . . . . . 123
Basic SCSI Commands . . . . . . . . . 103 Querying Installed Package. . . . . . . . . 123
Medium Changer Commands . . . . . . . 104 Verifying Installation/Updating . . . . . . . 123
Tape Drive Commands . . . . . . . . . 104 Configuring Tape and Medium Changer Devices
Flag Description . . . . . . . . . . . 105 on Intel-Compatible Systems . . . . . . . . 124
| Configuring Tape and Medium Changer Devices
| on IBM ERserver pSeries Models . . . . . . . 125
Part 5. Linux Tape and Medium Configuring Tape and Medium Changer Devices
Changer Device Driver . . . . . . 109 on IBM ERserver zSeries Models . . . . . . . 125
Use /etc/zfcp.conf File . . . . . . . . . 125
Chapter 23. Introduction and Product Modify the /etc/modules.conf File . . . . . 126
Dynamically Attaching a Tape Device . . . . 126
Requirements . . . . . . . . . . . 111
Uninstall Procedure . . . . . . . . . . . 127
Purpose . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 111
Data Flow . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 111
Product Requirements . . . . . . . . . . 111 Chapter 26. Configure and Run
Hardware Requirements for Intel™ Processors 112 IBMtaped Daemon . . . . . . . . . 129
| Hardware Requirements for IBM ERserver Install IBMtaped . . . . . . . . . . . . 129
| pSeries Models . . . . . . . . . . . . 112 Configure IBMtaped . . . . . . . . . . . 129
Hardware Requirements for IBM ERserver Tracing . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 129
zSeries® Models . . . . . . . . . . . 112 Error Logging . . . . . . . . . . . . 130
| Library Control Path Failover Support . . . . 113 Volume Logging . . . . . . . . . . . 130
Software Requirements for Intel Processors . . 113 Automatically Retrieve a Drive Dump . . . . 131
| Software Requirements for IBM pSeries Models 113 Selective Tracing . . . . . . . . . . . 132
Software Requirements for IBM zSeries Models 113 Run IBMtaped . . . . . . . . . . . . . 132

Chapter 24. Tape Drive, Media, and Chapter 27. Special Files . . . . . . 135
Device Driver Parameters . . . . . . 115 Special Files for the Tape Device . . . . . . . 135
Configuration Parameters . . . . . . . . . 115 Special Files for the Medium Changer Device . . 135
Nonchangeable Parameters: . . . . . . . . 116
Autoloading . . . . . . . . . . . . . 116 | Chapter 28. Alternate Pathing Support
Capacity Scaling . . . . . . . . . . . 116 | for Library Control Path Failover . . . 137
Density Code . . . . . . . . . . . . 116 | Configuring and Unconfiguring Alternate Pathing
Emulate Autoloader . . . . . . . . . . 116 | Support . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 137
Hook Word . . . . . . . . . . . . . 116 | Primary and Alternate Paths . . . . . . . . 138
Logical Write Protect . . . . . . . . . . 116

Contents v
| Querying Primary and Alternate Path Medium Changer Subcommands . . . . . . . 148
| Configuration . . . . . . . . . . . . . 139 allow . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 148
| Disable and Enable Primary and Alternate Paths 139 audit [Address [Count] . . . . . . . . . 149
devids . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 149
Chapter 29. Tape Utility Program elementinfo . . . . . . . . . . . . . 149
(IBMtapeutil) . . . . . . . . . . . . 141 exchange Source Dest1 Dest2 . . . . . . . 149
inventory . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 149
Interactive Mode . . . . . . . . . . . . 141
mount [Slot] . . . . . . . . . . . . . 149
Command-Line Mode . . . . . . . . . . 141
move Source Destination . . . . . . . . 150
General Subcommands . . . . . . . . . . 142
position Destination . . . . . . . . . . 150
| disablepath ″primary″ | number . . . . . . 142
prevent . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 150
| enablepath ″primary″ | number . . . . . . 142
unmount [Slot] . . . . . . . . . . . . 150
inquiry [Page] . . . . . . . . . . . . 143
Service Aid Subcommands . . . . . . . . . 150
logpage ″Page″ . . . . . . . . . . . . 143
dump [Filename] . . . . . . . . . . . 150
modepage ″Page″ . . . . . . . . . . . 143
forcedump . . . . . . . . . . . . . 150
| path . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 143
resetdrive . . . . . . . . . . . . . 151
print ″Text″ . . . . . . . . . . . . . 143
ucode [Filename] . . . . . . . . . . . 151
| qrypath . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 143
Automatic Cartridge Facility Mode . . . . . . 151
qryversion . . . . . . . . . . . . . 143
Block Size and SCSI Transfer Size . . . . . . 151
release . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 144
Configuration Parameters . . . . . . . . . 151
reqsense . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 144
Capacity Scaling . . . . . . . . . . . . 151
reserve . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 144
Logical Write Protect . . . . . . . . . . . 151
tur . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 144
Reserve and Release Commands . . . . . . . 151
Tape Subcommands . . . . . . . . . . . 144
Service Aids Commands . . . . . . . . . . 152
allow . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 144
Create Special Files . . . . . . . . . . . 152
append . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 144
asf [Count] . . . . . . . . . . . . . 144
bsf [Count] . . . . . . . . . . . . . 144 Chapter 30. Tape Drive Service Aids 153
bsfm [Count] . . . . . . . . . . . . 144 Details of Tape Drive Service Aids . . . . . . 153
bsr [Count] . . . . . . . . . . . . . 144 Force Drive Dump . . . . . . . . . . 153
compress and nocompress . . . . . . . . 144 Read Dump . . . . . . . . . . . . . 153
density . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 145 Load Microcode . . . . . . . . . . . 153
display ″Message″ . . . . . . . . . . . 145 Reset Drive . . . . . . . . . . . . . 153
eof [Count] and weof [Count] . . . . . . . 145
erase . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 145 Part 6. Solaris Tape and Medium
fsf [Count] . . . . . . . . . . . . . 145
fsfm [Count]. . . . . . . . . . . . . 145
Changer Device Driver . . . . . . 155
fsr [Count] . . . . . . . . . . . . . 145
list . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 145 Chapter 31. Introduction and Product
load . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 145 Requirements . . . . . . . . . . . 157
lock . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 145 Purpose . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 157
mtdevice . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 145 Product Requirements and Compatibility . . . . 157
offline, rewoffl, and unload . . . . . . . . 145 Hardware Requirements . . . . . . . . . 157
parms . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 146 Software Requirements . . . . . . . . . 158
prevent . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 146 Software Compatibility . . . . . . . . . 158
qryinquiry . . . . . . . . . . . . . 146 Data Flow . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 159
qrypos. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 146 Software Interface to the Device Driver . . . . . 159
qrysense . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 146
read -d Destination [-c Count] . . . . . . . 146 Chapter 32. Installation, Removal, and
rewind and retension . . . . . . . . . . 146
Configuration . . . . . . . . . . . 161
rtest [-b Blocksize] [-c Count] [-r Repetition] . . 146
Preventing Conflicts with Other Device Drivers 161
rwtest [-b Blocksize] [-c Count] [-r Repetition] 147
Installing or Updating IBMtape . . . . . . . 162
seek [Count] . . . . . . . . . . . . . 147
Installation Steps . . . . . . . . . . . 162
seod . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 147
Removing IBMtape . . . . . . . . . . . 169
setblk [Block Size] . . . . . . . . . . . 147
Configuration Parameters . . . . . . . . . 169
setpos [Blockid] . . . . . . . . . . . 147
Adding or Removing Devices . . . . . . . . 172
status . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 148
sync . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 148
tell . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 148 Chapter 33. Special Files . . . . . . 175
unlock . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 148
write -s Source . . . . . . . . . . . . 148
wtest [-b Blocksize] [-c Count] [-r Repetition] 148

vi IBM Ultrium Tape Device Drivers: Installation and User’s Guide

Chapter 34. Service and Diagnostic pause . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 235
Aids . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 179 delay . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 236
Functional Verification . . . . . . . . . . 179 system . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 236
Problem Determination . . . . . . . . . . 179 symbols . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 236
Downloading Device Microcode . . . . . . . 180 exit . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 236
Forcing and Storing Device Diagnostic Dump . . 180 Symbolic Values . . . . . . . . . . . . 236
Tracing Facility . . . . . . . . . . . . . 181 Device Driver Diagnosis Information (for Microsoft
Setting the IBM_trace Level . . . . . . . 183 Windows NT) . . . . . . . . . . . . . 239
Running the Diags_info Script . . . . . . . . 183 Device Driver Diagnosis Information (for Microsoft
Tape and Medium Changer Utility Program . . . 184 Windows 200x) . . . . . . . . . . . . . 240
Service Commands . . . . . . . . . . 186 Using the Debug Version . . . . . . . . 240
Basic SCSI Commands . . . . . . . . . 186 Restoring the Non-Debug Version . . . . . 241
Medium Changer Commands . . . . . . . 186
Tape Drive Commands . . . . . . . . . 186 Part 8. Appendixes . . . . . . . . 243
Flag Description . . . . . . . . . . . 187
Appendix A. Accessing
Part 7. Microsoft Windows Tape Documentation and Software Online . 245
Device Drivers . . . . . . . . . . 191
Appendix B. Verifying Proper
Chapter 35. Introduction and Product Attachment of Your Devices . . . . . 247
Requirements . . . . . . . . . . . 193 AIX System . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 247
Windows NT . . . . . . . . . . . . . 193 Tape Device Attachment Test . . . . . . . 247
Hardware Requirements . . . . . . . . . 193 Medium Changer Device Attachment Test . . . 248
Software Requirements . . . . . . . . . 194 Compaq Tru64 System . . . . . . . . . . 248
Installation Notes® . . . . . . . . . . 194 Tape Device Attachment Test . . . . . . . 248
Windows 2000 and Windows Server 2003 . . . . 194 Medium Changer Device Attachment Test . . . 249
Hardware Requirements . . . . . . . . . 195 HP-UX System . . . . . . . . . . . . . 249
Software Requirements . . . . . . . . . 195 Tape Device Attachment Test . . . . . . . 249
Installation Notes . . . . . . . . . . . 196 Autochanger Device Attachment Test . . . . 250
Linux System . . . . . . . . . . . . . 250
Chapter 36. Windows NT Device Tape Device Attachment Test . . . . . . . 250
Medium Changer Device Attachment Test . . . 251
Driver Management . . . . . . . . . 197 Solaris System . . . . . . . . . . . . . 252
Installation Overview . . . . . . . . . . . 197 Tape Device Attachment Test . . . . . . . 252
Installation Procedure . . . . . . . . . . 197 Autochanger Device Attachment Test . . . . 252
Removal Procedure . . . . . . . . . . . 203 Microsoft Windows System . . . . . . . . . 253
Manual Starting and Stopping Procedures . . . . 206 Tape Device Attachment Test . . . . . . . 253
Autochanger Device Attachment Test - Windows
Chapter 37. Windows 2000 and NT only . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 253
Windows Server 2003 Device Driver
Management . . . . . . . . . . . . 209 Appendix C. Managing the Microcode
Installation Overview . . . . . . . . . . . 209 on the IBM Tape Drive . . . . . . . 255
Installation Procedures . . . . . . . . . . 209 AIX System . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 256
Device Removal or Disable Procedure . . . . . 220 Compaq Tru64 System . . . . . . . . . . 256
Uninstalling the Device Drivers . . . . . . . 220 HP-UX System . . . . . . . . . . . . . 256
Linux System . . . . . . . . . . . . . 256
Chapter 38. Windows Utility Program Sun Solaris System . . . . . . . . . . . 257
(ntutil) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 221 Microsoft Windows System . . . . . . . . . 257
Calling ntutil . . . . . . . . . . . . . 221
Interactive Mode . . . . . . . . . . . . 222 Appendix D. Notices . . . . . . . . 259
Batch Mode . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 224 Trademarks . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 260
Comments . . . . . . . . . . . . . 225
Command Statements . . . . . . . . . 225 Index . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 261
set . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 235
type . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 235

Contents vii
viii IBM Ultrium Tape Device Drivers: Installation and User’s Guide
1. Attachment Array . . . . . . . . . . . 5 23. Add/Remove Properties . . . . . . . . 205
2. Example of an Ultrium Environment . . . . 6 24. Drive Removal Menu . . . . . . . . . 206
3. Data Flow Process . . . . . . . . . . 11 25. Manual Starting and Stopping Menu 207
4. Data Path . . . . . . . . . . . . . 51 26. Computer Management Console . . . . . 210
5. Data Flow . . . . . . . . . . . . . 72 27. Computer Management Console with Ultrium
6. TAPEUTIL Program Menu for the tape drive Device Selected . . . . . . . . . . . 211
on HP-UX 11.00 and 11i PCI Bus Systems . . 102 28. Device Driver Properties with Reinstall
7. TAPEUTIL Program Menu for the medium Driver ... Selected . . . . . . . . . . 212
changer on HP-UX 11.00 and 11i PCI Bus 29. Install Hardware Device Drivers Dialog 213
Systems . . . . . . . . . . . . . 102 30. Locate Driver Files Screen with Specify a
8. Data Flow Process . . . . . . . . . . 111 Location Selected . . . . . . . . . . 214
9. Data Flow . . . . . . . . . . . . 159 31. Specifying the Location of the Driver 214
10. TAPEUTIL Program Menu for the Tape Drive 185 32. Files Needed Menu — ibmchgr.sys . . . . 215
11. TAPEUTIL Program Menu for the Medium 33. Driver Files Search Results . . . . . . . 215
Changer . . . . . . . . . . . . . 185 34. Completing the Upgrade Device Driver
12. Select Components Menu . . . . . . . 198 Wizard . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 216
13. Start Menu . . . . . . . . . . . . 199 35. Verifying the Ultrium Device Was Installed
14. Start Driver List. . . . . . . . . . . 199 Correctly . . . . . . . . . . . . . 217
15. Rescan for Tape Device . . . . . . . . 199 36. Hardware Update Wizard Welcome Screen 217
16. Install Driver Menu — Select Cancel 200 37. Search and Installation Options . . . . . 218
17. Tape Devices Menu . . . . . . . . . 201 38. Windows Logo Testing Screen . . . . . . 219
18. Have Disk Menu . . . . . . . . . . 202 39. Completing the Hardware Update Wizard 219
19. Install Driver Menu . . . . . . . . . 203 40. Base Mode . . . . . . . . . . . . 223
20. Windows NT Statement . . . . . . . . 203 41. Library Mode . . . . . . . . . . . 224
21. Remove Driver Menu . . . . . . . . . 204 42. Symbolic Values . . . . . . . . . . 237
22. Control Panel Selection . . . . . . . . 204

© Copyright IBM Corp. 2000, 2003 ix

x IBM Ultrium Tape Device Drivers: Installation and User’s Guide
1. Ultrium Product Comparison . . . . . . . 7 12. Components Created During IBMtapeutil
2. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12 Installation . . . . . . . . . . . . 122
3. Special Files for IBM 3580 Tape Device 22 13. Special Files for IBM Ultrium Tape Devices 135
4. Special Files . . . . . . . . . . . . 23 14. IBMtape Components . . . . . . . . . 161
5. Error Description . . . . . . . . . . 52 15. IBMtape Install or Update . . . . . . . 162
| 6. IBM Tape and Medium Changer Drivers for 16. Equipment Listing . . . . . . . . . . 163
| HP-UX (ATDD) and HP-UX System . . . . 70 17. Equipment Listing . . . . . . . . . . 167
7. Special Files . . . . . . . . . . . . 87 18. Equipment Listing . . . . . . . . . . 167
8. Device-Specific Parameter Definitions . . . . 91 19. Sample Equipment Listing . . . . . . . 168
9. Driver-Specific Parameter Definitions . . . . 92 20. IBM SCSI Tape/Medium Changer Special
10. Problems and Solutions . . . . . . . . 95 Files for Solaris . . . . . . . . . . . 176
11. Components Created During IBMtape 21. Tracing Facility . . . . . . . . . . . 181
Installation . . . . . . . . . . . . 122

© Copyright IBM Corp. 2000, 2003 xi

xii IBM Ultrium Tape Device Drivers: Installation and User’s Guide
This publication provides programming reference information for IBM® Ultrium™
tape drive, medium changer, and library device drivers.

Related Information
The following sections contain lists of sources that you may need for information
related to the IBM Ultrium tape drive, medium changer, and library device drivers.

IBM TotalStorage® Ultrium External Tape Drive 3580

The following publications relate to the IBM TotalStorage Ultrium External Tape
Drive 3580 :
v IBM 3580 Ultrium Tape Drive Setup, Operator, and Service Guide, GA32-0415

IBM TotalStorage Ultrium Tape Autoloader 3581

The following publication relates to the IBM TotalStorage Ultrium Tape Autoloader
v IBM 3581 Ultrium Tape Autoloader Setup, Operator, and Service Guide, GA32-0412

IBM TotalStorage Ultrium Tape Library 3582

The following publications relate to the IBM TotalStorage Ultrium Tape Library
v IBM TotalStorage Ultrium Tape Library 3582 Setup, Operator, and Service Guide,

IBM TotalStorage Ultrium Scalable Tape Library 3583

The following publications relate to the IBM TotalStorage Ultrium Scalable Tape
Library 3583:
v IBM 3583 Ultrium Scalable Tape Library Setup and Operator Guide, GA32-0411
v IBM 3583 Ultrium Scalable Tape Library Service Guide, GA32-0425
v IBM Storage Area Network Data Gateway Module Setup, Operator, and Service Guide,

IBM TotalStorage UltraScalable Tape Library 3584

The following publications relate to the IBM TotalStorage UltraScalable Tape
Library 3584:
v IBM 3584 UltraScalable Tape Library Planning and Operator Guide, GA32-0408
v IBM 3584 UltraScalable Tape Library Maintenance Information, 19P2440

Other Publications
IBM Storage Area Network Data Gateway Installation and User’s Guide, SC26-7304

Additional Information
Special Printing Instructions:

© Copyright IBM Corp. 2000, 2003 xiii

This SCSI Device Driver Manual contains different sections for each type of
operating platform, for example, AIX®, HP-UX, Linux, Sun Solaris, and Windows®.

Note: When selecting the page range for the section you wish to print, note that
the print page range is based on the page controls for Adobe Acrobat, not
the page printed on the actual document. Enter the Adobe page numbers to
If you wish to print one or more separate sections of the manual, follow these
1. Navigate to the beginning of the section and note the page number.
2. Navigate to the last page in the section and note that page number.
3. Select File —>Print, then choose ″Pages″ and enter the page range for the
section. Only the page range entered will print.
4. Repeat these steps to print additional sections.

Important printer note

This area indicates the Ignore the page number

pages that will actually appearing on the page itself
print in your specified when entering page ranges
range of pages. for your printer.

Attention: There is only one Table of Contents and one Index for this entire book.
If you wish to print those items, you must repeat the process above, entering the
page range of the Table of Contents and the Index page range, respectively.

The following publications contain additional information that to relates to the IBM
Ultrium tape drive, medium changer, and library device drivers:
v IBM Ultrium Device Drivers: Programming Reference, GC35-0483.
v American National Standards Institute Small Computer System Interface
X3T9.2/86-109 X3.180, X3B5/91-173C, X3B5/91-305, X3.131-199X Revision 10H,
and X3T9.9/91-11 Revision 1

xiv IBM Ultrium Tape Device Drivers: Installation and User’s Guide
How to Send Your Comments
Your feedback is important in helping to provide the most accurate and highest
quality information. If you have comments or suggestions for improving this
publication, you can send us comments electronically using these addresses:
v Internet: [email protected] (or STARPUBS at
v IBMLink™ from U.S.A.: STARPUBS at SJEVM5
v IBMLink from Canada: STARPUBS at TORIBM
v IBM Mail Exchange: USIB3VVD at IBMMAIL

Preface xv
xvi IBM Ultrium Tape Device Drivers: Installation and User’s Guide
Summary of Changes
This summary of changes includes specific release updates to this publication.

| Eleventh Edition (October 2003)

| This release includes the following new information:
| v Library Path Failover information for Linux
| v Information regarding IBM Eserver pSeries® server support

Tenth Edition (June 2003)

This release includes the following new information:
v Data Path Failover information

Ninth Edition (April 2003)

This release includes the following new information:
v IBM TotalStorage Ultrium Tape Library 3582

Eight Edition (January 2003)

This release includes the following new information:
v IBM TotalStorage UltraScalable Tape Library 3584 medium changer AIX failover
v Ultrium Generation 2 support

Fifth Edition (March 2002)

This release includes the following new information:
v Support for Linux operating systems.
v Support for new host bus adapter cards, operating system releases, and
enhancements to the device drivers.
v This release also includes changes to correct errors or omissions in the previous

Fourth Edition (September 2001)

This release includes the following new information:
v Support for Linux operating systems.
v Support for new host bus adapter cards, operating system releases, and
enhancements to the device drivers.
v This release also includes changes to correct errors or omissions in the previous

Third Edition (July 2001)

This release includes the following new information:
v Support for new host bus adapter cards, operating system releases, and
enhancements to the device drivers.

© Copyright IBM Corp. 2000, 2003 xvii

v This release also includes changes to correct errors or omissions in the previous

Second Edition (March 2001)

This release includes support for IBM ERserver pSeries.

xviii IBM Ultrium Tape Device Drivers: Installation and User’s Guide
Part 1. Introduction to IBM Ultrium Device Drivers

© Copyright IBM Corp. 2000, 2003 1

2 IBM Ultrium Tape Device Drivers: Installation and User’s Guide
Chapter 1. Ultrium Device Drivers
This publication describes the IBM Tape and Medium Changer Device Drivers for
the following devices:
v “IBM TotalStorage Ultrium External Tape Drive 3580” on page 6
v “IBM TotalStorage Ultrium Tape Autoloader 3581” on page 6
v “IBM TotalStorage Ultrium Tape Library 3582” on page 6
v “IBM TotalStorage Ultrium Scalable Tape Library 3583” on page 6
v “IBM TotalStorage UltraScalable Tape Library 3584” on page 7
v “StorageSmart™ by IBM Ultrium Products” on page 7

On AIX, HP-UX, Linux, Solaris, and Windows operating systems.

The IBM Ultrium tape and medium changer device drivers are designed
specifically to take advantage of the features provided by the IBM Ultrium tape
drives and medium changer devices. The goal is to give applications access to the
functions required for basic tape functions (such as backup and restore) and
medium changer operations (such as cartridge mount and demount), as well as to
the advanced functions needed by full tape management systems. Whenever
possible, the driver is designed to take advantage of the device features
transparent to the application.

Platform Support
Part 2, “AIX Tape and Medium Changer Device Driver,” on page 9 describes the
installation and configuration of the AIX Enhanced Tape and Medium Changer
Device Driver for IBM Ultrium products.

Part 4, “HP-UX Tape and Medium Changer Device Driver,” on page 67 describes
the installation and configuration of the HP Enhanced Tape and Medium Changer
Device Driver for IBM Ultrium products.

Part 5, “Linux Tape and Medium Changer Device Driver,” on page 109 describes
the installation and configuration of the Linux Enhanced Tape and Medium
Changer Device Driver for IBM Ultrium products.

Part 6, “Solaris Tape and Medium Changer Device Driver,” on page 155 describes
the installation and configuration of the Solaris Tape and Medium Changer Device
Driver for IBM Ultrium products, also known as IBMtape.

Part 7, “Microsoft Windows Tape Device Drivers,” on page 191 describes the
installation and configuration of Microsoft® Windows-based Tape and Medium
Changer Device Drivers for IBM Ultrium products.

Information in the “Appendixes” covers accessing updated drivers, microcode, and

documentation online. It also addresses attachment testing of IBM Ultrium devices
to the host computer.

© Copyright IBM Corp. 2000, 2003 3

Ultrium Device Driver

The IBM Ultrium product family provides an excellent solution for customers with
small to large storage and performance requirements.

Figure 1 on page 5 illustrates the attachment of various Ultrium products to an

open systems server.

4 IBM Ultrium Tape Device Drivers: Installation and User’s Guide

Ultrium Device Driver



Figure 1. Attachment Array

The following are the Ultrium Device Driver attachments:

v 1 Open Systems Server
v 2 IBM TotalStorage Ultrium External Tape Drive 3580

Chapter 1. Ultrium Device Drivers 5

Ultrium Device Driver

v 3 IBM TotalStorage Ultrium Tape Autoloader 3581

v 4 IBM TotalStorage Ultrium Tape Library 3582
v 5 IBM TotalStorage Ultrium Scalable Tape Library 3583
v 6 IBM TotalStorage UltraScalable Tape Library 3584

Figure 2 illustrates an Ultrium environment that could include an IBM 3583

Ultrium Scalable Tape Library and an IBM 3584 UltraScalable Tape Library.

Figure 2. Example of an Ultrium Environment

IBM TotalStorage Ultrium External Tape Drive 3580

The IBM TotalStorage Ultrium External Tape Drive 3580 is a stand alone, large
capacity, high performance tape drive that adheres to the Linear Tape-Open (LTO)
specifications and supports the IBM Ultrium format tape. The drive supports
native tape capacities of up to 200 GB with uncompressed data transfer rates of up
to 35 MB per second. With both Low Voltage Differential (LVD) Ultra-2 SCSI and
High Voltage Differential (HVD) Ultra SCSI attachments, this device is suitable for
a variety of save, restore and archiving requirements for PC and Open Systems

IBM TotalStorage Ultrium Tape Autoloader 3581

The IBM TotalStorage Ultrium Tape Autoloader 3581 is an external, stand alone or
rack-mounted tape autoloader that incorporates one IBM Ultrium Tape Drive. The
autoloader has seven storage slots giving the autoloader up to 1,400 GB of
uncompressed data storage. The autoloader can be used with compatible software
applications to automate backup/recovery or other data storage activities.

IBM TotalStorage Ultrium Tape Library 3582

The IBM TotalStorage Ultrium Tape Library 3582 is an entry tape library
incorporating high-performance IBM TotalStorage Ultrium generation 2 Tape
Drives for the midrange open systems environment. It can accomodate one or two
Ultrium generation 2 Tape Drives and comes standard with a one-cartridge I/O
station and 23 data cartridge slots giving a native library capacity of 4.8 TB
uncompressed native storage.

IBM TotalStorage Ultrium Scalable Tape Library 3583

The IBM TotalStorage Ultrium Scalable Tape Library 3583 is an automated tape
library that incorporates IBM Ultrium tape drives in either a stand alone or
optional rack mount configuration. Three different library models are available
with storage capacities of 18 through 72 slots and one to six Ultrium tape drives.

6 IBM Ultrium Tape Device Drivers: Installation and User’s Guide

Ultrium Device Driver

The IBM TotalStorage Ultrium Scalable Tape Library 3583 can be used for save,
restore and mass storage archives where multiterrabyte capacities are required.

IBM TotalStorage UltraScalable Tape Library 3584

The IBM TotalStorage UltraScalable Tape Library 3584 provides a highly scalable
midrange tape library that supports logical partitioning (multipath architecture)
and can house up to 192 IBM Ultrium tape drives. With scalability of one to
sixteeen frames, this library provides native storage capacity from 28 TB to 1,376
TB with a wide range of host attachment configurations.

StorageSmart™ by IBM Ultrium Products

The StorageSmart by IBM Ultrium family of products is compatible with the IBM
branded versions of the Ultrium family products. In this manual, where there is no
specific mention of the StorageSmart by IBM Ultrium branded set of products, the
documentation pertaining to the IBM branded family of products should be used.
The following table cross references the StorageSmart by IBM Ultrium product set
to the IBM Ultrium product set.
Table 1. Ultrium Product Comparison
StorageSmart by IBM Ultrium IBM Version of Ultrium
StorageSmart by IBM Ultrium External Tape IBM TotalStorage Ultrium External Tape
Drive TX200 Drive 3580
StorageSmart by Ultrium Tape Autoloader IBM TotalStorage Ultrium Tape Autoloader
SL7 3581
StorageSmart by Ultrium Scalable Tape IBM TotalStorage Ultrium Scalable Tape
Library SL72 Library 3583
No equivalent in the IBM Ultrium product IBM TotalStorage UltraScalable Tape Library
set 3584

Chapter 1. Ultrium Device Drivers 7

Ultrium Device Driver

8 IBM Ultrium Tape Device Drivers: Installation and User’s Guide

Part 2. AIX Tape and Medium Changer Device Driver

© Copyright IBM Corp. 2000, 2003 9

10 IBM Ultrium Tape Device Drivers: Installation and User’s Guide
Chapter 2. Introduction and Product Requirements
This chapter describes the IBM AIX Enhanced Tape and Medium Changer Device
Driver for the following Ultrium products:
v IBM TotalStorage Ultrium External Tape Drive 3580
v IBM TotalStorage Ultrium Tape Autoloader 3581
v IBM TotalStorage Ultrium Tape Library 3582
v IBM TotalStorage Ultrium Scalable Tape Library 3583
v IBM TotalStorage UltraScalable Tape Library 3584

The IBM AIX Enhanced Tape and Medium Changer Device Driver is designed
specifically to take advantage of the features provided by the IBM Ultrium tape
drives and medium changer devices. The goal is to give applications access to the
functions required for basic tape operations, such as backup and restore, and
medium changer operations, such as mount and demount the cartridges, as well as
to the advanced functions needed by full tape management systems. Whenever
possible, the driver is designed to take advantage of the device features
transparent to the application.

Data Flow
The software described in this chapter covers the AIX Enhanced Device Driver
(Atape device driver) and the interface between the application and the tape
device. Figure 3 illustrates a typical Ultrium data flow process.

Figure 3. Data Flow Process

Product Requirements
The following software and hardware components are required to use the tape
device driver.

Software Requirements
The AIX Enhanced Device Driver (Atape device driver) supports the following AIX
operating system levels for operation of IBM Ultrium tape drives and automation
v AIX 4.3.3 (dependent on the host bus adapter being used). AIX 4.3.3 requires
AIX APAR IY17356. See “Hardware Requirements” on page 12.
v AIX 5L™ Versions 5.1 and 5.2 on POWER-based servers

Note: The Atape device driver supports AIX Version 4.3.3 (and later releases) in an
MP Safe (multiprocessing) mode.

© Copyright IBM Corp. 2000, 2003 11

AIX Device Driver (Atape)

Library Control Path Failover Support

In order to use alternate pathing support, the following feature codes are required
for the associated machine type:
Table 2.
Machine Type Feature Code
3582 FC 1680
3583 FC 1680
3584 FC 1680

Hardware Requirements
The Atape device driver supports the following IBM Ultrium tape drives and
automation products:
v One or more of the following IBM Ultrium tape devices:
– IBM TotalStorage Ultrium External Tape Drive 3580
– IBM TotalStorage Ultrium Tape Autoloader 3581
– IBM TotalStorage Ultrium Tape Library 3582
– IBM TotalStorage Ultrium Scalable Tape Library 3583
– IBM TotalStorage UltraScalable Tape Library 3584
v One or more of the following IBM RS/6000® or pSeries SCSI host bus adapters:
– PCI Dual Channel Ultra-3 SCSI Adapter (LVD) (RS/6000 or pSeries FC 6203),
AIX 4.3.3 and later.
– PCI Differential Ultra SCSI Adapter (HVD) (RS/6000 or pSeries FC 6207)
– PCI Universal Differential Ultra SCSI Adapter (HVD) (RS/6000 or pSeries FC
6204), AIX 4.3.3 and later
– Integrated LVD port - RS/6000 or pSeries 7044 Models 170 and 270, AIX 4.3.3
and later, IBM 3580, 3581, and 3583 only
– PCI Dual Channel Ultra-2 SCSI Adapter (LVD) (RS/6000 or pSeries FC 6205),
AIX 4.3.3 and later
v One or more of the following IBM RS/6000 or pSeries FC-AL host bus adapters:
– Gigabit Fibre Channel Adapter (PCI) (RS/6000 or pSeries FC 6227)
– The Gigabit Fibre Channel Adapter for 64–bit PCI bus (RS/6000 or pSeries FC
– The IBM 2108–G07 (IBM SAN Data Gateway) and IBM 2108–R03 (IBM SAN
Data Gateway Router) can be used to attach SCSI models of the IBM Ultrium
family of products with any of the supported FC–AL host bus adapters.

Attention: Using a single Fibre Channel host bus adapter (HBA) for concurrent
tape and disk operations is not recommended. Tape and disk devices require
incompatible HBA settings for reliable operation and optimal performance
characteristics. Under stress conditions (high I/O rates for tape, disk, or both)
where disk and tape subsystems share a common HBA, stability problems have
been observed. These issues are resolved by separating disk and tape I/O streams
onto separate HBAs and using SAN zoning to minimize contention. IBM is focused
on assuring server and storage configuration interoperability. It strongly
recommends that your implementation plan includes provisions for separating disk
and tape workloads.

12 IBM Ultrium Tape Device Drivers: Installation and User’s Guide

Chapter 3. Tape Drive, Media, and Device Driver Parameters
This chapter describes the parameters that control the operating modes of the tape
drive, media, and device driver.

Configuration Parameters
The operating parameters for the tape drive and device driver can be set and
changed by the configuration procedures. The installation defaults are provided for
all parameters initially. The AIX smit command can be used to set these parameters
when configuring a device or to change these parameters. The AIX chdev command
can also be used to change the configuration parameters.

The configuration parameters are used to set the operating mode of the tape drive
and device driver when a device is opened. These parameters can be queried by an
application. Some parameters can be changed temporarily during the open
subroutine by an application, but they are always restored to the configuration
values when a device is closed. The configuration parameters are:
v Autoloading
v Block size
v Compression
v Logging
v Maximum size of the log file
v Record space mode
v Rewind immediate
v Trailer labels

This parameter enables the autoloading feature of the device driver. It can be used
when one IBM 3580 Ultrium Tape Drive is installed in an IBM 3581 Ultrium Tape
Autoloader or an IBM 3583 Ultrium Scalable Tape Library. This feature allows
multivolume backups (with commands such as tar) without prompting for a
volume change.

Note: The autoloading feature is not supported on the IBM 3584 UltraScalable Tape
Library and the IBM 3583 Ultrium Scalable Tape Library with more than one IBM
3580 Ultrium Tape Drive installed.

Do not enable autoloading if one of the following conditions is true:

v The device is used by an application that provides library medium changer
support for the IBM 3581 or IBM 3583.
v The application is MKSYSB.
v The tapes being read were not written using the autoloading feature.

If the parameter is set to On, the tapes in the attached medium changer slots act as
one large virtual tape. During a read, write, or forward space file operation, no end of
tape is detected by the application. When the end of tape is reached, the device

© Copyright IBM Corp. 2000, 2003 13

AIX Device Driver (Atape)

driver automatically rewinds and unloads the tape, moves the tape back into the
library, loads the next tape from the library, then continues reading or writing the
next tape.

The following conditions are required to use autoloading:

v The autoloading parameter must be set to On.
v The library must be loaded with one or more tapes.
v The library mode must be set to Random mode.

The installation default is Off (no autoloading).

Block Size
This parameter specifies the block size used for read and write operations. A value
of 0 is the variable block size. Any other value is a fixed block size.

The installation default is 0 (use variable length).

Hardware compression is implemented in the device hardware. This parameter
turns the compression feature On and Off. If compression is enabled, the effective
performance can increase based on the compressibility of the data.

The installation default is On (use compression).

This parameter turns the volume information logging On and Off. If logging is set
to On, the statistical information about the device and media is saved in a log file
when a tape is unloaded. If logging is set to Off, the information is not saved. This
parameter has no effect on error logging because error logging is always enabled.
For more information, see Chapter 12, “Device and Volume Information Logging,”
on page 53.

The installation default is Off (no logging).

Maximum Size of the Log File

This parameter specifies the number of entries made before the log file starts to
wrap. Each entry is approximately 2 KB (2048 bytes). After the log file starts to
wrap, the number of entries remains constant. Each time a new entry is made, the
oldest entry is overlaid. For more information, see Chapter 12, “Device and Volume
Information Logging,” on page 53.

The installation default is 500.

Record Space Mode

This parameter specifies how the device driver operates when a forward or
backward space record operation encounters a filemark. The two modes of
operation are SCSI and AIX.

The SCSI mode is the default mode of operation. When a forward or backward
space record operation is issued to the driver and a filemark is encountered, the
device driver returns -1 and the errno variable is set to input/output error (EIO).

14 IBM Ultrium Tape Device Drivers: Installation and User’s Guide

AIX Device Driver (Atape)

The tape is left-positioned after the filemark (the end-of-tape side of the filemark
on the forward space and the beginning-of-tape side of the filemark on the
backward space).

The AIX mode returns the same EIO errno value as the SCSI mode when a filemark
is encountered, except that the tape is left-positioned before the filemark (the
beginning-of-tape side of the filemark on the forward space and the end-of-tape
side of the filemark on the backward space).

The installation default is SCSI mode.

Rewind Immediate
This parameter turns the immediate bit On and Off in rewind commands. If it is
set to On, the rewind tape operation executes faster, but the next command takes a
long time to finish unless the rewind operation is physically complete. Setting this
parameter reduces the amount of time that it takes to close a device for a Rewind
on Close special file.

The installation default is Off (no rewind immediate).

Trailer Labels
If this parameter is set to On, writing a record past the early warning mark on the
tape is allowed. The first write operation to detect end of mark (EOM) fails and the
errno variable is set to ENOSPC. No data is written during the operation. All
subsequent write operations are allowed to continue until the physical end of the
volume is reached and EIO is returned.

This parameter can also be selected using one of three device special files that
allow trailer label processing. The special files are rmtx.40, rmtx.41, and rmtx.60,
where x is the name of the device (for example, rmt0.40).

The installation default is Off (no trailer labels).

Media Parameter
The media parameter can be queried and set by the tapeutil application using the
Query/Set Parameters option on the menu. This parameter cannot be set or
changed by the configuration procedures. The media parameter is:
v Volume ID for logging

This parameter is the volume ID of the currently loaded tape. It is used in the log
file entry (if volume logging is active) to identify the entry with a particular
volume. The device driver sets the volume ID to UNKNOWN initially and when
the tape is unloaded.

Chapter 3. Tape Drive, Media, and Device Driver Parameters 15

16 IBM Ultrium Tape Device Drivers: Installation and User’s Guide
Chapter 4. Installation and Configuration Instructions
The recommended procedure for installing and configuring the device driver is to
use the installation script provided on the Open Systems Device Driver CD.
However, before this is done, you need to physically attach the device to the
server. Consult the appropriate manuals for instructions on physically attaching the
tape device to the server.

Instructions for uninstalling the device driver are outlined below in “Uninstallation
Procedure” on page 20.

Attention: At the end of the installation procedure, the installp facility will
automatically run the AIX bosboot command to update the boot record with the
newly installed Atape files. When the bosboot command completes, the following
messages will be displayed:

0503-292 This update will not fully take effect until after a system reboot.
installp: bosboot process completed.

This message is referring to the updates to the boot record only. If the installation
summary shows that the Atape driver was installed successfully, it is not necessary
to reboot the machine at this time.

If the installation summary shows that the install failed, you should reboot the
machine and attempt to install the Atape driver a second time.

Installation Procedure
For information on obtaining the latest version of device drivers and the latest
documentation, see Appendix A, “Accessing Documentation and Software Online,”
on page 245.

Preinstallation Considerations
Before proceeding with the installation, make sure of the following items:
1. The tape device is properly functioning, properly attached to the server, and is
powered up.
2. You have logged onto the server on an account which has root authority.
3. You have a command shell window open on the server to perform the
installation procedure.
4. Make sure the current path is defined in the command shell PATH variable.
This can be accomplished in the korn shell using the following command:
5. If the tape device was configured previously by another device driver (not
Atape), remove any existing device definitions for it. For example, ’rmdev -l
rmt1 -d’.

© Copyright IBM Corp. 2000, 2003 17

AIX Device Driver (Atape)

Installation Procedure
Enter the following command to list the currently installed Atape.driver version:
lslpp -l Atape.driver

If you have the IBM Ultrium Device Drivers CD, use the following instructions to
install and configure the device driver:
1. For an installed Atape device driver, deconfigure all existing tape devices that
use the Atape driver by following the instructions shown in “Deconfiguring
Tape Devices” on page 19 or “Deconfiguring Medium Changer Devices” on
page 20.
2. Place the CD into the CD-ROM drive on your AIX system.
3. Mount the CD over an empty directory. For example, if your CD-ROM drive is
defined at /dev/cd0 and you have an empty directory at /cdrom, issue the
following command to mount the CD:
mount -frv cdrfs /dev/cd0 /cdrom

You can create an empty directory using the mkdir command, for example:
mkdir /cdrom

Subsequent instructions assume that you mounted the CD at mount point

4. Enter the following command:
cd /cdrom/AIX
5. Consult the Atape.Readme file on the CD for any important information
pertaining to the device driver. Information in this file takes precedence over
information in the manual.
6. Execute the install_atape script. This script uninstalls any previous versions of
Atape, installs and commits the latest version of Atape, then runs cfgmgr to
define your devices.
7. Enter the following commands:
cd /
unmount /cdrom
8. Remove the CD from the CD-ROM drive and store it in a safe place.

If you have the Atape device driver on a diskette, use the following instructions to
install and configure the device driver:
1. For an installed Atape device driver, deconfigure all defined devices by
following the instructions in “Deconfiguring Tape Devices” on page 19 or
“Deconfiguring Medium Changer Devices” on page 20 and uninstall the Atape
driver. Uninstall the Atape driver by following the instructions shown in
“Uninstallation Procedure” on page 20.
2. Place the diskette into the diskette drive on your AIX system. The following
steps assume that your diskette drive is defined as /dev/rfd0.
3. Enter the following command:
installp -acXd /dev/rfd0 Atape.driver

This installs and commits the Atape driver on your system.

4. Remove the diskette from the diskette drive and store it in a safe place.
5. Follow the instructions in “Configuring Tape and Medium Changer Devices”
on page 19.

18 IBM Ultrium Tape Device Drivers: Installation and User’s Guide

AIX Device Driver (Atape)

Configuring Tape and Medium Changer Devices

After the driver software is installed and a tape device is connected to the adapter,
the device can be configured and made available for use. Access to the device is
not provided until the device is configured.

Note: If the tape device was configured previously by another SCSI device driver,
such as OST (Other SCSI Tape), issue the following command to remove the
device definition before performing the following steps:
rmdev -l [device]

Configure a tape device using one of the following procedures:

v Enter the following command with no parameters:

The command configures all devices automatically (including any new tape or
medium changer devices).

v Power Off your subsystem and reboot the system to configure it automatically
and make available any new tape or medium changer devices on the system.

Deconfiguring Tape Devices

In the following examples, replace the letter n with the appropriate number for the
chosen device.

Deconfigure the tape device using one of the following procedures:

v The first method leaves the tape device defined in the configuration database. It
is similar to bringing the device Offline (not in use).
Enter the following command to bring the /dev/rmtn tape device Offline but
leave it defined in the device database:
rmdev -l rmtn

v The second method brings the tape device Offline and removes its definition
from the device database.
Enter the following command:
rmdev -l rmtn -d

The device driver is not unloaded from the kernel until the last device is

Chapter 4. Installation and Configuration Instructions 19

AIX Device Driver (Atape)

Deconfiguring Medium Changer Devices

In the following examples, replace the letter n with the appropriate number for the
chosen device.

Deconfigure the medium changer device using one of the following procedures:
v The first method leaves the device defined in the configuration database. It is
similar to bringing the device Offline.
Enter the following command to bring the /dev/smcn medium changer device
Offline but leave it defined in the device database:
rmdev -l smcn

v The second method brings the medium changer device Offline and removes its
definition from the device database.
Enter the following command:
rmdev -l smcn -d

The device driver is not unloaded from the kernel until the last device is

Uninstallation Procedure
All tape devices that use the Atape driver must be closed and cannot be in use
when Atape is uninstalled or the uninstall will fail.

You can uninstall the Atape device driver using the smit command menu to
uninstall software and selecting Atape.driver or using the installp command:
installp -u Atape.driver

20 IBM Ultrium Tape Device Drivers: Installation and User’s Guide

Chapter 5. Special Files
After the driver is installed and a tape device is configured and made available for
use, access is provided through the special files. These special files, which consist
of the standard AIX special files for tape devices (along with other files unique to
the Atape driver), are in the /dev directory.

Special Files for Tape Devices

Each tape device has a set of special files that provides access to the same physical
drive but to different types of functions. As shown in Table 3, in addition to the
tape special files, a special file is provided for tape devices that allows access to the
medium changer as a separate device.

Note: The asterisk (*) represents a number assigned to a particular device, such as

For tape drives with attached medium changer devices, the rmt*.smc special file
provides a separate path for issuing commands to the medium changer. When this
special file is opened, the application can view the medium changer as a separate

Both this special file and the rmt* special file can be opened at the same time. The
file descriptor that results from opening the rmt*.smc special file does not support
the following operations:
v Read
v Write
v Open in diagnostic mode
v Commands designed for a tape device

If a tape drive has a medium changer device attached, then all operations
(including the medium changer operations) are supported through the interface to
the rmt* special file.

© Copyright IBM Corp. 2000, 2003 21

AIX Device Driver (Atape)

Table 3. Special Files for IBM 3580 Tape Device

Special File Rewind on Retension on Bytes per Unload on
Name Close Open Inch Trailer Label Close
/dev/rmt* Yes No N/A No No
/dev/rmt*.1 No No N/A No No
/dev/rmt*.2 Yes Yes N/A No No
/dev/rmt*.3 No Yes N/A No No
/dev/rmt*.4 Yes No N/A No No
/dev/rmt*.5 No No N/A No No
/dev/rmt*.6 Yes Yes N/A No No
/dev/rmt*.7 No Yes N/A No No
/dev/rmt*.10 No No N/A No No
/dev/rmt*.20 Yes No N/A No Yes
/dev/rmt*.40 Yes No N/A Yes No
/dev/rmt*.41 No No N/A Yes No
/dev/rmt*.60 Yes No N/A Yes Yes
/dev/rmt*.null Yes No N/A No No
/dev/rmt*.smc N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A

1. The Rewind on Close special files write filemarks under certain conditions before
rewinding. See the IBM Ultrium Device Drivers: Programming Reference.
2. The Retension on Open special files rewind the tape only on open. Retensioning is not
performed because these tape products perform the retension operation automatically
when needed.
3. The Bytes per Inch options are ignored for the tape devices that this driver supports.
The density selection is automatic.
4. The rmt*.null file is a pseudo device similar to the /dev/null AIX special file. The ioctl
calls can be issued to this file without a real device attached to it, and the device driver
will return a successful completion. Read and write system calls will return the
requested number of bytes. This file can be used for application development or
debugging problems.
5. The rmt*.smc file can be opened independently of the other tape special files.
6. The rmt*.10 file bypasses normal close processing, and the tape is left at the current

Special Files for Medium Changer Devices

After the driver is installed and a medium changer device is configured and made
available for use, access to the robotic device is provided through the smc* special
file in the /dev directory.

Table 4 shows the attributes of the special file. The asterisk (*) represents a number
assigned to a particular device, such as smc0. The term smc is used for a SCSI
medium changer device. The smc* special file provides a path for issuing
commands to control the medium changer robotic device. This same terminology is
extended for medium changers, which are attached by way of a fibre channel.

22 IBM Ultrium Tape Device Drivers: Installation and User’s Guide

AIX Device Driver (Atape)

Table 4. Special Files

Special File Name Description
/dev/smc* Access to the medium changer robotic device
/dev/smc*.null Pseudo medium changer device
Note: The smc*.null file is a pseudo device similar to the /dev/null AIX special file. The
commands can be issued to this file without a real device attached to it, and the device
driver will return a successful completion. This file can be used for application
development or debugging problems.

The file descriptor that results from opening the smc special file does not support
the following operations:
v Read
v Write
v Commands designed for a tape device

Chapter 5. Special Files 23

AIX Device Driver (Atape)

24 IBM Ultrium Tape Device Drivers: Installation and User’s Guide

Chapter 6. Alternate Pathing Support for Library Control Path
Note: The library control path failover feature code must be installed prior to
enabling the alternate pathing support in the Atape device driver. Refer to
“Library Control Path Failover Support” on page 12 for what feature code is
required for your machine type.

The Atape device driver alternate pathing support will configure multiple physical
control paths to the same logical library within the device driver and provide
automatic failover to an alternate control path when a permanent error occurs on
one path. This is transparent to the running application.

For example, consider a simple multipath connection that consists of two Host Bus
Adapters (HBA) in an RS/6000 or pSeries host that are connected to a library with
two drive control ports enabled. The first HBA is connected to the first control port
drive, and the second HBA is connected to the second control port drive. This
connection provides two physical control paths to the same library for redundancy
if one path from an HBA to the library fails.

When the RS/6000 or pSeries is booted or cfgmgr is run, each HBA detects a
control port to the same library, and two logical devices will be configured (for
example, smc0 and smc1). Each logical device is a physical path to the same
library. An application can open and use only one logical device at a time, either
smc0 or smc1, because they represent the same physical device.

Without the Atape alternate pathing support, if an application opens smc0 and a
permanent path error occurs (because of an HBA, cable, or drive control port
failure, for example), the application fails. It is possible to initiate manual failover
by restarting the application on the alternate logical device (smc1), but the
application has to be restarted from the beginning.

When the alternate pathing support is enabled on both smc0 and smc1, the device
driver configures them internally as a single device with multiple paths. The
application can still open and use only one logical device at a time (either smc0 or
smc1). If an application opens smc0 and a permanent path error occurs, the device
driver initiates failover error recovery automatically on the alternate path (smc1). If
successful, the current operation continues on the alternate path without
interrupting the application.

Configuring and Unconfiguring Alternate Pathing Support

Alternate pathing support is not enabled automatically when the device driver is
installed. It must be configured initially on each logical device after installation.
When alternate pathing support is enabled for a logical device, it remains set until
the device is deleted or the support is unconfigured. The alternate pathing setting
is retained even if the system is rebooted.

To enable or disable the support on a single logical device, use the smit menu to
Change/Show Characteristics of a Tape Drive, select the logical device to change
such as smc0, smc1, and so on, then select Yes or No for Enable Alternate Pathing
Support. The support can also be enabled or disabled using the chdev command,
for example:

© Copyright IBM Corp. 2000, 2003 25

AIX Device Driver (Atape)

chdev -l smc0 -aalt_pathing=yes

chdev -l smc1 -aalt_pathing=yes
chdev -l smc0 -aalt_pathing=no
chdev -l smc1 -aalt_pathing=no

Primary and Alternate Paths

When the device driver configures a logical device with alternate pathing support
enabled, the first device configured always becomes the primary path. On SCSI
attached devices, -P is appended to the location field and on Fibre attached devices
-PRI is appended to the location field of the device.

When a second logical device is configured with alternate pathing support enabled
for the same physical device, it configures as an alternate path. On SCSI attached
devices, -A is appended to the location field and on Fibre attached devices -ALT is
appended to the location field of the device. A third logical device is also
configured as an alternate path with either -A or -ALT appended, and so on. The
device driver supports up to 16 physical paths for a single device.

For example, if an smc0 is configured first, then an smc1, and an smc2, the lsdev
-Cc tape command location field would look something like the following:
smc0 Available 20-60-01-PRI IBM 3584 Library (FCP)
smc1 Available 30-68-01-ALT IBM 3584 Library (FCP)
smc2 Available 30-68-01-ALT IBM 3584 Library (FCP)

The labeling of a logical device as either a primary or alternate path is for

information only, in order to:
1. Be able to identify the actual number of physical devices configured on the
system and a specific logical device associated with them. There will be only
one logical device labeled the primary path for each physical device. However,
there may be many (multiple) logical devices labeled as an alternate path for
the same devices.
2. Provide information about which logical devices configured on the system have
alternate pathing support enabled.

Querying Primary and Alternate Path Configuration

You can display the primary and alternate path configuration for all devices with
the lsdev command. There may be two or more logical devices configured for a
single physical device, but the first device configured is labeled the primary device.
All other logical devices configured after the first device are labeled as alternate
devices. To see this, run the lsdev -Cc tape command and look at the location field
in the data. By running lsdev -Cc tape | grep P, for example, you can easily
determine how many physical devices are configured with alternate pathing

You can display the primary and alternate path configuration for any device by
tapeutil -f/dev/smcx path (where smcx is the logical name of any device)

This command shows specific information for the primary path and all alternate
paths, such as the logical name of the device, SCSI IDs, the current enabled status,
and how many paths are configured for the device.

26 IBM Ultrium Tape Device Drivers: Installation and User’s Guide

AIX Device Driver (Atape)

Configuring and Unconfiguring Primary and Alternate Devices

Logical devices configured as alternate paths can be unconfigured and
reconfigured at any time after the initial configuration is run. Unconfiguring an
alternate path device removes that device from the primary device path list,
removes the -A or -ALT appended to the location field, and changes the device to
the Defined state. The primary and any other alternate devices are still available.

Likewise, configuring a new alternate path device or reconfiguring an existing one

in the Defined state adds that device to the primary device path list, appends -A or
-ALT to the location field, and makes the device available.

Logical devices that are configured as primary paths can also be unconfigured and
reconfigured at any time after initial configuration is run. However, the operation
is different for a primary device. When a primary device is unconfigured, the
following events occur:
1. All alternate devices are unconfigured as described previously.
2. The primary device is unconfigured.
3. The -P or -PRI appended to the location field is removed.
4. The device is changed to the Defined state.
5. All alternate devices that were unconfigured are reconfigured. The first device
that is reconfigured becomes the new primary device. All remaining alternate
devices are reconfigured as alternate paths.

These methods provide the ability to unconfigure and reconfigure physical devices
on the system when device connections or addressing changes are made.

Chapter 6. Alternate Pathing Support for Library Control Path Failover 27

28 IBM Ultrium Tape Device Drivers: Installation and User’s Guide
Chapter 7. Alternate Pathing Support for Tape Drives
The Atape device driver alternate pathing support will configure multiple physical
paths to the same device within the device driver and provides two basic
1. Automatic failover to an alternate physical path when a permanent error occurs
on one path.
2. Dynamic load balancing for devices using multiple Host Bus Adapters (HBA).

Automatic Failover
The automatic failover support provides error recovery on an alternate path when
a permanent error occurs on one path. This is transparent to the running

For example, consider a simple multipath connection that consists of two Host Bus
Adapters (HBA) in an RS/6000 or pSeries host that is connected through a switch
to the tape drive. This connection provides two physical paths to same tape drive
for redundancy if one path from an HBA to the drive fails.

When the RS/6000 or pSeries is booted or cfgmgr is run, each HBA detects a tape
drive, and two logical devices will be configured. For example, rmt0 and rmt1.
Each logical device is a physical path to the same tape drive. A backup and restore
application can open and use only one logical device at a time, either rmt0 or rmt1,
because they represent the same physical device.

Without the Atape alternate pathing support, if an application opens rmt0 and a
permanent path error occurs (because of an HBA or cable failure, for example), the
application fails. It is possible to initiate manual failover by restarting the
application on the alternate logical device (rmt1), but the application has to be
restarted from the beginning. A long backup or restore operation may have been in
progress when the path error occurred. Sometimes manual failover may require
operator intervention to reset the drive because a SCSI Reservation could still exist
on the failing HBA path.

When the alternate pathing support is enabled on both rmt0 and rmt1, the device
driver configures them internally as a single device with multiple paths. The
application can still open and use only one logical device at a time (either rmt0 or
rmt1). If an application opens rmt0 and a permanent path error occurs, the device
driver initiates failover error recovery automatically on the alternate path (rmt1). If
successful, the current operation continues on the alternate path without
interrupting the application. The failover error recovery first restores the previous
device state, SCSI Reservation, and tape position, then retries the failing operation.
1. This function is supported on IBM 3580 Ultrium II Fibre Channel tape drives
only. This function is not supported for devices that are attached through an
IBM San Data Gateway.
2. The AIX operating system only supports a static configuration of devices,
which also applies to the Alternate Pathing and Failover Support. When
devices are initially configured at a specific SCSI ID and physical connection
(drive port, host bus adapter, and switch number/port, if applicable) and in the

© Copyright IBM Corp. 2000, 2003 29

AIX Device Driver (Atape)

Available state, changing the physical device address/connection without either

rebooting or unconfiguring and reconfiguring the devices has unpredictable
results and is not supported.

Dynamic Load Balancing

The dynamic load balancing support optimizes resources for devices that have
physical connections to multiple Host Bus Adapters (HBA) in the same machine.
When an application opens a device that has multiple HBA paths configured, the
device driver determines which path has the HBA with the lowest usage, and
assigns that path to the application. When another application opens a different
device with multiple HBA paths, the device driver again determines the path with
the lowest HBA usage and assigns that path to the second application. The device
driver will update the usage on the HBA assigned to the application when the
device is closed. Dynamic load balancing will use all Host Bus Adapters whenever
possible and balance the load between them to optimize the resources in the

For example, consider a machine with two Host Bus Adapters, HBA1 and HBA2,
with multiple tape drives attached. Each tape drive is connected to both HBA1 and
HBA2. Initially, there are no tape drives currently in use. When the first application
opens a tape drive for use, the device driver will assign the application to use
HBA1. When a second application opens a tape drive for use, the device driver
will assign the second application to use HBA2. A third application would be
assigned to HBA1 and a fourth application would be assigned to HBA2. There
would be two applications using HBA1 and two applications using HBA2.

If the first application finishes and closes the device, there would now be one
application using HBA1 and two applications using HBA2. When the next
application opens a tape drive, it would be assigned to HBA1, so again there
would be two applications using HBA1 and two applications using HBA2.
Likewise, if the second application finishes and closes the device, HBA2 would
have one application using it and the next application that opens a tape drive
would be assigned to HBA2.

The dynamic load balancing support is independent from the automatic failover
support. Regardless of the path assigned initially for load balancing, if that path
fails the automatic failover support will attempt recovery on the next available

Configuring and Unconfiguring Alternate Pathing Support

Alternate pathing support is not enabled automatically when the device driver is
installed. It must be configured initially on each logical device after installation.
When alternate pathing support is enabled for a logical device, it remains set until
the device is deleted or the support is unconfigured. The alternate pathing setting
is retained even if the system is rebooted.

Alternate pathing support can be enabled on all configured devices at one time, or
it can be enabled or disabled selectively by logical device. It may be desirable at
times to configure some, but not all, logical paths to a device with the support

To enable the support globally on all currently configured devices, run the
/usr/lpp/Atape/instAtape -a

30 IBM Ultrium Tape Device Drivers: Installation and User’s Guide

AIX Device Driver (Atape)

This will unconfigure all devices that have alternate pathing set to No, and will
reconfigure all devices, setting alternate pathing to Yes.

To enable or disable the support on a single logical device, use the smit menu to
Change/Show Characteristics of a Tape Drive, then select Yes or No for Enable
Alternate Pathing Support. The support can also be enabled or disabled using the
chdev command, for example:
chdev -l rmt0 -aalt_pathing=yes

chdev -l rmt0 -aalt_pathing=no

Primary and Alternate Paths

When the device driver configures a logical device with alternate pathing support
enabled, the first device configured always becomes the primary path and PRI is
appended to the location field of the device. When a second logical device is
configured with alternate pathing support enabled for the same physical device, it
configures as an alternate path and ALT is appended to the location field. A third
logical device is configured as the next alternate path with ALT appended, and so
on. The device driver supports up to 16 physical paths for a single device.

For example, if rmt0 is configured first, then rmt1, the lsdev -Cc tape command
output will be similar to the following:
rmt0 Available 20-60-01-PRI IBM 3580 Ultrium Tape Drive (FCP)
rmt1 Available 30-68-01-ALT IBM 3580 Ultrium Tape Drive (FCP)

If rmt1 is configured first, then rmt0, the command output will be similar to the
rmt0 Available 20-60-01-ALT IBM 3580 Ultrium Tape Drive (FCP)
rmt1 Available 30-68-01-PRI IBM 3580 Ultrium Tape Drive (FCP)

The labeling of a logical device as either a primary or alternate path is for

information only, in order to:
1. Be able to identify the actual number of physical devices configured on the
system and a specific logical device associated with them. There will be only
one logical device labeled the primary path for each physical device. However,
there may be many (multiple) logical devices labeled as an alternate path for
the same devices.
2. Provide information about which logical devices configured on the system have
alternate pathing support enabled.

Chapter 7. Alternate Pathing Support for Tape Drives 31

AIX Device Driver (Atape)

Querying Primary and Alternate Path Configuration

You can display the primary and alternate path configuration for all devices with
the lsdev command. There may be two or more logical devices configured for a
single physical device, but the first device configured is labeled the primary device.
All other logical devices configured after the first device are labeled as alternate
devices. To see this, run the lsdev -Cc tape command and look at the location field
in the data. By running lsdev -Cc tape | grep PRI, for example, you can easily
determine how many physical devices on the RS/6000 or pSeries server are
configured with alternate pathing support. You can display the primary and
alternate path configuration for a single device by running the tapeutil -f/dev/rmtx
path command (where rmtx is the logical name of any device).

This command shows specific information for the primary path and all alternate
paths, such as the logical name of the device, SCSI IDs, the current enabled status,
and how many paths are configured for the device.

Configuring and Unconfiguring Primary and Alternate Devices

Logical devices configured as alternate paths can be unconfigured and
reconfigured at any time after the initial configuration is run. Unconfiguring an
alternate path device removes that device from the primary device path list,
removes the ALT appended to the location field, and changes the device to the
Defined state. The primary and any other alternate devices are still available.
Likewise, configuring a new alternate path device or reconfiguring an existing one
in the Defined state adds that device to the primary device path list, appends ALT
to the location field, and makes the device available.

Logical devices that are configured as primary paths can also be unconfigured and
reconfigured at any time after initial configuration is run. However, the operation
is different for a primary device. When a primary device is unconfigured, the
following events occur:
1. All alternate devices are unconfigured as described previously.
2. The primary device is unconfigured.
3. The PRI appended to the location field is removed.
4. The device is changed to the Defined state.
5. All alternate devices that were unconfigured are reconfigured. The first device
that is reconfigured becomes the new primary device. All remaining alternate
devices are reconfigured as alternate paths.

These methods provide the ability to unconfigure and reconfigure physical devices
on the system when device connections or addressing changes are made.

32 IBM Ultrium Tape Device Drivers: Installation and User’s Guide

Chapter 8. Using the Dump Support
Dump support is provided through the dump entry point in the driver. See the
appropriate AIX manuals for a description of how to use the dump devices and
how to read the dump data. Review the sysdumpdev and sysdumpstart commands.

To list the current dump devices, enter the following command:

sysdumpdev -l

To establish the rmt1 tape device as a secondary dump device, enter the following
sysdumpdev -s /dev/rmt1

To perform a dump operation, use the sysdumpstart command. To send the dump
data to the secondary dump device, enter the following command:
sysdumpstart -s

Note: This command stops the system. Use the sync command to ensure that the
cache is flushed before issuing the sysdumpstart -s command.

To list the last dump data, enter the following command:

sysdumpdev -z

After the dump data is placed on the tape, copy it to a file on the disk before using
the crash command to process it. For example:
dd if=/dev/rmt1 of=tapedump1 ibs=4096 obs=512
crash tapedump1

Note: The ibs value is the input block size.

If the block size of the tape device is larger than the block size sent during the
dump process, the dump operation fails. Set the block size to zero on the tape
device and experiment with the ibs value for the dd command.

© Copyright IBM Corp. 2000, 2003 33

34 IBM Ultrium Tape Device Drivers: Installation and User’s Guide
Chapter 9. Tape Utility Program (tapeutil)
Installed with the device driver is a tape utility program (tapeutil) that exercises or
tests the functions of the tape device and the device driver. It also performs basic
tape and medium changer operations. The tape utility program provides two
versions (the interactive interface and the AIX command-line interface with syntax
similar to the tctl and mt commands).

The C source code for the tapeutil.c program can be found in the
/usr/lpp/Atape/samples directory. The program contains a sample of the interface to
the device driver and the input/output control (ioctl) commands supported by the
device driver.

Interactive Interface
The interactive interface of the tape utility program can be called from the AIX
command line using the tapeutil command. A list of general subcommands,
medium changer subcommands, and tape subcommands is displayed. You must
open a device before using these commands and operations (except for the tape
drive service aids).

To open a device:
1. Select Open a Device from General Commands.
2. Enter the name of the device special file. Use any special file that exists for the
device, for example, /dev/rmt0, /dev/rmt0.1, /dev/rmt1.smc, or /dev/smc0.
3. Enter the Read/Write, Read Only, Write Only, or Append mode to open a device.
These modes apply to the tape devices only.

After you open a device, select a command using the appropriate number for the
command from the menu. Some commands require additional information after
they are selected. If an error occurs for the command, the error number, the error
text, and the device sense data (if applicable) are displayed.

Command-Line Interface
The command-line interface of the tape utility program (tapeutil) has a syntax
similar to the AIX tctl and mt commands and provides the same basic tape
commands. The program also supports tape device, device driver, SCSI, and
medium changer subcommands that use the additional functions of the tape device
and device driver.

You can call the tapeutil command from the AIX command line or from within a
shell script. If you enter the tapeutil command without any arguments, the
interactive interface is called.

The syntax for the command-line interface of the tape utility program is:
tapeutil -f Device Subcommand [Subcommand ...]
1. The Device is the name of the device special file (for example, /dev/rmt0).
2. The Subcommand is any valid command for the device.

© Copyright IBM Corp. 2000, 2003 35

AIX Device Driver (Atape)

Multiple subcommands can be combined in a single command to perform more

than one operation. The subcommands are processed one at a time in the order
specified on the command line. For Help information about the subcommands and
their syntax, enter the tapeutil ? command on the AIX command line. The
following Help information is displayed:

General Subcommands:
devinfo inquiry [Page] print "Text"
reserve release reqsense
reset logpage "Page" modepage "Page"
qrypath resetpath disablepath "Primary|Alternate"
tur vpd fuser
passthru path sleep "Seconds"
kill loop [Count] checkpath

Medium Changer Subcommands:

allow prevent audit [Address[Count]]
inventory mount [Slot] position "Destination"
elementinfo unmount [Slot] move "Source" "Destination"
devids exchange "Source" "Dest1" "Dest2"

Tape Subcommands:
append bsf [Count] bsr [Count]
autoload eof [Count] weof [Count]
compress fsf [Count] fsr [Count]
nocompress erg logsense
load erase display "Message"
mtdevice rewind read -d Destination [-c Count]
qrypos retension write -s Source
seod status rtest [-b Blocksize] [-c Count] [-r Repetition]
offline parms wtest [-b Blocksize] [-c Count] [-r Repetition]
rewoffl sync rwtest [-b Blocksize] [-c Count] [-r Repetition]
unload volid "Name" setpos [Blockid]
noautoload sdp "Number" chgpart "Number" [Blockid]
list idp qrypart
density prevent allow
sili nosili

Service Aid subcommands:

dump [Filename] fmrtape resetdrive ucode "Name"

Note: Not all subcommands listed in the Online Help are supported by IBM 358x
devices. Only the supported subcommands are described in the “General
Subcommands,” “Medium Changer Subcommands” on page 39 and “Tape
Subcommands” on page 40.

General Subcommands
The following general subcommands are available for the tape and medium
changer devices:
v devinfo
This subcommand displays the device information returned from the IOCINFO
ioctl command.
v fuser
This subcommand is similar to the AIX fuser command. If the device special file
is already open by a process, it displays the process ID; otherwise, it indicates
the device special file is not currently open.

36 IBM Ultrium Tape Device Drivers: Installation and User’s Guide

AIX Device Driver (Atape)

v inquiry [Page]
This subcommand issues the SCSI Inquiry command to the device for either
standard inquiry data if the page parameter is omitted, or for the specified page,
and displays the inquiry data. The page parameter must be specified as a hex
value. For example:
# Get standard inquiry data
tapeutil -f/dev/rmt0 inquiry

# Get inquiry page x’83’

tapeutil -f/dev/rmt0 inquiry 83
v kill
This subcommand kills a currently active process on a device. This subcommand
should be used when the standard Ctrl-C or AIX kill command methods cannot
terminate the process. For example:
# Kill any active process on rmt0
tapeutil -f/dev/rmt0 kill
v logpage “Page”
This subcommand issues the SCSI Log Sense command to the device for the
specified page and displays the log sense data. The page parameter must be
specified as a hex value. For example:
# Get log page x’2E’
tapeutil -f/dev/rmt0 logpage 2e
v loop [Count]
This subcommand loops all subsequent subcommands continuously or a number
of times if the Count parameter is specified. Also see the sleep subcommand.
# Continuously loop inquiry commands with a 2-second delay
tapeutil -f/dev/rmt0 loop inquiry sleep 2

# Issue 3 Test Unit Ready commands

tapeutil -f/dev/rmt0 loop 3 tur
v modepage “Page”
This subcommand issues the SCSI Mode Sense command to the device for the
specified page and displays the mode sense data. The page parameter must be
specified as a hex value. For example:
# Get mode page x’1D’
tapeutil -f/dev/rmt0 modepage 1d
v passthru
This subcommand opens the device special file using the SC_PASSTHRU mode.
This mode bypasses normal open and close processing, and no SCSI commands
are issued to the device during open or close.
v path
This subcommand displays information about the device and SCSI paths, such
as logical parent, SCSI IDs, and the status of the SCSI paths for the primary path
and all alternate paths that are configured. The output from this subcommand is
similar to the qrypath subcommand, except more than one alternate path is
supported by this subcommand. For example:
# Display path information
tapeutil -f/dev/rmt0 path

Chapter 9. Tape Utility Program 37

AIX Device Driver (Atape)

v print “Text”
This subcommand prints the associated text to standard output. It can be used at
any time to display the progress of the subcommands. For example:
# Set volume id, erase current tape and backup myfile.tar
tapeutil -f/dev/rmt0 volid "My Volume" \
rewind \
erase \
print "Writing myfile.tar" \
write -s myfile.tar
v qrypath
This subcommand displays information about the device and SCSI paths, such
as logical parent, SCSI IDs, and status of the SCSI paths.
v release
This subcommand releases a device explicitly and makes it available for other
hosts. See “Reserve and Release Commands” on page 45 for more information.
v reqsense
This subcommand issues the SCSI Request Sense command to the device and
displays the sense data.
v reserve
This subcommand reserves a device explicitly. See “Reserve and Release
Commands” on page 45 for more information.
v reset
This subcommand opens the device special file using SC_FORCED_OPEN mode
and causes a bus device reset to be sent to the device.

Note: You must have root authority to use this subcommand.

v sleep Seconds
This subcommand causes the tapeutil program to sleep the specified seconds
before executing the next subcommand. Also see the loop subcommand.
# Issue 2 inquiry commands with a 1-second delay between commands
tapeutil -f/dev/rmt0 inquiry sleep 1 inquiry

# Loop inquiry commands with a 2-second delay between commands

tapeutil -f/dev/rmt0 loop inquiry sleep 2
v tur
This subcommand issues the SCSI Test Unit Ready command to the device.
v vpd
This subcommand obtains the vital product data (VPD) from a SCSI tape device.
It opens the device special file in SC_DIAGNOSTIC mode and uses the SCSI
pass-through ioctl command to obtain the inquiry data from the device.

38 IBM Ultrium Tape Device Drivers: Installation and User’s Guide

AIX Device Driver (Atape)

Medium Changer Subcommands

The following medium changer subcommands are available for the integrated and
independent medium changer devices:
v allow
This subcommand allows medium removal by an operator. It is normally used
after the prevent subcommand to restore the device to the default state.
v audit [Address[Count]]
This subcommand with no parameters issues the SCSI Initialize Element Status
command to the device.
Using the optional parameters Address and Count issues the SCSI Initialize
Element Status With Range command to the device. The Address parameter
specifies the starting element address and the Count parameter, if used, specifies
the number of elements to initialize. If Count is omitted, it defaults to 1. For
# Initialize all elements
tapeutil -f/dev/smc0 audit

# Initialize element 32
tapeutil -f/dev/smc0 audit 32

# Initialize elements 36 to 40
tapeutil -f/dev/smc0 audit 36 5
v devids
This subcommand issues the SCSI Read Element Status command to the device
with the read device ID option for all drive elements and displays the element
status information, which includes the device ID field.
v elementinfo
This subcommand displays the information returned from the
SMCIOC_ELEMENT_INFO ioctl command that contains the number and
addresses of each element type.
v exchange “Source” “Dest1” “Dest2”
This subcommand issues the SCSI Exchange Medium command to the device
using the Source, Dest1, and Dest2 addresses specified. This command performs
the equivalent function of two Move Medium commands that first move the
cartridge from the element address specified by the Dest1 parameter to the
element address specified by the Dest2 parameter, then move the cartridge from
the element address specified by the source parameter to the element address
specified by the Dest1 parameter. For example:
# Exchange cartridge in slot 34 with cartridge in drive address 16
# and return that cartridge to slot 40 (drive must be unloaded first)
tapeutil -f/dev/smc0 exchange 34 16 40

# Use move medium commands to perform exchange

tapeutil -f/dev/smc0 move 16 40 move 34 16
v inventory
This subcommand issues the SCSI Read Element Status command for each
element type and displays the element status information.

Chapter 9. Tape Utility Program 39

AIX Device Driver (Atape)

v mount [Slot]
This subcommand mounts a tape from the specified slot into the drive or from
the first full slot into the drive if the slot is omitted. For example:
# Mount cartridge from slot 3
tapeutil -f/dev/smc0 mount 3

# Mount cartridge from first full slot

tapeutil -f/dev/smc0 mount
v move “Source” “Destination”
This subcommand issues the SCSI Move Medium command using the source and
destination addresses specified. The element addresses can be obtained using the
elementinfo subcommand. For example:
# Get slot and drive addresses
tapeutil -f/dev/smc0 elementinfo

# Move cartridge in slot 20 to drive at address 16

tapeutil -f/dev/smc0 move 20 16
v position “Destination”
This subcommand issues the SCSI Position to Element command using the
destination specified. For example:
# Position to slot at address 20
tapeutil -f/dev/smc0 position 20
v prevent
This subcommand prevents medium removal by an operator until the allow
subcommand is issued or the device is reset.
v unmount [Slot]
This subcommand moves a tape from the drive to the specified slot or the first
empty one if the slot is omitted. The tape is rewound and unloaded
automatically from the drive first when this command is issued to the tape
device special file. For example:
# Move tape from drive to slot 4 (tape is already unloaded)
tapeutil -f/dev/smc0 unmount 4

# Unload tape and move to the first empty slot

tapeutil -f/dev/rmt0 unmount

Tape Subcommands
The following tape subcommands are available for the tape devices:
v allow
This subcommand issues the SCSI Prevent Allow Medium Removal command to
the device to allow medium removal by an operator. It is normally used after
the prevent subcommand to restore the device to the default state.
v append
This subcommand opens the device in append mode and allows appending data
to the end of the current tape. The subcommand can be used with a No Rewind
on Close special file to set the tape position after the last file that was written.
For example:
# Append myfile.tar to the end of tape using dd command
tapeutil -f/dev/rmt0.1 append
dd if=myfile.tar of=/dev/rmt0
v autoload
This subcommand turns on the autoload feature only for subsequent
subcommands. For example:

40 IBM Ultrium Tape Device Drivers: Installation and User’s Guide

AIX Device Driver (Atape)

# Backup large.tar (requires multiple tapes) using autoload feature

tapeutil -f/dev/rmt0 autoload write -s large.tar
v bsf [Count]
This subcommand backward spaces the filemarks. An optional count can be
specified. The default is 1.
v bsr [Count]
This subcommand backward spaces the records. An optional count can be
specified. The default is 1.
v compress and nocompress
These subcommands turn the compression On and Off only for subsequent
v density
This subcommand issues the SCSI Report Density command for all supported
media and also for the current media loaded in the drive and displays the
results. If the drive is not loaded, the current media density is not reported, and
a Drive Not Ready error is returned.
v eof [Count] and weof [Count]
These subcommands write the filemarks. An optional count can be specified. The
default is 1.
v erase
This subcommand erases the tape.
v fsf [Count]
This subcommand forward spaces the filemarks. An optional count can be
specified. The default is 1.
v fsr [Count]
This subcommand forward spaces the records. An optional count can be
specified. The default is 1.
v list
This subcommand displays the content of a tape. The output lists filemarks and
the size of each record found on the tape until the end of data is reached. The
output generated from this subcommand can be large, depending on the amount
of data on the tape, and should usually be directed to a file. For example:
# List tape contents to file
tapeutil -f/dev/rmt0 list > tape.list
v load
This subcommand issues the SCSI Load command to load the next tape.
v logsense
This subcommand issues the STIOC_LOG_SENSE ioctl command and displays
the data. If volume logging is active, the log sense data is also saved in the log
v noautoload
This subcommand turns off the autoload feature only for subsequent
subcommands. For example:
# Make sure autoload feature is off before writing file to tape
tapeutil -f/dev/rmt0 noautoload write -s myfile.tar
v nosili
This subcommand turns off the SILI (Suppress Incorrect Length Indication) bit in
variable length SCSI Read commands for all subsequent subcommands, such as
rtest, rwtest, and read.

Chapter 9. Tape Utility Program 41

AIX Device Driver (Atape)

v offline, rewoffl, and unload

These subcommands rewind and unload the tape.
v parms and status
These subcommands issue the STIOCQRYP ioctl command and display the
current tape drive, media, and device driver parameters.
v prevent
This subcommand issues the SCSI Prevent Allow Medium Removal command to
the device to prevent medium removal by an operator until the allow
subcommand is issued or the device is reset.
v qrypos
This subcommand issues the STIOCQRYPOS ioctl command for the logical and
physical tape positions and displays the data. In addition, the current tape
position is saved and can be restored using a subsequent setpos subcommand.
For example:
# Append myfile.tar to the end of tape and then read back
tapeutil -f/dev/rmt0.1 append \
qrypos \
write -s myfile.tar \
setpos \
read -d temp.tar

# Verify myfile.tar was written correctly

diff myfile.tar temp.tar
v read -d Destination [-c Count]
This subcommand reads a file or a specified number of records from the tape to
the destination file name specified with the -d flag. If the optional count
parameter is used, only the number of records specified with the -c flag is read
unless a filemark is encountered before the number of specified records. If the
count parameter is not used, all records up to the next filemark on tape are read.
For example:
# Restore myfile.tar from tape
tapeutil -f/dev/rmt0 read -d myfile.tar

# Read 3 records from the tape into myfile

tapeutil -f/dev/rmt0 read -d myfile -c3
v rewind and retension
These subcommands rewind the tape.
v rtest [-b Blocksize] [-c Count] [-r Repetition]
This subcommand performs a read test by reading a random data pattern from
the tape and verifying that it matches the written data. The rtest subcommand
can be used after the wtest subcommand to verify the data.
An optional block size, count, and repetition can be specified with the -b, -c, and -r
flags, respectively. If the block size is fixed, the count specifies the number of
blocks to read on each repetition. If the block size is zero (variable), the count
specifies the number of bytes to read on each repetition. The default is a block
size of 10240, a count of 20 blocks, and a repetition of 1. For example:
# R/W test using 256 KB blocks, 5 megabytes per write, 100 times
tapeutil -f/dev/rmt0 rewind \
wtest -b 262144 -c 20 -r 100 \
rewind \
rtest -b 262144 -c 20 -r 100
v rwtest [-b Blocksize] [-c Count] [-r Repetition]
This subcommand performs a read and write test by writing a random data
pattern on the tape, reading it, and verifying that it matches the written data.

42 IBM Ultrium Tape Device Drivers: Installation and User’s Guide

AIX Device Driver (Atape)

An optional block size, count, and repetition can be specified with the -b, -c, and -r
flags, respectively. If the block size is fixed, the count specifies the number of
blocks to write on each repetition. If the block size is zero (variable), the count
specifies the number of bytes to write on each repetition. The default is a block
size of 10240, a count of 20 blocks, and a repetition of 1. For example:
# R/W test using 256 KB blocks, 5 megabytes per write, 10 times
tapeutil -f/dev/rmt0 rwtest -b 262144 -c 20 -r 10
v seod
This subcommand spaces to the end of data on the tape.
v setpos [Blockid]
This subcommand issues the SCSI Locate command to the device to set the tape
position. If the optional blockid parameter is specified, the tape position is set to
the blockid. Otherwise, if the blockid parameter is omitted, the tape position is set
to the last position saved using the qrypos subcommand. The blockid can be
specified in decimal or in hex, with a leading “x”. For example:
# Append myfile.tar to the end of tape and then read back
tapeutil -f/dev/rmt0.1 append \
qrypos \
write -s myfile.tar \
setpos \
read -d temp.tar

# Verify myfile.tar was written correctly

diff myfile.tar temp.tar
# Set tape position to block 32 and leave positioned on close
tapeutil -f/dev/rmt0.1 append setpos 32

# Set tape position to block 32 and leave positioned on close

tapeutil -f/dev/rmt0.1 append setpos x20
v sili
This subcommand turns on the SILI (Suppress Incorrect Length Indication) bit in
variable length SCSI Read commands for all subsequent subcommands, such as
rtest, rwtest, and read.
v sync
This subcommand synchronizes or flushes the tape buffers to tape.
v volid ″Name″
This subcommand sets the volume ID for logging. See “Volume ID for Logging”
on page 45.
v write -s Source
This subcommand writes the source file specified with the -s flag on the tape.
For example:
# Backup myfile.tar to tape
tapeutil -f/dev/rmt0 write -s myfile.tar
v wtest [-b Blocksize] [-c Count] [-r Repetition]
This subcommand performs a write test by writing a random data pattern on
the tape. The rtest subcommand can be used after the wtest subcommand to
verify the data that was written.
An optional block size, count, and repetition can be specified with the -b, -c, and -r
flags, respectively. If the block size is fixed, the count specifies the number of
blocks to write on each repetition. If the block size is zero (variable), the count
specifies the number of bytes to write on each repetition. The default is a block
size of 10240, a count of 20 blocks, and a repetition of 1. For example:

Chapter 9. Tape Utility Program 43

AIX Device Driver (Atape)

# R/W test using 256 KB blocks, 5 megabytes per write, 100 times
tapeutil -f/dev/rmt0 rewind \
wtest -b 262144 -c 20 -r 100 \
rewind \
rtest -b 262144 -c 20 -r 100

Service Aid Subcommands

The following service aid subcommands are available:
v dump [Filename]
The dump subcommand reads a dump from the device. Only on the IBM 3580
Ultrium Tape Drive, a SCSI Send Diagnostic command is issued first to force a
This subcommand stores the dump in the specified Filename or, if Filename is
omitted, in the system /var/adm/ras directory. The device driver stores up to three
dump files in this directory. The first dump file is named Atape.rmtx.dump1,
where x is the device number, for example, rmt0. The second and third dump
files are dump2 and dump3, respectively. After a third dump file is created, the
next dump starts at dump1 again and overlays the previous dump file.
v resetdrive
This subcommand issues a Send Diagnostic SCSI command to reset the device.

Note: This subcommand is supported only on the IBM 3580 Ultrium Tape Drive.
v ucode “Name”
This subcommand downloads microcode to the device. The Name parameter can
specify a diskette drive, such as /dev/rfd0, or a microcode file on the RS/6000 or
pSeries system. For example:
# download microcode from diskette
tapeutil -f/dev/rmt0 ucode /dev/rfd0

# download microcode from RISC file

tapeutil -f/dev/rmt0 ucode /etc/microcode/device.ucode

Block Size and SCSI Transfer Size

The minimum and maximum block sizes for the tape device and the maximum
SCSI transfer size can be queried using either the interactive interface of the tape
utility program and selecting Query/Set Parameters under Tape Commands or the
command-line interface issuing the parms or status subcommand.

Configuration Parameters
The configuration parameters can be queried using either the interactive interface
of the tape utility program and selecting Query/Set Parameters under Tape
Commands or the command-line interface issuing the parms or status subcommand.

The configuration parameters can be changed temporarily using the interactive

interface of the tape utility program and selecting Query/Set Parameters under
Tape Commands.

Note: The changes are effective only while the current device is open. All
configuration parameters are reset to their current default values when the
device is closed.

44 IBM Ultrium Tape Device Drivers: Installation and User’s Guide

AIX Device Driver (Atape)

Reserve and Release Commands

The device driver reserves the device automatically on the open call and releases
the device on the close call. This prevents other applications and hosts from
accessing the device. However, there may be situations when the reserve should be
maintained after the close call. For example, some backup programs such as tar can
open and close the device multiple times.

The reservation must be retained explicitly between the close call and the next open

A device can be reserved and released explicitly using either the interactive
interface of the tape utility program and selecting Reserve or Release under
General Commands or the command-line interface, issuing the Reserve and
Release subcommands. For example:
# Reserve device, run tar, and then release device
tapeutil -f/dev/rmt0 reserve
tar ... /dev/rmt0 ...
tapeutil -f/dev/rmt0 release

After the Reserve command is used, the device driver retains the reservation until
a Release command is issued even if the device is deconfigured and reconfigured.

Tape Drive Service Aids

The service aids provided with the device driver can be called using the interactive
interface of the tape utility program and selecting Tape Drive Service Aids under
General Commands or using the Service Aid Subcommands in the command-line
interface of the tape utility program. See “Service Aid Subcommands” on page 44.

Note: The AIX diagnostic subsystem must be installed in order to use Tape Drive
Service Aids from the tapeutil menu.

Volume ID for Logging

The volume ID used in the log entry when volume logging is active can be set
using either the interactive interface of the tape utility program and selecting
Query/Set Parameters under Tape Commands or the command-line interface,
issuing the volid subcommand. For example:
# Unload tape, load next tape, and set volume id
tapeutil -f /dev/rmt0 unload mount volid "VOLSER001"

Chapter 9. Tape Utility Program 45

AIX Device Driver (Atape)

46 IBM Ultrium Tape Device Drivers: Installation and User’s Guide

Chapter 10. Tape Drive Service Aids
The service aids described here are accessible through the AIX diagnostic
subsystem using the AIX diag command, or the interactive and command-line
interfaces of the tapeutil program installed with the device driver. See “Service Aid
Subcommands” on page 44 and “Tape Drive Service Aids” on page 45.

To access the service aids using the diag command:

1. Enter the diag command.
2. Select Service Aids from the Diagnostic Function Selection window.
3. Select IBM Tape Drive Service Aids from the Service Aid Selection window.

Note: You must have root authority to use the diag command.

To access the service aids using tapeutil:

1. Enter the tapeutil command.
2. Select Tape Drive Service Aids under General Commands from the window.

Note: The AIX diagnostic subsystem must be installed in order to use Tape Drive
Service Aids from tapeutil.

Details of Tape Service Aids

The following service aid utilities are installed with the device driver:
v Force Microcode Dump
v Read Dump
v Microcode Load
v Error Log Analysis
v Reset Drive

Force Microcode Dump

This utility forces a dump operation on the tape drive. After the dump operation is
performed, the dump data can be transferred from the tape drive using the Read
Dump utility. The Force Microcode Dump utility is supported on the IBM 3580
Ultrium tape drives.

To access this utility:

1. Open the Service Aids window.
2. Select Force Microcode Dump from the IBM Tape Drive Service Aids window,
then press Enter.
3. Select the device from the IBM Tape Drive Selection window, then press Enter.
The Force Microcode Dump operation starts, and a window opens when the
operation is completed.

© Copyright IBM Corp. 2000, 2003 47

Read Dump
This utility transfers the dump data from the device to a file, a diskette, or a tape

To access this utility:

1. Open the Service Aids window.
2. Select Read Dump from the IBM Tape Drive Service Aids window, then press
3. Select the device from the IBM Tape Drive Selection window, then press Enter.
4. Enter the destination file name or device in the Prompting for Destination
window. The default destination is the /dev/rfd0 diskette drive. To transfer the
dump data to a tape cartridge, enter the device name of the tape drive (for
example, /dev/rmt0). To transfer the dump data to a file, enter the file name.
Press F7 to commit.

Note: On certain terminal types, it may be necessary to press the Esc key and
the number 7 key instead of F7.

The Read Dump operation starts, and a window opens when the operation is

Microcode Load
This utility downloads microcode to the device from a file or a diskette (AIX
format only).

Note: To download the microcode from a DOS diskette, you must first use the AIX
dosread command to transfer the file from the DOS diskette to the AIX file.
Then you can use the Microcode Load utility to download the AIX file to
the tape drive.

To access this utility:

1. Open the Service Aids window.
2. Select Microcode Load from the IBM Tape Drive Service Aids window, then
press Enter.
3. Select the device from the IBM Tape Drive Selection window, then press Enter.
4. Enter the source file name or device on the Prompting for Source File window.
The default source is the /dev/rfd0 diskette drive. To load from a file, enter the
file name. Press F7 to commit.

Note: On certain terminal types, it may be necessary to press the Esc key and
the number 7 key instead of F7.

The Microcode Load operation starts, and a window opens when the operation
is completed.

48 IBM Ultrium Tape Device Drivers: Installation and User’s Guide

Error Log Analysis
This utility displays and analyzes the system error log entries for a specific tape
drive and can be used for problem determination. The type of error, the SCSI
command, and the sense data (if applicable) are displayed for each entry in the
error log (one screen at a time).

To access this utility:

1. Open the Service Aids window.
2. Select Error Log Analysis from the IBM Tape Drive Service Aids window, then
press Enter.
3. Select the device from the IBM Tape Drive Selection window, then press Enter.
4. If entries are listed in the error log for the selected device, then the first entry is
displayed. Press Enter to display the next entry.
5. After all entries are displayed, a window opens, and the operation is

Reset Drive
This utility resets the tape drive. The Reset Drive utility is supported on the IBM
3580 Ultrium tape drives.

To access this utility:

1. Open the Service Aids window.
2. Select Reset Drive from the IBM Tape Drive Service Aids window, then press
3. Select the device from the IBM Tape Drive Selection window, then press Enter.
The Reset Drive operation starts, and the status from the operation will be
displayed when it has completed.

Chapter 10. Tape Drive Service Aids 49

50 IBM Ultrium Tape Device Drivers: Installation and User’s Guide
Chapter 11. Performance Considerations
This chapter describes the parameters and issues that may affect the perceived
performance of the tape drive. In general, AIX applications that operate at a file
level to move data between disk storage devices and tape do not exploit the full
capabilities of a high end tape device. The goal of this discussion is to give an
overview of the data path components involved in moving data between disk
storage devices and tape. The following chapter describes basic techniques and
common utilities in a specific environment that can be used to understand how a
device is performing. Performance issues encountered by advanced application
developers are beyond the scope of this document.
v See the hardware reference for the specific device for performance specifications.
v See the application documentation for information on device-specific application
v See the operating system documentation for information on disk storage device
striping and other techniques for improving file system performance.

Data Path
The simplified model in Figure 4 shows the components involved in the data path
for moving data at a file level between disk storage devices and tape.

Performance analysis must be approached by determining which component of the

data path impacts performance. Typically, a performance problem can be isolated
by looking at one leg of the data path at a time. The goal of this analysis is to
confirm that the tape data path is not impacting the performance adversely.

Figure 4. Data Path

Common AIX Utilities

The most commonly reported cause for poor tape performance is the use of small
block sizes or the modification of the installation defaults for the tape device.

Note: The device parameters should not be changed from the defaults for most

The following guidelines typically result in good tape path performance for use
with AIX utilities:
1. Hardware compression should be enabled for maximum performance if the
data sent to the device is uncompressed.

© Copyright IBM Corp. 2000, 2003 51

AIX Device Driver (Atape)

2. The block_size parameter should be set to variable (block_size=0) and command

or application parameters specified to a block size appropriate for the device.
3. Block sizes of 128 KB or greater should be used to improve performance.

Before Calling Support

System performance tuning is not a support responsibility. If tests indicate raw
tape performance is below specifications, record the exact failing command and
collect the output from the commands in Table 5 before contacting support.
Table 5. Error Description
Information Command
Configuration lscfg -v
Device parameters lsattr -E -l rmtN
Error log. Call hardware support if errors errpt -a
are found for TAPE_ERR* or SCSI* error
Driver version lslpp -l Atape.driver
Device microcode level (may not apply to all tapeutil -f /dev/rmtN reqsense
Trace of failing command See “Trace Facility” on page 57

52 IBM Ultrium Tape Device Drivers: Installation and User’s Guide

Chapter 12. Device and Volume Information Logging
An optional utility is provided to log information about the device and the media.
This information is extensive for some devices and limited for other devices. If set
to On, the logging facility gathers all available information through the SCSI Log
Sense command.

This process is a separate facility from error logging. Error logging is routed to the
system error log. Device information logging is sent to a separate file.

The following parameters control this utility:

v Logging
v Maximum size of the log file
v Volume ID for logging

See Chapter 3, “Tape Drive, Media, and Device Driver Parameters,” on page 13 for
a description of these parameters.

Each time the rewind and unload sequence occurs or the STIOC_LOG_SENSE ioctl
command is issued, an entry is added to the log. Each time a new cartridge is
loaded, the values in the device log buffers are reset with the Log Sense command.
The log data is gathered on a per-volume basis.

Log File
The data is logged in the /usr/adm/ras directory. The file name is dependent on each
device; therefore each device has a separate log. An example of the rmt1 device file

The files are in binary format. Each entry has a header followed by the raw Log
Sense pages as defined for a particular device.

The first log page is always page 0x00. This page, as defined in the SCSI-2 ANSI
specification, contains all the pages supported by the device. Page 0x00 is followed
by all pages specified in page 0x00. The format of each following page is defined
in the SCSI specification and the device manual.

Tape Log Utility

A tape log utility is installed with the tapelog device driver that displays the
contents of the log file in ASCII text. The log pages are displayed as hexadecimal
values in dump format.

The C source code (tapelog.c) for the program is in the /usr/lpp/Atape/samples

directory. The program contains a sample of the interface to the log file and the
structure used to read the file.

The syntax for the tape log utility is:

tapelog -l Name [-d] or tapelog -f File [-d]

© Copyright IBM Corp. 2000, 2003 53

AIX Device Driver (Atape)

1. Name is the logical name of the device, such as rmt0.
2. File is the name of a log file, such as Atape.rmt0.log.
3. The -d parameter, if used, deletes the log file for the specified device.

The content of the log file is displayed as standard output. To save the log in a file,
use the AIX redirection function. For example:
tapelog -l rmt0 > rmt0.log

54 IBM Ultrium Tape Device Drivers: Installation and User’s Guide

Chapter 13. Problem Determination
A set of tools is provided with the device driver to determine if the device driver
and the tape device are functioning correctly. The standard AIX interface is
provided for problem determination.

Error Logging
The device driver provides logging to the AIX system error log for various errors.
You can view the error log for specific devices using the Error Log Analysis utility
provided with the tape drive service aids. See “Error Log Analysis” on page 49.
The error log can also be viewed using the smit or the errpt command.

Error Log Templates

The error log templates used by the device driver follow the same format as the
default AIX tape error log entries. Each error log entry is identified by an error
label and contains detail data associated with the type of error. The following
describes the error labels and detail data for the templates used for logging tape
device, media, and SCSI adapter related errors in the AIX system error log.

Error Labels
Errors are logged with an associated error label and error ID. The error label
indicates the basic type of error:
Tape media error
Tape hardware error
SCSI Adapter detected error
Unknown error
Temporary tape hardware or media error
Tape drive needs cleaning
Device dump retrieved

Detail Data
Detail data is logged with the associated error that identifies the cause of the error.
All error log entries use the following format for detail data:
Detail Data
aabb xxxx ccdd eeee eeee eeee eeee eeee ffgg hhxx ssss ssss ssss ssss ssss
ssss ssss ssss ssss ssss ....

aa Length of the command descriptor block (CDB)
© Copyright IBM Corp. 2000, 2003 55
AIX Device Driver (Atape)

bb SCSI target address

xx Unused or reserved
cc Start of CDB, cc is the operation code (byte 0)
dd Logical unit (byte 1) in the CDB
ee Bytes 2 through 12 in the CDB
ff Status validity field. If this field is 01, then a SCSI error was reported, and
byte gg indicates the type of error. If this field is 02, an adapter error was
reported, and byte hh indicates the type of error.
gg This byte indicates the type of SCSI error that occurred:
02 CHECK CONDITION - Device reported a check condition.
08 BUSY STATUS - Target is busy.
18 RESERVATION CONFLICT - Target is reserved by another initiator.
22 COMMAND TERMINATED - Device terminated the command.
28 QUEUE FULL - Device command queue is full.
hh This byte indicates the type of adapter error that occurred. For parallel
SCSI adapters, this is the general_card status code as defined in
01 HOST IO BUS ERROR - Host I/O bus error during data transfer.
02 SCSI BUS FAULT - SCSI bus protocol or hardware error.
04 COMMAND TIMEOUT - Command timed out before completion.
08 NO DEVICE RESPONSE - Target did not respond to selection phase.
10 ADAPTER HARDWARE FAILURE - Adapter indicated a hardware
20 ADAPTER SOFTWARE FAILURE - Adapter indicated a microcode
40 FUSE OR TERMINAL PWR - Blown terminator fuse or bad
80 SCSI BUS RESET - Adapter indicated SCSI bus has been reset.

For FCP adapters, this is the adapter_status code as defined in

01 HOST IO BUS ERROR - Host I/O bus error during data transfer.
02 TRANSPORT FAULT - Failure in the transport layer.
03 COMMAND TIMEOUT - Command timed out before completion.
04 NO DEVICE RESPONSE - Target did not respond to attempts to
select it.
05 ADAPTER HARDWARE FAILURE - Adapter indicated a hardware
06 ADAPTER SOFTWARE FAILURE - Adapter indicated a microcode
07 WW NAME CHANGE - Adapter detected a new world wide name
for the device.
08 FUSE OR TERMINAL PWR - Blown terminator fuse or bad
09 TRANSPORT RESET - Adapter detected an external SCSI bus reset.
0A TRANSPORT BUSY - The transport layer is busy.

56 IBM Ultrium Tape Device Drivers: Installation and User’s Guide

AIX Device Driver (Atape)

0B TRANSPORT DEAD - The transport layer is currently inoperative.

ss If byte gg indicates a check condition, the ss byte is the sense data from the
device. See the appropriate device reference manual for the specific format
and content of these bytes.

Automatic Dump Facility for the IBM 3580 Ultrium Tape Drive
The device driver provides an automatic dump facility for the IBM 3580 Ultrium
tape drive. Whenever a check condition occurs and the sense data indicates a
dump is available, the device driver reads the dump from the device and stores it
in the /var/adm/ras directory. A maximum of three dumps for each device is stored
in this directory as:
where x is the device number, for example, rmt0.

When the device is first configured, the dump name is set to dump1. If more than
three dumps occur, the driver starts over at dump1; therefore, the last three dumps
are always kept. The device driver will also create an entry in the AIX error log
labeled “DEV_DUMP_RETRIEVED” when an automatic dump was either
attempted and failed or was successful.

Trace Facility
The AIX trace facility is supported for the device driver. The trace event is
identified with a hookword. The hookword used by the device driver is 326. The trace
can be started at any time before an operation on a tape device.

Enter the following AIX command to start the trace:

trace -a -j 326

This command starts the trace in the background and collects only the trace events
with the 326 hookword (Atape device driver).

Enter the following AIX command to stop the trace:


This command stops the trace after the tape operations are performed.

Enter the following AIX command to view the trace:

trcrpt > trace.out

This command formats the trace output into a readable form and places it into a
file for viewing.

ATRC Utility
The atrc trace utility is also installed with the device driver to start, stop, and format
a device driver trace. To start the trace, enter the atrc command. To stop and
format the trace, enter the atrc command again. The trace is formatted to an atrc.out
AIX file in the current directory.

Chapter 13. Problem Determination 57

58 IBM Ultrium Tape Device Drivers: Installation and User’s Guide
Part 3. Compaq Tru64 Tape and Medium Changer Device

© Copyright IBM Corp. 2000, 2003 59

60 IBM Ultrium Tape Device Drivers: Installation and User’s Guide
Chapter 14. Introduction and Product Requirements
This chapter describes the Compaq Tru64 support available for the IBM 3584
UltraScalable Tape Library.

The Tru64 Native tape and medium changer device drivers (cam_tape,
cam_changer) are designed to take advantage of the features provided by tape
drives and medium changer devices. The goal is to give applications access to the
functions required for basic tape operations (such as backup and restore) and
medium changer operations (such as mount and demount the cartridges).

Product Requirements
The following hardware and software components are supported by IBM.

Hardware Requirements
The following hardware is supported by the Tru64 Native Tape and Medium
Changer driver:
v One or more of the following IBM tape and medium changer device:
– IBM 3584 UltraScalable Tape Library with Fibre Channel interface
v One or more of the following Fibre Channel Host Bus Adapter:
– 64 bit PCI to Fibre Channel Host Bus Adapter (Compaq part #
DS-KGPSA-CA) Version: 1.32a, F/W Rev: 3.81A4

Software Requirements
Tru64 5.1A Operating System with native device driver and medium changer
device driver.

Setting Up the Environment

To set up IBM Tape and Medium changer devices to operate with the Tru64
operating system:
1. Confirm that Tru64 Operating System version 5.1A is properly installed.
2. Confirm that the Host Bus Adapter card and appropriate firmware levels are
properly installed on a Compaq Alpha system.
3. Connect the tape and medium changer devices to the host bus adapter card
following the instructions for the devices.
4. Power up the tape and medium changer devices, if not already powered up,
and wait until they have initialized.
5. Login as root administrator or use the su command to gain superuser
6. At the command line, issue the /sbin/hwmgr -scan scsi command to detect tapes
or medium changers that are connected to the host.
7. To verify the scanned results, issue /sbin/hwmgr -view dev at the command

© Copyright IBM Corp. 2000, 2003 61

Tru64 Device Driver

8. Add a new entry to the /etc/ddr.dbase file for the particular tape or medium
changer devices. An example is provided below to illustrate a working device
configuration for an IBM Ultrium Tape Drive.
type = tape
Name = "IBM" "ULT3580-TD1" #Vendor ID and Product ID

TypeSubClass = rdat
MaxTransferSize = 0x0ffffff #(16M-1)
ReadyTimeSeconds = 45
CMD_PreventAllow = supported
CMD_ExtReserveRelease = supported

DensityNumber = 0
DensityCode = Default

DensityNumber = 1
DensityCode = Default
Blocking = 0x200 #block size
Buffered = 1 #buffered mode

DensityNumber = 2
DensityCode = Default
CompressionCode = 0x00 #compression off
Blocking = 0x8000 #block size
Buffered = 1 #buffered mode

DensityNumber = 3
DensityCode = Default
CompressionCode = 0x00 #compression off
Blocking = 0x10000 #block size
Buffered = 1 #buffered mode

DensityNumber = 4,5,6,7
DensityCode = Default
CompressionCode = 0x01 #compression on
Blocking = 0x20000 #block size
Buffered = 1 #buffered mode

For more information on ddr_config utility and the ddr.dbase file, refer to the
Compaq Tru64 documentation and man pages.
9. Issue the /sbin/ddr_config -c /etc/ddr.base command to compile and link the new
entry to the driver module.
10. The native driver will create device special files based on the information
given in the ddr.dbase file.

62 IBM Ultrium Tape Device Drivers: Installation and User’s Guide

Chapter 15. RAS Utility Program For Compaq Tru64 System
IBMrasutil is a RAS utility program which allows the operator to obtain device
dumps from IBM tape and medium changer devices for diagnostic purposes. It is
also used to update microcode on the IBM tape and medium changer devices. The
following IBM device is supported:
v IBM 3584 UltraScalable Tape Library with Fibre Channel interface

Installation Procedure from the Device Driver CD

The xxx and X.X.X strings in the filenames are version numbers. Use the actual
version numbers when issuing the commands.
1. Logon to the system as root or use su command to gain superuser privileges.
2. Place the IBM Ultrium Open Systems Device Driver CD-ROM in the drive.
3. Create a directory, if necessary, to be the media mount point, such as /cdrom:
mkdir /cdrom
4. Mount the CD-ROM on /cdrom. For example, if the CD-ROM device is located
on the C partition of cdrom0c, enter:
mount -r /dev/disk/cdrom0c /cdrom
5. Install the RasUtil product subset:
setld -l /cdrom/Tru64/RasUtil/RasUtil.x.x.x.kit
6. After the installation finishes, unmount the CD-ROM:
umount /cdrom
7. After installing the IBM RAS utility program, use vi or some other text editor to
edit the .profile file to add the /usr/opt/RASUTIL/bin to the search path.
8. To find more information on how to execute the IBM RAS utility program,
IBMrasutil -h

Installation Procedure from the Device Driver ftp Site

If you wish to download the RasUtil kit from the ftp site, enter this ftp address:

Once you have downloaded the RasUtil kit from the ftp site, untar the kit first and
then run the setld command to install:
tar -xvf RasUtil.x.x.x.kit.tar
setld -l RasUtil.x.x.x.kit

After installing the IBM RAS utility program, use vi or some other text editor to
edit the .profile file to add the /usr/opt/RASUTIL/bin to the search path.

To find more information on how to execute the IBM RAS utility program, issue:
IBMrasutil -h

© Copyright IBM Corp. 2000, 2003 63

Tru64 Device Driver

The IBM RAS Utility Program can be uninstalled by using the setld command:
setld -d IBMRASxxx

Update Procedure
To update the RasUtil kit to a newer version, remove the old version first.
setld -d IBMRASxxx

then follow the above installation steps to install the new version.

Query Procedure
You can determine if the IBM RAS Utility Program kit is installed on the system by
using the following command.
setld -i|grep IBMRAS

To display the RasUtil product kit’s fileset and the located directory, enter:
setld -i IBMRASxxx

Verify Procedure
Use this command to verify the existence of the installed RasUtil program. The
setld -v command executes any V phase processing included in the subset control
program except during installation.
setld -v IBMRASxxx

Interactive Mode
The interactive mode for the RAS utility program can be invoked from the
command line by using the IBMrasutil command. The program will prompt you to
enter a device special file name. You must open a device before you can issue any
RAS utility subcommands.

Command-Line Mode
The command-line mode for the RAS utility program (IBMrasutil) provides the
same basic RAS utility commands as the interactive mode. Invoke the IBMrasutil
command from the Tru64 command line or from within a shell script. If you enter
the IBMrasutil command without any arguments, the interactive mode will be
invoked. The syntax for the command-line mode of the RAS utility program is:
IBMrasutil -f Device -Option Filename

1. Device is the name of the device special file (for example,
2. Filename for input or output operations
3. If only the -f option is issued, the program will query and display the
Model Name, Serial Number and the Firmware level of the device.
4. If the -f option is not issued, the interactive mode will be invoked.

64 IBM Ultrium Tape Device Drivers: Installation and User’s Guide

Tru64 Device Driver

Command-Line Options
-D filename

Read device dump information and output it into a file specified by the filename.
For example,
IBMrasutil -f /dev/ntape/tape7 -D DriveDump.log

-M filename

Load the microcode from the specified file to the device. For example,
IBMrasutil -f /dev/ntape/tape7 -M 2360.bin

Chapter 15. RAS Utility Program For Compaq Tru64 System (IBMrasutil) 65
Tru64 Device Driver

66 IBM Ultrium Tape Device Drivers: Installation and User’s Guide

Part 4. HP-UX Tape and Medium Changer Device Driver

© Copyright IBM Corp. 2000, 2003 67

68 IBM Ultrium Tape Device Drivers: Installation and User’s Guide
Chapter 16. Introduction and Product Requirements
This chapter provides an overview of the IBM Tape and Medium Changer Device
Driver for HP-UX, which provides support for IBM Ultrium products (see
“Hardware Requirements” for specific models).

This device driver product (ATDD) provides SCSI-3 attachment for the IBM
Ultrium products to selected Hewlett-Packard platforms running HP-UX 11.0 and

The HP-UX installed name of this device driver is Advanced Tape Device Driver
(ATDD). ATDD is used throughout this section to identify this driver.

ATDD is designed specifically to take advantage of the features provided by the

IBM Ultrium tape system, including full control of the random access medium
changer facility (move, element information, and inventory) present in some
models. The goal is to give applications access to the functions required for basic
operations (such as backup and restore) as well as the advanced functions needed
by full tape management systems. Whenever possible, the device driver is
designed to take advantage of the IBM tape system features transparent to the

Product Requirements
The following hardware and software components are required and supported by
the IBM Tape and Medium Changer Device Driver for HP-UX (ATDD).

ATDD Implementation
The ATDD is supported for operation in the following HP-UX platform
v HP PCI Bus - HP-UX 11.00 (64-bit) - Versions of this driver are identified by
levels ATDD 1.x.x.x. rp54xx (formerly L-Class), rp74xx (formerly N-Class), and
rp8400 (formerly V-Class) servers are supported.
v HP PCI Bus - HP-UX 11i (64-bit) - Versions of this driver are identified by levels
ATDD 3.x.x.x. rp54xx (formerly L-Class), rp74xx (formerly N-Class), and rp8400
(formerly V-Class) servers are supported.

Hardware Requirements
All versions of the ATDD configure and operate the following tape drives and
libraries unless otherwise noted:
v IBM TotalStorage Ultrium External Tape Drive 3580
v IBM TotalStorage Ultrium Tape Autoloader 3581
v IBM TotalStorage Ultrium Tape Library 3582
v IBM TotalStorage Ultrium Scalable Tape Library 3583
v IBM TotalStorage UltraScalable Tape Library 3584

© Copyright IBM Corp. 2000, 2003 69

HP-UX Device Driver (ATDD)

| ATDD supports the following HP SCSI host bus adapters:

| v HP A4800A PCI Ultra SCSI Host Bus Adapter (HVD)
| - Support for HP rp54xx, rp74xx, and rp8400 systems
| v HP A5159A PCI Dual Port FWD SCSI Host Bus Adapter (HVD)
| - Support for HP rp54xx and rp74xx systems
| v HP A5149A PCI to Ultra 2 SCSI Host Bus Adapter (LVD Single Port)
| - Support for HP rp54xx, rp74xx, and rp8400 systems
| v HP A5150A Dual Channel PCI to Ultra 2 SCSI Host Bus Adapter (LVD Dual
| Port)
| - Support for HP rp54xx and rp74xx systems
| v HP A6828A PCI Ultra160 SCSI Host Bus Adapter (LVD Single Port)
| - Support for HP rp54xx and rp74xx systems
| v HP A6829A PCI Dual Channel Ultra160 SCSI Host Bus Adapter (LVD Dual Port)
| - Support for HP rp54xx and rp74xx systems

| ATDD supports the following HP Fibre Channel adapters:

| v HP A5158A Fibre Channel Mass Storage adapter
- Support for HP rp54xx, rp74xx, and rp8400 systems
| v HP A6795A Fibre Channel PCI Tachyon XL2 host bus adapter:
| - Support for HP rp54xx, rp74xx, and rp8400 systems
| Table 6. IBM Tape and Medium Changer Drivers for HP-UX (ATDD) and HP-UX System
| HP Device Architecture Operating Machine Supported Host Adapters
| Driver System Types
| (ATDD) Level

|| ATDD HP PCI Bus HP-UX HP rp54xx HP A4800A (HVD)

|| 1.X.X.X System 11.00 (64 (formerly (rp54xx, rp74xx, rp8400)
| bit) L-Class),
| HP A5159A (HVD)
|| rp74xx (rp54xx, rp74xx)
| (formerly
|| N-Class), HP A5149A (LVD)
|| rp8400
(rp54xx, rp74xx, rp8400)
| (formerly HP A5150A (LVD)
|| V-Class) (rp54xx, rp74xx)
| HP A6828A (LVD) (rp54xx, rp74xx)
| HP A6829A (LVD)
| (rp54xx, rp74xx)
| HP A5158A (FC)
| (rp54xx, rp74xx, rp8400)
| HP A6795A (FC)
| (rp54xx, rp74xx, rp8400)

70 IBM Ultrium Tape Device Drivers: Installation and User’s Guide

HP-UX Device Driver (ATDD)

| Table 6. IBM Tape and Medium Changer Drivers for HP-UX (ATDD) and HP-UX
| System (continued)

|| ATDD HP PCI Bus HP-UX 11i HP HP A4800A (HVD)

|| 3.x.x.x System (64 bit) rp54xx, (rp54xx, rp74xx, rp8400)
| (formerly
| HP A5159A (HVD)
|| L-Class), (rp54xx, rp74xx)
| rp74xx
|| (formerly HP A5149A (LVD)
|| N-Class),
(rp54xx, rp74xx, rp8400)
| rp8400 HP A5150A (LVD)
|| (formerly (rp54xx, rp74xx)
| V-Class) HP A6828A (LVD)
| (rp54xx, rp74xx)
| HP A6829A (LVD)
| (rp54xx, rp74xx)
| HP A5158A (FC)
| (rp54xx, rp74xx, rp8400)
| HP A6795A (FC)
| (rp54xx, rp74xx, rp8400)

1. The ATDD does not support IBM Ultrium tape devices that are attached
to the HSC/GSC bus or the Precision Bus (HP-PB) architectures.
| 2. For attachment of IBM Ultrium devices to HP-UX rp8400 (formerly
| V-Class) platforms, a feedthrough SCSI terminator, which attaches to the
| A4800A Host Bus Adapter, is required. Attach the male end of the
| feedthrough SCSI terminator to the host adapter and connect the host
| end of the SCSI cable to the feedthrough terminator. Terminate the SCSI
| bus at the last IBM Ultrium device on the bus as usual.
3. The low level FC-Tape protocol standard is not supported in the HP
Fibre Channel HBA firmware and users should restrict their SAN
configurations. The jobs will be aborted with HP-UX Fibre Channel HBA
configurations when errors are detected in the SAN. The HP A5158A and
HP A6795A host adapters are not compliant with the Fibre Channel
Protocol for SCSI, second version (FCP-2), dated 17 November 2000, a
draft proposed by the InterNational Committee for Information
Technology Standard (INCITS).
4. Using a single Fibre Channel host bus adapter (HBA) for concurrent tape
and disk operations is not recommended. Tape and disk devices require
incompatible HBA settings for reliable operation and optimal
performance characteristics. Under stress conditions (high I/O rates for
tape, disk, or both) where disk and tape subsystems share a common
HBA, stability problems have been observed. These issues are resolved
by separating disk and tape I/O streams onto separate HBAs and using
SAN zoning to minimize contention. IBM is focused on assuring server
and storage configuration interoperability. It strongly recommends that
your implementation plan includes provisions for separating disk and
tape workloads.
| 5. The following patches are required for support of HP A6828A and
| A6829A HBAs:
| v PHKL_27555 or later S700-800 11.00 SCSI Ultra 160 Cumulative Patch
| PHCO_25902 or later S700_800 11.00 Cumulative SAM/obAM patch
| See for other information relating to support of
| these adapters.

Chapter 16. Introduction and Product Requirements 71

HP-UX Device Driver (ATDD)

Software Requirements
This product requires the following HP-UX patches. The patches listed may be
superseded. Contact Hewlett-Packard to obtain the latest patches available.

Patches for Fibre Channel A5158A Adapter:

HP-UX Patch Patch Description
----- --------- -----------------
11.00 PHSS_23996 s700_800 11.00 Tachyon TL Fibre Channel Driver Patch
PHKL_23939 s700_800 11.00 Fibre Channel Mass Storage Driver Patch
11i PHKL_23626 s700_800 11.11 Fibre Channel Mass Storage Patch

Correct processor Dependent Code (PDC) firmware versions are required to

support booting with the A5158A host bus adapter. Contact your HP representative
to obtain the correct levels.

Patches for IBM Ultrium 3583 with the Integrated Router on HP-UX 11.00 PCI Bus
HP-UX Patch Patch Description
----- --------- -----------------
Bundles patches:
11.00 Online Diag B. HP-UX 11.0 Support Tools Bundle
XSWGR1100 B.11.00.47 HP-UX Extension Pack, May 1999
XSWHWCR1100 B.11.00.47 Hardware Enablement and Critical Patches
(Sep. 1999)
Y2K-1100 B.11.00.B0315 HP-UX Core OS Year 2000 Patch Bundle

Individual patches:
11.00 PHKL_23939 s700_800 11.00 Fibre Channel Mass Storage Driver Patch
PHNE_15537 s700_800 11.00 Fibre Channel Cumulative Patch
PHCO_22526 s700_800 11.00 Software Distributor (SD-UX)
Cumulative Patch
PHCO_21315 s700_800 11.00 HPArray Manager/60 Cumulative Patch
PHCO_23262 s700_800 11.00 HP AutoRAID Manager Cumulative Patch
PHKL_24004 s700_800 11.00 SCSI I/O Cumulative Patch

The latest driver information can be found on the distribution CD at


Data Flow
Both data and commands flow between the application program and the tape
subsystem through the IBM Tape and Medium Changer Device Driver for HP-UX.
Figure 5 shows the relationships between the IBM Tape and Medium Changer
Device Driver for HP-UX, the application program, the adapter device driver, and
the IBM tape subsystem.

SCSI or Fibre
ATDD Channel IBM
Device Adapter Tape

Driver Device Subsystem


Figure 5. Data Flow

72 IBM Ultrium Tape Device Drivers: Installation and User’s Guide

HP-UX Device Driver (ATDD)

Software Interface to the Device Driver

The IBM Tape and Medium Changer Device Driver for HP-UX provides the
following standard HP-UX (UNIX®) entry points for IBM tape subsystems:
Open This entry point is driven by the open system function call.
Write This entry point is driven by the write system function call.
Read This entry point is driven by the read system function call.
Close This entry point is driven explicitly by the close system function call and
implicitly by the operating system at program termination.
ioctl This entry point is driven by the input/output control (ioctl) system
function call. It provides a set of tape device, medium changer device, and
SCSI specific operations. It allows HP-UX applications to access and
control the features and attributes of IBM tape subsystems

For programming information, see the IBM Ultrium Device Drivers: Programming

Chapter 16. Introduction and Product Requirements 73

74 IBM Ultrium Tape Device Drivers: Installation and User’s Guide
Chapter 17. Install, Uninstall, and Configure
This chapter describes how to install, manage, and uninstall the IBM Tape and
Medium Changer Device Driver for HP-UX (ATDD). By default, the ATDD
automatically configures all supported IBM tape drives that are attached and
powered On when the system starts. The driver does not configure IBM Medium
Changer devices by default, because many applications use either their own
changer drivers or the native schgr or sctl drivers.

During and after the ATDD is installed, a kernel configuration parameter

(atdd_autoch) can be set to allow the ATDD to configure (CLAIM) all attached IBM
Medium Changer devices. Additionally, selected IBM Medium Changer devices can
be configured by running the swinstall command with the -x ask=true command
option, or by modifying a system header file and rebuilding the HP-UX kernel.
The installation process depends on whether all IBM tape drives are to be
configured by ATDD or only selected ones, and whether configured tape drives
exhibit default behavior or require specific configuration settings. Additionally, for
IBM Medium Changers, installation selection or post-installation configuration can
determine whether all IBM Medium Changers should be configured, selectively
configured, or not configured at all.

Options for installation of the ATDD:

v If you are configuring all IBM tape drives with the most recent ATDD using the
default settings, and configuring no medium changer devices, review the
atdd.Readme file on the driver distribution CD and start at “Install the Driver
Using the CD Installation Script” on page 78.
v If you are configuring selected IBM tape drives or need to change the
operational behavior of any IBM tape device under the control of ATDD, review
the atdd.Readme file on the driver distribution CD and start at “Create the Drive
Configuration File (Optional)” on page 76.
v If you want to install a previous version of the ATDD that is available on the
driver distribution CD, start at “Install Drivers Manually” on page 79.

Note the following facts about the command sequences described in this section:
v In some of the examples, filenames given on the command line must be
referenced with an absolute path. Using ’pwd’/filename to reference a file instead
of filename ensures this.
v All SD-UX commands (for example, swinstall or swcopy) can be run first with the
-p flag to preview the command. After observing the preview output, you can
reissue the command without the -p flag to perform the actual operation.
v The SD-UX commands are moderately complex scripts that usually proceed in
several steps. The steps are typically Selection, Analysis, and Execution. Each step
may produce useful information and error messages. It is a good idea to
carefully observe the results of the installation process as it occurs.

If you encounter unexpected results during the installation, examine the associated
log file.

While using the SD-UX commands, you may encounter the following error about
mounted file systems:

© Copyright IBM Corp. 2000, 2003 75

HP-UX Device Driver (ATDD)

ERROR: "hostname/": One or more file systems that appear in the

file system table are not mounted and cannot be mounted.

Many commands (swinstall, swremove,, and so on) attempt to mount all file systems
in the /etc/fstab file at the start of the analysis phase. This step ensures that all
listed file systems are mounted before proceeding. This policy helps ensure that
files are not loaded into a directory that may be below a future mount point, but it
often causes an error with NFS-mounted file systems.

This error can be overridden using ’-x’ to set the mount_all_file systems option to
FALSE. When this option is used, the command finishes with a warning indicating
that no attempt will be made to mount all file systems. For example:

# swinstall -x mount_all_file systems=false -x ask=true -x autoreboot=true atdd

WARNING: "hostname:/": There will be no attempt to mount file systems
that appear in the file system table.

Create the Drive Configuration File (Optional)

If you are not using the standard device driver defaults, you must create a
configuration file that directs the device driver on how to customize driver
behavior for particular IBM Ultrium devices. If all configured devices are to use
the device driver configuration defaults, it is not necessary to create a
configuration file before installing the driver for ATDD levels and later.

The configuration file is named etc/rc.config.d/atdd.cfg and has the following syntax:
v Blank lines and lines starting with # are ignored.
v No spaces may be within each entry.
v No trailing comments may be on a variable definition line.

Determine the Drive Hardware Path for IBM 3580 Ultrium Tape
Drive, 3581 Tape Autoloader with SCSI Attachment
To determine the hardware path for the 3580 Tape Drive and the 3581 Tape
Autoloader with SCSI attachment, follow this procedure:
1. Run ioscan to determine which SCSI adapter the IBM Ultrium drive or
autoloader is connected to:
# ioscan -f -C ext_bus
2. Record the hardware path entry of the adapter, for example, 0/4/0/0.
3. Determine the SCSI target address of the IBM Ultrium drive (3580) or the drive
in the IBM 3581 Ultrium Tape Autoloader. The switch on the rear of the IBM
3580 Ultrium Tape Drive displays the selected SCSI target address.
The LCD panel on the front of the unit can display the drive (and medium
changer SCSI address) for the IBM 3581 Ultrium Tape Autoloader.
HWPATH=adapterpath.drivetargetaddress.0 (3580 drive)
HWPATH=adapterpath.drivetargetaddress.0 (3581 drive)
For an IBM 3581 Ultrium Tape Autoloader at SCSI target address 3, the drive
device hardware path is: 0/4/0/0.3.0

76 IBM Ultrium Tape Device Drivers: Installation and User’s Guide

HP-UX Device Driver (ATDD)

Determine the Drive Hardware Paths for IBM Ultrium Tape

Libraries with SCSI Attachment
To determine the hardware path for the 3582, 3583, and 3584 Tape Libraries with
SCSI attachment, follow this procedure:
1. Run ioscan to determine which SCSI adapter the IBM Ultrium Tape Library is
connected to:
# ioscan -f -C ext_bus
2. Record the hardware path entry of the adapter, for example:
3. Determine the SCSI target addresses of the IBM Ultrium drives in the Tape
Library. The LCD panel on the front of the unit can display the drive (and
medium changer) SCSI addresses.
HWPATH=adapterpath.drivetargetaddress.0 (drive 1)
HWPATH=adapterpath.drivetargetaddress.0 (drive n)

The drive hardware paths for an IBM Ultrium 3583 Tape Library with a drive at
SCSI ID 3 and SCSI ID 5 are:

Determine the Drive Hardware Paths for IBM 3580 Ultrium

Tape Drive, IBM Ultrium Tape Libraries with Fibre Channel
To determine the hardware path for the 3580 tape drive and the 3582, 3583, and
3584 tape library with fibre channel attachment, follow this procedure:
1. Run ioscan to determine which hardware path the IBM Ultrium drive is
connected to:
# ioscan -f -C tape
2. Record the hardware path entry of the IBM Ultrium Fibre Channel drive. For
0/5/0/ (3580 stand alone tape drive)
0/8/0/ (3583 drive 1)
0/8/0/ (3583 drive 2)

Create the Hardware Path Entry

If devices are to be configured with settings other than the defaults, entries
defining the hardware device paths must be placed in the /etc/rc.config.d/atdd.cfg
configuration file. Create an entry for each device that requires further
configuration settings. The format for the entries is
HW_PATH[index]=DeviceHardwarePath. The index is used to identify the device for
control of the configuration settings in the next section.

For example:

ATDD_HWPATH[0]=0/4/0/0.1.0 (3580 stand alone SCSI drive)

ATDD_HWPATH[1]=1/10/0/0.5.0 (3581 SCSI drive 1)
ATDD_HWPATH[2]=1/10/0/0.6.0 (3581 SCSI drive 2)
ATDD_HWPATH[3]=0/5/0/ (3580 stand alone FC drive)
ATDD_HWPATH[4]=0/8/0/ (3583 SCSI drive 1 with SDG)
ATDD_HWPATH[5]=0/8/0/ (3583 SCSI drive 2 with SDG)

Chapter 17. Install, Uninstall, and Configure 77

HP-UX Device Driver (ATDD)

This example shows that four devices are CLAIMED by the ATDD. The first
device, 3580 Stand Alone SCSI Tape Drive at SCSI target address 1, LUN 0, has
index=0. The second device, 3581 with two 3580 SCSI Tape Drives inside at SCSI
target addresses 5 and 6, LUN 0, has index=1 and 2 . The third device, 3580 Stand
Alone FC Tape Drive at target 9, LUN 0, has index=3. The last one is 3583 with
SAN Data Gateway (SDG) Module and two 3580 SCSI Tape Drives at target 0,
LUN 2 and 3 (index=4 and 5).

Create the Device Specific Configuration Entries (Optional)

The ATDD is shipped with default settings for all configuration parameters. If it is
desired to alter these settings, an entry can be made in the configuration file,
assigning an appropriate value to the desired configuration variable. Each drive
may have a different value for each configuration variable. The index number
associated with the configuration variable associates the parameter setting with the
device at the hardware path with the same index.
Example 1:

This allows application control back from the device before rewind is complete for
the device at hardware path 0/4/0/0.1.0 (based on the previous hardware path
entry in “Create the Hardware Path Entry” on page 77).
Example 2:

This allows writes after an early end-of-tape warning for the device at hardware
path 0/4/0/0.1.0. See Table 8 on page 91 and “Driver-Specific Parameters” on page
92 for a description of all configuration parameters.

Note: If you are experiencing difficulties with your tape device, be sure to examine
the /etc/rc.log for errors and correct the problems.

Power Off the Tape Drives

When the ATDD software is initially installed, it attaches itself to all tape drives
that are in the CLAIMED state as shown by entering the command:

# ioscan -fk -C tape

Before you continue, ensure that all devices that report CLAIMED with this
command are devices you want to have managed by this device driver.

To get a tape drive out of the CLAIMED state so it will not be configured by this
driver, power Off the tape drive and run ioscan without the ’-k’ argument as

# ioscan -f -C tape

Install the Driver Using the CD Installation Script

An installation script, (install_atdd), is provided to automate the driver installation
and perform some checking functions. It copies the latest version of the driver to
the software depot, installs the driver version, and reboots the system.

78 IBM Ultrium Tape Device Drivers: Installation and User’s Guide

HP-UX Device Driver (ATDD)

To install the ATDD with the script, insert the CD in the target system, mount the
distribution CD, examine the README file, then run the install script. For

# mount -o ro /dev/cdromdevicename /cdrom

# more /cdrom/HPUX/atdd.Readme
# /cdrom/HPUX/install_atdd

When the installation script runs, the customer is prompted with the question,
″Would you like to activate the Medium Changer support by ATDD(Y/N)?″. Enter
Y to allow the ATDD to configure all attached IBM Medium Changer devices, or
answer N to allow the HP native changer driver to configure these Medium
Changer devices.
1. If a previous version of the ATDD is installed on your system, uninstall it
before attempting to install the latest version. See “Uninstalling the Software”
on page 85.
2. If the directory /cdrom does not exist, create this directory using the mkdir
command before issuing the mount command.
3. Typically, the special file for a CD-ROM drive has the form /dev/dsk/cxtydz (for
example: /dev/dsk/c1t2d0). The special file name may be different on your

To install the ATDD manually, use the procedures in “Install Drivers Manually.”

Install Drivers Manually

Installing the drivers manually requires three steps, detailed in the following
1. “Copy the Software to the Software Depot.”
2. “Review the atdd README File” on page 80.
3. “Install ATDD” on page 81.
If a previous version of the ATDD is installed on your system, uninstall it
before attempting to install the latest version. See “Uninstalling the Software”
on page 85.

Copy the Software to the Software Depot

Attention: If you do not copy the ATDD software into a depot, you will not be
able to readily uninstall the product.

If you are installing from a CD-ROM, mount the CD, examine the README file,
then copy the appropriate driver to the Software Depot. For example:

# mount -o ro /dev/cdromdevicename /cdrom

# more /cdrom/HPUX/atdd.Readme
# swcopy -p -s /cdrom/HPUX/atdd.x.x.x.x atdd (preview option)
# swcopy -s /cdrom/HPUX/atdd.x.x.x.x atdd
1. If the directory /cdrom does not exist, create the directory using the mkdir

Chapter 17. Install, Uninstall, and Configure 79

HP-UX Device Driver (ATDD)

2. Typically, the special file for a CD-ROM drive has the form /dev/dsk/cxtydz (for
example: /dev/dsk/c1t2d0). The special file name may be different on your
3. Unmount the CD-ROM before ejecting the CD. To unmount the CD-ROM, type:
# /usr/sbin/umount /cdrom

If you are installing from an IBM diskette, enter:

# swcopy -p -s /dev/floppydevicename atdd (preview option)

# swcopy -s /dev/floppydevicename atdd

Note: Typically, the special file for a diskette drive has the form /dev/floppy/cxtydz.
The special file name may be different on your system.

If you do not have a diskette drive or a CD-ROM on your system, you must do
the following:
1. Mount the CD-ROM on another system and copy the appropriate atdd.x.x.x.x
file in the HP-UX directory to a disk file.
For example:

# mount /dev/cdromdevicename /cdrom

# cp /cdrom/HPUX/atdd.x.x.x.x atdd.depot


Use the dd command on another system to copy the diskette to a disk file. For

# dd if=/dev/floppy of=atdd.depot bs=1k

2. Make the disk file accessible on the install system and use the swcopy

# swcopy -p -s ’pwd’/atdd.depot atdd (preview option)

# swcopy -s ’pwd’/atdd.depot atdd

Note: You must unmount the CD-ROM before ejecting the CD. To unmount the
CD-ROM, type:

# /usr/sbin/umount /cdrom

Use swlist to verify that the ATDD software is in the depot:

# swlist -d atdd

Review the atdd README File

After copying the ATDD software to the depot, use the swlist command to view
the README file:

# swlist -d -a readme atdd

The README file lists the system configuration requirements, including required
system software patches and required tape related firmware versions. The file also
documents any changes in the installation, use, and administration of the software

80 IBM Ultrium Tape Device Drivers: Installation and User’s Guide

HP-UX Device Driver (ATDD)

that occurred after this documentation was completed. It is therefore very

important that you review it before proceeding with the software installation.

Install ATDD
When the software is in the depot and only the appropriate drives are powered
On, the ATDD software can be installed to the root file system using the HP-UX
swinstall command. If the target root file system is the primary, the ATDD software
is configured automatically upon installation.

Configuration requires rebooting the system and rebuilding the kernel. This
requires you to issue the swinstall command with the -x autoreboot option set to
TRUE, as follows.

If the target is an alternate root file system, the ATDD software is not configured

Note: If an earlier version of the product is already installed on the target root file
system, the existing version is replaced. This is true even if the version
already installed is more recent than the version being installed.

The following commands install ATDD from the depot to the default root file
system by issuing the swinstall command with the ask and autoreboot options set
as follows:

# swinstall -p -x autoreboot=true -x ask=true atdd (preview option)

# swinstall -x autoreboot=true -x ask=true atdd

Running the swinstall command with the ask option set to TRUE will ask the
customer, ″Would you like to activate the Medium Changer support by
ATDD(Y/N)?″. Enter Y to allow the ATDD to configure all attached IBM Medium
Changer devices, or answer N to allow the HP native changer driver to configure
these Medium Changer devices. Set the autoreboot option to TRUE and allow the
system to reboot automatically during the installation of the driver.

You can use swlist to list the software installed on the default root file system as

# swlist atdd

You can verify correct installation to the default root file system with the swverify

# swverify atdd

Post-Configuration of IBM Medium Changer Devices

After the ATDD is installed, two additional configuration choices determine
whether IBM medium changers should all be configured, some selectively
configured, or none configured at all. If ATDD configuration for IBM medium
changers is not desired, skip this section.

ATDD supports the following IBM Ultrium medium changers:

v 3581 Ultrium Tape Autoloader
v 3582 Ultrium Tape Library
v 3583 Ultrium Scalable Tape Library

Chapter 17. Install, Uninstall, and Configure 81

HP-UX Device Driver (ATDD)

v 3584 UltraScalable Tape Library

There are two options to control how the ATDD handles IBM medium changers:
v Configure all IBM medium changers using kernel configuration parameter. The
default for this parameter is zero, allowing schgr or other drives to CLAIM IBM
medium changers.
v Configure selective IBM medium changers by modification of ATDD header file
and kernel build.

Configure All IBM Medium Changers Using Kernel Configuration

To allow the ATDD to CLAIM all attached IBM medium changer targets, the
atdd_autoch parameter must be enabled:
1. Call the HP System Administration Manager (SAM).
2. Select Kernel Configuration.
3. Select Configurable Parameters.
4. Scroll until you find configuration parameter atdd_autoch then select it
5. A window opens - change Formula/Value to 1, then select OK or press Enter.
6. The Pending Value is now 1.
7. Exit SAM - A window opens asking to Create a New Kernel Now, defer
Creation Until later, or Cancel the Modification.

When the atdd_autoch parameter is enabled (value=1), the ATDD CLAIMs all IBM
medium changer targets that respond during the boot process. If this parameter is
changed, the HP host system kernel must be rebuilt and the system rebooted.
When Create a New Kernel Now is selected, the system builds a new kernel. This
may take a few minutes. A second window opens that allows you to Move Kernel
Into Place and Shutdown/Reboot System Now or select an option to defer the
activation of the new kernel.

If you select to defer activation of the new kernel, a window opens showing the
new kernel can be found in /stand/build/vmunix_test and the configuration file used
to create it can be found in /stand/build/system/SAM. To make the kernel change
effective, you must execute usr/bin/kmupdate, then reboot the system. The
configuration file should be moved to /stand/system at the same time.

Configure Selected IBM Medium Changers Using ATDD Header

In addition to the preceding global option, individual IBM medium changers can
be claimed by ATDD. The file /usr/conf/space.h.d/atdd.h (not to be confused with the
user interface /usr/include/sys/atdd.h) can be modified by the administrator with root
privileges. It is a C header file built into the kernel. To define the IBM medium
changer devices to be configured by ATDD, array entries of the form
Product_ID_String:c#t#l# must be inserted into the header file where
Product_ID_String is the product identifier (obtained through the ioscan command),
v c# is the instance of the controller to which the changer device is attached,
v t# is the target ID of the device, and
v l# is the LUN

must be inserted in the header file.

82 IBM Ultrium Tape Device Drivers: Installation and User’s Guide

HP-UX Device Driver (ATDD)

For an IBM 3581 Ultrium Tape Autoloader:


where ULT3581 TL is the product ID, which can be obtained through ioscan. The
description field from the ioscan is the combined vendor and product identifiers.
The product ID portion of this string must match exactly.


The instance of the controller to which the device is attached. This is not the
instance of the tape driver. For example:
# ioscan -fknC autoch
Class I H/W Path Driver S/W State H/W Type Description
autoch 0 1/10/0/1.1.0 schgr CLAIMED DEVICE IBM ULT3581-TA

The 1/10/0/1 is the controlling instance of this device. Use ioscan to get the
instance of the controller. For example:

# ioscan -fk -H1/12/0/1

Class I H/W Path Driver S/W State H/W Type Description
ext_bus 0 1/12/0/1 c720 CLAIMED INTERFACE SCSI C875 Fast/Wide Differential

This instance is 0.


The target, unique ID of the device. Using the first example of ioscan, 1/10/0/1.1.0,
the target is 1.


The lun. From the first example, 0 is the lun.

The syntax for this example is:


The array looks like this:

char *atddBindLib[16] =
{ "ULT3581-TA:c0t1l0",
0 };

The contents of the usr/conf/space.h.d/atdd.h file are:

* $Header$

#ifndef _H_SPACE_ATDD
#define _H_SPACE_ATDD

Chapter 17. Install, Uninstall, and Configure 83

HP-UX Device Driver (ATDD)

#include "/opt/OMImag/conf/atdd_cfg.h"

* atdd.h space definitions for atdd.
* This file should NOT be included by user programs.
* Before changing any value, know the ramifications of your change.

#ifdef _KERNEL


char *atddBindLib[16] = {
0 /* Required - Do Not Remove */

int atdd_autoch = ATDD_AUTOCH;

#endif /* _KERNEL */

#endif /* !_H_SPACE_ATDD */

Adding an IBM Ultrium Device Using the Currently Installed ATTD

To ad an Ultrium device using the currently installed ATDD, follow this procedure:
1. Modify the /stand/system file, adding a stanza in the form of:

driver 0/4/0/0.1.0 atdd

with the adapter/drive path for your device.

2. Modify /etc/rc.config.d/atdd.cfg, adding the hardware path and instance:


where # denotes the next instance and the adapter/drive path for your device.
3. Build the kernel as root:
# mk_kernel -o /stand/vmunix -s /stand/system
4. Reboot the system:
# shutdown -r now
# reboot
5. After the system is up, run /opt/OMImag/bin/atdd_mksf to create the new special
files for the device.
# atdd_mksf -ti <instance>
where instance is the number from the ioscan output for the newly installed
device. This command echoes to console but does NOT create special files. To
create the special files pipe the command to sh.
# atdd_mksf –ti <instance> | sh

84 IBM Ultrium Tape Device Drivers: Installation and User’s Guide

HP-UX Device Driver (ATDD)

Uninstalling the Software

Attention: Do not try to uninstall the ATDD software by simply removing the
files that make up the ATDD fileset. This causes a number of inconsistencies on the
system. It is best to use the swremove command.

The SWREMOVE command with the AUTOREBOOT option must be used. This
command rebuilds the kernel and removes the ATDD:

# swremove -p -x autoreboot=true atdd (preview option)

# swremove -x autoreboot=true atdd

The manual steps required include:

1. Rebuilding the kernel
2. Rebooting the system
3. Reinstalling special files for native drivers

Typically these steps are run as follows, but because the process may vary
depending on details of the system installation, you are strongly encouraged to
review the log file, which records the differences.

To rebuild the kernel, the command is:

# mk_kernel -o /stand/vmunix -s /stand/system

To reboot, use the shutdown command:

# shutdown -ry now

Other Administrative Tasks

To determine what versions of the ATDD software are currently installed on the
default root file system:

# swlist -a state atdd

To determine what versions of the ATDD software are stored in the default depot:

# swlist -d state atdd

To view the set of files that are installed with the ATDD software:

# swlist -l file atdd

To remove the ATDD software from the depot:

# swremove -d atdd

If more than one level of atdd exists in the depot, explicitly specify the level to
remove it. For example:

# swremove -d atdd,r=

Chapter 17. Install, Uninstall, and Configure 85

86 IBM Ultrium Tape Device Drivers: Installation and User’s Guide
Chapter 18. Special Files
For each 3580 Ultrium drive configured by the ATDD, eight special files are
created. For the 3581 Autoloader, 3582 and 3583 Library, an additional special file is
created for the medium changer. Depending on the configuration of logical
libraries in the 3584 tape library, additional special files are created for control
ports associated with each logical library.

ATDD creates the eight tape device special files in two forms: the standard or long
file name and an alternative short file name. Each set of special file names (long
and short) contains four special files that have all combinations of n and b options
as shown in Table 7. For more information, see the mt(7) man pages.
Table 7. Special Files
BSD Rewind on
Special File Name Compatibility Close
/dev/rmt/<instance#>m No Yes
/dev/rmt/<instance#>mb Yes Yes
/dev/rmt/<instance#>mn No No
/dev/rmt/<instance#>mnb Yes No
/dev/rmt/c<instance#>t<target>d<LUN>BEST No Yes
/dev/rmt/c<instance#>t<target>d<LUN>BESTb Yes Yes
/dev/rmt/c<instance#>t<target>d<LUN>BESTn No No
/dev/rmt/c<instance#>t<target>d<LUN>BESTnb Yes No
/dev/rmt/<instance#>chng N/A N/A

To list the information about a device special file, use the atdd_lssf program
located in /opt/OMImag/bin. For each device special_file, atdd_lssf provides to
user the HBA card instance number and HW path that the device is attached, the
driver major number, the device minor number, the device file’s special access
modes, and the device product ID. For example,
# /opt/OMImag/bin/atdd_lssf /dev/rmt/2mnb
atdd card instance 16 available at address 1/0/0/ Major=51 Minor=0x1000C0 ,
settings=No Rewind ,Berkeley , Best Format IBM ULT3580-TD2

# /opt/OMImag/bin/atdd_lssf /dev/rmt/6chng
atdd card instance 16 available at address 1/0/0/ Major=51 Minor=0x100100 ,
Media Changer - IBM ULT3582-TL

© Copyright IBM Corp. 2000, 2003 87

HP-UX Device Driver (ATDD)

88 IBM Ultrium Tape Device Drivers: Installation and User’s Guide

Chapter 19. Supported Configurations
This chapter describes the supported configuration values for multiple device types
being configured on the same system. The configuration parameters are global.
Because the configuration parameters are global to all devices, it is necessary to
use configuration values that perform reliably on all devices attached to your
system. If you are experiencing difficulties, ensure that your driver is configured
properly. To check your current configuration, use the atdd_cfg program located in
/opt/OMImag/bin. For program usage, do as follows:

# /opt/OMImag/bin/atdd_cfg -h

The configuration values for the IBM Ultrium drive are:

IBM 3580 1 0 0 1

Modifying Configuration Parameters

To change a configuration parameter, use the atdd_cfg program located in
/opt/OMImag/bin. You can update the current value by using the Instance Number
or hardware path.

For example, to change the COMPRESSION parameter to 0 (no compression at

drive) for the device at hardware path 0/4/0/0.1.0, issue the following command:

# atdd_cfg -g INSTANCE 0/4/0/0.1.0


# atdd_cfg returns the ATDD instance number for this device. The instance number
is then used to set COMPRESSION to Off for this device:

# atdd_cfg -s COMPRESSION 0 2

Or, to modify COMPRESSION by using the hardware path:

# atdd_cfg -s COMPRESSION 0 0/4/0/0.1.0

To set a new BOOT default value for the configuration parameter, you must
modify or add an entry in the atdd.cfg configuration file located in /etc/rc.config.d.
For example, if you want the COMPRESSION default set to 0 for the device at
ATDD_HWPATH[0], add the following line to the atdd.cfg file:


Note: The configuration parameters are prefixed with ATDD_ in the configuration
file. For additional instructions about using the configuration program, use
the -h option as follows:

# atdd_cfg -h

© Copyright IBM Corp. 2000, 2003 89

HP-UX Device Driver (ATDD)

90 IBM Ultrium Tape Device Drivers: Installation and User’s Guide

Chapter 20. Configuration Parameter Definitions
This section describes the configuration parameters and values. It is not
recommended that a user modify the default settings of these parameters, except
as described in Chapter 19, “Supported Configurations,” on page 89. ATDD is
shipped with default values that allow the most reliable execution across various
device types.

Device-Specific Parameters
Some of the configuration parameters are device specific, while others are driver
specific. Table 8 shows the parameters that are device specific, what they mean,
and their values.
Table 8. Device-Specific Parameter Definitions
Parameter Meaning Values
DENSITY Density to use when In hexadecimal
writing/reading tape
SILI Suppress Incorrect Length v 0=Off (Do not suppress)
v 1=On (Suppress)
BLOCKSIZE Block Size Size in bytes
COMPRESSION Compression Mode v 0=Off (Do not use Compression at
v 1=On (Use Compression at drive)
BUFFERING Buffering Mode v 0=Off (Do not buffer data)
v 1=On (Buffer data to hardware
IMMEDIATE Immediate Mode v 0=Off (Wait for rewind completion)
v 1=On (Return before rewind is
TRAILER Trailer Label Processing v 0=Off (Do not allow writes past
early end of tape (EOT) warning)
v 1=On (Allow writes past early EOT
ERRNO_LEOT Error Number return for Value returned for writes past EOM
Logical End Of Tape
RESERVE Multiple Open for the v 1=On (Reserve the medium changer
Medium Changer after to open)
v 0=Off (Do not reserve the medium
changer after to open) (Multiple
Open Support)

© Copyright IBM Corp. 2000, 2003 91

HP-UX Device Driver (ATDD)

Driver-Specific Parameters
Some of the configuration parameters are device specific, while others are driver
specific. Table 9 shows the parameters that are driver specific, what they mean, and
their values.
Table 9. Driver-Specific Parameter Definitions
Parameter Meaning Values
INSTANCE ATDD Device Number (Read Only)
DEVICES Number of Configured (Read Only)
DBG Debug Logging v 0=No Debug logging
v value=Mask value of desired debug

92 IBM Ultrium Tape Device Drivers: Installation and User’s Guide

Chapter 21. Troubleshooting
A set of tools is provided with the device driver to determine if the device driver
and the tape device are functioning correctly.

Error Logging
Read the system log file (typically /var/adm/syslog/syslog.log) and the ATDD log file
(/var/adm/atdd/atdd_d.log) if you are having problems. The ATDD logs messages to
this file which provide information regarding the problem.

Support_info Script
Run the support_info script located in the /opt/OMImag/bin directory. This script
gathers important system and configuration information. There are several sections
with the keyword VERIFY, indicating information that should be verified for

Log in as user ID ″root″ on the system which experienced a problem. Then, run the
script and redirect the output to an end of a file.
/opt/OMImag/bin/ > support_info.out

Tracing Facility
Running the ATDD_trace utility located in the /opt/OMImag/bin displays debug
information. The utility traces can be started at any time before an operation on a
tape device. The default debug level is 0x00001003, which shows driver
configuration and per instance drive attribute configuration and errors. You can
increase the amount of debug information displayed by enabling more trace flags.
Issuing atdd_trace -f 0x1fffffff turns on every trace.

Enter the following commands to start the trace:

1. First, determine which items need to be traced and set the trace flags using the
atdd_trace command. For example, to trace everything:
/opt/OMImag/bin/atdd_trace -f 0x1fffffff
The set of trace flags is displayed in the table below:

© Copyright IBM Corp. 2000, 2003 93

HP-UX Device Driver (ATDD)

Configuration 0x00000001
General errors 0x00000002
Routine entry points 0x00000004
Returns 0x00000008
TRACE_DBG information 0x00000010
Open/Close routine 0x00000020
Trace motion commands 0x00000040
Read/Write 0x00000100
Strategy 0x00000200
Open/Close states 0x00000400
IOCTLs 0x00000800
Trace device config routines 0x00001000
Trace scsi level stuff 0x00004000
Configuration 0x10000000
Entry point 0x01000000
General information 0x00400000
Memory 0x00200000

2. Clear the trace buffer:

/opt/OMImag/bin/atdd_trace -c
3. To have trace data displayed immediately in a readable format as it is collected:
/opt/OMImag/bin/atdd_trace -b
4. Start the operations on a tape device.
5. To display collected trace data in a readable format at any time:
/opt/OMImag/bin/atdd_trace -d
6. The atdd_trace output can be redirected to place the trace data in a readable
format into a file, by entering:
/opt/OMImag/bin/atdd_trace >trace.txt

Atdd_d Log Daemon

The device driver provides a log daemon (atdd_d) facility for the IBM Ultrium Tape
Drive to automatically store a dump and to log error messages into the
/var/adm/atdd directory. The atdd_d log daemon is not automatically started when
the driver is installed.

The following steps document how to start and configure the daemon:
1. Start the daemon by running:
2. Check whether the daemon is running by entering:
#ps -ef | grep atdd_d
3. To view and/or modify the settings for the daemon, enter:
# /opt/OMImag/bin/atdd_d -h
usage: atdd_d [options]
[-d <log directory>] default is /var/adm/atdd
[-n <maximum number of dumps>] default is 10
[-z <maximum size of a dump>] default is 1048576
[-s <maximum size of a log>] default is 100000

94 IBM Ultrium Tape Device Drivers: Installation and User’s Guide

HP-UX Device Driver (ATDD)

For example, to decrease the number of drive dumps to store from 10 to 6 and
change the log directory to /tmp/drive_dump, do the following:
#/opt/OMImag/bin/atdd_d -n 6 -d/tmp/drive_dump
4. View the atdd_d.log, which provides information about the daemon start time,
message type (1 for the drive dump, 2 for SIM/MIM data, and 3 for Error
message), time stamp, H/W path, and size. For example:

Note: No entry is made in the log file when the daemon stops. Run #ps -ef |
grep atdd_d to check if the daemon is stopped.
5. Stop the daemon by using the following commands:
Get the daemon process id: #ps -ef | grep atdd_d
kill the daemon process: #kill -9 process_id

Problems and Solutions

Table 10 describes problems and possible solutions for errors you may encounter.
Table 10. Problems and Solutions
Problem Solution
No special files found in /dev/rmt Issue the following commands:

cd /opt/OMImag/bin

atdd_mksf | sh
Missing special files If you are not using the standard device driver
defaults, verify that the hardware path for the
device is listed in the configuration file:


If the hardware path is missing or incorrect, the

driver was not installed properly.

Chapter 21. Troubleshooting 95

HP-UX Device Driver (ATDD)

Table 10. Problems and Solutions (continued)

Problem Solution
Claimed by HP Stape driver Run # lsdev to check that the atdd is in the current
1. If the atdd isn’t in the output, rebuild the
kernel or reinstall atdd;
2. If the atdd is in the output
a. rebuild the system I/O configuration:
1) Remove /stand/ioconfig and /etc/ioconfig
after to backup the files;
2) Reboot the system;
3) On System Console, enter # /sbin/ioinit
-c while the autobooting is halted;
4) Run # /sbin/insf -e
5) Enter # ^D to exit the I/O
b. Consider reinstalling the HP-UX operating
system if the system is new or this is a
new update.
Cannot open Special File. The system log has the Wrong DENSITY setting. Check the current value
following message: by:

Invalid SCSI request in data at bit 7 of byte 4 atdd_cfg -g DENSITY <atdd_inst>

Try setting it to 0 (zero):

atdd_cfg -s DENSITY 0 <atdd_inst>

An attempt to read data times out and returns an Check that the SILI configuration parameter is 1
error. The system log has the following messages: by executing:

A SCSI command timed out and was aborted. atdd_cfg -g SILI <atdd_inst>

LLIO: Detected PowerFail (probably caused by SCSI If the SILI parameter is zero, try setting it to 1:
bus or device reset).
atdd_cfg -s SILI 1 <atdd_inst>
An attempt to read data times out and returns an Check that the FORCE_NARROW parameter is
error. The system log has the following messages: valid for this device:

A SCSI command timed out and was aborted. atdd_cfg -g FORCE_NARROW <atdd_inst>

scsi3: code... If FORCE_NARROW is 1, try setting it to 0:

scsi3: ....timestamp... atdd_cfg -s FORCE_NARROW 0 <atdd_inst>

96 IBM Ultrium Tape Device Drivers: Installation and User’s Guide

Chapter 22. Tape Utility Program (tapeutil)
This chapter describes how to install, uninstall and use the IBM HP-UX Tape
Utility Program, tapeutil.

Command Sequence Information

Take note of the following facts about the command sequences described in this
v In some of the examples, filenames given on the command-line must be
referenced with an absolute path. Using ’pwd’/filename to reference to a file
instead of filename ensures this.
v All the software distributor commands (for example, swinstall or swcopy) can first
be run with the -p flag to preview the command. After observing the preview
output, reissue the command without the -p flag to perform the actual operation.
v The software distributor commands are moderately complex scripts that
frequently require several steps. The steps are typically Selection, Analysis, and
Execution. Each step may produce useful information and error messages, so it is
a good idea to carefully observe the results of the installation process as it

If you run into unexpected results during the installation, check the associated log

Product Requirements
The following hardware and software components are required and supported by
IBM and are necessary for implementation of the tapeutil.

Tapeutil Implementation
The tapeutil program contains utility implementations for operation with the HP
PCI Bus. If you are using the ATDD version or later, on HP-UX 11.00, use
tapeutil.hpux. or later. If you are using the ATDD version or later, on
HP-UX 11i, use tapeutil.hpux. or later. Otherwise, use tapeutil level

Hardware Requirements
All versions of tapeutil operate the following tape devices:
v IBM TotalStorage Ultrium External Tape Drive 3580
v IBM TotalStorage Ultrium Tape Autoloader 3581
v IBM TotalStorage Ultrium Tape Library 3582
v IBM TotalStorage Ultrium Scalable Tape Library 3583
v IBM TotalStorage UltraScalable Tape Library 3584

© Copyright IBM Corp. 2000, 2003 97

HP-UX Device Driver (ATDD)

Install tapeutil Using the CD Installation Script

An installation script, (install_tapeutil), is provided to automate the utility
installation and perform some checking. It copies the latest version to the software
depot and installs it.

To install the Tape Utility Program with the script, insert the CD in the CD-ROM
drive, mount the distribution CD, check the README file, then run the install
script. For example:

# mount -o ro /dev/cdromdevicename /cdrom

# more /cdrom/HPUX/tapeutil.hpux.Readme
# /cdrom/HPUX/install_tapeutil
1. If the directory /cdrom does not exist, create the directory using the mkdir
2. Typically, the special file for a CD-ROM drive has the form /dev/dsk/cxtydz (for
example, /dev/dsk/c1t2d0). The special file name may be different on your
3. Unmount the CD-ROM before ejecting the CD. To unmount the CD-ROM, type:

# /usr/sbin/umount /cdrom.

To install tapeutil manually, use the procedures in “Install tapeutil Manually” on

page 98 below.

Install tapeutil Manually

Installing the product manually requires the three steps detailed in the following
1. “Copy the Software to the Software Depot” on page 98
2. “Review the tapeutil README File” on page 99
3. “Install tapeutil” on page 99

Copy the Software to the Software Depot

If you are installing from a CD-ROM, mount the CD, check the README file, then
copy the software to the Software Depot. For example:

# mount -o ro /dev/cdromdevicename /cdrom

# more /cdrom/HPUX/tapeutil.hpux.Readme
# swcopy -p -s /cdrom/tapeutil.hpux.x.x.x.x tapeutil (preview option)
# swcopy -s /cdrom/tapeutil.hpux.x.x.x.x tapeutil
1. If the directory /cdrom does not exist, create the directory using the mkdir
2. Typically, the special file for a CD-ROM drive has the form /dev/dsk/cxtydz (for
example, /dev/dsk/c1t2d0). The special file name may be different on your
3. Unmount the CD-ROM drive before ejecting the CD. To unmount the CD-ROM
drive, type

98 IBM Ultrium Tape Device Drivers: Installation and User’s Guide

HP-UX Device Driver (ATDD)

# /usr/sbin/umount /cdrom

If you do not have a CD-ROM drive on your system, you must do the following:
1. Mount the CD on another system and copy the appropriate tapeutil.hpux.x.x.x.x
file in the HPUX directory to a disk file.

# mount /dev/cdromdevicename /cdrom

# cp /cdrom/HPUX/tapeutil.hpux.x.x.x.x tapeutil.x.x.x.x


Use the dd command on another system to copy the diskette to a disk file. For

# dd if=/dev/floppy of=tapeutil.depot bs=1k

2. Make the disk file accessible on the install system and use the swcopy

# swcopy -p -s ’pwd’ tapeutil.depot tapeutil (preview option)

# swcopy -s ’pwd’ tapeutil.depot tapeutil

Note: You must unmount the CD-ROM drive before ejecting the CD. To
unmount the CD-ROM drive, type:

# /usr/sbin/umount /cdrom

Use swlist to verify that the tapeutil software is in the depot:

# swlist -d tapeutil

Review the tapeutil README File

After copying the tapeutil software to the depot, use the swlist command to view
the README file in the directory /opt/tapeutil:

# swlist -d -a readme tapeutil

The README file lists the system configuration requirements, including required
system software patches and required tape related firmware versions. The file also
documents any changes in the installation, use, and administration of the software
that occurred after this documentation was completed. Review it before proceeding
with the software installation.

Install tapeutil
When the software is in the depot, the tapeutil software can be installed to the root
file system using the HP-UX swinstall command.

The following commands install tapeutil from the depot to the default root file

# swinstall -p tapeutil (preview option)

# swinstall tapeutil

Chapter 22. Tape Utility Program 99

HP-UX Device Driver (ATDD)

You can use swlist to list the software installed on the default root file system as

# swlist tapeutil

You can verify correct installation to the default root file system with the swverify

# swverify tapeutil

Uninstalling tapeutil
Attention: Do not try to uninstall the ATDD software by simply deleting the files
that make up the ATDD fileset. This causes a number of inconsistencies on the
system. It is best to use the swremove command.

To remove the tapeutil software from the root file system, enter:

# swremove -p tapeutil (preview option)

# swremove tapeutil

Other Administrative Tasks

To determine the version of tapeutil currently installed on the default root file

# swlist -a state tapeutil

To determine the version of tapeutil stored in the default depot:

# swlist -d state tapeutil

To view the set of files installed with tapeutil:

# swlist -l file tapeutil

To remove tapeutil from the depot:

# swremove -d tapeutil

Using the tapeutil Program

A Tape and Medium Changer Utility Program called tapeutil is provided with the
IBM Tape and Medium Changer Device Driver for HP-UX and installed in the
/usr/bin directory. The tapeutil program fulfills several purposes:
v The program provides the following service aids for IBM tape systems:
– Query Device Type/Verify Device Attachment
– Query Device Serial Number
– Query Device Microcode Level
– Force Device Diagnostic Dump
– Store Device Diagnostic Dump
– Download Device Microcode

100 IBM Ultrium Tape Device Drivers: Installation and User’s Guide
HP-UX Device Driver (ATDD)

v The program provides a menu driven test tool for exercising or testing IBM tape
and medium changer devices with a full suite of supported operations:
– Reading/Writing Data
– Tape Motion Commands
– Setting/Displaying Device Information/Status
– Mounting/Demounting Cartridges
– Cartridge Inventory
v In addition to the menu driven front end, the tapeutil program provides a
command-line interface, convenient for use in shell scripts.
v The source code for the tapeutil program is provided for example purposes and
is installed in the /opt/tapeutil directory during the tapeutil package installation.
This source code is commented and demonstrates calls to all the supported
device driver entry points and ioctl commands, giving the application developer
a starting point for interfacing to the HP-UX device driver.

Interactive Mode
The tapeutil program provides both an interactive mode and a command-line
mode. If the tapeutil program is called with no command-line parameters, the
interactive mode version is started. In the interactive mode, the device to be
operated on should first be opened using option 1. Other options may then be
selected. The user is prompted for additional information if required for the
specific options selected. The results of a command are displayed after it is
executed. If an error occurs for the command, error information and device sense
data are displayed. The device can be closed using option 2, or it is closed
automatically when the Quit option is selected. The menu is displayed once
automatically when the program is first called. To prevent unnecessary scrolling of
the screen, the menu is not displayed again automatically after each command but
instead is refreshed only after the M (menu refresh) command is entered.

These commands can issue the MTIOCTOP ioctl with the MT opcodes defined in
/usr/include/sys/mtio.h(MT mode), or issue the STIOC_TAPE_OP ioctl with the
ST_OP opcodes defined in /usr/include/sys/st.h (ST mode). For detailed information,
see the MTIOCTOP and STIOC_TAPE_OP sections in the IBM Ultrium Device
Drivers: Programming Reference, GC35-0483.

The default for tapeutil is the ST mode. Toggle between the MT or ST mode by
using option 8. The following commands run in the two modes:
v Write File Mark
v Erase Tape
v Rewind
v Offline
v Forward/Backward Space File
v Forward/Backward Space Record
v Locate End of Data

Figure 6 on page 102 and Figure 7 on page 102 show the menus that are displayed
by the tapeutil program for HP-UX 11.00 and 11i PCI Bus Systems.

Chapter 22. Tape Utility Program 101

HP-UX Device Driver (ATDD)

| 1: Open Device | 3: Query Serial Number |
| 2: Close Device | 4: Query Microcode Level |
| D: Device Type | 5: Force Dump |
| M: Menu Refresh | 6: Store Dump |
| Q: Quit Program | 7: Download Microcode |
| | 8: Query Driver Level |
| 9: Test Unit Ready 10: Inquiry 11: Request Sense |
| 12: Log Sense Page 13: Mode Page 14: Reserve on Close |
| 15: Release 16: Prevent/Allow Media Removal |
| 26: Read Data 27: Write Data |
| 28: Write File Mark 29: Erase Tape |
| 30: Rewind 31: Retension |
| 32: Offline 33: Load/Unload Tape |
| 34: Forward Space File 35: Backward Space File |
| 36: Forward Space Record 37: Backward Space Record |
| 38: Locate End Of Data 39: Get Parameter |
| 40: Set Parameter 41: Sync Buffer |
| 42: Display Message 43: Report Tape Density |
| 44: Check Device Type 45: Get Record Size |
| 46: Set Record Size 47: Get Device Status |
| 48: Get Device Information 49: Get Media Information |
| 50: Get Position 51: Set Position |
| 52: Set MT/ST Mode |

Figure 6. TAPEUTIL Program Menu for the tape drive on HP-UX 11.00 and 11i PCI Bus Systems

| 1: Open Device | 3: Query Serial Number |
| 2: Close Device | 4: Query Microcode Level |
| D: Device Type | 5: Force Dump |
| M: Menu Refresh | 6: Store Dump |
| Q: Quit Program | 7: Download Microcode |
| | 8: Query Driver Level |
| 9: Test Unit Ready 10: Inquiry 11: Request Sense |
| 12: Log Sense Page 13: Mode Page 14: Reserve on Close |
| 15: Release 16: Prevent/Allow Media Removal |
| 17: Move Medium 18: Exchange Medium 11: Request Sense |
| 20: Element Info 21: Inventory 22: Read Device IDs |
| 23: Audit 24: Init Elem Status Range 25: Lock/Unlock Door|

Figure 7. TAPEUTIL Program Menu for the medium changer on HP-UX 11.00 and 11i PCI Bus Systems

102 IBM Ultrium Tape Device Drivers: Installation and User’s Guide
HP-UX Device Driver (ATDD)

Command-Line Interface
If command-line parameters are provided when the program is started, the
program runs in command-line mode. When in command-line mode, the device is
first opened, the specific command is issued, and the device is then closed. The
program can be invoked from within a shell script if desired. Results of the
operation are displayed only when executed in verbose mode. No information is
displayed when not in verbose mode. This is particularly useful for quiet shell
script implementations. A completion code, as defined in /usr/include/sys/errno.h, for
the operation requested, is always returned from the program upon exit (in both
verbose and quiet mode)

The usage of the tapeutil program in command-line mode is as follows:

tapeutil -f device -o operation [options]

where device is the name of the tape device special file (for example, /dev/rmt/1m)
and operation is one of the values listed below. The device special file and the
operation are required. The specific options associated with a particular operation
are indicated below. Parameters enclosed in square brackets are optional. All others
are required.

Service Commands
Query Serial Number
tapeutil -f f -o qsn [-w w] [-v]
Query Microcode Level
tapeutil -f f -o qmc [-w w] [-v]
Force Dump
tapeutil -f f -o fdp [-w w] [-v]
Store Dump
tapeutil -f f -o sdp [-w w] [-v] -z z
Download Microcode
tapeutil -f f -o dmc [-w w] [-v] -z z
Query Device Type
tapeutil -f f -o chk [-w w] [-v]

Basic SCSI Commands

Test Unit Ready
tapeutil -f f -o tur [-w w] [-v]
Inquiry/Inquiry Page
tapeutil -f f -o inq [-w w] [-v] [-t t] [-x x]
Request Sense
tapeutil -f f -o req [-w w] [-v]
Log Sense Page
tapeutil -f f -o log [-w w] [-v] [-x x]
Mode Page
tapeutil -f f -o mod [-w w] [-v] -x x
tapeutil -f f -o res [-w w] [-v]

Chapter 22. Tape Utility Program 103

HP-UX Device Driver (ATDD)

tapeutil -f f -o rel [-w w] [-v]
Prevent/Allow Medium Removal
tapeutil -f f -o rem [-w w] [-v]-x x

Medium Changer Commands

Move Medium
tapeutil -f f -o mov [-w w] [-v] -s s -d d
Position To Element
tapeutil -f f -o pos [-w w] [-v] -d d
Element Information
tapeutil -f f -o ele [-w w] [-v]
tapeutil -f f -o inv [-w w] [-v]
Output inventory data into a file
tapeutil -f f -o inv [-w w] [-v] -t 1 > filename
tapeutil -f f -o aud [-w w] [-v]
Lock/Unlock Door
tapeutil -f f -o lck [-w w] [-v] -x x
Exchange Medium
tapeutil -f f -o exc [-w w] [-v] -s s - -d d1 d2
Read Element Status with Drive ID
tapeutil -f f -o dvc [-w w] [-v] -s s - -d d1 d2
Initial Element Status Range
tapeutil -f f -o ier [-w w] [-v] -s s - -x x

Tape Drive Commands

Read tapeutil -f f -o rea [-w w] [-v] -b b -n n -m m
Write tapeutil -f f -o wri [-w w] [-v] -b b -n n -m m [-r r] [-z z]
Write File Mark
tapeutil -f f -o eof [-w w] [-v] -c c
Erase Tape
tapeutil -f f -o era [-w w] [-v]
tapeutil -f f -o rew [-w w] [-v]
tapeutil -f f -o ret [-w w] [-v]
tapeutil -f f -o off [-w w] [-v]
Load/Unload Tape
tapeutil -f f -o lod [-w w] [-v] -x x
Forward Space File
tapeutil -f f -o fsf [-w w] [-v] -c c

104 IBM Ultrium Tape Device Drivers: Installation and User’s Guide
HP-UX Device Driver (ATDD)

Backward Space File

tapeutil -f f -o bsf [-w w] [-v] -c c
Forward Space Record
tapeutil -f f -o fsr [-w w] [-v] -c c
Backward Space Record
tapeutil -f f -o bsr [-w w] [-v] -c c
Locate End of Data
tapeutil -f f -o eod [-w w] [-v]
Report Tape Density
tapeutil -f f -o den [-w w] [-v]
Check Device Type
tapeutil -f f -o chk [-w w] [-v]
Get Record Size
tapeutil -f f -o grs [-w w] [-v]
Set Record Size
tapeutil -f f -o srs [-w w] [-v] -c c
Get Device Status
tapeutil -f f -o gds [-w w] [-v]
Get Device Information
tapeutil -f f -o gdi [-w w] [-v]
Get Media Information
tapeutil -f f -o gmi [-w w] [-v]
Get Position
tapeutil -f f -o gpo [-w w] [-v] -t t
Set Position
tapeutil -f f -o spo [-w w] [-v] -t t -x x
Get Parameter
tapeutil -f f -o gpa [-w w] [-v] -t t
Set Parameter
tapeutil -f f -o spa [-w w] [-v] -t t -x x
Sync Buffer
tapeutil -f f -o syn [-w w] [-v]
Display Message
tapeutil -f f -o msg [-w w] [-v] -t t -y y1,y1

Note: Invoking tapeutil with the -h (tapeutil -h) or -? (tapeutil -?) flag displays the
help information.

Flag Description
The supported flags, their meanings, their associated operations, and their
acceptable ranges are as follows:
-? Usage Help (stand-alone flag) {no value required}
-b Block Size (rea, wri)
{0 < (block size x blocking factor) < 2097152}
-c Operation Count (eof, fsf, fsr, bsf, bsr, srs) {0–65535}

Chapter 22. Tape Utility Program 105

HP-UX Device Driver (ATDD)

-d Destination Address (mov)

{device specific, determine range from Element Info}
-d1 Destination 1 Address (exc)
{device specific, determine range from Element Info}
-d2 Destination 2 Address (exc)
{device specific, determine range from Element Info}
-f Device Special File Name (always required)
{/dev/rmt/1st or similar}
-h Usage Help (stand alone flag) {no value required}
-m Multiples to Read or Write (rea, wri) {0–2097152}
-n Blocking Factor (rea, wri)
{0 > (block size x blocking factor) < 2097152}
-o Operation (always required) {see the previous list}
-r Random Seed (wri) {0–65535}
-s Source Address (mov, pos)
{device specific, determine range from Element Info}
-t Type of Parameter Value
v (gpo) {1=logical block, 2=physical block}
v (spo) {1=logical block, 2=physical block}
v (gpa) {1=block size, 2=compression, 3=buffering,
4=immediate, 5=trailer, 6=write protect,
7=acf mode, 8=capacity, 9=sili}
v (spa) {1=block size, 2=compression, 3=buffering,
4=immediate, 5=trailer, 6=write protect,
8=capacity, 9=sili}
v (msg) {1=display msg0, 2=display msg1, 3=flash msg0,
4=flash msg1, 5=alternate msg1/msg2}
v (inq) {0=standard data, 1=page code}
v {0=mt mode, 1=st mode}
-v Verbose Mode (optional for all commands, stand-alone flag)
{no value required, absence of flag means quiet mode}
-w Open Mode (optional for all commands)
{1=read/write, 2=read only (default), 3=write only, 4=append}
-x Parameter Value
v (lck) {1=lock, 2=unlock}
v (lod) {1=load, 2=unload}
v (spo) {0–65535}
v (spa) {0–65535}
v (inq) {0x0–0xFF}
v (log) {0x00–0xFF}
v (mod) {0x00–0xFF}

106 IBM Ultrium Tape Device Drivers: Installation and User’s Guide
HP-UX Device Driver (ATDD)

v (rem) {1=prevent, 2=allow}

v (ier) {0x0001–0xFFFF}
-y Messages (msg) {message1,message2}
-z Input/Output File Name
v (sdp) {path and name of the file in which to store dump}
v (dmc) {path and name of the microcode image file}
v (wri) {path and name of the file containing write data pattern}
1. For read and write operations, the size of one buffer of data transferred during
a single SCSI read or write command is determined by the product of the Block
Size value and the Blocking Factor value. The number of these buffers
transferred is determined by Multiplier value. The actual total number of bytes
transferred is then (Block Size) x (Blocking Factor) x (Multiplier). If the device
is set to fixed block mode (block size not equal to zero), the product of Block
Size and Blocking Factor must be a multiple of the device block size setting.
2. For further information on the Get Parameter (gpa) and Set Parameter (spa)
operations, see the STIOC_GET_PARM and STIOC_SET_PARM ioctl commands
in the IBM Ultrium Device Drivers: Programming Reference, GC35-0483.

The following examples should help to demonstrate and clarify the command-line
usage of the tapeutil program. For all examples, substitute the actual value of the
special file associated with the target device.
v To query the serial number of the device:
tapeutil -f /dev/rmt/0m -o qsn -v
v To request inquiry data from the device:
tapeutil -f /dev/rmt/0m -o inq -v
v To request inquiry page data from the device:
tapeutil -f /dev/rmt/0m -o inq -t 1 -x 0x03 -v
v To request log sense page from the device:
tapeutil -f /dev/rmt/0m -o log -x 0x00 -v
v To request mode page from the device:
tapeutil -f /dev/rmt/0m -o mod -x 0x02 -v
v To move a cartridge from cell 32 to the tape drive (16) for a medium changer:
tapeutil -f /dev/rmt/4chng -o mo -s 32 -d 16 -v
v To write one hundred 64K blocks of data to the tape device:
tapeutil -f /dev/rmt/0mn -w 1 -o wri -b 65535 -n 1 -m 100 -v
v To write two file marks to the tape device:
tapeutil -f /dev/rmt/0mn -w 1 -o eof -c 2 -v
v To rewind the tape device:
tapeutil -f /dev/rmt/0mn -o rew -v
v To read one hundred 64K blocks of data from the tape device:
tapeutil -f /dev/rmt/0mn -o rea -b 65535 -n 1 -m 100 -v
v To report the tape density:
tapeutil -f /dev/rmt/0mn -o den -v
v To prevent tape removal from the tape drive:
tapeutil -f /dev/rmt/0mn -o rem -x 1 -v
v To allow tape removal from the tape drive:
tapeutil -f /dev/rmt/0mn -o rem -x 2 -v

Chapter 22. Tape Utility Program 107

HP-UX Device Driver (ATDD)

v To read the element status with the drive ID:

tapeutil -f /dev/rmt/4chng -o dvc -v
v To output the inventory information into a file:
tapeutil -f /dev/rmt/4chng -o inv -t 1 > inv.txt

108 IBM Ultrium Tape Device Drivers: Installation and User’s Guide
Part 5. Linux Tape and Medium Changer Device Driver

© Copyright IBM Corp. 2000, 2003 109

110 IBM Ultrium Tape Device Drivers: Installation and User’s Guide
Chapter 23. Introduction and Product Requirements
This chapter describes the IBM Linux Tape and Medium Changer Device Driver
(IBMtape) for:
v IBM TotalStorage Ultrium External Tape Drive 3580
v IBM TotalStorage Ultrium Tape Autoloader 3581
v IBM TotalStorage Ultrium Tape Library 3582
v IBM TotalStorage Ultrium Scalable Tape Library 3583
v IBM TotalStorage UltraScalable Tape Library 3584

The IBMtape and medium changer device driver is designed specifically to take
advantage of the features provided by the IBM tape drives and medium changer
devices. The goal is to give applications access to the functions required for basic
tape operations (such as backup and restore) and medium changer operations
(such as mount and demount the cartridges), as well as to the advanced functions
needed by full tape management systems. Whenever possible, the driver is
designed to take advantage of the device features transparent to the application.

Data Flow
The software described in this chapter covers the Linux Device Driver (IBMtape
device driver) and the interface between the application and the tape device.

Figure 8 illustrates a typical data flow process.

IBMtape Host Bus Tape

Device Adapter Device

Driver Driver

Figure 8. Data Flow Process

Product Requirements
More current information on supported hardware and software configurations for
IBMtape will be in the README files on the distribution CD. The most current
information is found in the README files on the IBM Device Drivers ftp site,
which are located at Information
specific to certain distributions are in the README files in the distribution-specific
directories under the Linux directory.

Information there will include:

v Specifics on Linux distributions and kernel levels
v Supported Host Bus Adapter cards and required firmware and HBA device
driver levels
v Other important information that is not included in this manual

© Copyright IBM Corp. 2000, 2003 111

Linux Device Driver (IBMtape)

Hardware Requirements for Intel™ Processors

One or more of the following processors is required by the IBMtape device driver:
v 32–bit Intel-compatible processors (uniprocessor or SMP) capable of running Red
Hat or SuSE Linux distributions.
v 64–bit Intel Itanium processors (uniprocessor or SMP) capable of running Red
Hat or SuSE Linux distributions.

One or more of the following IBM tape devices:

v IBM TotalStorage Ultrium External Tape Drive 3580
v IBM TotalStorage Ultrium Tape Autoloader 3581
v IBM TotalStorage Ultrium Tape Library 3582
v IBM TotalStorage Ultrium Scalable Tape Library 3583
v IBM TotalStorage UltraScalable Tape Library 3584

One or more of the following SCSI Host Bus Adapters:

v Adaptec 2940U2W (LVD)
v Adaptec 2944UW (HVD)
v Adaptec SCSI Adapter 29160 or IBM P/N 19K4646 for IBM xSeries® - Single Port
v Adaptec SCSI Adapter 39160 - Dual Port LVD

One or more of the following Fibre Channel Host Bus Adapters:

| v QLogic QLA2200F, QLA2310FL, QLA2340L, QLA2342L

| Hardware Requirements for IBM ERserver pSeries Models

| One or more of the following processors is required by the IBMtape device driver:
| v IBM low, middle, and high range pSeries servers running 64-bit Linux operating
| system.

| One or more of the following IBM fibre channel tape devices:

| v IBM TotalStorage Ultrium Tape Library 3582 with Ultrium Generation II drives
| v IBM TotalStorage Ultrium Tape Scalable Library 3583 with Ultrium Generation II
| drives
| v IBM 3584 UltraScalable Tape Library Model L32 (base frame), D32 (expansion
| frame) with Ultrium Generation II drives

| One or more of the following host bus adapters:

| v pSeries Feature Code 6228 Fibre Channel Adapter
| v pSeries Feature Code 6239 Fibre Channel PCI-X Adapter

Hardware Requirements for IBM ERserver zSeries® Models

One or more of the following processors is required by the IBMtape device driver:
v IBM zSeries 800 (z800) or zSeries 900 (z900) models running Linux for S390
(31-bit) or Linux for zSeries (64-bit)

One or more of the following IBM fibre channel tape devices:

v IBM TotalStorage Ultrium Tape Library 3582 with Ultrium Generation II drives
v IBM TotalStorage Ultrium Tape Scalable Library 3583 with Ultrium Generation II

112 IBM Ultrium Tape Device Drivers: Installation and User’s Guide
Linux Device Driver (IBMtape)

v IBM 3584 UltraScalable Tape Library Model L32 (base frame), D32 (expansion
frame) with Ultrium Generation II drives

One or more of the following host bus adapters:

v FICON™ card (feature 2315 or 2318) with Fibre Channel Protocol support
v FICON Express card (feature 2319 or 2320) with Fibre Channel Protocol support

Attention: Using a single Fibre Channel host bus adapter (HBA) for concurrent
tape and disk operations is not recommended. Tape and disk devices require
incompatible HBA settings for reliable operation and optimal performance
characteristics. Under stress conditions (high I/O rates for tape, disk, or both)
where disk and tape subsystems share a common HBA, stability problems have
been observed. These issues are resolved by separating disk and tape I/O streams
onto separate HBAs and using SAN zoning to minimize contention. IBM is focused
on assuring server and storage configuration interoperability. IBM strongly
recommends that your implementation plan includes provisions for separating disk
and tape workloads.

| Library Control Path Failover Support

| In order to use alternate pathing support, the feature code 1680 is required for the
| IBM 3582/3583/3584 library. Only these libraries with the native fibre IBM Ultrium
| tape drives are supported by the Linux IBMtape control path failover device
| driver. For the availability of control path failover IBMtape device driver and
| supported Linux attachment environment, please see the Ultrium ReadMe files on
| this ftp site:

Software Requirements for Intel Processors

IBMtape device driver supports the following Linux distributions:
v Red Hat 7.2 (64–bit kernel)
v Red Hat Linux Advanced Server 2.1 (32–bit kernel)
v SuSE Linux Enterprise Server (32–bit kernel)

| Software Requirements for IBM pSeries Models

| The IBMtape device driver supports the following Linux distributions:
| v SuSE Linux Enterprise Server 8 for the following Linux operating systems:
| —Linux for pSeries (64-bit kernel)

Software Requirements for IBM zSeries Models

IBMtape supports the following Linux distributions:
v SuSE Linux Enterprise Server 8 for the following Linux operating systems:
– Linux for S390 (31–bit kernel)
– Linux for zSeries (64–bit kernel)

Chapter 23. Introduction and Product Requirements 113

Linux Device Driver (IBMtape)

114 IBM Ultrium Tape Device Drivers: Installation and User’s Guide
Chapter 24. Tape Drive, Media, and Device Driver Parameters
This chapter describes the parameters that control the operating modes of the tape
drive, media, and device driver.

Configuration Parameters
The configuration parameters are used to set the operating mode of the tape drive
and device driver when a device is opened. The installation defaults are provided
for all parameters initially. Some of these parameters can be queried and set by
IBMtapeutil Query/Set Tape Parameters on the menu. These parameters are kept
on reopen, but are always restored back to the default values when the IBMtape
device driver is reinstalled.

The nonchangeable configuration parameters are:

v Autoloading
v Capacity scaling
v Density Code
v Emulate autoloader
v Hook Word
v Logical write protect
v Maximum block size
v Minimum block size
v Medium type
v Read SILI bit
v Record space mode
v Volume ID for logging
v Write protect

The changeable configuration parameters are:

v Block size
v Buffered mode
v Compression
v Disable auto drive dump
v Disable SIM logging
v Logging
v Maximum SCSI transfer length
v Read past filemark
v Rewind immediate
v Trace
v Trailer labels

© Copyright IBM Corp. 2000, 2003 115

Linux Device Driver (IBMtape)

Nonchangeable Parameters:
The configuration parameters are used to set the operating mode of the tape drive
and device driver when a device is opened. The nonchangeable parameters are
detailed below.

This parameter enables the autoloading feature of the device driver. It is disabled
by default and cannot be changed.

Capacity Scaling
This parameter sets the capacity or logical length of the current tape. By reducing
the capacity of the tape, the tape drive can access data faster at the expense of data
capacity. Capacity Scaling is not supported currently but may be supported in
future releases of IBMtape.

Density Code
This parameter is the density setting for the currently loaded tape. Some tape
devices support multiple densities and reports the current setting in this field. It
cannot be changed by the application.

Emulate Autoloader
This parameter does not apply to IBM Ultrium devices and should be ignored.

Hook Word
This parameter is not supported in the IBMtape device driver.

Logical Write Protect

This parameter sets or resets the logical write protect of the current tape. This
feature is not supported currently but may be supported in future releases of the

Maximum Block Size

This parameter is the maximum block size for the device.

Minimum Block Size

This parameter is the minimum block size for the device.

Medium Type
This parameter is the media type of the currently loaded tape. Some tape devices
support multiple media types and reports different values in this field.

Read SILI Bit

SILI bit currently is not supported due to limitations associated with the Linux
environment. SILI bit support may be enabled in future releases of the IBMtape.

Record Space Mode

This parameter specifies how the device driver operates when a forward or
backward space record operation encounters a filemark. Only the SCSI mode is
supported by IBMtape. When a forward or backward space record operation is

116 IBM Ultrium Tape Device Drivers: Installation and User’s Guide
Linux Device Driver (IBMtape)

issued to the driver and a filemark is encountered, the device driver returns -1 and
the errno variable is set to input/output error (EIO). On the forward space
operation, the tape is left-positioned after the filemark (the end of tape side of the
filemark). On the backward space operation, the tape is positioned before the
filemark (the beginning of tape side of the filemark).

Volume ID for Logging

This parameter is the volume ID of the currently loaded tape. IBMtape device
driver ignores this field.

Write Protect
This parameter, if set to TRUE, write protects the current mounted tape.

Changeable Parameters:
The configuration parameters are used to set the operating mode of the tape drive
and device driver when a device is opened. The changeable parameters are
detailed below.

Block Size
This parameter specifies the block size used for read and write operations. A value
of zero means variable block size. Any other value is a fixed block size. The
installation default is zero (variable length block size). See ″Maximum SCSI
Transfer Length″ below for additional guidance.

Buffered Mode
This parameter specifies if the read and write operations should be buffered by the
tape device. The default (recommended) value is TRUE.

Hardware compression is implemented in the device hardware. This parameter
turns the hardware compression feature On and Off. If compression is enabled,
effective performance can increase based on the compressibility of the data.

The installation default is On (use compression).

Disable Auto Drive Dump

This parameter is provided in the IBMtape version 1.2.2 or later. It is set to FALSE
by default. If it is FALSE and the IBMtaped daemon is running and if an error
occurs in the drive which creates a drive dump, the IBMtape device driver will
automatically retrieve the drive dump and save it under the /var/log directory by
default. You may specify another directory in the /etc/IBMtaped.conf file. Please refer
to Chapter 26, “Configure and Run IBMtaped Daemon,” on page 129 for details.

Disable SIM Logging

This capacity is not applicable to IBM Ultrium tape devices.

Logging (Volume Logging)

This parameter turns the volume information logging On and Off. With the
IBMtape version 1.2.2 and later, the IBMtape device driver provides this support. It
is set to On by default. If logging is On and the IBMtaped daemon is running, the
IBMtape device driver will retrieve the full log sense data from the drive whenever

Chapter 24. Tape Drive, Media, and Device Driver Parameters 117
Linux Device Driver (IBMtape)

a tape is unloaded, or the drive reaches a log threshold. The log file will be saved
in a binary format under the directory /var/log by default. You may specify another
directory in /etc/IBMtaped.conf file. Please refer to Chapter 26, “Configure and Run
IBMtaped Daemon,” on page 129 for details.

Note: This is volume logging, which is different from the error logging. IBMtape
provides error logging whenever the IBMtaped daemon is running. Please
see Chapter 26, “Configure and Run IBMtaped Daemon,” on page 129 for
the details on error logging.

Maximum SCSI Transfer Length

By default, the maximum transfer length per device per SCSI command is 262,144
bytes (256 KB). Variable block read/write requests with a transfer length greater
than the maximum transfer length will fail [errno: EINVAL]. When a fixed block
size has been defined, large write requests are subject to both the granularity of the
block size and the maximum transfer length. For example, with a fixed block size
of 80,000 bytes and maximum transfer length of 262,144, a write request for
400®,000 bytes (5 blocks of 80,000 each) is written to tape in two transfers. The first
transfer is 240,000 bytes (3 blocks) and the second transfer is 160,000 (the
remaining two blocks). You may increase the maximum transfer length to enhance
the data throughput. This can be done either using IBMtapeutil, option 48 –
Query/Set Tape Parameters, or a customized STIOCSETP input/output control
(ioctl) call. However, setting the transfer length greater than the default 256 KB
does not guarantee a noticeable increase in data throughput. A maximum transfer
length of 256 KB is highly recommended.

Read Past Filemark

If this parameter is set to TRUE, when a read operation encounters a filemark, it
returns the number of bytes read before encountering the filemark and positions
the tape head after the filemark. If the read_past_filemark parameter is set to FALSE,
when a read operation encounters a filemark, and if data was read, the read
function returns the number of bytes read, and positions the tape head before the
filemark. If no data was read, the read returns 0 bytes read and positions the tape
head after the filemark.

This installation default is FALSE.

Rewind Immediate
This parameter turns the immediate bit On and Off for rewind commands. If it is
set to On, the rewind tape operation executes faster, but the next command takes a
long time to finish unless the physical rewind operation has completed. Setting this
parameter reduces the amount of time it takes to close a device for a Rewind on
Close special file.

The installation default is Off (no rewind immediate).

This parameter turns the trace facility On and Off. With the IBMtape version 1.2.2
and later, the IBMtape device driver provides this support. It is set to On by
default. If trace is On and the IBMtaped daemon is running, the IBMtape device
driver will retrieve the trace from the driver if trace level is set to 1 or 2 in the
/etc/IBMtaped.conf file. The trace file will be saved under the directory /var/log by
default. You may specify another directory in /etc/IBMtaped.conf file. Please refer to
Chapter 26, “Configure and Run IBMtaped Daemon,” on page 129 for details.

118 IBM Ultrium Tape Device Drivers: Installation and User’s Guide
Linux Device Driver (IBMtape)

Trailer Labels
If this parameter is set to On, writing records past the early warning mark on the
tape is allowed. The first write operation, after detecting the early warning mark,
fails and the errno variable is set to ENOSPC. No data is written during the
operation. All subsequent write operations are allowed to continue until the
physical end of the volume is reached and input/output error errno (EIO) is

If this parameter is set to Off, writing records past the early warning mark is not
allowed. Errno variable is set to ENOSPC.

The installation default is On (with trailer labels).

Chapter 24. Tape Drive, Media, and Device Driver Parameters 119
120 IBM Ultrium Tape Device Drivers: Installation and User’s Guide
Chapter 25. Installation and Configuration Instructions
The IBMtape device driver for Linux is an installable kernel module, supplied in
an rpm package. The utility tools for IBMtape are supplied in a tar file. The
following sections describe installation, removal, configuration, and verification
procedures for IBMtape and its utility tools. Refer to Linux documentation for rpm
and tar command information. You must have root authority to proceed with the
installation of the driver.

Conventions Used
In the subsequent pages, you will see file names with xxx or x.x.x in them. These
refer to the version of the driver, which change as IBM releases new driver levels.
Use the actual driver version numbers as you perform the procedures. If there is
more than one version on the installation CD, use the latest version.

Commands that you are to type are indicated with a leading ″>″ character, which
indicates the shell prompt. Some of the commands have a ″—some text″ string
after them, for example, ″>cd IBMtapeutil.x.x.x.i386 — to change the directory″.
The ″—some text″ items are explanatory comments to the reader and should not be
specified when you enter these commands, for example, ″cd IBMtapeutil.x.x.x.i386″
is all you would input on the previous example.

When you are installing from the tar packages, you need to copy the tar files from
the installation CD to a directory on your hard drive. It is recommended that you
keep the tar files in that directory, but it isn’t necessary. When you unpack the tar
files, you need to keep the directories that were created and the files that the
installation process created in those directories. You also need to remember the
name of the top level directory in order to uninstall and/or update the utilities.

Components Created During Installation

The IBMtape package consists of the device driver and a number of associated
files. Components created during IBMtape installation are listed in the following

© Copyright IBM Corp. 2000, 2003 121

Linux Device Driver (IBMtape)

Table 11. Components Created During IBMtape Installation

Component Description
/lib/modules/(Your system’s kernel name)/kernel/drivers/scsi/IBMtape.o Device driver module for current
kernel version
/usr/bin/IBMtaped IBMtaped daemon
/usr/include/sys/IBM_tape.h Device driver header file
/etc/IBMtaped.conf IBMtaped daemon configuration
/usr/share/doc/IBMtape-xxx/IBMtape_Ultrium.Readme (for Red Hat) Readme file for IBMtape using
IBM Ultrium devices
/usr/share/doc/packages/IBMtape/IBMtape_Ultrium.Readme (for SuSE)
/usr/share/doc/IBMtape-xxx/IBMtaped.Readme (for Red Hat) Readme file for IBMtaped daemon

/usr/share/doc/packages/IBMtape/IBMtaped.Readme (for SuSE)

/usr/share/doc/IBMtape-xxx/License (for Red Hat) License documentation for
/usr/share/doc/packages/IBMtape/License (for SuSE)

The IBMtapeutil package consists of IBMtapeutil, IBMtapeconfig, and the source files
for IBMtapeutil.
Table 12. Components Created During IBMtapeutil Installation
Component Description
/usr/bin/IBMtapeconfig Utility to create special files
/usr/bin/IBMtapeutil Utility and service aid program
IBMtapeutil.h Header file for IBMtapeutil
IBMtapeutil.c Source program for IBMtapeutil
IBMtapeutil.ReadMe ReadMe file for IBMtapeutil
makefile Makefile for IBMtapeutil

Installation Procedure
If IBMtape is already installed on your system, please see the next section for the
update procedure. This section assumes that you are installing the IBMtape device
driver onto a system where it is not installed.

If you are installing IBMtape on a system running Linux for S390 or Linux for
zSeries, you need make sure that the OpenFCP adapter device driver zfcp is
loaded in the kernel. Please see “Configuring Tape and Medium Changer Devices
on IBM ERserver zSeries Models” on page 125 in this chapter for how to configure
and install zfcp.

If you have the IBM Device Drivers CD, use the following instructions to install
the device driver:
1. Place the CD into the CD-ROM drive on your Linux system.
2. If you are using X Window System, double-click the CD-ROM icon on the
screen and open the Linux folder. Otherwise, mount the CD-ROM and change
to directory /mnt/cdrom/Linux on the command line.
3. Consult the Readme file on the CD for any important information pertaining to
the device driver. Information in this file takes precedence over information in
the manual.

122 IBM Ultrium Tape Device Drivers: Installation and User’s Guide
Linux Device Driver (IBMtape)

4. Change into the directory under /mnt/cdrom/Linux which supports your

particular Linux distribution. Consult the Readme file in the distribution
5. Assuming that your system is running a Linux kernel on a 32–bit
Intel-compatible processor, then use the following command:
> rpm -i IBMtape.x.x.x.i386.rpm --- to install
6. Copy the utilities tar file from the installation CD to a directory on your hard
drive that is kept. If you used the tar command to unpack the driver, you may
use the same directory for that tar file. Change to that directory and issue the
following commands:
> tar -xvf IBMtapeutil.x.x.x.tar --- unpack the files from the archive
(x.x.x is the version)
> cd IBMtapeutil.x.x.x --- change to the utilities directory just
created by the tar
> make install --- install the utilities
7. Unmount the CD-ROM. Remove the CD from the CD-ROM drive and store it
in a safe place.

Updating Procedure
Before using this procedure to update your device driver to a different level, use
the following command to obtain your existing IBMtape device driver version, if
there is at least one tape device attached to your system:
> IBMtapeutil -f /dev/IBMtape0 qryversion

You may uninstall the driver first, then install the newer version. For example:
>rpm -e IBMtape
>rpm -i IBMtape.x.x.x.i386.rpm

Note that all tape devices that use the IBMtape device driver must be closed and
can not be in use when IBMtape is uninstalled.

Querying Installed Package

The installed rpm package can be queried by running the following commands to
display information associated with the package.

To display information about IBMtape:

>rpm -qi IBMtape

To display the package file list, enter the command:

>rpm -ql IBMtape

To display the states of files in the package, i.e. normal, not installed or replaced:
>rpm -qs IBMtape

Verifying Installation/Updating
You may run the following command to verify your IBMtape device driver version
if there is at least one tape device attached to your system:
IBMtapeutil -f /dev/IBMtape0 qryversion

If the IBMtape device driver is installed from the rpm package:

rpm –V IBMtape

Chapter 25. Installation and Configuration Instructions 123

Linux Device Driver (IBMtape)

Configuring Tape and Medium Changer Devices on Intel-Compatible

If you have not physically attached your tape and medium changer devices to
your Linux server, perform the following steps:
1. Halt the Linux server.
2. Power down the Linux server.
3. Physically attach the tape and medium changers to the host bus adapter cards.
Consult your hardware documentation for details.
4. Power on the tape and medium changer devices. Verify the initialization
process has completed.
5. Power on and boot the Linux server.

Note: Hot plugging SCSI devices while the Linux server is running may cause
hardware damage.

After the driver software is installed and a tape device is connected to the adapter,
the device can be configured and made available for use. Access to the device is
not provided until the device is configured.

If your system is attached to an IBM 3583 Ultrium Scalable Tape Library with the
integrated router, before installing the Qlogic driver set the host type of the router
to solaris and make sure that the logical unit numbers of the control unit,
medium changer, and the connected tape drives are contiguous (otherwise, the
Qlogic device driver will not recognize all of the attached devices). To view the
LUNs of attached devices, log onto the router and use the fcShowDevs command. If
the LUNs are not contiguous, use the mapCompressDatabase command to delete the
invalid LUNs and make the valid LUNs contiguous. If you have the StorWatch™
Specialist installed, you can use the Specialist to do this configuration. For further
information about the StorWatch Specialist, see the IBM Storage Area Network Data
Gateway Installation and User’s Guide. You can download the guide from the Web at:

If you are running the IBMtape device driver, version IBMtape.1.4.1 or higher, and
the IBMtaped daemon is running, IBMtaped will automatically create the special
files under the /dev directory for you. Otherwise, you need to run IBMtapeconfig to
manage the creation of special files for the attached devices:
> IBMtapeconfig

IBMtapeconfig removes all the existing /dev/IBMtape and /dev/IBMchanger special

files, and then creates new ones based on the information in /proc/scsi/IBMtape and

Note: If a new device is attached while the system is on, reboot the system first,
then run IBMtapeconfig.

To configure the tape devices, use the IBMtapeutil application program. Choose
Query/Set Tape Parameters in the menu.

124 IBM Ultrium Tape Device Drivers: Installation and User’s Guide
Linux Device Driver (IBMtape)

| Configuring Tape and Medium Changer Devices on IBM ERserver

| pSeries Models
| Follow the same instructions as documented in the previous section. You will need
| to configure the Emulex Linux device driver (lpfcdd) if you have fibre channel tape
| devices attached to your pSeries system. For instructions on how to configure the
| Emulex device driver, please see
Configuring Tape and Medium Changer Devices on IBM ERserver
zSeries Models
The fibre channel topology supported for the zSeries (z800 and z900) models is
fabric only. Neither point-to-point connection nor arbitrated loops are supported by
the current zSeries Fibre Channel Protocol. Please see the document ″Getting
Started with zSeries Fibre Channel Protocol″ for more details on the supported
configurations for fibre channel device attachment on zSeries models. This
document can be down loaded from this Web site:

The Linux fibre channel adapter device driver zfcp.o is available in the kernel rpm
package from your Linux distributor that supports zSeries Fibre Channel Protocol.
By default, zfcp.o is not loaded into your running kernel. There are three ways that
you can load zfcp.o in order to see the tape devices on your system.
| 1. Create a /etc/zfcp.conf file and make a ramdisk to statically attach tape devices
| into your system. You may use this method only if you have a persistent
| mapping in a SAN environment. Every time you reboot the system, the zfcp
| will be automatically loaded and the tape devices can be seen from the system.
2. Modify the /etc/modules.conf file to add the zfcp module parameters; then run
the ″depmod –A″ and ″modprobe zfcp″ command. Please do not use this choice
together with the first one, otherwise it will cause conflicts. The zfcp map in
/etc/modules.conf always takes higher priority than the map in /etc/zfcp.conf.
3. Run the ″modprobe zfcp″ command first, then dynamically add a tape device
into the system after you physically attach a fibre channel tape device to the

Use /etc/zfcp.conf File

First, you need to add the device map into this file. The following is an example of
0xf1c0 0x1:0x5005076300402733 0x0:0x0000000000000000;\
0xf1c1 0x1:0x5005076300402733 0x0:0x0001000000000000

The zfcp device driver uses the ″map″ module parameter to recognize a physically
attached tape device. ″map″ takes the following format:
map="<devno><port scsi-id>:<wwpn><unit-scsi-lun>:<fcp-lun>;...."

devno device number of the host bus adapter (16 bits, see /proc/subchannels). It
is ″0xf1c0″ or ″0xf1c1″ in the above example.
port scsi-id
Linux internal SCSI ID assigned to the Fibre Channel port of the SCSI

Chapter 25. Installation and Configuration Instructions 125

Linux Device Driver (IBMtape)

target device (32-bit, must not be 0, must be a unique one-to-one mapping

for each World Wide Port Name. It is ″0x1″ in the above example.
wwpn World Wide Port Name identifying the Fibre Channel port of the SCSI
target device (64-bit). It is ″0x5005076300402733″ in the above example.
unit scsi-lun
Linux internal SCSI Logical Unit Number (32-bit). It is ″0x0″in the above
Logical Unit Number associated with the SCSI target device (64-bit). In the
above example, ″0x0000000000000000″ is the Logical Unit Number 0, and
″0x0001000000000000″ is the Logical Unit Number 1.

We recommend, for tape attachment, that each logical unit number be associated
with a unique devno. If you use the same devno numbers for several logical units,
you should ensure that each <unit-scsi-lun> is unique.

After /etc/zfcp.conf is created, run the following commands:


Then reboot the system. After it is booted up, your tape device should be shown in
/proc/scsi/scsi file.

Modify the /etc/modules.conf File

You may add tape device mapping into /etc/modules.conf if you don’t want to use
/etc/zfcp.conf. The following example demonstrates the zfcp configuration in
options zfcp map="\
0xf1c0 0x1:0x5005076300402733 0x0:0x0000000000000000;\
0xf1c1 0x1:0x5005076300402733 0x0:0x0001000000000000"

The map arguments are the same as the ones listed in for the /etc/zfcp.conf

After modifying the /etc/modules.conf file, save and close it. Then run the following
>depmod -A
>modprobe zfcp

This will install the zfcp device driver and all of its prerequisite kernel modules.
Now you can check the file /proc/scsi/scsi to see if all of the attached tape devices
are shown in this file. If not, then check the fibre channel connection, such as the
fibre cables, or if the devices are powered on, etc. Then run the following
commands to install zfcp:
>rmmod zfcp
>modprobe zfcp

Dynamically Attaching a Tape Device

If you physically attach a tape device on the switch and zfcp is already loaded,
you do not need to reboot the Linux system in order to add this entry in the
/proc/scsi/scsi file. The zfcp device driver provides an ″add_map″ proc system entry
under the directory /proc/scsi/zfcp to allow you to dynamically add the device into
the system. For example, to add two logical units from the above example into the
system, you may issue the following commands;

126 IBM Ultrium Tape Device Drivers: Installation and User’s Guide
Linux Device Driver (IBMtape)

> echo "0xf1c0 0x1:0x5005076300402733 0x0:0x0000000000000000;\

0xf1c1 0x1:0x5005076300402733 0x0:0x0001000000000000" > /proc/scsi/zfcp/add_map
> echo "scsi add-single-device 0 0 1 0" > /proc/scsi/scsi
> echo "scsi add-single-device 1 0 1 1" > /proc/scsi/scsi

The ″scsi add-single-device″ takes four parameters, corresponding to the four

parameters ″scsi″, ″Channel″, ″Id″, and ″Lun″ in the /proc/scsi/scsi file. The value of
″scsi″ is 0 for the first devno, 1 for the second devno (if it is different from the first
devno), etc. The value of ″Channel″ can start from 0 for each different ″scsi″ value.
The value of ″Id″ is the one you use for <unit scsi-lun> in the above mapping. The
value of ″Lun″ is the logical unit number of the target device, for example, the last
number in the above mapping.

Currently, the zfcp device driver does not support dynamically removing the
attached devices. If you need to remove the tape devices from the system, do
″rmmod zfcp″. Then you can delete the entry in /etc/modules.conf and reload zfcp,
or reload zfcp first and dynamically add the devices you want.

After you have done all the mapping, if you can see all of the attached tape
devices in /proc/scsi/scsi, you have successfully attached those devices to your
system. Next you may install the IBMtape device driver. Please see the ″Installation
Procedure″ section in this chapter for the instructions on how to install IBMtape.

After the IBMtape device driver is installed, you may run IBMtapeconfig to create
special files for the tape devices. IBMtapeconfig is provided in the IBMtapeutil tar
package. After running IBMtapeconfig, you will be able to see the special files under
the /dev directory for the attached tape devices.

Uninstall Procedure
Note: All tape devices that use the IBMtape driver must be closed and cannot be
in use when IBMtape is uninstalled or the uninstall fails.

Run the following command:

> rpm -e IBMtape --- to remove

Chapter 25. Installation and Configuration Instructions 127

Linux Device Driver (IBMtape)

128 IBM Ultrium Tape Device Drivers: Installation and User’s Guide
Chapter 26. Configure and Run IBMtaped Daemon
Starting with IBMtape version 1.2.5, the IBMtape device driver provides an error
diagnostic daemon (IBMtaped) which provides the following capabilities:
1. Full error logging and tracing of the IBMtape device driver
2. When drive dumps, log sense data, and/or SIM/MIMM error information are
created by the tape drive, the daemon will automatically retrieve that data and
save it to the hard drive on your Linux system.
Because IBMtaped requires a minimal amount of system resource and because it
provides these necessary diagnostic capabilities, IBM recommends that you leave
the daemon enabled at all times.

Install IBMtaped
| IBMtaped is automatically installed at /usr/bin/IBMtaped when you install the
| IBMtape device driver using the rpm package. See Chapter 25, “Installation and
| Configuration Instructions,” on page 121 for instructions on installing the IBMtape
| device driver.

Configure IBMtaped
You can customize the operation of IBMtaped by modifying its configuration file,
which is located at /etc/IBMtaped.conf. The daemon only reads the configuration file
when it starts; consequently, if you make modifications to the configuration file,
stop the daemon and restart it so that your updates will be recognized by the

Three levels of tracing are supported for the IBMtape device driver and are defined
as follows:
0 With tracing set to 0, very minimal tracing is recorded from the IBMtape
device driver.
1 With tracing set to 1, IBMtaped records information associated with each
ioctl called. If a device error occurs and SCSI sense data is obtained from
the device, a subset of that sense data will also be recorded. This is the
default setting for tracing.
2 With tracing set to 2, IBMtaped will record tracing messages for each SCSI
command. If a device error occurs and SCSI sense data is obtained from
the device, all sense data will also be recorded. This tracing level should
only be used when a specific problem is being diagnosed due to the
potential for huge amounts of data being generated.

Set the IBMtapeTrace variable in the /etc/IBMtaped.conf file to 0, 1, or 2, depending

on what level of tracing you desire. If the IBMtapeTrace variable is set to an invalid
number, the IBMtaped daemon will not start.

Tracing information is written to a file named /var/log/IBMtape.trace, by default.

Information is written into the file until it is 1 MB in size, by default. After 1 MB of
information is written, the file is archived (using the Linux ar command) into file

© Copyright IBM Corp. 2000, 2003 129

IBMtape.a in the same directory. In the archive, the filename will be renamed to
IBMtape.trace.timestamp, where timestamp reflects the time that the file was archived.

You may change the directory to which the tracing information is written or the
default maximum size of the trace file by modifying settings in the IBMtaped.conf
file. See the instructions in the IBMtaped.conf file for details.

Error Logging
IBMtaped records certain error messages from the IBMtape device driver in a file
named /var/log/IBMtape.errorlog, by default. Information is written into the file until
it is 1 MB in size, by default. After 1 MB of trace information is written, the file is
archived (using the Linux ar command) into file IBMtape.a in the same directory. In
the archive, the filename will be renamed to IBMtape.errorlog.timestamp, where
timestamp reflects the time that the file was archived.

You may change the directory to which the error logging information is written or
the default maximum size of the error log file by modifying settings in the
IBMtaped.conf file. See the instructions in the IBMtaped.conf file for details.

Whenever the IBMtaped daemon is running, error logging is enabled if tracing is

enabled. Following is an example an error log record:
IBMtape0---E0001 Tue Sep 10 14:04:57 2002
Scsi Path : 03 00 00 00
CDB Command : 01 00 00 00 00 00
Status Code : 08 00 00 01
Sense Data : 70 00 04 00 00 00 00 58 00 00 00 00 00 00 FF 0B
C4 77 00 00 00 06 01 40 00 00 00 00 00 00 01 00
10 01 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00
00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00
Description : Hardware Error

The first line indicates the tape device special file name and the device serial
number, and the timestamp when the error message was recorded. ″Scsi Path″ is
the SCSI path for this logical unit. It matches the order of the
scsi/Channel/Id/Lun information in the /proc/scsi/scsi file. ″CDB Command″ is the
command data block of the SCSI command. ″Status Code″ is the returned result
from the Linux SCSI middle layer device driver (scsi_mod.o). The four bytes
represent driver_byte, host_byte, msg_byte, and status_byte, respectively. ″Sense
Data″ is the full SCSI sense data returned from the target. ″Description″ is a
person-readable text string obtained by parsing the sense key field of the sense

The following circumstances are not logged in the IBMtape.errorlog file:

1. Sense key is 0, and the sense data indicates an overlength or an underlength
read, or encountering a file mark or the end of data
2. Sense key is 2, and the ASC/ASCQ indicates the device is becoming ready
3. Sense key is 6, indicating a unit attention
4. Sense key is 8, and the ASC/ASCQ indicates the end of data

Volume Logging
The IBMtape device driver retrieves the full log sense data from the tape drive
whenever the drive reaches a log threshold, or a tape is unloaded from the drive,
or the drive is reset through an application. This data is stored in binary in a file
named IBMtapex.timestamp.log, where IBMtapex is the device special file (for
example, IBMtape1, IBMtape2, etc.) and timestamp reflects the time the file was

130 IBM Ultrium Tape Device Drivers: Installation and User’s Guide
created. Each time log sense data is obtained, it is written to a new file. Use the
appropriate tape drive hardware reference manual to decode the log sense data.

The volume logging data is stored in the /var/log directory by default. You may
specify another directory in the /etc/IBMtaped.conf file.

There are two configuration parameters in the /etc/IBMtaped.conf file that you can
tailor to affect the number of log sense files that are kept on your system:
IBMtapeMaxLogSenseFiles and IBMtapeAutoLogSenseFileOverWrite.
IBMtapeMaxLogSenseFiles can be 0 or a positive decimal number.
IBMtapeAutoLogSenseFileOverWrite can be 0 or 1. If IBMtapeMaxLogSenseFiles is 0,
IBMtapeAutoLogSenseFileOverWrite is ignored, and each time log sense data is
obtained, it is written to a new file. If IBMtapeMaxLogSenseFiles is a positive
number and IBMtapeAutoLogSenseFileOverWrite is 0, each time log sense data is
created, IBMtaped will write that data to a file until IBMtapeMaxLogSenseFiles have
been created; then IBMtaped will stop creating new files, even if new log sense
data is produced. If IBMtapeMaxLogSenseFiles is a positive number and
IBMtapeAutoLogSenseFileOverWrite is 1, each time log sense data is created,
IBMtaped will write that data to a file until IBMtapeMaxLogSenseFiles have been
created; then when new log sense data is detected, IBMtaped will delete the oldest
log sense file and create a new file with the newest log sense data; thus, only the
newest data will be kept.

By default, IBMtapeMaxLogSenseFiles is 0 and IBMtapeAutoLogSenseFileOverWrite is

1, which means that every time log sense data is created, it will be written to a
new file.

Automatically Retrieve a Drive Dump

If a condition occurs in the drive such that a drive dump is created, IBMtaped will
retrieve the drive dump and save it in a file named IBMtapex.timestamp.dmp, where
IBMtapex is the device special file (for example, IBMtape1, IBMtape2, etc.) and
timestamp reflects the time the file was created. Each time a drive dump is
obtained, it is written to a new file. IBM service may request that you forward
drive dumps to them for analysis.

The drive dumps are stored in the /var/log directory by default. You may specify
another directory in the /etc/IBMtaped.conf file.

There are two configuration parameters in the /etc/IBMtaped.conf file that you can
tailor to affect the number of drive dumps that are kept on your system:
IBMtapeMaxDumpFiles and IBMtapeAutoDriveDumpFileOverWrite.
IBMtapeMaxDumpFiles can be 0 or a positive decimal number.
IBMtapeAutoDriveDumpFileOverWrite can be 0 or 1. If IBMtapeMaxDumpFiles is 0,
IBMtapeAutoDriveDumpFileOverWrite is ignored, and each time a drive dump is
obtained, it is written to a new file. If IBMtapeMaxDumpFiles is a positive number
and IBMtapeAutoDriveDumpFileOverWrite is 0, each time a dump is obtained,
IBMtaped will write that data to a file until IBMtapeMaxDumpFiles have been
created; then IBMtaped will stop creating new files, even if new drive dumps are
produced. If IBMtapeMaxDumpFiles is a positive number and
IBMtapeAutoDriveDumpFileOverWrite is 1, each time a dump is obtained, IBMtaped
will write that data to a file until IBMtapeMaxDumpFiles have been created; then
when a new drive dump is detected, IBMtaped will delete the oldest drive dump
file and create a new file with the newest drive dump data; thus, only the newest
data will be kept.

Chapter 26. Configure and Run IBMtaped Daemon 131

By default, IBMtapeMaxDumpFiles is 0 and IBMtapeAutoDriveDumpFileOverWrite is
1, which means that every time a drive dump is obtained, it will be written to a
new file.

Selective Tracing
IBMtape provides facilities by which you can disable and enable tracing, error
logging, auto-retrieving drive dumps, and auto-retrieving SIM/MIM data. You may
selectively enable/disable them through the IBMtapeutil Query/Set Tape
Parameters operation or through an application program which uses the
STIOC_SETP ioctl. These settings persist until the device driver is restarted, or the
host system is rebooted. The parameters and their definitions are as follows:
trace This parameter is set to On by default, which enables IBMtape tracing of
activities and error logging on a particular tape drive. Set this parameter to
off to stop tracing and error logging.
This parameter is set to On by default and enables logging of log sense
data. Setting this flag to Off suppresses volume logging for this device.
This parameter does not apply to the IBM Ultrium tape devices.
This parameter controls the saving of drive dumps for a device. By default
it is set to Off which causes drive dumps to be saved. Set this flag to On to
suppress the saving of drive dumps.

Run IBMtaped
If you are running the IBMtape device driver, version 1.4.1 or higher, after
installing IBMtape IBMtaped will start running even if your system does not have
a tape device attached. If you add a new tape device into your Linux system,
IBMtaped will automatically create a special file under the /dev directory.

If you are running the IBMtape device driver, version 1.3.x or less, IBMtaped will
not automatically start if there is no tape device attached. After you attach a new
tape device, you’ll need to start the IBMtaped daemon.

You can invoke IBMtaped from the command line. IBMtaped takes zero or more of
the parameters as listed below:
IBMtaped [start stop restart status]
IBMtaped or IBMtaped start
Starts the daemon. If there is already an IBMtaped running, the new one
will be aborted. (Use ″IBMtaped restart″ if IBMtaped is already running.)
IBMtaped stop
Terminates the daemon and frees all the resources associated with the
daemon. When the daemon is stopped, no information is saved.
IBMtaped restart
Terminate the currently running daemon and starts a new one. The new
daemon will read the /etc/IBMtaped.conf file. This command should be used
after modifying the /etc/IBMtaped.conf file while IBMtaped is running.
IBMtaped status
Prints a message on stdout indicating whether the daemon is running or

132 IBM Ultrium Tape Device Drivers: Installation and User’s Guide
Note: If you run the ″rmmod IBMtape″ command to remove the IBMtape device
driver from the running kernel, you need to stop the IBMtaped daemon
first; otherwise you will get a ″Device or Resource Busy″ error.

Chapter 26. Configure and Run IBMtaped Daemon 133

134 IBM Ultrium Tape Device Drivers: Installation and User’s Guide
Chapter 27. Special Files
After the driver is installed and a device is configured and made available for use,
access is provided through the special files. These special files, which consist of the
standard Linux special files for devices, are in the /dev directory.

Special Files for the Tape Device

Each tape device has a set of special files that provide access to the same physical
drive, but provide different attributes. The table below shows the attributes of the
special file.

Note: The asterisk (*) in IBMtape* represents a number assigned to a particular

device, such as IBMtape0.

For tape drives with attached medium changer devices, the IBMchanger* special file
provides a separate path for issuing commands to the medium changer. When this
special file is opened, the application can view the medium changer as a separate
device. Both the tape and changer special file can be opened at the same time.
Table 13. Special Files for IBM Ultrium Tape Devices
Special File Name Rewind on Close
/dev/IBMtape* Yes
/dev/IBMtape*n No

Special Files for the Medium Changer Device

After the driver is installed and a medium changer device is configured and made
available for use, access to the robotic device is provided through the IBMchanger
special file in the /dev directory. The asterisk (*) represents a number assigned to a
particular device, such as IBMchanger0. The term IBMchanger is used for a SCSI
medium changer device. The IBMchanger* special file provides a path for issuing
commands to control the medium changer robotic device.

The file descriptor that results from opening the IBMchanger special file does not
support the following operations:
v Read
v Write
v Open in Append mode
v Commands designed for a tape device

© Copyright IBM Corp. 2000, 2003 135

136 IBM Ultrium Tape Device Drivers: Installation and User’s Guide

| Chapter 28. Alternate Pathing Support for Library Control

| Path Failover
| Note: The library control path failover feature code must be installed prior to
| enabling the alternate pathing support in the Linux IBMtape device driver.
| Refer to“Library Control Path Failover Support” on page 12 for which
| feature code is required for your machine type.

| The Linux IBMtape device driver alternate pathing support will configure multiple
| physical control paths to the same logical library within the device driver and
| provide automatic failover to an alternate control path when a permanent error
| occurs on one path. This is transparent to the running application.

| For example, consider a simple multipath connection that consists of two Host Bus
| Adapters (HBA) which are connected to a library with two drive control ports
| enabled. The first HBA is connected to the first control port drive, and the second
| HBA is connected to the second control port drive. This connection provides two
| physical control paths to the same library for redundancy if one path from an HBA
| to the library fails.

| When the host bus adapter device drivers are loaded into the running system, each
| HBA detects a control port to the same library, and two logical devices can be
| created (for example, /dev/IBMchanger0 and /dev/IBMchanger1) by the
| IBMtaped daemon or the IBMtapeconfig script. Each logical device is a physical
| path to the same library. An application can open and use only one logical device
| at a time, either IBMchanger0 or IBMchanger1, because they represent the same
| physical device. Without the IBMtape alternate pathing support, if an application
| opens IBMchanger0 and a permanent path error occurs (because of an HBA, cable,
| or drive control port failure, for example), the application fails. It is possible to
| initiate manual failover by restarting the application on the alternate logical device
| (IBMchanger1), but failing transaction has to be restarted from the beginning.

| When the alternate pathing support is enabled, the device driver configures them
| internally as a single device with multiple paths. The application can still open and
| use only one logical device at a time (either IBMchanger0 or IBMchanger1). If an
| application opens IBMchanger0 and a permanent path error occurs, the device
| driver initiates failover error recovery automatically on the alternate path
| (IBMchanger1). If successful, the current operation continues on the alternate path
| without interrupting the application.
| Configuring and Unconfiguring Alternate Pathing Support
| Alternate pathing support is not enabled automatically when the device driver is
| installed. The Linux IBMtape device driver provides a driver parameter
| alternate_pathing for you to enable the library control path failover.

| To enable the failover support in the IBMtape device driver software, you need do
| the following steps after installing the IBMtape rpm package:
| >IBMtaped stop (stop the IBMtaped daemon)
| >rmmod IBMtape (unload the IBMtape driver from the memory)

| add the following line in your /etc/modules.conf file:

© Copyright IBM Corp. 2000, 2003 137

| options IBMtape alternate_pathing=1
| >depmod
| >modprobe IBMtape (re-load the IBMtape driver into memory)
| >IBMtaped (re-start IBMtaped daemon)

| You may ignore the ″Unresolved symbols in /lib/modules/<your kernel

| name>/drivers/scsi/IBMtape.o″ message after the ″depmod″ command. You can
| check if the IBMtape driver has recognized multiple control paths for your library
| by reading the /proc/scsi/IBMchanger file.
| >cat/proc/scsi/IBMchanger

| If your library lists ″Primary″ or ″Alternate″ under ″FO Path″, you have
| successfully enabled control path failover feature for your library. If it is ″NA″
| listed under ″FO Path″, then the control path failover is not enabled.

| After the alternate pathing support is enabled, it remains set until the IBMtape
| driver is reloaded with the alternate_pathing driver parameter set to OFF . The
| alternate pathing setting is retained even if the system is rebooted. If you want to
| turn off the control path failover feature in the IBMtape device driver, you may do
| the following steps:
| >IBMtaped stop
| >rmmod IBMtape

| Delete the following line in your /etc/modules.conf file:

| options IBMtape alternate_pathing=1
| >depmod
| >modprobe IBMtape
| >IBMtaped
| Primary and Alternate Paths
| When IBMtape is loaded into kernel memory, the first logical medium changer
| device that IBMtape sees in the system will be the primary path for that medium
| changer. The other logical medium changers that IBMtape attached for the same
| medium changer will be configured as alternate paths. The device driver supports
| up to 16 physical paths for a single device.

| The primary and alternate path information can be obtained by the following
| command:
| >cat /proc/scsi/IBMchanger

| The following is an example of a /proc/scsi/IBMchanger file:

| IBMtape version: 1.4.1
| IBMtape major number: 253
| Attached Changer Devices:
| Number Model SN HBA FO Path
| 0 ULT3583-TL IBM1234567 QLogic Fibre Channel 2200 Primary
| 1 ULT3583-TL IBM1234567 QLogic Fibre Channel 2300 Alternate
| 2 ULT3583-TL IBM1234567 QLogic Fibre Channel 2300 Alternate

| The labeling of a logical device as either a primary or alternate path is for

| information only, in order to:
| 1. Be able to identify the actual number of physical devices configured on the
| system and a specific logical device associated with them. There will be only
| one logical device labeled the primary path for each physical device. However,
| there may be multiple logical devices labeled as an alternate path for the same
| devices.

138 IBM Ultrium Tape Device Drivers: Installation and User’s Guide
| 2. Provide information about which logical devices configured on the system have
| alternate pathing support enabled.
| Querying Primary and Alternate Path Configuration
| You can display the primary and alternate path configuration for all devices by
| reading the /proc/scsi/IBMchanger file, as explained in the above section.

| You can also display the primary and alternate path configuration for any device
| by running the following command:
| >IBMtapeutil -f /dev/IBMchangerx path
| (IBMchangerx is the logical name of any device)

| This command shows specific information for the primary path and all alternate
| paths, such as the logical name of the device, the attached host bus adapter, the
| channel id, the target id, the logical unit number under the target, the current
| enabled status, and how many paths are configured for the device.
| Disable and Enable Primary and Alternate Paths
| Once you load the IBMtape device driver with the alternate_pathing parameter to be
| ON, by default, all the available paths for a physical device are enabled. If for
| some maintainance reason you need to disable a path and do not want to fail over
| to this path, you may run the following commands:
| >IBMtapeutil -f /dev/IBMchangerx path (to know what number of this path is)
| >IBMtapeutil -f /dev/IBMchangerx disablepath number
| ("number" will be the number of the path you want to disable)
| >IBMtapeutil -f /dev/IBMchangerx path
| (to make sure the path is labeled as "disabled")

| Correspondingly, in the /proc/scsi/IBMchanger file, the disabled path will be

| listed as ″Disabled″ under the ″FO Path″ column

| To enable a path from a disabled state, you may run the following command:
| >IBMtapeutil -f /dev/IBMchangerx enablepath number
| ("number" will be the number of the path you want to enable)

Chapter 28. Alternate Pathing Support for Library Control Path Failover 139
140 IBM Ultrium Tape Device Drivers: Installation and User’s Guide
Chapter 29. Tape Utility Program (IBMtapeutil)
Installed with the device driver is a tape utility program (IBMtapeutil) that
exercises or tests the functions of the tape device and the device driver. It also
performs basic tape and medium changer operations. The tape utility program can
be used in either the interactive or the command-line mode.

The C source code for the IBMtapeutil program contains a sample of the interface
to the device driver and the ioctl commands supported by the device driver.
IBMtapeutil.c may be found in the tar file IBMtapeutil.x.x.x.tar in the Linux directory
on your device driver CD.

Interactive Mode
The interactive mode for the tape utility program can be invoked from the
command line using the IBMtapeutil command. A list of general subcommands,
medium changer subcommands, tape subcommands, and service aid
subcommands is displayed. You must open a device before using these commands
and operations.

To open a device:
1. Select Open a Device from General Commands.
2. Enter the name of the device special file. Use any special file that exists for the
device, for example, /dev/IBMtape0, /dev/IBMtape0n, or /dev/IBMchanger0.
3. Enter the Read/Write, Read Only, Write Only, or Append mode to open a device.
These modes apply only to the tape devices. Append mode uses Write Only for
file access permission. After you open a device, select a command using the
appropriate number for the command from the window. Some commands
require additional information after they are selected from the window. If an
error occurs running the command, the error number, the error text, and the
device sense data (if applicable) are displayed.

Command-Line Mode
The command-line mode for the tape utility program (IBMtapeutil) provides the
same basic tape and changer commands as the interactive mode. Invoke the
IBMtapeutil command from the Linux command line or from within a shell script.
If you enter the IBMtapeutil command without any arguments, the interactive
mode is invoked. The syntax for the command-line interface of the tape utility
program is:
IBMtapeutil -f Device Subcommand [Subcommand ...]

1. Device is the name of the device special file (for example, /dev/IBMtape0).
2. Subcommand is any valid command for the device. Multiple
subcommands can be combined in a single command to perform more
than one operation. The subcommands are processed one at a time in the
order specified on the command line. For help information about the
subcommands and their syntax, enter the IBMtapeutil ? command on the
Linux command line. The following Help information is displayed:

© Copyright IBM Corp. 2000, 2003 141

Linux Device Driver (IBMtape)

General Subcommands:
tur inquiry [Page] print "Text"
reserve release reqsense
qryversion logpage "Page" modepage "Page"
qrypath enablepath "primary" | number
path disablepath "primary" | number

Tape Subcommands:
bsf [Count] bsr [Count] eof [Count]
fsf [Count] fsr [Count] weof [Count]
fsfm [Count] bsfm [Count] asf [Count]
compress tell seek [Count]
nocompress rewind sync
load erase display "Message"
unload retension read -d Destination [-c Count]
qrypos seod write -s Source
setpos [Blockid] status rtest [-b Blocksize] [-c Count]
[-r Repetition]
offline parms wtest [-b Blocksize] [-c Count]
[-r Repetition]
rewoffl list rwtest [-b Blocksize] [-c Count]
[-r Repetition]
prevent lock setblk [Count]
allow unlock density
qryinquiry qrysense append mtdevice

Medium Changer Subcommands:

allow prevent audit [Address [Count]]
inventory mount [Slot] position "Destination"
elementinfo unmount [Slot] move "Source" "Destination"
devids exchange "Source" "Dest1" "Dest2"

Service Aid Subcommands:

dump [Filename] forcedump ucode "Name" resetdrive

General Subcommands
The following general subcommands are available for the tape and medium
changer devices. Items specified with square bracket ([ ]) delimiters are optional.

| disablepath ″primary″ | number

| The disablepath subcommand is used to disable a path to a medium changer. IBM
| recommends that you leave all paths enabled, but this subcommand can be used to
| disable a path. If ″primary″ is specified, the primary path is disabled. If a numeric
| value is specified, that specific path will be disabled. Use the path command to
| obtain a list of the paths. If there is only one path available and you attempt to
| disable it, this subcommand will fail with an illegal argument. If you attempt to
| disable a data path (to the tape drive), a ″function not implemented″ error will be
| returned. This subcommand is only available in IBMtapeutil version 1.2.0 or
| higher, and the IBMtape device driver, version 1.4.1 or higher, on libraries that
| have the Control Path Failover feature enabled.

| enablepath ″primary″ | number

| The enablepath subcommand is used to enable a path to a medium changer that
| has been previously disabled with the disablepath subcommand. If ″primary″ is
| specified, the primary path is enabled. If a numeric value is specified, that specific
| path will be enabled. Use the path command to obtain a list of the paths. If you
| attempt to enable a data path (to a tape drive), a ″function not implemented″ error

142 IBM Ultrium Tape Device Drivers: Installation and User’s Guide
Linux Device Driver (IBMtape)

| will be returned. This subcommand is only available in IBMtapeutil version 1.2.0

| or higher, and the IBMtape device driver, version 1.4.1 or higher, on libraries that
| have the Control Path Failover feature enabled.

inquiry [Page]
This subcommand issues the SCSI Inquiry command to the device for either
standard inquiry data, when no page parameter is specified or for a specific inquiry
page. The page parameter must be specified as a hex value. For example:
# Get standard inquiry data
IBMtapeutil -f /dev/IBMtape0 inquiry
# Get inquiry page x’83’
IBMtapeutil -f /dev/IBMtape0 inquiry 83

logpage ″Page″
This subcommand issues the SCSI Log Sense Page command to the device for the
specified page and displays the log sense data. The page parameter must be
specified as a hex value. For example:
# Get log page x’31’
IBMtapeutil -f /dev/IBMtape0 logpage 31

modepage ″Page″
This subcommand issues the SCSI Mode Sense Page command to the device for
the specified page and displays the mode sense data. The page parameter must be
specified as a hex value. For example:
# Get mode page x’1D’
IBMtapeutil -f /dev/IBMtape0 modepage 1d

| path
| This subcommand shows all the available paths to a medium changer. This
| subcommand is only available in IBMtapeutil version 1.2.0 or higher, and the
| IBMtape device driver, version 1.4.1 or higher, on libraries that have the Control
| Path Failover feature enabled.

print ″Text″
This subcommand prints the associated text to standard output. It can be used at
any time to display the progress of the subcommands. For example:
# Rewind, erase current tape and backup myfile.tar
IBMtapeutil -f /dev/IBMtape0 rewind \
erase \
print "Writing myfile.tar" \
write -s myfile.tar

| qrypath
| This subcommand shows the primary path and the first alternate path for a
| medium changer. This subcommand is only available in IBMtapeutil version 1.2.0
| or higher, and the IBMtape device driver, version 1.4.1 or higher, on libraries that
| have the Control Path Failover feature enabled.

This subcommand issues the QUERY_DRIVER_VERSION ioctl command. It prints
out the current version of the IBMtape driver.

Chapter 29. Tape Utility Program (IBMtapeutil) 143

Linux Device Driver (IBMtape)

This subcommand explicitly releases a device and makes it available for other
hosts by issuing the SCSI Release command.

This subcommand issues the SCSI Request Sense command and prints out the
sense data.

This subcommand explicitly reserves a device by issuing the SCSI Reserve

This subcommand issues the SCSI Test Unit Ready command to the device.

Tape Subcommands
The following tape subcommands are available for the tape devices:

This subcommand issues the SCSI Allow Medium Removal command to the device
to allow medium removal by an operator. It is normally used after the prevent
subcommand to restore the device to the default state.

This subcommand opens the device in Append mode. The file access permission is
set to Write Only.

asf [Count]
This subcommand places the tape at the beginning block of count files from the
beginning of the tape. Positioning is done by first rewinding the tape and then
spacing forward over count filemarks. The default count is 1.

bsf [Count]
This subcommand backward spaces count filemarks. The tape is positioned on the
beginning of the last block of the previous file. An optional count can be specified.
The default is 1.

bsfm [Count]
This subcommand backward spaces count filemarks then positions the tape on the
end of tape (EOT) side of the filemark. An optional count can be specified. The
default is 1.

bsr [Count]
This subcommand backward spaces count records. An optional count can be
specified. The default is 1.

compress and nocompress

These subcommands turn hardware compression On or Off.

144 IBM Ultrium Tape Device Drivers: Installation and User’s Guide
Linux Device Driver (IBMtape)

This subcommand issues the SCSI Report Density Support command for all
supported media and for the current media loaded in the drive, and displays the
results. If the drive is not loaded, the current media density is not reported.

display ″Message″
This subcommand is not valid for Ultrium devices.

eof [Count] and weof [Count]

These subcommands write count filemarks. An optional count can be specified. The
default is 1.

This subcommand erases the tape from the current position through the physical
end of the tape.

fsf [Count]
This subcommand forward spaces count filemarks. The tape is positioned on the
first block of the next file. An optional count can be specified. The default is 1.

fsfm [Count]
This subcommand forward spaces count filemarks, then positions the tape on the
beginning of tape (BOT) side of the filemark on the last block of the previous file.
An optional count can be specified. The default is 1.

fsr [Count]
This subcommand forward spaces count records. An optional count can be
specified. The default is 1.

This subcommand rewinds the tape to the beginning of tape and displays the
contents. The output lists filemarks and the size of each record found on the tape
until the end of data is reached. If a record has more than 256 KB, it returns a read
error. When the command completes, the tape is at end of data. The output
generated from this subcommand can be large, depending on the amount of data
on the tape, and should usually be directed to a file. For example:
# List tape contents to file
IBMtapeutil -f /dev/IBMtape0 list > tape.list

This subcommand issues the SCSI Load command to load a tape.

This subcommand locks the tape drive door.

This subcommand is not valid for IBM Ultrium devices.

offline, rewoffl, and unload

These subcommands rewind and unload the tape.

Chapter 29. Tape Utility Program (IBMtapeutil) 145

Linux Device Driver (IBMtape)

This subcommand issues the STIOCQRYP ioctl command and displays the current
tape drive, media, and device driver parameters. The user is then prompted for
input to set parameters to new values, and then issues the STIOCSETP ioctl
command to do so.

This subcommand issues the SCSI Prevent Medium Removal command to the
device to prevent medium removal by an operator until the allow subcommand is
issued or the device is reset.

This subcommand issues the STIOCQRYINQUIRY ioctl command.

This subcommand issues the STIOCQRYPOS ioctl command for the current logical
and physical tape positions and displays the data. In addition, the current tape
position is saved and can be restored using a subsequent setpos subcommand. For
# Append myfile.tar to the end of tape and then read back
IBMtapeutil -f /dev/IBMtape0 append \
qrypos \
write -s myfile.tar \
setpos \
read -d temp.tar
# Verify myfile.tar was written correctly
diff myfile.tar temp.tar

This subcommand issues the STIOCQRYSENSE ioctl command to obtain new sense

read -d Destination [-c Count]

This subcommand reads a file, or a specified number of records, from the current
position on the tape to the destination file name specified with the -d flag. If the
optional count parameter is used, only the number of records specified with the -c
flag are read unless a filemark is encountered before the number of specified
records. If the count parameter is not used, all records up to the next filemark on
the tape are read. For example:
# Restore myfile.tar from tape
IBMtapeutil -f /dev/IBMtape0 read -d myfile.tar
# Read 3 records from the tape into myfile
IBMtapeutil -f /dev/IBMtape0 read -d myfile -c 3

rewind and retension

These subcommands rewind the tape to the beginning of tape (BOT).

rtest [-b Blocksize] [-c Count] [-r Repetition]

This subcommand performs a read test by reading a random data pattern from the
tape and verifying that it matches the written data. The rtest subcommand can be
used after the wtest subcommand to verify the data. An optional block size, count,
and repetition can be specified with the -b, -c, and -r flags, respectively. If the block
size is fixed, the count specifies the number of blocks to read on each repetition. If

146 IBM Ultrium Tape Device Drivers: Installation and User’s Guide
Linux Device Driver (IBMtape)

the block size is zero (variable), the count specifies the number of bytes to read on
each repetition. The default is a block size of 10240, a count of 20 blocks, and a
repetition of 1. For example:
# R/W test using 256K blocks, 5 megabytes per write, 100 times
IBMtapeutil -f /dev/IBMtape0 rewind \
wtest -b 262144 -c 20 -r 100 \
rewind \
rtest -b 262144 -c 20 -r 100

Note: If the number of bytes read is not equal to the number of bytes specified, or
there is a data mismatch, an error message is printed out and errno is set to

rwtest [-b Blocksize] [-c Count] [-r Repetition]

This subcommand performs a read and write test by writing a random data
pattern on the tape, reading it, and verifying that it matches the written data. An
optional block size, count, and repetition can be specified with the -b, -c, and -r flags,
respectively. If the block size is fixed, the count specifies the number of blocks to
write on each repetition. If the block size is zero (variable), the count specifies the
number of bytes to write on each repetition. The default is a block size of 10240, a
count of 20 blocks, and a repetition of 1. For example:
# R/W test using 256K blocks, 5 megabytes per write, 10 times
IBMtapeutil -f /dev/IBMtapeutil rwtest -b 262144 -c 20 -r 10

Note: If the number of bytes written or read is not equal to the number of bytes
specified, or there is a data mismatch while reading, an error message is
printed out and errno is set to 999.

seek [Count]
If the optional count parameter is specified, the tape position is set to the block
whose ID is count. Otherwise, if the count parameter is omitted, the tape position is
set to the last position saved using the tell subcommand. The count can be specified
in decimal or in hex (with a leading x).

This subcommand spaces to the end of data on the tape.

setblk [Block Size]

This subcommand sets the block size of the drive to block size bytes per record. A
block size of zero sets the drive to variable block mode. If no block size is specified,
the drive is set to variable block mode.

setpos [Blockid]
This subcommand issues the SCSI Locate command to the device to set the tape
position. If the optional Blockid parameter is specified, the tape position is set to the
Blockid. Otherwise, if the Blockid parameter is omitted, the tape position is set to the
last position saved using the qrypos subcommand. The Blockid can be specified in
decimal or in hex (with a leading x). For example:
# Append myfile.tar to the end of tape and then read back
IBMtapeutil -f /dev/IBMtape0n append \
qrypos \
write -s myfile.tar \
setpos \
read -d temp.tar
# Verify myfile.tar was written correctly

Chapter 29. Tape Utility Program (IBMtapeutil) 147

Linux Device Driver (IBMtape)

diff myfile.tar temp.tar

# Set tape position to block 32 and leave positioned on close
IBMtapeutil -f /dev/IBMtape0n setpos 32
# Set tape position to block 32 and leave positioned on close
IBMtapeutil -f /dev/IBMtape0n setpos x20

This subcommand issues the MTIOCGET command and prints out status
information about the tape unit.

This subcommand synchronizes or flushes the tape buffers to tape.

This subcommand reports the current block position on the tape and saves the
position for use by a subsequent seek subcommand.

This subcommand unlocks the tape drive door.

write -s Source
This subcommand writes the source file specified with the -s flag on the tape. For
# backup myfile.tar to tape
IBMtapeutil -f /dev/IBMtape0 write -s myfile.tar

wtest [-b Blocksize] [-c Count] [-r Repetition]

This subcommand performs a write test by writing a random data pattern on the
tape. The rtest subcommand can be used after the wtest subcommand to verify the
data that was written. An optional block size, count, and repetition can be specified
with the -b, -c, and -r flags, respectively. If the block size is fixed, the count specifies
the number of blocks to write on each repetition. If the block size is zero (variable),
the count specifies the number of bytes to write on each repetition. The default is a
block size of 10240, a count of 20 blocks, and a repetition of 1. For example:
# R/W test using 256K blocks, 5 megabytes per write, 100 times
IBMtapeutil -f /dev/IBMtape rewind \
wtest -b 262144 -c 20 -r 100 \
rewind \
rtest -b 262144 -c 20 -r 100

Note: If the number of bytes written is not equal to the number of bytes specified,
an error message is printed out and errno is set to 999.

Medium Changer Subcommands

The following medium changer subcommands are available for the integrated and
independent medium changer devices:

This subcommand allows medium removal by an operator. It is normally used
after the prevent subcommand to restore the device to the default state.

148 IBM Ultrium Tape Device Drivers: Installation and User’s Guide
Linux Device Driver (IBMtape)

audit [Address [Count]

This subcommand with no parameters issues the SCSI Initialize Element Status
command to the device. Using the optional parameters Address and Count issues
the SCSI Initialize Element Status With Range command to the device. The Address
parameter specifies the starting element address and the Count parameter, if used,
specifies the number of elements to initialize. If Count is omitted, it defaults to 1.
For example:
# Initialize all elements
IBMtapeutil -f /dev/IBMtape0 audit
# Initialize element 32
IBMtapeutil -f /dev/IBMtape0 audit 32
# Initialize elements 36 to 40
IBMtapeutil -f /dev/IBMtape0 audit 36 5

This subcommand issues the SCSI Read Element Status command to the device
with the DVCID option for all drive elements and displays the element status

This subcommand displays the information returned from the
SMCIOC_ELEMENT_INFO ioctl command that contains the number of and the
first address of each element type.

exchange Source Dest1 Dest2

This subcommand issues the SCSI Exchange Medium command to the device
using the Source, Dest1, and Dest2 addresses specified. This command performs the
equivalent function of two Move Medium commands. The first moves the
cartridge from the element address specified by the Dest1 parameter to the element
address specified by the Dest2 parameter. The second moves the cartridge from the
element address specified by the source parameter to the element address specified
by the Dest1 parameter. The Dest2 element address can be the same as Source
element address. For example:
# Exchange cartridge in slot 34 with cartridge in drive address 16
# and return that cartridge to slot 40 (drive must be unloaded first)
IBMtapeutil -f/dev/IBMchanger0 exchange 34 16 40
# Use move medium commands to perform exchange
IBMtapeutil -f/dev/IBMchanger0 move 16 40 move 34 16

Note: This command is only supported on the IBM Ultrium 3584 library.

This subcommand issues the SCSI Read Element Status command for each element
type and displays the element status information. No device identifier information
is obtained.

mount [Slot]
This subcommand mounts a tape from the specified slot address into the drive or
from the first full slot into the drive if the slot is omitted. For example:
# Mount cartridge from slot 3
IBMtapeutil -f /dev/IBMchanger0 mount 3
# Mount cartridge from first full slot
IBMtapeutil -f /dev/IBMchanger0 mount

Chapter 29. Tape Utility Program (IBMtapeutil) 149

Linux Device Driver (IBMtape)

Note: This command is only supported on IBM 3581 Ultrium Tape Autoloader and
StorageSmart by IBM Ultrium Tape Autoloader SL7.

move Source Destination

This subcommand issues the SCSI Move Medium command using the source and
destination addresses specified. The element addresses can be obtained using the
elementinfo subcommand. For example:
# Get slot and drive addresses
IBMtapeutil -f /dev/IBMchanger0 elementinfo
# Move cartridge in slot 20 to drive at address 16
IBMtapeutil -f /dev/IBMchanger0 move 20 16

position Destination
This subcommand issues the SCSI Position to Element command using the
Destination specified. For example:
# Position to slot at address 20
IBMtapeutil -f /dev/IBMchanger0 position 20

This subcommand prevents medium removal by an operator until the allow
subcommand is issued or the device is reset.

unmount [Slot]
This subcommand moves a tape from the drive to the specified slot address or the
first empty one if slot is omitted. For example:
# Move tape from drive to slot address 4 (tape is already unloaded)
IBMtapeutil -f /dev/IBMchanger0 unmount 4
# Unload tape and move to the first empty slot
IBMtapeutil -f /dev/IBMchanger0 unmount

Note: This command is only supported on IBM 3581 Ultrium Tape Autoloader and
StorageSmart by IBM Ultrium Tape Autoloader SL7.

Service Aid Subcommands

The following service aid subcommands are available for the devices.

dump [Filename]
This subcommand is implemented using SCSI Pass Through ioctl. It stores the
dump in the specified Filename or, if Filename is omitted, in dump0001.dmp in the
current directory. It should follow a forcedump subcommand. For example:
# Force a dump and then stores the dump into file /tmp/dump1.dmp
IBMtapeutil -f /dev/IBMtape0 forcedump dump /tmp/dump1.dmp

Note: If the device is not supported, or the returned status from SCSI Pass
Through is not correct, this operation fails and errno is set to 999.

This subcommand is implemented using SCSI Pass Through ioctl. It forces a dump
on a tape device. It is usually followed by the dump subcommand.

150 IBM Ultrium Tape Device Drivers: Installation and User’s Guide
Linux Device Driver (IBMtape)

This subcommand issues a STIOC_RESET_DRIVE ioctl command to reset the

ucode [Filename]
This subcommand is implemented using SCSI Pass Through ioctl. It downloads
microcode to the device. Filename is a file that contains the ucode. For example:
# download microcode
IBMtapeutil -f /dev/IBMchanger0 ucode /temp/device.ucode

Note: If the device is not supported, or the returned status from SCSI Pass
Through is not correct, this operation fails and errno is set to 999.

Automatic Cartridge Facility Mode

This parameter is currently not supported for IBM Ultrium devices.

Block Size and SCSI Transfer Size

The minimum and maximum block sizes for the tape device and the maximum
SCSI transfer size can be queried using either the interactive mode of the tape
utility program and selecting Query/Set Parameters under IBMtape Commands or
by issuing the parms subcommand when in command-line mode.

Configuration Parameters
The configuration parameters can be queried using either the interactive mode of
the tape utility program and selecting Query/Set Parameters under Tape
Commands or the command-line mode by issuing the parms subcommand. Some
of the parameters can be changed using the interactive mode of the tape utility
program and selecting Query/Set Parameters under IBMtape Commands.

Note: All configuration parameters are reset to their default values whenever the
IBMtape device driver is reinstalled.

Capacity Scaling
This parameter is currently not supported for IBM Ultrium devices.

Logical Write Protect

This parameter is currently not supported for IBM Ultrium devices.

Reserve and Release Commands

When a device is shared by multiple initiators or hosts, the device can be reserved
explicitly by a host while application programs are running and released explicitly
when the programs are completed. This process ensures that another host cannot
use the device until the first host is finished with it. The device driver reserves the
device automatically on the open call and releases the device on the close call. Some
backup programs (such as tar) can open and close the device multiple times. The
reservation must be retained explicitly between the close call and the next open call.

Chapter 29. Tape Utility Program (IBMtapeutil) 151

Linux Device Driver (IBMtape)

A device can be reserved and released explicitly using either the interactive mode
of the tape utility program and selecting Reserve Device or Release Device under
General Commands, or by issuing the reserve and release subcommands when in
command-line mode. For example:
# Reserve device, run tar, and then release device
IBMtapeutil - f /dev/IBMtape0 reserve
tar ... /dev/IBMtape0 ...
IBMtapeutil -f /dev/IBMtape0 release

After the reserve subcommand is used, the device driver retains the reservation
until a release subcommand is issued.

Service Aids Commands

The service aids provided with the device driver can be called using the interactive
mode of the tape utility program and selecting Service Aids Commands or using
the Service Aid Subcommands in the command-line mode of the tape utility
program. See Chapter 30, “Tape Drive Service Aids,” on page 153 for details.

Create Special Files

The interactive mode of the tape utility program provides a selection to create
special files based on attached devices. It invokes a command IBMtapeconfig to
remove current /dev/IBMtape and /dev/IBMchanger files and generate new ones. The
command IBMtapeconfig can also be used directly from the Linux command line,
assuming this utility program has been installed.

Note: Running IBMtapeconfig requires root authority.

152 IBM Ultrium Tape Device Drivers: Installation and User’s Guide
Chapter 30. Tape Drive Service Aids
The service aids described here are accessible through both the interactive and
command-line mode of the IBMtapeutil. See ″Service Aid Subcommands″ in the last
chapter (″Tape Utility Program″).

Details of Tape Drive Service Aids

The following service aid utilities are available through the utility program
IBMtapeutil installed with the IBMtape device driver.
v Force Microcode Dump
v Read Dump
v Load Microcode
v Reset Drive

Force Drive Dump

This utility forces a dump operation on the tape drive. After the dump operation is
performed, the dump data can be saved to a file using the Read Dump utility. To
access this utility, invoke IBMtapeutil, then choose ″Force Dump″ under ″Service
Aids Commands″ in the menu or issue the following command:
IBMtapeutil -f /dev/IBMtape0 forcedump

Read Dump
This utility transfers the dump data from the device to a file, a diskette, or a tape
cartridge. It follows a force drive dump operation. To access this utility, invoke
IBMtapeutil, then choose ″Dump Device″ under ″Service Aids Commands″ in the
menu or issue the following command:
IBMtapeutil -f /dev/IBMtape0 dump [filename]

If the filename is not specified, dump0001.dmp is used as the default. All the dump
files are stored under the current directory.

Load Microcode
This utility downloads microcode to the tape drive or medium changer from a file.
To access this utility, invoke IBMtapeutil, then choose ″Load Ucode″ under ″Service
Aids Commands″ in the menu or issue the following command:
IBMtapeutil -f /dev/IBMtape0 ucode filename

Note: The filename has to be specified. Otherwise, IBMtapeutil returns an error.

Reset Drive
This utility resets the tape drive. To access this utility, invoke IBMtapeutil, then
choose ″Reset Drive″ under ″Service Aids Commands″ in the menu or issue the
following command:
IBMtapeutil -f /dev/IBMtape0 resetdrive

© Copyright IBM Corp. 2000, 2003 153

Linux Device Driver (IBMtape)

154 IBM Ultrium Tape Device Drivers: Installation and User’s Guide
Part 6. Solaris Tape and Medium Changer Device Driver

© Copyright IBM Corp. 2000, 2003 155

156 IBM Ultrium Tape Device Drivers: Installation and User’s Guide
Chapter 31. Introduction and Product Requirements
This chapter provides an overview of the IBM SCSI Tape and Medium Changer
Device Driver for Solaris (IBMtape). It supports a number of IBM Magnetic Tape
and Library Subsystem products (see “Hardware Requirements” for specific
v IBM TotalStorage Ultrium External Tape Drive 3580
v IBM TotalStorage Ultrium Tape Autoloader 3581
v IBM TotalStorage Ultrium Tape Library 3582
v IBM TotalStorage Ultrium Scalable Tape Library 3583
v IBM TotalStorage UltraScalable Tape Library 3584

IBMtape provides SCSI and FC attachment for IBM Magnetic Tape and Library
Subsystem products to Sun Microsystems SPARC and UltraSPARC platforms
running the Solaris operating system, including the Ultra/Enterprise family of

It is designed specifically to take advantage of the features provided by these IBM

tape/library subsystems, including full control of the random access medium
changer facility (move, element information, and inventory) present in some
devices. The goal is to give applications access to the functions required for basic
operations, such as backup and restore, and the advanced functions needed by full
tape management systems. Whenever possible, IBMtape is designed to take
advantage of the IBM tape subsystem features in a manner transparent to the

Product Requirements and Compatibility

IBMtape requires and supports the following hardware and software components.

Hardware Requirements
IBMtape requires and supports the following hardware components:
v One or more of the following IBM tape devices:
– TotalStorage LTO Ultrium Tape Drive 3580
– TotalStorage LTO Ultrium Tape Autoloader 3581
– TotalStorage LTO Ultrium Tape Library 3582
– TotalStorage LTO Ultrium Scalable Tape Library 3583
– TotalStorage LTO UltraScalable Tape Library 3584
v One or more of the following FC host bus adapters:
– QLogic QLA2200F, QLA2310FL, QLA2340, QLA2340L, QLA2342, QLA2342L
PCI Fibre Channel Adapters
– Emulex LightPulse LP8000 (PCI), LP9002L (PCI), LP8000S (S-Bus), and
LP9002S (S-Bus) Fibre Channel Adapters
– JNI FCE-6460 (PCI) and FCE-1473 (S-Bus) Fibre Channel Adapters
v One or more of the following SCSI High Voltage Differential (HVD) host bus

© Copyright IBM Corp. 2000, 2003 157

Solaris Device Driver (IBMtape)

– Sun Microsystems™ Dual-channel Differential UltraSCSI Host Adapter, PCI

(P/N X6541A)
– Sun Microsystems SBus Ultra Differential Fast/Wide Intelligent SCSI-2 Host
Adapter (UDWIS/S) (P/N X1065A)
– Sun Microsystems Dual–channel Differential UltraSCSI Host Adapter, PCI
(P/N X6541A)
– Sun Microsystems SBus Ultra Differential Fast/Wide Intelligent SCSI–2 Host
Adapter (UDWIS/S) (P/N X1065A)
v One or more of the following SCSI Low Voltage Differential (LVD) host bus
adapters on Solaris Version 8, or later:
– Sun Microsystems PCI Adapter with two fast Ethernet Interfaces and two
SCSI Interfaces (P/N X2222A)
v The IBM 2108–G07 (IBM SAN Data Gateway) and IBM 2108–R03 (IBM SAN
Data Gateway Router) can be used to attach SCSI models of the IBM Ultrium
family of products with any of the supported FC–AL host bus adapters
1. Using a single Fibre Channel host bus adapter (HBA) for concurrent tape and
disk operations is not recommended. Tape and disk devices require
incompatible HBA settings for reliable operation and optimal performance
characteristics. Under stress conditions (high I/O rates for tape, disk, or both)
where disk and tape subsystems share a common HBA, stability problems have
been observed. These issues are resolved by separating disk and tape I/O
streams onto separate HBAs and using SAN zoning to minimize contention.
IBM is focused on assuring server and storage configuration interoperability. It
strongly recommends that your implementation plan includes provisions for
separating disk and tape workloads.
2. For IBM Ultrium drives with the Fibre Channel attachment, the Sun Solaris
operating system requires that the Fibre Channel addressing mode of the drive
be set to hard addressing.

Software Requirements
IBMtape requires and supports the following software components:
v Sun Microsystems Solaris (SPARC) operating system Version 7, 8, or 9
v SCSI Host Bus Adapter (HBA) driver as supplied by either Sun Microsystems or
the HBA manufacturer.
See the manufacturer’s documentation for the HBA to determine which adapter
driver is required.

Software Compatibility
IBMtape supports the following optional software:

Tivoli Storage Manager

158 IBM Ultrium Tape Device Drivers: Installation and User’s Guide
Solaris Device Driver (IBMtape)

Data Flow
Both data and commands flow between the application program and the tape
subsystem through IBMtape. Figure 9 shows the relationships between IBMtape,
the application program, the adapter device driver, and the IBM tape subsystem.

Figure 9. Data Flow

Software Interface to the Device Driver

IBMtape provides the following standard Solaris (UNIX) entry points for IBM tape
Open This entry point is driven by open and creat system function calls.
Write This entry point is driven by write and writev system function calls.
Read This entry point is driven by read and readv system function calls.
Close This entry point is driven explicitly by the close system function call and
implicitly by the operating system at program termination.
ioctl This entry point is driven by the ioctl system function call. It provides a set
of tape device, medium changer device, and SCSI specific operations. It
allows Solaris applications to access and control the features and attributes
of IBM SCSI tape subsystems through the IBMtape Application
Programming Interface (API).

Chapter 31. Introduction and Product Requirements 159

Solaris Device Driver (IBMtape)

160 IBM Ultrium Tape Device Drivers: Installation and User’s Guide
Chapter 32. Installation, Removal, and Configuration
IBM SCSI Tape Drive and Medium Changer Device Driver for Solaris is an
installable kernel module, supplied as a standard Solaris software package. When
installed, its package name is IBMtape. The following sections describe installation,
removal, configuration, and verification procedures for IBMtape. See the Solaris
documentation for general information about installable packages.

The IBMtape package consists of the device driver and a number of associated files
and utilities. For components created during IBMtape installation, see Table 14.
Table 14. IBMtape Components
Component Description
/opt/IBMtape Package subdirectory
/opt/IBMtape/tapeutil Utility and service aid program
/opt/IBMtape/tapeutil.c Utility/service program sample source code
/opt/IBMtape/IBMtape.conf Configuration file, reference version
/usr/kernel/drv/IBMtape 32 bit Kernel device driver module
/usr/kernel/drv/sparcv9/IBMtape 64 bit Kernel device driver module
/usr/kernel/drv/IBMtape.conf Configuration file, working version
/usr/include/sys/smc.h Medium changer application programming
interface (API) header file
/usr/include/sys/st.h Tape drive API header file
/usr/include/sys/svc.h Service aid API header file
/usr/include/sys/oldtape.h Compatibility API header file

Note: When updating IBMtape, the working copy of IBMtape.conf located in

/usr/kernel/drv is not overwritten by the package file contents. This allows
tape drive configuration options to be preserved across IBMtape updates. A
reference copy of IBMtape.conf is always installed in the /opt/IBMtape

Examples of installation commands and their results throughout this chapter use a
percent sign (%) to indicate the shell prompt.

Preventing Conflicts with Other Device Drivers

IBMtape attempts to claim and operate only the Ultrium devices described in
“Hardware Requirements” on page 157. However, the Solaris operating system
includes a SCSI tape device driver named st, which claims any SCSI compliant
tape drive it detects, including devices that IBMtape manages. In order to avoid
conflicts between IBMtape and st, you must prevent st from claiming and
attempting to operate IBMtape owned devices. Likewise, SCSI tape device drivers
from other suppliers that are installed on your system must be prevented from
claiming IBMtape owned devices.

Attention: Failure to prevent more than one device driver from operating the
same SCSI tape drive may cause system panics or data loss on the tape drive.

© Copyright IBM Corp. 2000, 2003 161

Solaris Device Driver (IBMtape)

The following installation and update steps describe how to prevent conflicts
between IBMtape and other SCSI tape device drivers.

Installing or Updating IBMtape

Follow these steps to install or update IBMtape. Before starting the step-by-step
procedure, note the following general considerations:
v Differential SCSI-2 support must already exist on the system before installing
IBMtape. Install and configure one of the supported differential SCSI adapters
first, then return to this section. See the HVD SCSI adapter documentation for
instructions on installing the adapter and adapter driver.
v You must have root authority to install or remove IBMtape.
v You must reboot the system as part of the IBMtape installation. Take appropriate
precautions so this does not adversely affect users or active processes on the
v As a consequence of installing or reinstalling IBMtape, device special file
numbers under /dev/rmt may change. These numbers are assigned by Solaris
during the driver attachment process, and the sequencing cannot be specified by
the device driver or installer.

Installation Steps
To install IBMtape, follow this procedure:
1. Notify users that system maintenance and a reboot will be performed.
2. Choose a time when all system activity can be stopped to perform the
3. Log on to the target system as root.
4. Ensure that all user and tape drive activity on the system has halted.
5. If tape drives not controlled by IBMtape are installed on the system, list the
low density device special files and find the SCSI addresses with which they
are associated currently.
% ls -l /dev/rmt/*l
lrwxrwxrwx 1 root root 72 Aug 26 15:47 /dev/rmt/5l ->

The last portion of the results shows the controlling device driver and SCSI
address. In the preceding example, /dev/rmt/5l and the related 5m, 5h, and so
on, are controlled by the st device driver and are associated with the device at
SCSI address 2, LUN 0. Record the device type, /dev/rmt special file number,
owning driver, SCSI target address and LUN; you will need them later during
the installation.

For example, suppose an installation has two non-IBM devices owned by st at

SCSI addresses 2 and 8. The low density devices are accessed as special files
/dev/rmt/5l and /dev/rmt/6l. For the equipment listing after recording the device
information, see Table 15.
Table 15. IBMtape Install or Update
SCSI Address/LUN
Device Old Special File Old Driver (Old)
QIC /dev/rmt/5l st 2/0
QIC /dev/rmt/6l st 8/0

162 IBM Ultrium Tape Device Drivers: Installation and User’s Guide
Solaris Device Driver (IBMtape)

6. If this is an update to IBMtape, there are already IBMtape owned devices

installed. In this case, list the primary device special files and find the SCSI
addresses with which they are associated currently.
% ls -l /dev/rmt/*st /dev/rmt/*smc
lrwxrwxrwx 1 root other 46 Aug 26 16:36 /dev/rmt/0st ->

lrwxrwxrwx 1 root other 47 Aug 26 16:36 /dev/rmt/1smc ->


The last portion of the results shows the controlling device driver and SCSI
address. In the preceding example, /dev/rmt/0st (a SCSI tape drive) is
controlled by IBMtape and is associated with the device at SCSI address b,
LUN 0. The address is reported in hexadecimal: 0xb=11 decimal. /dev/rmt/1smc
(a SCSI medium changer) is associated with the device at SCSI address b,
LUN 1. Record the device type, /dev/rmt special file number, owning driver,
SCSI target address and LUN; you will need them later during the

For example, suppose an installation has only an IBMtape owned device

installed, at SCSI address 8. The device consists of both a tape drive and SCSI
medium changer. The tape drive is accessed as /dev/rmt/2st and the medium
changer as /dev/rmt/3smc. For a similar equipment listing after recording the
device information, see Table 16.
Table 16. Equipment Listing
SCSI Address/LUN
Device Old Special File Old Driver (Old)
3580-H11 drive /dev/rmt/2st IBMtape 8/0
3581-H17 changer /dev/rmt/3smc IBMtape 8/1

7. Choose one of the following methods to prevent conflicts between IBMtape

and other SCSI tape device drivers, depending on the equipment attached to
your system.
Attention: Failure to prevent more than one device driver from operating the
same SCSI tape drive may cause system panics or data loss on the tape drive.
a. If the system has only IBMtape owned devices attached, follow these steps
to prevent st and other non-IBM SCSI tape device drivers from claiming
the IBM devices.
1) Edit /kernel/drv/st.conf and comment out all SCSI target entries by
placing a pound sign (#) in the first column of each target entry. The
following example shows the entries for SCSI target addresses 0 and 1
commented out. Repeat this operation for all target entries.
#name="st" class="scsi"
#target=0 lun=0;

#name="st" class="scsi"
#target=1 lun=0;
2) For other non-IBM SCSI tape device drivers that are installed, remove
the drivers if they are not needed. If a driver is for SCSI tape devices
only, it should not be needed. If a driver is for both tape and disk
devices, follow the supplier’s instructions to disable its access to all
SCSI tape devices.
b. If the system has a mixture of IBMtape owned devices and other tape
drives, follow these steps to configure st and other non-IBM SCSI tape

Chapter 32. Installation, Removal, and Configuration 163

Solaris Device Driver (IBMtape)

device drivers so they control a range of target addresses distinct from the
range that IBMtape uses. These steps leave target addresses 7 and 15
unclaimed by all target device drivers, because SCSI adapters typically use
one of those two addresses.
1) Edit /kernel/drv/st.conf and comment out SCSI target entries for
addresses 7–15 by placing a pound sign (#) in the first column of each
target entry. In the following example, the entries for SCSI addresses 7
and 8 have been commented out. Repeat this operation for all entries
in the target address range 7–15.
#name="st" class="scsi"
# target=7 lun=0;

#name="st" class="scsi"
# target=8 lun=0;
2) For other non-IBM SCSI tape device drivers that are installed, follow
the suppliers’ instructions to disable their access to all SCSI tape
devices in the address range 7–15.
3) Later, after the v package has been installed, you alter its configuration
file so it does not use SCSI target addresses in the range 0–7 or address

Now st and other non-IBM SCSI tape device drivers have been configured
to avoid conflicting with IBMtape.
8. Remove all special file entries under /dev/rmt. This ensures that stale entries do
not exist after the system is rebooted. New entries are created when the
system is rebooted.
% rm /dev/rmt/*
9. If you are updating the level of IBMtape, remove the currently installed
IBMtape package. If this is a new installation of IBMtape, skip this step.
a. Use pkgrm to remove the current level.
% /usr/sbin/pkgrm IBMtape

Respond to the pkgrm prompts.

b. Examine the results from pkgrm. If you find these messages:
Device busy
Cannot unload module: IBMtape
Will be unloaded upon reboot.

Then one or more IBMtape owned tape drives were still in use. Identify
the drives and end the processes that are using them. If you cannot
identify the processes, you must reboot the system to free the tape drive,
then continue with the installation from this point.
10. Choose one of the following methods to install the IBMtape package,
depending on the package distribution medium and the location of system

Note: If this is a new installation of IBMtape, IBM devices are not yet
attached to the system, and you see pkgadd error messages similar to
the following:
drvconfig: Driverv) successfully added to system
but failed to attach
## The device driver was unable to detect any supported devices!

164 IBM Ultrium Tape Device Drivers: Installation and User’s Guide
Solaris Device Driver (IBMtape)

## Verify that the device(s) are properly connected and powered on.
## Ensure that the SCSI adapter device driver is installed/configured.
## Then try re-installing the device driver as follows:
## -enter the command: rem_drv IBMtape
## -enter the command: add_drv -m ’* 0666 bin bin’ IBMtape
## If problems persist, contact your IBM service representative.
pkgadd: ERROR: postinstall script did not complete successfully

Later, after you have cabled IBM drives to the system and rebooted, the
driver is attached normally.
a. If the distribution medium is a CD, follow these steps:
1) Determine if volume management is running by displaying the file
system type for the /vol directory. Volume management mounts an NFS
filesystem on the /vol directory. Use the vol command to display the file
system type.
% df -n /vol
/vol :nfs

In this example, the file system type is NFS; therefore volume

management is running. If volume management is not running, the /vol
directory is shown as a UFS file system.
2) Insert the distribution CD into the local CD-ROM drive.
3) If volume management is running, wait for the volume management
services to detect and mount the CD-ROM file system. Typically, this
completes within 30 seconds.
4) If volume management is not running, you must mount the CD-ROM
file system manually. To do so, you must know the device special file
name for your CD drive. For example, if your CD drive is on controller
1 at SCSI target 6, you would use this command:
% mount -o ro /dev/dsk/c1t6d0s0 /mnt
5) Review the contents of the ../Solaris/IBMtape.Readme for any updated
6) Use pkgadd to install the driver. Depending on where the CD-ROM
file system is mounted, use one of these commands:
%/usr/sbin/pkgadd -d /cdrom/cdrom0/Solaris/IBMtape.x.x.x.x
%/usr/sbin/pkgadd -d /mnt/Solaris/IBMtape.x.x.x.x

where x.x.x.x is the version number of IBMtape included on the CD.

7) If volume management is running, eject the CD:
% /usr/bin/eject cd
8) Otherwise, unmount the device, then eject the media manually:
% /usr/bin/unmount /mnt
b. If the distribution medium is a diskette and the system on which you are
installing has a diskette drive, perform these steps:
1) Insert the distribution diskette into the local diskette drive.
2) Mount the diskette using volume management services:
% /usr/bin/volcheck
3) Use pkgadd to install the driver. In this example, volcheck mounted the
diskette as /vol/dev/aliases/floppy0. Use the appropriate name as assigned
by your system.
% /usr/sbin/pkgadd -d /vol/dev/aliases/floppy0
4) Eject the diskette:

Chapter 32. Installation, Removal, and Configuration 165

Solaris Device Driver (IBMtape)

% /usr/bin/eject floppy
c. If the distribution medium is a diskette and the system on which you are
installing the package does not have a diskette drive but is connected to a
network, follow these steps:
1) Locate another system on the same network that has a diskette drive.
Log on to that system.
2) Insert the distribution diskette and mount it using volume management
% /usr/bin/volcheck
3) Use dd to transfer the installation package to a package file. In this
example, volcheck mounted the diskette as /vol/dev/aliases/floppy0. Use
the appropriate name as assigned by your system.
% /usr/bin/dd if=/vol/dev/aliases/floppy0 of=/tmp/image.pkg
4) Eject the diskette:
% /usr/bin/eject floppy
5) FTP the package file to the target system. Use binary transfer mode.
Place the package file in the target system’s /tmp directory.
6) Log on to the target system as root.
7) Use pkgadd to install the driver. In this example, the package file was
FTPed to the /tmp directory as image.pkg.
% /usr/sbin/pkgadd -d /tmp/image.pkg
d. If the distribution medium is a package file in a UNIX filesystem, follow
these steps. You may have obtained a package file by extracting it from a
distribution diskette or by downloading it from IBM’s anonymous FTP
site. This example presumes a package file named IBMtape., located
in the /tmp directory.
1) If necessary, FTP the package file to the target system. Use binary
transfer mode. Place the package file in the target system’s /tmp
2) Use pkgadd to install the driver:
% /usr/sbin/pkgadd -d /tmp/IBMtape.
11. If your system environment includes a mixture of IBMtape owned devices and
devices owned by st or another third party SCSI tape device driver, you
already modified the configuration files for the non-IBM device drivers and
restricted them to target addresses in the range 0–6.
Now you must restrict IBMtape to target addresses in the range 8–14. Edit
IBMtape.conf, located in /usr/kernel/drv, and comment out entries for SCSI target
addresses 0–7 and 15 by placing a pound sign (#) in the first column of each
line making up the entries. In the following example, the entries for address 0,
LUN 0 and address 0, LUN 1 have been commented out. Repeat the operation
for all stanzas in the address range 0–7, and address 15. Note that each SCSI
target address has a stanza for both LUN 0 and 1.
#name="IBMtape" class="scsi"
# target=0 lun=0
# block_size=0
# buffering=1
# immediate=0
# trailer=0
# sili=0;

#name="IBMtape" class="scsi"
# target=0 lun=1
# block_size=0

166 IBM Ultrium Tape Device Drivers: Installation and User’s Guide
Solaris Device Driver (IBMtape)

# buffering=1
# immediate=0
# trailer=0
# sili=0;
12. Shut down the system. One common method to perform a shutdown is
shown here but use your normal procedures.
% /usr/sbin/shutdown -y -g0 -i0
13. Address or readdress devices as determined by your installation:
a. If the system has only IBMtape owned devices attached, you may choose
addresses in the range 0–6 or 8–14. Leave addresses 7 and 15 unused,
because these addresses are used typically by the SCSI adapter.
1) For each device, see the appropriate IBM hardware reference for any
special instructions about addressing. Then set the address and record
the device type, SCSI address, and LUN. For example, suppose an
installation has only IBMtape owned devices attached. An IBM device
with tape drive and medium changer is added. It is addressed at target
4, and the information is recorded. For the results, see Table 17.
Table 17. Equipment Listing
Address/LUN Address/LUN
Device Old Special File Old Driver (Old) (New)
3580-H11 drive – – – 4/0
3581-H17 – – – 4/1

b. If you are using distinct address ranges to separate tape drives that are
IBMtape owned from devices that are owned by st or another driver,
readdress the tape drives now.
1) For each device to be owned by st or another SCSI tape device driver,
see the manufacturer’s hardware reference for any special instructions
about readdressing. Then readdress each device to an address in the
range 0–6. For each tape drive that is readdressed, record the new SCSI
address next to the special file number and old SCSI address that you
recorded previously.
2) Readdress all tape drives that are owned by IBMtape to addresses in
the range 8–14. See the appropriate IBM hardware references for any
special instructions about readdressing. For each tape drive that is
readdressed, record the new SCSI address next to the special file
number and old SCSI address, if any, that you recorded previously.
For example, suppose an installation has two non-IBM devices owned
by st at SCSI addresses 9 and B (12 in decimal). An IBM device with
tape drive and medium changer is added. To prevent conflicts between
IBMtape and st, the non-IBM devices are all placed at addresses in the
range 0–6. The new IBM device is addressed in the range 8–14, at
address 10 (X'0A'). Depending on the addresses chosen for the
non-IBM devices, after readdressing and recording device information,
see Table 17 for the possible equipment listing.
Table 18. Equipment Listing
Address/LUN Address/LUN
Device Old Special File Old Driver (Old) (New)
QIC /dev/rmt/2l st 9/0 3/0

Chapter 32. Installation, Removal, and Configuration 167

Solaris Device Driver (IBMtape)

Table 18. Equipment Listing (continued)

Address/LUN Address/LUN
Device Old Special File Old Driver (Old) (New)
QIC /dev/rmt/3l st b/0 5/0
3580-H11 drive – – – a/0
3581-H17 – – – a/1

| Note that the SCSI target address of fibre channel tape device may be
| over 15.
14. Cable the tape drives to the system, if not yet done. See the manufacturer’s
hardware references for any special instructions about cabling. Be sure to
terminate each SCSI bus properly.
15. Boot the system according to your installation’s normal procedures.
16. Log on as root and list the device special files in /dev/rmt as you did earlier
during the installation.
% ls -l /dev/rmt/*l
% ls -l /dev/rmt/*st /dev/rmt/*smc

Compare the SCSI addresses obtained from ls with the readdressed SCSI
targets you recorded. Write the new device special file numbers and owning
driver next to the matching new SCSI addresses.

For example, suppose an installation had two non-IBM devices owned

previously by st at SCSI addresses 2 and 8. An IBM device with tape drive
and medium changer is added. To prevent conflicts between IBMtape and st,
the non-IBM devices are all placed at addresses in the range 0–6. The new
IBM device is addressed in the range 8–14. Depending on the addresses
chosen, after completing installation and recording device information, see
Table 19 for sample equipment listing entries.
Table 19. Sample Equipment Listing
Old Special Old Address/LUN Address/LUN New New Special
Device File Driver (Old) (New) Driver File
QIC /dev/rmt/5l st 2/0 2/0 st /dev/rmt/0l
QIC /dev/rmt/6l st 8/0 0/0 st /dev/rmt/1l
3580-H11 – – – 8/0 IBMtape /dev/rmt/2st
3581-H17 – – – 8/1 IBMtape /dev/rmt /3smc

Based on the listing, you can see that the tape drive accessed previously as
/dev/rmt/5 is now accessed as /dev/rmt/0, the new medium changer is accessible
as /dev/rmt/3smc, and so on.
17. Verify operation of the newly installed or readdressed equipment.
18. Notify users of any changed device special files numbers.

168 IBM Ultrium Tape Device Drivers: Installation and User’s Guide
Solaris Device Driver (IBMtape)

Removing IBMtape
Use the pkgrm command to remove the IBMtape package from the system.
% /usr/sbin/pkgrm IBMtape

All active processes using any IBM devices supported by the IBM SCSI Tape and
Medium Changer Device Driver for Solaris must be stopped in order for the
removal procedure to complete successfully.

Note: Before Version of the IBM SCSI Tape and Medium Changer Device
Driver for Solaris, the driver consisted of two separate device driver
components: stdd supported IBM SCSI tape drives, and smcdd supported
IBM SCSI medium changers. The single IBMtape package now combines
these two drivers and provides all of the function provided previously by
the smcdd and stdd packages. You must remove both of these packages from
your system before installing IBMtape.

To remove these packages, enter the following two commands:

% /usr/sbin/pkgrm smcdd
% /usr/sbin/pkgrm stdd

Configuration Parameters
When using devices that IBMtape controls , certain device characteristics, such as
the default block size, can be controlled through the device driver configuration
file. The IBMtape configuration file is named IBMtape.conf. The working copy of
this file is located in the /usr/kernel/drv directory.

During installation of IBMtape, the working copy of IBMtape.conf is preserved, if it

exists. During removal of IBMtape, the working copy of IBMtape.conf is not
deleted. These conventions allow configuration settings to remain across updates of
IBMtape. A reference copy of IBMtape.conf with factory default settings is always
installed in the /opt/IBMtape directory.

Note: IBM requires that the Solaris native SCSI tape device driver st be configured
so that it does not attempt to support SCSI targets that IBMtape controls.
See “Preventing Conflicts with Other Device Drivers” on page 161 for more
information about multiple driver access to a device.

Attention: Failure to prevent more than one device driver from operating the
same SCSI tape drive may cause system panics or data loss on the tape drive.

Configuration settings are applied only at boot time or when IBMtape is unloaded
manually from, then reloaded into, memory. If you change configuration settings in
IBMtape.conf, you can make the changes effective by rebooting the system. As an
alternative to rebooting, ensure that no IBMtape owned devices are in use, then
issue the following:
% /usr/sbin/rem_drv IBMtape
% /usr/sbin/add_drv -m ’* 0666 bin bin’ IBMtape

Default settings in IBMtape.conf can be overridden for a particular device (and only
while the device is kept open) using the ioctl application programming interface
(API) of the device driver. The parameter settings made through the API revert
back to the default values in IBMtape.conf the next time that the device is opened.
See the IBM Ultrium Device Drivers: Programming Reference for more information
about changing configuration parameters under program control.

Chapter 32. Installation, Removal, and Configuration 169

Solaris Device Driver (IBMtape)

IBMtape.conf contains one stanza for each SCSI target address/LUN pair owned by
IBMtape. The reference IBMtape.conf file supplied with the package contains a
stanza for every possible SCSI target and LUN combination supported by IBM tape

| The following example shows the stanza for target 0, LUN 0, with IBMtape’s
| default configuration parameter values. The parameter immediate is disabled,
| which means that SCSI commands Write FM, Locate, Load-Unload, Erase, and
| Rewind complete before returning status:
| name="IBMtape" class="scsi"
| target=0 lun=0
| block_size=0
| buffering=1
| immediate=0
| trailer=0
| sili=0;

| The following example shows the stanza for target 0, LUN 0, with IBMtape’s
| default configuration parameter values and the rewind immediate mode set on,
| which causes the SCSI rewind command to return control to the application
| program before the command actually completes on the tape drive:
| name="IBMtape" class="scsi"
| target=0 lun=0
| block_size=0
| buffering=1
| rew_immediate=1
| trailer=0
| sili=0;

| If immediate is set to 1 and rew_immediate is set to 0, the setting of

| rew_immediate is ignored.

The name variable identifies IBMtape as the device driver, and class identifies the
type of device supported as SCSI.

The target and the lun variables determine the target address and LUN of IBM
devices that are controlled by that stanza. On systems with multiple SCSI adapters,
a single target/LUN stanza controls the configuration settings for all devices
addressed with that target address and LUN. Thus, two or more supported IBM
devices on the system that have the same target and LUN settings but are attached
to different SCSI buses are all affected by the configuration parameters of the
single stanza having that target address and LUN.

After installation of the IBMtape package is complete, you may eliminate

unnecessary probing for devices by commenting out unused target and LUN pairs.
In this example, the stanzas for target 0, LUN 0 and target 0, LUN 1 have been
commented out. Those address and LUN combinations are not probed, which
saves time during a reboot or manual reload of IBMtape. However, if an IBM
device is addressed at target 0, LUN 0 or target 0, LUN 1, it is not detected.
#name="IBMtape" class="scsi"
# target=0 lun=0
# block_size=0
# buffering=1
# immediate=0
# trailer=0
# sili=0;

#name="IBMtape" class="scsi"
# target=0 lun=1

170 IBM Ultrium Tape Device Drivers: Installation and User’s Guide
Solaris Device Driver (IBMtape)

# block_size=0
# buffering=1
# immediate=0
# trailer=0
# sili=0;

The remaining five configuration parameters affect the behavior of the device
driver specifically for the IBM device or devices associated with that stanza (target
and LUN). All of these parameters are specific only to tape drive device operation
and have no effect on medium changer device behavior. The default configuration
parameters are adequate for most purposes. However, the values in the
configuration file can be modified to suit the specific requirements of the
application or the user.

Remember that modifying a value in the configuration file determines the value of
the parameter at device open time. While open, the value of a parameter can be
altered using an ioctl function call, but the change is effective only while the device
remains open. Working configuration parameters revert back to the default values
(established by the configuration file) when the device is closed and reopened. See
the IBM Ultrium Device Drivers: Programming Reference for more information about
changing configuration parameters by way of program control.

The following list describes the set of configuration parameters recognized by the
IBMtape device driver:
v block_size (0=variable length) This option specifies the device block size that is
established with the SCSI Mode Select command during an open function call.
Until this value is changed, it is the working block size. Variable block size is
established using a value of zero. Any other positive value represents a fixed
block size. The maximum supported block size varies for each tape device. See
the appropriate hardware reference manual.

Note: IBMtape does not allow odd byte count fixed block reads or writes. For
instance, a fixed block size of 4096 or 4098 is allowed, but 4097 is not. If
you attempt to read or write using an odd byte- count fixed block size,
the read or write returns -1, with errno set to 22, invalid argument. If you
must read or write odd byte count blocks, set block size to 0 (variable
block size), then transfer one block’s worth of data per read or write.
v buffering (0=Off, 1=On) When a write command is processed, the data is either
stored directly on the physical tape or buffered in device hardware. Buffering
can be turned On and Off with this option. If buffering is disabled, the effective
performance of the device may be seriously degraded, because the tape devices
cannot take advantage of their buffering optimization. Buffer flushing (or
committing data to the tape) can be controlled by the application through the
STIOC_SYNC_BUFFER ioctl function.
| v immediate (0=Off, 1=On) If immediate is set to 0, the SCSI commands Write FM,
| Locate, Load-Unload, Erase, and Rewind return with status when the command
| actually completes on the tape drive. If immediate is set to 1, these commands
| return with status before the command actually completes.
| v rew_immediate (0=Off, 1=On) If rew_immediate is set to 0, the SCSI Rewind
| command returns with status when the command actually completes on the tape
| drive. If it is set to set to 1, the Rewind command returns with status before the
| command actually completes. If immediate is set to 1, the setting of
| rew_immediate is ignored.
v trailer (0=Off, 1=On) If a tape drive encounters logical end-of-tape (EOT) during
a write operation, it returns a check condition status. The driver returns 0 bytes

Chapter 32. Installation, Removal, and Configuration 171

Solaris Device Driver (IBMtape)

written to notify the application of this EOT situation. A check condition is

returned by the tape drive for every subsequent write operation when past EOT.
If trailer is enabled, writing records past EOT is allowed by the device driver.
Following the first time the write operation notifies the application of EOT, all
subsequent EOT notifications are suppressed by the driver, and the actual
number of bytes written is returned. When the physical end of media is reached,
all write operations fail with a return code of -1, regardless of the trailer setting.
When trailer is enabled, managing the media past EOT is the application’s
v sili (0=Off, 1=On) Normally, during a read operation, if a larger block of data is
requested than is actually read from the tape, the tape device raises a check
condition. The IBMtape device driver must perform error handling procedures,
which adds overhead to the read operation. The IBMtape driver does not surface
this as an error condition to the application and ultimately returns the actual
number of bytes read. However, this driver error processing does result in less
than optimum read performance in some scenarios. When SILI mode is enabled,
the tape device is forced to Suppress Illegal Length Indication during read
operations. This eliminates the error processing performed by the driver and
results in improved read performance for some scenarios. The actual number of
bytes read is still returned to the application in SILI mode.

Adding or Removing Devices

To add support for a new IBM tape subsystem to the system or to remove support
for a previously attached IBM tape subsystem, the following steps should be
1. Edit the IBMtape.conf file in the /usr/kernel/drv directory to reflect the change in
IBM device support. Either add a new stanza to provide support for a device
that is to be added, or remove (comment out) a stanza for a device that is no
longer to be supported.
2. When adding support for a new device, ensure that the target and LUN values
in the configuration file stanza match the target and LUN settings of the IBM
device. See “Configuration Parameters” on page 169 for more information
about the IBMtape.conf configuration file.
3. Shut down and power Off the host system.
4. Plug the new device into the SCSI bus, or unplug the existing device from the
bus. Pay particular attention to proper SCSI cabling and termination.
5. Power On and boot the host system.

Note: It is possible to reinitialize the IBMtape device driver without rebooting

the system. This is done by first unloading the device driver, then
reloading the device driver into kernel memory.

The command to unload the device driver is:

% /usr/sbin/rem_drv IBMtape

The command to reload the device driver is:

% /usr/sbin/add_drv -m ’* 0666 bin bin’ IBMtape

When the IBMtape device driver is reloaded, it reads the IBMtape.conf file, and
changes made in the file are acknowledged by the device driver. This method
can be used to modify configuration parameters.

172 IBM Ultrium Tape Device Drivers: Installation and User’s Guide
Solaris Device Driver (IBMtape)

Note: It is strongly suggested that you power Off the host system and all
devices attached to the SCSI bus before adding or removing devices from
the SCSI bus. Hot plugging SCSI devices can cause hardware damage
and disruption of reliable system operation.

Chapter 32. Installation, Removal, and Configuration 173

Solaris Device Driver (IBMtape)

174 IBM Ultrium Tape Device Drivers: Installation and User’s Guide
Chapter 33. Special Files
After the IBMtape driver is installed, a set of special files is available for
performing I/O operations to each supported device. The device special file names
created by the IBMtape device driver are similar to the SCSI tape special files
generally used on Solaris systems.

Each tape instance has a set of minor numbers that provides access to the same
physical device, but each minor number provides a different function or behavior
for the tape subsystem. These minor numbers are accessed through variations of
the special file name for that device. The special files are created in the /dev/rmt
directory. These special files are actually symbolic links to files created within the
/devices subdirectory hierarchy.

Issuing the ls -la /dev/rmt command presents some useful information about these
device special files. The following is a representative example of the entries
returned by this command for a single IBM tape subsystem. This listing is system
dependent; therefore entries varies slightly in format, depending on the platform
and the SCSI adapter support. There may also be entries included for other devices
that are not supported by the IBMtape device driver.
lrwxrwxrwx root other 79 Aug 26 18:54 0smc ->
lrwxrwxrwx root other 78 Aug 26 18:54 0st ->
lrwxrwxrwx root other 79 Aug 26 18:54 0stb ->
lrwxrwxrwx root other 80 Aug 26 18:54 0stbn ->
lrwxrwxrwx root other 79 Aug 26 18:54 0stc ->
lrwxrwxrwx root other 80 Aug 26 18:54 0stcb ->
lrwxrwxrwx root other 81 Aug 26 18:54 0stcbn ->
lrwxrwxrwx root other 80 Aug 26 18:54 0stcn ->
lrwxrwxrwx root other 79 Aug 26 18:54 0stn ->

These entries show the device hierarchy established to support I/O for an IBM
SCSI tape subsystem. The attachment path of the device special files spans from
the system board, through the S-bus, to the Sun F/W SCSI adapter (supported by
the QLGC, isp@ SCSI adapter device driver), to the IBM device at SCSI target 2
and LUN 0 (supported by the IBMtape device driver). All nine of these special files
are associated with the same IBM device (device number 0).

Certain device behaviors are determined by which special file in the set is opened
for device access. The smc special file controls only the medium changer portion of

© Copyright IBM Corp. 2000, 2003 175

Solaris Device Driver (IBMtape)

the device and accepts only medium changer operations through the ioctl entry
point. The smc special file does not support the read and write entry points. Only
one st type special file for a particular device may be opened at any one time. The
smc special file may be opened concurrently with any one of the st special files.

The IBMtape device driver decides which types of special files to create during
installation, based on the IBM device type being configured. For the IBM 3580-H11
Ultrium Tape Drive, only the eight st special files are created. For the IBM 3581
Ultrium Tape Autoloader, IBM 3583 Ultrium Scalable Tape Library, and IBM 3584
UltraScalable Tape Library, all nine special files shown above are created.

With the information from the previous command, issuing the ls -la
/devices/iommu@f,e0000000/sbus@f,e0001000/QLGC,isp@3,10000 command presents
further information about the same special files, as shown in the following
example. Again, the actual path information specified in the command varies from
system to system.
crw-rw-rw- 1 bin bin 109,1696 Aug 26 18:54 IBMtape@2,0:smc
crw-rw-rw- 1 bin bin 109,1664 Aug 26 18:56 IBMtape@2,0:st
crw-rw-rw- 1 bin bin 109,1728 Aug 26 18:54 IBMtape@2,0:stb
crw-rw-rw- 1 bin bin 109,1732 Aug 26 18:54 IBMtape@2,0:stbn
crw-rw-rw- 1 bin bin 109,1688 Aug 26 18:54 IBMtape@2,0:stc
crw-rw-rw- 1 bin bin 109,1752 Aug 26 18:54 IBMtape@2,0:stcb
crw-rw-rw- 1 bin bin 109,1756 Aug 26 18:54 IBMtape@2,0:stcbn
crw-rw-rw- 1 bin bin 109,1692 Aug 26 18:54 IBMtape@2,0:stcn
crw-rw-rw- 1 bin bin 109,1668 Aug 26 18:54 IBMtape@2,0:stn

These entries show the major and minor numbers associated with each special file.
Here, the major number is 109 and identifies to the system that the IBMtape device
driver is in support of these special files. Major numbers are assigned by the
system at the time the driver is installed and varies from system to system. The
nine different minor numbers are specific to the special file names and are used by
the device driver to determine which special file was used to access the device and
control the device behavior accordingly. For example, the minor number 1696
indicates to IBMtape that the device was opened through the smc special file. For
more information on device special files and major/minor numbers, consult the
Solaris mtio man pages.

Table 20 shows the special file-naming convention and the associated device
attributes recognized by the IBMtape device driver.
Table 20. IBM SCSI Tape/Medium Changer Special Files for Solaris
Special File Name BSD Compatibility Rewind on Close Compression
/dev/rmt/[0–255]smc N/A N/A N/A
/dev/rmt/[0–255]stn No No No
/dev/rmt/[0–255]stcn No No Yes
/dev/rmt/[0–255]st No Yes No
/dev/rmt/[0–255]stc No Yes Yes
/dev/rmt/[0–255]stbn Yes No No
/dev/rmt/[0–255]stcbn Yes No Yes
/dev/rmt/[0–255]stb Yes Yes No
/dev/rmt/[0-255]stcb Yes Yes Yes

176 IBM Ultrium Tape Device Drivers: Installation and User’s Guide
Solaris Device Driver (IBMtape)

1. The BSD (b) device special file modifies close behavior for non-rewind devices.
If the device is opened for no rewind on close, in non-BSD mode, if the last
command before closing the device was a read, then the tape is positioned after
the file mark immediately following the last block read. If the device is opened
for no rewind on close, in BSD mode, if the last command before closing the
device was a read, the tape is left positioned exactly where it was following the
last block read. If the device is opened for rewind on close, the BSD mode is
not relevant.
2. The no rewind on close (n) device special file does not rewind the tape during
a close operation. Otherwise, the tape is rewound when the device is closed. If
the last operation before closing the device was a write or write filemark, then
a sufficient number of filemarks is written so that two filemarks follow the
For the non-rewind special files, the tapes are positioned between the trailing
filemarks before closing. If the device is then reopened and more data is
written, it is separated by a single file mark from the previous data.
3. The compression (c) device special file determines whether the tape device
uses built-in hardware compression while storing data on the tape. The
compression mode of the device can also be set to the desired state
programmatically through the STIOC_SET_PARM ioctl, regardless of the
default compression mode established by the special file used originally to
open the device.
4. The smc special file is created only for IBM tape subsystems that provide
medium changer capability. For the IBM 3580 Ultrium Tape Drive, no smc
special file is created.
5. Only one st special file may be opened at any one time. The smc special file
may be opened by itself or in conjunction with one of the st type files. The smc
special file accepts only medium changer commands. Tape drive commands
issued to the medium changer fail with errno set to 22, invalid argument.
Aside from the normal configuration with the medium changer answering as a
distinct target and LUN pair, some supported devices can be configured with a
nonstandard integrated medium changer reporting at the same target and LUN
as the tape drive. In this case, both st and smc special files accept a limited
subset of medium changer commands. If you want to use this nonstandard
mode, consult the appropriate hardware reference to determine whether the
drive supports such a configuration.

Chapter 33. Special Files 177

Solaris Device Driver (IBMtape)

178 IBM Ultrium Tape Device Drivers: Installation and User’s Guide
Chapter 34. Service and Diagnostic Aids
The following section describes the service and diagnostic aids that are part of the
IBMtape package. It discusses the procedure for verifying that the device driver
was installed correctly, provides basic problem determination guidelines, and
outlines the utility program included with the IBMtape package.

Functional Verification
To verify that the installation of the IBMtape package was successful, enter the
following command:
/usr/bin/pkginfo IBMtape

The following information should be displayed:

system IBMtape IBM SCSI Tape & Medium Changer Device Driver x.x.x.x

where x.x.x.x is the version of the device driver.

To verify that device driver support for a specific IBM tape subsystem attached to
the system is functioning correctly, enter the following command:
/opt/IBMtape/tapeutil -f /dev/rmt/nst -o chk -v

substituting for n the number associated with the device special file assigned to the
IBM tape subsystem you want to check. Listing the contents of the /dev/rmt
directory (using the ls command) can be helpful in determining the proper special
file name. For medium changer devices, the special file name /dev/rmt/nsmc should
be used.

The following information should be displayed:

IBM xxxxxxxx configured at /dev/rmt/nst.

where xxxxxxxx is the model number of the IBM tape subsystem and n is the same
number specified in the verify command.

To verify that the IBMtape device driver is loaded in kernel memory, enter the
following command:
/usr/sbin/modinfo | /usr/bin/grep IBMtape

The following information should be displayed:

165 f5f10000 15c0s 109 1 IBMtape (IBM SCSI Tape/Medium Changer DD)

The first five fields shown here usually differ from your specific output. This is not
cause for concern. The fields indicate the ID, load address, size, major number, and
revision for the IBMtape device driver and vary from system to system.

Problem Determination
If you are experiencing problems with the installation of the IBM SCSI Tape and
Medium Changer Device Driver for Solaris, the following information may be of
assistance. If you cannot solve your problem after checking the following, contact
the appropriate IBM service representative:

© Copyright IBM Corp. 2000, 2003 179

Solaris Device Driver (IBMtape)

v If you receive the following message during installation:

drvconfig: System call ’modctl_modconfig’ failed:
No such device or address.
Warning: Driver (IBMtape) configuration failed.
System could not install driver.

it indicates that the IBMtape device driver was not loaded because it did not
detect the presence of any supported IBM devices on the SCSI bus. Verify that
SCSI adapter device driver support is installed and configured correctly. Verify
that the IBM tape subsystem is connected to the SCSI bus properly, powered-on,
and online. It is not necessary for the tape drive to have a cartridge loaded to be
recognized by the IBMtape device driver.
v If you cannot open an IBM device, verify that you are using the correct special
file. The IBM tape special files are of the form *st* in the /dev/rmt directory. The
IBM medium changer special files are of the form *smc in the /dev/rmt directory.
Ensure that the Sun native tape device driver (st) is not contending for the same
IBM device by consulting the st.conf file in the /kernel/drv directory and
commenting out conflicting stanzas.

Downloading Device Microcode

The IBM 3580 Ultrium Tape Drive supports downloading a new microcode image
from the host system through the SCSI bus.

To download microcode to this device, perform the following steps:

1. Verify that the IBM tape subsystem is powered-on and online.
2. Verify that the tape drive does not have a tape cartridge loaded.
3. Determine the current version of microcode present on the device by entering
the following command, substituting n with the actual value from the device
special file associated with the target device:
/opt/IBMtape/tapeutil -f /dev/rmt/nst -o qmc -v
4. Determine the source of the new microcode image file (that is, diskette, such as
/vol/dev/aliases/floppy0, or host file, such as /tmp/ucode_image.file).
5. Enter the following command, substituting file with the actual path and
filename of the microcode image file and substituting n with the actual value
from the device special file associated with the destination device:
/opt/IBMtape/tapeutil -f /dev/rmt/nst -o dmc -z file -v

Note: The microcode download procedure may also be performed using the
menu-driven interface of the tapeutil program. To call the tapeutil program in
this format, enter the following command, then select option 1 to open the
device, followed by option 4 to query the current device microcode level
and option 7 to download new microcode:

Forcing and Storing Device Diagnostic Dump

The IBM 3580 Ultrium Tape Drive supports forcing a diagnostic dump and storing
that dump to a mounted tape cartridge or to a host system file through the SCSI

To force and store a diagnostic dump on these devices, perform the following
1. Verify that the IBM tape subsystem is powered-on and online.

180 IBM Ultrium Tape Device Drivers: Installation and User’s Guide
Solaris Device Driver (IBMtape)

2. Enter the following command to force the dump, substituting n with the actual
value from the device special file associated with the target device:
/opt/IBMtape/tapeutil -f /dev/rmt/nst -o fdp -v
3. Determine the location for the dump to be stored (that is, diskette, such as
/vol/dev/aliases/floppy0 or host file, such as /tmp/diag_dump.file).
4. Enter the following command, substituting file with the actual path and
filename of the dump destination file, and substituting n with the actual value
from the device special file associated with the dump device:
/opt/IBMtape/tapeutil -f /dev/rmt/nst -o sdp -z file -v
5. The dump may also be written to a tape cartridge mounted in the dump device
using tapedrive for file.

Note: The diagnostic dump procedure may also be performed using the
menu-driven interface of the tapeutil program. To call the tapeutil program in
this format, enter the following command, then select option 1 to open the
device, followed by option 5 to force a dump and option 6 to store the

Tracing Facility
IBMtape incorporates a tracing facility that is useful for performing problem
determination. The tracing facility logs diagnostic information to /var/adm/messages
based on the control variable IBM_trace. See “Setting the IBM_trace Level” on page
183 for instructions on how to set the trace value.

IBM_trace values range from 0–13 and result in posted messages as shown in
Table 21. Postings are cumulative; trace level 3 also posts items for levels 2, 1, and
0. A trace value of 2 or 3 is suitable for most normal production environments with
little or no degradation of throughput. IBM_trace values of 4 and higher
increasingly degrade performance and should generally be used only when
directed by IBM support personnel.
Table 21. Tracing Facility
Level Items Traced
0 Hardware sense data and severe error conditions only.
1 Moderate error conditions
2 Device opens and closes.

Decoded SCSI command, sense key, ASC and ASCQ for sense data.
3 Additional device open information.

SCSI transport packet information for nonzero return codes.

4–13 Increasingly verbose tracing information. These tracing levels are generally
useful only to IBMtape developers.

Note: IBMtape Versions before had only IBM_trace values 0–4. Message
content and selection differed significantly from present IBMtape versions.

By default, system error messages, including IBMtape trace messages, are placed in
/var/adm/messages. If your installation has modified /etc/syslog.conf to redirect system
error messages, IBMtape tracing is handled as other kernel messages. See the

Chapter 34. Service and Diagnostic Aids 181

Solaris Device Driver (IBMtape)

syslog.conf man page and comments in syslog.conf for information about the system
logging operation. Changes made to syslog.conf take effect after the next system

Following is a sample of trace level 2 output with system date and time stamps
removed. Device instance 36 is opened on the first line. The device minor number
0x4C4 is decoded and shows that the SCSI tape drive (drv) special file was

The second line decodes selected fields from the sense data, which immediately
follows. Looking up the decoded Sense Key /ASC/ASCQ combination in the 3580
hardware reference, we find that the command failed because a file mark was
encountered during the space.

The actual sense data follows the decoded fields.

Note: Solaris, rather than printing multiple 16-byte lines of hex zeros, instead
prints only the first such line, followed by a repeat count.
IBMtape( 36) _open: Ins36 Mnr0x4c4<BSD,NoRew>(drv)
Flg0x5<Ndelay,Read> TL24036
IBMtape( 36) check_sense: cmd 0x11(space) , key/asc/ascq 0x0/0/1,
defer 0, retry 0, rc 5
IBMtape( 36) ULTRIUM-TD1 S/N 1300015708 SENSE DATA
IBMtape( 36) f0 0 80 0 0 0 1 1c 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0
IBMtape( 36) 0 0 0 0
IBMtape( 36) _close: Inst 36, Minor 1220 (drv), Flags 0x5, exit(0)

The following sense data for device instance 36, a tape drive, occurred during a
test unit ready and indicates that a tape is in the throat of the drive but requires an
Initializing Command (that is, a SCSI Load command) to move the tape fully into
the drive.
IBMtape( 36) _open: Ins36 Mnr0x4c4<BSD,NoRew>(drv)
Flg0x5<Ndelay,Read> TL24036
IBMtape( 36) check_sense: cmd 0x0(test_unit_ready) , key/asc/ascq 0x2/4/2,
defer 0, retry 0, rc 5
IBMtape( 36) ULTRIUM-TD1 S/N 1300015708 SENSE DATA
IBMtape( 36) 70 0 2 0 0 0 0 1c 0 0 0 0 4 2 0 0
IBMtape( 36) 10 12 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
IBMtape( 36) 0 0 0 0
IBMtape( 36) 10 12 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
IBMtape( 36) 0 0 0 0
IBMtape( 36) _close: Inst 36, Minor 1220 (drv), Flags 0x5, exit(0)

You can match an instance number with its corresponding device special files in
two steps:
1. Find the instance number in /etc/path_to_inst:
$ grep 292 /etc/path_to_inst
"/pci@6,4000/scsi@2,1/IBMtape@2,0" 292 "IBMtape"
2. List “long” the contents of /dev/rmt and search for the path name you found in
the previous step:
$ ls -l /dev/rmt | grep "/pci@6,4000/scsi@2,1/IBMtape@2,0"
lrwxrwxrwx 1 root other 48 Aug 26 11:49 8st ->
lrwxrwxrwx 1 root other 49 Aug 26 11:49 8stb ->

182 IBM Ultrium Tape Device Drivers: Installation and User’s Guide
Solaris Device Driver (IBMtape)

In this example, /dev/rmt/8st, /dev/rmt/8stb, and so on, are symbolic links to the
device special files that are associated with device instance 292.

Setting the IBM_trace Level

The default value for IBM_trace is zero (0). You can define another IBM_trace
value by placing an entry in /etc/system, so that IBM_trace is set at each reboot. For
example, this entry in /etc/system sets IBM_trace to 2 at each reboot:
set IBMtape:IBM_trace = 2

When IBM_trace is set in /etc/system, it affects tracing during driver loading,

initialization, and operation.

You may also set or modify the IBM_trace value manually in an adb session.
Because the driver must already be loaded and initialized before using this
method, the trace value that is set is active only during driver operation.

In this sample session, ksh> is a shell prompt, and adb> is the adb session prompt.
Commands that you enter follow these prompts. Explanatory comments follow
pound signs (#) or exclamation and pound sign pairs (!#). Text lines without a
prefix are adb session responses to commands.
# Start adb session and set session prompt.
ksh> adb -P "adb> " -k -w /dev/ksyms /dev/mem
physmem 7c5e
!# Set default for input values to base 10.
adb> a$d
radix=10 base ten
!# Display current IBM_tape value as unsigned decimal integer.
adb> IBM_trace/u
IBM_trace: 0
!# Set new IBM_trace value.
!# adb will confirm the old and new values.
adb> IBM_trace/w 2
IBM_trace: 0 = 2
!# Quit session.
adb> $q
# Back to the shell.

Running the Diags_info Script

Run the diags_info script located in the /opt/IBMtape directory. This script detects
the problems on the configuration files, gather important system HBAs and
configuration information. The script should be run as root. If it is not run as root,
the information should be labeled as such, but the value of the information is
degraded when run as a non-root user.

To facilitate capture of data, the script places information in a file called diags.out
in the directory locating the script. Send the output file to the location identified by
your IBM service representative.

Chapter 34. Service and Diagnostic Aids 183

Solaris Device Driver (IBMtape)

Tape and Medium Changer Utility Program

A SCSI Tape and Medium Changer Utility Program called tapeutil is provided with
the IBM SCSI Tape Drive and Medium Changer Device Driver for Solaris and is
installed in the /opt/IBMtape directory as part of the IBMtape package. This
program fulfills several purposes:
v It provides the following service aids for IBM tape subsystems:
– Query Device Type/Verify Device Attachment
– Query Device Serial Number
– Query Device Microcode Level
– Force Device Diagnostic Dump
– Store Device Diagnostic Dump
– Download Device Microcode
v It provides a menu-driven test tool for exercising or testing IBM tape and
medium changer devices with a full suite of supported operations:
– Reading/Writing Data
– Tape Motion Commands
– Setting/Displaying Device Information/Status
– Mounting/Demounting Cartridges
– Cartridge Inventory
v In addition to the menu-driven front end, the tapeutil program provides a
command-line interface that is convenient for use in shell scripts.

Note: When using the command-line calls to the tapeutil program, the tape
device is opened and closed for each invocation. Configuration
parameters that are changed in one call to the tapeutil program are
returned to default values when the device is closed.
v The source code for the tapeutil program is provided for example purposes and
is installed in the /opt/IBMtape directory during the IBMtape package installation.
This source code is commented and demonstrates calls to all of the supported
device driver entry points and ioctl commands, thus giving the application
developer a starting point for interfacing to the IBMtape device driver.

The tapeutil program provides both an interactive menu-driven interface and a

command-line interface. If the tapeutil program is called with no command-line
parameters, the menu-driven version is started. In the menu-driven version, the
device to be operated on should first be opened using option 1. Other options may
then be selected. The user is prompted for additional information if required for
the specific options selected. The results of a command are displayed after it is
executed. If an error occurs for the command, error information and device sense
data are displayed. The device can be closed using option 2, or it is closed
automatically when the Quit option is selected. The menu is displayed once
automatically when the program is first called. To prevent unnecessary scrolling of
the screen, the menu is not displayed automatically again after each command but
is instead refreshed only after the M (menu refresh) command is entered.

Figure 10 on page 185 and Figure 11 on page 185 show the menus that are
displayed by the tapeutil program.

184 IBM Ultrium Tape Device Drivers: Installation and User’s Guide
Solaris Device Driver (IBMtape)

| 1: Open Device | 3: Serial/Subsys Number | 10: Inquiry |
| 2: Close Device | 4: Query Microcode Level | 11: Request Sense |
| 52: Get Driver Info | 5: Force Dump | 12: Reserve |
| D: Device Type | 6: Store Dump | 13: Release |
| M: Menu Refresh | 7: Download Microcode | 50: Log Sense Page |
| Q: Quit Program | 9: Test Unit Ready | 51: Mode Sense Page |
| 20: Read Data 29: Backward Space File 38: Get Position |
| 21: Write Data 30: Forward Space Rec 39: Set Position |
| 22: Write File Mark 31: Backward Space Rec 42: Sync Buffer |
| 23: Erase Tape 32: Locate End of Data 43: Display Message |
| 24: Rewind 33: Get Record Size 45: Report Density |
| 25: Retension 34: Set Record Size 48: Query/Set Parameters |
| 26: Offline 35: Get Device Status 49: Read/Write Tests |
| 27: Load/Unload Tape 36: Get Device Info |
| 28: Forward Space File 37: Get Media Info |

Figure 10. TAPEUTIL Program Menu for the Tape Drive

| 1: Open Device | 3: Serial/Subsys Number | 10: Inquiry |
| 2: Close Device | 4: Query Microcode Level | 11: Request Sense |
| 52: Get Driver Info | 5: Force Dump | 12: Reserve |
| D: Device Type | 6: Store Dump | 13: Release |
| M: Menu Refresh | 7: Download Microcode | 50: Log Sense Page |
| Q: Quit Program | 9: Test Unit Ready | 51: Mode Sense Page |
| 14: Move Medium 17: Inventory 46: Read Device IDs |
| 15: Position To Element 18: Audit 47: Audit Range |
| 16: Element Information 19: Lock/Unlock Door |

Figure 11. TAPEUTIL Program Menu for the Medium Changer

If command-line parameters are provided when the program is called, the

command-line mode is started. For each command-line execution of the program,
the device is first opened, the specific command is issued, then the device is
closed. The program can be driven from within a shell script if desired. Results of
the operation are displayed only when executed in verbose mode. No information
is displayed when not in verbose mode. This is particularly useful for quiet shell
script implementations. A completion code, as defined in /usr/include/sys/errno.h, for
the operation requested is always returned from the program upon exit (in both
verbose and quiet mode).

The usage of the tapeutil program in command-line mode is as follows:

tapeutil -f device -o operation [options]

Where device is the name of the tape device special file (for example: /dev/rmt/1st)
and operation is one of the following values. The device special file and the
operation are required. The specific options associated with a particular operation
are indicated. Parameters enclosed in square brackets are optional. All others are

Chapter 34. Service and Diagnostic Aids 185

Solaris Device Driver (IBMtape)

Service Commands
Query Serial Number tapeutil -f f -o qsn [-w w] [-v]
Query Microcode Level tapeutil -f f -o qmc [-w w] [-v]
Force Dump tapeutil -f f -o fdp [-w w] [-v]
Store Dump tapeutil -f f -o sdp [-w w] [-v] -z z
Download Microcode tapeutil -f f -o dmc [-w w] [-v] -z z
Format Cartridge tapeutil -f f -o fmt [-w w] [-v]
Query Device Type tapeutil -f f -o chk [-w w] [-v]

Basic SCSI Commands

Test Unit Ready tapeutil -f f -o tur [-w w] [-v]
Inquiry tapeutil -f f -o inq [-w w] [-v] -t t -x x
Request Sense tapeutil -f f -o req [-w w] [-v]
Reserve tapeutil -f f -o res [-w w] [-v]
Release tapeutil -f f -o rel [-w w] [-v]

Medium Changer Commands

Move Medium tapeutil -f f -o mov [-w w] [-v] -s s -d d
Position To Element tapeutil -f f -o pos [-w w] [-v] -d d
Element Information tapeutil -f f -o ele [-w w] [-v]
Inventory tapeutil -f f -o inv [-w w] [-v]
Audit tapeutil -f f -o aud [-w w] [-v]
Lock/Unlock Door tapeutil -f f -o lck [-w w] [-v] -x x

Tape Drive Commands

Read tapeutil -f f -o rea [-w w] [-v] -b b -n n -m
Write tapeutil -f f -o wri [-w w] [-v] -b b -n n -m
[-r r] [-z z]
Write File Mark tapeutil -f f -o eof [-w w] [-v] -c c
Erase Tape tapeutil -f f -o era [-w w] [-v]
Rewind tapeutil -f f -o rew [-w w] [-v]
Retension tapeutil -f f -o ret [-w w] [-v]
Offline tapeutil -f f -o off [-w w] [-v]
Load/Unload Tape tapeutil -f f -o lod [-w w] [-v] -x x
Forward Space File tapeutil -f f -o fsf [-w w] [-v] -c c
Backward Space File tapeutil -f f -o bsf [-w w] [-v] -c c
Forward Space Record tapeutil -f f -o fsr [-w w] [-v] -c c

186 IBM Ultrium Tape Device Drivers: Installation and User’s Guide
Solaris Device Driver (IBMtape)

Backward Space Record tapeutil -f f -o bsr [-w w] [-v] -c c

Locate End of Data tapeutil -f f -o eod [-w w] [-v]
Get Record Size tapeutil -f f -o grs [-w w] [-v]
Set Record Size tapeutil -f f -o srs [-w w] [-v] -x x
Get Device Status tapeutil -f f -o gds [-w w] [-v]
Get Device Information tapeutil -f f -o gdi [-w w] [-v]
Get Media Information tapeutil -f f -o gmi [-w w] [-v]
Get Position tapeutil -f f -o gpo [-w w] [-v] -t t
Set Position tapeutil -f f -o spo [-w w] [-v] -t t -x x
Get Parameter tapeutil -f f -o gpa [-w w] [[-v] -t t
Set Parameter tapeutil -f f -o spa [[-w w] [-v] -t t -x x
Sync Buffer tapeutil -f f -o syn [-w w] [-v]
Display Message tapeutil -f f -o msg [-w w] [-v] -t t -y y1,y1

Note: Calling the tapeutil program with the -h flag (for example, tapeutil -h) or the
-? flag (for example, tapeutil -?) displays the usage help information.

Flag Description
The following are the supported flags, their meanings, their associated operations,
and their acceptable ranges:
Flag Description
-? Usage Help (stand-alone flag) {no value required}
-b Block Size (rea, wri)
{0 < (block size x blocking factor) < 2097152}
-c Operation Count (eof, fsf, fsr, bsf, bsr) {0–65535}
-d Destination Address (mov)
{device specific, determine range from Element Info}
-f Device Special File Name (always required)
{/dev/rmt/1st or similar}
-h Usage Help (stand-alone flag) {no value required}
-m Multiples to Read or Write (rea, wri) {0–2097152}
-n Blocking Factor (rea, wri)
{0 > (block size x blocking factor) < 2097152}
-o Operation (always required) {see previous list}
-r Random Seed (wri) {0–65535}
-s Source Address (mov, pos)
{device specific, determine range from Element Info}
-t Type of Parameter Value
v (gpo) {1=logical block, 2=physical block}
v (spo) {1=logical block, 2=physical block}

Chapter 34. Service and Diagnostic Aids 187

Solaris Device Driver (IBMtape)

v (gpa) {1=block size, 2=compression, 3=buffering,

4=immediate, 5=trailer, 6=write protect,
7=acf mode, 8=capacity, 9=sili}
v (spa) {1=block size, 2=compression, 3=buffering,
4=immediate, 5=trailer, 6=write protect,
8=capacity, 9=sili}
v (msg) {1=display msg0, 2=display msg1, 3=flash msg0,
4=flash msg1, 5=alternate msg1/msg2}
v (inq) {0=standard data,
1=page data}
-v Verbose Mode (optional for all commands, stand-alone flag)
{no value required, absence of flag means quiet mode}
-w Open Mode (optional for all commands)
{1=read/write, 2=read only (default), 3=write only, 4=append}
-x Parameter Value
v (lck) {1=lock, 2=unlock}
v (lod) {1=load, 2=unload}
v (inq) {oxo–oxFF}
v (srs) {0–65536}
v (spo) {0–65535}
v (spa) {0–65535}
-y Messages (msg) {message1,message2}
-z Input/Output File Name
v (sdp) {path and name of the file in which to store dump}
v (dmc) {path and name of the microcode image file}
v (wri) {path and name of the file containing write data pattern}
1. For read and write operations, the size of one buffer of data transferred during
a single SCSI read or write command is determined by the product of the Block
Size value and the Blocking Factor value. The number of these buffers
transferred is determined by Multiplier value. The actual total number of bytes
transferred is then (Block Size) x (Blocking Factor) x (Multiplier). If the device
is set to fixed block mode (block size not equal to zero), the product of Block
Size and Blocking Factor must be a multiple of the device block size setting.
2. For further information about the Get Parameter (gpa) and Set Parameter (spa)
operations, see the STIOC_GET_PARM and STIOC_SET_PARM ioctl commands
described in the IBM Ultrium Device Drivers: Programming Reference.

The following examples should help to demonstrate and clarify the command-line
usage of the tapeutil program. For all examples, substitute the actual value of the
special file associated with the target device.
v To query the serial number of the device:
/opt/IBMtape/tapeutil -f /dev/rmt/0st -o qsn -v
v To request inquiry data from the device:
/opt/IBMtape/tapeutil -f /dev/rmt/0st -o inq -v
v To request inquiry page data from the device:

188 IBM Ultrium Tape Device Drivers: Installation and User’s Guide
Solaris Device Driver (IBMtape)

/opt/IBMtape/tapeutil -f /dev/rmt/0st -o inq -t 1 -x ox83 -v

v To move a cartridge from cell 32 to the tape drive (16):
/opt/IBMtape/tapeutil -f /dev/rmt/0smc -o mov -s 32 -d 16 -v
v To set the block size of the device to 64K:
/opt/IBMtape/tapeutil -f /dev/rmt/0st -o spa -t 1 -x 65535 -v
v To write 100 64K blocks of data to the tape device:
/opt/IBMtape/tapeutil -f /dev/rmt/0stn -w 1 -o wri -b 65535
-n 1 -m 100 -v
v To write two file marks to the tape device:
/opt/IBMtape/tapeutil -f /dev/rmt/0stn -w 1 -o eof -c 2 -v
v To rewind the tape device:
/opt/IBMtape/tapeutil -f /dev/rmt/0stn -o rew -v
v To read 100 64K blocks of data from the tape device:
/opt/IBMtape/tapeutil -f /dev/rmt/0stn -o rea -b 65535 -n 1 -m 100 -v

Chapter 34. Service and Diagnostic Aids 189

Solaris Device Driver (IBMtape)

190 IBM Ultrium Tape Device Drivers: Installation and User’s Guide
Part 7. Microsoft Windows Tape Device Drivers

© Copyright IBM Corp. 2000, 2003 191

192 IBM Ultrium Tape Device Drivers: Installation and User’s Guide
Chapter 35. Introduction and Product Requirements
Windows NT®

Hardware Requirements
The Windows NT device driver supports the following IBM Ultrium tape drives
and automation products:
v One or more of the following IBM Ultrium tape devices:
– IBM TotalStorage Ultrium External Tape Drive 3580
– IBM TotalStorage Ultrium Tape Autoloader 3581
– IBM TotalStorage Ultrium Tape Library 3582
– IBM TotalStorage Ultrium Scalable Tape Library 3583
– IBM TotalStorage UltraScalable Tape Library 3584
v One or more of the following SCSI host adapters:
– Adaptec 2940U2W or IBM P/N 33L5000 for IBM xSeries (LVD)
– Adaptec 2944UW (HVD)
– Adaptec SCSI Adapter 29160 or IBM P/N 19K4646 for IBM xSeries - Single
Port LVD
– Adaptec SCSI Adapter 39160 - Dual Port LVD
– Adaptec SCSI Card 39320-R (LVD)and 39320D-R (dual port LVD)
– Symbios SYM22910 64-bit PCI-to-Ultra-2 SCSI Dual Channel Host Adapter
(LVD) from LSI Logic Corporation
v One or more of the following FC-AL host bus adapters:
– QLogic QLA2200F, QLA2310FL, QLA2340, QLA2340L, QLA2342, QLA2342L
Fibre Channel Adapters
– Emulex LightPulse LP8000 and LP9002 Fibre Channel Adapters
– TotalStorage FastT FC-2 and FC2-133 FC Host Bus Adapters
v The IBM 2108–G07 (IBM SAN Data Gateway) and IBM 2108–R03 (IBM SAN
Data Gateway Router) can be used to attach SCSI models of the IBM Ultrium
family of products with any of the supported FC host bus adapters

The IBM Ultrium tape drives and automation products are supported on
Intel-compatible processors with a minimum processor level of Intel 486DX or
Pentium® with sufficient RAM and disk space for operation of the Microsoft
Windows NT operating system.

Attention: Using a single Fibre Channel host bus adapter (HBA) for concurrent
tape and disk operations is not recommended. Tape and disk devices require
incompatible HBA settings for reliable operation and optimal performance
characteristics. Under stress conditions (high I/O rates for tape, disk, or both)
where disk and tape subsystems share a common HBA, stability problems have
been observed. These issues are resolved by separating disk and tape I/O streams
onto separate HBAs and using SAN zoning to minimize contention. IBM is focused
on assuring server and storage configuration interoperability. It strongly
recommends that your implementation plan includes provisions for separating disk
and tape workloads.

© Copyright IBM Corp. 2000, 2003 193

Windows Device Drivers (IBMtape)

Software Requirements
The software requirements are:
v SCSI or FC adapter device driver (typically shipped with the adapter or resident
in Windows NT)
v Microsoft Windows NT Version 4.0 with Service Pack 6 or later installed

To obtain the most current service and documentation for this software, see
Appendix A, “Accessing Documentation and Software Online,” on page 245.

Installation Notes®
v To determine the Windows NT Version and Service Pack level, open the Control
Panel, click Help, then click About Windows NT.
v The system bus is scanned for devices only at boot time. In order to use your
Ultrium devices, they must be connected, powered-on, and enabled when the
system is booted.
v To verify your connection during boot, you should see the IBM Ultrium device
being detected by the SCSI or FC adapter. A message such as one of the
following should be displayed:
Adaptec SCSI Card 39160 Bios V2.57.0(c) 2000 Adaptec, Inc. All Rights Reserved.
Ch A, SCSI ID:0 IBM Ultrium:Td1 80.0

Symbios, Inc SDMS™ V4.0 pci scsi bios, pci rev.
Copyright 1995, 1998 Symbios, Inc
0 0 0 IBM Ultrium-TDI 0610 Yes 16

Note: The IBM 3584 UltraScalable Tape Library will not be displayed on the
Adaptec SCSI cards list of detected devices during the boot.
v After the device driver is installed:
If your devices are not connected, powered On, and Online when the system is
booted, a Service Control Manager window will open. You will receive this
At least one service or driver failed during system startup. Use Event Viewer
to examine the event log for details.
v When the Windows NT device driver and media mover device drivers start,
they manage all IBM Ultrium devices and changers exclusively. Other device
drivers on the system that access IBM Ultrium devices may cause conflicts and
indeterminate behavior. Before installing and starting the Windows NT device
driver and media mover device drivers, ensure that all other device drivers are
uninstalled or disabled. Rebooting the system after removal of the other device
drivers is recommended.
A customer in an environment where more than one device driver is required
with Ultrium devices and changers may want to start and stop these device
drivers manually at the appropriate times rather than install and remove the
device drivers. See “Manual Starting and Stopping Procedures” on page 206 for

Windows 2000 and Windows Server 2003

The Windows 2000 and Windows Server 2003 drivers are very similar. Common
documentation for these similar devices will be indicated by Windows 200x.

194 IBM Ultrium Tape Device Drivers: Installation and User’s Guide
Windows Device Drivers (IBMtape)

Hardware Requirements
The Windows 200x device driver supports the following IBM Ultrium tape drives
and automation products:
v One or more of the following IBM Ultrium tape devices:
– IBM TotalStorage Ultrium External Tape Drive 3580
– IBM TotalStorage Ultrium Tape Autoloader 3581
– IBM TotalStorage Ultrium Tape Library 3582
– IBM TotalStorage Ultrium Scalable Tape Library 3583
– IBM TotalStorage UltraScalable Tape Library 3584
v One or more of the following SCSI host adapters:
– Adaptec 2940U2W or IBM P/N 33L5000 for IBM xSeries (LVD)
– Adaptec 2944UW (HVD)
– Adaptec SCSI Adapter 29160 or IBM P/N 19K4646 for IBM xSeries - Single
Port LVD
– Adaptec SCSI Adapter 39160 - Dual Port LVD
– Adaptec SCSI Card 39320-R (LVD)and 39320D-R (dual port LVD)
– Symbios SYM22910 64-bit PCI-to-Ultra-2 SCSI Dual Channel Host Adapter
(LVD) from LSI Logic Corporation
v One or more of the following FC-AL host bus adapters:
– QLogic QLA2200F, QLA2310FL, QLA2340, QLA2340L, QLA2342, QLA2342L
Fibre Channel Adapters
– Emulex LightPulse LP8000 and LP9002 Fibre Channel Adapters
– TotalStorage FastT FC-2 and FC2-133 FC Host Bus Adapters
v With the Microsoft Removable Storage Manager disabled, the medium changers
of the Ultrium family of products are supported through the IBM 2108–G07
(IBM SAN Data Gateway) and IBM 2108–R03 (IBM SAN Data Gateway Router)
with any of the supported FC host bus adapters, except the Emulex LP9002L.
The customer will need to provide an application to operate the medium
The drives of the IBM Ultrium family of products are supported through the
IBM 2108–G07 (IBM SAN Data Gateway) and IBM 2108–R03 (IBM SAN Data
Gateway Router) with any of the supported FC host bus adapters

The IBM Ultrium tape drives and automation products are supported on
Intel-compatible processors with sufficient RAM and disk space to run Microsoft
Windows 2000 Build 2195, Windows Server 2003 Build 3790, or later.

Attention: Using a single Fibre Channel host bus adapter (HBA) for concurrent
tape and disk operations is not recommended. Tape and disk devices require
incompatible HBA settings for reliable operation and optimal performance
characteristics. Under stress conditions (high I/O rates for tape, disk, or both)
where disk and tape subsystems share a common HBA, stability problems have
been observed. These issues are resolved by separating disk and tape I/O streams
onto separate HBAs and using SAN zoning to minimize contention. IBM is focused
on assuring server and storage configuration interoperability. It strongly
recommends that your implementation plan includes provisions for separating disk
and tape workloads.

Software Requirements
The software requirements are:

Chapter 35. Introduction and Product Requirements 195

Windows Device Drivers (IBMtape)

v SCSI or FC adapter device driver (typically shipped with the adapter or resident
in Windows 200x)
v Microsoft Windows 2000 Build 2195, Windows Server 2003 Build 3790, or later

To obtain the most current service and documentation for this software, see
Appendix A, “Accessing Documentation and Software Online,” on page 245.

Installation Notes
These procedures assume that a supported host bus adapter has been installed and
configured already.

The recommended procedure is to install the device drivers before installing any
Ultrium devices on the SCSI bus.

There may be a noticeable delay before the Windows 200x plug-and-play manager
recognizes new devices.

For information on the Removable Storage Manager and Windows 200x Media
1. Click My Computer.
2. Click Control Panel.
3. Click Administrative Tools.
4. Open the Computer Management window.
5. Click Storage.
6. Click Actions.
7. Click Help in the pulldown menu.
8. Click Removable Storage in the Help window that opens.

These drivers conform to the Microsoft SDK Tape and NTMS APIs, as described in
Microsoft Platform SDK Windows 200x documentation.

Tape functions are described in the SDK documentation:

v Base Services
v Files and I/O
v Tape Backup

NTMS Services are described in the SDK documentation:

v Base Services
v Removable Storage Manager

Changer functions are described in the DDK documentation:

v Kernel Mode Drivers (Reference Part 1, Section 5)

Utilization of these drivers requires specific knowledge of the operation of Ultrium

devices as described in the appropriate Hardware Reference Manuals.

This device driver allows the Windows 200x Removable Storage Manager to
manage Ultrium devices. It may cause conflicts and indeterminate behavior if used
with other device drivers that manage Ultrium devices or with products that use
other device drivers for Ultrium.

196 IBM Ultrium Tape Device Drivers: Installation and User’s Guide
Chapter 36. Windows NT Device Driver Management
This chapter describes how to install, remove, start, and stop the Windows NT
Tape Device Driver for the Ultrium devices.

Installation Overview
The installation process consists of the following steps:
1. Verify that the prerequisites have been satisfied.
2. Install the SCSI or FC adapter.
3. Install the SCSI or FC adapter device driver.
4. Connect the Ultrium device to the adapter.
5. Power on the Ultrium device.
6. Reboot the system.
7. Create an emergency repair disk (optional) using the following procedure:
a. Select Start, Help, and Find from the Windows NT desktop.
b. Type Emergency in box 1.
c. Select Using the Repair Disk utility to make an emergency repair disk.
d. Click Display, then follow the instructions to make an emergency repair
disk (ERD).

Note: See “Software Requirements” on page 194.

This step is highly recommended.

8. Install the Ultrium Tape device driver.

Installation Procedure
To install the device drivers, follow this procedure:
1. Log on as Administrator.
2. Insert the IBM Ultrium Device Drivers CD in the CD-ROM drive.
3. Go to the Windows/WinNT directory and double-click
4. Follow the InstallShield direction to install the package.
a. If you select compact installation, the program will copy the system files of
the latest IBM Ultrium Device Driver (Device Driver System Files
component) to your system directory. This provides all the latest support
necessary for Ultrium devices.

Note: This option overwrites previous versions of Ultrium device driver

installed on your system.
b. If you select typical installation, all support included in the compact
installation will be done. Also, the Device Driver Depot component will
be installed, which includes copying all available versions included in the
InstallShield package to a user-defined directory.

Note: This option overwrites previous versions of Ultrium device driver

installed on your system.

© Copyright IBM Corp. 2000, 2003 197

Windows NT Device Driver (IBMtape)

c. If you select custom installation, the program will allow you to select the
components to install (see Figure 12).

Figure 12. Select Components Menu

The Device Driver Depot component includes the most recent versions of
the device drivers. You may select which versions of the device driver to
install. The selected versions will not be installed to the system directories
and will be dormant. If you wish to activate a version of the driver other
than the most recent version, you will need to perform the following steps
after the installation is complete:
1) Using Windows Explorer, navigate to c:\Program Files\IBM
Corporation\IBM Ultrium Device Drivers and select the folder for the
version you wish to install.
2) Copy all files with the .sys extension to c:\winnt\system32\drivers.
3) Copy all files with the .inf extension to c:\winnt\inf.
4) Copy ntutil.exe to c:\winnt\system32.
5) Proceed with these instructions to configure the drivers.

The Documentation component copies the PDF version of the IBM Ultrium
Device Drivers: Installation and User’s Guide and the IBM Ultrium Device
Drivers: Programming Reference to your hard drive.

The Device Driver System Files component copies all the files needed for
device driver support to the system directory.
5. After you have completed installing IBM Ultrium Device Driver for Microsoft
Windows NT 4.0, proceed to enable the driver. Click Start, move to Settings,
then click Control Panel. See Figure 13 on page 199.

198 IBM Ultrium Tape Device Drivers: Installation and User’s Guide
Windows NT Device Driver (IBMtape)

Figure 13. Start Menu

6. Double-click Tape Devices. If the Ultrium tape or changer device was already
powered On and attached to the system during boot up, the devices should be
in the box, and Windows NT should start to create the driver list. See
Figure 14.

Figure 14. Start Driver List

If Windows NT did not detect the attached Ultrium device, click Detect to
select the device, and Windows NT will rescan the bus. See Figure 15.

Figure 15. Rescan for Tape Device

Chapter 36. Windows NT Device Driver Management 199

Windows NT Device Driver (IBMtape)

If you still cannot see the device, ensure that the cable is attached properly.
Also, ensure that the device is terminated properly, the device is powered On,
and the adapter driver is enabled.

If you have more than one IBM Ultrium device attached on the same host
system, the operating system will prompt you multiple times for the same
driver. Cancel the multiple driver installation requests.

Figure 16. Install Driver Menu — Select Cancel

Click the Drivers tab, then click Add.... See Figure 17 on page 201.

200 IBM Ultrium Tape Device Drivers: Installation and User’s Guide
Windows NT Device Driver (IBMtape)

Figure 17. Tape Devices Menu

7. If you installed the Device Driver System Files component in step 4 on page
197, skip to step 8 on page 202. If you did not install the Device Driver
System Files component, click Have Disk... and enter the directory where
your device driver setup file (IBMUltrium.inf) is located in the Copy
manufacturer’s files from: box. You may also click Browse... to select the
directory. See Figure 18 on page 202.

Chapter 36. Windows NT Device Driver Management 201

Windows NT Device Driver (IBMtape)

Figure 18. Have Disk Menu

8. Click IBM Corporation, select the device driver that matches your tape
device, then click OK. See Figure 19 on page 203.

Note: If you are using both a tape drive and a medium changer (as you
would find in a tape library, for example), select one of the IBM
Ultrium Tape Libraries. This will install drivers for both the medium
changer and the tape drives.

202 IBM Ultrium Tape Device Drivers: Installation and User’s Guide
Windows NT Device Driver (IBMtape)

Figure 19. Install Driver Menu

9. If you installed the Device Driver System Files component in step 4 on page
197, Windows NT might ask the question shown in Figure 20. Click Yes, then
skip to step 11. If the system prompts you for ibmtape.sys, browse to select the
drivers directory (c:\winnt\system32\drivers). The system may also prompt
you for ntutil.exe. Browse to the system32 directory (c:\winnt\system32).

Figure 20. Windows NT Statement

10. If you did not install the Device Driver System Files component in step 4 on
page 197, click No to the question in Figure 20. The operating system will
prompt you for the location of the driver files.
11. Reboot the system for the operating system to start the drivers.

Removal Procedure
The Windows NT device driver and media mover device drivers manage all
Ultrium devices and changers exclusively. If you use applications that have their
own device drivers that access Ultrium devices and changers, you must remove
the Windows NT device driver and media mover device drivers before installing
and configuring those other applications.
1. Log on as Administrator.
2. Click Start, move to Settings, then click Control Panel.

Chapter 36. Windows NT Device Driver Management 203

Windows NT Device Driver (IBMtape)

3. Double-click Tape Devices.

4. Click the Drivers tab.
5. Highlight IBM Ultrium Device Driver, then click Remove. When you see the
message Are you sure you want to remove this driver?, click Yes. See
Figure 21.

Figure 21. Remove Driver Menu

6. Click Add/Remove Programs in the Control Panel. See Figure 22.

Figure 22. Control Panel Selection

204 IBM Ultrium Tape Device Drivers: Installation and User’s Guide
Windows NT Device Driver (IBMtape)

7. Highlight IBM Ultrium Device Drivers, then click Add/Remove.... See

Figure 23.

Figure 23. Add/Remove Properties

8. Select the Remove option, then follow the InstallShield Wizard to uninstall the
drivers. See Figure 24 on page 206.

Chapter 36. Windows NT Device Driver Management 205

Windows NT Device Driver (IBMtape)

Figure 24. Drive Removal Menu

Note: Uninstalling the drivers removes all Ultrium device driver files as well
as registry settings and other components, such as the IBM Ultrium
Device Drivers: Installation and User’s Guide and the Device Driver Depot.
9. Click Next >.
10. Shut down and reboot the system.

Manual Starting and Stopping Procedures

The IBM Ultrium device and changer drivers support being stopped and started
without a reboot. If the Ultrium device and changer drivers are used in
conjunction with other drivers that support being stopped and started without a
reboot, you will be able to switch between device drivers without rebooting the

To control manually when either or both of the Ultrium device drivers start or
stop, set the startup mode to Manual, then start the device driver manually when

To set the startup mode to Manual:

1. Log on as Administrator.
2. Click Start, move to Settings, then click Control Panel.
3. Double-click Device.
4. The changer driver and the device driver are named IBM Ultrium Changer
Driver and IBM Ultrium Device Driver, respectively. Scroll down until they are
visible in the window.
5. Select the driver, click Startup..., select Manual, then click OK. See Figure 25 on
page 207.

206 IBM Ultrium Tape Device Drivers: Installation and User’s Guide
Windows NT Device Driver (IBMtape)

Figure 25. Manual Starting and Stopping Menu

6. If required for other drivers, repeat steps 4 and 5 of this procedure for each

To start a driver manually:

1. Ensure that other drivers that may conflict are not started.
2. Perform steps 1 through 4 on page 206.
3. Select the driver, then click Start.
4. If necessary, repeat for the other driver.

To stop a driver manually:

1. Perform steps 1 through 4 on page 206.
2. Select the driver, then click Stop.

Chapter 36. Windows NT Device Driver Management 207

Windows NT Device Driver (IBMtape)

208 IBM Ultrium Tape Device Drivers: Installation and User’s Guide
Chapter 37. Windows 2000 and Windows Server 2003 Device
Driver Management
This chapter describes how to install, remove, and disable the Microsoft Windows
200x Tape Device Driver for the IBM Ultrium devices.

Installation Overview
The installation process consists of the following steps:
1. Verify that the hardware and software requirements have been met.
2. Install the host bus adapters and drivers.
3. Copy the Ultrium device driver files to your hard disk.
4. Shut down the system.
5. Connect the Ultrium devices to the host bus adapters.
6. Power On the Ultrium devices.
7. Set the Ultrium device addresses.
8. Reboot the system.
9. Log on as Administrator.
10. Install and configure the devices and device drivers using the Device

All drives accessible from a medium changer must be on the same physical SCSI
bus as the changer.

Installation Procedures
These procedures make the following assumptions:
v No other driver is installed that claims the Ultrium devices. If previous versions
of the Ultrium device driver exist on your system that were installed with these
procedures, uninstall them using the uninstall procedures in this documentation.
v If you have a previous version of the driver that was an InstallShield
installation, see the Readme file for instructions on uninstalling that package.
v The host bus adapter is installed and configured properly and is running
supported microcode and driver levels.
v Drivers are identified by the following conventions, where nnnn refers to a
version of the driver. If there is more than one version, use the latest.
– Windows 2000
– Windows Server 2003, 32–bit
– Windows Server 2003, 64–bit
1. Log on as Administrator.
2. Insert the IBM Ultrium Device Drivers CD in the CD-ROM drive or
download the appropriate file from a subdirectory of Drivers for Windows 2000 are

© Copyright IBM Corp. 2000, 2003 209

Windows 200x Device Driver (IBMtape)

in the Win2000 subdirectory. Drivers for Windows Server 2003 are in the
Win2003 subdierctory. Make sure if you download the files that you use FTP
″binary″ mode.
3. Unzip the driver package to a directory of your choice.

Note: If using the CD install method, you will find the appropriate driver
package in the Windows directory on the CD.
4. Shut down your system and ensure that the Ultrium devices are connected to
your host bus adapter and configured properly.
5. Restart the system and log on as Administrator.
The Found New Hardware Wizard may start and indicate that tape devices
were found. Experienced users may use this wizard to complete the
installation of the devices. If you see the wizard and wish to continue this
documentation as outlined, select Cancel and proceed to Step 6. If the Found
New Hardware Wizard does not start, proceed to Step 6.
6. Right-click My Computer on your desktop and select Manage.
7. After a few seconds, a Computer Management console opens. See Figure 26.

Figure 26. Computer Management Console

8. In the Device Manager tree, find the Ultrium devices you are installing. Tape
devices may be located under the Tape drives node. Changer devices may be
located under the Medium Changers node. Either device may be listed as an
Unknown device or may appear under the Other devices node. See Figure 27
on page 211

210 IBM Ultrium Tape Device Drivers: Installation and User’s Guide
Windows 200x Device Driver (IBMtape)

Figure 27. Computer Management Console with Ultrium Device Selected

9. Right-click the Ultrium device and select Properties.

10. A window opens. Click the Reinstall Driver .... See Figure 28 on page 212. If
there is no Reinstall Driver ... button on your screen, click on the Driver tab
and then click Update Driver.

Chapter 37. Windows 2000 and Windows Server 2003 Device Driver Management 211
Windows 200x Device Driver (IBMtape)

Figure 28. Device Driver Properties with Reinstall Driver ... Selected

11. If you are installing the Windows Server 2003 driver, skip to 19 on page 217. If
you are installing the Windows 2000 driver, proceed to 12.
12. An Upgrade Device Driver Wizard window opens. Click Next > to open the
window shown in Figure 29 on page 213. Click Search for a suitable driver
for my device (recommended), then click Next >. A Locate Driver Files
screen appears.

212 IBM Ultrium Tape Device Drivers: Installation and User’s Guide
Windows 200x Device Driver (IBMtape)

Figure 29. Install Hardware Device Drivers Dialog

13. Select the Specify a location checkbox and clear all other checkboxes. Click
Next >. See Figure 30 on page 214.

Chapter 37. Windows 2000 and Windows Server 2003 Device Driver Management 213
Windows 200x Device Driver (IBMtape)

Figure 30. Locate Driver Files Screen with Specify a Location Selected

14. A screen appears with a prompt for the location of the device driver files. You
should specify the directory into which you unzipped the driver files. For
example, if you unzipped the files into d:\Driver Install, you would type
d:\Driver Install in the edit. See Figure 31.

Figure 31. Specifying the Location of the Driver

This directory contains the most recent versions of the driver (with .sys
extensions), the information files (with .inf extensions), and the utility and
uninstall programs (with .exe extensions).

Click OK.

214 IBM Ultrium Tape Device Drivers: Installation and User’s Guide
Windows 200x Device Driver (IBMtape)

Figure 32. Files Needed Menu — ibmchgr.sys

15. After a brief moment of searching, the operating system should present the
Driver Files Search Results screen. Figure 33 contains an example of a screen
that will be presented when it finds an IBM Ultrium Generation 1 drive.
Depending on the device you are installing, this and subsequent screens may
have minor differences. Click Next >.

Figure 33. Driver Files Search Results

16. If the installation was successful, you will be prompted to click Finish to
complete the installation process. See Figure 34 on page 216.

Chapter 37. Windows 2000 and Windows Server 2003 Device Driver Management 215
Windows 200x Device Driver (IBMtape)

Figure 34. Completing the Upgrade Device Driver Wizard

17. You should be able to verify that the device was installed correctly. See
Figure 35 on page 217. Repeat steps 8 through 16 for every device you install.
Remember, if you are installing a tape library you will need to install drivers
for both the tape drives and the medium changer. To install the medium
changer driver, follow steps 8 through 16 on all discovered Medium Changer

216 IBM Ultrium Tape Device Drivers: Installation and User’s Guide
Windows 200x Device Driver (IBMtape)

Figure 35. Verifying the Ultrium Device Was Installed Correctly

18. To verify that an IBM Ultrium device is working properly, you may follow the
instructions in Appendix B. the Microsoft Windows System Tape Device
Attachment Test.
You should use the remaining instructions to install the Windows Server 2003 driver.
19. A Hardware Update Wizard opens. Select Install from a list or specific
location (Advanced) and click Next >. See Figure 36.


Figure 36. Hardware Update Wizard Welcome Screen

Chapter 37. Windows 2000 and Windows Server 2003 Device Driver Management 217
Windows 200x Device Driver (IBMtape)

20. The Wizard will prompt you to specify your search and installation options.
Select the Search for the best driver in these locations radio button. Deselect
the Search removable media (floppy, CD-ROM...) check box and select the
Include this location in the search check box. Type the name of the directory
into which you unzipped the driver files. See Figure 37.

Figure 37. Search and Installation Options

21. If you are installing a driver that has not been certified by the Microsoft
Windows Hardware Quality Laboratories (WHQL), you will be presented with
a warning screen. See Figure 38 on page 219. If you want to continue
installing the driver, select Continue Anyway.

Note: All drivers released by IBM have been through a complete test to
ensure that they are stable and conform to specified requirements.

218 IBM Ultrium Tape Device Drivers: Installation and User’s Guide
Windows 200x Device Driver (IBMtape)

Figure 38. Windows Logo Testing Screen

22. You will be prompted to complete the installation. Click Finish. See Figure 39.


Figure 39. Completing the Hardware Update Wizard

23. To verify that an IBM Ultrium device is working properly, you may follow the
instructions in Appendix B, the Microsoft Windows System Tape Device
Attachment test.
24. Repeat steps 8–11 and 19–23 for every device you install. Remember, if you
are installing a tape library you will need to install drivers for both the tape

Chapter 37. Windows 2000 and Windows Server 2003 Device Driver Management 219
Windows 200x Device Driver (IBMtape)

drives and the medium changer. To install the medium changer driver, follow
steps 8–11 and 19–23 on all discovered Medium Changer devices.

Device Removal or Disable Procedure

If you need to remove a device, or if you are altering the hardware configuration,
you should uninstall or disable the device first.
1. Right-click My Computer, select Manage to open the Computer Management
Console, and click Device Manager.
2. Right-click the Ultrium device you wish to uninstall and select Uninstall .... If
you wish to disable the device without uninstalling it, you may select Disable.
3. You will be prompted to confirm the uninstallation. Click OK.

Note: This removal procedure will remove the device from the device tree, but it
will not uninstall the device driver files from your hard disk.

Uninstalling the Device Drivers

To uninstall the device drivers from the system, which includes deleting the system
files and deallocating other system resources, run uninstLTO.exe from the zip
archive. This removes all the files in the system directories that were created
during the installation of the device driver. It does not delete the .zip file or the
files that were extracted from the .zip file. If you desire to remove these files, you
will need to delete them manually.

220 IBM Ultrium Tape Device Drivers: Installation and User’s Guide
Chapter 38. Windows Utility Program (ntutil)
The Windows Utility Program (ntutil) allows easy operation of your Ultrium
devices and changers. It is supported only with the IBM-supplied device drivers.

You can use the ntutil program for the following purposes:
v Help determine if there is a problem with hardware or connections
v Determine which devices are recognized by the device and changer drivers
v Force a driver dump
v Load new microcode
v Send SCSI commands to the hardware
v Receive the status of SCSI commands
v Obtain sense data for SCSI commands that encounter errors

The tool can be run in interactive mode or batch mode. When it is in interactive
mode, a menu is presented to the customer and the customer issues one command
at a time and is presented with the results of that command. In batch mode, the
customer uses an editor to create a file that contains ntutil commands, which are
presented to the tool one by one.

Calling ntutil
The tool can be called as a command from the command-line or from within a
shell script:
ntutil <-f input-file> <-o output-file> <-t tape-path-special-file-name>
<-c changer-path-special-file-name> <-l >
<-d >

The options are:

-f input-file
Specifies the input file for batch mode.
If a file is specified, NTUTIL will execute in
batch mode and read input from this file.
The default for this file is

-o output-file
Specifies the output file for batch mode.
The default for this file is NTUTIL.OUT.

-t tape-special-file-name
Specifies the tape device special file value
(for example, tape0) to substitute when
executing an open (for both batch and
interactive mode).

-c changer-special-file-name
Specifies the changer device special file value
(for example, lb0.1.2.3 for Windows NT,
Changer0 for Windows 200x) to substitute when
executing an open (for both batch and
interactive mode). The special value
def_lun_1 specifies that an open uses the
default lun 1 associated with the

© Copyright IBM Corp. 2000, 2003 221

Windows Utility Program (ntutil)

Specifies that an open will open both the
tape path special file and the changer path
special file (for both batch and interactive mode).

Turns on internal tracing printouts in the
output. Used only for tool debugging.

Note: If no parameters are specified, ntutil will operate in interactive mode.

Interactive Mode
When ntutil is called without the -f flag, it defaults to the Interactive (or Manual)
mode. This mode allows a developer to interactively determine the kind of testing
to be done. When in Interactive mode, ntutil provides a menu of functions that can
be performed.

For a description of interactive modes, see “Batch Mode” on page 224.

The two modes are:

v Base mode (LUN0) commands, such as open, close, read, or write
v Library mode (LUN0 and LUN1), which supports open, close, read, and write,
plus media mover commands such as read element status and move media.

Note: On Windows 200x platforms, library functions are available if the

Removable Storage Management component of Windows 200x is stopped.

Base mode (only LUN0 of the device specified by the tape-path-special-file-name,

for example, tape0, is accessed) is shown in Figure 40 on page 223.

Library mode (LUN0 specified by the tape-path-special-file-name, for example,

tape0, and LUN1 specified by the changer-path-special-file-name, for example,
lb0.1.0.0, are accessed) is shown in Figure 41 on page 224.

To issue SCSI commands, the device must be open. Open a SCSI device by issuing
option 20 (Open). The device names can be obtained from command 88 (Find
Devices). Tape devices names are of the format tapen, where n is a digit, 0, 1, and so
on. If the device driver is stopped, then started without a reboot, the name will not
be the same as it was previously. Rather it will be the next unused name in the
operating system. For example, if there is one tape device defined on the Windows
system, that device will be named tape0 when the device driver is started the first
time. If the device driver is stopped, then restarted, the name will be tape1. This
behavior continues until the system is rebooted.

222 IBM Ultrium Tape Device Drivers: Installation and User’s Guide
Windows Utility Program (ntutil)

Test tool version x.x.x.x

Variable settings
==================== BASE MODE ========================================
tape-special-file-name: tape0
gp->fd0=-1 gp->fd1=-1 block size=1024 block count=1
hex block id = 0000000000000000
return_error_when_fail 1 exit_on_unexpected_result 0 trace_flag 0

manual test menu:

1: set device special file 2: display symbols
3: set block size R/W (now !0 fixed)
5: set return error when fail 6: set/reset trace
7: set exit on unexpected result 8: Library Mode
20: open 21: close
22: read 23: write
24: read and display block 25: flush (buffer->media)
26: read block id 27: erase
28: locate block id 29: display block data
30: write filemark(s) 31: rewind
32: forward space filemark(s) 33: unload
34: reverse space filemark(s) 35: load
36: forward space record(s) 37: return error
38: reverse space record(s) 39: test unit ready
43: set media parms (block size) 44: set dev parms (compression)
46: get device information 47: restore data
48: get medium information 49: inquiry
50: poll registered devices
53: space EOD
70: system command
80: Force Dump 81: Read Dump
82: Update MicroCode 83: Log Sense
84: Get Last Sense 85: Get Version
87: Read/Write Test
88: List registered devices
99: return to main menu
enter selection:

Figure 40. Base Mode

Chapter 38. Windows NT Utility Program 223

Windows Utility Program (ntutil)

Test tool version x.x.x.x

Variable settings
==================== LIBRARY MODE =====================================
tape-special-file-name: tape0, changer-special-file-name: lb0.1.2.3
gp->fd0=-1 gp->fd1=-1 block size=1024 block count=1
hex block id = 0000000000000000
return_error_when_fail 1 exit_on_unexpected_result 0 trace_flag 0

manual test menu:

1: set device special file 2: display symbols
3: set block size R/W (now !0 fixed)
5: set return error when fail 6: set/reset trace
7: set exit on unexpected result 8: Base Mode
10: ioctl return library inventory 11: ioctl move medium
12: ioctl initialize element status 13: ioctl get changer parameters
20: open 21: close
22: read 23: write
24: read and display block 25: flush (buffer->media)
26: read block id 27: erase
28: locate block id 29: display block data
30: write filemark(s) 31: rewind
32: forward space filemark(s) 33: unload
34: reverse space filemark(s) 35: load
36: forward space record(s) 37: return error
38: reverse space record(s) 39: test unit ready
43: set media parms (block size) 44: set dev parms (compression)
46: get device information 47: restore data
48: get medium information 49: inquiry
50: poll registered devices
53: space EOD
70: system command
80: Force Dump 81: Read Dump
82: Update MicroCode 83: Log Sense
84: Get Last Sense 85: Get Version
87: Read/Write Test
88: List registered devices
99: return to main menu
enter selection:

Figure 41. Library Mode

Batch Mode
Batch input files can contain the following kinds of statements:
v comments
v command
v set
v type
v pause
v delay
v system
v symbols
v exit

Each type of statement is described in the following section.

224 IBM Ultrium Tape Device Drivers: Installation and User’s Guide
Windows Utility Program (ntutil)

Any line starting with a pound sign (#), any line starting with a space, or any
blank line is considered a comment and is ignored.

Command Statements
Device driver function is exercised by command entries in the input file.
Command statements must be on a single line of the input file. The command and
command text are case sensitive, but leading or embedded blanks are ignored.
command command-text <result-text>

This statement is used to execute a tape command and to test the command
completion status for an expected result.

Supported Command Text Fields

The command text is used to specify the tape operation to perform. The following
section describes the possible values for this field.

This command calls the device driver CloseHandle entry point and closes the tape
device special file opened previously. The RC is always 1.
SYNTAX: close

for example, close


This command calls the device driver GetTapeParameters entry point with an
operation of GET_TAPE_DRIVE_INFORMATION. If the command is successful,
the information returned is in a TAPE_GET_DRIVE_PARAMETERS structure,
described in the Microsoft Software Developers Kit (SDK). The information will be
formatted and printed. This includes information such as ECC, compression,
default block size, and features.
SYNTAX: device_info

for example, device_info


display_block (data)
This command displays the data buffer contents for the last read or write transfer.
SYNTAX: display_block

for example, display_block


dump_blocks (read and display blocks)

This command calls the device driver ReadFile entry point and attempts to read
from the tape device special file opened previously. The amount of data to be read
will depend of the current settings of the block_size and block_count variables and
on the number of records specified. The first 16 bytes of each record will be

This command transfers n records. A record will have a length of

block_size*block_count for fixed block mode and block_count for variable mode.

Chapter 38. Windows NT Utility Program 225

Windows Utility Program (ntutil)

For example, if block_size=1024, block_count=2 and records=3, then three 2048

transfers will be done. If the operation succeeds, the RC will show the total
number of bytes transferred.
SYNTAX: dump_blocks
dump_blocks records = n

for example, dump_blocks records = 2


This command calls the device driver EraseTape entry point with an operation of
TAPE_ERASE_LONG. This attempts to erase, then leave at load point the tape
device special file opened previously.
SYNTAX: erase

for example, erase


This command (which corresponds to the List registered devices command on the
interactive menu) searches the following registry key and looks for Ultrium
"HARDWARE\\DEVICEMAP\\Scsi\\Scsi Port W\\Scsi Bus X\\Target Id Y\\Logical Unit Id Z"

It then prints a list of the SCSI devices supported by the IBM Ultrium device
SYNTAX: find_devices

for example, find_devices


flush (buffer to media)

This command calls the device driver WriteTapemark entry point with an
operation of TAPE_FILEMARKS and a count of 0. This writes the data buffer
contents to the tape media of the tape device special file opened previously.
SYNTAX: flush

for example, flush


This command calls the device driver DeviceIoControl entry point with an
operation of IOCTL_SCSI_PASS_THROUGH and a CDB[0] of
SCSIOP_SEND_DIAGNOSTIC. This forces a microcode dump.
SYNTAX: force_dump

for example, force_dump


This command calls the device driver SetTapePosition entry point with an
operation of TAPE_SPACE_FILEMARKS and a count of n. This attempts to
forward space n files on the cartridge in the tape device special file opened

226 IBM Ultrium Tape Device Drivers: Installation and User’s Guide
Windows Utility Program (ntutil)

SYNTAX: forward_filemark n

for example, forward_filemark 2


The forward_record command calls the device driver SetTapePosition entry point
with an operation of TAPE_SPACE_RELATIVE_BLOCKS and a count of n. This
attempts to forward space n records on the cartridge in the tape device special file
opened previously.
SYNTAX: forward_record n

for example, forward_record 2


This command calls the device driver DeviceIoControl entry point with an
operation of OBTAIN_SENSE. This displays the last sense data returned by a sense
SYNTAX: get_last_sense

for example, get_last_sense


This command calls the device driver DeviceIoControl entry point with an
operation of OBTAIN_VERSION. This displays the Ultrium Device Drivers Version
Id string.
SYNTAX: get_version

for example, get_version


This command calls the device driver DeviceIoControl entry point with an opcode
of LIBRARY_AUDIT that will issue an Initialize Element Status command to the
SYNTAX: init_element_status

for example, init_element_status


This command calls the device driver DeviceIoControl entry point with an
the command is successful, the information returned will be displayed. Specify n=0
to obtain inquiry information from the drive. Specify n=1 to obtain inquiry
information from the changer. Only Inquiry page 0 is supported.
SYNTAX: inquiry n

for example, inquiry 0


Chapter 38. Windows NT Utility Program 227

Windows Utility Program (ntutil)

This command calls the device driver PrepareTape entry point with an operation of
TAPE_LOAD. This attempts to load the tape media into the drive of the tape
device special file opened previously.
SYNTAX: load

for example, load


This command calls the device driver SetTapePosition entry point with an
operation of TAPE_LOGICAL_BLOCK. This attempts to position to the last
read_block_id value for the cartridge in the tape device special file opened
previously, or the block ID set by the set block_id function.
SYNTAX: locate_block_id

for example, locate_block_id


log_sense (page_code)
This command calls the device driver DeviceIoControl entry point with an
operation of IOCTL_SCSI_PASS_THROUGH and a CDB[0] of
SCSIOP_LOG_SENSE. This reads the log sense page specified by the page code
and displays the data.

The page_code (xx) is two hex characters specifying the log sense page to be read.
SYNTAX: log_sense page_code = xx

for example, log_sense page_code = 00


This command calls the device driver GetTapeParameters entry point with an
operation of GET_TAPE_MEDIA_INFORMATION. If the command is successful,
the information returned is in the TAPE_GET_MEDIA_PARAMETERS structure
described in the Microsoft SDK. The information is formatted and printed. The
information returned is block_size, partition count, and write protect.
SYNTAX: medium_info

for example, medium_info


This command calls the device driver DeviceIoControl entry point with an opcode
of MOVE_MEDIUM. This attempts to move a data cartridge from a source element
location to a destination element location inside the library. If this command is
successful, the information returned will be displayed. In Windows NT, the source
and destination addresses are the decimal equivalents of the hex Element
Addresses described in the appropriate hardware manuals. In Windows 200x, the
addresses are remapped such that the first element of each type is mapped to 0,
the second element is mapped to 1, and so on. Issue a return_lib_inventory_all
command to obtain the mapping.
SYNTAX - Windows NT: move_medium saddr = n daddr = n

where saddr = decimal source address (moving from)

daddr = decimal destination address (moving to)

228 IBM Ultrium Tape Device Drivers: Installation and User’s Guide
Windows Utility Program (ntutil)

for example, move_medium saddr = 11 daddr = 13

SYNTAX - Windows 200x: move_medium stype = n saddr = n dtype = n daddr = n

stype = decimal source address type
2=SE(ChangerSlot), 3=IEE (ChangerIEPort), 4=DTE (ChangerDrive)
saddr = decimal source address (moving from)
dtype = decimal target address type (see stype for supported values)
daddr = decimal destination address (moving to)

for example, move_medium stype = 2 saddr = 1 dtype = 4 daddr = 0


This command calls the device driver CreateFile entry point and attempts to open
a tape device special file for LUN0 and LUN1.
SYNTAX: open <tape-special-file-name> <changer-special-file-name> RW RO
where RW means read/write
RO means read only

The tape-special-file-name is in the form of tapen, and

n is a numeric value from 0...x, the value is assigned by
the device driver during the boot process and can be found
using the interactive modes option 50 poll registered devices.
This value may be specified explicitly in the open statement
or overridden using the command-line -t option.

The changer-special-file-name, on Microsoft Windows NT 4.0, is

in the form of lbw.x.y.z, w is the device SCSI ID, x is the
changer device LUN (usually 1), y is the adapter SCSI bus
(usually 0), and z is the port number where the SCSI adapter
resides. These values are assigned during the boot process and
can be found using the interactive modes option 50 poll
registered devices. This may also contain the value def_lun_1 in
which case the utility will open LUN 1 associated with the
tape-special-file-name. This value may be specified explicitly
in the open statement or overridden using the command-line
-c option. If this value is specified, the tape-special-file-name
must be specified.

The changer-special-file-name, on Microsoft Windows 200x, is in

the form of Changern, and n is a numeric value from 0...x, the
value is assigned by the device driver during the boot process
and can be found using the interactive modes option 50 poll
registered devices. This value may be specified explicitly in the
open statement or overridden using the command-line -t option.
You must stop the Removable Storage Manager (RSM) before opening
the changer device on Windows 200x.

for example,
open RW means open the default tape-special-file-name
and changer-special-file-name if in library
mode or those special file names specified
by the -t and -c options

open tapex RW means open tapex and if in library mode

the default changer-special-file-name.
The -t and -c options will override tapex
and lbw.x.y.z. The mode will be RW.

open tapex lbw.x.y.z RW

means open tapex and if in library mode
the changer special file lbw.x.y.z.

Chapter 38. Windows NT Utility Program 229

Windows Utility Program (ntutil)

The -t and -c options will override tapex

and lbw.x.y.z. The mode will be RW.


This command searches the following registry key:
HARDWARE\\DEVICEMAP\\Scsi\\Scsi Port W\\Scsi Bus X\\Target Id Y\\
Logical Unit Id Z for devices supported by the IBM Ultrium drivers. This command
then attempts to open each of the devices found and issue INQUIRY and TEST
UNIT READY SCSI commands to each open device. The status of all the devices
will be printed on the screen. Executing this command will close all currently open
devices. If another application is using the device, this command will not be able
to query the status of that device.
SYNTAX: poll_devices

for example, poll_devices


This command calls the device driver ReadFile entry point and attempts to read
from the tape device special file opened previously. The amount of data to be read
will depend of the current settings of the block_size and block_count variables and
on the number of records specified.

This command transfers n records. A record will have a length of

block_size*block_count for fixed block mode and block_count for variable mode.
For example, if block_size=1024, block_count=2 and records=3, then three 2048
transfers will be done. If the operation succeeds, the RC will show the total
number of bytes transferred.
SYNTAX: read
read records = n

for example, read records = 2


This command calls the device driver GetTapePosition entry point with an
operation of TAPE_LOGICAL_POSITION. This attempts to read the current block
ID value for the cartridge in the tape device special file opened previously.
SYNTAX: read_block_id

for example, read_block_id


| This command calls the device driver DeviceIoControl entry point with an
| operation of IOCTL_SCSI_PASS_THROUGH and a CDB[0] of
| SCSIOP_READ_DATA_BUFF. This reads the dump data and writes it to a file
| specified by dump_name or to a dump0000.dmp default file. Dump_name must be
| eight characters or less. Ntutil will add the .dmp extension automatically. The
| dump is written into the directory where ntutil was started.
| SYNTAX: read_dump
| read_dump dump_name=string device=devnum
| where string is eight characters or less and devnum=0 (for tape) or 1 (for changer)

230 IBM Ultrium Tape Device Drivers: Installation and User’s Guide
Windows Utility Program (ntutil)

| For example, read_dump dump_name = fsc0000 device = 0.
| FUNCTION Tested:

read_write (test)
This command performs the following test on the cartridge in the tape device
special file opened previously:
1. Rewind the tape.
2. Set Media Parameters to fixed block 32 KB.
3. Write a 32 KB random data block on tape.
4. Rewind the tape.
5. Read the block and compare the data to the data written in step 3.
SYNTAX: read_write

for example, read_write


This command calls the device driver ReadFile entry point. This attempts to
perform 64 KB variable block read operations on the tape device special file until
either a filemark or an end of data is detected. All the data read, regardless of
error, is saved in the file specified. If there is no data on the tape, the command
will fail, and no data will be saved. The RC should be ignored in most cases,
because this operation always ends with an error (either filemark detected or end
of data detected).
SYNTAX: restore_data
restore_data file_name=string

for example, read_data file_name=fsc0000


This command calls GetLastError. If the command is successful, the information
returned will be displayed. There is no RC for this function.
SYNTAX: return_error_state

for example, return_error_state


This command calls the device driver DeviceIoControl entry point with an opcode
of LIBRARY_INVENTORY and attempts to return information about all the
hardware components in a library. If this command is successful, the information
returned will be displayed. For Windows NT, see the appropriate hardware
manuals for a description of the information returned by a read element status

In Windows 200x, RSM must be stopped to issue this command. A remapped

inventory is returned, where one element is returned per line.

Each line has the following format:

Type: n, Addr: hex-value, “Empty” or “Full”, access-type on a new line

Chapter 38. Windows NT Utility Program 231

Windows Utility Program (ntutil)

v n is 2, 3, or 4, which indicate SE (ChangerSlot), IEE (ChangerIEPort), or DTE

(ChangerDrive), respectively.
v hex value is a hexadecimal value that indicates the mapped address of the item.
This mapped address is used for medium operations on Windows 200x, which
ID differently from using the actual hardware element addresses on Windows
v Empty or Full indicates whether the element is occupied. Note that if a cartridge
is in the drive, Empty is returned.
v access-type will be set to Access if the element is accessible, blank if not.

If tracing is enabled, the flags field for the element will be displayed after the
element address. Potential values for this field are documented in the
ELEMENT_STATU_abc constants in ntddchgr.h.
SYNTAX: return_lib_inventory_all

for example, return_lib_inventory_all


This command calls the device driver SetTapePosition entry point with an
operation of TAPE_SPACE_FILEMARKS and a count of n and attempts to
backward space n files on the cartridge in the tape device special file opened
SYNTAX: reverse_filemark n

for example, reverse_filemark 2


This command calls the device driver SetTapePosition entry point with an
operation of TAPE_SPACE_RELATIVE_BLOCKS and a count of n and attempts to
backward space n records on the cartridge in the tape device special file opened
SYNTAX: reverse_record n

for example, reverse_record 2


This command calls the device driver SetTapePosition entry point with an
operation of TAPE_REWIND and attempts to rewind the tape device special file
opened previously. Status is presented when the rewind is complete.
SYNTAX: rewind

for example, rewind


set_device_parameters (compression)
This command calls the device driver SetTapeParameters entry point with an
operation of SET_TAPE_DRIVE_INFORMATION. The compression value is a
required parameter with the command.
compression - device compression On or Off (0 for Off, any other value On).

232 IBM Ultrium Tape Device Drivers: Installation and User’s Guide
Windows Utility Program (ntutil)

SYNTAX: set_device_parameters compression = n

for example, set_device_parameters compression = 0


set_media_parameters (block size)

This command calls the device driver SetTapeParameters entry point with an
operation of SET_TAPE_MEDIA_INFORMATION. The block_size value is a
required parameter with the command.
block_size - device block size setting (0 for variable).
SYNTAX: set_media_parameters block_size = n

for example, set_media_parameters block_size = 0


This command calls the device driver SetTapePosition entry point with an
operation of TAPE_SPACE_END_OF_DATA and attempts to space to the end of
data on the cartridge in the tape device special file opened previously.
SYNTAX: space_eod

for example, space_eod


This command calls the device driver DeviceIoControl entry point with an
operation of IOCTL_SCSI_PASS_THROUGH and a CDB[0] of
SCSIOP_TEST_UNIT_READY. If the operation is not successful, the sense data will
be displayed. Specify 0 to send the command to the drive. Specify 1 to send the
command to the changer.
SYNTAX: test_unit_ready n

for example, test_unit_ready 1


This command calls the device driver PrepareTape entry point with an operation of
TAPE_UNLOAD. This attempts to rewind and unload the tape device special file
opened previously.
SYNTAX: unload

for example, unload


This command is used to update the microcode and calls the device driver
DeviceIoControl entry point with an operation of IOCTL_SCSI_PASS_THROUGH
and a CDB[0] of SCSIOP_WRITE_DATA_BUFF. The filename portion of the image
name must be specified, including the extension. You must indicate the full
pathname to the file unless the file resides in the current working directory (for
example, the directory that was open at the time ntutil was started). The image
filename extension must be .fmr.

Chapter 38. Windows NT Utility Program 233

Windows Utility Program (ntutil)

SYNTAX: update_code image_name = string

for example, update_code image_name = d0i9_430


This command calls the device driver WriteFile entry point and attempts to write
to the tape device special file opened previously. The amount of data to be written
will depend of the current settings of the block_size and block_count variables and
on the number of records specified.

This command transfers n records. A record will have a length of block_size *

block_count for fixed block mode, and block_count for variable mode. For
example, if block_size=1024, block_count=2 and records=3, then three 2048
transfers will be done. If the operation succeeds, the RC will show the total
number of bytes transferred.

If the records attribute is not specified, the default is 1.

Each record written will have random bytes preceded by an integer identifier. If
the data attribute is not specified, the identifier will be a unique sequential counter.
This can be overridden by specifying data=. You can look for this value on a read
command by specifying, for example, result data=888. If data is specified, the
record count must be specified. Data can be a decimal value from 0 to 4294967295.
SYNTAX: write
write records = n
write records = n data = m

for example, write records = 3 data = 888


This command calls the device driver WriteTapemark entry point with an
operation of TAPE_FILEMARKS and a count of n. This attempts to write n
filemarks on the tape media.
SYNTAX: write_filemark n

for example, write_filemark 2 (write 2 file marks)


Supported Result Text Fields

The result text on a command statement tests the completion status for an expected
result. Further execution of a test case is affected by the current settings of the
return_error_when_fail and exit_on_unexpected_result variables. These can be set using
a set statement.

If no result text is specified, the command will always be treated as successful.

In the case of rc, except as noted in the command section, a failure will return -1,
else the operation succeeded.

The syntax for result text is:

< rc < n> <err < n> <cc < n>
> > >
<= <= <=
>= >= >=

234 IBM Ultrium Tape Device Drivers: Installation and User’s Guide
Windows Utility Program (ntutil)

== == ==
!= != !=


rc = return code from the last command.

err = Operating System GetLastError() value for the last command.
data = expected record identifier for a read command.

For example, consider this statement in the input file:

command write 1 result rc == -1 err == WRITE_PROTECT

This means we will try to write one record to tape and we expect this to fail
with return code -1, err WRITE_PROTECT.

Note: Symbolic values or integers can be used for err. For a list of recognized
symbolic values, see Figure 42 on page 237.

This statement allows setting of variables that affect how tests are executed. The
syntax for a set statement is:
set variable = value

for example, set return_error_when_fail = 1

The following variables can be set:

Can be set to 1 (TRUE) or 0 (FALSE). A setting of TRUEmeans ntutil will end by
returning an error at the end of the test if any command does not produce a
correct expected result as specified in result text.

This can be set to 1 (TRUE) or 0 (FALSE). If set to TRUE, the first occurrence of an
unexpected result will terminate the test.

This can be set to a four byte hex value (for example, 0001aa03). This value is used
on a locate_block_id command.

This is the block size to be used for reading, writing, or set_mode. It can be set to 0
to indicate variable block mode.

Text following the word type is typed on the terminal. This can be used to show
the progress of the test or to prompt for a subsequent pause statement.
type string

for example, type tell operator it’s lunch time

The test stops until a character is typed at the terminal. This allows for tests that
require manual intervention.

Chapter 38. Windows NT Utility Program 235

Windows Utility Program (ntutil)

The test stops for n seconds. This allows for tests that require delay for mechanical
completion before continuing. The syntax for the delay statement is:
delay value

for example, delay 1

Text following the word system is passed to the system for execution. The syntax
for the system statement is:
system operation

for example, system dir

This statement prints the symbol list that may be used in result text fields.

This statement causes immediate termination of the batch test. No further lines will
be read from the input file.

Symbolic Values
Figure 42 on page 237 shows the values (symbolic error or error number) that can
be used for err.

236 IBM Ultrium Tape Device Drivers: Installation and User’s Guide
Windows Utility Program (ntutil)

| Symbolic Error | NT/Win2000 |
| | Error Number |
| ERROR_CRC | 23 |
| DD_NO_SENSE | 200 |

Figure 42. Symbolic Values (Part 1 of 3)

Chapter 38. Windows NT Utility Program 237

Windows Utility Program (ntutil)

| Symbolic Error | NT/Win2000 |
| | Error Number |
| DD_SCSI_ERROR | 206 |
| DD_SCSI_BUSY | 211 |
| DD_MEDIA_BLANK | 401 |
| DD_CLEAN_MEDIA | 408 |
| DD_MEDIA_FAULT | 409 |

Figure 42. Symbolic Values (Part 2 of 3)

238 IBM Ultrium Tape Device Drivers: Installation and User’s Guide
Windows Utility Program (ntutil)

| Symbolic Error | NT/Win2000 |
| | Error Number |
| ERROR_BUS_RESET | 1111 |
| ERROR_IO_DEVICE | 1117 |

Figure 42. Symbolic Values (Part 3 of 3)

Device Driver Diagnosis Information (for Microsoft Windows NT)

There is a debug version of the device driver that can be used if you encounter
difficulties with the device driver. The debug version of the driver issues DbgPrint
messages at various places during device driver execution. To capture these
messages, you will need to start a debugger or use a tool like DebugView, available

To install and use the debug version of the device driver, perform the following
1. Quiesce all activity on Ultrium devices.
2. Exit all applications using Ultrium devices.
3. Stop the Ultrium device driver (IBMtape.sys). See “Manual Starting and
Stopping Procedures” on page 206 for details on stopping the driver.
4. Find the ...\checked directory for the device driver level that you are running.
If you chose the default installation location when you installed the drivers,
the debug drivers will be found at c:\Program files\IBM Corporation\IBM
Ultrium Device Drivers\n.n.n.n\checked, where n.n.n.n are integers that indicate
the driver level. To determine the driver level, find
c:\winnt\system32\drivers\ibmtape.sys using Windows Explorer, right-click the
file, select Properties, then select the Version tab. If you do not find a
...\checked directory for your driver, you must install the Device Driver Depot
component of the Ultrium Device Driver Installation Package.
5. Go to the root prompt, for example, c:

Chapter 38. Windows NT Utility Program 239

Windows Utility Program (ntutil)

6. Change to the appropriate directory by typing cd \winnt\system\drivers

7. Copy IBMtape.sys ibmtape.orig
8. Copy IBMtape.sys from the appropriate ...\checked directory to
c:\winnt\system32\drivers\ibmtape.sys. For example, if you installed the device
drivers at the default installation location and your driver level was,
you would issue the following command: copy c:\Program files\IBM
Corporation\IBM Ultrium Device Drivers\\checked\IBmtape.sys
9. Start the debugger or tool that captures the DbgPrint messages.
10. Start the Ultrium device driver. See “Manual Starting and Stopping
Procedures” on page 206 for details on starting the driver.

Registry variable
determines how many messages are issued by the debug version of the driver.
When the debug version of the driver is started for the first time, it defines the
registry variable. This variable is ignored by the non-debug version of the driver.

The customer may set the value of this variable, using regedt32, to any value from
REG_DWORD 0x0 to REG_DWORD 0x5, inclusive. The greater the value, the more
messages will be issued.

To restore the non-debug version of the driver, perform the following steps:
1. Quiesce all activity on Ultrium devices.
2. Exit all applications using Ultrium devices.
3. Stop the Ultrium device driver (IBMtape.sys). See “Manual Starting and
Stopping Procedures” on page 206 for details on stopping the driver.
4. Go to the root prompt, for example, c:
5. Change to the appropriate directory by entering cd \winnt\system\drivers
6. Copy ibmtape.orig IBMtape.sys
7. Start the Ultrium device driver. See “Manual Starting and Stopping Procedures”
on page 206 for details on starting the driver.

The link maps for the driver and the debug version of the driver are stored on the
installation diskette in the maps directory. The ibmtape.fre file is the map for the
regular version of the driver. The ibmtape.chk file is the map for the debug version
of the driver.

Device Driver Diagnosis Information (for Microsoft Windows 200x)

There is a debug version of the device driver that can be used if you encounter
problems. The debug version of the driver issues DbgPrint messages at various
places during device driver execution. To capture these messages, you must start a
debugger or use a tool like DebugView, available from:

Using the Debug Version

To install and use the debug version of the device driver, perform the following
steps after the driver has initially been installed:
1. Quiesce all activity on Ultrium devices.
2. Exit all applications that are using Ultrium devices.

240 IBM Ultrium Tape Device Drivers: Installation and User’s Guide
Windows Utility Program (ntutil)

3. Locate the \checked folder for the device driver level that you are running. This
folder is in the highest level folder of the zip archive and it contains checked
versions of ibmtape.sys and ibmchgr.sys. Copy the checked version of
ibmtape.sys or ibmchgr.sys to \winnt\system32\drivers, overwriting the version
of the file already there.
4. Reboot the system.
5. Start the debugger to capture the DbgPrint messages.
6. Issue the commands to the driver. You should see debug statements printed to
the debugger window.

Restoring the Non-Debug Version

To restore the non-debug version of the driver, perform the following steps:
1. Quiesce all activity on Ultrium devices.
2. Exit all applications that are using Ultrium devices.
3. In the highest level directory of the zip archive, you will find non-debug
versions of ibmtape.sys and ibmchgr.sys. Copy the non-debug version of
ibmtape.sys or ibmchgr.sys to \winnt\system32\drivers, overwriting the version
of the file already there.
4. Reboot the system. When the driver has started and commands are issued to it,
the driver will no longer produce debug output.

Chapter 38. Windows NT Utility Program 241

242 IBM Ultrium Tape Device Drivers: Installation and User’s Guide
Part 8. Appendixes

© Copyright IBM Corp. 2000, 2003 243

244 IBM Ultrium Tape Device Drivers: Installation and User’s Guide
Appendix A. Accessing Documentation and Software Online
| IBM maintains the latest levels of Ultrium tape drive and library device drivers
| and documentation on the Internet. Obtain them by accessing the following URL:

| This web page has links to the device driver download web pages.

| Information concerning supported fibre channel host bus adapters (HBAs), and
| associated HBA device drivers, firmware and BIOS levels can be obtained from the
| following URL:

| You may also browse the ftp site and download drivers using one of the following
| URLs:

| Or, you may access this information using anonymous ftp, as follows::
| FTP site:
| IP Address:
| User ID: anonymous
| Password: (Use your current e-mail address.)
| Directory: /storage/devdrvr

| IBM provides Postscript- and PDF-formatted versions of its documentation in the

| /storage/devdrvr/Doc directory. Postscript documents are gzip-ed.

| The IBM_ultrium_tape_IUG.pdf and IBM_ultrium_tape_IUG.gz files contain the

| current version of the IBM Ultrium Device Drivers: Installation and User’s Guide.

| The IBM_ultrium_tape_PROGREF.pdf and files

| contain the current version of the IBM Ultrium Device Drivers: Programming
| Reference.

Device and Library Drivers (except Tru64, which just provides a utility program)
for each supported platform can be found beneath /storage/devdrvr/ in the following

There are numeric sequence numbers in each level of device and library driver,
such as AIX/Atape. When a new level of a driver is released, a higher
numeric sequence is assigned.

The following table documents each driver and/or utility by name and description:

Note: The n.n.n.n. strings are replaced with digits on the FTP site to reflect the
version of each driver. dist indicates a Linux distribution.

© Copyright IBM Corp. 2000, 2003 245

AIX/Atape.n.n.n.n.bin AIX Device Driver (Atape)
HPUX/atdd.n.n.n.n.bin HP-UX Device Driver (ATDD)
Linux/dist/IBMtape.n.n.n.i386.rpm.bin Linux Device Driver (IBMtape)
Linux/dist/IBMtapeutil.n.n.n.i386.tar.bin Linux Tape Utility (IBMtapeutil)
Solaris/IBMtape.n.n.n.n.bin Solaris Device Driver (IBMtape)
Tru64/RasUtil.n.n.n.kit.tar Tru64 RAS Utility Program
Windows/WinNT/IBMUltrium.WinNT.exe Windows NT device Driver (IBMtape)
Windows/Win2000/ Windows 2000 Device Driver (IBMtape)
Windows/Win2003/ Windows 2003 Device Driver, 32-bit (IBMtape)
Windows/Win2003/ Windows 2003 Device Driver, 64-bit (IBMtape)

246 IBM Ultrium Tape Device Drivers: Installation and User’s Guide
Appendix B. Verifying Proper Attachment of Your Devices
Before you start to use your devices for production work with your applications,
or if you encounter difficulties with your devices, you may want to verify that the
hardware, connections, and device drivers are working together properly. Before
you can do this, you must do the following:
1. Install your hardware as indicated in the appropriate hardware manuals.
2. Power on your hardware and verify that the hardware is functioning properly
by executing commands from the front panel.
3. Attach your hardware to the host system as indicated in the appropriate
hardware manuals and as indicated in the appropriate chapters from this
4. Start your operating system as indicated in the appropriate chapters from this
5. Log on the operating system as Administrator.
6. If your device is using device drivers other than the ones documented in this
manual, disable the other device drivers and install or enable the drivers
documented in this manual.
7. Follow the subsequent instructions for your host system.

AIX System

Tape Device Attachment Test

The following procedure tests the attachment of a tape device to an AIX system.
The procedure assumes that your device is attached at /dev/rmt0 and that there is
no cartridge in the drive.

When the Hit <Enter> to Continue . . . ? message is displayed or when you are
told to enter information, press the Enter key after following the instruction. When
the utility displays information, use the appropriate hardware manual to verify
that the information is reasonable.
1. Open an AIX window.
2. If you want to perform a more complete test and your device has an
autoloader, use the instructions in “Medium Changer Device Attachment Test”
on page 248 to mount a writable scratch cartridge in the drive. This is
accomplished by following the steps in the procedure, except that in steps 11
and 12, select the element ID of a drive rather than the unoccupied slot ID.
If you want to perform a more complete test and your device does not have
an autoloader, mount a writable scratch cartridge manually into the driver.
3. Enter tapeutil. A menu will be displayed.
4. Enter 1 (Open a Device).
5. Enter /dev/rmt0 when prompted for the device name.
6. Enter 1 (Read/Write).
7. Enter 3 (Device Info).
8. Enter 5 (Inquiry). Specify 0 when prompted for an inquiry page. This
concludes a very basic test of the device, SCSI connection, and the device
driver. You may stop the test here or continue to perform a more complete

© Copyright IBM Corp. 2000, 2003 247

9. Enter 6 (Test Unit Ready) until no error occurs.
10. Enter 22 (Rewind).
11. Enter 30 (Read and Write Tests).
12. Enter 1 (Read/Write). Press the Enter key three times to accept the defaults
and run the test.
13. Enter 31 (Unload Tape).
14. Enter 2 (Close a Device).
15. Enter Q (Quit Program).

Medium Changer Device Attachment Test

The following procedure tests the attachment of a medium changer device to an
AIX system. The procedure assumes that your device is attached at /dev/rmt0. You
also need a cartridge in at least one of the slots.

When the Hit <Enter> to Continue . . .? message is displayed or when you are
told to enter information, press the Enter key after following the instruction. When
the utility displays information, use the appropriate hardware manual to verify
that the information is reasonable.
1. Open an AIX window.
2. Enter tapeutil. A menu will be displayed.
3. Enter 1 (Open a Device).
4. Enter /dev/rmt0 when prompted for the device name.
5. Enter 1 (Read/Write).
6. Enter 3 (Device Info).
7. Enter 5 (Inquiry). Specify 0 when prompted for an inquiry page. This
concludes a very basic test of the device, SCSI connection, and the device
driver. You may stop the test here or continue to perform a more complete
8. Enter 6 (Test Unit Ready) until no error occurs.
9. Enter 18 (Initialize Element Status).
10. Enter 14 (Element Inventory).
11. From the output of the previous step, select a writable, scratch cartridge and
determine its element ID. Also, select the element ID of an unoccupied slot.
12. Enter 16 (Move Medium), then supply the address of the cartridge, followed
by the address of the unoccupied slot. Verify that the cartridge moved.
13. Enter 14 (Element Inventory). Verify that the inventory was updated properly.
14. Enter 2 (Close a Device).
15. Enter Q (Quit Program).

Compaq Tru64 System

Tape Device Attachment Test

The following procedure tests the attachment of a tape device to a Compaq Tru64
system. The procedure assumes that your device is attached at /dev/ntape/tape0.

When you are asked to enter information, press the Enter key after following the
instructions. When the utility displays information, use the appropriate hardware
manual to verify that the information is reasonable.

248 IBM Ultrium Tape Device Drivers: Installation and User’s Guide
1. Logon to the system as root, or use the su command to gain superuser
2. Bring up a shell prompt.
3. Enter /sbin/scu -f /dev/ntape/tape0 (Open the tape device).
4. Enter tur (Test Unit Ready).
5. Enter show inquiry (Inquiry data).
6. Enter quit to quit scu Medium Changer Device Attachment Test

Medium Changer Device Attachment Test

The following procedure tests the attachment of a medium changer device to a
Compaq Tru64 system. The procedure assumes that your device is attached at
/dev/changer/mc0. You also need a cartridge in at least one of the slots. When you
are asked to enter information, press the Enter key after following the instructions.
When the utility displays information, use the appropriate hardware manual to
verify that the information is reasonable.
1. Logon to the system as root, or use the su command to gain superuser
2. Bring up a shell prompt.
3. Enter /sbin/scu -f /dev/changer/mc0 (Open the medium changer device).
4. Enter show inquiry (Inquiry Data).
This concludes a very basic test of the device, SCSI connection, and the device
driver. You may stop the test here or continue to perform a more complete
5. Enter tur (Test Unit Ready) until no error occurs.
6. Enter show element (Element Inventory).
7. From the output in the previous step, select a writable, scratch cartridge and
determine its element address. Also select the element address of an
unoccupied slot.
8. Enter move medium source Source_address destination Destination_address to
move the cartridge from the source element address to the destination element
address. Verify that the cartridge moved.
9. Enter show element (Element Inventory) to verify that the inventory was
updated properly.
10. Enter quit (Quit scu).

HP-UX System

Tape Device Attachment Test

The following procedure tests the attachment of a tape device to an HP-UX system.
The procedure assumes that your device is attached at /dev/rmt/0m.

When you are told to enter information, press the Enter key after following the
instruction. When the utility displays information, use the appropriate hardware
manual to verify that the information is reasonable.
1. Bring up a shell prompt.
2. Enter tapeutil. A menu will be displayed.
3. Enter 1 (Open a Device).
4. Enter /dev/rmt/0m when prompted for the device name.
5. Enter 1 (Read/Write).

Appendix B. Verifying Proper Attachment of Your Devices 249

6. Enter D (Device Info).
7. Enter 10 (INQUIRY option).
8. Enter Q to quit tapeutil.

Autochanger Device Attachment Test

The following procedure tests the attachment of an autochanger device to an
HP-UX system. The procedure assumes that your device is attached at
/dev/rmt/1chng. You also need a cartridge in at least one of the slots.

When you are told to enter information, press the Enter key after following the
instruction. When the utility displays information, use the appropriate hardware
manual to verify that the information is reasonable.
1. Bring up a shell prompt.
2. Enter tapeutil. A menu will be displayed.
3. Enter 1 (Open a Device).
4. Enter /dev/rmt/1chng when prompted for the device name.
5. Enter 1 (Read/Write).
6. Enter D (Device Info).
7. Enter 10 (INQUIRY option). This concludes a very basic test of the device,
SCSI connection, and the device driver. You may stop the test here or continue
to perform a more complete test.
8. Enter 9 (TEST UNIT READY option) until no error occurs.
9. Enter 19 (ELEMENT INVENTORY option).
10. From the output in the previous step, select a writable, scratch cartridge and
determine its element ID. Also, select the element ID of an unoccupied slot.
11. Enter 16 (MOVE MEDIUM option), then supply the address of the cartridge
and the address of the unoccupied slot. Verify that the cartridge moved.
12. Enter 19 (ELEMENT INVENTORY option). Verify that the inventory was
updated properly.
13. Enter 2 (Close a Device).
14. Enter Q (Quit Program).

Linux System
Issue the following command to verify if your host system has recognized all the
attached IBM tape and medium changer devices after you installed the IBMtape
device driver:
cat /proc/scsi/scsi

You may follow the instructions below to test the attachment.

Tape Device Attachment Test

The following procedure tests the attachment of a tape device to a Linux system.
The procedure assumes that your device is attached at /dev/IBMtape0 and that there
is no cartridge in the drive.

When the Hit<Enter>to Continue... message is displayed or when you are told to
enter information, press the Enter key after following the instruction. When the
utility displays information, use the appropriate hardware manual to verify that
the information is reasonable.

250 IBM Ultrium Tape Device Drivers: Installation and User’s Guide
1. Open a Linux window.
2. If you want to perform a more complete test, mount a writable scratch
cartridge manually into the driver, or, if your device has an autoloader
attached, follow the ″Medium Changer Device Attachment Test″ in the next
section to mount a writable scratch cartridge.
3. Enter IBMtapeutil. A menu will be displayed.
4. Enter 1 (Open a Device).
5. Enter /dev/IBMtape0 when prompted for the device name.
6. Enter 1 (Read/Write).
7. Enter 3 (Inquiry). Specify 0 when prompted for an inquiry page. This
concludes a very basic test of the device, SCSI connection, and the device
driver. You may stop the test here or continue to perform a more complete test
as follows:
8. Enter 4 (Test Unit Ready) until no error occurs.
9. Enter 20 (Rewind).
10. Enter 28 (Read and Write Tests).
11. Enter 1 (Read/Write). Press the Enter key three times to accept the defaults
and run the test.
12. Enter 38 (Unload Tape).
13. Enter 2 (Close a Device).
14. Enter Q (Quit Program).

Medium Changer Device Attachment Test

The following procedure tests the attachment of a medium changer device to a
Linux system. The procedure assumes that your device is attached at
/dev/IBMchanger0. You also need a cartridge in at least one of the slots.

When the Hit <Enter> to Continue ... message is displayed or when you are told
to enter information, press the Enter key after following the instructions. When the
utility displays information, use the appropriate hardware manual to verify that
the information is reasonable.
1. Open a Linux window.
2. Enter IBMtapeutil. A menu will be displayed.
3. Enter 1 (Open a Device).
4. Enter /dev/IBMchanger0 when prompted for the device name.
5. Enter 3 (Inquiry). Specity 0 when prompted for an inquiry page. This
concludes a very basic test of the device, SCSI connection, and the device
driver. You may stop the test here or continue to perform a more complete test
as follows:
6. Enter 4 (Test Unit Ready).
7. Enter 60 (Element Information).
8. Enter 62 (Element Inventory).
9. From the output of the previous step, select a writable, scratch cartridge and
determine its element ID. Also, select the element ID of an unoccupied slot.
10. Enter 64 (Move Medium), then supply the address of the cartridge, followed
by the address of the unoccupied slot. Verify that the cartridge moved.
11. Enter 62 (Element Inventory). Verify that the inventory was updated correctly.
12. Enter 2 (Close a Device).
13. Enter Q (Quit Program).

Appendix B. Verifying Proper Attachment of Your Devices 251

Solaris System

Tape Device Attachment Test

The following procedure tests the attachment of a tape device to a Solaris system.
The procedure assumes that your device is attached at /dev/rmt/0st. When you are
told to enter information, press the Enter key after following the instruction. When
the utility displays information, use the appropriate hardware manual to verify
that the information is reasonable.
1. Bring up a shell prompt.
2. Enter tapeutil. A menu will be displayed.
3. Enter 1 (Open a Device).
4. Enter /dev/rmt/0st when prompted for the device name.
5. Enter 1 (Read/Write).
6. Enter D (Device Info).
7. Enter 10 (Inquiry).
8. Enter Q to quit tapeutil.

Autochanger Device Attachment Test

The following procedure tests the attachment of an autochanger device to a Sun
Solaris system. The procedure assumes that your device is attached at /dev/rmt/0st.
You also need a cartridge in at least one of the slots.

When you are told to enter information, press the Enter key after following the
instruction. When the utility displays information, use the appropriate hardware
manual to verify that the information is reasonable.
1. Bring up a shell prompt.
2. Enter tapeutil. A menu will be displayed.
3. Enter 1 (Open a device).
4. Enter /dev/rmt/0st when prompted for the device name.
5. Enter 1 (Read/Write).
6. Enter D (Device Info).
7. Enter 5 (Inquiry). This concludes a very basic test of the device, SCSI
connection, and the device driver. You may stop the test here or continue to
perform a more complete test.
8. Enter 6 (Test Unit Ready) until no error occurs.
9. Enter 17 (Element Inventory).
10. From the output in the previous step, select a writable, scratch cartridge and
determine its element ID. Also, select the element ID of an unoccupied slot.
11. Enter 14 (Move Medium), then supply the address of the cartridge and the
address of the unoccupied slot. Verify that the cartridge moved.
12. Enter 17 (Element Inventory).
13. Verify that the inventory was updated properly.
14. Enter 2(Close a Device).
15. Enter Q (Quit Program).

252 IBM Ultrium Tape Device Drivers: Installation and User’s Guide
Microsoft Windows System

Tape Device Attachment Test

The following procedure tests the attachment of a tape device to a Microsoft
Windows system. The procedure assumes that your device is attached at tape0 and
that there is no cartridge in the drive.

When the Return to continue: message is displayed or when you are told to enter
information, press the Enter key after following the instruction. When the utility
displays information, use the appropriate hardware manual to verify that the
information is reasonable.
1. Open a Windows command shell window.
2. If you want to perform a more complete test and your device has an
autoloader, use the instructions in “Autochanger Device Attachment Test -
Windows NT only” to mount a writable scratch cartridge in the drive. This is
accomplished by following the steps in the procedure, except that in steps 11
and 12, select the drive address rather than the unoccupied slot address.
If you want to perform a more complete test and your device does not have
an autoloader, mount a writable scratch cartridge manually into the drive.
3. Enter ntutil.
4. Select 1 (Manual test).
5. Enter 50 (poll registered devices). Reply with 0 (zero) to the Drive=0, Library=1
prompt. All devices detected by the SCSI Adapters (that were attached and
powered-on at system boot time) should be displayed.
6. Enter 20 (open).
7. Enter 1 (RW).
8. Enter 49 (inquiry). Reply with 0 (zero) to the Drive=0, Library=1 prompt. This
step concludes a very basic test of the device, SCSI connection, and the device
driver. You may stop the test here or continue to perform a more complete
9. Enter 39 (test unit ready) until no error occurs. Each time you are prompted
with the Drive=0, Library=1 prompt, reply with 0 (zero).
10. Enter 31 (rewind).
11. Enter 87 (Read/Write Test). Enter Y in response to the confirmation message.
12. Enter 33 (unload).
13. Enter 21 (close).
14. Enter 99 (return to main menu).
15. Enter 9 (Exit ntutil).

Autochanger Device Attachment Test - Windows NT only

The following procedure tests the attachment of an autochanger device to a
Microsoft Windows system. The procedure assumes that your device is attached at
lb1.0.0.1 and that the tape device is attached at tape0. You also need a cartridge in
at least one of the slots. If you are using Microsoft Windows 200x, you must stop
RSM to do this test.

When the Return to continue: message is displayed or when you are told to enter
information, press the Enter key after following the instruction. When the utility
displays information, use the appropriate hardware manual to verify that the
information is reasonable.

Appendix B. Verifying Proper Attachment of Your Devices 253

1. Open a Windows command shell window.
2. Enter ntutil.
3. Select 1 (Manual Test).
4. Enter 50 (poll registered devices). All devices detected by the SCSI adapters
(that were attached and powered-on at system boot time) should be displayed.
You should see lb1.0.0.1 in the list of found devices.
5. Enter 8 (Library Mode).
6. Enter 20 (open).
7. Enter 1 (Read/Write).
8. Enter 49 (inquiry). Reply with 1 (one) to the Drive=0, Library=1 prompt. This
concludes a very basic test of the device, SCSI connection, and the device
driver. You may stop the test here or continue to perform a more complete
9. Enter 39 (test unit ready) until no error occurs. Each time you are prompted
with the Drive=0, Library=1 prompt, reply with 1 (one).
10. Enter 12 (ioctl initialize element status).
11. Enter 10 (ioctl return library inventory).
12. From the output in the previous step, select a writable, scratch cartridge and
determine its address. Also, select the address of an unoccupied slot.
13. Enter 11 (ioctl move medium), then supply the address of the cartridge and
the address of the unoccupied slot. Verify that the cartridge moved.
14. Enter 10 (ioctl return library inventory). Verify that the inventory was updated
15. Enter 21 (close).
16. Enter 99 (return to main menu).
17. Enter 9 (Exit ntutil).

254 IBM Ultrium Tape Device Drivers: Installation and User’s Guide
Appendix C. Managing the Microcode on the IBM Tape Drive
Microcode is computer software that is stored in nonvolatile storage on your tape
device or library hardware. It controls the operation of your hardware. When your
tape device or library hardware was manufactured, a microcode load was installed
and shipped with your device.

If you are having trouble with your hardware, IBM service personnel will ask you
what level of microcode you have on your hardware. If they believe you need a
new level of microcode, they may instruct you to install a newer level of
microcode on your hardware. They will provide you with updated microcode.

You can query the current level of microcode by issuing commands on the front
panel of your hardware. Consult the appropriate hardware reference manual for
specific instructions on querying your microcode level.

You can also query the last four digits of the current level of microcode using
software if your device is connected to a host system that has device or library
support. The unit must be powered-on, configured properly, and ready. See the
appropriate chapter in this book (based on the host system that your hardware is
attached to) for details on how to have the device ready.

AIX Use the tapeutil command with the vpd subcommand. See the Revision
Level output field.
HP-UX Use the tapeutil -f drive -o qmc -v command where drive is the device special
file of the attached tape device.
Linux Use the IBMtapeutil –f drive inquiry command where drive is the device
special file of the attached tape device.
Sun Solaris Use the tapeutil -f drive -o qmc -v command where drive is the device special
file of the attached tape device.
Tru64 Use the IBMrasutil -f device command where device is the device special
file of the attached tape or medium changer device.
Microsoft Use the ntutil command with the inquiry subcommand. See the Microcode
Windows Revision Level output field.

The following instructions guide you to install another version of microcode on

your tape drive:
1. Ensure that the tape drive is connected to a host system and that the tape
device driver is powered-on and configured properly with no tape cartridge in
the drive. Follow the instructions in Appendix B, “Verifying Proper Attachment
of Your Devices,” on page 247 to ensure that the drive is configured properly
and ready.
2. Follow the platform-specific instructions.

© Copyright IBM Corp. 2000, 2003 255

AIX System
1. Open an AIX window.
2. Enter tapeutil. A menu will be displayed.
3. Enter 4 (Tape Drive Service Aids).
4. Select Microcode Load.
5. Select the device special file identifier for the device on which to load the
microcode, then press the Enter key.
6. Specify the special file from where the microcode image is to be read, then
press F7 (Commit) to load the microcode onto the drive. When the loading is
complete, press F10 (Exit) to return to tapeutil.
7. Enter Q (Quit Program).

Compaq Tru64 System

1. Bring up a shell prompt.
2. Enter IBMrasutil. It will prompt you to enter a device file name.
3. Enter /dev/device name when prompted for the device name.
4. Enter 2 (Update MicroCode).
5. Specify the special file from which the microcode image is to be read, then
press the Enter key.
6. Enter 3 (Quit).

HP-UX System
This procedure assumes that the /dev/rmt/0mn device is being updated.
1. Bring up a shell prompt.
2. Enter tapeutil. A menu will be displayed.
3. Enter 1 (Open a Device).
4. Enter /dev/rmt/0mn when prompted for the device name.
5. Enter 1 (Read/Write).
6. Select 7 (DOWNLOAD MICROCODE option).
7. Specify the special file from which the microcode image is to be read, then
press the Enter key.
8. Enter Q (Quit Program).

Linux System
This procedure assumes that the /dev/IBMtape0 tape device is being updated.
1. Open a Linux window.
2. Enter IBMtapeutil. A menu will be displayed.
3. Enter 1 (Open a Device).
4. Enter /dev/IBMtape0 when prompted for the device name.
5. Enter 1 (Read/Write).
6. Select 72 (Load Ucode).
7. Specify the file name from which the microcode image is to be read, then press
the Enter key.
8. Enter Q (Quit Program).

256 IBM Ultrium Tape Device Drivers: Installation and User’s Guide
Sun Solaris System
This procedure assumes that the /dev/rmt/0st tape device is being updated.
1. Bring up a shell prompt.
2. Enter tapeutil. A menu will be displayed.
3. Enter 1 (Open a Device).
4. Enter /dev/rmt/0st when prompted for the device name.
5. Enter 1 (Read/Write).
6. Select 7 (Download Microcode).
7. Specify the special file from which the microcode image is to be read, then
press the Enter key.
8. Enter Q (Quit Program).

Microsoft Windows System

This procedure assumes that the new microcode is stored in
c:\mydata\d0i9_430.fmr and that the drive at tape0 is being updated. The name of
the file containing the microcode must have the fmr extension.
1. Open a Windows command shell window.
2. Change to the c:\mydata directory.
3. Enter ntutil.
4. Select 1 (Manual test).
5. Enter 20 (open).
6. Enter 1 (Read/Write).
7. Enter 39 (test unit ready) until a not ready error is reported.
8. Enter 82 (Update MicroCode).
9. Enter d0i9_430.
10. Enter 21 (close).
11. Enter 99 (return to main menu).
12. Enter 9 (Exit ntutil).

Appendix C. Managing the Microcode on the IBM Tape Drive 257

258 IBM Ultrium Tape Device Drivers: Installation and User’s Guide
Appendix D. Notices
References in this publication to IBM products, programs, or services do not imply
that IBM intends to make these available in all countries (or regions) in which IBM

Any references to an IBM program or other IBM product in this publication is not
intended to state or imply that only IBM’s program or other product may be used.
Any functionally equivalent program that does not infringe any of IBM’s
intellectual property rights may be used instead of the IBM product. Evaluation
and verification of operation in conjunction with other products, except those
expressly designed by IBM, is the user’s responsibility.

IBM may have patents or pending patent applications covering subject matter in
this document. The furnishing of this document does not give you any license to
these patents. You can send license inquiries, in writing, to:

IBM Director of Licensing

IBM Corporation
North Castle Drive
Armonk, NY 10504-1785

The following paragraph does not apply to the United Kingdom or any other
country (or region) where such provisions are inconsistent with local law:


FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. Some states (or regions) do not allow disclaimer
of express or implied warranties in certain transactions, therefore, this statement
may not apply to you.

This information could include technical inaccuracies or typographical errors.

Changes are periodically made to the information herein; these changes will be
incorporated in new editions of the publication. IBM may make improvements
and/or changes in the product(s) and/or program(s) described in this publication
at any time without notice.

IBM may use or distribute any of the information you supply in any way it
believes appropriate without incurring any obligation to you.

© Copyright IBM Corp. 2000, 2003 259

The following terms are trademarks of International Business Machines
Corporation in the United States, or other countries (or regions), or both:

AIX pSeries
AIX 5L RS/6000
Eserver StorageSmart
IBM StorWatch
IBMLink Tivoli®
Magstar® TotalStorage

Intel and Pentium are registered trademarks of Intel Corporation in the United
States, other countries (or regions), or both.

Microsoft, Windows, Windows NT, Windows 2000, Windows Server 2003, and the
Windows logo are registered trademarks of Microsoft Corporation in the United
States, other countries (or regions), or both.

UNIX is a registered trademark of The Open Group in the United States and other
countries (or regions).

The following terms are trademarks of Hewlett-Packard, IBM, and Seagate in the
United States:

Linear Tape-Open LTO Ultrium

Other company, product, and service names may be the trademarks or service
marks of others in the United States, other countries (or regions), or both.

260 IBM Ultrium Tape Device Drivers: Installation and User’s Guide
A AIX (Atape) (continued)
Tape Drive, Media, and Device Driver
HP-UX (ATDD) (continued)
device-specific parameters 91
AIX Parameters 13 driver-specific parameters 92
Alternate Pathing and Failover autoloading 13 Install, Uninstall and Configure 75
Support block size 14 Install, Uninstall, and Configuration
configuring and unconfiguring compression 14 adding an Ultrium device using
primary and alternate configuration parameters 13 current ATTD driver 84
devices 32 logging 14 configure medium changers using
querying primary and alternate maximum size of log file 14 kernel configuration 82
path configuration 32 media parameter 15 configure selected medium
Alternate Pathing Support 29 record space mode 14 changers using ATDD header
Automatic Failover 29 rewind immediate 15 file 82
configuring and unconfiguring trailer labels 15 copy software to software
alternate pathing support 30 Tape Utility Program (tapeutil) 35 depot 79
Dynamic Load Balancing 30 Block Size and SCSI Transfer create device-specific configuration
primary and alternate paths 31 Length 44 entries (optional) 78
Installation and Configuration command-line interface 35 create drive configuration file
Instructions Configuration Parameters 44 (optional) 76
preinstallation considerations 17 General Subcommands 36 create hardware path entry 77
Tape Drive Service Aids interactive interface 35 determine drive hardware path for
Detailed Description 47 Medium Changer 3581 76
error log analysis 49 Subcommands 39 determine drive hardware paths
force microcode dump 47 Reserve and Release for 3580 and 3583 with fibre
microcode load 48 Commands 45 channel attachment 77
read dump 48 Service Aid Subcommands 44 determine drive hardware paths
reset drive 49 tape drive service aids 45 for 3583/3584 Tape Libraries
AIX (Atape) Tape Subcommands 40 with SCSI attachment 77
Alternate Pathing Support for the IBM volume ID for logging 45 install ATDD 81
3584 Library 25 Using Dump Support 33 Install drivers manually 79
Device and Volume Information AIX device driver 3 Install using CD installation
Logging 53 AIX device parameters 51 script 78
log file 53 AIX managing microcode 256 other administrative tasks 85
tape log utility 53 AIX medium changer device attachment post configuration if medium
Installation and Configuration test 248 changer devices 81
Instructions 17 AIX system, attachment test 247 Power off tape drives 78
configuring tape and medium AIX tape device attachment test 247 review ATDD README file 80
changer devices 19 uninstalling the software 85
deconfiguring medium changer Introduction and Product
devices 20
deconfiguring tape devices 19 C Requirements 69
Product Requirements 69
installation procedure 17 changes, summary of xvii
Purpose 69
uninstall procedure 20 Comments xv
Product Requirements
Performance Considerations 51 ATDD implementation 69
Before Calling Support 52 data flow 72
common utilities 51 D hardware requirements 69
data path 51 device driver software interface 73
Problem Determination 55 IBM SCSI tape/medium changer software requirements 72
ATRC utility 57 device driver/Solaris 111, 157 Special Files 87
automatic dump facility (ADF) for IBM tape device driver/AIX Supported Configurations 89
the 3580 Ultrium tape drive 57 enhanced 11 modifying configuration
detail data 55 IBM tape device driver/Compaq parameters 89
error logging 55 Tru64 61 Tape Utility Program (tapeutil) 97
trace facility 57 IBM tape device driver/HP-UX 69, copy software to software
Product Requirements 11 193 depot 98
Data Flow 11 hardware requirements 97
Hardware Requirements 12 install manually 98
Software Requirements 11
Special Files 21 H install the product 99
install using CD installation
Special Files for medium changer HP device driver 3
script 98
devices 22 HP-UX (ATDD)
other administrative tasks 100
Special Files for tape devices 21 Configuration Parameter
review tapeutil README file 99
Tape Drive Service Aids 47 Definitions 91

© Copyright IBM Corp. 2000, 2003 261

HP-UX (ATDD) (continued) Linux Configuring Tape and Medium Linux print ″Text″ 143
Tape Utility Program (tapeutil) Changer Devices 124 Linux qryinquiry subcommand 146
(continued) Linux Create Special Files 152 Linux qrypos subcommand 146
tapeutil command-line Linux Density subcommand 145 Linux qrysense subcommand 146
interface 103 Linux device driver 3 Linux qryversion 143
tapeutil implementation 97 Linux Device Driver (IBMtape) Linux read -d Destination [-c Count]
tapeutil interactive interface 101 Alternate Pathing Support for Library subcommand 146
uninstalling the software 100 Control Path Failover 137 Linux release 144
Using tapeutil 100 Installation and Configuration Linux Release command 151
tapeutil service commands 103 Instructions 121 Linux reqsense 144
Troubleshooting 93 configuring tape and medium Linux reserve 144
Atdd_d log daemon 94 changer devices 124 Linux Reserve command 151
error logging 93 installation procedure 122 Linux retension subcommand 146
Problems and Solutions 95 querying installed package 123 Linux rewind subcommand 146
Support_info script 93 update procedure 123 Linux rtest [-b Blocksize] [-c Count] [-r
tracing facility 93 verifying/updating Repetition]
HP-UX (ATDD) basic SCSI installation 123 Linux rtest [-b Blocksize] [-c Count]
commands 103 Introduction and Product [-r Repetition] Tape
HP-UX (ATDD) flag description 105 Requirements 111 Subcommand 146
HP-UX (ATDD) medium changer Product Requirements Linux rwtest [-b Blocksize] [-c Count] [-r
commands 104 data flow 111 Repetition] subcommand 147
HP-UX (ATDD) tape drive hardware requirements 112 Linux seod subcommand 147
commands 104 software requirements 111 Linux setblk [Block Size]
HP-UX autochanger device attachment Tape Drive, Media, and Device Driver subcommand 147
test 250 Parameters 115 Linux setpos [Blockid] subcommand 147
HP-UX managing microcode 256 Changeable parameters 117 Linux Special Files for Tape Devices 135
HP-UX system, attachment test 249 configuration parameters 115 Linux Special Files for the Medium
HP-UX tape device attachment test 249 Nonchangeable parameters 116 Changer Device 135
Linux devids subcommand 149 Linux status subcommand 148
Linux elementinfo subcommand 149 Linux sync subcommand 148
I Linux eof [Count] subcommand 145
Linux Erase subcommand 145
Linux tape device attachment test 250
Linux tape drive service aids 153
IBM device driver
Linux exchange Source Dest1 Dest2 Linux Tape Drive Service Aids 152
SCSI tape/medium changer device
subcommand 149 Linux tape utility program
driver/Solaris 111, 157
Linux fsf [Count] subcommand 145 (IBMtapeutil) 141
tape device driver/AIX enhanced 11
Linux fsfm [Count] subcommand 145 Linux tell subcommand 148
tape device driver/Compaq Tru64 61
Linux fsr [Count] subcommand 145 Linux tur 144
tape device driver/HP-UX 69, 193
Linux IBMtapeutil Command-Line Linux Uninstall Procedure 127
Mode 141 Linux unlock subcommand 148
Linux IBMtapeutil General Linux unmount [Slot] subcommand 150
L Subcommands 142 Linux weof [Count] subcommand 145
Linux (IBMtape) Linux IBMtapeutil Interactive Mode 141 Linux write -s Source subcommand 148
Tape Drive Service Aids Linux IBMtapeutil Medium Changer Linux wtest [-b Blocksize] [-c Count] [-r
Detailed Description 153 Subcommands 148 Repetition] subcommand 148
force drive dump 153 Linux IBMtapeutil Tape
load microcode 153 Subcommands 144
read dump 153
reset drive 153
Linux inquiry [Page] 143
Linux inventory subcommand 149
Managing microcode 255
Tape Utility Program (IBMtapeutil) Linux list subcommand 145
Microsoft Windows managing
Service Aid Subcommands 150 Linux load subcommand 145
microcode 257
Linux allow subcommand 144, 148 Linux lock subcommand 145
Microsoft Windows NT autochanger
Linux append subcommand 144 Linux Logical Write Protect 151
device attachment test 253
Linux asf [Count] subcommand 144 Linux logpage ″Page″ 143
Microsoft Windows system, attachment
Linux attachment verification 250 Linux managing microcode 256
test 253
Linux audit [Address [Count] Linux medium changer device
Microsoft Windows tape device
subcommand 149 attachment test 251
attachment test 253
Linux Automatic Cartridge Facility Linux modepage ″Page″ 143
Mode 151 Linux mount [Slot] subcommand 149
Linux Block Size and SCSI Transfer Linux move Source Destination
Size 151 subcommand 150 N
Linux bsf [Count] subcommand 144 Linux mtdevice subcommand 145 Notices 259
Linux bsfm [Count] subcommand 144 Linux Nocompress subcommand 144
Linux bsr [Count] subcommand 144 Linux offline subcommand 145
Linux Capacity Scaling 151
Linux Compress subcommand 144
Linux parms subcommand 146
Linux position Destination
Online access 245
Linux Configuration Parameters 151 subcommand 150
Linux prevent subcommand 146, 150

262 IBM Ultrium Tape Device Drivers: Installation and User’s Guide
R Tru64
Installation and Configuration
Windows NT Device Driver Management
(IBMtape) (continued)
Related Information xiii Instructions 63 Manual Starting and Stopping
Additional Information xiii Command-Line mode 64 Procedures 206
IBM TotalStorage UltraScalable Tape Command-Line options 65 removal procedure 203
Library 3584 xiii Installation procedure from the Windows Utility Program (ntutil) 221
IBM TotalStorage Ultrium External device driver CD 63 Batch Mode 224
Tape Drive 3580 xiii Installation procedure from the close 225
IBM TotalStorage Ultrium Scalable device driver ftp site 63 Command Statements 225
Tape Library 3583 xiii Interactive mode 64 Comments 225
IBM TotalStorage Ultrium Tape Query procedure 64 device_info 225
Autoloader 3581 xiii uninstall procedure 64 display_block (data) 225
IBM TotalStorage Ultrium Tape Update procedure 64 dump_blocks (read and display
Library 3582 xiii Verify procedure 64 blocks) 225
rewoffl, rewoffl subcommand 145 Introduction and Product erase 226
rewoffl, unload subcommand 145 Requirements 61 find_devices 226
Hardware Requirements 61 flush (buffer to media) 226
Product Requirements 61 force_dump 226
S Purpose 61 forward_filemark 226
Solaris autochanger device attachment Setting up the environment 61 forward_record 227
test 252 Software Requirements 61 get_last_sense 227
Solaris device driver 3 get_version 227
Solaris Device Driver (IBMtape) init_element_status 227
Installation, Removal and U inquiry 227
load 228
Configuration 161 Ultrium device driver platform
Adding or removing devices 172 locate_block_id 228
support 3
Configuration parameters 169 log_sense page_code 228
Ultrium device drivers 3
Installation steps 162 medium_info 228
Attachment to open systems
Installing or updating move_medium 228
servers 4
IBMtape 162 open 229
3580 Ultrium Tape Drive 6
Preventing conflicts 161 poll_devices 230
3581 Ultrium Tape Autoloader 6
Removing IBMtape 169 read 230
3582 Ultrium Tape Library 6
Introduction and Product read_block_id 230
3583 Ultrium Scalable Tape
Requirements 157 read_dump 230
Library 6
Data flow 159 read_write (test) 231
3584 UltraScalable Tape Library 7
Hardware requirements 157 restore_data 231
Product Requirements and return_error 231
Capability 157 return_lib_inventory_all 231
Purpose 157 V reverse_filemark 232
Software compatibility 158 Verifying device attachment 247 reverse_record 232
Software interface 159 rewind 232
Software requirements 158 set_device_parameters
Service and Diagnostic Aids 179 W (compression) 232
set_media_parameters (block
Downloading microcode 180 Windows 200x Device Driver
Forcing and storing device size) 233
Management (IBMtape) 209
diagnostic dump 180 space_eod 233
Disable Procedure 220
Functional verification 179 Supported Command Text
Installation Overview 209
Problem determination 179 Fields 225
Installation Procedures 209
Setting the IBM_trace level 183 Supported Result Text Fields 234
Removal Procedure 220
Tape and Medium Changer Utility test_unit_ready 233
uninstalling the device drivers 220
Program (tapeutil) 184 unload 233
Windows device driver 3
Tracing facility 181 update_code 233
Windows Device Drivers (IBMtape)
Special Files 175 write 234
Introduction and Product
Solaris managing microcode 257 write_filemark 234
Requirements 193
Solaris system, attachment test 252 Calling ntutil 221
Windows 200x 194
Solaris tape device attachment test 252 Device Driver Diagnosis
hardware requirements 195
StorageSmart by IBM Ultrium device Information 239
installation notes 196
drivers Interactive Mode 222
software requirements 195
Attachment to open systems servers Supported Result Text Fields
Windows NT 193
Ultrium Products 7 block_id 235
hardware requirements 193
summary of changes xvii block_size 235
installation notes 194
delay 236
software requirements 194
exit 236
Windows NT Device Driver Management
T (IBMtape) 197
exit_on_unexpected_result 235
pause 235
Trademarks 260 installation overview 197
return_error_when_fail 235
installation procedure 197
set 235

Index 263
Windows Utility Program (ntutil)
Supported Result Text Fields
symbols 236
system 236
type 235
Symbolic Values 236

264 IBM Ultrium Tape Device Drivers: Installation and User’s Guide
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