SCIENCE 7 Q3 - WEEK 6 - LAS 1 Conduction

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Name : ____________________________ Grade & Section: ____________________ Score : _______

School: ____________________________ Teacher: ___________________________Subject: Science - 7

LAS Writer: Richel M. Nacubuan Content Editors: Murdy F. Bautista, Hermer B.Tidalgo
Lesson/Topic: HEAT TRANSFER: Conduction (Quarter 3 Week 6, LAS 1)
Learning Target: Determine which material can be a good and poor conductor of heat.
Reference: Asuncion, P et. Al., 2013 Science 7, Pasig City, Philippines. DedEd ICMS, pp.186-190
Heat is a form of energy that refers to the thermal energy that is in the process of being transferred, say
between objects due to the difference in their temperature. In other words, heat is energy “in transit”. It transfers
from an object of higher temperature to an object of lower temperature. Heat transfer is related to change in
temperature or change in the relative hotness or coldness of an object.

Conduction takes place when the particles between objects or

places that are in contact vibrate and collide at different speeds due to
Energy is transferred by direct
the difference in their temperature. The particles at a higher
temperature are more energetic and thus vibrate faster than the
particles at the lower temperature. When these particles collide, some
of the energy from the more energetic particles is transferred to the less
energetic particles, in the form of heat. Heat transfer occurs not only in
solids but also in fluids, but not all conduct heat equally. Some materials
conduct heat easily; other materials conduct heat poorly. Objects that
conduct heat poorly, like wood are particularly called insulators. There
is no particular name for those materials which conduct heat easily. One
basis for determining the use of materials is by their ability to conduct heat, known as their conductivity. Higher
conductivity means that the material is a good conductor of heat. As shown in the table below, most metals have
higher conductivities; they are good conductors of heat. That’s why they are generally used for products that
require better heat conductivity like cooking utensils.

Good Conductors of Heat Poor Conductors of Heat
Metal spoon Wooden laddle
Ceramic plate Fiber glass

ACTIVITY: Can I Conduct Heat?

Instruction: Write GCH if the material is a good conductor of heat and PCH if poor conductor of heat.
_______1. Wooden spoon
_______2. Casserole made of copper
_______3. Steel plate
_______4. Foam made of polystyrene
_______5. Aluminum foil

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