Member Enrollment Form - SMQ

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[IMPORTANT NOTE: Any cancellation and alteration must be countersigned by Life to be
Please do not sign blank Proposal form]
Plan:  HDFC Life Group Term Insurance Plan  HDFC Life Group Credit Protect Plus
Option:  Accidental Death benefit  Life Option Extra Life Option Level  Decreasing*
 Total Permanent Disability benefit Terminal Life Option  Critical Life Option 1 *Rate of Interest ______%
 Total and Partial Permanent Disability benefit Critical Life Option 2  Life Disability Option
 HDFC Life Group Critical Illness Plus Rider
 Additional  Accelerated

Sum Assured (INR) Premium (INR) Policy Term(yrs) Moratorium Period (yrs) Loan Account No. Loan Type
As per Loan application As per Loan application As per Loan application
form/account no form/account no form/account no

Particulars of Life Assured: Mr/Mrs. ________________________________________________

Date of Birth/Age(yrs): dd/mm/yyyy Gender: M /F/Tg
Address: ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________
Nominee / Appointee Details:
Name Date of Birth Gender Contact No. Relationship to
Nominee: dd/mm/yyyy Life Assured
Appointee: dd/mm/yyyy Nominee if nominee is below 18 yrs of age
Life Assured

1 Have you ever suffered or are currently suffering from: (a) Chest Pain or heart attack or any other heart disease (b) Cancer, Yes No
tumor, growth or cyst of any kind (c) Stroke, paralysis, Epilepsy, any psychiatric / mental disorder , disorder of
brain/nervous system or any kind of physical disabilities (d)Asthma, Tuberculosis or other lung disorder (e) Diseases or  
disorder of muscles, bones or joints, arthritis or blood disorder(anemia) or any endocrine disorder (f) Diseases of the kidney,
digestive system(stomach, pancreas, gall bladder, intestine), liver, Hepatitis B or C or HIV/AIDS infection (g) Diabetes,
high blood pressure
2 During the last 5 years have you undergone any major surgery or been hospitalized for more than one week?  
3 Do you take part in any adventurous sports or hobbies? (like paragliding, mountaineering, deep sea diving , motor racing,  
bungee jumping, etc.)
4 Do you smoke more than 10 cigarettes a day?  
5 Has more than one of your parents and siblings died before the age of 60 years as a result of heart attack, stroke, cancer,  
diabetes, HIV?
6 Are you taking any medication or has a doctor ever attended to you for any conditions, diseases or impairment not  
mentioned above (except for cough or cold)?
7 For Female Lives: (a) Are you presently pregnant? (b) Do you have a history in the past of an abortion, miscarriage or  
caesarian section due to complications during pregnancy or due to any other cause? (c) Have you given birth to a child with
any congenital disorder such as Down Syndrome, congenital heart disease, etc? (d) Have you ever had any disease of breast,
uterus, cervix, ovaries or any other part of the reproductive system?

8 Have you ever been declined, deferred, and accepted at special terms, had cover reduced or had exclusion imposed for any  
life, health or accident insurance cover?
9 Do you have any history of conviction under any criminal proceedings in India or abroad?  

Signature/Thumb impression of the Life Assured Member _______________________________ Date & Place:_______________
Declaration of Insured Members
I understand, agree and confirm that these statements and this declaration are basis of the contract between the insurer and the policyholder.
Subject to Section 45 of the Insurance Act 1938 as amended from time to time, if any untrue statements are contained herein or there has been
any non disclosure of any material fact, the policy to be issued by the insurer in the name of the policyholder may be treated as void as far as I
am concerned.
I confirm that I have read and understood, the rules and any additional rules of the plan, the standard policy provisions and any additional
provisions that govern the policy to be issued by insurer in the name of the policyholder and on my/our life, and I agree and confirm that the
same shall be binding on me. I authorise the policyholder to disclose to the insurer such particulars as they may require including the details
given above and any changes to the same, pay the premium payable on my/our behalf /collected from me to the insurer. I understand that any
statutory levy or charges including any indirect tax may be charged to me either now or in future by the insurer and I agree to pay the same. I
understand that HDFC Life Insurance Company Limited (HDFC Life) has the right to reject a proposal without giving reasons thereto and
confirm to give an undertaking that I shall not raise any claims thereof. I understand the significance of the contract and that the contract will be
governed by the provisions of the Insurance Act 1938 as amended from time to time and that the same will not commence until written
acceptance of this application issued by the insurer on its normal terms and conditions is received.

I further agree that if after the date of submission of the proposal but before the issuance of Policy (i) there is an adverse change in my/our
occupation, financial condition, health condition, which will affect the decision of the Company in underwriting risk or (ii) if the proposal for
assurance or an application for revival of the policy made to any insurer on my/our life or the Life to be assured is withdrawn or dropped,
deferred, declined or accepted on terms other than as proposed, I shall forthwith intimate the same to the company in writing and failure to do so
shall lead to a decision as per the applicable terms and conditions of the policy.

I hereby declare that the content of the form and document has been fully explained to me and I have fully understood the significance of the
proposed contract.

I do hereby declare that I have received a loan from M/s Axis Bank Limited (“Master Policyholder”). In order to secure the said loan I
have taken the above referenced policy from HDFC Life Insurance Company Limited (“HDFC Life”). In consideration of receiving the
said loan I hereby authorize HDFC Life to make payment of Outstanding Loan Balance amount to Master Policyholder by deducting
from the claim proceeds payable on happening of the contingent event covered by the Group Life Insurance Scheme/ Policy referenced

Signature/Thumb impression of Witness* Signature / Thumb Impression of the Life

Name & Assured Member
Occupation _______________________ Date & Place: ________________________

* Witness Signature, Address and Occupation is along with signature of Insured Member
Declaration made by Declarant where Member has;
a) affixed his/her thumb impression; OR b) signed in vernacular; OR c) not filled the application

“I hereby declare that I have fully explained the above questions and contents of the Member Enrollment Form to the Member and I have truthfully
recorded the answers given by the Member and that the Member has affixed the thumb impression above after fully understanding the contents thereof.”

Signature of the Declarant Address of the Declarant_______________________________

Name of the Declarant_______________________________ Occupation of the Declarant

Signature of the Witness Address of the Witness_______________________________

Name of the Witness_______________________________ Occupation of the Witness

“I certify that the contents of the form and documents have been fully explained to me by Mr. / Mrs.:______________________________ and I have
understood the significance of the proposed contract.

Signature/Thumb impression of Member______ Name, of Declarant__________________

Designation of Declarant_________________
Occupation of Declarant____________________________

Acknowledgement Receipt

I authorize Axis Bank to debit my Axis Bank loan account against premium payment towards HDFC Life insurance policy opted by me. I am aware of
the terms and conditions and I hereby give my consent to the health questionnaire assigned above.

Signature of Sales Representative Signature / Thumb impression of the Insured Member

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