Following Questions To Be Answered by The Proposer
Following Questions To Be Answered by The Proposer
Following Questions To Be Answered by The Proposer
F. NO. 700
Fo r a po lic y o n an o t h e r life e x c e pt fo r C.D.A. Plan wit h de fe rm e n t pe rio d 1 0 y e ars o r m o re o n t h e dat e o f pro po s al o r re v iv al o f a Po lic y . Do n o t u s e t h is fo rm if t h e po lic y h as ve s t e d in t h e life as s u re d o r h as be e n as s ign e d t o t h e life as s u re d. Divl. Office: Branch Office: Prop./Policy No Agents Name Agents Code No.
1. Name in Full of the Proposer ( IN BLOCK LETTERS ) Address1 Full Address Address2 Address3 Email Address
Phone/Mobile No
2.Name in Full of the Life to be Assured/Life Assured (IN BLOCK LETTERS ) Occupation 3. Is this application for (a) Issue of a new Policy? (b) Revival of lapsed Policy? Name of Employer Length of Service with him If the answer is YES please give the Proposal Number or the Policy Number (a) Proposal No. (b) Policy No.
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5.(a) Has a proposal or an application for revival of a policy on your life made to this or any other Office of the Corporation or any Insurer ever been: (a) Withdrawn or dropped? (b) Deferred or declined? (c) Accepted with an extra premium or lien? (d Accepted on terms otherwise than those proposed? If so, give details: 5. (b) Is any proposal or an application for revival of a. lapsed policy on your life under consideration of this or any other Office of the Corporation? (i) Proposal No. If answer is Yes give the following details: (ii) Policy No. N.B. Q Nos. 6 & 7 to be replied in case of revival under Non Medical Scheme : 6.(i) State your height (without shoes) (ii) Your weight (with thin clothes.) cm. kgs
7. State below, details of all your policies issued and/or revived under any of the Non-Medical Schemes of the Corporation: Name of the Divl. Office/Unit Status of the Br. Office Servicing the Policy Number Sum Assured Policy Policy
8.Are you at present in sound health? 9. Are you a student? If so give particulars such as name of the institution and course. 10. For females only :
DECLARATION BY THE LIFE TO BE ASSURED/LIFE ASSURED I do hereby declare that the statements and answers under heading 4 to 10 have been given by me after fully understanding the questions and the same are true and complete in every particular and that I have not withheld any information. Dated at on the day of (month) 20 Page 2 of 4
Signature of Witness Name Occupation & Address Signature or thumb impression of the Life to be Assured/Life Assured
I do hereby declare that the foregoing statements and answers are true and complete in every particulars
Signature of the Proposer (if the life to be assured/life assured is under 18 years)
I, ( name of Proposer ) do hereby declare that the statements and answers under heading 1 to 3 are true and complete in every particular and I do hereby agree and declare that these statements and this declaration together with statements and answers under heading 4 to 10 made by the *life assured/ life to be assured and relative declaration thereto shall be the basis of contract of *assurance/revival of the policy, between me and Life Insurance Corporation of India, and that if any untrue averment be contained therein, the said contract shall be null and void and all moneys which shall have been paid in respect thereof, shall stand forfeited to the Corporation. ( *Delete words not applicable ) ** And I further declare that if between the date of this declaration and date of revival of this policy, (i) any change in the occupation of the life assured or any adverse circumstances connected with my financial position or general health of the life assured or that of any member of his family occurs or (ii) a Proposal for assurance or any application for revival of a policy on the life of the life assured made to any Office of the Corporation has been withdrawn or dropped, deferred or declined or accepted with an increased premium or subject to a lien or on terms other than as proposed, I shall forthwith intimate the same to the Corporation in writing to reconsider the terms of acceptance . Any omission on my part to do so shall render this Assurance invalid and all moneys which shall have been paid in respect thereof, shall stand forfeited to the Corporation. (** Not Applicable in case of an application for issue of a new policy.) Dated at on the day of (month) 20
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Signature of Witness Name Occupation & Address N.B. Signature or thumb impression of the Life to be Assured/ Life Assured
If in this form, the answers to the questions and/or signature(s) of the Proposer/Life Assured/Life to be assured are/is in vernacular then the Proposer/Life Assured/Life to be assured should declare in their/ his/her own handwriting above his/her own signature that all questions were explained to him/her and that his/her replies were given after fully understanding the same. In case the proposer/Life assured/Life to be assured is illiterate: (1)This declaration should be made by the person filling in the form Name & Address Of the declarant (2) This thumb impression of the Proposer/Life Assured/Life to be assured should be attested by a person of standing, whose identity can easily be established, but unconnected with, the Corporation and this declaration should be made by him: Name & Address Of the declarant (1) I hereby declare that I have fully explained the above questions to the proposer/Life Assured/Life to be assured and I have truthfully recorded the answers given by the Proposer / Life Assured/ Life to be assured.
Signature (2) I hereby declare that I have explained the contents of this form to the Proposer/ Life Assured/ Life to be assured in .. (language) and that I have read out to the Proposer / Life Assured/ Life to be assured , the answers to the questions dictated by the Proposer/Life Assured / Life to be assured and that the Proposer / Life Assured / Life to be assured has affixed his thumb impression to this form after fully understanding the contents thereof. Signature
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