1 Nursing Care Plan: Skin Abrasion
1 Nursing Care Plan: Skin Abrasion
1 Nursing Care Plan: Skin Abrasion
Ainsley Allan
Nursing Care Plan: Skin Abrasion
Nursing Assessment Nursing Diagnosis Plan and patient goals Implementation Evaluation
Previous medical Impaired skin integrity Patient will have no longer - assess abrasion Q6H for In 14 days, skin integrity:
diagnosis: Diabetes related to weakness in have further skin any notable changes such skin and mucous
Mellitus (type 2) lower extremities as breakdown. As well as as size, colour, swelling membranes intact with no
Objective Data: evident by disruption of reduced redness and and drainage infections/ complications.
BP: 115/75 skin integrity, soreness soreness to affected area Rationale: to decrease risk AEB skin is intact, no
Oxy: 96% and redness to affected of further impaired skin swelling redness and
RR: 16 area. integrity. movement of affected
PR: 67 Smart goal: (Williams and Hopper, area has no pain/
Temp: 36.70 C Time- goal will be met 2015, Pg. 1285) discomfort.
Patient is 100 lbs and within a two-week time
has a height of 5’0. frame. clean abrasion site with
Subjective Data: sterile dressing technique. If goal is not met, a re-
Diabetes causes muscle Rationale: to decrease risk evaluation of skin integrity
weakness causes of infection will be done Including a re-
frequent falls in patient (Williams and Hopper, evaluation of factors
patient concerns are as 2015, Pg. 1285) contributing to a
stated “skin abrasion to compromised heal.
left upper leg” signs -Educating client on best Such as medications,
and symptoms patient hygiene practices with blood flow, proper patient
stated are “redness and impaired skin integrity. education as well as
soreness to left leg” Monitor status of skin proper cleansing of
patient stated 5/10 around abrasion as well as abrasion.
pain scale. monitoring patients skin
care practices noting soap
Assessing appearance type and cleansing
of patient’s skin practices
Noting and swelling, Rationale: to promote
redness, tenderness, healing of wound
Nursing Care Plan: Skin Abrasion
size and character of (Taylor, Lillis and Lynn,
abrasion the to the 2015, Pg. 980-981)
affected area.
Assessing pulses
especially in lower
Nursing assessment Nursing diagnosis Plan and patient goals Implementation Evaluation
Previous medical . Risk for infection related Patient will identify - assess knowledge of In 14 days, skin integrity:
Nursing Care Plan: Skin Abrasion
diagnosis: Diabetes to diabetes AEB decreased interventions to diabetes self-care skin and mucous
Mellitus (type 2) circulation of blood flow to prevent/reduce risk of Rationale: teaching should membranes intact with no
Objective Data: affected area taking it infection be initiated if there is a infections/ complications.
BP: 115/75 longer to heal/ fight knowledge deficit. AEB skin is intact, no
Oxy: 96% infection. (Williams and Hopper, swelling redness and
RR: 16 Smart goal: 2015, Pg. 934) movement of affected
PR: 67 patient will heal in a timely area has no pain/
Temp: 36.70 C manner with no delays Implement topical discomfort.
Patient is 100 lbs and has a due to previous medical medication rather than PO
height of 5’0. diagnosis. Will heal within medication for abrasion
Subjective Data: a 2-week time span (14 Rationale: blood flow is If goal is not met, a re-
Diabetes causes muscle days) decreased, and medication evaluation of skin integrity
weakness causes frequent may be less effective by will be done Including a re-
falls in patient route of blood to affected evaluation of factors
patient concerns are as area. (Williams and contributing to a
stated “skin abrasion to Hopper, 2015, Pg. 931) compromised heal.
left upper leg” signs and Such as medications,
symptoms patient stated blood flow, proper patient
are “redness and soreness Implement patient to not education as well as
to left leg” patient stated cross legs and avoid proper cleansing of
5/10 pain scale. wearing tight socks and abrasion.
Rationale: tight socks and
Assessing patients Activity crossing legs may prevent
and mobility on affected adequate blood supply to
area. lower extremities.
Assess use of mobility Williams and Hopper,
assistance equipment 2015, Pg. 932)
Hopper, P. & Williams, L. (2015). Understanding Medical Surgical Nursing. Philadelphia, USA: F.A Davis company.
Lillis, C., Lynn, P. & Taylor, C. (2015). Fundamentals of Nursing. Philadelphia, USA: Wolters Kluwer Health.