Nursing Care Plan
Nursing Care Plan
Nursing Care Plan
1. Assess site of impaired tissue integrity and
Subjective: Impaired Tissue After 2 hours of nursing determine etiology (e.g., acute or chronic wound, After 2 hours of
napaakan ko sa Integrity interventions the burn, dermatological lesion, pressure ulcer, leg nursing interventions
among iro mam, patient will be able to the patient will be
Prior assessment of wound etiology is critical for
lalom man gud nga demonstrate measure proper identification of nursing interventions (van able to demonstrate
pagka paak. to protect and heal the Rijswijk, 2001). measure to protect
impaired tissue, 2. Determine size and depth of wound (e.g., full- and heal the impaired
Objective: including wound care. thickness wound, stage III or stage IV pressure tissue, including
-punctured dog bite ulcer). Wound assessment is more reliable when wound care, such as
performed by the same caregiver, the client is in the
-disrupted skin and cleaning the site in a
same position, and the same techniques are used
tissue (Krasner, Sibbald, 1999; Sussman, Bates-Jensen, circular manner from
-presence of swelling 1998). inside to outside, and
in the bite site cleaning the wound
3. Monitor site of impaired tissue integrity at least once with running water.
daily for color changes, redness, swelling, warmth,
pain, or other signs of infection. Determine whether
client is experiencing changes in sensation or pain.
Pay special attention to all high-risk areas such as
bony prominences, skin folds, sacrum, and heels.
Systematic inspection can identify impending
problems early (Bryant, 1999).
Client/Family Teaching