Pascua NCP

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Subjective: Burns are Characterized by Goal: DIAGNOSTICS: GOAL MET IF:
PASCUA, yung paligid
DWENA MAE Jng severe skin damage in which Client will achieve wound  Monitor Vital signs  Monitoring the vital Patient will achieve wound
PR niya tapos nagdry (JULY
II 7-5PM naman 29-31,
of the affected cells healing, free signs of signs is important healing free of signs of
na” die. Depending on the cause infection and maiantain because with this we infection and maintain
and degree of injury, most optimal physical well-being would know if the optimal physical well-being
Objective: people can recover from as evidenced NCP
by clean,
PROPERand patient’s condition is as evidenced by clean, and
 Localized area hot burns without serious helath dry skin, no redness, improving or if the dry skin, no redness,
to touch, pinkish consequences. Second- itching/pain surrounding the patient is acquiring itching/pain surrounding the
 Itching surrounding the degree burns are more wound area infection althroughout wound area . And significant
wound site serious because the damage the healing or recovery others and patient are able to
 TSBA: 4-5 % extends beyond the top layer STO: process. acknowledge and comply to
 2nd Degree Burn on of skin. This type of After 4 hours of nursing nursing and medical
bilateral feet extensive damage causes the intervention the client and  Redness, swelling, interventions.
 Presenting features of skin to blister and become significant other will be able pain, burning, and
wound are dry and extremely red and sore. Some to: itching are indication of GOAL UNMET IF :
presence of bliters pop open, giving the  Participate in  Assess site of impaired inflammation and the Patient has slow pace of
discoloration of skin microorganisms opportunity prevention measures tissue integrity and its body’s immune system recovery and shows signs of
surrounding wound to enter the wound site which and treatment program condition. response to localized infection such as redness,
area results infections. such as maintaining tissue trauma or itching/pain and disocmfort,
 Weight: 20 kg clean and intact impaired tissue moisture around the wound
 Height 3 ft 11 inches/ Impaired skin integrity is dressing integrity. area with discharge and does
119 cm related to the problem since  Understand importance nit comply to some of the
 Temperature: 36.6 C the affected system is the of cleaning the wound medical and nursing
 Blood Pressure: 100.80 skin due to sclading burn. area and keeping the interventions.
 These findings will
mmHg The scalding burn is caused wound dry give information on
 Pulse Rate: 89 bpm by the hot boiling water that  Verbalize understaning extent of the impaired
 RR: 20 cpm with clear was spilled on the patient’s and feelings about the tissue integrity or
breath sounds feet that have caused direct condition  Assess characteristics injury. Pale tissue color
 SPO2: 98% transfer of heat to the skin. of wound, including is a sign of decreased
 Pt. Is oriented to time, With this the skin was color, size (length, oxygenation. Odor may
place, and person affected and resulted to LTO : width, depth), drainage, be a result of presence
 Normal Diet and has a alteration of skin surface After 3 days of Nursing and odor. of infection on the site;
BMI of 14.12 kg/m2 since the skin have acquired Intervention the client and it may also be coming
pain, redness, swelling and significant other will be able from a necrotic tissue.
Nursing Diagnosis: blisters. If impaired skin to: Serous exudate from a
integrity is not addressed  Demonstrate wound is a normal part
Impaired Skin integrity immediately this may be a behaviours to promote of inflammation and
related to Alteration of skin portal of entry for healing and prevent must be differentiated
surface Secondary to Burns microorganisms that may complication recurrent from pus or purulent
worsen the condition of the  Displays progressive discharge, which is
patient. The immune system improvement in wound present in infection.
tries to eliminate any lesion healing as
pathogen that the body will evidenced by no  Pain is part of the
acquire. However, if the redness, no swelling, normal inflammatory
immunesystem fails to do so, no abnormal process. The extent and
they will host the discharges, pinkish depth of injury may
microorganisms. And wound area, and no affect pain sensations.
because of that, if the burns presence of
are not assessed and itching/pain or
observed properly this may  The patient who
discomfort . scratches the skin in
lead to sepsis, may affect the
oxygenation and ventilation attempts to alleviate
 Assess the patient’s extreme itching may
and or may lead to end organ level of distress.
damage such as the brain, open skin lesion and
kidneys, liver and gut. increase risk for
PR ANNEX II 7-5PM (JULY 29-31, 2021)


Wayne, G. (2019, March 20). Impaired tissue (Skin) integrity – Nursing diagnosis & care plan. Nurseslabs.
Nurse’s Pocket Guide,Diagnoses, PrioritiizedInterventions, andRationales. M. Doenges,M. Moorhouse, A. Murr.12 th Edition

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