Clinical Technology Management USA Brochure
Clinical Technology Management USA Brochure
Clinical Technology Management USA Brochure
Clinical Technology
If you require program enhancements, lower costs and greater accountability out of
your Healthcare Technology Management System, let Sodexo CTM fulfill that need
and meet these objectives.
§§ Implement a Comprehensive Equipment The uniqueness of our CTM program lies in the
Management Program With Full-Time Dedicated fact that once you select Sodexo and we set your
Staffing fee, we assume all the risk associated with the
§§ Perform Planned and Corrective management and maintenance of your entire
Maintenance, Resulting in Measurable program. What that means to you is:
Improvement in Equipment Uptime
§§ You pay no additional cost if a piece of
§§ Assist in Capital Planning to Create a Proactive equipment fails on our watch; we own the
Equipment Replacement Model Based on financial responsibility of getting that piece of
Equipment Life Expectancy and Utilization equipment back up and running.
§§ Embrace an All-Inclusive, Fixed-Cost Financial §§ Your downtime plummets when the on-site
Arrangement that Provides a Predictable MinuteMan® software package (equipped with
Investment an on-board purchase order module allowing
purchase order issuance day or night) manages
All of these objectives and more can be
the contracted equipment and OEM agreements.
achieved when you choose Sodexo as your
trusted CTM partner. §§ Up to 10% of the annual program cost is
at risk if Sodexo fails to meet agreed-upon
performance metrics such as responsiveness,
uptime requirements, customer satisfaction
surveys, employee engagement surveys or
preventive maintenance completion. It’s what
you would expect from a partner.
Sodexo simplifies correct management of equipment §§ Work in conjunction with a local District Manager
inventory now, and capital planning for equipment and highly trained and qualified technicians to
replacement when the time comes. That replacement ensure specific needs are met.
model – like everything else Sodexo does – is focused §§ Operate the MinuteMan software to render real-
on your patients’, physicians’ and staff’s best interest time equipment service status information 24/7.
first and foremost. Through CAMS, your on-site
manager will: Your on-site team will be fully empowered to
ensure all aspects of your program are operational
§§ Routinely track certain aspects of all covered
and functioning at all times.
equipment and provide that information to
hospital management to project any potential
replacement opportunities, proactively.
§§ Identify all devices in the inventory and its
ability to store and process patient information
electronically or transmit via network (ePHI).
§§ Assist department heads in projecting any
changes to the CAMS program based on additions,
deletions or covered changes during the upcoming
fiscal year.
| Sodexo’s Clinical Technology Management | Sodexo Healthcare | 800 432 6663 |