ClaimCenter Overview Brochure JP
ClaimCenter Overview Brochure JP
ClaimCenter Overview Brochure JP
Today’s Challenge
It’s a fact that claims handling accounts for your highest “ClaimCenter enables us
cost. It also presents your greatest opportunity for satisfying to immediately assign
customers and securing their loyalty. But, if you’re one of claims to the appropriate
the insurers still mired down with an inflexible or incomplete adjuster at loss intake
claims system, your business may be at risk to competitors based on the expertise the
who are responding to customer expectations faster, or claim requires and adjuster
controlling costs more efficiently. How can you overcome workloads, which results
such challenges while adapting to the shifting dynamics of in better and faster policy-
the industry? The answer is with Guidewire ClaimCenter®. holder service.”
ClaimCenter enables you to adapt to rapid change in order – Greg Youngblood, Vice
to meet new customer needs. It empowers you to execute President, Claims, Kentucky
on your vision of claims operations and service excellence Farm Bureau Mutual Insurance
with a complete claim technology platform. At Guidewire, Company
we set out to provide best-in-class applications, and we
continue to improve and add to our knowledge base with
every project.
ClaimCenter at a Glance
Guidewire ClaimCenter, the property and casualty industry’s most widely used web-based claims system,
is available for all lines of business. ClaimCenter’s rich functional depth enables end-to-end claims lifecycle
management improvements—from dynamic, intuitive loss-report intake through advanced adjudication
processes and integrated operational reporting. ClaimCenter equips your staff and management with the
modern productivity tools needed within a claims application that is based on sophisticated business rules.
It is designed to provide you with total control over the claims process, giving you complete flexibility to
succeed in a rapidly changing industry.
ClaimCenter is available as a stand-alone system or as part of Guidewire InsuranceSuite™, and it can be
integrated with legacy systems and third-party applications.
Wizard-based; dynamic, Rules-based Best practices Litigated matters on Business rules ensure all
response-driven segmentation and automatically claim and negotiation appropriate steps taken
questions; assignment to encompassed in details tracked before claim closure
policy integration one or more workplan and
claim professionals continuously
New Claim Segment Investigate Litigation
/ Payments Close
Entry / Assign / Evaluate / Negotiation
/ Recoveries
Insurers have been able to leverage ClaimCenter’s adaptable New Claim Wizard to ensure the inclusion of
specific questions or scripted messages based on line of business, claim complexity, or other attributes.
Initiatives to enhance customer service at the time of the loss report can be accommodated as well—for
example, proactively meeting customer needs through integration with services such as rental car vendors,
roadside assistance, or repair vendors.
In addition, we have the commitment and know-how to support you—for decades. All our products
undergo rigorous testing, including more than 100,000 automated tests. Our high rate of installations
successfully completed, or in process of Guidewire InsuranceSuite applications, attest to the quality, flexibility,
and scalability of our solution. Also, your ability to upgrade to new versions with expanded functionality and
technical updates ensures you’ll stay current with your business needs.
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