Lyndon Johnson became president in 1963 after John F. Kennedy's assassination. As president, he pushed the Civil Rights Act of 1964 through Congress and established programs as part of his Great Society initiative to address education, healthcare, poverty, and urban issues. However, he struggled to manage the escalating Vietnam War, which contributed to declining public approval of his presidency. He chose not to run for re-election in 1968.
Lyndon Johnson became president in 1963 after John F. Kennedy's assassination. As president, he pushed the Civil Rights Act of 1964 through Congress and established programs as part of his Great Society initiative to address education, healthcare, poverty, and urban issues. However, he struggled to manage the escalating Vietnam War, which contributed to declining public approval of his presidency. He chose not to run for re-election in 1968.
Lyndon Johnson became president in 1963 after John F. Kennedy's assassination. As president, he pushed the Civil Rights Act of 1964 through Congress and established programs as part of his Great Society initiative to address education, healthcare, poverty, and urban issues. However, he struggled to manage the escalating Vietnam War, which contributed to declining public approval of his presidency. He chose not to run for re-election in 1968.
Lyndon Johnson became president in 1963 after John F. Kennedy's assassination. As president, he pushed the Civil Rights Act of 1964 through Congress and established programs as part of his Great Society initiative to address education, healthcare, poverty, and urban issues. However, he struggled to manage the escalating Vietnam War, which contributed to declining public approval of his presidency. He chose not to run for re-election in 1968.
○ Born in texas ○ Went to texas tech ○ Was a school teacher ○ Became congressman and a senator ○ #1 democratic senator in 1960 ○ Takes over in 1963 ○ Wins presidency in 1964 ● Civil rights act of 1964 ○ 14th amendment ○ Ended segregation ○ Banned employment discrimination ● Election of 1964 ○ LBJ won in a 62% vote ○ Barry Goldwater started the modern conservative movement ■ Smaller federal government ■ Fewer welfare programs ■ Reduction in taxes ■ Would lead to Reagan’s conservative movement in the 1908s ● Great Society ○ Purpose ■ LBJ Great Society, FDR New Deal ■ War on Poverty, Elimination of poverty and racial injustice ■ New government programs that addressed education, medical care, urban problems, rural poverty, and transportation ● The slogan “The Great Society” was borrowed from Graham Wallas, a British socialist ● Johnson said, “I am a Roosevelt New Dealer, Kennedy was a little too conservative to suit my tastes.” ○ Civil Rights Legislation ■ Voting rights act of 1965 ● Same standards had to be used to register white and black voters ● No literacy tests, poll taxes, etc. ■ Equal Employment Opportunity Commision ● Purpose to end discrimination in public facilities ○ Medical care ■ Medicare 1965 ● Provided health insurance to 65+ ■ Medicaid ● A social health care program for citizens with low income and limited resources ○ Housing and urban development ■ Reforming cities ● VISTA organized volunteers who worked in the poorest communities ● Department of Housing and Urban Development ○ Schools and immigration ■ Education reform ● Elementary and Secondary education act of 1965 extended aid to students and not on the needs of school ● Head start helped disadvantaged preschool children ■ Repeal the 1920s “National Origins” ● Immigrations act of 1965 ○ Limits the number of new people into the US ○ Legacy of Great Society ■ Changes Democratic Party ● Turned into a government party ● Organized around unions, lobbyists, and interest groups ■ Debt and Deficits ● In 1961 the government spent 94 billion, went up to 196 billion in 1970 ■ Impacts on poverty ● Didn’t end poverty ● Didn’t end government corruption ● Vietnam War ○ Truman, Eisenhower, Kennedy ■ North Vietnam invaded South Vietnam ■ Send military advisors to help SV ○ Gulf of Tonkin resolution ■ NV attacks US navy ships ■ Gave president power to prevent further aggression in vietnam ■ Johnson seen as anti-communist in 1964 election ○ Johnson and Vietnam ■ Johnson didn’t want the attention and cost of the Vietnam War stopping his Great Society ● WW2 ended the new deal ■ Secretary of Defense Robert McNamara and Graduated Pressure ● US would slowly increase bombing and troop levels to convince the communists to peace negotiations ○ Types of Warfare ■ Geruilla Warfare ● Seek and destroy, body counts, difficult to see who is winning ● TV brought the images of war to homes ■ Massive Bombing ● Napalm ○ Destroys the jungle ○ Difficult to destroy Ho Chi Ming ● Agent Orange ○ Designed to destroy jungle ○ Unpopular War ■ Tet Offensive ● Vietcong launches major offensive in every city in SV ● Helped turn public opinion bad about the war ● Johnson’s “Credibility Gap” ○ Assassinations and Race Riots ■ RFK and MLK ■ Race riots throughout the country ■ Protests at the DNC live on national tv ○ Why NO Johnson ■ 35% approval rating ■ Lost the New Hampshire Democratic Primary ■ Decides not to run for reelectuion ■ Left the presidency in revolt against his policies and at war with itself ● Slavery ○ Bacon’s Rebellion ○ Freedom Amendments ■ American Civil War ○ Reconstruction and the South ■ Compromise of 1877 ● Ended the military districts ■ Violated the 14th amendment ● Jim Crow Laws ● Black Codes ■ 15th amendment ● Poll taxes ● Literacy texts ○ Early civil rights leaders ■ Booker T ● Economic Freedom ● Tuskegee institute ● Invited to white house by TR ■ WEB DuBois ● Legal Freedom ● NAACP ○ Origins of the Modern Movement ■ Began after World War 2 with a new group of middle class african americans ● Great Migration, Employment and Jobs, increased education ■ Goal was to end segregation in the south by staging various nonviolent protests and increase job opportunities ○ Military Integration ○ Supreme Court Cases ■ Plessy v. Ferguson ● Seperate but equal ■ Brown v Board ● Seperate but equal sucks ● Integration in schools ○ Murder of Emmett Till ■ Brutally murdered ○ Montgomery Bus Protest ■ Rosa Parks ● Challenged plessy v ferguson ● Arrested for not moving on bus ■ Year long bus boycott in Montgomery, Alabama 75% of bus riders were black ■ Supreme court declared Montgomery’s bus segregation law was unconstitutional ○ Freedom Riders ■ Student nonviolent coordinating comittee ● Coordinated sit-ins and other protests ○ March on Washington ■ I have a dream speech ○ Freedom Summer Murders ■ People registering blacks to vote were arrested and murdered ● Social Movements ■ The FEminine Mystique ● College aged women ● Feminist movement, independent women ■ National organization for Women ● Equal pay for women at work ● Don’t objectify women ■ Roe v. Wade ● Legalized abortion ○ Equal rights amendment ■ Equality of rights under sex ■ Didn’t pass because of the 14th amendment ○ Environmentalism ■ Rachel Carson’s Silent Spring ■ Clean Air Act, Clean Water Act ■ Environmental Protection Agency ● FED government protect country’s natural resources ● Restrictions on business ○ Student movements ■ Students for a democratic society ● Tom Hayden issued port huron statement ● Called for university decisions to be made through participatory democracy ■ Free speech movement ● UoC at berkeley ● Students demanded an end to university restrictions on student political activities. ■ Weathermen ● Terrorist group, embraced violence and vandalism in their attacks on american schools. ○ Cesar Chavez ■ Helped Mexican farmers in Cali ■ The united farm workers ● Essentially a farmer union ○ Criminal justice ■ Miranda v. Arizona ● Miranda rights ■ Gideon v Wainwright ● Made public defenders ■ Escobedo v. illinois ● Inform people of their right to remain silent ■ Mapp v. ohio ● Illegally gained evidence can not be used ○ Freedom of Privacy ■ Yates v. Arizona ● First amendment protects radical and revolutionary speech ■ Engel v. Vitale ● No bible indoctrination ● Separation of church and state ■ Griswold v. Connecticut ● Recognition of privacy ● Jimmy Carter ○ A New Approach ■ Watergate scandal ● Carter was an outsider to Washington, promised honest president ■ Vietnam syndrome ● Many americans were tired of overseas wars ● Carter pardoned all draft dodgers ■ Focused foreign policy ● Focused on human rights ○ Camp David Accords ■ Between 1947-1973 Egypt and Israel fought 6 times ■ Carter brought Egypt and Israel to sign a peace treaty ■ Sadat (egypt) would later be assassinated by the Muslim Brotherhood, but peace is still kept today ○ Salt 2 treaty ■ USSR leader Leonid Brezhnev ■ Created limitations and guidelines for nuclear weapons ○ Compared to carter to Neville Chamberlain ■ Compared Salt 2 to appeasement ■ Soviet Union breaking arms agreements and increasing nuclear weapons and troop levels ■ Gaining ground in afghanistan and south america ■ Many thought the USA would lose the cold war ○ Iran Hostage Crisis ■ Ayatollah Khomeini and his radical Islamic group took over Iran ■ They stormed the US embassy and took 52 american hostages ■ Operation eagle claw ● Failed military mission to save hostages ● Showed carter and american weakness ○ Stagflation ■ Recession: High interest rates, high inflation, high unemployment ■ Throughout the 1970s, the US experienced high levels of inflation and unemployment as a result of government spending and taxation ■ During carter’s presidency the federal reserve began increasing interest rates to combat high inflation ○ Energy crisis ■ OPEC Embargo ● Shortage of gas, gas lines ● Middle east stopped selling oil to US ■ National energy act ● Urged americans to stop using oil ● Lessen US dependence on foreign oil ● Tax on gas guzzlers, removed price controls, tax credit for alternative energy ○ Malaise speech ■ President Carter lamented the country for having a Crisis of Confidence ■ Encouraged Americans to reduce their spending and energy consumption ○ Election of 1980 ■ Democratic Party ● Jimmy Carter ○ Economy in a Recession ○ Iran hostage crisis ■ Republican Party ● Ronald Reagan ○ Successful Governor of California ○ New Conservative Movement ○ Shrink power of the Federal government ● Reagan Revolution ○ Conservative Movement ■ Started in 1964 with Barry Goldwater ■ Against FDR’s New Deal and Johnson’s Great society, reform the welfare system ■ Created a new political organization uniting business republicans, christian evangelists, and working class democrats ○ Reagan Challenges ■ 8% unemployment ■ 13.5% inflation ■ 20% interest rates ○ Reaganomics ■ Supply side economics ● Cut Taxes ○ Cut income taxes and business taxes by 25% ○ People have more money to spend, keep more profit ● Reduce government regulation ○ Lower costs of production. Supply of goods will increase and prices will decrease ● Reduce interest rates ○ Producers and consumers access to loans and easy credit ○ BUdget and Deficits ■ Budget cuts ● Deregulation, cutting back federal regulation of industry ● Reformed social security, medicare, medicaid ● Federalism, state and local governments control programs ○ Social issues ■ Conservative judges to the SUpreme Court ● Sandra day o'connor, antonin scalia, and anthony kennedy ○ Republican Candidate ■ Reagan, reelection ■ Winner, massive landslide ■ Changed debate to issues of government programs to cut and by how much ○ Democratic Candidate ■ Walter Mondale ■ Former VP under Carter ● Defeating the Soviet Union ○ Waging the COld War ■ Believed the USSR was a threat to americas safety ■ Increase military safety ● Doubled military budget ■ Strategic Defense Initiative ● Defense system to protect US from missiles ● Star Wars ○ Reagan Doctrine ■ US would provide overt and covert aid to anti communist people around the world ■ Effort to roll back Soviet backed communist governments in Africa, Asia, and Latin America ■ Diminish Soviet influence in the world ○ Tear Down THis Wall ■ USSR was unable to maintain arms race with the US, destroyed their economy ■ Berlin wall was opened ■ Eastern European nations declared independence and created democratic governments ■ Soviet Union collapsed and formed Russia a democratic government ● 1988 Presidential Election ○ Republican Candidate ● New World Order ○ Collapse of the Berlin Wall ■ Symbolized the end of the Cold War ■ Soviet Union became Russia ○ Persian Gulf War ■ Causes ● Saddam Hussein dictator of Iraq ● Kuwait is an ally of US ● Iraq invaded Kuwait ■ Effects ● Bush launched Operation Desert Storm ● Kuwait was liberated ● HUssein remained in power but UN restricted power, forced to destroy WMD’s ○ Domestic Accomplishments ■ Supreme Court ● Nominated Clarence Thomas ● Conservative Justice ■ American with Disabilities act ● Prohibited discrimination against citizens with disabilities ○ Taxes, Debt, and Recession ■ When Bush ran for election he promised not to implement new taxes ● No New Taxes ■ Inherited deficit spending and a recession ■ Was forced to raise taxes ■ Lost reelection ○ 1992 Election ■ Independent Candidate ● H Ross Perot ● Texas Billionaire ● Focused on Debt and deficit ● Hurt bush reelection ■ Democratic Candidate ● Bill Clinton ○ Winner ○ Governor of Arkansas ○ Lewinsky ● Bill Clinton ○ Promoted Trade ■ NAFTA ● North American Free Trade Agreement ● Promote free trade by eliminating trade barriers ● Opponents claimed it supported outsourcing and increased trade competition ■ GAIT ● Lowered tariffs around the world ○ Foreign Policy ■ Somalian Genocide ● US soldiers in somalia ● 18 americans killed ■ Bosnian genocide ■ Rwandan Genocide ● Small African country ● 1 million died, Tusi vs Hutu ● Clinton’s biggest mistake ■ Rise in Terrorism ○ Impeached ■ Only other presidents impeached were Andrew Johnson and trump ■ Lied under oath about a relationship with lewinsky ■ Clinton faced trial by the senate but was not convicted ● Social issues 1980s and 1990s ○ HIV and Aids ■ Break down of immune system ○ Drugs ■ Just say no ○ Abortion ○ Shift in Jobs ■ Explosion of jobs in Service industry ○ International Competition ○ Movement of Americans ○ Changing of demographics ■ Aging america ■ More people moving to cities ● 2000 Presidential Election ○ Bush v Gore ○ Recount ● George Bush ○