New Engineering Materials
New Engineering Materials
New Engineering Materials
1 Magnetic Materials
The materials which gets magnetised when placed in external magnetic field are
known as magnetic materials. These materials play a vital role in modern technol-
ogy. They are widely used in electrical machines, computers, television tube, trans-
ducers, audio devices, meters etc. These materials actually play an important role in
storage devices.
Among the many types of magnetic materials, diamagnetic, paramagnetic, fer-
romagnetic, antiferromagnetic and ferrimagnetic are the most important, from the
point of view of their applications. In order to understand the magnetic behaviour
of different materials mentioned above, a thorough knowledge of such materials is
very essential.
Two opposite ends of a bar magnet are known as magnetic poles. They are called as
north pole and south pole. The north and south poles are separated by a distance l
form a magnetic dipole.
Magnetic moment of a bar magnet is defined as the product of its pole strength (m)
and length of the magnet (2l).
M = m × 2l (1)
unit of M is wb − m.
5.2 Applied Physics for Engineers
Magnetic field
The space (or) region around the magnet where the influence of magnetism is felt is
known as magnetic field.
B =µH (5)
µ= (6)
B0 = µ 0 H (7)
µ0 = (8)
Magnetic permeability of free space (µ0 ) is defined as the ratio of the magnetic
induction (B0 ) in air (or) free space to the magnetic field (H).
Unit of µ0 is Henry/metre.
5.4 Applied Physics for Engineers
µr = (9)
µ BH B
µr = = = (10)
µ0 B0 H B0
Hence relative permeability of a medium (µr ) can also be defined as the ratio of
magnetic flux density B established in the medium to the magnetic flux density B 0
established in air.
magnetic moment
volume of the material
I= (11)
Unit of I is wb/m.
If A is the area of cross section, 2l is the length and m is the pole strength of a
magnet (magnetic material) then
M m × 2l
I= = sin M = m × 2l
V A × 2l
I= (12)
Hence the intensity of magnetisation of a material can also be defined as the ratio
between its pole strength and area of cross section per unit area kept right angles to
the direction of magnetisation.
Material Science 5.5
µr = 1 + χ (14)
5.2.2 Classification
Magnetic materials are broadly classified into two categories (types)
5.6 Applied Physics for Engineers
Let us now discuss briefly the five types of magnetic materials mentioned above.
Diamagnetic materials
These materials when placed in an external magnetic field get feebly magnetised
in a direction opposite to the external field. Because of this, when a diamagnetic
material is suspended in a uniform magnetic filed, they at once turns in a direction
perpendicular to the direction of external field (Resultant of external and internal
fields is in perpendicular direction).
An electron moving round the nucleus produces a magnetic moment. Due to differ-
ent orientations of various orbits in an atom, the net magnetic moment of a diamag-
netic material is zero. When an external magnetic field is applied on these materials,
there is a change produced in the motion (speed of electrons) in the orbits which
produces an induced magnetic moment in a direction opposite to the external field.
That is why a suspended diamagnetic material turns perpendicular to external field.
1. Direction of alignment: (turning)
In a uniform external magnetic field: When a diamagnetic material is suspended
in a uniform magnetic field, it at once turns perpendicular to the direction of external
In a non uniform field: It turns from a stronger field region to a weaker field re-
Fig. 1 Magnetic lines are passing away from the diamagnetic material
3. Magnetic moment
There are no permanent dipoles. Hence the magnetic effects are small.
4. Magnetisation
Magnetisation in a diamagnetic material is directed opposite to the direction of ex-
ternal magnetic field.
5. Susceptibility (χ)
Diamagnetic materials have negative susceptibility. The absolute value of suscepti-
bility is of the order of 10−6 .
Eg: For Bismuth χ = −16.6 × 10−5
For Lead χ = −1.8 × 10−5
Paramagnetic materials
These materials when placed in a uniform external magnetic field, they get mag-
netised in the direction of the external field. Because of this, when a paramagnetic
material is suspended in an external field, they at once turns in the same direction of
the applied field.
Paramagnetic materials possess permanent magnetic moments. This magnetic mo-
ments in a single atom of the material is due to (a) orbital motion of electrons around
the nucleus producing orbital magnetic moment and (b) spin motion of electrons
producing spin magnetic moment.
The orbital magnetic moments disappear due to the electric field of neighbouring
charges but spin magnetic moments remain unaltered due to this field.
In the absence of external field, because of random orientation of magnetic mo-
ments under thermal fluctuations, the net magnetic moment in the material is zero.
When the external field is applied, the magnetic moments tend to line up with the
external field. Since the magnetisation produced in the materials is in the same di-
rection of external field, they set themselves in the direction of applied field.
1. Direction of alignment in external magnetic field
When a paramagnetic substance is suspended in a uniform magnetic field, it at once
turns along the direction of the external field.
In a non uniform field, it turns from a weaker field region to a stronger field
The paramagnetic materials attracts the magnetic lines of force. Hence when they
brought near an electromagnet, the lines of forces due to electromagnet are pulled
towards the paramagnetic materials.
3. Magnetic moment
Paramagnetic materials possess permanent magnetic dipole moment.
4. Magnetisation
Magnetisation in a paramagnetic material is directed along the direction of external
magnetic field.
5. Susceptibility (χ)
Paramagnetic materials have a positive magnetic susceptibility (very low). The sus-
ceptibility is of the order of 10−6 .
1 T T
T (a) (b)
C Fig. 3
Ferromagnetic materials
These materials when placed in a uniform external magnetic field, they get strongly
magnetised in the direction of the applied field. Because of this, when a ferromag-
netic material is suspended in an external field, they quickly turns along the direction
of the applied field.
A ferromagnetic material has a spontaneous magnetic moment naturally even in the
absence of external field that is the net magnetic moments due to the atoms in the
material is not zero. This net intrinsic magnetic dipole moment which is primarily
due to the spin of the electrons. There is a strong interaction between the neighbour-
ing atomic magnetic dipoles. It is known as spin exchange interaction and this
exchange interaction align the neighbouring magnetic dipoles parallel to each other
and this spread over a very small region (1 - 0.1 mm across) called domain. The
domains are oriented in different directions and there is a net magnetic moment in
the material which is the vector sum of the magnetic moment of domains.
In the absence of external field, the magnetic moment of domains are not aligned.
When the external field is applied, the domains that are aligned in the direction of
field, increase in size at the expense of other. In a very strong magnetic field, all the
Material Science 5.11
domains are lined up providing highly observed magnetism. Since the magnetisa-
tion produced inside the material is in the direction of external field, the material
quickly turns along the direction of applied field.
1. Direction of alignment in external magnetic field
When a ferromagnetic material is suspended in a uniform magnetic field, it quickly
turns along the direction of the external field.
In a non-uniform field, it turns from a weaker field region to a stronger field
region quickly.
Fig. 4
3. Magnetic moment
Ferromagnetic materials have permanent dipole moment. Hence they attract field
4. Magnetisation
They exhibit magnetisation even in the absence of external magnetic field. This prop-
erty is known as spontaneous magnetisation.
In the external field, the magnetisation produced is directed along the applied
5. Susceptibility (χ)
Ferromagnetic materials have positive magnetic susceptibility. The value of suscep-
tibility is very high and is of the order of 106 .
Eg: χ for pure Fe = 2 × 105 .
5.12 Applied Physics for Engineers
106 . Relative
B (Tesla)
0 Magnetic field (H) (A m ) H
Magnetisation of a ferromagnetic material does not vary linearly with the applied
field H. It has a very complex function with the applied field.
Material Science 5.13
10. Hysteresis: Y
Antiferromagnetic materials -Y
These materials are magnetised parallel to the di- Fig. 8 Hysteresis loop
rection of external magnetic field. When a antiferromagnetic material is suspended
in a uniform (strong) magnetic field, it turns slowly along the direction of applied
Antiferromagnetic materials are crys-
talline solids, which exhibit a small
positive susceptibility of the order of Fig. 9 Dipole magnetic moments are equal
10−3 to 10−5 . Since the distance be-
tween interacting atoms is small in
an antiferromagnetic material, the magnetic interaction between any two dipoles
align themselves anti-parallel to each other and all the dipoles have equal mag-
netic moment in the absence of external field. Hence the resultant magnetisation
is zero. But when an external field is applied, the dipoles align themselves in the
direction of the external field (since the magnetic induction produced in the material
is in the same direction of the external field).
1. Direction alignment is external magnetic field
When a antiferromagnetic material is suspended in a uniform magnet field, it turns
along the direction of applied field.
2. Magnetic moment
Antiferromagnetic materials have permanent magnetic moment.
3. Alignment of dipoles
Since the distance between interacting atoms is small, the dipoles align in opposite
directions. This is due to an exchange interaction. Actually electron spin of neigh-
5.14 Applied Physics for Engineers
4. Magnetisation
Magnetisation in antiferromagnetic material is directed along the direction of the
external field.
5. Susceptibility (χ)
Susceptibility (χ) of antiferromagnetic materials is very small and is positive. It is of
the order of 10−3 to 10−5 .
T +θ
C = curie constant
θ = paramagnetic curie temperature
× 1/c
T (K)
Variation of 1
χ with T is a straight line.
7. Permeability (µr )
Permeability (µr ) of antiferromagnetic materials is slightly greater than 1
Material Science 5.15
since µr = 1 + χ
Ferrimagnetic materials
These materials are magnetised parallel to the direction of external magnetic field.
When a ferrimagnetic material is suspended in a uniform magnetic field, it turns
quickly along the direction of the applied field.
In a ferrimagnetic material, the magnetic interac-
tion between any two dipoles is such that they
align themselves antiparallel to each other.
But the magnitudes of any two adjacent
dipole moments are not equal. Hence the ma- Fig.11 Dipole magnetic moments
terial possess a net magnetic moment. Hence if are not equal
we apply a small external magnetic field, it will
produce a large value of magnetisation of specimen along the direction of external
field. Hence the material turns along the direction of external field. But above the
curie temp TC , similar to Neel temperature in antiferromagnetic materials the in-
herent magnetic moment disappears due to random arrangement of dipoles under
thermal agitation.
1. Direction of alignment in external magnetic field
When a ferrimagnetic material is suspended in a uniform magnetic field, it turns
quickly along the direction of the applied field.
2. Magnetic moment
Ferrimagnetic materials have permanent magnetic moment.
3. Alignment of dipoles
Since the distance between neighbouring atoms is very small, the dipoles align in
opposite directions. This is due to exchange interaction. But the magnitudes of
magnetic moments of dipoles are not equal. Hence the material possess a net
magnetic moment. That is why ferrimagnetic materials are referred as uncompen-
sated magnetic materials.
5.16 Applied Physics for Engineers
4. Magnetisation
Magnetisation in a ferrimagnetic material is parallel to the direction of external mag-
netic field.
5. Susceptibility (χ)
Susceptibility (χ) of ferrimagnetic materials is very large and is positive but not so
high as ferromagnetic materials.
0 TC T
Fig. 12
Ferrimagnetic materials are widely used in high frequency applications (where fer-
romagnetic materials cannot be used).
Material Science 5.17
Tc = curie temp
9. Dependance on magnetisa- Varies linearly in -ve Varies linearly having Varies linearly having
tion with external field. direction small +ve slope larger +ve slope
(When the field is not so y
y y
strong) B
(flux B B
Applied Physics for Engineers
H x
(ext.field) 0 H
10. Magnetic Relative mr is less than unity (mr < 1) mr is slightly grater than mr is very large and is of
permeability (mr) 5
unity (mr > 1) the order of 10
11. Hysteresis (lagging of Does not exhibit Hysteresis Does not exhibit Exhibit Hysteresis
internal magnetisation with Hysteresis (There is a residual
the external field magnetism in the material
after the external field is
switched off.
tion of external field increases in size at the expense of the others by the movement
the walls of domains towards unfavourably oriented with respect to external field.
b) By rotation of domains
As the magnetic field is increased to a larger value (near saturation) further domain
growth becomes impossible. Therefore most favorably oriented and fully growth
domains tend to rotate so as to be in complete alignment in the direction of exter-
nal field.
A typical magnetisation curve (B-H curve) of a pure ferromagnetic material is
shown in Fig.15.
4 B
Rot. of domain
Rotation of domain
H 2 Growths of favorable
domains & shrinkage
Domain magnetisation growth of unfavorable domains
by rotation A
c) Effect of temperature
If a ferromagnetic material is heated to a high c
temperature, the thermal vibrations become so
strong enough to offset the alignment of mag-
netic moments of dipoles with in the domain.
At a particular temperature, the material loses TC T
its ferromagnetic property and behave like a Fig. 16
paramagnetic material. The temperature above which a ferromagnetic material be-
comes paramagnet is called as curie temperature given by the relation χ = T −T C
Where χ is the magnetic susceptibility of the material, variation of χ with respect to
temperature (T) is shown in Fig.16.
5.2.5 Hysteresis
The lagging of flux density (B) (magnetisation) behind the magnetising field H
(external magnetic field) in the case of a ferromagnetic materials is known as Hys-
teresis. The hysteresis graph represents the variation of flux density B with the
change in the external magnetic field strength (H) in a ferromagnetic material.
Consider an unmagnetised specimen of ferromagnetic material subjected to an
external magnetic field. When the magnetic field strength (H) is gradually increased
from zero (point 0), the flux density (B) also increases rapidly upto a point A in the
graph. It is observed that if the magnetic field strength (H) is increased further, the
5.22 Applied Physics for Engineers
rate of increase of flux density slope is reduced and finally becomes zero
(slope) and the value of flux density reaches a saturation shown by the curve PC.
When the magnetic field strength (H) is re-
versed and slowly decreases to zero then P
the flux density (B) decreases not along CO,
but along CPD and the flux density (B) B
not becomes zero when the external field Bh A
strength (H) is zero. A certain amount H
-H 0 J
of flux density represented by OD in the HC
Br = Retentivity
graph is still left with the material even G HC = Coercivity
when the external field strength is zero
and is known as residual magnetism (or)
retentivity and its represented in the Fig. 17
graph as Br . Thus retentivity of a speci-
men is defined as the magnatisation (or) flux density retained by the specimen when
the magnetising field is reduced from saturation value to zero. Its magnitude is rep-
resented as Br in the graph.
If the external magnetic field (H) is decreased (or) increased in the negative di-
rection, the flux density varies along DE and at E, the magnitude of flux density
becomes zero. Hence there is no residual magnetism in the specimen at this stage.
Hence in order to make the flux density left with the material to zero, a certain
amount of external magnetic field represented by OE is applied in reverse direction.
This negative value of the magnetic field causes demagnetisation of the specimen
and it is called as the coercive force (or) coercivity. Hence coercivity of a spec-
imen is defined as the amount of reverse external magnetic field required to make
the residual magnetism zero (flux density B=0) (or) complete demagnetisation. Its
magnitude is represented as Hc in the graph.
It is observed that the field strength (H) is decreased further (increased in nega-
tive direction) the flux density B, increases rapidly along the curve EF, until a nega-
tive saturation is reached at F. If the field is increased towards positive direction, we
get a curve FGJC and the cycle is completed, the enclosed area of the curve CPDE-
FGJC is called as hysteresis loop. It may be noted from the figure, that the flux
density (B) always lags behind the magnetic field strength (H) and this phe-
nomenon is known as magnetic hysteresis.
The work done on the ferromagnetic specimen gives an energy loss known as
Hysteresis loss. The hysteresis loss is defined as the loss of energy in taking a fer-
romagnetic material through a complete cycle of magnetisation and the
magnitude of loss is represented by the area enclosed by the hysteresis loop.
Actually domain structure changes during the hysteresis.
Material Science 5.23
zero. The amount of energy spent in this process (reverse back to original condition)
is known as Hysteresis loss and this loss enclosed by the represented by the area
of hysteresis loop of B-H curve.
Bohr magneton is the magnetic moment produced by one unpaired electron in
an atom. It is the basic (quantum) unit of atomic magnetism, represented by µ B
D 1.2 1.2
1 B (wbm) B (wbm) 1
0.8 0.8
0.6 0.6
0.4 0.4
-48 -32 -16 0.2 0.2 BH max
0 4 8 12 16 20
3 4 3
X 10 A/m (X 10 B/m )
Fig. 18
The second and fourth quadrant of B-H curve, the loop represents the demagnetis-
ing curves of the material and is related to the energy required to demagnetise the
magnet. It is conventional to represent the second quadrant of B-H curve as the de-
magnetising curve. The energy product BH versus magnetic induction B curve for a
hard material is shown in figure.
It is seen from the graph that the energy product is zero at the points D and E and
it attains maximum at an intermediate point known as the maximum energy product
BHmax . Actually the maximum energy product of a hard material is given by the
area of the largest rectangle that can be inscribed in a demagnetising curve.
Material Science 5.25
The energy product should be as large as possible for permanent magnets. Hence the
materials with higher values of energy product can be used as a magnetic recording
materials and these materials can be selected by drawing graph between B and BH
(product of B and H).
divalent metals (having two electrons in the outermost shell) like Fe, Co, Mn, Zn, Ca
and Mg.
Since the oxide contains ions, the magnetic properties can be predicted with some
good approximation each Fe+2 ion corresponds to 4 Bohr magneton (unit of measur-
ing atomic magnetism) and each Fe+3 corresponds to 5 Bohr magneton. A material
such as Fe+2 Fe+3
2 O4 exhibits a saturation magnetisation which amounts to 4 Bohr
A site
The oxygen ions in a ferrite form a close packed face centred cubic structure
(FCC). It is found that for every four O−2 ions, there are two octahedral holes sur-
rounded by six O−2 ions and 1 tetrahedral hole surrounded by four O−2 ions. The
metal ions are distributed over tetrahedral sites (A site) and octahedral sites (B site).
Thus octahedral sublattice has twice as many sites as in tetrahedral one. There are
two Fe+3 ions and one Fe+2 ion per molecule of Fe3 O4 , Fe+3 magnetic moments just
cancel each other (5 − 5 = 0) and hence the net magnetic moment per molecules of
ferrite is 4µB. This is in good agreement with experiment. The behaviour of other
ferrites may be explained in a similar manner.
5.26 Applied Physics for Engineers
1. Ferrite rods are used in radio receiver to increase the sensitivity and selectivity
of the receiver.
2. Ferrites are used as cores in audio and T.V. transformers.
3. Ferrites are used in digital computers, data processing circuits and digital data
storage devices.
4. Ferrites are used to produce low frequency ultrasonic waves in magnetostric-
tion method.
5. Ferrites are widely used in non reciprocal microwave devices like Gyrator, cir-
culator and isolator.
6. Ferrites are used in power limiting and harmonic generation devices.
7. They are used in the design of ferromagnetic amplifiers of microwave signals.
8. Hard ferrites are used to make permanent magnets which are used in galvano
meters, ammeters, voltmeters, speed meters, wattmeters and recorder.
9. Ferrite core can be used as bistable element.
10. Rectangular ferrite cores can be used as a magnetic shift register.
5.3 Dielectrics
5.3.1 Introduction
Dielectrics are essentially insulating materials. Dielectric materials are used to
store electric energy. The basic function of an insulating material is to resist the flow
of electric current and at the same time the dielectric material stores electric energy.
For a material to be a good dielectric, it must behave as an insulator.
They are non metallic materials having high specific resistance and nega-
tive temperature coefficient. In a dielectric, all the electrons are bound to their
parent molecules and there are no free charges and electrons are not released under
the action of applied electric field or thermal energy.
Conduction band
Forbidden band
(wide energy gap)
Valence band
Fig. 20
The common examples of dielectric are rubber, bakelite, mica, glass etc.
5.3.3 Application
1. Dielectrics are widely used as insulating materials. Some examples are given
(a) Copper (or) Aluminium wires are used as conductors in electrical cir-
cuits but they are insulated with an outer jacket of plastic (or) rubber
(b) In heater coils (filament) dielectric like ceramics beads are used to avoid
short circuiting.
(c) In electric iron box, mica (or) asbestos are used to prevent the flow of
electric current to outer body.
(d) In transformer and generator winding, varnished cotton is used as in-
sulator to prevent short circuit.
(e) In electrical transmission lines porcelain structures are used as insula-
tors between points of different potential.
Depending upon the type of dielectric used and its applications, they are classified
into the following groups.
(a) Capacitors with air (or) vacuum, or inert gas as dielectric (gas
When the values of these capacitors are not so large, the dielectric losses are very less.
They are used in radio frequency circuits and low frequency measuring circuits.
V = Voltage applied
d = Distance between the plates
unit E is N/C (or) V /m.
Material Science 5.29
5. Permittivity ()
It represents the effectiveness (or) easiness of a medium (or) substance to allow the
electric flux through it. It is defined as the ratio of electric displacement (D) in a
dielectric medium to the applied field strength (E). Permittivity is represented by
the latter , D
Permittivity =
Permittivity can also be defined as the degree up to which a medium can restrict the
flow of charge through it and it is always greater than 1.
It is defined as the ratio of the permittivity of the medium () to the permittivity
of free space (0 ) and is represented by r
Dielectric constant (or) relative permittivity r = .
Since it is ratio, it has no unit. It also gives the measure of polarisation (alignment
of charges) in the dielectric material under external electric field.
7. Dipole
Two charges of equal magnitude but of opposite polarity separated by a small dis-
tance form a dipole. It is represented in the following figure
← d →
−q +• q
9. Electric polarisation (→
p ) (or) polarisation vector
The dipole moment (µ) per unit volume of dielectric material is known as polarisa-
tion. It is represented by the letter P
P = where V = volume of dielectric in m3 .
If →
µ is the average dipole moment per molecule and N is the number of molecu-
lar per unit volume then
P = N→ −µ
+ + + + + + + +
Consider an atom of dielectric material placed _ _ _ _ _ _
inside an electric field. The centre of positive Dielectric E E0
charge is displaced along the direction of elec- + + + + + +
tric field (+ve polarity to −ve polarity) and the _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
all the atoms of the material. The process of producing electric dipoles in an elec-
tric field which are oriented along the field direction is known as polarisation in
dielectrics. But the field produced in dielectric (E) is opposite to the applied field
(E0 ).
Fig. 23
Unit of α is F/m2
Relation between P, 0 , r and E is
P = 0 (r − 1)E
Since polarisation measures the additional field density in the presence of mate-
rial as compared to the vacuum, D can be written as
D = 0 E + p
P = 0 (r − 1)E
p = 0 χe E
∴ χe =
0 E
Sub for p
0 (r − 1)E
χe =
0 E
χe = r − 1
0 A
C= (16)
0 r A
C1 = (17)
∴ = r (18)
The ratio gives the value of dielectric constant of dielectric material.
Material Science 5.33
Fig. 24
∴ µe α E
µe = α e E (19)
5.34 Applied Physics for Engineers
pe = N µ e (20)
pe = N α e E (21)
+ _ +
Centre of
Centre of
Centre of +ve and +ve charge
-ve charge
centre of -ve charge
Fig. 25
Then the charge density of electron cloud is
P =
volume of space (atom)
−Ze −3Ze
P = 4 3 = (22)
3 πR 4πR3
where an external field of intensity E is applied, the nucleus (with the charge Ze)
and electron (with the charge −Ze) experiences a Lorentz force of magnitude,
F =Eq where q = Ze
F = Ze E (23)
The Lorentz forces on nucleus and electron act in opposite direction. Hence nucleus
and electron are pulled apart (A dipole is created).
When they are separated, there is a coulombic force of attraction developed be-
tween them. This force opposes the displacement produced by Lorentz force (which
Material Science 5.35
separates them) when these forces are equal and opposite, an equilibrium is reached
and x be the displacement between centre of positive charge (nucleus) and centre
of electronic charge (electron cloud). Since nucleus is much heavier (1836 times of
electron) than electron cloud, it is assumed that the electron cloud is displaced under
external field.
∴ Lorentz force = Eq = −E(Ze) q = −Ze for electron
= −Ze E
−(Ze) × charge enclosed in a sphere of radius
Coulombic force = (24)
4π 0 x2
charge enclosed = π x3 P
Sub. for P from (22)
4 −3Ze
charged enclosed (Q) = π x 3
3 4πR3
−Ze x
Sub for Q in (24)
−Ze x3
∴ coulombic force =
4π 0 x2 R3
2 2
−Z e x
coulombic force = (25)
4π 0 R3
In the equilibrium position
Lorentz force = coulombic force
−Z 2 e2 x
−Ze E =
4π 0 R3
4π 0 R3 E
x= (26)
The displacement of electron cloud is proportional to the strength of applied field
E. The two electric charges Ze and −Ze separated by a distance x under the action of
external field form an induced electric dipole producing induced dipole moment.
Induced dipole moment µe = one of the charge × dist. between them
Induced dipole moment µe = (Ze) × x (27)
Sub. for x
(4π 0 R3 E)
Induced Dipole moment µe = Ze
µe = 4π o R3 E (28)
µe = α e E (29)
5.36 Applied Physics for Engineers
Pe = N α e E (31)
But Pe = E 0 (r − 1) = N αe E
Eq.(31) represents
0 (r − 1)
electronic polarizability αe = (32)
µi = ex1 + ex2
where e = magnitude of charge of each ion.
µi = e(x1 + x2 ) (33)
Let β1 , β2 represent the resoring force constants and F is the force due to the applied
(external) field in Newton. Since the displacement of ions is proportional to the
applied field, then force is given by
F = β 1 x1 = β 2 x2 (34)
x1 = (35)
x2 = (36)
The restoring force constants (β1 , β2 ) depends on (1) mass of the ions and (2) angular
frequency of molecule (ω0 ) in which ions are present, then
similarly x2 =
M ω02
where m = mass of cation
m = mass of negative ion
eE 1 1
∴ Resultant displacement = x1 + x2 = 2 + (38)
ω0 M m
Resultant dipole moment µ = e(x1 + x2 )
e2 E
1 1
µi = 2 + (39)
ω0 M m
But µi α E
µi = α i E (40)
µi 1 1
αi = = 2 +
E ω0 M m
1 1
αi = 2 + (41)
ω0 M m
where 1 1 −1 Mm
is called as reduced mass of ionic molecule.
M + m = M +m
No field _
In the field
_ +
x2 x1
P1 P2
Pi = N α i E (42)
5.38 Applied Physics for Engineers
_ _ _ _
+ + + + + +
_ _
_ + _ _ _ _ +
+ + +
_ _ +
No field Applied field
Dipoles are randomly oriented Dipoles are oriented partially
in the direction of the field
Fig. 27
Material Science 5.39
Ps = N α s E
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
No field With field
Fig. 28
Total polarisation (P )
The total polarisation (P ) of a material under the influence of applied field is given
by the sum of the contribution of the electronic, Ionic, orientational and space charge
polarisation discussed above.
∴ Ptotal = Pe + Pi + Po + Ps (49)
Since space charge polarizability αs is very small when compared with other
types of polarizabilities, the term Ps = N αs E can be neglected.
Ptotal = Pe + Pi + Po (50)
α = α e + αi + αo
5.40 Applied Physics for Engineers
e2 µ2
1 1
α = 4π0 R + 2 + + (51)
ω0 M m 3KT
Ptotal = N α E
Sub for α
1 1
PT = N E 4π0 R3 + 2 + + (52)
ω0 M m 3KT
Fig. 29
Material Science 5.41
(a) Electronic polarisation
The electronic polarisation is extremely rapid (fast) and is essentially complete at
the instant the voltage is applied. It occurs at all frequencies. It occurs even when
the frequency of the applied voltage is very high of the order of optical frequencies
(∼ 1015 Hz) and it occurs during every cycle of applied voltage (Range AB in graph).
1. Hence we can conclude that the electronic polarisation occurs at optical fre-
quencies (1015 Hz). Ionic polarisation at 10+13 Hz along with electronic po-
larisation. For frequencies 106 to 1010 Hz, orientation polarisation takes place
along with ionic and electronic polarisation. At 100 Hz (power frequencies)
space charge polarisation takes place.
2. It has been observed from the graph as the frequency increases, dielectric con-
stant of material decrease. (That is polarisation decreases as frequency as in-
creases). Thus at low frequencies, the value of polarisation (coordinate in the
graph) is very high and at high frequencies its value small.
Electric field
+ + + + + + + + + + + +
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Polarisation
++ + +
_ +
Dielectric _ _ _A_
+ + + + + + + + + + + + charges Applied
Cavity field
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
Fig. 30
When the polarisation takes place additional flux density (P) arises due to the
presence of dielectric material along with air or free space.
Negative sign shows that this field is opposite to external field (E) [acts up] in
+ +
+ +
+ dq + q
+ q + P
_ A P _
_ _
_ _
_ _ _
= 2π (P Q)
Surface area of the element = circumference × thickness
dA = 2π(P Q) × (QR) (57)
In fig sin θ =
P Q = r sin θ (58)
dθ =
QR = r dθ (59)
Sub in (57)
dA = 2π × r sin θ × r dθ
Material Science 5.45
If dq is the charge on the element and is equal to the product of the normal compo-
nent of the polarisation (P ) by the surface area.
dq = P cos θ × dA (61)
where q1 = dq cos θ
q2 = 1
dq cos θ × 1
dE4 = (63)
4π 0 r2
Sub for dq
Put x = cos θ
dx = − sin θ dθ
∴ −dx = sin θ dθ
5.46 Applied Physics for Engineers
P x3
∴ E4 = x2 (dx) =
20 20 3
Substituting the value of x and applying the limits
−P (cos θ)3
E4 =
30 3 0
P 1
(cos π)3 − (cos 0)3
=− ×
20 3
=− [−1 − 1]
2P P
E4 = =
60 30
E4 = (66)
αi = α 0 = 0 (68)
P = N α e Ei (69)
Sub for Ei
P = N αe E+ (70)
P = N αe + N αe
N αe
P 1− = N αe E
Material Science 5.47
N αe E
P = (71)
1 − N3α0e
We know electric flux density in the material in the presence of external field is given
D = P + 0 E (72)
P = D − 0 E (73)
Divide by E
= − 0
But = = 0 r (74)
= − 0
= o r − 0
= 0 (r − 1)
P = E 0 (r − 1) (75)
N αe E
E 0 (r − 1) =
1 − N3α0e
N αe N αe
1− =
30 0 (r − 1)
1 1
1 = N αe +
30 0 (r − 1)
N αe 3
1= 1+
30 r − 1
N αe 1 r − 1
= =
30 1 + r3−1 r − 1 + 3
N αe r − 1
= (76)
30 r + 2
Where N = number of molecules per unit volume. The equation (76) is known
as Classius-Mosotti equation. This equation is used to calculate α e (Electronic
polarizibility), knowing the value of r .
5.48 Applied Physics for Engineers
Fig. 32
The parallel component is the real part (OP is charged current) and results in I 2 R
loss (power loss).
Material Science 5.49
tan δ = (77)
Where 0r , 00r are real and imaginary parts of relative permittivity for a dielectric
in a capacitor having capacitance C and f is the frequency of the applied voltage V ,
then the dielectric power loss is given by
P = V I cos θ (78)
But V = I XC (79)
Where δ is the angle made by the charging current with the applied voltage sub
in (78)
P = sin δ (82)
P = tan δ (83)
Sub for XC we get
V 2 tan δ
P = (84)
2π fC
Here tan δ is called as the power factor of the dielectric. Hence power loss
depends on tanδ only. Since other factors like voltage (V ) frequency of applied
voltage (f ) and capacitance are constants.
3. The dielectric losses in the optical region are associated with electrons and
this loss is known as optical absorption. Hence the electronic polarisa-
tion produces power loss at optical region and at lower frequencies electronic
polarisation produces no power loss.
4. The dielectric losses associated with ionic vibrations the frequencies fall in In-
frared region and is known as Infrared absorption.
(a) Temperature
(b) Humidity
(c) Applied voltage
(d) Frequency of the applied voltage.
2. The breakdown strength depends on the size and shape of the dielectric ma-
3. It also depends on the geometry and thermal property of electrodes.
4. The breakdown time is of the order of milliseconds or much longer.
5. The breakdown strength is lower in a.c. fields than in D.C., since the power
loss increases with the frequency (frequency of a.c).
1. External breakdown.
2. Internal breakdown.
The external breakdown caused by a glow (or) corona discharge and such a dis-
charge occurs at the sharp edges of the electrodes. The large electric field due to
this glow (discharge) causes a damage on the adjacent solid dielectric medium. The
carbon formed due to this damage makes the dielectric more conducting and there
by causing dielectric breakdown. Dust or moisture present on the surface of the
dielectric may also produce this external discharge breakdown.
Internal breakdown occurs when the insulator contains occluded (hiding) gas
bubbles. If these dielectric materials are subjected to high voltage, the gaseous
substances are dissociated into ions and there by producing a large ionisation
current. This large ionisation current may produce an electric breakdown known as
discharge breakdown.
When a large number of occluded gas bubbles are present in a dielectric mate-
rials, the breakdown takes place even at low voltages.
The chemical and electrochemical breakdown are closely related to thermal break-
down. If the temperature of the dielectric material increases, it will increase the
mobility of the ions and hence the electrochemical reaction takes place. When the
ionic mobility increases, large current will flow there by decreasing the insula-
tion resistance and this will result in dielectric breakdown. Due the chemical reac-
tion, the electrical and mechanical properties of the dielectric materials are changed
and finally these will lead to breakdown. Insulating materials become oxides and
thereby decreasing the dielectric properties. For example in the case of rubber in air
the oxide forms on the surface and, produce cracks on the surface. Organic materials
working at high temperatures have lost their stability towards chemical properties.
Material Science 5.53
µφ = 4π × 10−7 H/m
B= (85)
5.54 Applied Physics for Engineers
φ=BA (86)
B = Magnetic induction (or) flux density
φ = Magnetic flux
µ= (87)
µ = µ 0 µr (88)
χ= (89)
Dividing Eq.(87) by (89) we get
µ B
= (90)
χ I
µr = 1 + K (91)
B = µ0 (I + H) (92)
I = Intensity of magnetisation
H = Magnetic field strength (or) Intensity of magnetic field
µ = absolute permeability
χ = magnetic susceptibility
µr = Relative permeability
µ0 = Permeability of air (or) free space
Bohr magneton µB = (93)
4π m
h = plancks constant = 6.62 × 10−34 Js.
e = charge of electron = 1.6 × 10−19 C
m = mass of electron = 9.1 × 10−31 Kg.
Solved Problem 1
The magnetic induction produced in a bar of iron is 8π W b/m2 . Its area of cross
section is 4 × 10−4 m2 . Calculate the magnetic flux (φ).
I Solution
Given B = 8π W b/m2 ; A = 4 × 10−4 m2 .
Magnetic induction B=
Material Science 5.55
Solved Problem 2
Intensity of magnetic field (or) field strength (H) 200AT /m produces a magnetic in-
duction (B) of 4π W b/m2 in a bar of iron. Calculate the relative permeability and
susceptibility (µ0 = 4π × 10−7 H/m).
I Solution
Given B = 4π W b/m2 ; H = 2000 AT /m; µ0 = 4π × 10−7 H/m
B 4π
µ= = = 2π × 10−3 H/m
H 2000
But µ = µ 0 µr
µ 2π × 10−3 1
∴ µr = = = × 104
µ0 4π × 10 −7 2
µr = 0.5 × 104 = 5000
But µr = 1 + χ
χ = µr − 1 = 5000 − 1 = 4999
Solved Problem 3
∴ B = µ0 (H + I)
B 4 × 10−3 104
H +I = = =
µ0 4π × 10−7 π
5.56 Applied Physics for Engineers
H +I = = 3185
H = 3185 − I = 3185 − 2185
H = 1000 AT /m
But µr = =
B0 µ0 H
4 × 10−3
µr =
4π × 10−7 × 103
10−3 10
= =
π × 10−4 π
µr = 3.185
Solved Problem 4
I = −5 A/m
(−ve sign shows, the magnetisation produced in the material is in the opposite di-
rection of the external field).
Solved Problem 5
Solved Problem 6
χ = 4 × 10−3
T = 273 + 27 = 300 K
By curie law
∴ χ= where C=curie constant
C = χ T = 4 × 10−3 × 300
C = 1200 × 10−3
C = 1.2
T = 127 + 273 = 400
C 1.2 12
χ127 = = =
T 400 4000
χ127 = = 3 × 10−3
Solved Problem 7
Calculate the power loss due to hysteresis in a transformer core of volume 0.02 m 3
and 50 Hz frequency. Area of cross section of hysteresis loop (or) energy loss/m 3 is
500 J/m3 .
I Solution
volume V = 0.02 m3
Frequency f = 50 Hz
Area of loop = 500 J/m3 (energy loss)
workdone = WG = A V f V = volume
= 500 × 0.02 × 50
5.58 Applied Physics for Engineers
= 25 × 103 × 0.02
= 50 × 103 × 2 × 10−2
= 50 × 101
W = P (loss) = 500 W.
Solved Problem 8
A magnetic flux of 32π × 10−4 Wb produces a magnetic induction (B) 8πWb /m2 in
a bar of iron the volume of the magnet is 2 × 10−5 m3 , calculate the length of bar
I Solution
Given π = 32πW b; B = 8πW b/m2 ; A =?
φ = B.A
φ 32π × 10−4
A= = = 4 × 10−4 m2
B 8π
A = 4 × 10−4 m2
V = 2 × 10−5 m3
V = 2 × 10−6 m3
V =A×l
V 2 × 10−5 20 × 10−6
l= = =
A 4 × 10−4 4 × 10−4
l = 5 × 10 m
= 5cm
Solved Problem 9
The retentivity (Br ) and coercivity (HC ) of a magnetic material are 6πW b/m2 and
1000AT /m. Calculate the energy product of the material?
I Solution
Br = 6πW b/m2
HC = 1000
= 103 AT /m
EP = B r × H C
EP = 6π × 103
EP = 6000πJ.
Material Science 5.59
Solved Problem 10
H = 104 A/m
Xe =
I = Xe × H
B = µ0 (H + I)
I = 37A/m
B = 0.0126W b/m2
E= N/c
E= N/m (or) F = Eq
2. ψ = DA
φ = Electric flux in Coulomb.
D = Electric flux density in C/m2
A = Average of cross section.
3. D =∈ E similar to B = µH
5.60 Applied Physics for Engineers
(a) ∈= ∈ = absolute permittivity of a medium
(b) D =∈0 ∈r E
∈0 = 8.85 × 10−4 F/m
∈r = Relative permittivity
5. Electric polarization
V = Volume of dielectric in m3
6. P =∈0 (∈ −1)E
7. µ = αE
α = polarizability
Unit of α = F/m2
Electric flux density in a dielectric material under external field is (E).
8. Where
N = Number of units/m3
P = N µ = N αE
9. D =∈0 E + P
∈r = 1 + X e
Xe =∈r −1
Material Science 5.61
∈0 (∈r −1)
15. αe =
16. In Ionic polarization
µi = α i E
αi = Ionic polarization
Pi = N µ i
Pi = N α i E
e2 e2 M + m
1 1
17. αi = 2 + = 2
ω0 M m ω0 Mm
m = Mass of cation (Ionic nucleus)
M = Mass of negative (electron) or anion
e = Charge of electron = 1.6 × 10−19 e
ω0 = angular frequency of molecule
ω0 = 2πf0
f0 = frequency of rotation of molecule
5.62 Applied Physics for Engineers
Ei = E +
3 ∈0
E = applied electric field intensity
P = Polarization vector
1 Q2
E=W = CV 2 = Joules.
2 2C
Dielectric materials
Solved Problem 11
I Solution
Given d = 0.004m = 4 × 10−3 m; A = 4 × 10−4 m2
∈0 A
C= ∈0 = 8.85 × 10−12 F/m
8.85 × 10−12 × 4 × 10−4
4 × 10−3
C = 8.85 × 10−16 × 103
C = 8.85 × 10−13
C = 0.885 × 10−12 f
C = 0.885pf
Solved Problem 12
The capacitance of a capacitor with air as dielectric between the plates is 2µf when
air is replaced by a dielectric slab, the value of capacitance becomes 10µf . Calculate
the dielectric constant of the material of the slab
I Solution
Given C1 = 10mf ; C = 2mf
∈r = K =
∈r = =5
Solved Problem 13
The charge on an electric dipole is 2 × 10−6 c and distance between the dipoles is
2mm. Calculate the dipole moment of the dipole
I Solution
q = 2 × 10−6 C = 2µC
d = 2mm
= 2 × 10−3 m
= 2 × 10−6 × 2 × 10−3
µ = 4 × 10−9 c − m
5.64 Applied Physics for Engineers
Solved Problem 14
C = 4µf = 4 × 10−6 f
∈r = 50
V = 500V
∴ Energy stored in the capacitorE = CV 2
= × 4 × 10−6 × (500)2
= × 4 × 10−6 × 25 × 104
1 1
= × 100 × 10−2 = × 102 × 10−2
2 2
= J
Energy stored in the capacitor E1 = 0.5J
C0 = =∈r
∈r C0
∈r = 50
C = 4µf
∈r = 50
4 × 10−6
C0 =
C0 = × 10−6 = 0.08 × 10−6 f
C0 = 8 × 10−8 f
E2 = × 8 × 10−8 × (500)2
E2 = × 8 × 10−8 × 25 × 104
E2 = 4 × 10−8 × 25 × 104
E2 = 100 × 10−4 = 1 × 10−2 = 0.01 J
Solved Problem 15
∈r = 6
Solved Problem 16
Solved Problem 17
Find the total polarizability of CO2 if its susceptibility is 0.985 × 10−3 Density of CO2
is 1.977kg/m3 .
I Solution
Xe = 0.985 × 10−3
d = 1.977kg/m3
Molecules weight of CO2 = 44kg
= 44 × 10−3 kg
∈r = 1 + Xe Similar to
∈r = 1 + 0.985 × 10−3
µr = 1 + X m
N = 2.688 × 1025
α =?
∈0 (∈r −1)
8.85 × 10−12 (1 + 0.985 × 103 − 1)
2.688 × 1025
8.85 × 10 × 0.985 × 10−3 × 10−25
Material Science 5.67
Solved Problem 18
The following data refers to a dielectric material. ∈r = 4.94 n2 = 2.69. When n is the
index of refraction. Calculate the ratio between electronic and ionic polarizability of
this material.
I Solution
Given ∈r = 4.94 n2 = 2.69
∈r −1 Nα
∈r +2 3 ∈0
Where α = α e + αi
∈r −1 N 0 (αe + αi )
∈r +2 3 ∈0
4.94 − 1 3.94
4.94 + 2 6.94
N (αe + αi )
= 0.5677 =
3 ∈0
N (αe + αi )
= 0.5677
3 ∈0
But ∈r = n2
At optical frequencies αi = 0
n2 − 1 N αe
n +2 3 ∈0
2.69 − 1 1.69
= = 0.3603f
2.69 + 2 4.69
N αe
3 ∈0
N αe
= 0.36034
3 ∈0
αe + α i 0.5677
= = 1.575
αe 0.36034
5.68 Applied Physics for Engineers
1+ = 1.575
= 0.575
αe 1
= = 1.738
αi 0.575
Th : Transformation hysteresis
Ms : martensite start
Mf : Martensite finish
As : Austenite start
Af : Austenite finish
Fig. 33
5.70 Applied Physics for Engineers
The properties of SMA depends on the amount of each crystal (metal) phase
present in it. But the exact structure of two phases varies depending on the types
of SMA.
An SMA can be easily deformed when it is in martensite phase since inter
molecular bonds are not broken. The SMA can recovers its original shape, when
it returns to austenite phase.
The martensite possesses a needle like structure. The martensite transforma-
tion that occurs in SMA, yields a thermo elastic martensite and develops from a
high-temperature austenite phase with a long range order. The transformation does
not occur at a single temperature but over a range of temperatures that varies with
each alloy system. The usual way of characterizing the transformation and naming
each point in the cycle is shown in the graph drawn above.
stress behaviour as seen in the part of the curve AB, on unloading though the ma-
terial reverts back to austenite at lower stress as shown by the curve CD and shape
recovers not by the application of heat but by the reduction on of stress. This effect
makes the material to become extremely elastic and it known as pseudo elasticity
(or) super elasticity, pseudo elasticity is non linear. Hence young’s modulus is not
able to define in this range since it shows both temperature and strain dependence.
Memory alloys shows greater stress rates of elasticity. For example eyeglass
frames made up of SMA are martensite in phase. Bending the arms (application of
stress) in half (at room temp) introduces a phase change at the bends to make it to
austenite. Austenite is not stable at room temperature and the system seeks lower
energy states, the austenite reverts back to martensite and because of this, the arm of
eyeglass bend back.
maceutical, and large oil and gas fields are using this kind of tech-
(b) Fire Safety Valve
This equipment uses Cu Zn Al actuator which is designed to shut off
toxic (or) inflammable gas flow when fire occurs. Here SMA is used as a
force actuator on a spring.
(c) Valve Control
A device has been developed using SMA in which a valve controls the
rate of flow of heat carefully to any desired amount.
(d) Croft Hydraulic coupling
SMA Sleeves
Fig. 35
Here fitting are manufactured as cylindrical sleeves with SMA, which are
slightly smaller than metal tubing used to join their diameters get ex-
panded while being martensite and on warming they transformed to
austenite in which they shrink in diameter and strongly hold the ends.
This joint is superior to welding.
(e) Helicopter blades
The performance of helicopter blades depends on the vibrations of SMA
used in micro processing control tabs. These control tabs are used for
the trailing ends of the blades and hence a pilot can fly with increased
2. Commercial Applications
3. Medical Applications
1. Nano particles,
2. Nano thin films,
3. Nano dots,
4. Nano rods,
5. Nano tubes
6. Nano composites.
about 1nm. Since the size of nanoparticles lie between molecular and bulk mate-
rial they have hybrid properties. They have non linear optical and magnetic
Nano materials
Top-down Bottom-up
In Top-down approach, the bulk solids are dissociated into fine pieces until par-
ticles of order of nanometer size is obtained. On other hand in Bottom-up approach,
the nanostructured materials are produced by atoms or molecules together to form
a) Vapour Condensation
Method of synthesis:
Material Science 5.75
This method is applied to produce nano structured powders of a bulk material
(or) different systems.
d) Thermal crystallization
By controlling the nucleation and growth rate during annealing (slow cooling)
of an amorphous materials, we can produce bulk materials with an average
grain size of 20nm without using condensation and sintering steps.
This method is used to produce three dimensional nano materials (crystalline
e) Ball milling
This method uses the principle of mechan-
ical crushing and is an examples of top-
down method of synthezising nanomateri-
als. It is very simple, popular and inexpen- Bulk powder
sive method to produce all kinds of nanoma- material
In this method, small balls inside a drum() cavity are rotated at high speeds
and by gravity action they settle on a solid layer where they are crushed into
nanocrystals. Depending upon the material to be synthesised one can use ei-
ther steel balls or refractory balls or plastic balls. When balls rotate of a particu-
lar rpm, the energy is transferred to the powder which reduces the grain sized
powder to ultrafine nanoparticles. The size of the nonoparticles produced de-
pends on size of the ball, rotational speed of the balls, number of balls, milling
time, milling atmosphere k the ratio of ball of powder mass. To increase the
brittleness of the powders, cryogenic liquids can be used.
various types of ball mills are,
f) Solgel techniques
The solgel technique is a wet-chemical technique, i.e., chemical deposition tech-
nique for the production of high purity and homogeneous nanoparticles. This
Material Science 5.77
process used colloidal suspension (Sol) and gelatin to form a network in a con-
tinous liquid phase (gel). The removal of the liquid phase from the sol yields
the gel. The particle size and shape are controlled by the sol/gel transitions.
the precursor for synthesizing these colloids consists of ions of metals alkox-
ides k aloxysilanes.
The initial material is processed with water or dilute acid in an alkaline solvent.
The material undergoes hydrolysis and poly condensation reaction which leads
to colloids formation. The sol is then introduced to form and inorganic net-
work containing liquid phase (gel). The schematic diagram showing synthesis
of nanoparticles using sol-gel technique is shown below.
Xero gel
Thin film coating
Powder Dense ceramic
The sol can further be processed to obtain the substrate in a film, either by dip
coating or spin coating or cast into a container with desired shape or powder
by calcinations. It is an interesting, cheap and low temperature technique used
to produce a range of nanoparticled with controlled chemical compositions.
The sol-gel have variety of applications like optics, electronics, energy, space,
bio sensors and drug delivery.
When the bulk material is reduced to nanoparticle size, it creates more surface sizes
(area). This will in turn changes, the surface pressure and leads to a change in the in-
ter particle spacing. This effect is shown in the graph drawn between size of particle
and inter atomic distance for Cun . (36)
5.78 Applied Physics for Engineers
Cu Metal
Cu2 Dimer
0.00 10.0 20.0 30.0 40.0 50.0
Size in diameter [Å]
Fig. 36
It is quite interesting to note that as the inter particle spacing decreases as the
size decreases. It is apical of metal clusters (groups). This is due to the competition
(interaction) between the long range electronic forces and short range repulsive
forces. The change in inter particle spacing and the large surface area to the
volume ratio of the particles have a combined effect on the properties of materials.
The variations in the surface free energy (use to form clusters) changes the chemical
potential. This will inturn alter the thermodynamic properties like meting point.
This effect is shown in Fig.37 drawn between inter atomic distance and meting point
for Aun . Here the meting point decreases as the size decreases. The rate of decrease,
increases substantially at very small sizes.
m.p. bulk
melting temperature (K)
0 100 200 300
Distance (Å)
Fig. 37
a) Ionization potential
When the size is reduced from the bulk, the electronic bands in the metals
become narrower and the delocalized a electronic states are transformed into
more localized molecular bonds. This will affect the ionisation potential (En-
ergy required to remove an electron in the outer most orbit of an atom in the
vapour state). It has been noticed in the experiment that the ionization po-
tentials at small size of the particles are higher than at the bulk material work
function. The ionization potential shows a marked fluctuations with the size
of the particles.
b) Reactivity (catalytic property)
The large surface to volume ratio of the particles, variations in geometry and
the electronic structure have a strong effect on catalytic properties. For example
the reactivity of small clusters (collection) has been found to vary greatly in
magnitudes when the cluster is changed by only a few atoms Fig.38 shows the
activity of clusters of F en with hydrogen.
Fig. 38
c) Hydrogen storage (absorption)
Another important possibility is the absorption (storage) of hydrogen in met-
als. It is well known that the metals do not absorb hydrogen. If they do so (if
the metal absorbs), the hydrogen is absorbed dissociatively by the metal on the
surface in the ratio 1 : 1. This limit is notably increased in particles of smaller
size. It has been found that small positively charged clusters of N i , Pd , and Pt
generated (produced) in molecular beam and containing 2 to 60 atoms, can ab-
sorb eight hydrogen atoms per metal atom. (H: metal: 8:1). Also the number
of absorbed H atoms decreases as the cluster size increases. This clearly
5.80 Applied Physics for Engineers
shows that the smaller particles are very useful in hydrogen storage de-
vices. This principle is used in the industry for the process of hydrogenation
of oil and fats using powdered Nickel as catalyst instead of using bulk Nickel
metal (to increase surface area to volume).
Hardness and strength of conventional grain size are the function of grain size.
For ductile poly crystalline materials, the grain size depends on flow stress
which is given by empirical Hall-petch equation.
Material Science 5.81
Magnetic moment
D m ( mb)
0.2 (b)
2 4 6 8 10 12 14
Coordination number
Fig. 39
σ0 = σ i + K d − 2
where σ0 = yield stress
σi = friction stress which opposes the dislocation motion
K = constant
d = grain diameter
d = grain diameter
Ho = Hardness after stress
Hi = Initial hardness
5.9.8 Conclusion
Thus the hardness, strength and deformation behaviour of nano-crystalline materi-
als is unique and not yet well understood.
Thus the nano structured particles have the following properties
We have also seen the physical, electronic, magnetic and chemical properties
of nano materials depends sensitively on size and the small particles display be-
haviours which are quite different from those of the individual atoms of the bulk
material. These new behaviours are not only important from the fundamental point
of view but also lead to new applications. In fact, we are capable of controlling
the properties of materials by changing the size, composition and dimension
that leads to atomically designed materials with additional properties.
They are listed below
1. They have 30 to 50% lower elastic module than for conventional grain size.
2. They posses super plastic behaviour at low homologous temperature.
3. The posses 2 to 7 times higher hardness and strength values for nano crys-
talline pure metals (∼ 10nm grain size) than those of larger grain size (7(µm)).
4. There is a decreasing hardness with decreasing grain size.
In nano phase materials, there are two types of applications
a) Structural applications
b) Functional applications.
a) Structural applications
These applications are mainly based on the mechanical properties of nano phase ma-
terials. They are used to produce plastic ceramics and extremely hard materials.
b) Functional applications
These applications are mainly based on the transformation of external signals
like the filtering of incident light and the change of electrical resistance in differ-
ent gas concentrations.
c) Other applications
1. They are used to produce soft magnetic materials and tiny permanent
magnets with high energy product (Br × HC ). Hence they are used in high
density magnetic recording, information storage devices.
2. They are used as magnetic nano-composite refrigerants and magneto resis-
tance spin values applications.
Material Science 5.83
3. Quantum wells, quantum dots and quantum wires having quantum confine-
ment are mainly produced from fermi conductor nano materials are used in
computer storage (memory) devices.
4. Since these materials have large ratio between surface area and volume, they
are used to improve the mechanical behaviour of materials in potential struc-
tural applications.
5.10 Superconductivity
Superconductivity was discovered by Heike Kanerlingh Onnes in 1911, while inves-
tigating the effect of impurity on the resistivity of a metal he found superconductiv-
ity for the case of mercury(Hg). The resistivity of Hg is decreasing with temperature
and at the temperature T = 4.12k, the specific resistance suddenly become equal to
zero. This phenomenon of normal metal exhibiting the property of ideal is perfect
conductor is called a new state of matter as “superconductivity”.
The temperature at which a normal conductor is converted into a superconductor
is known as critical temperature or transition temperature (T o ).
GeTe - 0.3 K
Hafnium - 0.35 K
NbO - 1.25 K
Niobium - 9.22 K
B¹0 B=0
B = µo (H + M )
B - flux density
H - applied magnetic field
M - magnetization in the medium
But in superconducting material B = 0
µo (H + M ) = 0
H = −M
= −1
We know that = χ (superconductivity)
Therefore, the above equation can be written as
χ = −1
Hc - maximum critical field strength at the temperature T
Ho - maximum critical field strength occurring at 0◦ K
Tc - critical temperature i.e., the highest temperature by superconductor
The superconducting state can be destroyed when a sufficient heavy current is passed
through them. According to the for superconducting material the induced electric
current (Ic ) required to destroy the superconductivity is,
Ic = 2πrHc
4. Effect of pressure
5. Isotope effect
The critical temperature Tc is inversely proportional to the square root in atomic
weight of the isotopes of a
T =√
Tc M α = constant
α - constant equal to
M - the atomic weight
Froblich and Barden (1950) pointed and that an electron moving through a crystal
lattice has a self energy accomplished by virtual phonons. This means that an elec-
tron moving through the lattice distorts the lattice and lattice in turn acts on the
electron by virtue of electrostatic forces between them. The oscillatgory distortion of
the lattice is quantized interms of phonons and so one can interpret the interaction
between the lattice and the electron as the constant emission and re-absorption of
phonons by lattice. Thus are called virtual phonons.
In 1957 BCS succeeded in showing that the basic interaction responsible for su-
perconductor appears to be that of a pair of electrons by means of an interchange of
virtual phonons.
Thus means that the lattice is distorted by a moving electron, this distortion gives
rise to a phonon. A second electron some distance away is in turn when it is reached
by the propagating fluctuation in the lattice charge distribution as shown in figure.
An electron of wave vector K 1 emits a virtual phonon → −
q which is absorbed by
− →
− →
− →
− →
− →
− →
an electron K . This scatters K into K − q and K into K − i . The process
2 1 1 2 2
being virtual one energy meed not be conserved. This electron-electron interaction
depends on the relative magnitudes of the electronic energy and phono energy (hν g ).
If this phonon energy exceeds electronic energy, the interaction is attractive.
The fundamental postulace of BCS theory is that superconductivity occurs when
such an attractive interaction between two electrons, by means phonon exchange
dominate the usual repulsive interact. Two such electrons which interact attractively
in the phonon field are called a “Cooper - Pair”.
5.88 Applied Physics for Engineers
The energy of pair of electrons in the bound state is less than the energy of the pair
in the free state. The difference of the energy of the two states is the binding energy
of the cooper pair and should. Therefore be supplied if the pair is to be broken or
along with transition temperature notations, chemical formula & structure are given
in Table 1.
From this, it is evident that high Tc superconductors are formed by the oxides of
copper in combination with other elements. They become brittle & it is easy to form
wires & tapers which provides electrical power transmission over a long distances
without resistance losses.
Structure Tc & propertied of some superconductors chemical notations structure
T.(1 c)
II Magnetic levitation
Magnetic levitation is used to operated leviated trains when a superconducting ma-
terial is placed in magnetic field electric currents are set up at its surface. This results
in zero magnetic field inside the material. This diamagnetic property ensures the
repulsion of magnet when brought near a superconductor. This repulsion can be
used to float a magnet above a superconductor. This phenomenon is called magnetic
In the absence of any mechanical friction, it is possible to achieve extremely high
speeds. Speeds upto 500 km/h have been already reported.
III Cryotron
It is a magnetic switch that utilizes superconductivity. It consists of two supercon-
ducting wires (e.g., tantalum and niobium) having different critical temperatures.
The niobium wire (high Tc ) is wrapped around is wire of tantalum (low Tc ). A
proper electrical insulation is provided between the two wires. The complete setup
is immersed in a bath of liquid helium. Both the wires becomes superconducting k
tantalum wire is able to carry large amount of current in superconducting state no
5.90 Applied Physics for Engineers
current is passed through niobium wire. When a sufficient current passed through
niobium wire. When a sufficient current passes through niobium wire, the resultant
magnetic field destroys superconductivity V thus current flowing flowing through
tantalum wire.
Thus, the amount of current passing through the tantalum wire can be adjusted
from high to low value with the help of current passing through niobium wire. Thus
the tantalum acts as a gate niobium acts as a control.
Other applications
1. Superconductors are used aa loss less power transmission lines
4. Super conducting electric generators are small in size. They produce more
power when compared to conventional electric generators.
Josephson effect
In 1962, Brian Josephson predicted that this effect is due to tunneling of cooper pairs
according to Josephson effect. The tunneling of copper pairs takes placed between
two superconductors separated by an insulator, even in the absence of applied volt-
age between the superconductors. The current flowing through the derive has both
ac and dc components.
Oxide insulator Vmin
Josephson effect
1. If Vap = 0, there is a constant flow of d.c. current equal to imin through the
junction. This current is called superconducting current. This effect is the d.c.
Josephson effect.
2. If Vap < Vmin , there will be a constant flow of d.c current equal to imin only.
3. When Vap < Vmin , the junction has a finite resistance and the current oscillates
with a frequency ω = hap where q = 2e = charge of opposite pair. This
represents a.c. Josephson effect.
4. If the applied voltage is the sum of d.c. voltage a.c. voltage such that a.c.
voltage is lesser than d.c. voltage then a d.c. current flows through the junction.
A glass is a solid material obtained from a liquid which does not crystalline on
cooling. They are amorphous solid in which atoms are packed in random fash-
ion. The glass is a word generally associated with transparent silicate glasses
containing silica (SiO2 ) and oxides of some metals like Al, K, Na, Pb and Mg. These
glasses are non metallic act as electrical insulators and does not exhibit ferromag-
netism. But metals are malleable, ductile act as good conductors and posses crys-
talline structure.
But matallic glasses exhibit metallic properties even though they are amorphous
in nature. Oxides of glasses are amorphous, in nature and it is common feature but
a metallic material (metallic glasses) to have amorphous nature is quite new.
Metallic glasses are usually prepared by cooling a metallic liquid (mentioned
already) which has a disordered structure so quickly so that there is no enough time
5.92 Applied Physics for Engineers
Molten specimen
Copper lining
left for the formation of crystalline structure. The rate of cooling is of the order of
2 × 106 ◦ C per second.
During solidification there is no change in interatomic spacing. Thus a metallic
glass may be considered as a solid with frozen liquid structure. The temperature at
which the transition takes place from liquid to solid is known as glass transition
temperature (Tg ). On heating the metallic glasses show a reversible glass-liquid
transition at glass transition temperature Tg . The metallic glasses developed forty
years ago required faster cooling of the order of million degrees of Celsius per sec-
ond. But the new alloys recently developed that form metallic glasses require lower
cooling rates at the order of 1 to 100◦ C per second. This slower cooling facilitate to
fabricate large parts of a machinery using metallic alloys in bulk ingot.
The original method used for preparing metallic glasses was the gun technique
(or) splat cooling. Here a small liquid globule is propelled (pumped) by means
of a shock tube and spraying it to form a thin foil (coating) on copper substrate (Cu
base). Here the substrate is curved so that the centrifugal force promotes a good
thermal contact between liquid layer (sprayed) and the substance. In this method
heat is extracted (absorbed) from the melt from only one side. This limitation is
eliminated in an improved method in which the liquid globules are squeezed be-
tween a fast-moving piston and a fix anvil that are lined with copper. This copper
coating removes the heat from melt (liquid sprayed) quickly. An advantage of this
piston-anvil method is that it provided a good parallelism between two faces of
foil (cooled film) which is about 25mm in diameter and 40µm in thickness.
Material Science 5.93
2. Thermal applications
The metallic glass Pd80 , Si20 in which Pd is replaced by chromium (Cr) up to
7% are used as thermometers for measuring very low temperature. Such
a thermometer is called as cryo thermometers (cryo means low).
3. Safety applications
Since metallic glass can withstand high dozes (amount) of radiations without
a change in electrical properties, they are used in fission and fusion reactor
and environmental devices.
4. Magnetic applications
(a) Since metallic glasses possess high vicker’s hardness (8 GPa) (vicker
hardness is a standard for measuring the micro hardness of a material)
and good corrosion resistance, they are used in the manufacture of
magnetic tape recording heads.
(b) The high value of magnetic permeability makes the metallic glasses rib-
bons and wires ideally suitable for generating harmonics when they are
placed in suitable AC and DC and as antitheft tags for protecting store
merchandize (articles for sale).
(c) Because of their low magnetic loss, they are used in motors which reduces
the core loss as much as 90% when compared to conventional crystalline
(d) Super conducting metallic glasses like Zr75 and Rh25 are used in produc-
ing high magnetic fields and for magnetic leviation effect (magnetic
suspension used in fast train track).
(e) Metallic glasses are used in magnetic devices like magnetic sensors (or)
transducers, security systems and power transformer cores and sci-
entic applications.
(f) Since metallic glasses may be regarded as liquids with frozen struc-
ture, they are ideally suited to produce materials for low temperature
transport and critical behaviour studies and they are most suited for
the study of electrons in non crystalline metals.
Material Science 5.95
Metallic glass ribbon
Rotating drum
Fig. 41 Planer flow casting (for the manufacture of ribbons of metallic glasses)
Core sheets (or) wide ribbons up to 15 cms can be produced by using a planar
flow casting method in which a narrow slitted nozzle for feeding molten alloy
is situated very close to rotating cylinder surfaces.
These large sheets of metallic glasses are widely used in power distribution trans-
formers which convert high voltage electricity to power lines of 240 V used for do-
mestic purposes (Step down transformer). Another advantage in using metallic
glasses as core in transformer, is that the size of transformer becomes so small
and efficient also in performance when compared to the conventional transformers
which are very large in size.
5.12 Ceramics
5.12.1 Definition
Ceramics is usually refers to an art of pottery.That is, products such as pots, pans,
bricks and tea cups made out of clay. But all these clay products come under tradi-
tional ceramics.
Another class of ceramics is known as modern advanced ceramics, which com-
posed of materials containing metallic and non metallic elements, chemically
bonded together primarily ionic bond or covalent bonds. They can be crys-
talline (or) non crystalline (or) mixtures of both.
5.96 Applied Physics for Engineers
5.12.2 Properties
1. Mechanical property:
Most of the ceramics have high hardness.
2. Thermal property:
They have high temperature strength.
3. Chemical property:
They possess a good chemical resistance.
4. Electrical property:
Generally they have low electrical and thermal conductivities, which makes
them useful for electrical and thermal insulations.
5.12.3 Explanation
The exhibition of the above properties can be explained from the electronic behaviour
of constituent atoms of the bulk material. The constituent of ceramics are metallic
and non metallic atoms. The metallic elements release the outer most electrons (va-
lence electrons) and non metallic atoms which receive these electrons. As a result of
this transfer electrons are immobilized (not moving) and this situation indicates the
absence of electrons in the conduction band. Hence a good ceramic material
behaves as a good insulator both thermally and electrically. Thus the insulating
character of ceramics is explained.
For heat chemical and mechanical resistance characters, the following explana-
tion can be given. The metallic positive ions (after losing electrons) and negative ions
(after gaining electrons) develop a strong electrostatic attractive force between them.
Each cation (positive ion) is surrounded in all sides by anions (negative charge).
Hence a considerable energy is required to separate these two ions. That is why
the ceramic materials have mechanical hardness, thermal resistance (refractory)
and chemically inertness (chemical resistance).
Also traditional ceramics are made from the materials (or) minerals obtained
in their natural state.
The starting powders for traditional ceramics are mainly clay and other natural min-
erals which are first processed to achieve purity and particle size of desired. Size
hence the methods involves mining, crushing and milling or process similar to
those operations used in other industries.
The methods used to manufacture modern ceramics have many similarities with the
manufactures of traditional ceramics. The mass production of traditional ceramics
involves the process like milling, and blending the naturally occurring (available)
materials into a fine clay powder plastic mass. Then this mass is shaped by using
techniques like injunction moulding, extrusion moulding or slip casting.
Injunction moulding is a process in which the clay is forced into a closed mould.
But in extrusion moulding clay is forced through a die having required cross sec-
tion. Slip casting is a process in which clay-water slurry is poured into a process
mould which absorbs excess of water. Then the shaped product is dried in air and
then taken to a kiln. Here it goes a through a process called sintering. This process
occur at a temperature lower than the melting point of clay mixture. Then the
product is goes through process like finishing, glazing etc. Glazing is done by a wax
like material which is melted on the surface to give a uniform coating on the surface
of the product. It gives a glassy appearance on the surface of the product.
The advanced ceramic manufacture involves very similar steps. But water is
not used in these process. Instead of water, organic polymer binders are added
to convert the finely grounded powder into a malleable mass. But during sin-
tering these organic chemicals are eliminated by vapourisation (Or) chemical com-
bination (or) both. The application of pressure before sintering (or) during sintering
gives a denser product (densifying process). This will remove the voids (or) pores in
the powdered mass. This also helps to eliminate cracks and reduce the shrinkage.
Material Science 5.99
Based on the specific composition and crystal structure ceramic exhibit either in-
sulator (or) fermi conductor (or) conductor behaviour and very often they can
change from one to another. They exhibit some useful magnetic and electronic
Because of their above mentioned special characteristics, they are used
as substrates for electronic circuits, electronic packages, capacitors magnetic
components electronic sensors piezoelectric components and integrated optic
Since some ceramics exhibit semiconducting properties, they are used to fabricate
semiconductor devices, one of the example is thermistor (or) a temperature sensi-
tive resistor used for controlling and measuring temperature. Because of their tran-
sition property from non conducting to conducting, they are used as varistor which
is a variable resistance device. Zinc oxide is an example of advanced ceramic
material shows this switching over property from insulation barrier to metallic con-
duction, when applied voltage is increased. Switching voltage can also be controlled
by varying the composition.
Since advanced ceramics have high value of wear resistance and corrosive resis-
tance, they are used as extrusion dies and pump components.
5.13 Bio-Materials
Bio-materials are the materials which can be implanted in the human body under
required medical conditions so that it heals the defect or wound in the body without
creating any side effect. i.e. Bio-materials are completely accepted by human body
Bio-materials are nowadays used in the following categories:
1. Metallic bio-materials
2. Ceramic bio-materials
3. Polymeric bio-materials
1. Metallic bio-materials
Used as implants in human body. Implants are used in bone replacement, strength-
ening of bones and to connect broken bones.
Example: Stainless steel (ASTMF - 138 and 139) - Implant devices, bone screws.
Proto sul - 10 (Co-Ni-Cr-Mo) for Hip joint.
2. Ceramic bio-materials
Ceramic bio materials are used to prepare artificial bones. They are also used in
dental and orthopaedic purposes.
Example: Apatite ceramics: synthetic bone.
Synthetic hydroxyapatite: dental and orthopaedic raw materials.
3. Polymeric bio-materials
11. What are hard and soft magnetic materials? Give examples. Mention their
14. Define electric field intensity (E), electric flux (ψ) and Electric flux density (or)
electric displacement vector (D). Mention their units?
19. Name the four types of polarisation process and mention their frequency range
of the applied field.
20. What is electronic and Ionic polarisation? Mention their ranges of frequency of
applied field.
21. What is orientation and space charge polarisation. Mention their frequency
ranges of the applied field.
23. Explain the significant of dielectric loss and list the factors affecting the dielec-
tric loss?
25. Explain different types of insulating (dielectric) materials and give examples?
27. Give some examples of active dielectrics and mention their applications?
Ans: piezo electrics and pyroelectrics are two classes of active dielectrics.
29. Explain discharge breakdown mechanism and electro chemical breakdown mech-
anism in dielectrics.
(a) Bio plates are implants which are used to aid in the fixation of long bone
(b) Sutural, screws used to assist healing.
(c) Probes and catheters used to aid diagnosis.
(d) Cardiac pacemaker used to improve function of heart.
(e) Ceramic bio materials used in dentistry and to replace heart valves.
(f) PVC used in dialysis devices polypropylene (PP) used in disposable sy-
33. What are metallic glasses? Give some examples.
36. What are the advantages of using metallic glasses as transformer core? (AU)
38. Explain thermal crystallisation and mechanical deformation process tom pro-
duce nano particles.
39. How does the properties of nano particles vary with size?
44. What is one way and two way shape memory? Explain. (AU)
5.106 Applied Physics for Engineers
45. Mention two types of crystal structure exhibited by SMA? (martensite & austen-
49. What are ceramics? How they are classified. Give the general properties of
53. Mention some applications of advanced (in electronic & structural fields) ce-
55. What are the ferroelectric ceramics mention their applications. (AU)
56. What is the advantage of using ceramics for the fabrication of capacitors?
Review Questions
1. Compare dia, para and ferromagnetism.
2. What is ferromagnetism? Explain weiss theory (or) Domain theory of ferro-
magnetism and explain how it explains the ferromagnetic properties.
3. Explain the term ‘Hysteresis’ and how hysteresis curve can be drawn for a
ferromagnetic material. Explain how the hysteresis curve can be explained by
domain theory.
4. What are the antiferromagnetic materials and ferrimagnetic materials. Discuss
their properties and applications. Give examples.
5. Describe Heissenberg’s theory of ferro magnetism (or) Heissenberg’s criteria
on internal field?
6. Explain energy product of a magnetic material and its application in electronic
Material Science 5.107