Reproduction and Genetics
Reproduction and Genetics
Reproduction and Genetics
Types of Reproduction
(a) Asexual Reproduction
• A single individual give rise to new individual.
• Gametes are not formed.
• New individual is identical to parent.
• It is extremely useful as a means of rapid multiplication.
• Adopted by lower organisms.
(b) Sexual Reproduction
• Two individuals i.e., one male and one female are needed to give rise
to new individual.
• Gametes are formed.
• New individual is genetically similar but not identical to parents.
• It is useful to generate more variations in species.
• Adopted by higher organisms.
How do Organisms reproduce 97
Modes of Asexual Reproduction
(i) Fission : The parent cell divides into daughter cells.
• Binary fission : 2 cells are formed. E.g., amoeba.
• Multiple fission : Many cells are formed. E.g., Plasmodium.
Fragmentation in Spirogyra
(iii) Regeneration : If organism is somehow cut or broken into many pieces,
each piece grows into a complete organism. E.g., Planaria, Hydra.
98 Science Class - 10
Budding in Hydra
(v) Vegetative Propagation : In many plants, new plants develops from
vegetative parts such as :
• By roots : E.g., dahlias, sweet potato.
• By stem : E.g., potato, ginger.
• By leaves : E.g., bryophyllum (leaf notches bear buds which develop
into plants).
• Artificial methods :
(a) Grafting : E.g., Mango
(b) Cutting : E.g., Rose
(c) Layering : E.g., Jasmine
(d) Tissue culture : New plants are grown by using growing tip of a plant.
These growing cells are kept in a culture medium leads to the formation of
callus. Callus is then transferred to hormone medium which causes growth and
differentiation. E.g., ornamental plants, orchid.
Reproductive Health
Reproductive health means a total well-being in all aspects of reproduction
i.e., physical, emotional, social and behavioural.
It is the avoidance of pregnancy, can be achieved by preventing the
fertilisation of ova.
Methods of contraception
(a) Physical barrier
• To prevent union of egg and sperm.
• Use of condoms, cervical caps and diaphragm.
(b) Chemical methods
• Use of oral pills
• These change hormonal balance of body so that eggs are not released.
• May have side effects.
(c) Intrauterine contraceptive device (IUCD)
• Copper-T or loop is placed in uterus to prevent pregnancy.
Female Foeticide
The practice of killing a female child inside the womb is called female
• For a healthy society, a balanced sex ratio is needed that can be achieved
by educating people to avoid malpractices like female foeticide and
prenatal sex determination.
• Prenatal sex determination is a legal offence in our country so as to
maintain a balanced sex ratio.
Heredity Variation
Asexually Sexually
Importance of Variation :
(i) Depending upon the nature of variations different individuals would
have different kinds of advantage.
Example, Bacteria that can withstand heat will survive better in a heat
(ii) Main advantage of variation to species is that it increases the chances of
its survival in a changing environment.
Free ear lobes and attached ear lobes are two variants found in human
Monohybrid Cross
Cross between two pea plants with one pair of contrasting characters is called
a monohybrid cross.
Example : Cross between a tall and a dwarf plant (short).
PARENT → Tall plant × Dwarf plant
GAMETES → T T × t t
F2 GENERATION → Gametes → T t
T tall tall
Tt tt
t tall dwarf
Seed shape
Round Wrinkled
Seed colour
Yellow Green
Flower colour
Violet White
Pod shape
Inflated/full Constricted
Flower position
Axial Terminal
Stem height
Tall Dwarf
Phenotypic ratio → 3 : 1
Genotypic ratio → 1 : 2 : 1
Phenotype → Physical appearance [Tall or Short]
Genotype → Genetic make up [TT, Tt or tt]
TT : Tt : tt
Genotypic ratio F2 – 1 : 2 : 1
1 : 2 : 1
1. TT and Tt both are tall plants while tt is a short plant.
2. A single copy of T is enough to make the plant tall, while both copies have
to be ‘t’ for the plant to be short.
3. Characters/traits like ‘T’ are called dominant trait (because it express
itself) and ‘t’ are recessive trait (because it remains suppressed).
Dihybrid Cross
A cross between two plants having two pairs of contrasting characters is
called dihybrid cross.
PARENT → Round green × Wrinkled yellow
GENERATION seeds seeds
RRyy rrYY
↓ ↓
F1 → RrYy
[Round, yellow]
F1 × F1
Selfing F1 → RY RY
gametes Rr Yy Ry × Rr Yy Ry
rY rY
ry ry
Phenotypic Ratio
Round, yellow : 9
Round, green : 3
Wrinkled, yellow : 3
Wrinkled, green : 1
(i) When RRyy was crossed with rrYY in F1 generation all were Rr Yy
round and yellow seeds.
(ii) Self pollination of F1 plants gave parental phenotype and two mixtures
(recombinants round yellow and wrinkled green) seeds plants in the
ratio of 9 : 3 : 3 : 1.
9 : 3 : 3 : 1
Round Round Wrinkled wrinkled
yellow green yellow green
1. Round and yellow seeds are Dominant characters.
2. Occurrence of new phenotype combinations show that genes for round
and yellow seeds are inherited independently of each other.
Determination of sex of an offspring.
Responsible for Sex Determination
Environmental Genetic
In some animals, the temperature In some animals like humans
at which gender or
the fertilized eggs are kept decides individual is determined by a
the gender. pair of
E.g., in turtle chromosomes called sex
XX – Female
XY – Male
Sex Chromosomes : In human beings, there are 23 pairs of chromosome.
Out of these 22 chromosomes pairs are called autosomes and the last pair of
chromosome that help in deciding gender of that individual is called sex chro-
XX – Female
XY – Male
Sex determination in Human Beings
Evolution is the sequence of gradual changes which takes place in the primi-
tive organisms, over millions of years, in which new species are produced.
Situation I
Group of red beetles
Colour variation arises during reproduction
Green beetles got the survival advantage or they were naturally selected as
they were not visible in green bushes. This natural selection is exerted by crows
resulting in adaptations in the beetles to fit better in their environment.
Crows can see both blue and red beetles and can eat them
Number reduces but still red beetles are more and blue ones are few
Suddenly elephant comes and stamps on the bushes
Now beetles left are mostly blue
Blue beetles did not get survivals advantage. Elephant suddenly caused ma-
jor havoc in beetles population otherwise their number would have been consid-
erably large.
From this we can conclude that accidents can change the frequency of some
genes even if they do not get survival advantage. This is called genetic drift and
it leads to variation.
Situation III
Group of red beetles
Habitat of beetles (bushes)
suffer from plant disease
Average weight of beetles
decreases due to poor nourishment
Number of beetles kept on reducing
Later plant disease gets eliminated
Number and average weight of beetles increases again
Examples of Fossils
AMMONITE - Fossil-invertebrate
TRILOBITE - Fossil-invertebrate
KNIGHTIA - Fossil-fish
RAJASAURUS - Fossil-dinosaur skull
I. Deeper the fossil, older it is. 1. (Top layer of the earth
Recent surface)
II. Detecting the ratios of difference of the 2. ....................................
same element in the fossil material i.e., 3. ....................................
Radio-carbon dating [C-(14) dating] 4. ....................................
5. ....................................
• Older
6. ....................................
Evolution by Stages
Evolution takes place in stages i.e., bit by bit generations.
I. Fitness Advantage
Evolution of Eyes : Evolution of complex organs is not sudden. It occurs
due to minor changes in DNA, however takes place bit by bit over generations.
• Flat worm has rudimentary eyes. (Enough to give fitness advantage)
• Insects have compound eyes.
• Humans have binocular eyes.
Excavating Time dating Fossils
DNA sequences