A Baleful Awakening
A Baleful Awakening
A Baleful Awakening
A Baleful Awakening is an adventure with elements of survival horror that is intended to be the start of
a new campaign—or a standalone adventure.
Waking in an abandoned tomb, the party must scavenge the area for weapons and supplies in order to
survive. If they’re lucky enough, they might discover what has happened to them…and get out alive.
by Adrian Kaas
DUNGEONS & DRAGONS, D&D, Wizards of the Coast, Forgotten Realms, the dragon ampersand, Player’s Handbook, Monster Manual, Dungeon Master’s Guide, D&D Adventurers League, all other
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A Baleful Awakening 1
Introduction 3
The Naeviris Tomb 4
Necropolis Escape 9
Appendix A: Monsters 11
Appendix B: Items 12
Credits 14
A Baleful Awakening 2
in the first place, because the crew living in the tomb
To the dead we pray, are merely ground workers. By not scavenging for
Don’t come near this night. armor and weapons, the characters will find it
There’s a home for you, significantly more difficult to get the key to open the
So don’t covet our light. trapped gate.
—Vernal Heart Folksong 2. Necropolis Entrance. The necropolis guards will
naturally wish to question the characters regarding what
The city of Vernal Heart is a hardy place that lies transpired, and if the party cooperates, they are likely to
amidst the mountains. People say there’s something be rewarded later and given a possible avenue for
special in the land itself, a strong magic inherent to it. further work. If the characters react negatively to the
This has drawn and bred two competing schools of guards, it will make escaping a fair deal harder.
magic to study the area—one arcane and one druidic.
The relative remoteness has made the city an even more RUNNING THE ADVENTURE
attractive option, as it’s far more difficult to monitor the This adventure is designed to provide a plothook to
experiments of a place so difficult to travel to. starting a campaign, as well as provide a reason to
This doesn’t change the fact that something very gather the party together. While the story is set near the
illegal and dangerous is happening in Vernal Heart. A city of Vernal Heart, it is intended to spark ideas for an
rash of strange kidnappings have been going on for original setting, or as a placeholder for more established
months. The victims are people from lower classes, and ones. Likewise, it is recommended to play with the
so the higher-ups haven’t been paying as much mind as story to best suit the needs of the campaign.
they should. However, enough people have gone One thing to note is that the inciting incident,
missing with many leaving behind families that want involving kidnapping and drugging, could potentially be
answers. The situation can’t be ignored any longer. very uncomfortable for some players. Making sure
But where have the bodies gone? everyone is on the same page is a good way to clear up
The answer lies above the city, in the necropolis any issues before they pop up in the first session.
carved out from the mountain. Deep within that
labyrinthine place, a tomb has been cleared out to PLAYING A SESSION 0
practice strange, necromantic studies. This is where the
party will awake, finding themselves trapped after the Depending on group playing style, a session 0 involving
latest experiment didn’t take effect. how the characters came to the area, and then were
To make matters worse, the researchers stationed kidnapped and knocked out could be useful to establish
there have been brutally murdered, their bodies rising setting and atmosphere. If not, discussing why the
again due to the overlapping and lingering layers of individuals are in the area beforehand, whether on the
their necromancy spells. The fault is their own, because road or living in the city itself, would still be a good
when you play with dead that don’t wish to be way to give the players a sense of place.
disturbed, sometimes those dead fight back.
In their attempt to escape, characters will have to
scavenge to survive, finding and creating weapons and
armor. They will face undead guard dogs, zombies, and
a shadow while trying to piece together what happened
in that tomb. The adventure is designed for four 1st-
level player characters, and will take them to level 2 by
the end of the story.
1. Naeviris Tomb. The majority of the adventure will
be spent trying to escape this area, gather gear, and
survive. Exploration is a dangerous, but rewarding. A
number of clues can be gained that lead to the identity
of who is ordering these kidnappings and experiments
A Baleful Awakening 3
While the intent of this adventure is to have the players collect
the items they need along the way, you might not find this
OUTER ENVIRONS suitable for your own group. In this case, you can change the
scene to have some of their gear stored somewhere
haphazardly within the room. However, it is recommended
1. SERVANTS’ QUARTERS you increase the difficulty of the encounters to take this
To begin the first scene, start by having the players roll change into account.
a Constitution saving throw. This will determine the
order in which they wake up. 2. KITCHEN
While there is more light in this room, coming from a
You come to consciousness with a clouded mind and a hazy long window and around the frame of the door, it is far
memory. Hadn’t you just been on the road? Or did you dustier than the one the characters woke in. It is a
manage to get to the inn? You try to open your eyes, but you kitchen made of stone, but with various tools of steel
can’t see. What happened to your eyes?! Gradually, you begin and iron hanging on the walls and shelves.
to understand that you entire body is covered in something Treasure. With a cursory investigation, some of the
soft with an odd, herbal smell. items in the kitchen can be turned into makeshift
Rubbing at your face until the cloth comes away, you weapons: rusted cooking knives (dagger), frying pans
realize you are naked save for the bandages covering you (club), bandages and loose stones (slingshot), and a
from head to toe. Looking over, you see several other couple serving platters (a shield that only gives +1 AC).
individuals also stirring to face whatever nightmare you’ve Creatures. Looking out the window with a
found yourselves in. successful DC 10 Wisdom (Perception) will expose a
A Baleful Awakening 4
large, skeleton dog (Appendix A) that looks to be in Gate Trap. It appears that the only way out of the
rough shape. With a DC 14 Wisdom (Perception), the estate is through the gate to the south. It is ornate iron,
second skeleton dog can be seen lying down in the large enough for a carriage to pass through. With a
shadowed recess of the eastern flower bed. detect magic spell, or a successful DC 13 Intelligence
(Investigation), the Evocation runes inscribed on the
OPTIONAL RULES FOR OLD GEAR gate will be revealed.
All weapons and armor found in this estate are very, very old. If anyone attempts to pick the lock, break the gate,
Be warned, if a 1 is rolled on an attack, they will break and or even touch the bars, it will trigger the trap, which
become unusable. Similarly, if an enemy rolls a critical hit on does 2d6 (6) fire damage. This trap will trigger
their attack, the armor will similarly be lost.
indefinitely without the use of the key.
Stairs. On the outside of the three story building,
there is a set of stairs curving up to a broken balcony,
Creatures. As soon as the door is opened or any
and door, on the second floor (that leads to Area 10). If
movement is made in the courtyard, the two skeleton
proceeding cautiously, no check need be succeeded.
dogs will rush forward to engage in combat.
However, fair portions of the stone steps have given
way and are in ill repair with clumsy boards thrown
The courtyard you now find yourselves in is heavily in
over top. If any character chooses to walk up without
shadow. You realize you are in an enormous cavern carved to
watching their footing, a success on a DC 12 Dexterity
look like a noble estate like you find in a city. Bright noon
(Acrobatics) check will be required to not fall through
light filters from a sinkhole up high above, and through two
gates to the south. This light passes over structures that are
near the top and take 1d6 (3) fall damage.
simple, but elegant—all deep shadows and bright highlights.
Between you and a three story building are two flowerbeds
This area appears to have designed as a barracks, with
and a pool that has a small wisp of smoke curling up from the
rim. Maybe this place was beautiful once, but now it is lonely,
bunk beds and stone storage chests similar to the
barren, and somewhere even weeds don’t want to grow. servants’ area.
Pool. Where before there would have been a small Within this room is an armory that has stands of dusty,
pool of water is now a pit of ash. It’s full of burnt bones rusted weapons and armor. With a bit of craftiness, they
and crisped body parts as well as a few lingering scraps can be made useful again.
of cloth. This is where the researchers disposed of Treasures. A number of weapons can be scavenged
bodies once they were done experimenting on them. from this room including a mace, halberd, longsword,
shortsword, shield, and three rusty breastplates with a
reduced AC of 13 + Dex modifier (max 2).
Light stretches in, and you see marble has been laid over the
natural stone. Compared to the other areas you’ve been to so
far, it seems relatively clean here. There are several, ancestral
statues stretching down the hall, and along both walls is a set
of double doors. The one to the right is slightly ajar, and from
inside you can smell wet earth and something fungal.
A Baleful Awakening 5
7. SOLARIUM Treasure. Easily found on the dwarf’s belt is a key
to area 13. A successful DC 12 Intelligence
It is completely dark within this large room, for the windows (Investigation) check made on the room can expose a
have been boarded over. A thick, herbal scent invades your healing potion, an alchemical formula detailing how to
nostrils, and over top the stone furniture and decor, there are make a sleeping draught, and a workbook containing
dozens of large boxes full of rich soil that host odd plants and many different trials—the most recent being the one
mushrooms. used on the party. If any character has proficiency in
alchemist’s tools, then no roll is needed to understand
This room was carved to be a solarium—an area for that the general direction of this workbook is leading
peaceful viewing and tea parties. Now it is being used toward creating deeper, catatonic states in the people
to grow photophobic plants. the doses are administered to.
Plants. A success on a DC 14 Intelligence (Nature)
check will lead to the understanding that while some of
Within this small room are a couple buckets of waste
these plants are mildly poisonous, nothing is overtly
that should have been taken out days ago. The smell is
fatal to touch or ingest. There is also a fair blend of odd
herbs and fungi that can induce sleep or hallucinations.
However, combing these plants together could
potentially create a rather dangerous concoction. SECOND FLOOR
A once grand dining hall has been completely There is an open area that has a small lounge consisting
ransacked. The alchemy lab it had been turned into has of stone couch and chair placed next to a window that
been destroyed, with glass and partially finished overlooks the courtyard.
solutions splattered everywhere. It is apparent that the Smell. With a success on a DC 10 Wisdom
dwarf was killed in the work area, the blood streaking (Perception), the character can hear and smell some of
as she crawled to the door. From there she began the what is lying in wait deeper on the floor. The rank
transformation into a zombie. aroma of death and the frenzied squeaking of rats is all
Creatures. If no stealth checks are being made, or too evident. The sounds and scents are coming from
the group average is below 10, then the zombie within area 11B.
the dining hall will begin to more energetically beat and
moan at the door. As soon as the door is opened, 11A. GUEST ROOM
combat will initiate with the relatively fresh corpse of a This room belonged to the dwarven alchemist-turned-
well-dressed, dwarven woman. zombie that was found in area 8 on the first floor. Over
the stone decoration, few attempts
have been made to make it homier, and
everything is well ordered and
Trap. A successful DC 12
Intelligence (Investigation) or Wisdom
(Perception) check will reveal that
there is a trap on this door laid by the
previous resident. If triggered, a small
shower of rocks falls down to deal 1
bludgeoning damage. After it is
triggered, a note will lazily drift down.
It reads, “Stop looking through my
stuff, Garentha.”
Treasure. Within the neat room, it
A Baleful Awakening 6
easy to find what few useful items
there are. There is a purse with 10 gp,
68 sp, 112 cp, alchemist’s supplies,
and a healing potion.
A Baleful Awakening 7
There is no light in the third floor hallway, for no walls that
the goddess Leira. If the name of the goddess is said
you can see have windows. Like below, the smell of death while the scroll is open, a mouth will appear and in a
precedes your finding of the body. In front of an open door whispered voice of indistinguishable gender, will say,
lies the bloody corpse. The human man’s face is frozen in a “In the first new moon of the month. Dusk. Within the
rictus of fear and his throat was torn open by a dagger lying a grove behind the Lastallan Monument. Reminder to
short distance away. bring all reports.”
This is a meeting with the researchers’ contact,
Crying. In area 17, the imprisoned spirit of the lady nine days away. The contact is a female, wood elf druid
of the manor is weeping. Faint and ethereal, it’s barely that goes by the name of ‘Mica’. She is but one part in
perceptible without a successful DC 12 Wisdom the chain of the operation, and provides locations for
(Perception) check. body pickups, and orders from higher up.
Treasure. On the body of the man is a set of
studded leather armor, a bloody dagger, a healing
From this far into the third floor, even the least
potion, the main gate key, and a silver dog whistle
perceptive can now hear the weeping woman. It
(Appendix B) with a magical aura from the
becomes omnipresent, a constant litany within the
Enchantment school.
desecrated room. The carved bed has been broken apart
and underneath carvings of a sleeping man and woman,
Of all the rooms in the building, this one is being used a skeleton has been arranged into a bizarre design. In
as the original carvings implied. There are open papers the hollow beneath it are painted necromantic sigils that
across the stone desk and jammed into spare spaces on are little over a week old.
the shelves. These is the remains of a ritual the now deceased
Code. While nothing in the room is hidden away, wizard was using as simple practice. It clearly wasn’t
all of the most important correspondence is written in important to her, or the other residents of the estate, as
code. In order to decode the messages, three separate there’s castoff detritus from the spell scattered about the
sessions of study with a success on a DC 15 Intelligence room without care.
check are required. A long rest is required between each
attempt. The details within can be as detailed at the
Inside, the light from the window reveals a bathroom,
Dungeon Master desires, but in general, they are reports
that if real, would have been worthy of envy.
on how the experiments have been going, requests for
Unfortunately, it is full of dust, and dried muck at the
different kinds of humanoids to practice on, and areas
bottom of a tub that also has a haphazardly tossed
where meetings took place. The character that learns
skeleton lying in it. These are the remains of the lord.
this code will be able to read and write in it at any time,
Skeleton. A successful DC 16 Intelligence
and can count it as a language: Tomb Code.
(Investigation), exposes that there are bits of ink and
Scroll. With the use of detect magic or a successful
blood on the bones that suggest a ritual was conducted
DC 14 Intelligence (Investigation), a scroll with magic
on this skeleton, though it appears to have been rejected
mouth cast on it can be found amidst all the other
for whatever reason. There is also a gold tooth in the
skull worth 4 sp.
Written upon it is ‘Speak the name of the Sunken
Woman.’ Without leaving the necropolis and
investigating further, it is very difficult to know what is
being referred to and requires a success on a DC 20
Intelligence (History) check. In Vernal Heart, there is a
gathering place used by the local, more established
underworld members. It is called the Sunken Woman.
Only a character with a Criminal Background, who is
from the city, would know the vague location of it. Yet
they would likely never have been there as it is for more
powerful individuals.
The mentioned ‘woman’ is referring to a statue of
A Baleful Awakening 8
A Baleful Awakening 9
of stone and earth have been moved away, and there are
THE NECROPOLIS more than a few areas bustling with activity as new
tombs are being crafted. In fact, a central area has been
You fit the key into the lock. There is a small resistance
set up almost as a makeshift village for the workers and
before it turns and clicks. Unbidden, the gate swings open
with a mournful creak. Passing through the lane between the
two outer buildings, you can then open the second gate
without issue. You now find yourself on a narrow roadway
One of the largest and sturdiest buildings in the
with a clear sky high above, bracketed by the walls of the
encampment. It is positioned higher up on the tiers of
crevasse. carved out mountain so as to have a better view of the
At even intervals along the winding path are other gates work going on.
with plaques next to them, each bearing a family name. The
plaque next to the gate you stepped through reads ‘Naeviris’.
It is a long, squat building made of wood that is starting to be
bleached by rain and sun. There is nothing fancy about it,
Back story. Nearly a century ago, there was a though there’s a certain homey quality to a place that’s well-
terrible plague that swept through Vernal Heart. The used and kept in good repair. Within it is shadowed and
Naeviris were a mercantile family on the lower end of smells faintly of wood smoke from a fireplace that is currently
the upper class. They had gotten a lucky break large cold.
enough to reach new heights on the social hierarchy— Near the front of the room, a tiefling woman approaching
enough to purchase their own tomb in the necropolis. middle-age stands behind a desk. She is a strong woman in
With only the husband, wife, and new babe bearing the armor that is old but kept clean. It contrasts to the near
family name, they perished in the plague soon after luminous quality of her blue-white complexion and cerulean
their tomb was finished. eyes. At her feet is a dented shield, and on her back is a
The path out. This singular pathway extends for sheathed longsword. She radiates an aura of authority.
quite a while, but portions of the necropolis can turn
into a maze in the older areas. A successful DC 12 ROLEPLAYING LURA HILL
Wisdom (Survival) check will lead them to newer areas Lura is a firm but fair guard captain. While a very
of the necropolis. professional woman, she does have a certain gallows humor
when she relaxes, and that can be somewhat off-putting or
Guards. Throughout the necropolis are guards
offensive to quite a few people. She grows more intense upon
patrolling in case of pillagers and to ensure that no learning that the party has escaped, as there have been strange
tombs are desecrated. They patrol in pairs. If kidnappings going on for several months.
encountered they will be wary, but not aggressive. A
simple success on a DC 10 Charisma (Persuasion) will 2. CARVERS’ GUILD
have them believing the characters’ claims of being The largest of the buildings is actually two stories in
kidnapped. height. It is also the most richly furnished despite its
Either way, they will firmly ask the characters to temporary nature. This is where the main designers of
accompany them to meet with the captain on duty at the the new tombs live, plan, work, and host their rich
time, Lura Hill (Appendix A). If the party refuses, they clients for meetings and tours of the eventual resting
will begin to fight, within reason, to restrain them.
The current head is a rock gnome named Keball
Schenton. He has a good working relationship with the
DANGER IN THE NECROPOLIS guard captain, as the two understand the importance of
The longer the party is in uninhabited parts of the necropolis, safety, both from robbers and the undead outbreaks that
the more dangerous it becomes for a group so ill-equipped and happen from time to time.
green. Specters, ghosts, giant spiders—all of these lurk in
the necropolis, and can be used to steer the party back toward
safer areas.
This is a long hall full of tables and benches, and a
station for workers to get their meals.
Near the entrance of the necropolis, the space has been These makeshift small clusters of buildings are
greatly widened out. Lower to the earth, huge sections essentially designed to house a few workers for when
A Baleful Awakening 10
they sleep, and as a place to stash what gear they bring Sneaking. If, for whatever reason, the party decides
to the work site. that sneaking is the better option, they will have a fairly
tough time with it. Guard patrols are fairly regular at all
5. WORK SITE times of day and night, and it can be dangerous to hide
A massive tomb is being dug out of the mountain. At in the tombs—if they are even accessible.
the current stage, it’s mostly excavating out the space
Arrested. If the guards are hostile to the party, they
while leaving the rough shapes of what will be
buildings. In comparison to the estate the characters will be put in a holding cell for a night, and then taken
escaped from, it is enormous. to the barracks in the city. Escape will be incredibly
difficult, but still possible. However, merely waiting out
DEVELOPMENTS the night will have the party taken in, their stories
There are a number of ways the adventure can be checked, and sent on their way—without the reward
resolved depending on what clues have been picked up, that would have been possible for cooperating.
and the rapport the party establishes with the guards. If
milestone levelling is being used, the characters should The narrow canyon winds beyond the excavation site, the
all reach level 2 upon finally leaving the necropolis. If shadows long and the breeze more intense for being squeezed
using the experience points system, in addition to the through such a narrow space. It opens up to a road gently
XP from defeating enemies, they party will receive a switchbacking its way down the mountainside. It is beautiful.
combined 800 XP for surviving to get to this point. All the trees are orange and gold, a thick carpet of them
Uncovering additional clues might warrant gaining extending throughout the valley.
additional experience points. Wisps of smoke curl up from a dark gap in the foliage.
Tips. After speaking with the guard captain, she There would be Vernal Heart, just an edge of it in view from
will offer an escort to the main barracks within Vernal your vantage point.
Heart. She thinks that the higher-ups will want to ask The wind stirs, the leaves rustling like whispers and
carrying the scent of rich plant life. It’s a fairly sharp contrast
further questions. She won’t force them to go, and will
to the dust and blood that’s been filling your nose.
leave off an escort if they don’t wish it, but does say
You’re free…for the moment at least.
that there might be some monetary reward for providing
information on the mysterious kidnappings that have
been occurring in the city and adjacent areas.
A Baleful Awakening 11
Medium humanoid, lawful neutral
Medium undead, lawful evil Hit Points 36 (4d10+8)
Armor Class 11 Speed 30 ft.
Hit Points 10 (2d8+2)
16 (+3) 12 (+1) 15 (+2) 10 (+0) 12 (+1) 11 (+0)
12 (+1) 12 (+1) 15 (+2) 2 (-4) 8 (-1) 5 (-3)
Skills Insight +3, Intimidation +2, Perception +3
Saves Strength +5, Constitution +4
Damage Vulnerabilities bludgeoning Damage Resistances Cold
Damage Immunities poison Senses darkvision 60 ft., passive Perception 13
Condition Immunities exhaustion, poisoned Languages Common, Infernal
Senses darkvision 60 ft., passive Perception 9 Challenge 1 (200 XP)
Languages —
Challenge 1/4 (50 XP) Innate Spellcasting. Lura’s innate spellcasting ability is
based on her tiefling heritage, and uses Charisma. She
Keen Hearing. The skeleton dog has advantage on has a +2 to hit, and a spell save of DC 10.
Wisdom (Perception) checks that rely on hearing.
At will: ray of frost
ACTIONS 1/day: armor of agathys (at 2nd level)
Bite. Melee Weapon Attack. +3 to hit, reach 5 ft., one
target. Hit: 3 (1d4+1) piercing damage. If the target is a Second Wind. As a 4th level fighter, Lura has access to
medium or smaller creature, it must succeed on a DC 11 the ability after a short or long rest. She heals 9 (1d10 +
Strength saving throw or be knocked prone. 4).
Longsword. Melee Weapon Attack. +5 to hit, reach 5 ft.,
one target. Hit: 7 (1d8+3) slashing damage.
A Baleful Awakening 12
Wondrous Item, Uncommon
This silver whistle looks plain save for the markings
around the mouthpiece. As an action, the whistle can be
blown to cast command on any undead creature, who
then must save against a DC of 10. This feature can
only be used once per long rest.
A Baleful Awakening 13
Writing and Design. Adrian Kaas is a content creator
that loves the idea and writing side of the creating
process, but who’s not all that great at the formatting
and visual design side. If you have any questions or
comments about this adventure, you kind find them on
Twitter or their Blog.
A Baleful Awakening 14