CV-0013-001 - Method Statement For Excavation and Fill Work
CV-0013-001 - Method Statement For Excavation and Fill Work
CV-0013-001 - Method Statement For Excavation and Fill Work
For REV A2
Excavation and Fill
This method statement is to describe and explain the methodology involved in excavation and backfill
works in general, detailing out of the steps to be taken to meet the requirement of excavation and
backfill activities at MIP06 ONSHORE OIL FACILITIES PROJECT, Saudi Arabia. The CONTRACTOR
reserve his right to adapt the method used in accordance with the site needs and arrangement.
This covers all excavation and backfill activities. This describes the requirements of quality, HSE,
material and methodology.
All design, engineering, material and construction shall conform to the latest requirements of local &
national standards, regulations and the following reference documents. Latest edition at the time of
contract award shall be applicable.
Any conflicts between the following references shall brought to the attention of the COMPANY for final
- Manages the activities carried out on site by Site Quality Control, planning and
performing audits on the site organization and the Sub-Contractors
- Charge of the construction shall be responsible for completing documentation and
implementation of this procedure.
Verify the detail of the area to be located according to the latest construction drawing. Conduct
a survey and mark the location and the limits of the area to be covered. The boundary of the
area will be properly marked with visible survey markers to define limits.
All reference points, property markers, bench marks, monuments, etc., shall be carefully
maintained during excavation, backfilling, compaction and earthwork. Unless otherwise
specified, damage to a reference point during performance of the work will be reported to
COMPANY and will be repaired or replaced to the satisfaction of COMPANY
7.4.2 Work Permit shall be secured prior to excavation & backfill work
7.4.3 Survey layout has to be marked according to approved drawings. All points shall
be marked with wooden pegs or steel rod to identify the extent area of excavation
Vacuum Excavation
Vacuum Excavation (Suction Excavation) shall be performed to the area where
high precision digging is required.
Structural Excavation
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Excavation and Fill
Structural Excavation shall include excavations for footings, grade beams, pits,
basements, retaining walls, man holes, catch basins, pipeline thrust anchors, etc.
Rock Excavation
Excavation that cannot be accomplished using rippers and/or excavators/
backhoes and which requires blasting or pneumatic rock breakers to facilitate
7.5.3 Excavation Plan, including a Pre-excavation checklist, as per the Saudi Aramco
Construction Safety Manual and Safety Management Guide 06-002-2008 shall be
submitted prior to beginning excavation by COMPANY Work Permit Issuer. Refer
to GI 2.100 for COMPANY’s work permit requirements, it is responsibility of the
COMPANY Work Permit Issuer to ensure that underground utilities/installation
have been located and marked (e.g., by flags or chalk) before excavation activities
7.5.4 When there is any suspected utilities and/or installation in the area of the
excavation, CONTRACTOR shall execute trial excavation prior to excavation
activities as follows:
Figure 1. In case of Hand Excavation:
Excavation A
<Top View>
<Section. A>
Figure 2. In case of Vacuum Excavation:
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Excavation and Fill
Excavation A
<Top View>
1.5m based on
diameter of
<Section. A>
7.5.5 In case that underground utilities were found during the excavation work,
CONTRACTOR shall immediately inform to COMPANY or COMPANY
REPRESENTATIVE to confirm these utilities are still in use or not.
Case 1. Still functional
The area shall be isolated. And Hand excavation and/or Vacuum excavation shall
be executed until the proper authorities decide if excavator/backhoe is allowed to
work in the area.
Case 2. Not in use
CONTRACTOR keep excavating by machine (excavator/backhoe) and the line
shall be cut and removed upon COMPANY’s approval
7.5.6 During excavation, operator should be aware of safe distance of 2.0m from the
edge of the trenchs
7.5.8 Bottom of excavated area shall be smooth and free from loose earth
7.5.9 The side of excavated area shall be sloped back to the natural angle of repose of
the soil to avoid cave-in. If side is not able to be sloped due to restricted space, it
shall be shored adequately to resist earth movement, protect workers and existing
property, if any.
7.5.10 Excavated soil shall not be placed very near the area. It shall set back at least
1.0m from the edge of the area based on site conditions or be placed on
designated stockpile.
7.5.11 Unsatisfactory excavated soil for filling material shall be disposed of at the
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7.5.12 When soft or compressible soil is encountered at footing grade. Such soil shall be
removed and replaced with compacted Selected Fill as specified in Section 7.6.1,
CLSM or Lean concrete (minimum 1,000 psi 28-days compressive strength)
7.5.14 Excavated material suitable for filling and backfilling shall be directly filled and
backfilled or stockpiled in an area where is approved by Company
7.5.15 The method of excavation shall not weaken surrounding areas nor damage
structures or parts thereof that are completed or under construction. Existing
structures and utilities adjacent to the excavations shall be protected.
Fill material shall be free of frozen lumps, organic matter, trash, chunks of highly
plastic clay (classified as CH as determined by ASTM D2487) or other
unsatisfactory material.
The portion of the material passing the No. 40 sieve shall have a maximum liquid
limit of 35 and a maximum plasticity index of 12 per ASTM D4318. Liquid limit and
plastic limit tests are not required for select fill material with less than 15% passing
the No. 200 sieve.
A wide variety of calcareous soil materials found in Saudi Arabia which may vary
from clay to gravel sizes and often include cobble and boulder sized pieces.
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Excavation and Fill
Compaction Water
Water used for compaction of fill material shall be reasonably free of salts, oil,
acid, alkalis, organic matter, or other deleterious substances.
Use of water with Total Dissolved Solids of 10,000 ppm or more is not allowed.
But, there is exception for the following cases:
- There is no source of acceptable water available within 20km.
- The estimated volume of available acceptable water within 20km could not
sustain the requirement of the project.
- The fill or backfill will be below the surrounding area natural water table as
determined by a geotechnical investigation or monitoring wells.
7.6.3 Before receiving Fill Material, the area shall be cleaned of all trash and debris.
Care shall be taken to remove bolder, vegetation and other deleterious materials.
7.6.4 Fill material shall be placed in uniform lifts not exceeding the following criteria,
provided that the specified compaction is achieved for the full depth.
- Select Fill Material shall be placed in lifts of 200mm maximum in loose depth.
- General Fill Material shall be placed in lifts of 300mm maximum in loose depth.
- Other lift thickness may be approved by COMPANY based on a field test section
using the intended compaction equipment and verification that compaction was
achieved for the full depth.
7.6.5 Fill and backfill adjacent to structures such as retaining walls, pits, and basements
shall not be compacted with heavy equipment, but shall be compacted with hand-
operated equipment to a distance of 1.2m or greater beyond the sides of the
7.6.6 Compaction by water jetting or flooding is not permitted for most fill material.
However, flooding with positive drainage may be used if the fill material is
cohesionless freely draining sand.
7.6.7 Fill and backfill layers shall be uniformly compacted in accordance with the section
6.3.6 in COMPANY Standard SAES-A-114.
7.6.8 Compaction surfaces of fill and backfill shall be finish graded to the cross sections,
lines, grades, and elevations as indicated on the drawings.
Gradation, density, and moisture content control tests shall be performed at the following minimum
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frequencies: one standard sieve analysis (ASTM C136, ASTM D422 or ASTM D1140) and one
Modified Proctor Test per ASTM D1557 with corresponding Proctor curve performed for each type of
fill material or where there is a change in the type or the source of material. For cohesion less free
draining soils, ASTM D4253 Maximum Index Density and Unit Weight of Soils Using a Vibratory Table
and ASTM D4254 Minimum Index Density and Unit Weight of Soil and Calculation of Relative Density
shall also be performed.
In-place density and moisture content of soils shall be determined by the sand-cone method per ASTM
D1556, nuclear method per ASTM D2922, the rubber balloon method per ASTM D2167, or the drive-
cylinder method per ASTM D2937. Acceptance testing of in-place density and moisture content (field
density testing) on compacted fill will be performed at the following rates:
- Under all foundations, process area - one test every 100 m² of each lift.
- Under area paving, lined slopes or drainage channel - one test every 200 m² of each lift.
- Backfill of trenches - one test for every 50 linear ft (15 m) of each lift.
- General fill - one test every 500 m² of each lift.
As a minimum, at least one in-place density test must be performed on every lift of fill and further
placement shall not be allowed until the required density has been achieved.
The number of tests shall be increased if a visual inspection determines that the moisture content is
not uniform or if the compacting effort is variable and not considered sufficient to attain the specified
density. The Project Inspection Representative may approve a decrease in the number of tests once
a compaction procedure has proven to meet compaction requirements.
Safety measure during the execution of work shall be strictly implemented and observed.
CONTRACTOR’s safety team shall by then without excuses to implement the safety rules, regulation
and ensure that all personnel involved in the execution of work with full understating of it.
The following requirement are to be checked regularly but not limited to: