Newton's Rings: X - X Diameter M Bi-Convex Lens

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Name: Radhika Gaikwad

Roll Number: FY20H868

Experiment No. 02 Newton’s Rings Date:21/06/2021

Aim: To determine the radius of curvature of a Plano-convex lens using

Newton’s rings.

Apparatus: A traveling microscope, Newton’s rings apparatus, Sodium lamp,

Magnifying glass etc.

Prior Concepts: Interference, Principle of superposition, constructive &

destructive interference.

Learning Objectives:
A. Intellectual Skills:
1. To understand the phenomenon of interference in thin wedge shaped film.
B. Motor skills
1. To develop the ability of proper alignment of optical instruments for
desired results.
2. To develop ability to determine least count of measuring instrument.
3. To develop ability of observing & recording correct readings.
4. To develop ability to plot the readings with appropriate scale.

Ray Diagram:

│x1 - x2│= diameter M

Bi-convex lens

Sodium light

Air Film Plano-convex lens

Plane glass plate

Least Count.  Pitch of theScrew. Total Re ading  M.S.R.  (C.S.R. L.C.)

Total number of divisions on C.S.

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When Plano convex lens is placed on a plane glass-plate, a thin wedge
shaped film of air is formed between the curved surface of convex lens and
the plane surface of glass plate of progressively increasing thickness in all
directions around the point of contact of lens and glass-plate. Each ray of
the normally incident beam from a monochromatic source falling on the lens
-plate system gets reflected back from the top and bottom surfaces of the air
film between the lens and plate. The two reflected rays are coherent.
Therefore they produce interference. The locus of all points corresponds to
equal thickness of air film fall on a circle whose center is ‘c’. The interference
fringes obtained are a series of concentric rings, alternately bright and dark
with their center c. These rings are called Newton’s rings. They are fringes of
equal thickness. These rings are observed only within small area around the
point of contact as the air film is very thin there.
The reflected rays are obtained through division of amplitude of the
incident ray. Therefore this kind of interference occurring in the thin film of
air belongs to the class of ‘interference through division of amplitude’.

Theoretical diagram:
Incident Ray

Ray 2

Air Film Plano-convex lens (L2)

Plane glass plate (P)

Theory of Newton’s Rings:

In case of normal incidence the effective p.d. between the reflected rays is,

=2t+ 
For air, =1

 =2t+ 
Case I: At the point of contact C, t = 0

= 
This is the condition of minimum intensity. Hence central spot is dark.

Case II: At the points other than C,

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The film will appear bright if,

2t+ = n. Where, n = 0, 1, 2, ------- etc.
Or 2 t = (2n-1) Where, n = 1, 2, 3, -------- etc.
The film will appear dark if,
 
2t+ = (2n+1) 
2 2
2 t = n. Where, n = 0, 1, 2, ------ etc.

Diameter of Newton’s Rings:

Let PCQ be a plano-convex lens placed on a plane glass plate AB. Let R be
the radius of curvature of the lens surface which is in contact with the plate
AB. Let r be the radius of Newton’s ring corresponding to thickness t.

The path difference between the two interfering rays in the reflected
system for normal incidence is,

  2t  
From figure,
R 2  r 2  R  t) 2
i.e. r 2 = R 2  R  t 2
i.e. r 2  R 2  R 2  2Rt  t 2
i.e. r 2  2Rt  t 2
But, t  R hence we get,
r 2  2Rt

2t  r = D
Where, D is the diameter of Newton’s ring
R 4R
But we have for Newton’s rings,

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  2t  
r2 
i.e.   
R 2

For Dark Rings:

Condition to get dark ring is that the path difference,
r 2   2n  1

 

R 2 2
r 2

i.e.  n Where, n = 0, 1, 2, 3, -----

If ‘Dn’ is the diameter of nth dark Newton’s ring then,
 n
Dn  4nR 2

Dn is the diameter of nth dark ring,
Similarly diameter of (n  p) th dark ring is,
D 2 n p  4 (n  p) R 
 D np - D n  4 p R 

 D n p  Dn
 Dn
2 2

D n p
or R
4 pR 4 p
Thus by measuring the diameters of dark rings and radius of curvature R
the wavelength  can be calculated or by knowing the wavelength,the radius
of curvature R of a plano-convex lens can be calculated.

(1) Arrange the apparatus as shown in the figure. Clean the lens & the glass
plate thoroughly & then place the Plano convex lens on the glass plate with
its convex surface touching the plate. Place it below the microscope.
(2) Allow the parallel light from sodium lamp to be incident on a glass plate,
which is held at 450 with the horizontal. Light reflection should fall upon the
lens. Adjust the position so that point of contact will be just below the
microscope objective. Focus the microscope until the rings are distinctly
visible & the center of the rings lies just below the point of intersection of
cross wires. Rotate the eyepiece so that one of the cross wire is
perpendicular to the horizontal scale.

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(3) Move the microscope across the field & focus it on the middle of a
distinct dark ring beginning say, with the 20th ring from the center on the
left .Read the microscope reading, focus on successive rings in steps of two
& read again. Continue this till you reach ring no. 4. While focusing take
care that every time the cross wire remains tangential to the ring.
(4) When the last ring has been observed, the microscope will still be on one
side of the center. Move it across the center until it is focused at the other
end of its diameter. Read the Vernier & proceed onwards until you reach
20th ring on the right. From the set of readings, diameters of successive
rings can be determined.
(5) Plot a graph of (Diameter) 2 Vs no of ring
(6) Calculate the radius of curvature of the plano-convex lens by using the

(1) L.C. of traveling microscope = 0.001cm.
(2) Wavelength of sodium vapor lamp = 5890 A0.
Observation Table:

Microscope reading
No of (Diameter)2
Sr No ring Left Right Diameter cm2
X1 (cm) X2 (cm) D=X2-X1 cm
1 2 2.396 2.558 0.162 0.0260
2 4 2.392 2.568 0.176 0.0309
3 6 2.339 2.625 0.286 0.0817
4 8 2.301 2.606 0.305 0.0930
5 10 2.310 2.628 0.318 0.1010
Nature of graph:

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D2  D2
R n m
4(n  m)
Slope of graph of Diameter 2 Vs no of ring
slope  Dn  D m R 
2 2
 cm
nm 4  5890 10 8

= 58.35 cm

Result: Radius of curvature of the plano-convex lens = 58.35 cm

1. The Plano convex lens should be of large radius of curvature
2. The center of the rings obtained should be a dark spot
3. The diameters of the dark rings are measured
4. The microscope is always moved in the same direction to avoid back lash

Questions for confirmation of learning

1. What are Newton’s rings?
2. How are Newton’s rings formed?
3. What would be effect of using white light instead of monochromatic light?
4 Why Newton’s rings are circular?
5. Why the plano-convex lens of large focal length is used for the experiment?
6. Why is it necessary for the light to fall normally on the glass plate?
7. What is the function of 450 inclined glass plate?
8. Why do the rings get closer as the order of the ring increases?
9. Why the Centre of the rings is dark?
10. What will happen if the plane glass plate is replaced by plane mirror?
11. What will happen if the plano-convex lens is replaced by plane glass
12. What will happen if few drops of liquid are introduced between the
plano-convex lens and glass plate?
13. What is microscope?

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Date & Signature:

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