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Fisheries Books

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Science Publishers
Enfield, New Hampshire, USA
w w w . s c i p u b . n e t
Fisheries/ Aquaculture

Translated from French

No Rights Europe SERIES: RECENT ADVANCES IN biofilms and how bioadhesion
MARINE BIOTECHNOLOGY occurs, with the idea in mind that
MANAGEMENT OF Milton Fingerman and R. Nagabhushnam (eds.):
these presentations will provide
FRESHWATER FISHERIES insight into ways to reduce the
Dept. of Ecology, Evolution, and Organismal
Jacques Arrignon impact of corrosion and biofouling
Biology, Tulane University, USA
on the marine environment.
978-1-57808-051-9; 1999; 598 pages, hc;
Volume 1:
$ 106.40 Volume 4:
Endocrinology and Reproduction
The book is organised under the Aquaculture
following three major headings: 978-1-886106-53-6; 1997; 536 pages, hc; Operation of an economically
Ecological bases; Fish farming; and $ 140.00 successful aquaculture venture
Managing aquatic mediums. The depends upon the complete life
tested data is presented in a This volume is a compilation of cycle of a species occurring in
clear and well-balanced manner, information that covers a wide captivity. Comprises two volumes –
often with the help of tables and range of animal groups. This book Part A: Seaweeds and Invertebrates,
illustrated with many sketches and will be of interest not only to and Part B: Fishes. These volumes
photographs. Includes glossary and biotechnologist, but also to aquacul- present information that can be
an index. turists, comparative animal physi- useful to facilitate the aquaculture
ologists, comparative endocrinolo- of a wide variety of food species.
This book will be useful to profes-
gists, and developmental biologists. Possible solutions to how such
sionals involved in the biology,
management and protection of the complete control of life cycles of
aquatic medium: hydrobiologists, Volume 2: important food organisms might be
aquaculturists, fish farmers, techni- Environmental Marine Biotechnology accomplished, are presented in each
cians and fishing wardens. chapter.
978-1-57808-012-0; 1998; 323 pages, hc;
$ 95.20 Part A: Seaweeds and Invertebrates
Mammals of Russia and Adjacent CONTENTS: Protein Biomarkers for Paralytic 978-1-57808-082-3; 2000; 292 pages, hc;
Regions Shellfish Toxins: Donna S. Smith and David D.
Kitts; Characteristics of Deep-sea Microorgan-
$ 98.60
BALEEN WHALES isms Adapted to Extreme Environments: Chiaki
V.E. Sokolov and V.A. Arsen’ev Kato, AkiraInoue, and Koki Horikoshi; Application Part B: Fishes
of Chitosan in Separation and Purification of
Metals: Katsutoshi Inoue; Glues from the Sea— 978-1-57808-083-0; 2000; 260 pages, hc;
978-1-57808-185-1; 2006; 332 pages, hc; Lessons at the Foot of a Bioadhesive Master, the
$ 109.80 Marine Mussel: Leszek M. Rzepecki; Bioremoval $ 89.60
of Heavy Metals by Microalgae: Edward W.
This English translation is a contri- Wilde, Joann C. Radway, and John R. Benemann;
Microbial Surfactants—Potential Applications in
Volume 5:
bution to the systematics of the the Treatment of Hydrocarbon Marine Pollution: Immunobiology and Pathology
baleen suborder (as vs. the toothed Jean-Claude Bertrand, Michle Gilewicz, Patricia
whales) of Cetaceans. Detailed Bonin, and Michel Denis; Enzymatic Membrane 978-1-57808-091-5; 2000; 392 pages, hc;
Bioreactors—Current State of the Art and Future $ 109.20
descriptions of baleen suborders Prospects: Duarte M.F. Prazeres and Joaquim M.S.
including gray whales, humpbacks, Cabral; Heavy Metal Pollution—Use of Marine
and right whales, are given. Entries Crustaceans as Biological Indicators: Rachakonda It describes of how the immune
Nagabhushanam, Palla S. Reddy, and Milton systems of fishes function, particu-
on genera that are found in Russian Fingerman; Enzyme Sensors for the Detection of
waters include identification keys, Pesticides: Jean-Louis Marty, Beatrice Leca, and
larly now that molecular biology
general descriptions, biological Thierry Noguer; Microbial Diversity as a Source techniques are being applied in
characteristics, geographical of Potentially Useful Biopolymers: Eugene these studies. With respect to
Rosenberg; Bioreactor Technology for Mass invertebrates, their immune pro-
distribution, practical significance, Cultivation of Photoautotrophic-microalgae:
status (often endangered), and Yuan K. Lee and Amos Richmond cesses have not evolved to the
illustrations. level of those of the vertebrates,
Volume 3: and consequently invertebrate
immune mechanisms present unique
Biofilms, Bioadhesion, Corrosion, and
challenges to the investigators, with
Mammals of Russia and NEW Biofouling few vertebrate models that might
Adjacent Regions serve as roadmaps. Worldwide,
978-1-57808-013-7; 1999; 320 pages, hc;
LAGOMORPHS viral infections of shrimp present
$ 98.60
V.E. Sokolov et al. very serious impediments to
Scientific Editors: successful culture of these crusta-
Provides reviews of the advances
Robert S. Hoffmann & Andrew T. Smith ceans. Overcoming this problem
being made in our understanding
of the formation and role of would be a major step forward.
978-1-57808-522-4; June 2008

Volume 6: Bioremediation is a technology that

Bio-organic Compounds: Chemistry utilizes the metabolic potential of
and Biomedical Applications microorganisms to clean up
contaminated environments. In
978-1-57808-135-6; 2002; 272 pages, hc; this volume, international scientists
$ 95.20 present the results of recent
research in marine bioremediation.
The marine environment is a A sampling of topics includes the
fruitful source of novel chemical bioremediation of petroleum spills,
compounds that are not found in the control of heavy metal contami-
terrestrial and freshwater organ- nation, and the use of molecular
isms. Many of these substances technologies for monitoring bacteria. FISH GENETICS AND
have biomedical applications which AQUACULTURE BIOTECHNOLOGY
could lead to development of new Volume 9: Editors:
pharmaceutical products. Through Biomaterials and Bioprocessing T.J. Pandian, C.A. Strüssmann and
new driving technologies, explora- M.P. Marian
tion at greater depths is now 978-1-57808-284-1; 2003; 300 pages, hc;
possible, thus aiding greater scope $ 108.60 †† 978-1-57808-372-5; 2005; 170 pages, hc;
for research on the utilization of $ 66.60 ††
natural products. Studies of these Marine organisms have been found
marine natural products include Half of the 12 papers are research
to be sources of numerous reports selected from the presenta-
investigations of neuronal mem- compounds that have applications
brane-active toxins, ion channel tions to an international conference.
in industry, agriculture, and medi- The others are reviews of literature
blockers, antitumor and antiviral cine. This volume explores ongoing
agents, and anti-inflammatory on the same theme of advanced
efforts to develop these natural technologies in fisheries and marine
molecules. products into commercially viable sciences. Among the topics are gene
materials. The book deals with a transfer to germline and somatic
Volume 7: range of topics, such as tissues of zebrafish, methods of sex
Seafood Safety and Human Health photobioreactors, industrial applica- control in fishes, and the isolation
tions of chitosanases, carrageenans of antibody-like substances from
978-1-57808-204-9; 2002; 328 pages, hc; from red algae, anticoagulants from marine algae.
$ 98.60 marine algae, anti-HIV compounds
from red algae, and biomass
Finfish and Shellfish constitute a production as a source of energy MICROBIAL BIOTECHNOLOGY IN
significant percentage of human by pyrolysis.
diet. As population grows, there is AGRICULTURE AND
greater urgency to increase the Volume 10: AQUACULTURE
yield of seafood from the oceans. Molecular Genetics of Marine R.C. Ray (ed.)
There is also need to guard against . . . see Agriculture
naturally occurring toxins and
pathogenic organisms that are 978-1-57808-297-1; 2003; 436 pages, hc;
capable of contaminating this food PROCEEDINGS OF THE WORLD
$ 132.20 ††
supply. It is imperative to detect
the presence of these toxins and FISHERIES CONGRESS,
environmental conditions which Biologists, geneticists, and scientists ATHENS, GREECE
favor the microorganisms that are in related fields, explore how the
the sources of these toxins in order basic aspects of molecular genetics Assessment Methodologies and
to ensure food safety. Marine can be applied to practical problems Management
biotechnology has a major role at of increasing commercial production Gary T. Sakagawa (ed.)
the forefront in assuring that our from the oceans. Their topics
seafood is safe, and has begun to include antibacterial vaccine discov- 978-1-886106-10-9; 1995; 210 pages, hc;
provide impressive successes in ery in the genomic era, osmotic $ 88.50
assuring that it will be so. adaptation in immobilized recombi-
nant cyanobacteria for biotechnol-
Volume 8: ogy, using microsatellite probes for
Bioremediation the DNA fingerprinting of culti-
vated red algae, crustacean growth
978-1-57808-245-2; 2003; 352 pages, hc; and genes, reporter gene activities
$ 107.50 †† in fish embryos, gene transfer
technology for salmon, and geneti-
cally improving fish by transgenic

w w w . s c i p u b . n e t

Catfishes as a Case Study on General
Phylogeny and Macroevolution
Rui Diogo: University of Liège, Belgium
978-1-57808-291-9; 2004; 502 pages, hc; NEW
$ 136.60
The major aim of this work is, to
help understand the interrelation- THE ORIGIN OF HIGHER CLADES FISH ENDOCRINOLOGY
ships of catfishes, with major Osteology, Myology, Phylogeny and Editors:
implications on the study of the Evolution of Bony Fishes and the Manfred Reinecke: University of Zürich,
general evolution of these fishes. rise of Tetrapods Switzerland
A great part of this work therefore, Rui Diogo: Department of Anthropology, Giacomo Zaccone: Messina University, Italy
deals with a cladistic analysis of George Washington University, B.G. Kapoor: Formerly, Jodhpur University,
catfish higher-level phylogeny based Washington, DC, USA India
on extensive morphological data, in
978-1-57808-437-1; December 2007; 978-1-57808-318-3, (2 vols.); 2006; 912 pages;
which are included some terminal
388 pages, incl. 7 color plates, hc*; $ 95.00 12 color figures, hc; $ 151.20
taxa not included in previous
analyses, but principally a large
number of characters traditionally The Osteichthyes, including bony With the recent advances in mo-
excluded from those analyses, with fishes and tetrapods, is a highly lecular biology, cell biology, physi-
particular attention being given to speciose group of animal compris- ology and behavior, the contribu-
catfish mycology. This analysis gives ing more than 42,000 living species. tors of these 24 papers are making
particular importance to complex, The extraordinary taxonomic significant progress in understand-
integrated structures. It will be of diversity of osteichthyans is associ- ing the endocrine functions of a
interest to students, ichthyologists ated with a remarkable variety of number of species of fish. Topics
and biologists working in evolution, morphological features and adapta- include insulin and insulin-like
taxonomy and phylogeny. tions to very different habitats, from growth factors, with papers on
the deep sea to high mountains. insulin metabolic effects in fish
This book provides a new insight tissues, non-radioisotropic immu-
NEW noassay for fish insulin, insulin-like
OCEAN ENVIRONMENT on the osteology, myology, phylog-
growth factor I and II, insulin and
AND FISHERIES eny and evolution of this fascinat-
ing group. The data presented in IGF receptors and insulin-like
M.P.M. Reddy: Formerly, College of
this book will stimulate, and pave growth facto binding proteins; in
Fisheries, Mangalore, India
the way for, future studies on the the gastro-entero-pancreatic (GEP)
978-1-57808-519-4; November 2007; system researchers describe new
comparative anatomy, functional
560 pages, hc; $ 115.00 techniques to examine the endo-
morphology, phylogeny and
evolution of osteichthyans and of crine pancreas of the African
Contains detailed information on
vertebrates in general. lungfish, glucagon and related
the physical, chemical and biologi-
compounds and the development of
cal oceanographic features at
the GEP system of teleosts; in
various depths for all the fifteen * Paperback edition will be published at a
later date. pituitary development, hormones
regions of the Atlantic, Pacific,
and functions they are studying
Indian and Southern Oceans as
teleost adenhypophysis,
categorized by the FAO, and on
melancortin, endorphin and mela-
the commercially important marine
nin-concentrating hormones, the
fishes, and details of fish catches in
osmoregulatory action of hypophy-
all the major oceans since 1950.
New Book Proposals seal hormones in teleosts, a fish
Aspects relating to fisheries fore-
model for a fundamental sensory
casts are discussed. Several aspects
modality in osmoreception, natri-
relating to various Oceans environ- Please send the details of uretic peptides, cardiac nitric oxide
mental factors which influence
fisheries in different regions of the your work at [email protected] signaling, myotropic hormones; the
Or pineal organ; and stress response,
major oceans are given as well. It
You can visit the Book Proposal reproduction and endocrine
is intended for scientists, teachers
and students specializing in Fishery form at www.scipub.net/
Oceanography, Physical Oceanogra- publication-proposals.html
phy, Chemical Oceanography and
Biological Oceanography.

addresses the larval stages of fish.

Fish larvae (and fish embryos) are
not small juveniles or adults. Rather
they are transitionary organisms
that bridge the critical gap between
the singlecelled egg and sexually
immature juvenile. Fish larvae
represent the stage of the life cycle
that is used for differentiation,
NEW feeding and distribution. NEW

This book aims at providing a

FISH LARVAL PHYSIOLOGY single-volume treatise that explains FISH BEHAVIOUR
how fish larvae develop and
Editors: Editors:
differentiate, how they regulate salt,
Roderick Nigel Finn: Department of Biology, Carin Magnhagen: Department of
water and acid-base balance, how
University of Bergen, Norway Aquaculture, Swedish University of
they transport and exchange gases,
B.G. Kapoor: Formerly Professor of Zool- Agriculture Sciences, Umea, Sweden
acquire and utilise energy, how
ogy, The University of Jodhpur, India Victoria A. Braithwaite: University of
they sense their environment, and
Evolutionary Biology, University of
978-1-57808-388-6; April 2008; ca.420 move in their aquatic medium, how
Edinburgh, UK
pages, hc; US $ 139.00 they control and defend themselves,
Elisabet Forsgren: Dept. of Biology,
and finally how they grow up.
Norwegian University of Science &
To study physiology is to examine Technology, Trondheim, Norway
how organisms have evolved
REPRODUCTIVE STRATEGY OF B.G. Kapoor: Formerly Professor of
solutions to the business of living Zoology, The University of Jodhpur, India
in an inanimate world. Our world is MARINE BIVALVES AND
and has always been dominated by ECHINODERMS 978-1-57808-435-7; June 2008; ca.660
physical and chemical forces. A V.L. Kasyanov: Institute of Marine Biology, pages, hc; US $ 137.50
physicist might tell us that all Vladivostok, Russia
things are physical, while a chemist The diversity of fish species is
978-1-57808-136-3; 2001; 240 pages, hc;
is more concerned with the elemen- striking, and the behavioural
$ 100.20
tary nature of reactions. A physical specialisations that have been
chemist sees the bonds between This work analyzes the data on documented are truly amazing. In
these views, and a biochemist reproduction and growth that many cases, researchers have used
draws out the organic symphony of might be useful in practical aquacul- different fish species as model
the vital pathways. A structural ture, and the industry. The scope systems with which to address
biologist adds shape to the chemical of investigations on echinoderms fundamental questions about
building blocks of life, while a has been confined to economically evolution and fitness, and often
molecular biologist tinkers with important species — sea cucumbers, these studies have found that
sea urchins, and sea stars.
these structures. behaviour and differences in
The book has been updated and behaviour are what underpins these
This book is intended as a resource
revised by the author for the processes. The book tackles issues
for students and researchers
English edition in 2000. from the perspective of the mecha-
interested in developmental biology
nisms underlying different
and physiology and specifically
behaviours, to how the nervous
system and associated physiology
enable fish to make decisions, the
manner in which these systems
establish different types of
behavioural patterns and life
histories, and how these combine to
produce complex behaviours. It is
Order through our convenient and secure online shopping cart structured to guide the reader from
consideration of behavioural
www.scipub.net mechanisms that generate different
categories of behaviour, to how
their functional effects influence fish
in their day-to-day lives.

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Bioremediation Biodiversity, Taxonomy, Biology
of Aquatic and and Management
K.V. Jayachandran
978-1-57808-182-0; 2001; 640 pages, hc;
$ 155.70
Milton Fingerman and
Rachakanda The author views prawns as having
Nagabhushanam great potential as an environmentally
sustainable food source that can
BIOREMEDIATION OF AQUATIC counter act the socioeconomic
CATFISHES AND TERRESTRIAL ECOSYSTEMS effects of the decline in traditional
Gloria Arratia: Humboldt University, Berlin, fishing. The introduction provides
Germany aquaculture trend data on the
Milton Fingerman and R. Nagabhushanam:
B.G. Kapoor: Formerly, Jodhpur University, commercially important
Tulane University, New Orleans, LA USA
India Palaemonidae family, which thrives
R. Diogo and M. Chardon: Université de 978-1-57808-364-0; 2005; 622 pages, hc; in habitats ranging from coastal
Liège, Liège, Belgium $ 109.80 marine waters to high altitude
streams. This volume consolidates
Bioremediation, the practice of the extensive literature on prawn
978-1-57808-261-2; 2003; 844 pages
degrading, sequestering or remov- taxonomy, biogeography by world
(2 vols.), hc; $ 159.00
ing environmental contaminants
regions, biology, hatchery manage-
This two-volume set comprises 26 through the use of microorganisms,
ment, farming, diseases and their
contributions written by interna- has significant potential for benefi-
control. Includes several color plates
tional scholars in the fields of cial applications but also significant
potential for disaster. In this and numerous diagrams. Indexed
vertebrate morphology, animal by species and subject.
biology, marine ecology, ethology collection of 11 articles, contributors
and animal psychology, neurobiol- describe their research in finding
ogy and behavior, ichthyology, soil the most effective means of remov-
ing contaminants while maintaining BIOTECHNOLOGY OF AQUATIC
sciences, and many other fields.
The first volume addresses catfish control of the microorganisms ANIMALS
anatomy; function and functional intended to counter them. Topics Editors:
morphology; and phylogeny, include molecular techniques of R. Nagabhushanam, A.D. Diwan,
systematics, and some problematic xenobiotic-degrading bacteria and B.J. Zahurnec and R. Sarojini
groups. The catfish fossil record, their catabolic genes, genetic
ecology and ethology, development, engineering of bacteria, commercial 978-1-57808-321-3; 2004; 190 pages, hc;
and sensory biology are covered in use of genetically modified organ- $ 77.80 ††
the second volume. isms in bioremediation and
phytoremediation, microbial surfac- The book presents current develop-
“.... this book is an tants and soil remediation, and ments in selected areas of the
important one for all remediation of heavy metals, oils biotechnology of aquatic animals.
catfish researchers. It and petroleum products, BTEX The uses and applications of
certainly deserves a place hydrocarbons, RDX and HMX, and biotechnology in general are
in reference libraries, and a review of engineering processes. described, with emphasis on aquatic
probably also on the shelf animals, and recent advances in
of the serious specialist.” aquaculture and marine biotechnol-
SENSORY BIOLOGY OF JAWED ogy are outlined. The book de-
— African Journal of Aquatic Sc. FISHES scribes techniques for reproductive
2005, 30(1)
New Insights manipulation of fin and shell fishes,
B.G. Kapoor and T.J. Hara (eds.) and discusses vaccines for aquatic
animals, environmental biotechnol-
978-1-57808-099-1; 2001; 404 pages, hc; ogy, antifouling technology,
$ 133.80 and ethics.

Ichthyologists specializing in
morphology, ultrastructure, physiol-
Order through our convenient and ogy, developmental biology, neurol-
secure online shopping cart ogy, ecology, and behavior present
15 commissioned papers on the
www.scipub.net senses of the gnathostomes, or
jawed fish, among which are the
teleosts, which account for almost
all living fish.

development, reproductive morphol-

ogy, function, and phylogeny of
chondrichthyan fishes. Some specific
areas examined include phylogenetic
relationships among the major
lineages of modern Elasmobranchs,
reproductive evolution of
chondrichthyans, reproduction in
fisheries science, the Elasmobranch
NEW ovary, the testis and spermatogen-
esis, and alkaline glands and
Clasper glands of batoids.
ENVIRONMENT Adalberto Luís Val: INPA, Laboratório de “This volume will be an
Editors: Ecofisiologia e Evolução Molecular, indispensable reference to
Marisa N. Fernandes and Francisco T. Manaus, Brazil both general biologists and
Rantin: Universidade Federal de São B.G. Kapoor: Formerly, Jodhpur University, specialists.”
Carlos, São Carlos, Brazil India — The Quarterly Review of Biology,
Mogens L. Glass: Universidade de São Vol. 82, No. 1,
978-1-57808-249-0; 2003; 432 pages, hc;
Paulo, Ribeirão Prêto, Brazil March 2007
$ 156.80
B.G. Kapoor: Formerly Jodhpur University,
India When water characteristics change, FISH CHEMOSENSES
fishes have to adjust physiologically Editors:
978-1-57808-357-2; August 2007;
to these alternations in their habitat Klaus Reutter: Anatomisches Institut
408 pages, hc; $ 109.50
in order to survive as a biological Universität, Tübingen, Germany
identity. Physiological adaptation is B.G. Kapoor: Formerly Professor of Zoology,
Gills of healthy fishes are their life- a dynamic and never-ending
line to meet the challenges arising Jodhpur University, India
process that has resulted in myriad
from their changing environment: fish groups adapting to the vast 978-1-57808-319-0; 2005; 356 pages, hc;
oxygen gradient, alkalinity, tem- environmental diversity existing on $ 106.40 ††
perature fluctuations and the added the Earth. Moreover, adaptively
pollutants. The diverse and ever modified organisms acquire greater Deals with the fishes chemosensory
changing aquatic environment has a ability to exploit the full range of systems — the well known olfactory
major impact on the organization of natural environment, by adopting and the gustatory senses and the
various organ-systems of fishes. new modes of life in many situa- less popular solitary chemosensory
This book contains seventeen tions. This book is a ‘voyage’ cells. Chemosenses play an essential
chapters covering bony fishes. The through Fish Adaptations, including role in the survival of fishes. They
chapters primarily cover fish new and not readily available help the fish to search for food, to
respiration but also include osmo- information. consume it and to process it further,
regulation, these being the two
they help to find their conspecifics
main functions of gills. Concur-
and to avoid enemies or predators.
rently, cardiorespiratory synchroni-
Fishes living in unusual extreme
zation has been well addressed.
ecological niches, like caves and the
This book has broad coverage, and deep sea, have highly developed
is well-supported with illustrations. and evolved chemosensory organs
then the chemosenses of sight-
hunting fish.
Elena Mente: University of Aberdeen, New Book Proposals
978-1-57808-220-9; 2003; 170 pages, hc; Please send the details of
your work at [email protected]
Sharks, Batoids, and Chimaeras
William C. Hamlett (ed.): Indiana Or
It examines protein metabolism and You can visit the Book Proposal
growth in decapod crustaceans. University, Notre Dame, Indiana, USA
form at www.scipub.net/
978-1-57808-314-5; 2005; 576 pages, hc; publication-proposals.html
$ 133.80
Comprises recent work reflecting
the latest understanding of the

w w w . s c i p u b . n e t



Editors: Editors: Editors:
Maria J. Rocha: Centre of Marine & Friedrich Ladich: University of Vienna, Bernardo Baldisserotto: Universidade
Environmental Research, Porto, Portugal Austria Federal de Santa Maria, Santa Maria-RS,
Augustine Arukwe: Norwegian University Shaun Collin: The University of Brazil
of Science & Technology, Trondhein, Queensland, Brisbane, Australia J.M. Mancera Romero: Universidad de
Norway Peter Moller: The City University of New Cadiz, Spain
B.G. Kapoor: Formerly, Jodhpur University, York, NY, USA B.G. Kapoor: Formerly, Jodhpur University,
India India
978-1-57808-328-2; 2006; 870 pages (2 vols.),
978-1-57808-331-2; January 2008; hc; $ 162.40 978-1-57808-447-0; September 2007;
632 pages, hc; $ 128.00 540 pages, hc; $ 128.00
This book describes how fish
The first chapters highlight impor- communicate with acoustic, chemi- Fish lives in environments with a
tant issues affecting fish normal cal, visual, and electric signals. wide variety of chemical character-
ways of reproductive development; Topics include the diverse sound- istics (fresh, brackish and seawater,
details would focus on species generating mechanisms in fishes, acidic, alkaline, soft and hard
living in opposite environments, evolutionary trends in swim waters). From an osmoregulatory
such as tropical and polar fishes; bladder sound mechanisms, propa- point of view, fish have developed
far related, as teleosts and cartilagi- gation of fish sounds, agonistic several mechanisms to live in these
nous fishes; and finally, fish having behavior and acoustic communica- different environments. Fish osmo-
different reproductive strategies. tion, reproductive behavior and regulation has always attracted
Thereafter, since many fishes live in acoustic interactions, detection, considerable attention and in the
detrimental environments, mainly hydromechanical communication, last years several studies have
induced by the continuous input of olfactory systems, and public increased our knowledge of this
xenobiotic substances into water- chemical information in anti- physiological process.
ways, the authors found it highly predator behavior. Visual topics
In this book several specialists have
pertinent to include this topic. include a model of the propagation
analyzed and reviewed the new
Herein, the authors fix their atten- of visual signals, color discrimina-
data published regarding fish
tion on the factors and mechanisms tion, visual communication in
osmoregulation. The chapters
that may well affect reproduction- Elasmobranchs, perceptions of like
present an integrative synthesis of
related hormonal systems as also on fish, UV communication, pigments
the different aspects of this field
known consequences for fish living in deep water, spectral sensitivity,
focusing on osmoregulation in
in polluted environments. Finally, and photoreception without images
specific environments or situations,
the interplay of modern concepts while those on electric communica-
function of osmoregulatory organs,
of fish reproduction in aquaculture tion include measuring and visualiz-
general mechanisms and endocrine
is reviewed. ing fields, plasticity of the electric
control. In addition, interactions of
organ discharge waveform, evolu-
osmoregulatory mechanisms with
tion of signals, social signals during
the immune system, diet and
courtship, integration with other
metabolism were also reviewed.
senses and the neuroethology of
New emerging techniques to study
senders and receivers.
osmoregulation has also been

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P.F. Dixon; Virus Diseases of Cultured Marine FISH LIFE IN SPECIAL NEW
Fish: Bovo G. and D. Florio; Diseases Caused by
Bacteria: Oivind Bergh; Fungal Diseases of Fish: ENVIRONMENTS
D.J. Alderman; Microsporida: J. Lom; Amoeboid Philippe Sébert: Unité Haute Pression
Protists as Parasites of Fish: Iva Dykovaá;
Diseases Caused by Flagellates: et Métabolisme, Cedex, France
P. Alvarez-Pellitero; Diseases Caused by D.W. Onyango: University of Nairobi,
Apicomplexans: D. Steinhagen; Diseases Caused Kenya
by Ciliophora: A. Coloni; Myxozoan Diseases:
Stephen W. Feist; Diseases Caused
B.G. Kapoor: Formerly, Jodhpur University,
by Monogenea: I.D. Whittington and L.A. India
Chisholm; Digeneans as Enemies of Fishes:
NEW Stephen A. Bullard and Robin M. Overstreet; 978-1-57808-387-9; November 2007; 362 pages,
Diseases Caused by Cestodes: J. Joanna hc ; $ 98.00
Borucinska; Acanthocephala: H. Taraschewski;
FISH CYTOGENETICS Nematodes: A. Choudhury and R. Cole; Crusta-
Editors: cea: W. Piasecki; Non-infectious Diseases: Living organisms are endowed with
Nutritional Factors: D.M. Gatlin III; Environmen- ingenious adaptive mechanisms to
E. Pisano: Universita di Genova, Genova, tal Diseases of Intensively Reared Fish: D.J.
Italy Speare; A brief guide for Aquaculture Veterinar-
cope with the adversities of special
C. Ozouf-Costaz: Museum national ians attending (Continental Water) and environments. Due to the vast
d’histoire naturelle, Paris, Cedex, France Producing Facility: H.J. Schlotfeldt diversity of their habitats, fish
F. Foresti: Instituto de Biosciencias, make an excellent model to depict
UNESP, Brazil the interplay of morphological,
physiological and biochemical
B.G. Kapoor: Formerly, Jodhpur University,
India FUNCTIONS IN FISHES aspects, and are often used to
Editors: study adaptive processes to a new
978-1-57808-330-5; March 2007; 518 pages, hc; J.E.P. Cyrino: USP-ESALQ, Department environment. The book covers fish
$ 128.80 of Animal Science (Zootecnia), in diverse environmental conditions
Piracicaba, SP, Brazil such as alkaline environments,
This book is organized in four D. Bureau: University of Guelph, Canada caves, Antarctic, ice cold lakes,
sections (systematics and evolution; B.G. Kapoor: Formerly, Jodhpur University, tropical coral reefs, and deep
biodiversity conservation; stock India waters. The chapters also discuss
assessment and aquaculture; and mitochondrial functions in the cold,
978-1-57808-375-6; March 2008 circadian rhythms, endocrinology of
genomics) covering the major fields
of present fish cytogenetic research. migratory fish life cycle and fish
CONTENTS: Feeding Ecology of Fishes in the
The book provides a comprehen- muscle function.
Brazilian Amazon — A Naturalistic Approach:
sive picture of the ongoing research Jansen Zuanon and Efrem Ferreira; Environmen-
The topics have been selected in
around the world. Due to the tal Changes, Habitat Modifications and Feeding
Ecology of Freshwater Fish: Norma Segatti Hahn order to present a window to an
diversified arrays of themes ap-
and Rosemara Fugi; Feeding Activity in Teleost array of adaptations of aquatic
proached, including speciation and Fish: Influence of Biotic and Abiotic Factors: inhabitants which enable them to
evolution, biodiversity and conser- Ann Gannan; Classical and Modern Concepts in
Fish Digestion: Victoria V. Kuz’mina; Tempera- subsist and survive in the uncom-
vation and genomics, the book is
ture Adaptation of Digestive Enzymes in Fish: mon, and often hostile, external
addressed not only to specialists in Alexander Gelman et al.; Diets, Physiology, environment.
cytogenetics but to all scientists Biochemistry and Digestive Tract Development
interested in fish biology. of Freshwater Fish Larvae: Maria Célia Portella The book serves as both a general
and Konrad Dabrowski; Ontogeny and Physiology
and a specific source of information
of the Digestive System of Marine Fish Larvea:
José Luiz Zambonino Infante et al.; Tracer Studies for fish biologists as well as
in Fish Larvae: Luís E.C. Conceição et al.; Recent ecophysiologists.
Editors: Advances in Digestion, Absorption and
Transport of Dietary Lipids in Fish: M.S.
Jorge Eiras: Universidade do Porto, Porto,
Izquierdo et al.; An Overview of the Feeding
Portugal Ecology and Physiology of Elasmobranch
Helmut Segner and Thomas Wahli: Fishes: Enric Cortés et al.; Alternative Protein New Book Proposals
Institute of Animal Pathology, University Sources and Digestive Function Alternations in
Teleost Fishes: Anne Marie Bakke-McKellep and
of Bern, Switzerland Ståle Refstie; Nutrition and Disease Resistance in
Fish: Chhorn Lim et al.; Efficiency of Conversion
Please send the details of
978-1-57808-438-8; March 2008; 1319 pages, of Feed Inputs into Animal Biomass: The your work at [email protected]
(2 vols.), hc; $149.00 Usefulness of Bioenergetics Models and need for
a Transition to Nutrient-Flow Models: Dominique
CONTENTS: General Fish Histology: P. Bureau et al. You can visit the Book Proposal
R. Reimshuessel; Diseases Caused by Virus: form at www.scipub.net/
Viral Diseases in Salmonids: D. Fichtner and
S. Bergmann; Virus Diseases of Cyprinids:

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