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6031-C04-May-June 2019

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S/2019/6031 [1] Total Pages : 6

First Semester
Auto/Chemical /ETE/Opto Elex./ Elect. Elex./Mech./RAC / Com.
Sc./ CHM / IT / Elex. & Instru./PTDC CME
Second Semester
Cement Tech. / Civil / CTM / Elect./PRPC/Plastic Tech./
Printing Tech./Textile Tech./ Production Engg./
Time : Three Hours Maximum Marks : 100
Note : i) Attempt total five questions out of eight.
Hw$b AmR ‘| go nm±M àíZ hb H$s{OE&
ii) In case of any doubt or dispute, the English version question
should be treated as final.
{H$gr ^r àH$ma Ho$ g§Xoh AWdm {ddmX H$s pñW{V ‘| A§J«oOr ^mfm Ho$
àíZ H$mo A§{V‘ ‘mZm Om¶oJm&
1. a) What is light year? Calculate its value in meters. 3
àH$me df© {H$go H$hVo h¡? BgH$m ‘mZ ‘rQ>a ‘| kmV H$s{O¶o&
b) Write any three differences between centripetal and centrifugal
force. 3
A{^H|$Ð Ed§ AnH|$Ð ~b ‘| H$moB© VrZ A§Va {b{I¶o&
c) Derive Boyle's law on the basis of kinetic theory of gases. 6
J¡gm| Ho$ AUwJ{V {gÕm§V Ho$ AmYma na ~m°¶b Ho$ {Z¶‘ H$m {ZJ‘Z
d) Write Newton's second law of motion and prove that F = ma., By
applying a force on a body of mass 2 kg in rest, its velocity becomes
12 m/s in 3 seconds; find the value of applied force. 8
ݶyQ>Z Ho$ J{V H$m {ÛVr¶ {Z¶‘ {b{I¶o Ed§ {gÕ H$amo H$s F = ma& {dam‘
AdñWm ‘| pñWV 2 {H$J«m. Ð춑mZ H$s dñVw na ~b bJmZo go 3 goH§$S>
‘| CgH$m doJ 12 ‘r./goH§$S> hmo OmVm h¡, dñVw na bJm¶o J¶o ~b H$m ‘mZ
kmV H$s{O¶o&
S/2019/6031 P.T.O.

2. a) What is least count? Write the values of least count of vernier

calipers and screw gauge in centimeters. 3
AënV‘m§H$ {H$go H$hVo h¡? d{Z©¶a H¡$brng© Ed§ ñH«y$JoO Ho$ AënV‘m§H$ H$m
‘mZ goÊQ>r‘rQ>a ‘| {b{I¶o&
b) Write assumptions of ideal gas. 3
AmXe© J¡g H$s AdYmaUmE± {b{I¶o&
c) Derive second equation of motion. A car is moving with a velocity
of 20m/s and acceleration of 5m/s2. Find its velocity after
20 seconds. 6
J{V H$m {ÛVr¶ g‘rH$aU {ZJ{‘V H$s{O¶o& EH$ H$ma 20 ‘rQ>a/goH§$S> H$s
Mmb Ed§ 5 ‘rQ>a/goH§$S>2 Ho$ ËdaU go J{V H$a ahr h¡& 20 goH§$S> níMmV
H$ma H$m doJ kmV H$s{O¶o&
d) Describe capillary rise method to find surface tension of liquid on
the following heading - 8
i) Principle and derivation of formula
ii) Method
iii) Precautions any-two
Ho$eH$s¶ CÞ¶Z {d{Y go {H$gr Ðd H$m n¥ð> VZmd kmV H$aZo H$s {d{Y H$m
dU©Z {ZåZ q~XþAm| na H$s{O¶o&
i) {gÕm§V Ed§ gyÌ H$s ñWmnZm
ii) à¶moJ {d{Y
iii) gmdYm{Z¶m± H$moB©-Xmo
3. a) Write any three difference between linear and turbulent flow. 3
Ymam aoIr¶ Ed§ {djwãY àdmh ‘| H$moB© VrZ A§Va {b{I¶o&
b) Explain Stock's law. 3
ñQ>moH$ Ho$ {Z¶‘ H$mo g‘PmB¶o&
c) Define Cp and Cv. Establish a formula for Cp – Cv. 6
CpŸAm¡a Cv H$mo n[a^m{fV H$aVo hþE, Cp – Cv Ho$ {b¶o gyÌ àmá H$s{O¶o&

S/2019/6031 Contd.....

d) Describe different parts of Carnot's cycle and derive formula for

efficiency of Carnot's Engine. 8
H$mZm} MH«$ Ho$ {d{^Þ ^mJm| H$m dU©Z H$aVo hþE, H$mZm} B§OZ H$s XjVm H$m
gyÌ àmá H$s{O¶o&
4. a) Write any three properties of heat radiations. 3
Cî‘r¶ {d{H$aUm| H$s H$moB© VrZ {deofVmE± {b{I¶o&
b) Derive a relation between wavelength, frequency and wave speed
of a wave. 3
{H$gr Va§J H$s Va§JÕ¡¶©, Amd¥{Îm Ed§ Va§J Mmb ‘§o g§~§Y àmá H$s{O¶o&
c) Define electric power and energy and write their commercial
units. If 3A of currents flowing through a conducting wire of
resistance 5 ohm for 10 seconds, then find heat produced in that
wire. 6
{dÚwV e{³V Ed§ {dÚwV D$Om© H$mo n[a^m{fV H$aVo hþE BZHo$ ì¶dhm[aH$
‘mÌH$ {b{I¶o& 5 Amo÷ à{VamoY dmbo MmbH$ Vma ‘| 3 Eånr¶a H$s Ymam
10 goH§$S> VH$ àdm{hV H$aZo na Cg‘| CËnÞ hmoZo dmbr Cî‘m H$m ‘mZ kmV
d) What do you mean by thermo electric effect? Define temperature
of inversion and neutral temperature and derive relation between
them. 8
Vmn {dÚwV à^md go Amn ³¶m g‘PVo hmo? CËH«$‘U Ed§ CXmgrZ Vmn
H$mo n[a^m{fV H$aVo hþE BZ‘§o g§~§Y àmá H$s{O¶o&
5. a) A Transverse wave of frequency 10 Hz is moving with a speed
of 200 m/s. Find the distance between two consecutive crests of
the wave. 3
10 hQ>©²O Amd¥{Îm H$s EH$ AZwàñW Va§J 200 ‘rQ>a/goH§$S> go Mb ahr h¡&
Bg Va§J Ho$ Xmo H«$‘mJV Va§J Ho$ ~rM H$s Xÿar kmV H$s{O¶o&
b) If speed of light in air is 3×108 m/s and refractive index of glass is
1.5 than find speed of light in glass. 3
dm¶w ‘| àH$me H$s Mmb 3×10 ‘rQ>a/goH§$S> h¡ VWm H$m±M H$m AndV©Zm§H$

1.5 h¡, Vmo H$m±M ‘| àH$me H$s Mmb kmV H$s{O¶o&

S/2019/6031 P.T.O.

c) Write Hooke's law. Area of cross section of a steel wire is

0.5 cm2. Calculate the required value of force to double its length.
(Young's modulus Y=2.0×1011 N/m2) 6
hþH$ H$m {Z¶‘ {b{IE& ñQ>rb Ho$ EH$ Vma H$m AZwàñW H$mQ> H$m joÌ’$b
0.5 go‘r2 h¡& BgH$s b§~mB© H$mo XmoJwZm H$aZo Ho$ {b¶o Amdí¶H$ ~b Ho$ ‘mZ
H$s JUZm H$s{O¶o& (¶§J à˶mñWVm JwUm§H$ Y=2.0×1011 ݶyQ>Z/‘rQ>a2)
d) What are ultrasonic waves? Write their properties and describe
any one application in detail. 8
namlì¶ Va§Jo ³¶m h¡? BgHo$ JwU {b{I¶o VWm BgHo$ {H$gr EH$ Cn¶moJ
H$m dU©Z H$s{O¶o&

6. a) What do you mean by mass defect? Write its formula. 3

Ð춑mZ j{V {H$go H$hVo h¡? BgH$m gyÌ {b{I¶o&
b) Write any three differences between mutual and self induction. 3
Aݶmoݶ àoaU Ed§ ñdàoaU ‘| H$moB© VrZ A§Va {b{I¶o&
c) Prove that for refraction of light through different parallel media
(Air, Water, Glass)
aμg = aμw × wμg
Where symbols have their usual meanings. 6
{d{^Þ g‘m§Va ‘mܶ‘m| (dm¶w, Ob Ed§ H$m±M) go àH$me Ho$ AndV©Z Ho$ {b¶o
{gÕ H$amo {H$
aμg = aμw × wμg
Ohm± àVrH$m| Ho$ gm‘mݶ AW© h¡&
d) Explain astronomical telescope on the basis of following
headings- 8
i) Ray diagram
ii) Formula derivation of magnifying power.
IJmobr¶ XÿaXeu H$m dU©Z {ZåZ q~XwAm| na H$s{O¶o&
i) {H$aU AmaoI
ii) AmdY©Z j‘Vm Ho$ gyÌ H$m {ZJ‘Z

S/2019/6031 Contd.....

7. a) Write Lenz's law and explain it is similar with law of conservation

of energy. 3
b¢O H$m {Z¶‘ {bIVo hþE g‘PmB¶o {H$ ¶h {Z¶‘ D$Om© g§ajU Ho$ {Z¶‘
Ho$ AZwHw$b h¡&
b) If power of a lens is –2.0D then find its focal length in centimeter,
what should be the nature of lens? 3
{H$gr b¢g H$s j‘Vm –2.0D h¡, Bg b¢g H$s ’$moH$g Xÿar g|Q>r‘rQ>a ‘§o
kmV H$s{O¶o VWm b¢g H$s àH¥${V ~VmB¶o&
c) What is Coulomb's law? Derive its formula also define unit charge
with the help of this law. 6
Hy$bm°‘ H$m {Z¶‘ ³¶m h¡? BgHo$ gyÌ H$m {ZJ‘Z H$s{O¶o VWm BgH$s
ghm¶Vm go EH$m§H$ Amdoe H$mo n[a^m{fV H$s{O¶o&
d) Describe full wave rectifier on the basis of following heading- 8
i) Labeled electric circuit
ii) Working
iii) Wave form of input and output voltage.
nyU© Va§J {Xï>H$mar H$m dU©Z {ZåZ q~XwAm| na H$s{O¶o&
i) Zm‘m§{H$V {dÚwV n[anW
ii) H$m¶©{d{Y
iii) {Zdoer Ed§ {ZJ©V dmoëQ>oO H$m Va§Jê$n

8. a) Decay constant of a radioactive material is 0.0002 per year. Find

average life time of the material. 3
EH$ ao{S>¶moEp³Q>d nXmW© H$m j¶ {Z¶Vm§H$ 0.0002 à{V df© h¡, Vmo Cg
nXmW© H$s Am¡gV Am¶w kmV H$s{O¶o&
b) What is critical angle? Derive a relation between critical angle
and refractive index. 3
H«$m§{VH$ H$moU {H$go H$hVo h¡? H«$m§{VH$ H$moU Ed§ AndV©Zm§H$ ‘§o g§~§Y
ñWm{nV H$s{O¶o&
c) What is photoelectric effect? Derive Einstein's equation. 6
àH$me {dÚwV à^md ³¶m h¡? AmB§ñQ>mBZ Ho$ g‘rH$aU H$m {ZJ‘Z H$s{O¶o&

S/2019/6031 P.T.O.

d) Explain principle of capacitor. Describe parallel plate capacitor

on the basis of following points- 8
i) Construction and labeled diagram.
ii) Derivation a formula for capacity of capacitor.
iii) Factors affecting capacity of capacitor.
g§Ym[aÌ H$m {gÕm§V g‘PmB¶o VWm g‘m§Va ßboQ> g§Ym[aÌ H$m dU©Z {ZåZ
q~XwAm| na H$s{O¶o&
i) g§aMZm Ed§ Zm‘m§{H$V {MÌ
ii) Ym[aVm Ho$ {b¶o gyÌ H$m {ZJ‘Z
iii) Ym[aVm H$mo à^m{dV H$aZo dmbo H$maH$


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