Midterm Exam: Signal and System-100 Minutes Code 0010

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Midterm exam: Signal and System- 100 minutes

Code 0010

1. Given a signal x(t) as in figure 1. x(t) is:

Hình 1: x(t)

A) an even signal B) an odd signal C) not even nor odd signal

2. Given a signal x(t) = ejfit/2 . The signal is :

A) periodic with T = 2 C) periodic with T = 2fi

B) periodic with T = 4 D) not periodic

3. The period of the signal x(t) = 10sin5t ≠ 4cos9t is

A) 90fi B) 2fi/45 C) 2fi D) Non-periodic

4. Given y(n) = x1 (n) ú x2 (n) with:

x1 (n) = {1, 1, 1}

x2 (n) = {1, 1, 0, 0, 0, 1, 1}

Which one of the following statement is CORRECT?

A) y(0) = 0 B) y(0) = 1 C) y(0) = 2 D) y(0) = 3

5. Given signals x(t) and x1 (t) as in figure 2. Which one of the following statement is CORRECT?

A) x1(t) = ≠x(t/2 + 2) C) x1(t) = ≠x(≠t/2 + 2)

B) x1(t) = ≠x(t/2 ≠ 2) D) x1(t) = ≠x(≠t/2 ≠ 2)

6. A LTI system has impulse response h(t) = ”(t) + e≠t u(t). The system is:

A) causal and stable C) causal and non stable

B) non causal and stable D) non causal and non stable
Hình 2: x(t) and x1 (t)

7. Which is stable system?

A) h(t) = e5t u(t) C) h(t) = cosfit

B) h(n) = u(n) ≠ u(n ≠ 1) D) h(n) = ( 12 )n u(≠n)

8. Which is causal system?

A) h(t) = e2|t| C) h(t) = u(t) ≠ 2u(t ≠ 1)

B) h(t) = u(n + 1) D) h(t) = ( 12 )n

9. A LTI system has impulse response: h(n) = u(n) + sin2finu(n). The system is :

A) causal and stable C) causal and non stable

B) non causal and stable D) non causal and non stable

10. A LTI system given by a difference equation:

y(n) = 2y(n ≠ 1) + x(n)

, and x(n) = 2n u(n) The natured response of the system is:

A) yN (n) = c.2n C) yN (n) = c1 .2n + c2 n.2n

B) yN (n) = c.n.(2)n D) yN (n) = c.e2n

11. A LTI system given by a different equation:

y(t) ≠ 4y (t) + 3y (y) = x(t)


The natured response is:

A) y N (t) = c1 .et + c2 e3t C) y N (t) = c1 .et + c2 et/3

B) y N (t) = c1 .e≠t + c2 e≠3t D) y N (t) = c1 .e≠t + c2 e≠t/3

12. Which system is a linear system?

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A) y(n) = 2x(n) + 1 C) y(n) = x(n).x(n ≠ 1)
B) y(n) = x(2n ≠ 1) D) All of them

13. Which of the following systems is linear?

A) y(t) = sin(x(t)) C) y(t) = cos(x(t))

B) y(t) = log(x(t)) D) y(t) = dx(t)/dt

14. Which of the following systems is stable?

A) y(t) = log(x(t)) B) y(t) = sin(x(t)) C) y(t) = exp(x(t)) D) y(t) = tx(t) + 1

15. For what values of k is the system y = (k 2 ≠ 5k + 4)logx(t) + (k ≠ 2)sin(x(t)) stable?

A) k=1 or 4 B) k=2 C) k=-4 or 1 D) k < 1

16. If a signal x(t) has energy E, the energy of the signal x(10t) is equal to:

A) E B) 10E C) E/10 D) 100E

17. The signal X(t) = ej(2t+fi/6) is

A) Power signal with Px = 1 C) Energy signal with Ex = 2

B) Power signal with Px = 2 D) Energy signal with Ex = 1

18. x(t), x1(t) and x2(t) has amplitude spectrum and phase spectrum as in Figure 3 Chose the right answer:

Hình 3: Spectrum

A) x1(t) = x(t/2) B) x1(t) = x(2t) C) x1(t) = 2x(t) D) x1(t) = x(t)/2

19. A) x2(t) = x(t ≠ 2) B) x2(t) = x(t + 2) C) x2(t) = x(t/2) D) x2(t) = x(2t)

20. The signal power of the signal x(t) = 2sin2t + 4sin4t + 6cos4t with period 0.5 is

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A) 30 W B) 28 W C) 24 W D) 36 W

(Hint: Using Fourier series coefficients)

Page 4
Name and class:

Midterm exam: Signal and System- 100 minutes

Code 1011

1. Given a signal x(t) as in figure 1. x(t) is:

Hình 1: x(t)

A) an even signal B) an odd signal C) not even nor odd signal

2. Given a signal x(t) = (cos(10fit))2 . The signal is :

A) periodic with T = 0.2 C) periodic with T = 0.5

B) periodic with T = 0.1 D) not periodic

3. The period of the signal x(n) = cos(n/8)sin(fin/8) is

A) 16fi B) 16(fi + 1) C) 8 D) Non-periodic

4. Given y(n) = x1 (n) ú x2 (n) with

x1 (n) = {0, 1, 1, 1}

x2 (n) = {1, 1, 0, 0, 0, 1, 1}

Length of y(n) is

A) 7 B) 8 C) 9 D) 10

5. Given signals x(t) and x1 (t) as in figure 2 Which one of the following statement is CORRECT?

A) x1(t) = ≠x(2t + 3) C) x1(t) = ≠x(≠2t + 3)

B) x1(t) = ≠x(2t ≠ 3) D) x1(t) = ≠x(≠2t ≠ 3)

6. Which is stable system?

Hình 2: x(t) and x1 (t)

A) h(t) = e≠2|t| C) h(t) = u(t) ≠ 2u(t ≠ 1)

B) h(t) = u(n + 1) D) h(t) = ( 12 )n

7. Which is causal system?

A) h(t) = e2|t| C) h(t) = u(t) ≠ 2u(t ≠ 1)

B) h(t) = u(n + 1) D) h(t) = ( 12 )n

8. Which is stable system?

A) h(t) = e5t u(t) C) h(t) = cosfit

B) h(t) = u(n) ≠ u(n ≠ 1) D) h(t) = ( 12 )n u(n)

9. A LTI system has impulse response: h(n) = u(n) + sin2finu(n). The system is :

A) causal and stable C) causal and non stable

B) non causal and stable D) non causal and non stable

10. A LTI system given by a different equation

y(t) ≠ 3y (t) + 2y(t) = x(t)


with x(t) = e≠2t . The forced response of the system has a form:

A) y F (t) = c1 et + c2 e≠2t + c3 te≠2t C) y F (t) = c1 et + c2 tet + c3 e2t c4 te2t

B) y F (t) = c1 et + c2 tet + c3 e≠2t c4 te≠2t D) y F (t) = c1 et + c2 e≠2t

11. A LTI system given by a different equation

y(t) + 5y (t) + 4y(t) = x(t)


with x(t) = sin t. The forced response of the system has a form:

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A) y(t) = c1 e≠t + c2 e≠4t + c3 sin t + c4 cos t C) y(t) = c1 e≠t + c2 e≠4t + c4 cos t
B) y(t) = c1 e≠t + c2 e≠4t + c3 sin t D) y(t) = c1 et + c2 e4t + c3 sin t + c4 cos t

12. Which system is a linear system?

A) y(n) = 2x(n) + 1 C) y(n) = x(n).x(n ≠ 1)

B) y(n) = x(2n ≠ 1) D) All of them

13. Given a system: y(n) = p.x(n + p) + x(n + 1 + p) + (p + 2).x(n + (p + 1)2 ).

The system is causal if and only if:

A) p > ≠1 C) p = ≠3
B) p = ≠2 D) There are not values of p is suitable

14. Which of the following systems is stable?

A) y(t) = log(x(t)) B) y(t) = sin(x(t)) C) y(t) = exp(x(t)) D) y(t) = tx(t) + 1

15. For what values of k is the system y = (k 2 ≠ 5k + 4)logx(t) + (k ≠ 2)sin(x(t)) stable?

A) k=1 or 4 B) k=2 C) k=-4 or 1 D) k < 1

16. If a signal x(t) has energy E, the energy of the signal x(10t) is equal to:

A) E B) 10E C) E/10 D) 100E

17. Given a signal x(n) ;

sin(fin/2) with n œ [≠10, 10]
x(n) =
0 / [≠10, 10]
with n œ
Which one of the following statement is NOT correct?

A) Ex = 0 B) Ex < Œ C) P x < Œ D) P x = 0

18. x(t), x1(t) and x2(t) has amplitude spectrum and phase spectrum as in Figure 3 Chose the right answer:

A) x1(t) = x(t/2) B) x1(t) = x(2t) C) x1(t) = 2x(t) D) x1(t) = x(t)/2

19. A) x2(t) = x(t ≠ 2) B) x2(t) = x(t + 2) C) x2(t) = x(t/2) D) x2(t) = x(2t)

20. The signal power of the signal x(t) = 2sin2t + 4sin4t + 6cos4t with period 0.5 is

A) 30 W B) 28 W C) 24 W D) 36 W

(Hint: Using Fourier series coefficients)

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Hình 3: Spectrum

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Name and class:

Midterm exam: Signal and System- 100 minutes

Code 0011

1. Given a signal x(t) as in figure 1. x(t) is:

Hình 1: x(t)

A) an even signal B) an odd signal C) not even nor odd signal

2. The period of the signal x(n) = cos(fin/2) ≠ sin(fin/8) + 3cos(fin/4 + fi/3)

A) 16 B) 4 C) 2 D) Non-periodic

3. The period of the signal x(t) = 5t + cos(6000.fit) is

A) 0.96 ms B) 1.4 ms C) 0.4 ms D) Non-periodic

4. Given y(n) = x1 (n) ú x2 (n) with

x1 (n) = {1, 2, 3}

x2 (n) = {4, 5, 6}

Maximum values of y(n) is:

a) y(0) b) y(1) c) y(2) d) y(3)

5. Given signals x(t) and x1 (t) as in figure 2 Which one of the following statement is CORRECT?

A) x1(t) = ≠x(2t + 3) C) x1(t) = ≠x(≠2t + 3)

B) x1(t) = ≠x(2t ≠ 3) D) x1(t) = ≠x(≠2t ≠ 3)

6. A LTI system has impulse response h(t) = ”(t) + e≠t u(t). The system is:
Hình 2: x(t) and x1 (t)

A) causal and stable C) causal and non stable

B) non causal and stable D) non causal and non stable

7. Which is stable system?

A) h(t) = e5t u(t) C) h(t) = cosfit

B) h(n) = u(n) ≠ u(n ≠ 1) D) h(n) = ( 12 )n u(≠n)

8. A LTI system has impulse response h(n) = cosfin.u(n). The system is :

A) causal and stable C) causal and non stable

B) non-causal and stable D) non causal and non stable

9. A LTI system has impulse response: h(n) = u(n) + sin2finu(n). The system is :

A) causal and stable C) causal and non stable

B) non causal and stable D) non causal and non stable

10. A LTI system given by a different equation

y(t) ≠ 3y (t) + 2y(t) = x(t)


with x(t) = e≠2t . The forced response of the system has a form:

A) y F (t) = c1 et + c2 e≠2t + c3 te≠2t C) y F (t) = c1 et + c2 tet + c3 e2t c4 te2t

B) y F (t) = c1 et + c2 tet + c3 e≠2t c4 te≠2t D) y F (t) = c1 et + c2 e≠2t

11. A LTI system given by a different equation:

y(t) ≠ 4y (t) + 3y (y) = x(t)


The natured response is:

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A) y N (t) = c1 .et + c2 e3t C) y N (t) = c1 .et + c2 et/3
B) y N (t) = c1 .e≠t + c2 e≠3t D) y N (t) = c1 .e≠t + c2 e≠t/3

12. Which system is Time-invariance?:

A) y(t) = x(2t) + x(t) C) y(t) = ≠x(t) + x(1 ≠ t)

B) y(t) = x(t) ≠ x(1 ≠ t) D) y(t) = x(t) + x(t ≠ 1)

13. Which system is a linear system?

A) y(n) = 2x(n) + 1 C) y(n) = x(n).x(n ≠ 1)

B) y(n) = x(2n ≠ 1) D) All of them

14. Which of the following systems is linear?

A) y(t) = sin(x(t)) C) y(t) = cos(x(t))

B) y(t) = log(x(t)) D) y(t) = dx(t)/dt

15. Given a system: y(n) = p.x(n + p) + x(n + 1 + p) + (p + 2).x(n + (p + 1)2 ).

The system is causal if and only if:

A) p > ≠1 C) p = ≠3
B) p = ≠2 D) There are not values of p is suitable

16. If a signal x(t) has energy E, the energy of the signal x(10t) is equal to:

A) E B) 10E C) E/10 D) 100E

17. Given a signal x(t) ;

et with t < 0
x(t) =
0 with t >= 0
Which one of the following statement is NOT correct?

A) Ex = 0 B) Ex < Œ C) P x < Œ D) P x = 0

18. x(t), x1(t) and x2(t) has amplitude spectrum and phase spectrum as in Figure 3 Chose the right answer:

A) x1(t) = x(t/2) B) x1(t) = x(2t) C) x1(t) = 2x(t) D) x1(t) = x(t)/2

19. A) x2(t) = x(t ≠ 2) B) x2(t) = x(t + 2) C) x2(t) = x(t/2) D) x2(t) = x(2t)

20. Which of the following cannot be the Fourier series expansion?

A) x1(t) = 2cost + 3cos3t
B) x2(t) = 2cosfit + 7cost
C) x3(t) = cost + 0.5
D) x4(t) = 2cos1.5t + sin3.5t

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Hình 3: Spectrum

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Name and class:

Midterm exam: Signal and System- 100 minutes

Code 0101

1. Given a signal x(t) as in figure 1. x(t) is:

Hình 1: x(t)

A) an even signal B) an odd signal C) not even nor odd signal

2. The period of the signal x(n) = cos(fin/2) ≠ sin(fin/8) + 3cos(fin/4 + fi/3)

A) 16 B) 4 C) 2 D) Non-periodic

3. Given a signal x(t) = ejfit/2 . The signal is :

A) periodic with T = 2 C) periodic with T = 2fi

B) periodic with T = 4 D) not periodic

4. Given y(n) = x1 (n) ú x2 (n) with

x1 (n) = {1, 2, 3}

x2 (n) = {4, 5, 6}

Maximum value of {y(n)} is

a) 27 b) 28 c) 29 d) 30

5. Given signals x(t) and x1 (t) as in figure 2 Which one of the following statement is CORRECT?

A) x1(t) = ≠x(t/2 + 2) C) x1(t) = ≠x(≠t/2 + 2)

B) x1(t) = ≠x(t/2 ≠ 2) D) x1(t) = ≠x(≠t/2 ≠ 2)

6. A LTI system has impulse response h(n) = cosfin.u(n). The system is :

Hình 2: x(t) and x1 (t)

A) causal and stable C) causal and non stable

B) non-causal and stable D) non causal and non stable

7. A LTI system has impulse response h(t) = ”(t) + e≠t u(t). The system is:

A) causal and stable C) causal and non stable

B) non causal and stable D) non causal and non stable

8. Which is stable system?

A) h(t) = e5t u(t) C) h(t) = cosfit

B) h(n) = u(n) ≠ u(n ≠ 1) D) h(n) = ( 12 )n u(≠n)

9. Which is stable system?

A) h(t) = e≠2|t| C) h(t) = u(t) ≠ 2u(t ≠ 1)

B) h(t) = u(n + 1) D) h(t) = ( 12 )n

10. A LTI system given by a difference equation:

y(n) ≠ 3y(n ≠ 1) = x(n ≠ 1)

with x(n) = 3n u(n) Which is the best way to choose the particular solution?

A) ys (n) = c.3n C) ys (n) = c1 .3n + c2 .n.(3)n

B) ys (n) = c.n.(3)n D) ys (n) = c1 .3n + c2 .(≠3)n

11. A LTI system given by a different equation

y(t) + 5y (t) + 4y(t) = x(t)


with x(t) = sin t. The forced response of the system has a form:

Page 2
A) y(t) = c1 e≠t + c2 e≠4t + c3 sin t + c4 cos t C) y(t) = c1 e≠t + c2 e≠4t + c4 cos t
B) y(t) = c1 e≠t + c2 e≠4t + c3 sin t D) y(t) = c1 et + c2 e4t + c3 sin t + c4 cos t

12. Which system is Time-invariance?:

A) y(t) = x(2t) + x(t) C) y(t) = ≠x(t) + x(1 ≠ t)

B) y(t) = x(t) ≠ x(1 ≠ t) D) y(t) = x(t) + x(t ≠ 1)

13. Given a system: y(n) = p.x(n + p) + x(n + 1 + p) + (p + 2).x(n + (p + 1)2 ).

The system is causal if and only if:

A) p > ≠1 C) p = ≠3
B) p = ≠2 D) There are not values of p is suitable

14. Which of the following systems is linear?

A) y(t) = sin(x(t)) C) y(t) = cos(x(t))

B) y(t) = log(x(t)) D) y(t) = dx(t)/dt

15. For what values of k is the system y = (k 2 ≠ 5k + 4)logx(t) + (k ≠ 2)sin(x(t)) stable?

A) k=1 or 4 B) k=2 C) k=-4 or 1 D) k < 1

16. If a signal x(t) has energy E, the energy of the signal x(10t) is equal to:

A) E B) 10E C) E/10 D) 100E

17. Given a signal x(n) ;

sin(fin/2) with n œ [≠10, 10]
x(n) =
0 / [≠10, 10]
with n œ
Which one of the following statement is NOT correct?

A) Ex = 0 B) Ex < Œ C) P x < Œ D) P x = 0

18. x(t), x1(t) and x2(t) has amplitude spectrum and phase spectrum as in Figure 3 Chose the right answer:

A) x1(t) = x(t/2) B) x1(t) = x(2t) C) x1(t) = 2x(t) D) x1(t) = x(t)/2

19. A) x2(t) = x(t ≠ 2) B) x2(t) = x(t + 2) C) x2(t) = x(t/2) D) x2(t) = x(2t)

20. The signal power of the signal x(t) = 2sin2t + 4sin4t + 6cos4t with period 0.5 is

A) 30 W B) 28 W C) 24 W D) 36 W

(Hint: Using Fourier series coefficients)

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Hình 3: Spectrum

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