Midterm Exam: Signal and System-90 Minutes Exam N05

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Midterm exam: Signal and System- 90 minutes

Exam N05

Multi-choices questions: Select the best answer.

1. Given a signal x(n) = cos2n. The signal is :
a) Periodic with N = π
b) Periodic with N = 2π
c) Periodic with N = 1
d) Not periodic
2. Given a signal x(t) = 1 + cos(πt/3) + sin(πt/4). The signal is :
a) Periodic with T = 12
b) Periodic with T = 24
c) Periodic with T = 8
d) Not periodic
3. Which system is stable:

a) h(t) = e−t .u(t − 1)

b) h(n) = u(−n)
c) h(n) = δ(n) + cos(πn)
d) h(n) = (−1)2n u(−n)

4. A LTI system has impulse response h(n) = an .u(−n). The system will be stable if and only if:
a) |a| > 1
b) |a| ≥ 1
c) 1 < a < ∞
d) −1 < a < 1
5. A LTI system has impulse response h(t) = 2−t u(t) + u(t). The system is:
a) Causal, stable
b) Non causal, stable
c) Causal, non stable
d) Non causal, non stable
6. Which system is time-invariant system:
a) y(n) = 2n x(n)
b) y(n) = x(2n)
c) y(n) = nx(n)
d) y(n) = x(n) + x(n − 1) + n.δ(n)
7. A LTI system given by a difference equation:

y(n) + 3y(n − 1) = x(n)

with x(n) = 3n u(n). Which is the best way to choose the particular solution?

a) ys (n) = c.3n
b) ys (n) = c.n.(3)n
c) ys (n) = c1 .3n + c2 .(−3)n
d) a and b

8. A LTI system given by a different equation:

0 00
y(t) − 4y (t) + 3y (y) = x(t)

The homogenous solution is:

a) y0 (t) = c1 .et + c2 e3t
b) y0 (t) = c1 .e−t + c2 e−3t
c) y0 (t) = c1 .et + c2 et/3
d) y0 (t) = c1 .e−t + c2 e−t/3

9. Calculate y(t) = x(t) ∗ h(t) with x(t) is as in Fig, and

a) h(t) = −δ(t) + δ(t − 2)
b) h(t) = u(−t)

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