Review Article Dose-Dependent Pharmacokinetics: Experimental Observations and Theoretical Considerations
Review Article Dose-Dependent Pharmacokinetics: Experimental Observations and Theoretical Considerations
Review Article Dose-Dependent Pharmacokinetics: Experimental Observations and Theoretical Considerations
Clinically, absorption and elimination of most drugs follow linear kinetics, and
pharmacokinetic parameters describing absorption and elimination of a drug do not
change over the therapeutic dose range. However, dose-dependent pharmacokineticshave
been reported more frequently in preclinical studies, particularly in toxicity studies, where
high doses are often employed. This review highlights the major types of dose-dependent
pharmacokinetics with unique examples.
Before setting out on a pivotal subchronic and chronic toxicity study of a new drug,
a pilot study is often performed to establish a dose range in which a reasonable relationship
between plasma AUC and dosage exists to ensure sufficient exposure of animals to the
drug. Theoretical bases and possible causes of dose-AUC disproportionality are discussed.
Factors affecting the distribution and elimination of drugs and causes of dose-dependent
tissue distribution and elimination are also discussed. Often, the non-linear kinetics
complicate the design of dosage regimens and prediction of efficacy and toxicity. Thus,
an understanding of the influence of dose on the pharmacokinetics is important in the
evaluation of the efficacy and toxicity of new drugs.
reviews for further details. This review highlights the major types of dose-
dependent pharmacokinetics with unique examples, some of which were
generated in our laboratory.
Dose-A UC disproportionality after oral administration
The oral administration of a drug is by far the most preferable route for the
development of new drugs from virtually every viewpoint. In the toxicity studies,
whenever possible the test compound is administered orally in a solution or a
suspension to animals. Traditionally, it is assumed that the increasing dose levels
equate proportionally with a margin of safety. This assumption may be true
in some cases in which doses administered are relatively small, where linear
kinetics follow, but often this is an invalid assumption, because dosages used
in the toxicity studies are relatively high and can result in non-linearity of
absorption, distribution, metabolism, and excretion. Therefore, before setting
out on a pivotal subchronic and chronic toxicity study of a new drug, a pilot
study is needed to establish a dose range in which a reasonable relationship
between blood concentration (AUC) of the drug and dosage exists to ensure
sufficient systemic exposure of animals to the drug. From a toxicological point
where F is the bioavailability, i.e. the fraction of the dose which reached the
general circulation after absorption; CLtotaland CLintare the total body and
intrinsic clearance, respectively; and f, is the fraction of unbound drug in
plasma. As indicated in equation (l), AUC after an oral dose is affected not
only by absorption but also by protein binding and elimination.
Less than proportional increases in AUC. Often high oral doses result in less
than proportional increases in AUC; the following cases are given as examples.
We first consider dose-dependent absorption. There are at least three processes
that can cause dose-dependent drug absorption-dissolution rate, transit time
of drugs remaining in the regions of the GI tract, and the ability or inability
of drugs to cross intestinal barriers. Dressman et al.697 have developed a
theoretical model to demonstrate that the dose-to-solubility ratio is an important
determinant in drug absorption. Both griseofulvin and digoxin have low aqueous
solubilities (1 5 pg ml- and 24 pg ml- l , respectively) but vastly different clinical
dose ranges (100-600mg and 0-15-1 mg, respectively). The absorption of
griseofulvin is predicted to exhibit pronounced dose-dependent absorption,
whereas absorption of digoxin is predicted to be proportional to dose due to
its low dose-solubility ratio. These predictions are in good agreement with
clinical observations.
Less than proportional increases in AUC with oral dose are commonly due
to limited solubility of the drug. As shown in Figure 1, the increase in AUC
of L-365,260, a potent CCKBreceptor antagonist, is less than proportional to
the oral dose; a 50-fold increase in dose results in a 14-fold increase in AUC.*
Because L-365,260 has poor aqueous solubility ( - 2 pg ml- l), the dispropor-
tionality is likely to be attributable to this property.
It is well acknowledged that the stomach is not an important site of drug
absorption and that drugs are not absorbed significantly until they reach the
small inte~tine.~ Thus, the rate of gastric emptying markedly influences the
extent and rate at which drugs are absorbed irrespective of whether they are
acids, bases, or neutral compounds.
L-697,661, a potent and specific inhibitor of human immunodeficiency virus
(HIV) reverse transcriptase, was rapidly cleared in rats with a total clearance
of 65mlmin-l kg-I and a half life of 80min after i.v. administration
(2mg kg-l). Comparison of the concentration of L-697,661 in the systemic
circulation during portal and femoral vein infusion of the drug indicated that
L-697,661 is subject to extensive hepatic first-pass metabolism (- 70%). When
the drug was given orally as a suspension in 0.5% methylcellulose, absorption
was slow and incomplete. Bioavailability was less than 5%. Increasing the dose,
from 40mgkg-I p.0. to 160mgkg-1 P.o., yielded only a small increase in
C,, and AUC, from 96.5ngml-l and 17-4pgrninml-' to 180ngml-I and
35 - 6pg min ml- l , respectively. The mean T,, ranged from 173 min at
40 ng kg- p.0. to 260 min at 160 mg kg- p.0. The apparent terminal half life,
ranging from 200 min to 260 min, was about three times that after i.v. dosing,
suggesting that absorption continued after reaching the peak concentration (data
on file, Merck Research Laboratories).
In order to elucidate the underlying mechanism of the prolonged absorption
observed in rats, the kinetic behaviour of 14C-L-697,661 in the stomach was
studied. Following oral administration of radiolabeled drug (40 mg kg- l ),
approximately 57%, 6O%, 46% and 25% of the dose was found in the stomach
at 1 h, 4 h, 8 h, and 24 h after dosing. These results indicate that L-697,661
markedly decreased the rate of gastric emptying, leading to a prolongation of
its own absorption.
Furthermore studies with 14C-PEG4000, a poorly absorbable compound,
suggested that the influence of L-697,661 on gastric emptying time was dose
dependent; a higher dose of L-697,661 resulted in a longer gastric emptying time.
Thus, the less than proportionate increase in AUC of L-697,661 in rats could
be, at least partly, attributed to its dose-dependent effect on the gastric emptying
Although most drugs are absorbed by passive diffusion, some are absorbed
from the small intestine by specific transport processes. When passive diffusion
is minor, a less than proportional increase in AUC may occur as the active
process is saturated. Examples of actively absorbed drugs are L-dopa,I2
methyldopa, l 3 cephalexin,I4 c y ~ l a c i l l i n , ~bestatin,
~ . ~ ~ l6 cephradine, l7 and
In an in situ study, Tsuji et al. l9 have shown that absorption of cyclacillin
by rat intestine is concentration dependent. The absorption of cyclacillin can
Figure 2. Blood AUC of L-693,612 in rats after oral and intravenous administration of
0.05 mg kg-', 0.25 mg kg-', 5 mg kg-I, and 25 mg kg-I. (After Wong et u I . , ~ with
~ permission)
6 J. H. LIN
range, the bioavailabilty was about 55% and was not affected by the dose.
However, as the dose was increased from 50 mg kg-I to 200 mg kg-I, the AUC
increased less than proportionally to the dose and the bioavailability dropped
from 55% to 27%. Since the drug exhibited concentration-dependent protein
binding, with the unbound fraction ranging from 7% at 0.5 pgml-I to 45%
at 300pgml-', it is believed that the less than proportional increase in AUC
is due to saturation of protein binding sites in plasma, resulting in enhanced
Runkel et af.26,27 reported that the AUCs of naproxen in plasma increased
linearly with dose for increments up to a regimen of 500mg twice daily, but
larger doses resulted in an apparent plateau of the AUC. The authors concluded
that a disproportionate increase in renal clearance caused by a disproportionate
increase in the fraction of unbound drug was the most likely explanation for
the observed plateau effect.
Autoinduction is a dose- and time-dependent phenomenon in which the
elimination clearance of a drug increases following multiple doses and the
increase in clearance is greater after a high dose than after a low d ~ s e . ~ * - ~ O
Bertilsson et af.29 have studied the time course of autoinduction of
carbamazepine in epileptic children. Drug clearances were measured during each
of dose administration on day 1, day 6, days 21-36, and days 146-162 using
stable isotope technique. Clearance started to increase on day 6, continued to
increase at days 21 -36, but showed no further increase thereafter. Recently,
studies with P-naphthoflavone, a widely used enzyme inducer, indicate that
autoinduction of the compound could occur as early as 1-2 h after a single i.v.
administration in the rat.31
L-699,392, a potent leukotriene biosynthesis inhibitor, is currently under
investigation for the potential utility in the treatment of asthma. In a five-week
toxicity study, Rhesus monkeys received daily oral doses of L-699,392 at
30mg kg-I, 60mg kg-I, and 120mg kg-I. On day 1, AUC values increased
with dose in an approximately proportionate manner: 115 pg h ml- I ,
301 pg h ml-l, and 443 pg h ml- respectively. After 22 d of drug treatment,
AUC values declined markedly to 30 pg h ml- l , 43 pg h ml- I , and 68 pg h ml- I,
respectively, suggesting that autoinduction of L-699,392 occurs in monkeys
(Tocco et af.,unpublished data). On day 22, a fourfold increase in dose resulted
in only a twofold increase in AUC. The ratio of the AUC on day 1 to that on
day 22 was about 3 . 8 for the lowest dose and 6.5 for the highest dose, indicating
that the autoinduction of L-699,392 is dose dependent. In an i.v. study designed
to show autoinduction, three monkeys received I4C-L-699,392(2 mg kg- i.v.)
on the day before (day 1) and the day after (day ll), nine oral doses of
60mg kg-' d-I. Plasma clearance was 2.5-fold greater at the end of the
treatment period. These results support the hypothesis of autoinduction.
Similar results have been reported by Batra and Y a ~ o b for i ~ ~monkeys
receiving compound D, 5 mg kg-I p.0. twice daily for 30 d. At this dose,
elimination of compound D was not induced, as indicated by comparison of
concentrations on days 1 and 30. When the dose was increased to 20 mg kg- I ,
the plasma concentrations on day 30 were significantly lower than those on day
1 . In addition, C,, and AUC, which increased in a dose-proportional manner
on day 1, increased in a much less than proportional manner on day 30.
ci 25 r
a 1
5# \
a I
, -
0 50 100 150 200 250 300
Time (min)
Figure 3. Plasma concentration and AUC increase disproportionately with the dose of oral
salicylamide: 0,0.3-1 S Og; 0 , 2 g. (After with permission)
be associated with calcium and the calcium complex cannot be absorbed, but
the fraction becomes less significant when the doses are increased. This
hypothesis is supported by the fact that co-administration of other chelating
agents, such as EDTA and citric acid, enhanced the absorption of alendronate.
where Vp is the plasma volume, Vt is the tissue volume, and fu andf, are the
fraction of unbound drug in the plasma and tissue, re~pectively.~**~~
Equation (2) assumes that binding of drugs to albumin takes place only in
the vascular compartment. Since approximately 59% of total body albumin is
located in the interstitial fluid of the extravascular space,4oOie and Tozer41
expanded equation (2) to the following:
where RE,, is the ratio of the amount of protein in the extracellular fluid
outside the plasma to that in the plasma and VE is the extracellular space minus
the plasma volume. It is evident that the volume of distribution is dependent
not only on plasma protein binding Cf,) but also on tissue binding Cft).
0.05 45.7k3.9 80.8k7.3 1.29k0.09 41.2k3.0 68.425.5 1.15+0.08 52.827.5 79*4&12.2 1*01+0*16
0.1 49.4k9.9 76-7514.2 1*02+0.19 35.352.3 57.5f4.8 1*08+0-12 54.359.0 77.456.0 0.98020.06
0.2 41'623.5 76.0k5.7 1.31+0.08 34'759.2 105.759.YSb 2.06k0.5Pb - - -
0.5 38.6 5.1
+ 113.0 l9.4'* 2.23 f0*28'-' 35.4 k 3.5 166.9 2 20a-' 3.63 0.33a-C39.3 k 6.7 73 * 0 f24-0
+ I -25 0.12
1 37 -2k 4.7 147-75 23 * 2"-' 2 a74 2 0.32'-' 32.8 6.3 328 * 42 46-6a-d 8 -02 2 1.4a-d 40.9 5 10.3 I 11.7 2 30. 78.b.d 1 .84 2 0.25a'b*d
2 38.3 5 3.2 408.0 5 98. P-' 9.07 1.94"-' 33.9 2 13.0 831.4 2 346"- 17* 7 2 2-2"-' 40.8 2 6.2 222.0 2 28 .2a.b.d.c4.37 - + 0.61a.b,d.e
Analysis of
variance NS p<O*OI p<o*o1 NS p<O-OI p<O*OI NS p<O*Ol p<O*OI
aSignificantly different from 0.05 mg kg-' dose at p<O.Ol.
bSignificantly different from 0.1 mg kg-' dose at p<O.O1.
'Significantly different from 0.2 mg kg-' dose at p<O*Ol.
dSignificantly different from 0.5 mg kg-' dose at p<O*Ol.
'Significantly different from 1 mg kg-l dose at p<O.O1.
12 J. H. LIN
Since the enzyme in the vascular space is limited, high doses of carbonic
anhydrase inhibitors can saturate the enzyme. In rats, the volume of
distribution measured in terms of whole blood concentration of MK-417
increases dramatically as the dose is increased, from 80 ml kg- at low dose
(0.05 mg kg- l) to 400ml kg- at high dose (2 mg kg-I) (Table@'.)1 Interestingly,
non-linear kinetics based on whole blood concentrations of MK-417 occurred
at different dose levels among anemic, polycythemic, and normal rats, when
the dose exceeded 0.2mgkg-l in anemic rats, and 0.5mgkg-I and
1 -0 mg kg- I in normal and polycythemic rats, respectively (Table 1).
Furthermore, dose-dependent changes in volume of distribution were greater
in anemic rats than normal and polycythemic rats. Each of these observations
can be explained by the strong and saturable binding of the drug to carbonic
anhydrase within erythrocytes. The volume of distribution (80 ml kg- I ) at low
dose, approximately equal to the blood volume of 70ml kg-', is consistent
with the fact that the enzyme is mainly located in red blood cells.
Kinetically, the blood cells form their own compartment in the circulating
blood. Since it is the blood flow that perfuses through the tissues and organs,
whole-blood clearance is generally a more appropriate measure of organ function
than plasma clearance. However, for analytical reasons, plasma concentration
of drugs rather than blood concentration is usually measured. Assuming rapid
equilibrium between blood cells and plasma, the total-blood clearance CLb can
be estimated from plasma clearance CLp as follows:23
& 40
'0 5 10 15 20 '0 5 10 15 20
C P S (rdml) C P S (rdml)
Figure 4. Liver/output perfusate concentration of L-654,969 and L-154,819 at steady state in single-
pass perfused-rat-liver studies
very slow .84985 The association and dissociation processes take place in times
of the order of hours depending on the tissues and animal species.86 By
incorporating a slow and saturable process in the ouabain binding to N a + ,
K -ATPase, Harashima et al. 87 have successfully developed a kinetic model
neutral amino -acid carrier system with K , and V,, of 0-43mM and
63 nmol min- g - l , r e s p e ~ t i v e l y . ~However,
~ since the therapeutic
concentration of L-dopa is relatively low (2-5 FM), the distribution of the drug
into the brain would not be expected to be dose dependent.
a-Methyldopa, a drug used widely in the treatment of hypertension, is also
believed to traverse the BBB by the large neutral amino-acid carrier system.92
The rise in levels of a-methyldopa in the brains of rats after an injection of
the drug was depressed when large neutral amino acids, but not acidic amino
acids, were co-administered with the drug.
Dose-dependent elimination
Drugs are eliminated from the body by a number of processes, including
biotransformation and excretion. The efficiency with which the body eliminates
a drug is often expressed in terms of total clearance. The total clearance is equal
to the sum of individual and simultaneously occurring organ clearances. The
organ clearance CL can be expressed as
CL =
Wu CLint (for the well stirred model)
Wu CLint
CL = Q(1 - efu CLnt / Q ) (for the parallel-tube model) (7)
where Q is the blood flow rate to the eliminating organ, fu is the unbound
fraction in blood and CLint is the intrinsic clearance, a measure of the
intracellular removal of drug, described by the Michaelis-Menten equation
(h) (h)
Figure 5 . Plasma concentration curves in the case of combined linear and non-linear kinetics of
elimination. (a) Dose variation for a theoretical drug that for 67% (f-0.67) is eliminated by a
potentially capacity-limited pathway. A straight part is observed at low but also at high plasma
concentrations. Non-linearity occurs at plasma concentrations around the K, value. (b) Variation
of the fraction of body clearance that represents elimination via a capacity-limited pathway. Non-
linearity is only apparent if the capacity-limited pathway accounts for more than 30% of clearance.
(Q, is the maximum metabolic conversion rate.) (After van Rossum er UI.,'~with permission)
When the CLRf,GFR of a drug is much greater than unity, this means that
renal tubular secretion of the drug occurs. Conversely, when the ratio is much
less than unity, reabsorption of the drug from the tubular lumen occurs. Renal
tubular secretion is a specialized process and saturable, whereas tubular
reabsorption can occur by passive diffusion or active transport. Active
reabsorption is also saturable.
Famotidine, a potent histamine H2-receptor antagonist, is mainly eliminated
renally; approximately 60-70% of the dose is excreted as unchanged drug in
the urine after i.v. dosing. Renal clearance of famotidine in normal human
subjects (4.44ml min-l kg-') is about three times the fuGFR, suggesting that
famotidine is secreted by an active transport system. lo9 In rats, the secretion
of famotidine was inhibited by quinine but not by probenecid, indicating that
farnotidine is secreted by an organic cation transport system. lo The renal
clearance of famotidine in rats was decreased from about 35 ml min-l kg-l at
a steady-state concentration of 0 - 2 p g m l - l to 8 mlmin-l kg-l at a
concentration of 75 pg ml-l.The secretory mechanism is saturable and exhibits
limitation of transport with an apparent T,,, (maximum transport) of
180 pg min- kg- 1.22 Other histamine H2-receptor antagonists, including
cimetidine, ranitidine, and mizatidine, are also actively secreted by the kidney,
and the renal excretion of these drugs is dose dependent. Itoh et al. l 2 have
studied the renal tubular transport of cimetidine in the isolated rat kidney by
means of the multiple-indicator dilution method. They concluded that the
transport on the luminal membrane has a much higher affinity for cimetidine
than that on the antiluminal membrane.
Both cephalexin and ampicillin, the widely used antibiotics, are known to
excrete by active renal ~ecretion."~ The V, values for the renal secretory
transport system are estimated to be about 0.24 pmol min-l kg-1 for
cephalexin and 0-04 pmol min - kg - for ampicillin, and the K , values are
about 17 pM and lOpM, re~pective1y.I~~ Since these K, values are of the order
of the therapeutical concentration of the antibiotics, dose-dependent renal
excretion of the antibiotics is expected clinically.
Enalaprilat, the active metabolite of enalapril, is a potent angiotensin-
converting enzyme inhibitor, and is almost exclusively excreted by the kidneys.
The ratio of renal clearance tof,GFR was about 2.7 after an i.v. dose in rats
(1 mg kg-I). Treatment with probenecid and p-aminohippuric acid caused a
profound decrease in the ratios to 1* 10 and 1-25, respectively, suggesting that
enalaprilat is secreted by the organic anion transport system. As expected, the
renal clearance of enalaprilat decreased with increasing dose.115
Renal excretion also plays a substantial role in the elimination of alendronate
in man and animals. Renal clearance is approximately 10-fold greater than
f,GFR, suggesting that alendronate is secreted by an active transport process.
The secretory mechanism in rats exhibits limitation of transport with an apparent
T, of about 25 pg min-I kg-I. The renal clearance of alendronate is dose
dependent, decreasing from 7 4 ml min - kg - at 1 mg kg - to
3-25ml min-I kg-1 at 20mg kg-1.116 Interestingly, the renal handling of
alendronate is not affected by treatment with high doses of cimetidine, quinine,
probenecid, or p-amino hippuric acid, suggesting that alendronate is not secreted
by conventional anionic or cationic transport systems. In contrast, etidronate,
a bisphosphonate that is actively secreted by the renal tubules,"' reduced the
renal clearance of alendronate in a dose-related manner without affecting GFR.
This interaction between alendronate and etidronate strongly suggests that they
compete for an uncharacterized renal transport system.
Carrier-mediated reabsorption from the lumen of renal tubules occurs for
many endogenous compounds that are the nutrients to the body, e.g. glucose
and amino acids. On the other hand, the reabsorption of drugs, if any, usually
occurs by simple diffusion. However, some exogenous organic anions, such as
rn-hydroxybenzoate, nicotinate, and pyrazinoate, have been reported to be
transported by tubular secretion as well as active reabsorption.118
Unlike secretory processes, saturation of the reabsorption process results in
an increase in renal clearance. The renal clearance of inorganic sulfate is 10-30%
of GFR under normal physiological conditions, suggesting reabsorption of this
endogenous substrate. The clearance approaches the value of GFR when serum
sulfate concentrations are increased substantially by administration of sodium
sulfate. 1 19
The clearance of drugs by the liver through biliary excretion is largely
determined by carrier-mediated transport at the sinusoidal and canalicular
membranes of hepatocytes. There are at least three classes of hepatobiliary
transport systems: for organic anions, cations, and uncharged drugs. 120 Both
22 J. H . LIN
the entry into the liver and biliary excretion can be saturated at high doses,
providing a clue to the involvement of carrier-mediated mechanisms in both
of these transport steps. However, examples of dose-dependent biliary excretion
of drugs are lacking.
Receptor-mediated endocytosis is a general mechanism in the uptake of
biologically important peptide hormones, and the liver plays an important role
in the disposition of a variety of polypeptides, including insulin, glucagon, and
epidermal growth factors (EGF).l2l Following i.v. administration, 1251-EGF
disappeared very rapidly from the plasma of rats in a monophasic manner. The
half life is about 20 s after a low dose (0.05 nmol kg-I) and about 100 s after
a high dose (20 nmol kg-1).122The dose-dependent kinetics of EGF in rats is
mainly attributed to the saturable receptor-mediated endocytosis in the liver.
Kinetic analyses of hepatic uptake data indicated that the V,, and K , values
of the transport system are about 27-40 pmol min- '/g tissue and 7-50 nM,
1.8 -. .
1.6-8. ' 0
1.2 -
. %
0.8 t 1 1 t
0 100 200 300
3.0 5
1 -
200 300
Diflunisal Concentation
Figure 7. Relationship between total-body clearance of diflunisal and plasma diflunisal concentrations
in rats (panel a). The intrinsic clearance of unbound diflunisal(0) and the corresponding unbound
fraction of the drug (0) are shown in relation to plasma concentrations of diflunisal (panel b).
Each point represents data from an individual rat. (After Lin et at. ,4' with permission)
conjugate of 150mg kg-1 and 300 mg kg- dose are increased 1 -5- and
twofold, respectively, by concomitant administration of inorganic sulfate when
compared to rats that had not received supplemental sodium sulfate.128These
results indicate that the depletion of co-substrate has significant dose-dependent
effects on the pharmacokinetics of acetaminophen.
Although the pharmacokinetics of most drugs in their clinical dose range can
be adequately described by first-order or linear processes, there are a number
of drugs that exhibit non-linear kinetics, particularly at high doses. The non-
linearity sometimes complicates the design of dosage regimens and prediction
of efficacy and toxicity. For example, in cancer chemotherapy, the common
approach is to maximize the dose in order to enhance entry of drugs into resistant
cells.137As a consequence, non-linear kinetics may occur when metabolism
26 J. H . LIN
and/or excretion processes are saturated, and a small change in dose may result
in substantial changes in plasma levels, leading to no pharmacological effect
or toxic effect.
In preclinical studies, toxicologists also face a difficult dilemma when they
attempt to extrapolate observed high dose toxicity to the safety of low doses.
The underlying difficulty is that the kinetic behavior may be dose dependent,
resulting in a greater-than- or less-than-dose-proportional response in AUC with
unpredictable toxicologic consequences. Thus, an understanding of the influence
of dose on the pharmacokinetics is important in the evaluation of the efficacy
and toxicity of new drugs.
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