Pharmacokinetics in Pregnancy 1: Matthew Dawes Philip J. Chowienczyk
Pharmacokinetics in Pregnancy 1: Matthew Dawes Philip J. Chowienczyk
Pharmacokinetics in Pregnancy 1: Matthew Dawes Philip J. Chowienczyk
819826, 2001
1 Pharmacokinetics in pregnancy
Matthew Dawes
Philip J. Chowienczyk
Senior Lecturer in Clinical Pharmacology Department of Clinical Pharmacology, St Thomas' Hospital, Lambeth Palace Road, London, SE1 7EH UK
Pharmacokinetics describes the handling of a drug by the body how the drug is absorbed, distributed and eliminated and how these processes determine plasma concentrations of the drug. Changes in maternal physiology during pregnancy inuence pharmacokinetics, and this may have important sequelae for drug dosing, especially for drugs for which adverse eects occur at concentrations within, or just above, the therapeutic range. For many drugs absorption is decreased and elimination increased, thus tending to reduce plasma concentrations. There are, however, relatively few specic data on pharmacokinetics in pregnancy, compared to the non-gravid state, because of the obvious ethical issues surrounding studies during pregnancy. Most therapeutic guidelines are thus based on observational studies and basic principles. Key words: Pharmacokinetics; half-life; clearance; dose; bioavailability; distribution.
Pharmacokinetics describes the handling of a drug by the body how a drug is absorbed, distributed and eliminated and how these processes determine plasma concentrations of the drug. The therapeutic actions of most drugs, and often their adverse eects, are determined by the concentration of the drug in plasma. An understanding of pharmacokinetics is thus essential in determining practical aspects of drug delivery dose, dose frequency and route of administration in order to achieve plasma concentrations that are sucient to produce desired therapeutic eects while minimizing the risk of dose-related adverse or toxic eects. In the case of physiological changes in drug handling, such as those occurring during pregnancy, a detailed knowledge of the pharmacokinetics of a drug potentially provides the necessary information to modify dose schedules to ensure ecacy and minimize the risk of toxicity. In this chapter we provide an account of how the physiological changes in pregnancy may potentially inuence pharmacokinetics and review what is known about some specic classes of drugs. We rst review some basic pharmacokinetic concepts. ORAL ABSORPTION AND BIOAVAILIBILITY When drugs are delivered via the oral route, as is usually the case, absorption occurs mainly by passive diusion of the drug through the small intestine. The bioavailability
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of a drug is a measure of the proportion of the drug that reaches the systemic circulation in comparison with the amount that would reach the systemic circulation were the drug to be given intravenously. It is usually less than 100% as a result of incomplete absorption. In some cases delivery to the systemic circulation may be greatly attenuated as a result of `rst-pass metabolism' the drug being metabolized within the liver before reaching the systemic circulation. Opioids are examples of drugs that have low bioavailability due to a high rst-pass metabolism, and they are often given by intramuscular injection to avoid this problem. It is important to note that bioavailability only gives information regarding the total extent of absorption, not the rate of absorption, so that the peak plasma concentration (Cmax) and time of peak plasma concentration (Tmax) following an oral dose may dier even though bioavailability may remain constant. DISTRIBUTION AND VOLUME OF DISTRIBUTION Drugs reaching the systemic circulation are distributed to varying degrees within the intravascular, interstitial and intracellular spaces. The relative distribution of a drug within these compartments depends upon its relative solubility in water and within cell membranes, polar drugs being contained mainly within the extracellular space and lipophilic drugs being more widely distributed. The degree to which drugs are bound to plasma proteins also inuences their distribution. The volume of distribution (Vd) of a drug is dened by analogy to the equation: concentration mass/volume. It is the volume that the drug would be distributed in if it were uniformly and instantaneously distributed at a concentration equal to that in the plasma. It is a virtual volume which bears no relation to an anatomical space. Drugs that are conned to the intravascular compartment (e.g. by virtue of their large molecular weight as in the case of heparin) have the lowest Vd, with Vd then approximating total plasma volume. Widely distributed lipophilic drugs have a large Vd. DRUG CLEARANCE Polar drugs tend to be eliminated by the kidneys whereas lipophilic drugs are usually metabolized by the liver to more polar metabolites which are then eliminated by the kidneys. Metabolism is a two-stage process, phase I usually involving modication (e.g. oxidation, reduction and hydrolysis) and phase II conjugation (e.g. acetylation and methylation). Other routes of elimination, such as excretion in bile or via the airways, tend to be of minor importance. The clearance of a drug is the amount of plasma cleared of drug per unit time. Drugs are cleared mainly by the liver or kidneys or both and the total clearance (Cls) is the sum of clearance by the liver and by the kidneys. For the vast majority of drugs clearance remains approximately constant irrespective of the concentration of drug in the plasma. Such drugs obey a condition known as linear or rst-order kinetics and, for these drugs, it is possible to predict how, given a particular dose schedule, plasma concentrations will vary over time. Phenytoin and alcohol are important examples of drugs for which clearance is not constant. This is because the enzymes that metabolize the drug become saturated at relatively low plasma concentrations and, therefore, clearance diminishes as plasma concentrations increase. This has important implications for the relationship between drug dose and plasma concentration, as discussed below.
RELATIONSHIP BETWEEN DRUG DOSE AND PLASMA CONCENTRATION For drugs obeying rst-order kinetics, and if it is assumed that the drug is contained within a single compartment, then there is a simple relationship between drug dose, Vd, Cls and plasma concentrations of the drug over time. When a single dose is given, plasma concentrations rise to a maximum (Cmax) dependent on the dose of drug and volume of distribution (Cmax dose/Vd); thereafter plasma concentrations fall over time. The time taken for the concentration to fall by 50% is constant (given the proviso of one-compartment rst-order kinetics) and is called the half-life (t1/2) of the drug; t1/2 is determined by Vd and Cls: t1/2 0.693Vd/Cls. Usually drugs are given at repeated intervals. In this case plasma concentrations rise over the course of approximately three half-lives to uctuate around an average steady state concentration (Css) determined by the daily dose (D) and the clearance of the drug: Css D/Cls. Fluctuation of the plasma concentration around this level is determined by dose interval and t1/2. The shorter the dose interval in comparison to t1/2, the smaller the uctuation (which may be quantied by the peak/trough ratio). Depending upon the clinical urgency of a situation it may not be expedient to wait three half-lives to reach the desired therapeutic concentration at steady state. In such cases an initial loading dose can be given followed by a maintenance dose. The size of the loading dose is determined by Vd whereas that of the maintenance dose is determined by Cls. These considerations are strictly true only for drugs distributed within a single compartment which obey rst-order kinetics. In reality, most drugs are distributed across many compartments with dierent equilibrium constants. Despite this, the simple single-compartment model provides a useful description for most drugs. (Multiplecompartment models are available but are rarely used because of the diculty in determining parameters characterizing each compartment.) There are, however, important exceptions. For those drugs for which Cls is not constant, such as phenytoin and alcohol, which exhibit saturation kinetics, the relationship between dose and plasma concentration is more complex. In particular, the average steady state concentration is not proportional to daily dose and a small increase in dose per unit time can lead to a large increase in plasma concentrations. PHYSIOLOGICAL CHANGES IN PREGNANCY Physiological changes in pregnancy, beginning during the rst trimester, and most marked during the third trimester, alter the absorption, distribution and clearance of drugs. In addition, most drugs gain access to the feto-placental unit. These changes are detailed below before considering specic eects for individual classes of drugs. Absorption Gastric emptying and small intestine motility are reduced in pregnancy due to elevation of progesterone. This may increase Tmax and reduce Cmax, although eects on total bioavailability may be relatively minor. An increase in gastric pH, due to a reduction in H secretion and an increase in mucus production, may increase the ionization of weak acids, tending to reduce their absorption more than that of weak bases. Such eects are unlikely to be important during repeated dosing. They may, however, reduce the ecacy of a single dose of an oral drug such as an analgesic or anti-emetic for which Tmax
and Cmax are important. A more practical problem for drug absorption is the nausea and vomiting associated with pregnancy. If nausea is reduced in the evening its eects on absorption can be minimized by deferring dosing until the evening (in the case of oncedaily dosing). Absorption of drugs administered by inhalation may be enhanced due to increased cardiac output and tidal volume increasing alveolar uptake. For example, dose requirements for volatile anaesthetic agents, such as halothane, are reduced in pregnancy. Drug absorption from intramuscular delivery is usually enhanced by increased tissue perfusion secondary to vasodilation. Distribution During pregnancy there is an expansion of intravascular (plasma volume) and extravascular (breasts, uterus, peripheral oedema) water content. Thus, total body water increases by up to 8 litres, creating a larger space within which hydrophilic drugs may distribute, i.e. increasing Vd. As a result of this apparent dilution, Cmax of many hydrophilic drugs is reduced, although the clinical eect of this is compensated by changes in protein-binding. Total plasma concentration of albumin-bound drugs decreases as a result of haemodilution and the subsequent fall in plasma albumin concentration. In addition, steroid and placental hormones displace drugs from their protein-binding sites. There is thus the possibility of a rise in free (active) drug concentration of agents that are normally albumin-bound. This would be expected to produce an increased drug eect. However, unbound drug is distributed, metabolized and excreted, and so free concentration of drug is little inuenced. These changes in protein binding are of clinical importance when monitoring plasma concentrations of drugs, for example, phenytoin, as most laboratories report total (rather than free) drug concentration. Body fat increases by approximately 4 kg, creating a larger volume of distribution for lipophilic drugs but this has little practical importance. Metabolism Some enzymes of the hepatic cytochrome P-450 system are induced by oestrogen/ progesterone, resulting in a higher rate of metabolism (and hence elimination) of drugs, for example, phenytoin, whereas other isoenzymes are competitively inhibited by progesterone and oestradiol, leading to impaired elimination, for example, theophylline. Clearance of drugs, such as rifampicin, that are secreted via the biliary system, may be attenuated due to the cholestatic property of oestrogen. Some extrahepatic enzymes, such cholinesterase, have diminished activity during pregnancy. Elimination Renal blood ow is increased by 6080% during pregnancy, and glomerular ltration rate rises by 50%, leading to enhanced elimination of drugs that are normally excreted unchanged for example, penicillin and digoxin. This leads to slightly lower steadystate drug concentrations, although this rarely necessitates increasing the dosage. Feto-placental unit Drug transfer occurs mainly via diusion across the placenta, thus favouring the movement of lipophilic agents, and the rate-limiting step is placental blood ow. Protein-bound drugs, and drugs of large molecular weight, for example heparin and
insulin, do not cross the placenta. Both the immature fetal liver and the placenta can metabolize drugs. Immature phase I and phase II metabolism can occur in the fetus 8 weeks post-conception. However, metabolic enzyme activity is low, and this coupled with the fact that 50% of the fetal circulation from the umbilical vein bypasses the fetal liver to the cardiac and cerebral circulations contributes to the problem of fetal drug accumulation. Elimination from the fetus is by diusion back to the maternal compartment. Because most drug metabolites are polar, this favours accumulation of metabolites within the fetus, although as the fetal kidney develops more drug metabolites are excreted into the amniotic uid. Another process leading to accumulation of drugs within the fetus is the phenomenon of `ion trapping'. The basis for this is the (slightly) more acidic nature of fetal plasma pH compared to maternal plasma. Weak bases, which are mainly non-ionized (lipophilic), diuse across the placental barrier and become ionized in the more acidic fetal blood, leading to a net movement from the maternal to fetal systems. IMPLICATIONS FOR DRUG ADMINISTRATION IN PREGNANCY From the above it can be seen that physiological changes in pregnancy inuencing pharmacokinetics are complex. In general, Vd is increased and Cls is increased, tending to reduce plasma concentrations. To what extent this requires an alteration in dose schedule will depend on the size of the eect for individual drugs and also how critically therapeutic ecacy/toxicity relates to plasma concentrations. For drugs with a low therapeutic index (the ratio of a therapeutic to a toxic dose) these eects may be much more important. Unfortunately, specic data on how pharmacological parameters such as Vd and Cls vary in pregnancy for individual drugs are very limited. This is partly because of the ethical and practical considerations required when designing pharmacokinetic studies. For example, pharmacokinetic clinical trials have excluded pregnant women and those of reproductive age, due to a Food and Drug Administration moratorium. Data that do exist on pharmacokinetics in pregnancy are often limited due to a small sample size and the incorporation of results from subjects of dierent gestational ages. In addition, comparator groups often vary in composition using non-pregnant women, adult males, or the same subjects 68 weeks post-partum as controls. Limited data are available for the following classes of drugs. Anticonvulsants Anti-epileptic medications are the most studied therapeutic agents in pregnancy. Ecacy and adverse eects are closely related to plasma concentrations, and the therapeutic index for the older drugs is low. Although some studies produce conicting data the trend is for anticonvulsant plasma concentrations to decrease in pregnancy, and this is most marked during the later stages of gestation. Increased clearance and lower concentrations of binding proteins (due to plasma volume expansion) may be responsible. For example, carbamazepine levels have been found to be reduced in pregnancy (increased clearance;1 reduced plasma protein binding2). Phenytoin levels are also reduced in pregnancy, due possibly to increased clearance or decreased protein-binding. Most anticonvulsants are highly bound to albumin and, despite changes in the concentration of bound drug, the unbound concentration or free drug that is pharmacologically active may remain relatively constant during pregnancy. Care needs to be taken when interpreting the results of plasma
concentrations as a guide to therapeutic ecacy because most laboratories measure total plasma concentration (bound plus unbound). A fall in this value does not necessarily reect a fall in the concentration of free drug. Ideally, free drug concentration should be monitored. Antihypertensives Beta-blockers (e.g. labetalol) and calcium channel antagonists (e.g. nifedipine) are used frequently during pregnancy. Elimination of nifedipine has been found to be faster during the immediate post-partum period (albeit in patients with pre-eclampsia) compared with non-pregnant women with hypertension.3 Similarly, labetalol has been found to have a shorter t1/2 in women with pregnancy-induced hypertension compared to non-pregnant women, suggesting the need for more frequent doses.4 However, other studies have shown no dierence in plasma concentrations of labetalol between pregnant women and controls.5,6 These studies highlight a lack of consistency also apparent in pharmacokinetic data for other cardiovascular drugs such as digoxin. This may be due to confounding factors such as gestational age, sample size and dierent drug assays. Antibacterials There is a positive correlation between the plasma concentration of b-lactam antibiotics and the response of bacterial infections. Most b-lactams are hydrophilic and diuse across the placenta down a concentration gradient. They then circulate within the fetus via the amniotic uid and fetal re-absorption in the immature gastro-intestinal tract. The concentrations and half-lives of penicillins are usually unaltered during pregnancy except for ampicillin, the clearance of which may be increased in pregnancy7 with a subsequent reduction in plasma concentrations. This suggests that the dosing schedule of most penicillins need not be changed, although the case of ampicillin needs consideration. By contrast, rst- and second-generation cephalosporins that have been studied (cefazolin, cefuroxime, cephradine)8,9 have decreased plasma concentrations due to increased clearance, implying that their dose and or frequency may need to be increased to ensure a therapeutic drug level. Plasma concentrations of the thirdgenerations cephalosporin ceftriaxone, however, are reported to be unchanged in pregnancy.10 Analgesics Studies on the pharmacokinetics of paracetamol (acetaminophen) have yielded conicting results. A reduced t1/2 with increased clearance11 and no change in pharmacokinetics12 have both been reported in separate studies. Studies on nonsteroidal anti-inammatory drugs show that indomethacin has a reduction in t1/2 and plasma concentration during pregnancy, while the t1/2 of sodium salicylate is increased in the nal trimester.13 Sodium salicylate undergoes ion trapping in the fetus, as discussed above. One study involving pethidine has shown no dierence in pharmacokinetics between pregnant women and controls,14 although another demonstrates a longer t1/2 of pethidine in pregnant women.15 This may have clinical sequelae when administering cumulative doses of this opiate. There is no consistent evidence detailing the pharmacokinetics of analgesics in pregnancy (even studies of the same drug) and so no management guidelines can be formed concerning their dosing schedule.
SUMMARY Changes in maternal physiology during pregnancy impact on pharmacokinetics with a tendency to reduced plasma concentrations. Denitive information from studies that could be used to formulate therapeutic guidelines for the safe use of drugs in pregnancy is, however, limited and at present there is little evidence to formulate clear-cut guidelines with respect to dosing schedules for individual drugs. In order to design evidence-based guidelines for drug-dosing in pregnancy, high-quality pharmacokinetic studies of adequate sample size which incorporate a non-pregnant control group are required. On current evidence, dose requirements are likely to be higher for drugs with increased clearance during pregnancy. Dose titration for protein-bound drugs should be based on monitoring of free drug concentration. Practice points . changes in maternal physiology lead to altered handing of drugs in pregnancy, with theoretical implications for drug eects in mother and fetus . drug absorption is usually decreased and elimination increased, tending to decrease total plasma concentration of the drug . the proportion of free drug to protein-bound drug may alter; this has important implications for therapeutic drug monitoring . knowledge of pharmacokinetic changes is important for drugs with a narrow therapeutic window
Research agenda . there is a scarcity of data on specic pharmacokinetic measurements in pregnancy . pharmacokinetic studies of drug absorption and elimination in pregnancy (with comparative data for non-pregnant controls) are required in order to formulate guidelines for drug-dosing . therapeutic drug monitoring in pregnancy would be improved by the development of assays that determine the free concentration of drugs that are highly protein-bound . data on maternal pharmacogenomics may be helpful in predicting changes in pharmacokinetics during pregnancy
1. Dam J, Christiansen J, Munk O & Mygind KI. Antiepileptic drugs: metabolism in pregnancy. Clinical Pharmacokinetics 1979; 4: 5362. 2. Yerby MS, Friel PN & Miller DQ. Carbamazepine protein binding and disposition in pregnancy. Therapeutic Drug Monitoring 1985; 7: 269273. 3. Barton JR, Prevost RR, Wilson DA et al. Nifedipine pharmacokinetics and pharmacodynamics during the immediate postpartum period in patients with preeclampsia. American Journal of Obstetrics and Gynecology 1991; 165: 951954.
826 M. Dawes and P. J. Chowienczyk 4. Rogers RC, Sibai BM & Whybrew WD. Labetalol pharmacokinetics in pregnancy-induced hypertension. American Journal of Obstetrics and Gynecology 1990; 162: 362366. 5. Rubin PC, Butters L, Kelman AW et al. Labetalol disposition and concentration-eect relationships during pregnancy. Journal of Clinical Pharmacology 1983; 15: 465470. 6. Saotome T, Minoura S, Terashi K et al. Labetalol in hypertension during the third trimester of pregnancy: its antihypertensive eect and pharmacokinetic-dynamic analysis. Journal of Clinical Pharmacology 1993; 33: 979988. 7. Chamberlain A, White S, Bawdon R et al. Pharmacokinetics of ampicillin and salmactam in pregnancy. American Journal of Obstetrics and Gynecology 1993; 168: 667673. 8. Philipson A. Pharmacokinetics of antibiotics in pregnancy and labour. Clinical Pharmacokinetics 1979; 4: 297299. 9. Philipson A & Stiernstedt G. Pharmacokinetics of cefuroxime in pregnancy. American Journal of Obstetrics and Gynecology 1982; 142: 823828. 10. Bourget P, Fernandez H, Quinquis V & Delouis C. Pharmacokinetics and protein binding of ceftriaxone during pregnancy. Antimicrobial Agents and Chemotherapy 1993; 37: 5459. 11. Miners JO, Robson RA & Birkett DJ. Paracetamol metabolism in pregnancy. British Journal of Clinical Pharmacology 1986; 22: 359362. 12. Rayburn W, Shukla U, Stetson P & Piehl E. Acteminophen pharmacokinetics: Comparison between pregnant and non-pregnant women. American Journal of Obstetrics and Gynecology 1986; 155: 13531356. 13. Little BB. Pharmacokinetics during pregnancy: evidence-based maternal dose formulation. Obstetrics and Gynecology 1999; 93: 858868. 14. Kuhnert BR, Kuhnert PM, Prochaska AL & Sokol RJ. Meperidine disposition in mother, neonate, and nonpregnant females. Clinical Pharmacology and Therapeutics 1980; 27: 486491. 15. Todd EL, Staord DT, Bucovaz ET & Morrison JC. Pharmacokinetics of meperidine in pregnancy. International Journal of Gynecology and Obstetrics 1989; 29: 143146.
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