Performance Evaluation On Low-Crest Breakwater at North Coast of Java Island
Performance Evaluation On Low-Crest Breakwater at North Coast of Java Island
Performance Evaluation On Low-Crest Breakwater at North Coast of Java Island
2 (May 2018)
Low-crest breakwater is one of coastal safety structures that used in managing the erosion at along the coast. As a newly studied
and used coastal safety structure in Indonesia, the use of the structure requires an evaluation of whether its application is
succeeded or not. Therefore, evaluation regarding on the utilization of coastal safety structure in form of low-crest breakwater
was conducted. The research was to be conducted in locations that have low-crest breakwater structures, which is Pekalongan
City, Demak Regency, and Jepara Regency. The research was conducted by using primary data in form of direct observation on
location of implementation; and secondary data in form of tidal, wave, and coast material data. These data were expected to be
able to provide a depiction on whether the low-crest breakwater structure application in Pekalongan City, Demak Regency, and
Jepara Regency are succeeded. The observation in the implementation area showed positive result in the form of coast
sedimentation in Pekalongan City and Demak Regency; although structural damage occurred in the Jepara Regency location.
The matters that related to this condition were structure material and coast utilization. The material of the structured use geo-
textile with 5 to 7 years usage time—in which damage would develop when in direct contact with human or if there’s sharp
material towards the coast. In the case of coast utilization activities, such as boat mooring or fishing, geotextile material best not
to be installed, or other stronger material should be chosen for it.
As an evaluation of its effectiveness, installation test of 2.1 Transformation of Waves at Approaching the
low-crest breakwater was conducted in several Beach
locations in North Coast of Java, as a follow-up from The propagation of waves when approaching the beach
prototype testing in Pasir Putih Anyer Beach. Some of undergoes several changes because of influence from
the locations were including the Tanjung Kait Beach in the water depth, the shape of the beach profile, and of
Tangerang and Pisangan Beach in Karawang; it was course, the character of the waves itself. The forms of
with hope that the installation would have same success change that could occur are refraction, diffraction, and
such as in Pasir Putih Anyer Beach. However, because reflection.
of the installations is still new, the effectiveness and
success of the low-crest breakwater certainly must be Figure 1 shows that with the installation of the
researched whether it can provide the expected results. breakwater construction, the process is still taking
place. Diffraction would bend at around the obstacle
The formulation of the problem that was about to be end and would enter the sheltered region behind it, in
studied is on the performance of the low-crest direction of perpendicular propagation. Reflection
breakwater structure that was newly built in 2010, collides directly to the construction, and become a fully
which its benefit on North Coast of Java needed to be or partially reflection depends on its construction types,
Vol. 4 No. 2 (May 2018) Journal of the Civil Engineering Forum
Figure 2 shows the break wave on the low-crest Sediment transport on low-crest breakwater is only an
breakwater structure construction. The structure of offshore-onshore transport, in which the formed
low-crest breakwater is constructed in a way so that the sediment comes from the beach that is perpendicular to
waves that pass through the structure top are forced to the sea (Figure 3). But the low-crest breakwater with
break and dissipate its energy. gap has another advantage than the conventional
breakwater, whereas the sediment transport does not
depend on tidal cycle and takes place continuously.
This is because the installation of low-crest breakwater
Journal of the Civil Engineering Forum Vol. 4 No. 2 (May 2018)
structure is in MSL condition, which causes sediment a) Strengthening/protecting the coast so it could
transport does not depend on high tide condition. withstand the invading waves,
b) Changing sediment transport rates along the coast,
Coastal c) Reduce the energy of the wave that reaches the
d) Add sedimentation supply to the beach or the ones
that eroded.
Breakwater Breakwater
Erosion management is adjusted to the existing
environmental condition in the eroded location; the
categories of erosion management are by natural and
artificial management. Natural management is usually
geographically supported, such as utilization of sand
Upcoming dunes, sands, mangrove utilization and Nipa palm in
wave muddy beaches, or beaches with corals that could
Figure 3. Sediment transport on low-crest breakwater withstand charging waves.
(Water Resources Research and Development Center,
2015) In general, natural coastal management could be done
if geographical support is in place. Natural
2.5 Coastal Damage and Its Security Efforts management such as mangrove utilization still could be
conducted even if the material is not available in the
On total length of Indonesian coast at 99,000 km, there
location—if it is geographically supported, the material
are about twenty percent of damage recorded, which
still could be procured. However, it still needs to be
caused by environmental change and coastal erosion.
supported with condition of muddy beach, which could
Coastal erosion is a natural phenomenon in which the support the life ability of the mangrove-type plants. At
coast’s natural defense could not withstand the another natural management effort, sand dunes usually
invading incoming waves, thus the coast could be exist in beaches with spills from volcano materials.
eroded. After the large wave subsided, the coast would This is clearly seen on Parangtritis Beach in
return to its former form with the effect from normal Yogyakarta, which has Mount Merapi as its supporter;
waves; yet there are times that the eroded coast could without similar supply, the sand dunes would not be
not return to its form because the materials that shape formed.
the coast are transported into other places and do not
Geographical advantage is sometimes not obtained in a
return to its original location. Therefore, the coast has
beach area; therefore it is required artificial
suffered from erosion (Triatmodjo, 2012).
management as an option. Artificial reinforcement on
Other conditions that cause erosion is man-made beach could be in form of reinforcement by additional
damages, in form of mangrove logging and coral reef structure on beach, stabilization construction, and
mining—whereas both are the natural protections of a beach restoration.
coast. The change in land use, industrial polluting, and
Low-crest breakwater is a type of artificial
mining that human carried out also cause damages to
reinforcement, in the form of a stabilization
these natural protections.
construction that is similar to conventional breakwater.
Coast utilization that nowadays established by the Similar to common breakwater, low-crest breakwater is
community, such as salt mining area, tidal agricultural intended to weaken the wave energy, holding
zone, tourism object, and industrial area, have made the sedimentation transport, and to form salient. The
coastal area into a very important area for daily life. In difference of using low-crest breakwater lies in the
this case, if a coastal area is not protected, the damages placement of the peak that is close to or slightly appears
would occur uncontrollably. above the average sea level.
Coastal protection is intended to handle the existing Optimal installation of low-crest breakwater is depicted
erosion on the coast that suffers from shoreline retreat. in Figure 4 in which the low-crest breakwater could
The first thing to do is to find what causes the erosion, create a minimum water rise and does not create
then to determine the appropriate way to handle it. undesirable current, such as rip current. One of the
There are several ways to protect the beach, such as problems in installation the low-crest breakwater with
(Triatmodjo, 2012): gap is the rip current, which could potentially erode
sedimentation behind the coast structure. This could
also disrupt the performance of the structure.
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The design of low-crest breakwater is to reduce or Table 1. Geotextile Parameters for Low-crest Breakwater
prevent coastal erosion, and to boost sediment Parameter Testing Method Unit
accumulation so that new beach would be formed. An ASTM D 4595
effective placement of the low-crest breakwater Tensile ISO 10319 : 2008 N/m
installation is by placing the structure on MSL (Mean RSNI M-05-2005
Sea Level) position, or below the highest water level. ASTM D 4595
Elongation ISO 10319 : 2008 %
RSNI M-05-2005
ASTM D 6241
Puncture N
ISO 12236 : 2006
ASTM D 4884
Seam ISO 10321 : 2008 N/m
RSNI M-03-2005
Opening Size ASTM D 4751 mm
ASTM D 4491
Flow Rate ISO 11058:1999 Liter/minute/m2
SNI 08-4334-1996
Figure 4. Placement of the summit of low-crest breakwater Endurance on ASTM D 4886
on MSL position low-crest breakwater application on coast Abrasion ISO 13427 : 1998
Endurance on ASTM D 4355
The main material that commonly used in low-crest UV ASTM D 5970
breakwater structure is geotextile, which is an artificial
product made from polymer material that is fabricated Determination of the threshold distance for low-crest
from a knitted or woven fabric sheet. breakwater is based on submergence, which is ratio
Basic details of the geotextile material are on the fiber between water depths to height of the low-crest
type and the fiber fusion type. Geotextile itself has two breakwater structure. There are three points that could
category types, which are woven, with large pores and be noticed, which are submergence degree in form of
more-organized woven fibers; and non-woven, with threshold distance Rc = h-d, relative height of the
very small pores and unorganized or unwoven fibers. structure h/d, and ratio between threshold distance to
This geotextile material is glued, heated, or sewed on the water depth Rc/d.
its side, to be formed into tube, and then filled with Estimation of the low-crest breakwater structure is
mixture. based on several values, which are structure height h,
Geotextile is used because its characteristics which are water depth d, and difference between elevation of the
flexible, permeable, fairly economical price, structure’s peak and elevation of the average water
environmentally friendly, and the convenience to level Rc = h-d, which is the threshold distance, as shown
obtain. Filling materials on geotextile could be in form in Figure 5. On the visible peak part, if the peak exceeds
of several materials, such as non-cohesive soil like the water depth, the ratio is less than one; and in non-
sands or muds, and in several cases where higher dimensional drawing, to determine the submergence
structural rigidity is needed, cement could also be used. degree and the structure’s peak, the one used is relative
The common utilization for geotextile material in height of the structure h/d.
coastal erosion management is in geotube with various Submergence degree is connected with value on
types, such as geobag and geocontainer; the usage of threshold distance, in which it is positive if it protrudes,
these terms is highly varied, but it has the same and vice versa. Therefore, threshold distance is also
purpose, which is geotextile could be filled with natural called as submergence degree. To determine relative
materials. threshold distance, ratio between submergence degree
Appropriate selection on low-crest breakwater and water depth could also be used:
structure must fulfill several requirements, which are 𝑅𝑐 (ℎ−𝑑) ℎ
the double lock stitch type, with thread that has 𝑑
= 𝑑
=𝑑−1 (1)
specification of seawater-proof, no connection, and the
basic materials are polypropylene, polyester, and
polyamide. The requirements and determined
standards in choosing the appropriate geotextile are
shown in Table 1.
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Figure 7. Low-crest Breakwater Construction Structure in Figure 8. Conditions of Pekalongan Beach in 2017.
Pekalongan City.
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size as its filler. On structure of geobag low-crest directly to the settlement. There was no material filling
breakwater with bamboo pole, bamboo was used in on the Hybrid Low-crest Breakwater that was installed
wide position as the foundation reinforcement, and in front of the settlement, therefore it is not working;
scouring protection was installed with 50 cm distance while several points of the installation on the mangrove
between bamboo, and in the longitudinal side, bamboo plant protection were still not filled, therefore the
was installed with 50 cm of distance between bamboo protection does not run well and the mangroves are
for as long as 80 m on both side. The length of one suffered from damages.
bamboo foundation was 4.50 m with depth of the stake
was 2.50 m.
Table 3. Coastal conditions in Demak Regency (a) Hybrid Low-crest Breakwater In Front of the Settlement
and Mangrove Protection
Type Demak Regency
a Swan Without Structure With Structure
Break Wave 2 m 2m
Wave Direction Southeast Southeast
Sediment East, Southeast East, Southeast
b Wave Direction Total % Height (m)
Northeast 16.52 0-0.75
East 46.96 0-0.75 (b) Geobag Low-crest Breakwater with Bamboo Poles
HHWS 120.59 cm
c Tidal (m) MSL 59.90 cm Figure 11. Demak Regency Beach Conditions
LLWS 0.79 cm
G 2.52 4.2.4 Performance Evaluation on Low-crest
w 190.08% Breakwater on Demak Regency
d Beach Material sand 44.28%
Silt 31.68% On its installation, the Hybrid Low-crest Breakwater
clay 24.04% has not shown the expected result. The Hybrid Low-
crest Breakwater installation has two functions, which
4.2.3 Beach Conditions and Shoreline Change are to protect the residents’ settlement, and to protect
the mangrove forest. The installation of Hybrid Low-
Damages occur in Sriwulan Village Beach are coastal
crest Breakwater with the intention of protecting
erosion and coastal flood, in which the land subsidence
residents’ settlement has shown result, in which the
and rising sea level took place. The increasing number
of ponds then damages the beach condition; also the coastal flood wave did not directly hit the settlement,
although the coastal flood that occurred still inundate
illegal mangrove logging causes erosion and makes a
faster destruction on beach in the location the residents’ homes. As for Hybrid Low-crest
Breakwater for mangrove forest protection, it was not
(KeSEMaTJURNAL, 2010).
maximal, since there are still several locations without
On the location of geotextile geobag low-crest filling. This then caused a less maximal performance
breakwater, there was presence of sedimentation or a from the Hybrid Low-crest Breakwater structure in
beach growth since the installation in 2016; however protecting the mangrove plants. Further advanced
this beach growth still could not solve the problem. management and monitoring on the location are
This is because the installation that was only ± 80 m needed; in order to make the structure could maximally
and coastal flood that is still happening. perform, since the mangrove utilization could give
added value in the existing protection.
Hybrid Low-crest Breakwater as shown in Figure 11
was installed on three positions, which are in front of In general, the erosion management in Sriwulan
the settlement, at side of the settlement, and at the Village Beach, Demak Regency by using geobag low-
mangrove plant protection. The observation on Hybrid crest breakwater with bamboo has shown positive
Low-crest Breakwater showed that the best result, in which sedimentation has occurred in the
performance was the ones at the side of the settlement, location of the low-crest breakwater installation. The
in which it holds the coastal flood wave that goes bamboo utilization as structure protection has gave
added value for safety to the geobag material; whereas
Journal of the Civil Engineering Forum Vol. 4 No. 2 (May 2018)
only relatively small damages occurred, in the form of Table 4. Coastal conditions in Jepara Regency
declining position of the bamboo pole, which needs Type Jepara Regency
monitoring and repairment. Another repairment that a With
Swan Without Structure
could be conducted is cleaning the shells that are Structure
attached, so as not to cause further damage to the Break Wave
1.5 m
1.5 m
structure. Wave Southeast
Direction East,
East, Southeast
Water conditions show the average waves of Demak Sediment Southeast
Regency is in the category of low waves, with b Wave Height
Direction Total %
dominant waves that come from northeast and east. The (m)
tidal condition in Demak Regency on installation of East 46.09 0-1.50
Southwest 3.48 0-1.50
low-crest breakwater in MSL showed that the height of
c Tidal (m) HHWS 153.90 cm
tidal wave could help the sedimentation process. The MSL 94.50 cm
analysis result from software SWAN showed that LLWS 35.10 cm
although installation of low-crest breakwater reduces d Beach G 4.11
the wave height, the incoming wave that still arrives at Material w 13.37%
the structure would help the sediment transport process. sand 100%
Vol. 4 No. 2 (May 2018) Journal of the Civil Engineering Forum
Conclusions that can be drawn from this study is are as
Journal of the Civil Engineering Forum Vol. 4 No. 2 (May 2018)
d) Damages on low-crest breakwater structure are d) Management on coastal flood that occurs in along
generally caused by several cases. From the most the North Coast of Java could not be conducted by
frequent to rarely happen damages are vandalism, using the low-crest breakwater structure. To
fishing boats, material that attaches to structure in overcome this problem, other coastal safety
form of shells, material that goes toward the beach structure needed to be installed, one example is in
or structure, and coast utilization by the community the form of seawall.
in form of pond. The worst damage is when the
structure is left without protection and in direct REFERENCES
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Vol. 4 No. 2 (May 2018) Journal of the Civil Engineering Forum