Introduction To Life Cycle Assessment

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Introduction to life cycle assessment

Guinée, J.B.; Heijungs, R.

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Sustainable Supply Chains

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Guinée, J. B., & Heijungs, R. (2017). Introduction to life cycle assessment. In Y. Bouchery, T. Tan, J. C.
Fransoo, & C. Corbett (Eds.), Sustainable Supply Chains: A Research-Based Textbook on Operations and
Strategy (pp. 15-41). (Springer Series in Supply Chain Management; Vol. 4). Springer.

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Chapter 2
Introduction to Life Cycle Assessment

Jeroen Guinée and Reinout Heijungs

This chapter1 gives an overview of the mainstream method of life cycle assessment
(LCA) on the basis of the generally accepted principles as laid down in International
Organization for Standardization (ISO) series of Standards on LCA. The first part is
devoted to the key questions addressed by LCA and sketches the historical develop-
ment towards that method. The second part provides an overview of the LCA
method itself, while the third part discusses some examples of LCA applications.
Finally, the fourth part discusses some of the future challenges to LCA including
life cycle sustainability assessment (LCSA) and streamlined LCA techniques.

2.1 LCA: What Does It Address and How Has It Developed?

Today’s society is highly consumption based. Through advertisements and market-

ing campaigns, we are stimulated on a daily basis to consume products, services and,
if possible, more and more. Products and services are the key selling items of our
economic system. At the same time we are facing huge sustainability challenges with
respect to, e.g. climate change, land use change, water shortages, toxic pollution and
resource scarcity. Products and services are key concepts in addressing these sustain-
ability challenges. Refrain from any consumption is not an option, so we have to
strive for a more sustainable production and consumption pattern. Environmental

This chapter is partly based on Heijungs, R. & Guinée, J.B. (2012). An Overview of the Life
Cycle Assessment Method—Past, Present, and Future. In: Curran, M.A. (Ed.), Life Cycle
Assessment Handbook: A Guide for Environmentally Sustainable Products, pp. 15–42. Beverly:
Scrivener Publishing.
J. Guinée (*) • R. Heijungs
Leiden University, Leiden, Netherlands
e-mail: [email protected]; [email protected]

© Yann Bouchery, Charles J. Corbett, Jan C. Fransoo, and Tarkan Tan 2017 15
Y. Bouchery et al. (eds.), Sustainable Supply Chains, Springer Series in Supply
Chain Management 4, DOI 10.1007/978-3-319-29791-0_2
16 J. Guinée and R. Heijungs

policy today focuses at the transition to such sustainable production and consump-
tion patterns. This is taking place in various ways and at various levels.
For this purpose we often will have to compare the sustainability of products
against each other. We then first need a few definitions: what is sustainability, what
are comparable products and what exactly are products?
• Sustainability has at least three dimensions: the economic, the environmental
and the social dimensions; LCA focuses on the environmental dimensions only.
• Products fulfil functions or services. We buy a car, motor or bike to travel from
A to B; we eat and drink to satisfy our nutritional needs; etc. We generally have
different alternative products to fulfil these functions.
• We are not so much looking into products as such but rather at a system of eco-
nomic or industrial processes needed for the functioning of that product. Here
the term “product system” (or even better “function system”) enters the arena.
A product system refers to the entire life cycle of a product, from extraction of
natural resources to final waste management of the disposed product, from
“­cradle to grave”. We don’t just look at driving a car, but we include the total
system of industrial/economic processes needed for constructing all components
of the car, the maintenance of the car, the use of the car including the total life
cycle of the fuels needed to drive the car, the roads needed, etc. until the final
disposal of the car at the end of its life which may include recycling.
Knowledge of the environmental impacts of such product systems is indispens-
able if we are aiming for improving the environmental performance of these
­systems. We preferably need numbers for all relevant environmental impacts of
product systems, from the cradle to the grave (whole life cycle), in order to find best
solutions for their improvement without shifting impacts to other fields or to other
phases of the life cycle (trade-offs). One of the assessment methods widely used for
this is environmental life cycle assessment, abbreviated LCA.
Do we really need a potentially complex method as LCA? Isn’t driving an ­electric
vehicle simply better than driving a gasoline-based vehicle? If it was as simple as
that, we wouldn’t need LCA but unfortunately the reality is much more complex if
we take a systems approach mapping the whole life cycle and all potentially relevant
environmental impacts. Electric vehicles need a lot of batteries to store electricity,
and these batteries need a lot of scarce resources that may potentially leak to the
environment as hazardous substances, but depending on the source of electricity,
they may perform better in the use phase compared to gasoline-based cars. Only by
analysing the full life cycle of these two functionally equivalent “car driving sys-
tems”, we can determine which one is environmentally better performing. But even
then, it’s often not possible to simply conclude that one option is better than the other
as it may still depend on consumer’s behaviour or on the source of electricity (e.g.
renewables or fossil fuels) as in the case of the electric car (Hawkins et al. 2012). The
same ratio can be applied to comparing plastic and carton disposable mugs with
porcelain mugs for drinking coffee, disposable diapers versus cotton diapers, bio-
fuel- versus fossil fuel-based electricity systems, etc.
2 Introduction to Life Cycle Assessment 17

2.1.1 LCA in a Nutshell

LCA offers a method for quantitatively compiling and evaluating the inputs, out-
puts and the potential environmental impacts of a product system throughout its
life cycle (ISO 1996), and its results may be used to support decision-making in
this area. LCA refers to a method, but it also refers to the result of this method.
In this chapter, we will mainly focus on the method that is used to obtain an
“LCA result”.
LCA has made a long way, and it is still changing. But since a decade or so, there
is a broadly accepted set of principles that can claim to be the present-day LCA
framework based on a series of standards and technical reports issued by the ISO, the
14040 series (ISO 1996, 1998, 2000, 2000a, b, 2002, 2003, 2006, 2012, 2012a, b).
This series consists of the documents listed in Table 2.1.
The standards are organized into the different phases of an LCA study. These are:
• Goal and scope definition
• Inventory analysis
• Life cycle impact assessment
• Life cycle interpretation
The relations between these phases have been illustrated in a figure, and this
figure has become a sort of logo of LCA (Fig. 2.1).

Table 2.1 ISO documents on LCA

Number Type Title Year
14040 International Principles and framework 1996, 2006
14041 International Goal and scope definition and inventory 1998a
Standard analysis
14042 International Life cycle impact assessment 2000aa
14043 International Life cycle interpretations 2000ba
14044 International Requirements and guidelines 2006b
14047 Technical report Examples of application of ISO 14042 2003
14047 Technical report Examples of ISO 14044 impact assessment 2012a
14048 Technical Data documentation format 2002
14049 Technical report Examples of application of ISO 14041 2000
14049 Technical report Examples of ISO 14044 goal and scope 2012b
definition and inventory analysis application
14067 Technical report Carbon footprint of products; requirements and 2012
Updated in 2006 and merged into 14044
Replaces 14041, 14042 and 14043
18 J. Guinée and R. Heijungs

Life cycle assessment framework

Goal and scope


Direct applications:
- Product development
Inventory and improvement
analysis - Strategic planning
- Public policy making
- Marketing
- Other


Fig. 2.1 The general methodological framework for LCA (ISO 1996)

2.1.2 History of LCA

As mentioned, LCA has made a long way. This section discusses the historical
development of LCA in terms of its past and present. The text is largely based on
Guinée et al. (2011). The Past of LCA (1970–2000)

Firstly, we will briefly discuss and evaluate LCA as developed and applied in the
past while distinguishing two periods: (1) 1970–1990 and (2) 1990–2000.

1970–1990: Decades of Conception

The first studies that are now recognized as (partial) LCAs date from the late
1960s and early 1970s, a period in which environmental issues like resource and
energy efficiency, pollution control and solid waste became issues of broad pub-
lic concern (Assies 1992). One of the first (unfortunately unpublished) studies
2 Introduction to Life Cycle Assessment 19

quantifying the resource requirements, emission loadings and waste flows of

­different beverage containers was conducted by Midwest Research Institute
(MRI) for the Coca Cola Company in 1969. Together with several follow-ups,
this marked the beginning of the development of LCA as we know it today. After
a period of diminishing public interest in LCA and a number of unpublished
­studies, there has been rapidly growing interest in the subject from the early
1980s on. In 1984 the Swiss published a report (BUS 1984) that presented a com-
prehensive list of the data needed for LCA studies, thus catalysing a broader
application of LCA.
The period 1970–1990 comprised the decades of conception of LCA with widely
diverging approaches, terminologies and results. There was a clear lack of interna-
tional scientific discussion and exchange platforms for LCA. During the 1970s and
the 1980s, LCAs were performed using different methods and without a common
theoretical framework. LCA was repeatedly applied by firms to substantiate market
claims. The obtained results differed greatly, even when the objects of the study
were the same, which prevented LCA from becoming a more generally accepted
and applied analytical tool (Guinée et al. 1993).

1990–2000: Decade of Standardization

The 1990s saw a remarkable growth of scientific and coordination activities world-
wide. Also the first scientific journal papers started to appear in the Journal of
Cleaner Production, in Resources, Conservation and Recycling, in the International
Journal of LCA, in Environmental Science & Technology, in the Journal of Industrial
Ecology and in other journals.
The Society of Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry (SETAC) started
­playing a leading and coordinating role in bringing LCA practitioners, users and
scientists together to collaborate on the continuous improvement and harmonization
of LCA framework, terminology and methodology. Next to SETAC, the ISO has
been involved in LCA since 1994. Whereas SETAC working groups focused at
development and harmonization of methods, ISO adopted the formal task of stan-
dardization of methods and procedures.
The period of 1990–2000 can therefore be characterized as a period of conver-
gence through SETAC’s coordination and ISO’s standardization activities, provid-
ing a standardized framework and terminology, and platform for debate and
harmonization of LCA methods. In other words, the 1990s was a decade of
­standardization. During this period, LCA also became part of policy documents and
legislation. The main focus was on packaging legislation.
Although this decade is mainly one of convergence, it is also the stage of
­scientific scrutiny, research into the foundations of LCA, and exploring the connec-
tions with existing disciplines. For instance, we observe sprouting ideas on
­consequential LCA and related allocation methods (Weidema 2000, Ekvall 2000)
marking the transition to the present decade of LCA.
20 J. Guinée and R. Heijungs 2000–Present: The Era of Elaboration

The first decade of the twenty-first century has shown an ever increasing attention
to LCA. In 2002, the United Nations Environment Programme (UNEP) and the
Society for Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry (SETAC) launched
an International Life Cycle Partnership, known as the Life Cycle Initiative (http:// In 2005 the European Platform on Life Cycle
Assessment ( was established to promote the
­availability, exchange and use of quality-assured life cycle data, methods and
­studies for reliable decision support in (EU) public policy and in business. In the
USA, the US Environmental Protection Agency started promoting the use of LCA
(, and also US environmental policy got
increasingly life cycle based all over the world (e.g.
In this same period, several life cycle-based carbon footprint standards have
been, or are being, established (­
footprint.html). Although the footprint concept is broader than LCA (it, for instance,
includes organization footprints and national footprints as well), a rich literature
has spawned around the product environmental footprint (PEF;
environment/eussd/smgp/product_footprint.htm), which basically is an LCA, and
in addition carbon footprints (CF), which are LCAs focusing on greenhouse gases
only. CF is now often associated with consumer products, and in an increasing
number of cases, we find the CF score on the packaging or the label. The introduc-
tion of carbon footprint standards for supporting policies and (bioenergy)
performance-­based regulation raised some severe problems, which have often not
yet been solved adequately (Matthews et al. 2008). Life cycle-based carbon foot-
print results need to be robust and “lawsuit-proof”. This implies that the freedom of
methodological choices for the handling of, e.g., biogenic carbon balances and allo-
cation should be reduced to an absolute minimum and that uncertainties are dealt
with appropriately, which is unfortunately not yet common practice. Another issue
is the limited scope of carbon footprints towards climate change impacts neglecting
the possible trade-off to other impact. Finally, we reiterate that the term footprint
not necessarily refers to a functional unit-based LCA; see also Hoekstra’s (2017),
Chap. 4 in this volume.
The period 2000–present can be characterized as the decade of elaboration.
While the demand on LCA increases, the period is characterized by a divergence in
methods again. As ISO never aimed to standardize LCA methods in detail and as
there is no common agreement on how to interpret some of the ISO requirements,
diverging approaches have been developed with respect to system boundaries and
allocation methods, dynamic LCA, spatially differentiated LCA, environmental
input–output-based LCA (EIO-LCA) and hybrid LCA, which combines the
strengths of classical LCA and environmentally extended input–output analysis
(EE-IOA). On top of this, various life cycle costing (LCC; cf. Hunkeler et al. 2008)
and social life cycle assessment (S-LCA; cf. Benoît and Mazijn 2009) approaches
have been proposed and/or developed.
2 Introduction to Life Cycle Assessment 21

2.2 Overview of LCA

Typically, LCA starts by defining goal and scope, then proceeds to the inventory
analysis, then optionally continues to impact assessment and ends with the
­interpretation. However, as indicated in Fig. 2.1, an LCA study is a highly iterative
process, so that the LCA practitioner may need to go back to goal and scope after
the preliminary inventory work, to move back from impact assessment to inventory
analysis, to have a look at the interpretation in an early stage, etc.
Below, we will discuss the main idea and content of the four phases distinguished
in Fig. 2.1 in separate subsections. All quotations are taken from the ISO docu-
ments, unless otherwise indicated.

2.2.1 Goal and Scope Definition

There is no explicit ISO definition of the first phase of LCA. However, it o­ bviously
centres around formulating the question and stating the context of answering this
question. In the goal and scope definition, no data is collected and no results are
calculated. Rather, it is a place where the plan of the LCA study is defined as
clearly and unambiguously as possible. Likewise, in an LCA report, it should help
the reader to quickly find out the precise question addressed and main principles
The goal of the LCA should deal with the following topics:
• The intended application
• The reasons for carrying out the study
• The intended audience
• Whether the results are to be used in comparative assertions disclosed to the
The choices made here have an influence on the rest of the LCA procedure. For
instance, depending on the intended audience, a critical review may be needed, and
it may be important that an external expert takes this task.
In the scope definition, a number of major choices are made. First of all, the
product system or systems to be studied and the function the system delivers (or in
case of a comparative LCA, the functions the systems deliver). For instance, one
might be interested in the product systems’ incandescent light bulb versus the LED
bulb, with the function of lighting a room.
An important aspect of the scope definition is the functional unit. It is obviously
pointless to compare an incandescent bulb with a LED bulb: the life spans and per-
formances differ considerably, and the function is not having a light bulb but having
light of a certain quality. The functional unit expresses the function of the products
and thereby offers a way to equalize differences in performance. A functional unit
for analysing lighting systems could thus better be phrased in terms of the function,
22 J. Guinée and R. Heijungs

for instance “lighting a standard room of 15 m2 with 1000 lm for 1 h”. As LCA
employs mathematically a linear calculation rule, the results will scale by choosing
a numerically different functional unit (say, “lighting a standard room of 20 m2 with
800 lm for 3 h”), but the alternatives considered will scale up or down consistently,
so this will not affect the conclusions. A consequence is, however, that LCA cannot
tell if a product is “sustainable” or “environmentally friendly”; LCA can only indi-
cate if product X is “more sustainable” or “more environmentally friendly” than
product Y or that the use phase is the “least sustainable” or “least environmentally
friendly” part of the life cycle for product Z.
The scope definition further sets the main outline on a number of subjects that are
discussed and further refined in more detail in the later phases. These include,
amongst others:
• System boundaries
• Impact categories
• Treatment of uncertainty
The ISO standard and some other texts at places suggest that these topics are
implemented in detail in the scope definition. This is wrong: the goal and scope defi-
nition is not concerned with collecting data or calculating results, so no concrete
details on such topics can be specified at this phase.

2.2.2 Inventory Analysis

ISO defines inventory analysis (LCI) as the “phase of life cycle assessment involv-
ing the compilation and quantification of inputs and outputs for a product through-
out its life cycle”. It will be clear that quantification is an important aspect here, and
numbers, in terms of data and calculations, are of central concern in the inventory
The LCI is built up on the basis of the unit process. A unit process is the
“smallest element considered in the life cycle inventory analysis for which input
and output data are quantified”. Examples of unit process are coal mining, steel
production, refining of oil, production of furniture, use of a TV, recycling of
wastepaper and transport by lorry. Each of these processes is described in quanti-
tative terms as having inputs and outputs. As a matter of fact, a unit process is in
LCA considered as a black box that converts a bundle of inputs into a bundle of
outputs. Inputs come in several types: products (including components, materials
and services), waste for treatment and natural resources (including fossils, ores,
biotic resources and land). Outputs come in several types as well: again products
(including components, materials and services), waste for treatment and residuals
to the environment (including pollutants to air, water and soil, waste heat and
noise); see Fig. 2.2.
Unit processes form the building blocks of an LCA. This is because products are
not harmful for the environment as such, except for the processes involved in
2 Introduction to Life Cycle Assessment 23

from other to other

unit processes unit processes

from the to the

environment environment

Fig. 2.2 General template of a unit process. The process (grey rectangle) is considered as a black
box, having inputs (left-hand side) and outputs (right-hand side) from and to other unit process
(top lines) and from and to the environment (bottom lines)

conductor TV
production recycling

electricity use

Fig. 2.3 Fragment of a simplified flow diagram for an LCA on television sets. Because the pur-
pose is to show how unit process are connected, only the flows from and to other unit processes are
displayed, and flows from and to the environment are hidden. All transport, packaging, etc. have
been left out as well

p­ roducts. Producing, using and disposing products create the burden to the environ-
ment. Therefore, these processes assume a central position in LCA.
The essential feature of LCA in which it distinguishes itself from the analysis of
an industrial or agricultural process is that it connects different unit process into a
system. A flow diagram is a graphical representation of the system of connected
unit processes. Figure 2.3 shows a fragment of such a flow diagram.
As we can see, some unit processes are connected with one another in simple
upstream–downstream connections, e.g. TV production is upstream connected to
semiconductor production. But there are also more complicated connections, e.g.
electricity linking to different parts of the system and recycling feeding back to
production. Flow diagrams are in fact huge webs of interconnected unit processes.
In the present era of digital databases, LCA studies can easily comprise several
thousands of unit processes.
LCA is primarily a quantitative model. In the LCI, all unit processes included
have to be quantified. This means that we have to specify the sizes of the inflows
and outflows, per unit process. As an example, let us take the unit process of alu-
minium production.
24 J. Guinée and R. Heijungs

Table 2.2 Example of a unit process specification

Type of flow Name Amount Unit
Inputs from other unit processes Aluminium oxide 2 kg
Inputs from other unit processes Electricity 20 kWh
Outputs to other unit processes Aluminium 1 kg
Outputs to the environment CO2 0.2 kg

An aluminium plant may specify their technology in terms of inputs and outputs
by stating input requirements (e.g. 2 kg aluminium oxide and 20 kWh electricity per
kg produced aluminium) and emissions (e.g. 200 g CO2 per kg produced ­aluminium).
We must translate this into our template for unit processes; see Table 2.2.
For each of the unit processes included, quantitative data should be collected.
Moreover, in order to be able to process the data and perform the calculations auto-
matically, a clear and unambiguous representation is needed. This implies, amongst
others, harmonization of nomenclature (e.g. not using “carbon dioxide” for one unit
process and “CO2” for another one) and harmonization of units (e.g. not mixing up
kg and lbs).
In Table 2.2, the unit process data is given per unit of output, here per kg of alu-
minium. In an LCA, we must next find out how much we need. For instance, the
product may need 3 kg of aluminium, not 1 kg. The basic assumption of the LCA
model is that technologies are linear. This means that we can scale the data of a unit
process by a simple multiplication. In the example, 3 kg of aluminium would require
6 kg of aluminium oxide and 60 kWh of electricity, while it would release 600 g of
CO2. The assumption of linear technology is an important restriction of LCA; yet it
is an important step in making the calculation and data collection feasible.
In scaling the unit processes, the web-like nature of the system quickly creates
complications, as everything depends upon everything. The calculation of the scal-
ing factors, and with that of the emissions to and extraction from the environment,
is greatly simplified by considering the problem as a system of linear equations: one
unknown (the scaling factor) for every unit process and one equation (a balance) for
every flow. Thus, solutions may be obtained by matrix algebra. The details of this
are not discussed here; see (Heijungs and Suh 2002) for a detailed exposition.
The approach mentioned above may fail in a number of cases. We mention two
• For some products, upstream production processes or downstream disposal pro-
cess may be difficult to quantify.
• For some unit processes, the balance equations become impossible due to the
fact that these processes produce not just one product but several products.
The first issue can be solved by a procedure known as cut-off, the second one by
Cut-off is a solution to the problem that the system is theoretically infinitely
large. To produce a TV, we need machines, and these machines are produced by
machines, and these machines in turn need machines, etc. But of course we have an
2 Introduction to Life Cycle Assessment 25

intuitive idea that some very distant upstream processes will be quite unimportant.
This means that we will cut off certain inputs: although we know that something is
needed, and we sometimes even know how much is needed, we do not go into the
trouble of specifying how these inputs are produced. It turns out to be difficult to
specify reliable criteria when cut-off is allowed or to estimate how large the error is
when a cut-off is made. Criteria on the basis of negligible contribution to mass or
cost (e.g. smaller than 1 %) often work pretty well but occasionally have been
shown to yield large errors. Alternatively, estimates of missing parts by means of
similar processes (e.g. estimating production of a freezer by production of a fridge)
or by economic input–output tables may be helpful. Another approach is to do a
difference analysis: in comparing a CRT and an LCD TV, we may leave out the
broadcasting processes.
The second problem has given rise to one of the biggest controversies in LCA
theory. The problem can be stated simply: if a transportation process needs gaso-
line, the upstream unit process is a refinery that produced not only gasoline but also
diesel, kerosene, heavy oils and some more. The direct impacts (from pollutants like
CO2), but also the flows to and from other processes that may lead to impacts (e.g.
from oil drilling), may be argued not to be attributed to gasoline only but in need to
be distributed over gasoline, diesel and all other coproducts. This is hardly ­contested,
but the debate focuses on how to do this. To make it more concrete: how much of
the CO2 from a refinery is allocated to the gasoline? Different schools have provided
different arguments, and none of these have been completely compelling so far.
Some solutions lead to strange results, other solutions may be very difficult to carry
out (e.g. for lack of data or appropriate software), and still others are rejected by a
large number experts. To complicate the issue, the problem does not only occur in
unit processes that produce several coproducts but also in unit processes that treat
more than one type of waste or that recycle a waste into a good. It is even not agreed
if the multi-output case, the multi-input case and the recycling case must be treated
in the same way or not.
Within ISO, a preference order for solving the multifunctionality problem has
been designed. It distinguishes several solutions (dividing the unit process into two
or more subprocesses, expanding the system to include the additional functions,
partitioning on the basis of a physical parameter, partitioning on the basis of an
economic parameter) separated by clauses like “wherever possible” and
“where … cannot be established”. This stepwise procedure is a clear comprise, and
in practice it leaves so much freedom that LCA studies that are according to the ISO
standard can give conflicting results. One peculiarity deserves to be mentioned:
besides the ISO-based “expanding the system to include the additional functions”,
we often see a method that is best described as “subtracting the avoided impacts
from additional functions” but that is more commonly known as the substitution
method or the avoided burdens method. For instance, when a waste treatment activ-
ity co-produces electricity, the emissions from the regular way of producing the
same amount of electricity are subtracted. This method has similarities with that of
system expansion, but of course it is not identical. Many LCA studies employing
the substitution method claim to be ISO compliant, even though strictly speaking
26 J. Guinée and R. Heijungs

ISO 14044 does not mention this method, let alone recommend it. That does not
necessarily mean that these studies are incorrect, of course. Compliance with ISO is
not a sufficient quality guarantee but also not a necessary one.
After appropriate cut-off and allocation steps, the final inventory results can be
calculated. Typically, this is a table with the quantified inputs from and outputs to
the environment, for each of the alternative systems considered, expressed in rela-
tion to the functional unit. With the present-day software and databases, this inven-
tory table may be 1000 lines long or more. It contains not only the familiar pollutants
and resources, such as CO2, NOx and crude oil, but also more exotic items, such as
1-pentanol, cyprodinil and dolomite. Typically, these so-called elementary flows
are aggregated over the entire system, so that the CO2 number is the life cycle emis-
sion of CO2.

2.2.3 Impact Assessment

Life cycle impact assessment (LCIA), or impact assessment in short, is the “phase
of life cycle assessment aimed at understanding and evaluating the magnitude and
significance of the potential environmental impacts for a product system throughout
the life cycle of the product”. Its motivation comes from two observations:
• The final result of the inventory analysis, the inventory table, is too long (e.g.
1000 different items) to handle.
• The inventory table contains many items that require expert knowledge (such as
2-methyl-2-butene) to understand in terms of importance.
Impact assessment, and in particular the characterization step, solves both issues:
it “involves the conversion of LCI results to common units and the aggregation of
the converted results within the same impact category”.
While the unit process is the central element of the inventory analysis, the central
element in impact assessment is the impact category. ISO defines it as a “class rep-
resenting environmental issues of concern to which life cycle inventory analysis
results may be assigned”. Perhaps more helpful are some examples: climate change,
toxicity and depletion of fossil energy carriers.
As climate change (often used interchangeable with global warming) is a
­well-­known issue, we will illustrate the main ideas of impact assessment with this
case. The inventory table contains a number of greenhouse gases: CO2, CH4, N2O,
etc. These are known to contribute all to the phenomenon of climate change. Climate
change involves long sequence of causal mechanisms: emissions of greenhouse
gases lead to changes in the composition of the atmosphere, which lead to a change
in the radiation balance, which in turn leads to a change in the temperature distribu-
tion, which leads to changes in climate, which leads to changes in ecosystems and
human activities, etc. The further we proceed in this causal chain, the more uncer-
tain and speculative our knowledge becomes. While quite some scientific evidence
is available with respect to the composition of the atmosphere, the impacts on
2 Introduction to Life Cycle Assessment 27

b­ iodiversity are debated. Many of these later impacts are even conditional on our
future activities, including future emission scenarios and mitigating actions. To be
able to quantitatively model the emissions of different greenhouse gases into an
impact indicator for climate change, we must do several things.
First, we must choose a certain point in the causal mechanism. This can be at the
front end (change in radiation balance), at the back end (change of biodiversity) or
somewhere in between (change in temperature). In LCA, two main schools have
• Those that focus on the front end, the so-called midpoint approach.
• Those that focus on the back end, the so-called end-point approach.
The midpoint approach has the advantage that it includes fewer debatable
assumptions and less-established facts; the end-point approach has the advantage
that it provides more intuitive metrics (like loss of life years instead of kg CO2
equivalent). Regardless of the choice between midpoint and end point, the indicator
chosen is referred to as the impact category indicator or category indicator in short.
Second, a way must be found to convert the emission data into the chosen impact
indicator. Scientists in chemistry, meteorology, ecology, etc. have developed model
fragments to estimate the atmospheric lifetimes of greenhouse gases, their effect on
the radiation balance and the formation of clouds, the effects of temperature on the
distribution of species, etc. These fragments have been combined by workgroups
from the UN-based Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) into quanti-
tative models of the impacts of greenhouse gas emissions. Part of this are the global
warming potentials (GWPs), which are quantitative measures of the strength of differ-
ent greenhouse gases. Many midpoint LCIA methods apply GWPs for climate change.
We will illustrate their usage below. For now, it suffices to mention that GWPs pro-
vide one example of a set of characterization factors and that the IPCC model from
which they are derived is an example of a characterization model. Note, by the way,
that IPCC has not developed this model as a characterization model for LCIA but that
the LCA community has adopted this model as such and its derived GWPs as charac-
terization factors. Also note that the characterization model itself is not used by LCA
practitioners; only the characterization factors that have been derived from it as a one-
time exercise are used. Characterization factors are often tabulated in LCA guide-
books and are implemented in many LCA software packages, while the characterization
models often require supercomputers and expert knowledge.
In fact, there is one element before one can select a category indicator and a
characterization model with associated characterization factors. It is the selection of
impact categories to be addressed. Some LCA studies concentrate on just one
impact category. For instance, the carbon footprint (of a product, not of a company
or country) is a form of LCA that addresses just climate change at the midpoint level
through GWPs. (Some chapters in this book go into more depth on a single impact
category: see Chap. 3 by Boukherroub et al. (2017) for more on carbon footprinting,
Chap. 4 by Hoekstra (2017) for more on water footprinting and Chap. 5 by Blass
et al. (2017) for more on depletion of material resources.) At the other extreme,
some LCA studies incorporate 15 or more impact categories. For consistency
28 J. Guinée and R. Heijungs

Table 2.3 Overview of widely used impact categories with examples of category indicators at
midpoint and end-point levels
End-point category
Impact category Midpoint category indicator indicator
Climate change Infrared radiative forcing Loss of life years,
fraction of
disappeared species
Ozone layer depletion Change in tropospheric ozone Loss of life years
Acidification H+ concentration Fraction of
disappeared species
Eutrophication Biomass potential Fraction of
disappeared species
Human toxicity (sometimes split into Time-integrated exposure, Loss of life years
carcinogens, noncarcinogens, corrected for hazard
respiratory effects, etc.)
Ecotoxicity (sometimes split into Time-integrated exposure, Fraction of
aquatic toxicity, terrestrial toxicity, corrected for hazard disappeared species
marine toxicity, etc.)
Depletion of energy carriers Primary energy requirement Decreased availability
Depletion of material resources Amount of material used, Decreased availability
corrected for availability and/
or importance
Land use impacts Amount of land occupied or Fraction of
transformed disappeared species
Water use impacts Amount of water used or Decreased availability

r­ easons, the choice of impact categories is often made on the basis of a ­recommended
impact assessment guidebook or its implementation in software. Thus, in practice
one often sees LCA studies reporting the use of “IMPACT2002+”, “TRACI”,
“CML-IA”, “ReCiPe”, “ILCD”, etc. All these methods comprise a recommended
set of impact categories with a category indicator and set of characterization factors.
ISO does not specify any choice in these matters. Table 2.3 gives an overview of
some often-used impact categories and category indicators. We see that the column
with end-point indicators contains many times the same term (e.g. “loss of life
years”). This suggests that impact categories can be aggregated into fewer end-point
indicators than midpoint indicators.
As a concrete example of how characterization works, let us study a fragment of a
hypothetical inventory table, containing the following information: emission of CO2
100 kg, emission of CH4 1 kg and emission of SO2 1 kg. Characterizing greenhouse
gases with GWPs requires a table with GWPs. In such a table, one can find that the
GWP of CO2 is 1 (by definition) and that the GWP of CH4 is 25 (kg CO2 equivalent/
kg CH4). SO2 has no GWP; it is assumed not to contribute to climate change.
Characterization now proceeds in the case of climate change by calculating
2 Introduction to Life Cycle Assessment 29

1 ´ 100 + 25 ´ 10 = 350 kg CO2 equivalent

For the more general case, this can be written as

GW = ∑GWPs × ms

where GW is the global warming score, s the substance (the different greenhouse
gases), GWPs the GWP of substance s and ms the emitted amount of substance
s in kg. This may be further generalized as

I c = ∑CFc , s × ms

where c codes for the impact category, Ic represents the indicator result for category
c and CFc,s is the characterization that links substance s to impact category c. This
formula is the operational formula for characterization. With a table of characteriza-
tion factors specified, it makes clear:
• That LCIA builds on the results of LCI (as is clear from the term ms)
• That characterization converts the results of LCI into a common metric (as is
clear from the multiplication by CF)
• That characterization aggregates the converted LCI results (as is clear from the
summation symbol)
The results from characterization are a list of numbers, for instance, a score for
climate change, a score for toxicity, etc. ISO refers to such numbers as “category
indicator results”, but most LCA practitioners prefer names like “score”, sometimes
expanded with the name of the impact (like in “toxicity score”). The complete list is
known by names like “LCIA profile”, “characterization table”, etc.
An optional next step is normalization referring to calculating “the magnitude of
the category indicator results relative to some reference information”. It is an optional
step for ISO, and indeed, many LCIA studies stop at the characterization. The refer-
ence information is in most cases that total impact in a certain region in a certain time
period, e.g. in the country of decision in 1 year. Normalization is done “to understand
better the relative magnitude for each indicator result”. Without normalization, the
indicator results are in quite different units, e.g. kg CO2 equivalent for climate change
and MJ primary energy for fossil energy depletion. To put these results in perspec-
tive, the normalization expresses them as a share of the total impact size in the region.
Arbitrary differences due to a choice of units disappear, and it becomes clear to
which impact category a product contributes relatively much. The units of the nor-
malize indicator results are equal; nevertheless such numbers cannot meaningfully
be added because the severity of the different impact categories has not yet been
accounted for. This can be done in the weighting step; see below. Normalization
fulfils several functions: it provides insight into the meaning of the impact indicator
results, it helps to check for errors, and it prepares for a possible weighting step.
30 J. Guinée and R. Heijungs

Weighting is a final step of the impact assessment phase. Weighting, like charac-
terization, converts and aggregates, but while characterization does so for the LCI
results, weighting starts with the characterization (or normalization) results.
Typically, weighting factors are applied, either to the characterization indicator
results or to their normalized version. The weighting factors themselves are sup-
posed to reflect value judgements, such as social and political priorities. Weighting
typically produces one final number, by means of

W = ∑WFc × I c

where Ic again symbolizes the impact score (or normalized impact score) for impact
category c, WFc the weighting factor for this impact category and W the weighted
result. Well-known examples of such weighted results are the eco-indicator and the
ELU (environmental load unit).

2.2.4 Interpretation

ISO defines the interpretation as the “phase of life cycle assessment in which the
findings of either the inventory analysis or the impact assessment, or both, are eval-
uated in relation to the defined goal and scope in order to reach conclusions and
recommendations”. Several elements are mentioned by ISO:
• Identification of significant issues
• An evaluation that considers completeness, sensitivity and consistency checks
• Conclusions, limitations and recommendations
• Appropriateness of the definitions of the system functions, the functional unit
and system boundary
• Limitations identified by the data quality assessment and the sensitivity
The text of ISO on interpretation is very concise, and no details are given on
procedures and techniques to be employed. The same applies to most guidebooks
on LCA. They mention carrying out an uncertainty analysis but give no clear guid-
ance on how this should be done.
In another context, we have introduced the distinction between procedural and
numerical approaches (Heijungs and Kleijn 2001):
• Procedural approaches include all types of analyses that deal with the data and
results in relation to other sources of information, like expert judgements, reports
on similar products, intuition, reputation of data suppliers and so on.
• Numerical approaches include those approaches that somehow deal with the data
that is used during the calculations, without reference to those other sources of
information, but as algorithms that use and process the data in different ways, so
2 Introduction to Life Cycle Assessment 31

as to produce different types of “smart” data reduction that provide an indication

of reliability, key issues, discernibility, robustness and so on.
This distinction helps to understand some important roles of interpretation. On
the one hand, it is about comparing the data and results with previous findings and to
put the results in the context of decision-making and limitations. On the other hand,
it is devoted to a systematic analysis with the help of statistical and other decision-
analytic techniques. The latter type may be incorporated in software, and indeed, an
increasing number of software packages contain options for running Monte Carlo
analysis, doing sensitivity analysis, carrying out statistical significance tests, etc. For
instance, in the CMLCA software, we have implemented, amongst others:
• Contribution analysis
• Comparative analysis
• Uncertainty analysis
• Perturbation analysis
• Key issue analysis
• Discernibility analysis
The iterative nature of the ISO framework (Fig. 2.1) shows up in this context.
Whenever the uncertainties are too high, we may go back to collect better data.
Whenever sensitivity analysis shows that some decisions are crucial, we may go
back and do a more refined analysis. In this way, the interpretation helps to prepare
for a balanced decision but also helps to improve the LCA.
The development of methods in this area is booming (see Henriksson et al. 2013;
Henriksson et al. 2015), but current practice is quite meagre, unfortunately. We still
see many LCA studies without uncertainty or sensitivity analysis, even though
methods and software increasingly facilitate this. There is of course a psychological
argument that a contractor pays for finding out something, not for increasing the
doubt. And as many LCA practitioners spend several months on collecting data, it
is never a nice thing to waste this effort in a last-minute uncertainty analysis. But
decision-making obviously means also taking into account the limits of knowledge.
Moreover, as discussed before, a proper analysis of uncertainties and sensitivities
helps to prioritize the steps earlier on in the framework: collecting data, setting
boundaries and making choices.

2.2.5 LCA in Practice

In the text above, the emphasis has been on the generally accepted practice. This is
a mix of the ISO standards and a not precisely defined set of guidebooks (e.g. Wenzel
et al. 1997; Guinée et al. 2002; Baumann and Tillman 2004; ILCD 2010; Curran
2012; Klöpffer and Grahl 2014). All these texts interpret, add, refine or modify the
ISO standards. As has been indicated at a few places, the practice in LCA is
­sometimes different from what the ISO standards prescribe. There are d­ ifferences in
32 J. Guinée and R. Heijungs

terminology (e.g. one seldom sees the term intermediate products), in method
(cf. the frequent use of the substitution method), in quality control (judged by
­frequent absence of uncertainty analyses), etc.
There are also de facto additional standards, dictated by the use of software (for
an overview, see and
databases (for an overview, see
databaseList.vm). Many software packages for LCA have built-in options for
impact assessment and uncertainty analysis, but nearly always in a restricted form,
allowing some variants and prohibiting other variants. LCI databases are often con-
structed with predefined allocation methods and cut-off rules, so the user cannot
choose otherwise and cannot carry out sensitivity analyses.

2.3 Examples of LCA Applications

LCA has been applied to a wide range of products and services. Until the late 1990s,
bibliographies of LCA case studies performed were kept up to date (Grotz and
Rubik 1997) on a continuous basis. Using Internet search machines results in a list
of hundreds of LCA case studies documented in scientific papers or reports. Even
more studies have been made for company-internal purposes, without publication in
the scientific literature or on the web. LCA has been applied to simple products as
shopping bags and packaging to more complex products such as mobile phones,
PCs, cars and buildings. Studies may involve both an environmental comparison
between existing products but also the development of new products (ecodesign).
LCA has also been applied to services such as LCAs on hazardous waste site
cleanup options, on waste management strategies and on different modes of freight
transport (road, rail, water). As in the case of product LCAs, it is the function pro-
vided which is the core object of these service LCAs, but in this case the function is
cleaning up a hazardous waste site, waste management or freight transport.
The results of these case studies were often in line with general expectations, but
there were also numerous counter-intuitive results. We randomly provide a selec-
tion of examples of the latter below.
Fargione et al. (2008) stirred the biofuel debate by introducing the concept of
“biofuel carbon debt”. The increasing demand for biofuels was initially increasing
the production of biofuels from food crops such as corn, sugarcane, soybeans and
palms. As a result, land in undisturbed ecosystems, especially in the Americas and
Southeast Asia, was being converted to biofuel production as well as to crop pro-
duction (indirect land use change) when existing agricultural land was diverted to
biofuel production (direct land use change). This land clearing releases huge
amounts of CO2 as a result of burning or microbial decomposition of organic carbon
stored in plant biomass and soils over a long time. Fargione et al. (2008) called the
amount of CO2 released during the first 50 years of this process the “carbon debt”
of land conversion. Over time, biofuels can afterwards repay this carbon debt if
their production and combustion have less net GHG emissions compared to the life
2 Introduction to Life Cycle Assessment 33

cycle emissions of the fossil fuels they displace. Their conclusion was that “con-
verting rainforests, peatlands, savannas, or grasslands to produce food crop–based
biofuels in Brazil, Southeast Asia, and the United States creates a ‘biofuel carbon
debt’ by releasing 17–420 times more CO2 than the annual greenhouse gas (GHG)
reductions that these biofuels would provide by displacing fossil fuels. In contrast,
biofuels made from waste biomass or from biomass grown on degraded and aban-
doned agricultural lands planted with perennials incur little or no carbon debt and
can offer immediate and sustained GHG advantages”. As policies throughout the
world were increasingly promoting biofuels, this publication significantly influ-
enced reconsidering these policies.
Bovea et al. (2010) compared the environmental life cycle performance of differ-
ent alternatives for the management of municipal solid. They analysed and evalu-
ated 24 different waste management scenarios. They concluded that “fuel consumed
during the collection, transport and waste sorting stages makes a contribution to the
impact in all the categories that were analyzed, since there is not any avoided envi-
ronmental burden attributable to those processes”. Moreover they conclude that
“recycling allows the pollution burden to be avoided for all impact categories, since
it avoids the consumption of virgin material according to the substitution rate of 1:1;
the contribution made by landfilling depends on whether it is carried out with or
without energy recovery […]”. This study shows the dependency of results of meth-
odological choices such as the choice of allocation approach, which is particularly
a problem in waste management studies (see also Ekvall et al. 2007).
Hawkins et al. (2012) developed a very comprehensive and transparent LCA
study comparing the life cycle environmental performance of conventional and
electric vehicles. They found that “EVs powered by the present European electricity
mix offer a 10–24 % decrease in global warming results relative to conventional
diesel or gasoline vehicles assuming lifetimes of 150,000 km. However, EVs exhibit
the potential for significant increases in human toxicity, freshwater eco-toxicity,
freshwater eutrophication, and metal depletion impacts, largely emanating from the
vehicle supply chain. Results are sensitive to assumptions regarding electricity
source, use phase energy consumption, vehicle lifetime, and battery replacement
schedules”. For EVs production impacts thus become more important, while for
conventional cars the use phase is by far the most important phase. The environ-
mental performance of the EV can be improved by extending the lifetime of the EV,
reducing the impacts of the EV production supply chain and by wider adoption of
cleaner electricity sources.
Gregory et al. (2013) evaluated and compared the environmental impact (focus-
ing on climate change) of five hand-drying systems: hands-under dryers, high-speed
hands-under dryers, high-speed hands-in dryers, cotton roll towels and paper tow-
els. They also developed a method for incorporating uncertainty in the comparison
of these hand-drying systems to understand the statistical robustness of the differ-
ence between the environmental impacts of the five hand-drying systems. They
conclude “with a high degree of confidence that the high-speed dryers have a lower
impact than paper towels and cotton roll towels”.
34 J. Guinée and R. Heijungs

van der Giesen et al. (2014) recently published an LCA study focusing on global
warming impacts on a subject that receives increasing interest as part of the discus-
sion on the transition towards renewable energy sources: using CO2 as a resource to
produce sustainable liquid hydrocarbon fuels. Producing these fuels by only using
solar energy labels them as solar fuels. Today, new technologies for energy produc-
tion are often claimed to be “sustainable” before they have been developed properly
and/or subjected to any kind of sustainability assessment. Therefore, van der Giesen
et al. (2014) performed a quantitative LCA “to investigate some of the claims made
in this discussion”. They concluded “that producing liquid hydrocarbon fuels
­starting from CO2 by using existing technologies requires much more energy than
existing fuels. An improvement in life cycle CO2 emissions is only found when
solar energy and atmospheric CO2 are used. Producing fuels from CO2 is a very
long-­term niche at best, not the panacea suggested in the recent public discourse”.

2.4 Developments in and Challenges to LCA

LCA is an active research area in terms of methodology as well as in practical

aspects. Methodology developers are working hard on further improving different
parts of the LCA method while also putting efforts in keeping the methods practi-
cally feasible. We here briefly discuss a subjective selection of ongoing develop-
ments and challenges that LCA is facing:
1. Development of consequential LCA
2. Broadening LCA to LCSA
3. Dealing with uncertainty in LCA
4. Streamlining LCA and LCA for ecodesign
5. Standardization of LCA methods beyond ISO

2.4.1 Development of Consequential LCA

Since the beginning of the present century, consequential LCA has significantly
grown in terms of the number of case study applications (Zamagni et al. 2012; Guinée
and Heijungs 2011). Consequential LCA is a modelling approach that aims to
describe the consequences of a decision and often models various scenarios to exam-
ine possible consequences. Consequential LCAs include unit processes in the prod-
uct system to the extent that they are expected to change as a consequence of a change
in the demand for the product (Weidema et al. 2009). Attributional—as opposed to
consequential—LCA aims to describe the environmentally relevant physical flows to
and from a life cycle and its subsystems as they are, were or are expected to be.
According to Schmidt (2010) and Weidema (2003), the core differences between
CLCA and attributional LCA (ALCA) are that (1) consequential LCA includes the
2 Introduction to Life Cycle Assessment 35

suppliers actually affected by a change in demand instead of averages as in ALCA

and (2) co-product allocation is avoided by system expansion instead of applying
allocation factors. This change is modelled not over time but as a comparison of the
situation with and without a specific demand; various product-­related future scenar-
ios are actually modelled. Future scenarios imply forecasting of future technologies,
affluence and consumer behaviour and thus include large uncertainties, which
increase as the term of the forecast becomes longer and the scope of the change
becomes larger. Such uncertainties are inherent in modelling the future and thus also
apply to an ALCA of a future system (Guinée and Heijungs 2011). However, due to
the higher ambition of modelling how the world will look like, consequential LCA
studies may have much bigger challenges in terms of data demand and models.
The modelling principles of ALCA and CLCA are the same; what distinguishes
the two modes of LCA is the choice of the processes to be included in the system
(Zamagni et al. 2012). Although the differences seem small, the application of the
two modes to one case study (which can actually not be done, because they basi-
cally address different questions) may give significantly different results, not only
between CLCA and ALCA but also between different (scenario) assumptions
within CLCA (see Schmidt 2010). Bearing in mind that ALCA and CLCA can
result in potentially significant differences, Plevin et al. (2014a) recently argued
that “using ALCA to estimate climate-change mitigation benefits misleads policy-­
makers” basically claiming that CLCA is conceptually superior to ALCA for sup-
porting robust decision-making. Plevin et al. received a lot of criticism (Anex and
Lifset 2014; Brandão et al. 2014; Dale and Kim 2014; Hertwich 2014; Plevin et al.
2014b; Suh and Yang 2014; Plevin et al. 2014c), but the debate has not been
cleared yet, if ever.

2.4.2 Broadening LCA to Life Cycle Sustainability Assessment

As disclosed in Sect. 2.1.2, environmental life cycle assessment (LCA) has devel-
oped fast over the last three decades. LCA developed from merely energy analysis
to a comprehensive environmental burden analysis in the 1970s; full-fledged life
cycle impact assessment and life cycle costing (LCC) models were introduced in the
1980s and 1990s, and—amongst many other things—social LCA (S-LCA) and par-
ticularly consequential LCA gained ground in the first decade of the twenty-first
century. With these latter developments, LCA broadened itself from a merely envi-
ronmental LCA into a more comprehensive life cycle sustainability analysis
(LCSA). Based on definitions by Klöpffer and Renner (2007; see also Klöpffer
2008) and Guinée et al. (2011), we can distinguish three dimensions along which
LCSA expanded or may expand when compared to environmental LCA:
1. Broadening the scope of current LCA from mainly environmental impacts only
to covering all three dimensions of sustainability (people, planet and prosperity):
36 J. Guinée and R. Heijungs

2. Broadening the scope from predominantly product-related questions (product

level) to questions related to sector (sector level) or even economy-wide levels
(economy level).
3. Deepening current LCA methods to also include other than just technological
relations, e.g. physical relations (including limitations in available resources and
land), economic and behavioural relations (including rebound effects), etc.
LCSA is still a rather new area of research and needs a lot of further research,
particularly in designing practical methods. Nevertheless, several articles on LCSA
have already been published in international journals, professional sections have been
established such as the ISIE-LCSA section (,
and LCSA has become a subject area in, for example, the International Journal of

2.4.3 Dealing with Uncertainty in LCA

A huge challenge for environmental LCA, and even huger for LCSA and CLCA, is
how to deal with the many uncertainties related to LCA and LCA results. Until
today, this issue was largely underexposed by methodology developers, practitio-
ners, databases and software.
LCA is an integral method, bringing together data on many processes, data and
models on impacts, assumptions on functional unit, system boundaries, allocation,
etc. All of these data and (impact) models already bring many uncertainties with
them, and in LCA we lump these uncertainties. LCA practitioners are usually already
happy when they get the main part of the data they need. Getting a grip on the uncer-
tainties related to these data and to the models they apply is generally a bridge too
far, let alone to also quantify the influence on the results of different methodological
choices and different assumptions. However, work on this is progressing as shown
above in the chapter on Interpretation. Recently, Henriksson et al. (2015) even
showed that statistically testing a hypothesis—requiring a predefined null hypothesis
and quantification of uncertainties—is practically feasible (and, as a matter of fact,
indispensable) for LCA-based product carbon footprints and provides more robust
decision support. Main challenges now are to harmonize methods developed, to con-
sistently elaborate and apply them over all sources of uncertainties throughout the
whole LCA method and to collect the relevant input uncertainty data. Particularly the
latter requires substantial efforts and can only be achieved by reporting LCA data
comprehensively, transparently and in a publicly accessible way.

2.4.4 Simplifying and Streamlining LCA

Improving the LCA method is one thing, but keeping it practically feasible for
users is another. Options for simplifying and streamlining LCA have been reviewed
by Zamagni et al. (2008) and Pesonen and Horn (2013). They distinguished three
2 Introduction to Life Cycle Assessment 37

different types of simplified approaches: qualitative (e.g. qualitative matrices,

checklists, expert panels), semi-quantitative (e.g. partly quantified matrices) and
quantitative (simplified LCA). For all three categories practical methods have been
developed. There is unfortunately no “one size fits all” solution for streamlining
and simplification, and streamlined methods generally don’t produce conclusions
similar to those reached through full LCAs (Hunt et al. 1998). Zamagni et al.
(2008) conclude that “the choice of the most suitable simplified method, or combi-
nation of simplified methods, depends on the type of results users are looking for”.
For a study “aiming at supporting a choice between several alternatives and a study
aimed at identifying critical aspects and suggesting mitigation strategies different
methods may be suitable. In the first case, it is much more important to have quan-
titative data than in the second case. In fact, in the first case the lack of a quantita-
tive dimension would hinder the comparison and make it difficult to differentiate
between products. On the other hand, problems could arise when in quantitative
LCA, aspects that are difficult to quantify are handled qualitatively, because this
qualitative information is often overlooked” (Hoschorner and Finnveden 2003;
Zamagni et al. 2008). For this first type of question, the challenge is to simplified
LCA models based on detailed LCA experiences for specific product (categories).
The EU 5th framework project OMNIITOX developed models calculating charac-
terization factors for assessing the potential toxic impacts of chemicals within the
framework of LCA. The project developed two interrelated models in order to be
able to provide LCA impact assessment characterization factors for toxic releases
for as broad a range of chemicals as possible: (1) a base model representing a state-
of-the-art multimedia model and (2) a simple model derived from the base model
using statistical tools. Most simplified LCA models up till now have been devel-
oped in a rather “isolated” way, independent from detailed LCAs. The experiences
in OMNIITOX (Birkved and Heijungs 2011) and reported by Huijbregts et al.
(2006) seem useful to copy to simplified LCA models based on detailed LCAs for
specific products. However, in some cases simplification may be much simpler
than this. In the 1990s LCAs were performed on light bulbs, and the results were
clearly dominated by the electricity needed for using the bulb. That steered all new
bulb designs later on.
Simplification and streamlining are particularly relevant for ecodesigners.
Ecodesign and LCA have always had a natural connection as they both strive to
improve the environmental performance of product systems. Although the natural
connection between the two seems obvious, there is also a natural tension between
them. Whereas product designers in early stages often only have limited ideas—
and thus data—on the eventual material and chemical composition of the product,
an LCA study needs this information in order to produce useful supporting environ-
mental information for the designer at stake. Designers’ rules of thumb should be
based on LCAs. The recent interest in meta-analysis of LCA (JIE 2012) is an inter-
esting development in that respect. However, rules of thumb always have the danger
of being wrong. In particular, they may turn out to be self-denying in the long run.
For TV sets with a cathode ray tube, energy use was the most successful predictor
38 J. Guinée and R. Heijungs

of overall life cycle impact. With the development of flat screens, the value of this
rule of thumb has decreased dramatically. Now the presence of the rare metals may
be a better predictor.

2.4.5 Standardization of LCA Methods Beyond ISO

As disclosed in Sect. 2.1.2, the past first decade of the twenty-first century showed
­basically divergence in LCA methods again. On top of this LCA started increasingly
supporting policies and (bioenergy) performance-based regulations. For that LCA
results needed to be robust and reliable. Both robustness and reliability can be chal-
lenged. For example, some of these performance-based regulations in the field of bio-
energy adopted ALCA, others consequential LCA and others a hybrid of these
approaches, resulting in different ratings and even altering preference orders for trans-
portation fuels that were the subject of these regulations. In addition, most regulations
lack reporting requirements on the uncertainty of the LCA results and subjective
choices by the LCA practitioner, which can result in LCA results seeming more certain
and scientifically objective than they really are. It became clear that ISO standards were
not sufficient to tackle these problems, and thus product carbon footprint standards
were developed all around the world, and for EU policy applications, the International
Reference Life Cycle Data System (ILCD) Handbook was developed (ILCD 2010).
Standardizing and harmonizing methods for supporting policies and performance-­
based regulations is of utmost importance, but it will remain a challenge to properly
balance this need with the equally justified need of science to progress and improve
itself. It may thus make sense to distinguish between LCAs for science and LCAs for
policy. “Whereas the former aims for completeness, the latter aims for robustness. The
use of LCA in the policy context will benefit largely from the acceptance of this differ-
ence and by drawing up a guideline that is based on the aim of robustness” (Wardenaar
et al. 2012) with an update every now and then to include ­progresses in science, the
balance could be established. Eventually, also here there will be no “one size fits all”
solution, and we will have to accept that different questions require different approaches.
A complication that is getting more and more pervasive is that software and data-
bases de facto dictate the methodology. For instance, if scientists prove that one method
for uncertainty calculations is superior to another but the available software continues
to offer only the inferior method, practice will not change. Similarly, scientists may
develop noise impact methods, but if unit process databases do not offer information on
sound emissions, such developments will remain within the academic domain only.


Anex R, Lifset R (2014) Life cycle assessment—different models for different purposes. J Ind Ecol
Assies JA (1992) Introduction paper to SETAC-Europe workshop on environmental life cycle
analysis of products. In life-cycle assessment, Proceedings of a SETAC-Europe workshop on
2 Introduction to Life Cycle Assessment 39

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