A New Fourier Transform
A New Fourier Transform
A New Fourier Transform
1. Introduction
1542 Jonathan Wang
We define the new Fourier transform FourB in §2 and show that the
“square” Four2B has a simple formula. In §3, we use this formula to prove the
main result that FourB induces an equivalence of bounded derived categories
of monodromic (étale) sheaves. We also discuss the relation between FourB
and Laumon’s homogeneous Fourier transform. In §4, we compare FourB and
the Fourier-Deligne transform in characteristic p > 0. Our study of FourB
reveals several surprising facts about a certain object j ∗ B of the monoidal
category Dctf (Gm ). In §5, we prove the analogous facts about j ∗ B in the
D-module setting by considering the Mellin transform. We use this to show
that FourB agrees with the Fourier transform on monodromic D-modules.
L ∗ K = m! (L K)
L ∗ M = θ(1)! (L M )
B = u∗ R ∈ Dctf (A1 ).
for M ∈ Dcb (V ).
(2.1.1) K∼
= ρ! pr∗1 j ∗ B(−d)[1]
Lemma 2.2. If v, w ∈ V (k̄) are not in the same Gm -orbit, then the stalk
K(v,w) equals 0.
1544 Jonathan Wang
Proof. We can assume S = Spec k̄. Clearly v and w cannot both be zero;
we will assume v = 0. Since v, w are not in the same Gm -orbit, there exists
ξ ∈ V ∨ (k̄) such that w, ξ = 0 and v, ξ =
0. Let v : V ∨ → A1k̄ denote the
evaluation by v map. Split V ∨ as k̄ξ ⊕ Hv where Hv = (k̄v)⊥ . With respect
to this decomposition, v ∗ B ⊗w ∗ B ∼ = B (w |Hv )∗ B. Then by Künneth
Therefore K(v,w) = 0.
J ∗K ∼
= J ∗ ρ! pr∗1 j ∗ B(−d)[1]
ρ∗ J ∗ K ∼
= pr13! ω! ω ∗ pr∗12 (m∗ B ⊗ p∗2 B)[2d]
ρ∗ J ∗ K ∼
= pr13! pr∗12 (m∗ B ⊗ p∗2 B)(1 − d)[2].
pr13 id × h
Gm × V ◦ / Gm
A new Fourier transform 1545
= τ≤0 J∗ J ∗ (K) and ρ! pr∗1 j ∗ B(−d)[1] ∼
= τ≤0 J∗ J ∗ (ρ! pr∗1 j ∗ B(−d)[1]).
0! ρ! pr∗1 j ∗ B ∼
= h! j! j ∗ B(−d)[−2d] ∼
= R(−d)[−2d − 1].
0! K ∼
=π! (pr∗12 μ∗ B ⊗ pr∗23 μ∗ B)[2d]
3. Properties of FourB
(3.2.1) K → pr∨ ∗ ∗
! (pr K ⊗ μ f! BS )[d]
Proof. The proposition follows from (3.2.1) by applying proper base change
to the Cartesian squares
[V ∨ ×S V /Gm ] / A1 V ∨ ×S V / [V ∨ ×S V /Gm ]
V∨ ×S V
/ AS V∨ / V∨
Dcb (V )
ν! / D b ([V /Gm ]) / D b ([(V )∨ /Gm ]) (ν ) / D b (V ∨ )
c c c
Proof. Observe that ν factors into the composition of an open affine chart
V → P(V ) and the open embedding P(V ) = [(V − 0(S))/Gm ] → [V /Gm ].
Similarly, we have a factorization of ν ∨ . The proposition now follows from
[10, Proposition 1.6], since the restriction of the incidence hyperplane in
P((V )∨ ) ×S P(V ) to V ∨ ×S V is μ−1 ({1}).
Proof. Proper base change and projection formula imply that FourV /S,B
sends CV to CV ∨ and vice versa. We also see by proper base change that
p∗ p ! M ∼
= R ∗ M for M ∈ Dcb (V ), where R is the constant sheaf on Gm .
From the exact triangle 1! R(−1)[−2] → R → B we deduce that j ∗ B ∗ M ∼
M (−1)[−1] for M ∈ CV . Therefore Theorem 2.1 implies that
We will show that FourV /S,B also induces an equivalence on the subcategories
of monodromic complexes. We use the notation and results of Appendix A.
Theorem 3.8. (i) The functor FourV /S,B preserves monodromicity, and
the restriction defines an equivalence Dmon (V ) → Dmon
b (V ∨ ).
(ii) For N ∈ Dmon
b (V ∨ ), the pro-object
is essentially constant1 .
(iii) The functor from Dmon (V ∨ ) to Dmon
b (V ) defined by (3.8.1) is quasi-
inverse to FourV /S,B .
I0 ∗ B ∼
= j∗ I 1 (−1)[−1].
I 0 ∗ B → j∗ j ∗ (I 0 ∗ B)
1 b
A pro-object is essentially constant if it is isomorphic to an object of Dmon (V ),
which is considered as a pro-object via the constant embedding.
A new Fourier transform 1549
Proof of Theorem 3.8. One easily sees that FourV /S,B preserves monodromic-
ity. Theorem 2.1 and Lemma A.4 together imply that for M ∈ Dmon b (V ), we
FourV ∨ /S,B ◦ FourV /S,B (M ) ∼
= I 1 ∗ M (−d)[2].
Since I −1 ∗ I 1 ∼
= I 0 (−1)[−2] by Corollary A.9, we deduce that FourV /S,B is
an equivalence, with inverse functor I −1 ∗ FourV ∨ /S,B (d + 2)[2]. Lemmas 3.9
and A.4 imply that for N ∈ Dmon b (V ∨ ), we have isomorphisms
I −1 ∗ FourV ∨ /S,B (N ) ∼
= I −1 ∗ pr! (pr∨,∗ N ⊗ μ∗ j∗ I 1 )[d + 1].
Remark 3.10. Observe that the formula (3.8.1) is very similar to Beilin-
son’s suggested definition of the monodromic Fourier transform in [4].
Proposition 3.11. The object j ∗ B ∈ Dctf (Gm ) satisfies the following prop-
1) j ∗ B is not invertible in the monoidal category Dctf (Gm ).
2) j ∗ B is invertible in the quotient of Dctf (Gm ) by the ideal generated by
the constant sheaf R.
3) There are canonical isomorphisms In0 ∗ j ∗ B ∼
= In1 (−1)[−2] for p n.
ι ∗ j ∗ Lψ ∗ Lψ ∼
= B[−1]
j ! j ∗ Lψ → Lψ ∼
= FourA1 ,Lψ (1! R[−1]) → 0∗ R.
FourV /S,B (M ) ∼
= ι∗ j ∗ Lψ ∗ FourV /S,Lψ (M )[1].
I 0 ∗ Lψ ∼
= j∗ I 0 [−1].
A new Fourier transform 1551
1∗ (In0 ∗ j ∗ Lψ ) ∼
= Γc (Gm , In0 ⊗ j ∗ Lψ )
where we observe that the pullback of In0 under the multiplicative inverse
map Gm → Gm is isomorphic to In0 . Since In0 is tamely ramified at ∞ ∈ P1 (k),
the canonical map
θ(n) × idGm
Gm × Gm × Gm // G × G
m m
pr2 × idGm
idGm × m m
Gm × Gm // G
Proof. Lemma 3.9 and Remark A.3 imply that there exists an isomorphism
I0 ∗ B ∼
= j∗ I 0 [−1]. The latter is also isomorphic to I 0 ∗ Lψ by Lemma 4.4.
One easily sees that the Fourier-Deligne transform preserves monodromicity,
and the isomorphism of restricted functors follows from Lemma A.4.
G = I 0 ∗ j ∗ Lψ (1)[1].
FourV /S,B (M ) ∼
= ι∗ G ∗ FourV /S,Lψ (M )[2].
for M monodromic.
FourV /S,L (M ) = pr∨
∗ (pr M ⊗ μ L)[1 − d].
! !
It is well known [8, Lemme 7.1.4] that this functor can also be described using
the isomorphism between the algebras of polynomial differential operators
DV ∨ → DV defined in local coordinates by
FourV /S,B (M ) = pr∨
∗ (pr M ⊗ μ B)[1 − d].
! !
ι∗ j ∗ L ∗ L ∼
Beilinson observed that B essentially describes the differential equation for a
shift of the Heaviside step function.
1554 Jonathan Wang
M : M(Gm ) → QCoh(A1 )Z
5.5. Monodromization
For any χ ∈ k and n ∈ N, let Aχ,n ⊂ k(s) consist of those rational func-
tions with poles of order ≤ n at χ + Z and no other poles. Define Iχ0,n ∈
M(Gm ) to be the inverse Mellin transform M−1 (Aχ,n /k[s]). The inclusions
Aχ,n → Aχ,n+1 induce morphisms Iχ0,n → Iχ0,n+1 , which form an inductive
system of D-modules. Define
I0 = lim Iχ0,n ∈ M(Gm )
χ∈k/Z n
ε : I 0 → 1[1].
= j! Iχ0,n ∼
Iχ0,n ∗ B ∼ = Iχ0,n ∗ L.
(5.7.1) M(Iχ0,n ) ⊗ B ∼
= M(Iχ0,n ), B := M(j ∗ B),
(5.7.2) M(Iχ0,n ) ⊗E∼
= M(Iχ0,n ), E := M(j ∗ L).
Combining (5.7.3) and Proposition 5.3(3), one gets (5.7.1). Let us con-
struct (5.7.2). We have
E = D/(1 − T −1 s)D.
FourV /S,B ∼
= FourV /S,L
A0 = lim A0n .
p n
Consider T := limpn μn (k̄) the tame fundamental group of Gm,k̄ . For any
γ ∈ T, let γ
denote the corresponding invertible element in A0 (k̄). Pick a
topological generator t ∈ T. Note that t − 1 is not a zero divisor in A0 , so
0 0
A injects to the localization A = (A )t−1 . Define
Ai = (
t − 1)i A0 ⊂ A
for i ∈ Z and set Ain = Ai ⊗A0 A0n for p n. The definition of Ai is indepen-
dent of the choice of t, and Ai is a Gal(k̄/k)-module. Note that A1 is the
kernel of the quotient map A0 → A01 = R.
Remark A.2. The ring A0 (k̄) is isomorphic to the product of the comple-
tions of R[t, t−1 ] at all maximal ideals m such that tn ≡ 1 mod m for some
p n. The maximal ideals m correspond to the eigenvalues of the monodromy
For i ∈ Z and p n, let Ini be the local system on Gm such that the fiber
at 1 ∈ Gm (k) is Ain and the monodromy action of γ ∈ T is multiplication by
. We define I i to be the pro-sheaf
“lim” Ini ,
p n
Remark A.3. After base change from Spec k to Spec k̄, the local systems
In0 and Ini are isomorphic via multiplication by (t − 1)i , and this induces an
isomorphism I 0 ∼ = I i . The isomorphism is not canonical as it depends on the
choice of t.
I0 ∗ M ∼
= M (−1)[−2]
for M ∈ Dmon
b (V ) considered as a constant pro-object.
A new Fourier transform 1559
Proof. Let en : Gm → Gm denote the nth power map. Note that en! R ∼ = In0
for p n. Since M is monodromic, there exists n0 coprime to p such that
θ(n0 )∗ M ∼= pr∗2 M . Then
“lim”(en! R) ∗ M ∼
= “lim ” θ(n)! pr∗2 M ∼
= M (−1)[−2],
←− ←−
where we use the fact that the pro-object “lim” Γc (Gm , R) is essentially
constant and isomorphic to R(−1)[−2] (cf. [13, Lemme 5.2]).
Let Modτ (A0 ) denote the abelian category of sheaves of discrete A0 -modules
on Spec k, where A0 is equipped with the projective limit topology, and let
Sh(Gm ) denote the abelian category of sheaves of R-modules on Gm . We
have a canonical exact functor
on Gm with stalk L. The proposition now follows from the fact that for any
finite abelian group L of order prime to p, one has lim H 0 Γ(Gm , en,∗ e∗n L) ∼
and lim H i Γ(Gm , en,∗ e∗n L) = 0 for i = 0.
Corollary A.7. The restriction of Loc induces an equivalence between
the subcategory of Db Modτ (A0 ) consisting of complexes whose cohomology
sheaves have finite stalks and Dmon (Gm ). Taking hearts with respect to the
standard t-structures of the above triangulated categories, we get an isomor-
phism between the abelian category of sheaves of A0 -modules on Spec k with
finite stalk and the abelian category of monodromic sheaves on Gm .
R A0 ) → D(Gm × Gm ),
Proof. Consider the functor LocGm × Gm : DModτ (A0 ⊗
which is defined similarly to the above functor Loc = LocGm . Applying
LocGm × Gm to the natural map L ⊗R K → L ⊗A0 K, we get a map
I i ∗ Inj ∼
= Ini+j (−1)[−2]
as pro-objects in DModτ (A0 ). Remark A.3 and Lemma A.4 imply that it
suffices to consider the cohomology in degree 0, i.e., we consider the non-
derived tensor product on the LHS. Then H 0 (Aim ⊗A0 Ajn ) ∼ i+j
= An for n | m
by definition. These isomorphisms are evidently compatible with changes in
n, so the rest of the corollary follows.
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