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Modern Physics-2

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® Modern Physics-2



A. Binding energy of nucleus, nuclear fission & fusion
1. In Rutherford’s famous gold foil scattering experiment, he found that most alpha particles would pass
through the foil undeflected. Which one of the following nuclear properties can be inferred from this
(A) The nucleus must have a positive charge
(B) Most of the mass of an atom is in the nucleus

(C) The nucleus contains both protons neutrons
(D) The diameter of the nucleus is small compared to the diameter of the atom
(E) None of these
2. Let u be denote one atomic mass unit. One atom of an element of mass number A has mass exactly
equal to Au
(A) for any value of A
(B) only for A = 1
(C) only for A = 12
(D) for any value of A provided the atom is stable
3. If radius of the 13
Al nucleus is estimated to be 3.6 fermi, then the radius of 125
Te nucleus be nearly-

[AIEEE - 2005]
(A) 6 fermi (B) 8 fermi (C) 4 fermi (D) 5 fermi
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4. The surface area of a nucleus varies with mass number A as
(A) A2/3 (B) A1/3 (C) A (D) None
5. A nucleus disintegrates into two nuclear parts which have their velocities in the ratio 2 : 1 The ratio of
their nuclear sizes will be- [AIEEE - 2004]
(A) 2 : 1
(B) 1 : 31/2
(C) 3 : 1
(D) 1 : 2 1/3

6. The binding energy per nucleon for C is 7.68 MeV and that for C is 7.5 MeV. The energy required
12 13

to remove a neutron from C13 is

(A) 5.34 MeV (B) 5.5 MeV
(C) 9.5 MeV (D) 9.34 MeV

E 77

12 4
7. The following nuclear reaction is an example of 6 C + 2H ® 168O + energy
(A) fission (B) fusion
(C) alpha decay (D) beta decay
8. Fast neutrons may most easily be slowed down by which one of the following methods?
(A) passing them through a substance rich in hydrogen
(B) allowing them to collide elastically with heavy nuclei
(C) using lead shielding
(D) passing them through an increasing potential gradient space

9. A nuclear transformation is denoted by X(n, a) ® 73 Li . Which of the following is the nucleus of

element X ? [AIEEE - 2005]
12 10
(A) 6
C (B) 5
B (C) 95 B (D) 11

10. A certain radioactive nuclide of mass number mx disintegrates, with the emission of an electron and g
radiation only, to give second nuclide of mass number my. Which one of the following equation
correctly relates mx and my?
(A) my = mx + 1 (B) my = mx – 2 (C) my = mx – 1 (D) my = mx
11. If a star converts all of its Helium into oxygen nucleus, find the amount of energy released per
nucleus of oxygen. O = 15.9994 amu and He = 4.0026 amu [JEE' 2005 (Scr)]
(A) 7.26 MeV (B) 7 MeV
(C) 10.24 MeV (D) 5.12 MeV
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Binding energy per nucleon versus mass number curve for nuclei is shown in figure. W, X, Y and Z
are four nuclei indicated on the curve. The process that would release energy is :
Binding eneergy/nucleon

8.5 Y
8.0 X
in MeV

5.0 Z

0 30 60 90 120
Mass number of nuclei

(A) Y ® 2Z (B) W ® X + Z (C) W ® 2Y (D) X ® Y + Z


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® Modern Physics-2

13. An alpha nucleus of energy mv2 bombards a heavy nuclear target of charge Ze. Then the distance
of closest approach for the alpha nucleus will be proportional to- [AIEEE - 2006]
(A) v2 (B) 1/m (C) 1/v4 (D) 1/Ze
14. If the binding energy per nucleon in 73 Li and 24 He nuclei are 5.60 MeV and 7.06 MeV respectively,,

then in the reaction : p + 73 Li ® 2 24 He energy of proton must be- [AIEEE - 2006]

(A) 28.24 MeV (B) 17.28 MeV
(C) 1.46 MeV (D) 39.2 MeV

15. If M0 is the mass of an oxygen isotope 8O , Mp and Mn are the masses of a proton and a neutron,

respectively, the nuclear binding energy of the isotope is- [AIEEE - 2007]
(A) (Mo – 8Mp)c2 (B) (Mo – 8Mp – 9Mn)c2
(C) Moc2 (D) (Mo – 17Mn)c2
16. In the options given below, let E denote the rest mass energy of a nucleus and n a neutron. The correct
option is :- [JEE 2007]

(A) E ( 236
U ) > E ( I) + E ( Y ) + 2E(n)

(B) E ( U) < E ( I ) + E ( Y ) + 2E(n)

236 137 97
92 53 39

(C) E ( U ) < E ( Ba ) + E ( Kr ) + 2E(n)

236 140 94
92 56 36

(D) E ( U) = E ( Ba ) + E ( Kr ) + 2E(n)
236 140 94
92 56 36

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17. When 3Li nuclei are bombarded by protons and the resultant nuclei are 4Be , the emitted particles
7 8

will be- [AIEEE - 2006]

(A) alpha particles (B) beta particles
(C) gamma photons (D) neutrons
18. After absorbing a slowly moving neutron of mass mN (momentum ~0) a nucleus of mass M breaks
into two nuclei of masses m1 and 5m1(6m1 = M + mN), respectively. If the de Broglie wavelength of
the nucleus with mass m1 is l, then de Broglie wavelength of the other nucleus will be:-
[AIEEE - 2011]
(A) 25 l (B) 5l (C) (D) l

E 79

B. a, b , g, decay
19. A nucleus with Z = 92 emits the following in a sequence : a, a, b–, b–, a, a, a, a, b–, b–, a, b+, b+,
a. The Z of the resulting nucleus is- [AIEEE - 2003]
(A) 76 (B) 78 (C) 82 (D) 74
20. In an a-decay the Kinetic energy of a particle is 48 MeV and Q-value of the reaction is 50 MeV.
The mass number of the mother nucleus is: (Assume that daughter nucleus is in ground state)
(A) 96 (B) 100 (C) 104 (D) none of these
21. When U nucleus originally at rest, decays by emitting an alpha particle having a speed u, the recoil

speed of the residual nucleus is- [AIEEE - 2003]

4u 4u 4u 4u
(A) (B) – (C) (D) –
238 234 234 238
22. The nucleus of element X (A = 220) undergoes a-decay. If Q-value of the reaction is 5.5 MeV, then
the kinetic energy of a-particle is : [JEE 2003 (Scr)]
(A) 5.4 MeV (B) 10.8 MeV (C) 2.7 MeV (D) None
23. In the uranium radioactive series the initial nucleus is 92U , and the final nucleus is 82Pb . When
238 206

the uranium nucleus decays to lead, the number of a – particles emitted is.. and the number of b-particles
(A) 6, 8 (B) 8, 6 (C) 16, 6 (D) 32, 12
24. The energy spectrum of b-particles [number N(E) as a function of b-energy E] emitted from a
radioactive source is- [AIEEE - 2006]
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N(E) N(E) N(E) N(E)

(A) (B) (C) (D)
E0 E0 E0 E0

25. In gamma ray emission from a nucleus [AIEEE-2007]
(A) both the neutron number and the proton number change
(B) there is no change in the proton number and the neutron number
(C) only the neutron number changes
(D) only the proton number changes

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® Modern Physics-2
26. Statement-1: A nucleus having energy E1 decays be b– emission to daughter nucleus having energy
E2, but the b – rays are emitted with a continuous energy spectrum having end point energy
Statement-1: To conserve energy and momentum in b-decay at least three particles must take part in
the transformation. [AIEEE - 2011]
(A) Statement-1 is incorrect, statement-2 is correct
(B) Statement-1 is correct, statement-2 is incorrect
(C) Statement-1 is correct, statement-2 correct; statement-2 is the correct explanation of statement-1
(D) Statement-1 is correct, statement-2 is correct; statement -2 is not the correct explanation of statement-1.
27. What is the essential distinction between X-rays and g-rays
(A) g-rays have shorter wavelength than X-rays

(B) g-rays are extraterrestrial, X-rays are man-made
(C) g-rays have less penetrating power than X-rays
(D) g-rays originate from within an atomic nucleus, X-rays from outside an atomic nucleus.
28. The intensity of gamma radiation from a given source is I. On passing through 36 mm of lead, it is
reduced to I/8. The thickness of lead, which will reduce the intensity to I/2 will be- [AIEEE-2005]
(A) 6 mm (B) 9 mm (C) 18 mm (D) 12 mm
C. Radioactivity
29. The half–life of 131I is 8 days. Given a sample of 131I at time t = 0, we can assert that :
(A) no nucleus will decay before t = 4 days
(B) no nucleus will decay before t = 8 days
(C) all nuclei will decay before t = 16 days
(D) a given nucleus may decay at any time after t = 0
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30. Activity of a radioactive substance is R1 at time t 1 and R2 at time t2(t2 > t1). Then the ratio is:

t2 æ t1 - t 2 ö
(A) t (B) e - l ( t1 + t 2 ) (C) e ç ÷ (D) e l ( t1- t 2 )
1 è l ø
31. A particular nucleus in a large population of identical radioactive nuclei did survive 5 half lives of that
isotope. Then the probability that this surviving nucleus will survive the next half life :

1 1 1 1
(A) (B) (C) (D)
32 5 2 10

E 81

32. A certain radio active substance has a half life of 5 years. Thus for a nucleus in a sample of the
element, the probability of decay in ten years is
(A) 50% (B) 75% (C) 100% (D) 60%

33. The activity of a sample reduces from A0 to A0 / 3 in one hour. The activity after 3 hours more will
be :-

A0 A0 A0 A0
(A) (B) (C) (D)
3 3 9 9 3 27


34. Half life of radium is 1620 years. How many radium nuclei decay in 5 hours in 5 gm radium? (Atomic
weight of radium = 223)
(A) 9.1 × 1012 (B) 3.23 × 1015
(C) 1.72 × 1020 (D) 3.3 × 1017
35. The activity of a sample of radioactive material is A1 at time t1 and A2 at time t2 (t2 >t1). Its mean life is

A1 - A 2
(A) A1t1 = A2t2 (B) = constant
t 2 - t1

(C) A2 = A1 e( t 1 - t 2 )/ T (D) A2 = A1 e( t 1 / Tt 2 )


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36. The decay constant of the end product of a radioactive series is
(A) zero (B) infinite
(C) finite (non zero) (D) depends on the end product.
37. A radioactive substance is dissolved in a liquid and the solution is heated. The activity of the solution
(A) is smaller than that of element
(B) is greater than that of element
(C) is equal to that of element
(D) will be smaller or greater depending upon whether the solution is weak or concentrated.

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® Modern Physics-2
38. In a certain nuclear reactor, a radioactive nucleus is being produced at a constant rate = 1000 /s. The
mean life of the radionuclide is 40 minutes. At steady state, the number of radionuclide will be
(A) 4 × 104 (B) 24 × 104 (C) 24 × 105 (D) 24 × 106
39. In the above question, if there were 20 × 105 radionuclide at t = 0, then the graph of N v/s t is

(A) (B) (C) (D)

40. Which of the following cannot be emitted by radioactive substances during their decay ?
[AIEEE - 2003]

(A) Protons (B) Neutrinos
(C) Helium nuclei (D) Electrons
41. A 280 days old radioactive substance shows an activity of 6000 dps, 140 days later it’s activity
becomes 3000dps. What was its initial activity. [JEE 2004 (Scr)]
(A) 20000 dps (B) 24000 dps
(C) 12000 dps (D) 6000 dps
42. The half-life period of a radioactive element X is same as the mean life time of another radioactive
element Y. Initially they have the same number of atoms. Then- [AIEEE - 2007]
(A) X will decay faster than Y
(B) Y will decay faster than X
(C) Y and X have same decay rate initially
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(D) X and Y decay at same rate always

43. Given a sample of Radium-226 having half-life of 4 days. Find the probability, a nucleus disintegrates
within 2 half lives. [JEE 2006]
(A) 1 (B) 1/2 (C) 3/4 (D) 1/4
44. The half life of a radioactive substance is 20 minutes. The approximate time interval (t 2 – t1) between
2 1
the time t 2 when of it has decayed and time t1 when of it had decayed is :- [AIEEE - 2011]
3 3

(A) 20 min (B) 28 min (C) 7 min (D) 14 min


E 83


B. a, b , g, decay
45. Match the following Columns :- [JEE 2006]
Column-I Column-II
(A) Nuclear fusion (P) Converts some matter into energy
(B) Nuclear fission (Q) Generally occurs for nuclei with low atomic number
(C) b–decay (R)Generally occurs for nuclei with higher atomic number
(D) Exothermic nuclear reaction (S) Essentially proceeds by weak nuclear forces

46. Some laws/processes are given in Column I. Match these with the physical phenomena given in
Column II and indicate your answer by darkening appropriate bubbles in the 4 × 4 matrix given in
the ORS. [JEE 2007]
Column-I Column-II
(A) Transition between two atomic energy levels (P) Characteristic X-rays
(B) Electron emission from a material (Q) Photoelectric effect
(C) Mosley’s law (R) Hydrogen spectrum
(D) Change of photon energy into kinetic energy of electrons (S) b-decay

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® Modern Physics-2



A. Binding energy of nucleus, nuclear fission & fusion
1. The binding energies of nuclei X and Y are E1 and E2 respectively. Two atoms of X fuse to give one
atom of Y and an energy Q is released. Then:
(A) Q = 2E1 – E2 (B) Q = E2 – 2E1 (C) Q = 2E1 + E2 (D) Q = 2E2 + E1
2. If each fission in a U nucleus releases 200 MeV, how many fissions must occurs per second to

produce a power of 1 KW
(A) 1.325 × 1013 (B) 3.125 × 1013 (C) 1.235 × 1013 (D) 2.135 × 1013
3. The binding energies of the atom of elements A & B are Ea & Eb respectively. Three atoms of the
element B fuse to give one atom of element A. This fusion process is accompanied by release of
energy e. Then Ea, Eb are related to each other as
(A) Ea+ e = 3Eb (B) Ea = 3Eb (C) Ea – e = 3Eb (D) Ea + 3Eb + e = 0
4. The rest mass of the deuteron, 12 H , is equivalent to an energy of 1876 MeV, the rest mass of a proton
is equivalent to 939 MeV and that of a neutron to 940 MeV. A deuteron may disintegrate to a proton
and a neutron if it :
(A) emits a g - ray photon of energy 2 MeV
(B) captures a g - ray photon of energy 2 MeV
(C) emits a g - ray photon of energy 3 MeV
(D) captures a g - ray photon of energy 3 MeV
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5. In the nuclear fusion reaction,

H + 13 H ® 24 He + n
given that the repulsive potential energy between the two nuclei is 7.7 × 10–14 J, the temperature at
which the gases must be heated to initiate the reaction is nearly [Boltzmann's constant
k = 1.38 × 10–23 J/K]- [AIEEE - 2003]
(A) 10 K
(B) 10 K
(C) 10 K
(D) 10 K

6. The binding energy per nucleon of deuteron (12 H) and helium nucleus (24 He) is 1.1 MeV and 7 MeV
respectively. If two deuteron nuclei react to form a single helium nucleus, then the energy released is-
[AIEEE - 2004]
(A) 13.9 MeV (B) 26.9 MeV (C) 23.6 MeV (D) 19.2 MeV

E 85

C. Radioactivity
7. In a radioactive element the fraction of initial amount remaining after its mean life time is
1 1 1 1
(A) 1 – (B) 2 (C) (D) 1–
e e e e2
8. Two radioactive material A1 and A2 have decay constants of 10 l0 and l0. If initially they have same
number of nuclei, the ratio of number of their undecayed nuclei will be (1/e) after a time
1 1 1
(A) l (B) 9l (C) 10l (D) 1
0 0 0

9. 90% of a radioactive sample is left undecayed after time t has elapsed. What percentage of the initial

sample will decay in a total time 2t:
(A) 20% (B) 19% (C) 40% (D) 38%
10. A radioactive material of half-life T was produced in a nuclear reactor at different instants, the quantity
produced second time was twice of that produced first time. If now their present activities are A1 and
A2 respectively then their age difference equals:

T A1 A1 T A2 A2
(A) ln 2 ln A (B) T ln (C) ln 2 ln (D) T ln
A2 2A1 2A1

11. The half-life of substance X is 45 years, and it decomposes to substance Y. A sample from a meteorite
was taken which contained 2% of X and 14% of Y by quantity of substance. If substance Y is not
normally found on a meteorite, what is the approximate age of the meteorite?
(A) 270 years (B) 135 years (C) 90 years (D) 45 years
12. At time t = 0, N1 nuclei of decay constant l1 & N2 nuclei of decay constant l2 are mixed . The decay
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rate of the mixture is :

-(l1 + l 2 ) t æ N ö -(l -l ) t
(A) N1 N 2 e (B) + çç 1 ÷÷e 1 2
è N2 ø

(C) + N l e - l1 t + N l e - l 2 t
1 1 2 2 ) (D) + N1l1 N2l2 e
-(l1+ l 2 ) t

13. A radioactive nuclide can decay simultaneously by two different processes which have decay constants
l1 and l2. The effective decay constant of the nuclide is l, then :
1 1 1
(A) l = l1 + l2 (B) l = 1/2(l1 + l1) (C) l = l + l (D) l = l1l 2
1 2


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® Modern Physics-2
14. The radioactive nucleus of an element X decays to a stable nucleus of element Y. A graph of the rate
of formation of Y against time would look like

(A) (B) (C) (D)


15. The half life of a neutron is 800 sec. 10 neutrons at a certain instant are projected from one space

station towards another space station, situated 3200 km away, with a velocity 2000 m/s. Their velocity

remains constant during the journey. How many neutrons reach the other station?
(A) 50 × 106 (B) 25 × 106 (C) 80 × 105 (D) 25 × 105
16. A radioactive source in the form of a metal sphere of diameter 3.2 × 10 m emits b-particle at a

constant rate of 6.25 × 1010 particle/sec. The source is electrically insulated and all the b-particle are
emitted from the surface. The potential of the sphere will rise to 1 V in time
(A) 180 m sec (B) 90 m sec (C) 18 m sec (D) 9 m sec


A. Binding energy of nucleus, nuclear fission & fusion

17. When a nucleus with atomic number Z and mass number A undergoes a radioactive decay process:
(A) both Z and A will decrease, if the process is a decay
(B) Z will decrease but A will not change, if the process is b+ decay
(C) Z will decrease but A will not change, if the process is b– decay
(D) Z and A will remain unchanged, if the process is g decay.
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18. When the atomic number A of the nucleus increases
(A) initially the neutron-proton ratio is constant = 1
(B) initially neutron-proton ratio increases and later decreases
(C) initially binding energy per nucleon increases and later decreases
(D) the binding energy per nucleon increases when the neutron-proton ratio increases.
19. Let mp be the mass of a proton, mn the mass of a neutron, M1 the mass of a 10 Ne nucleus and M2 the

mass of a 40 nucleus. Then

20 Ca

(A) M2 = 2M1 (B) M2 > 2M1

(C) M2 < 2M1 (D) M1 < 10(mn + mp)

E 87

20. Which of the following statement(s) is/are correct?

(A) The rest mass of a stable nucleus is less than the sum of the rest masses of its separated nucleons.
(B) The rest mass of a stable nucleus is greater than the sum of the rest masses of its separated
(C) In nuclear fusion, energy is released by fusion of two nuclei of medium mass (approx. 100 amu)
(D) In nuclear fission, energy is released by fragmentation of a very heavy nucleus.
21. The graph shown by the side shows the variation of potential energy f of a proton with its distance ‘r’
from a fixed sodium nucleus, as it approaches the nucleus, placed at origin O. Then the portion.

(A) AB indicates nuclear repulsion (B) AB indicates electrostatic repulsion
(C) BC indicates nuclear attraction (D) BC represents electrostatic interaction
22. Assume that the nuclear binding energy per nucleon (B/A) versus mass number (A) is as shown in
the figure. Use this plot to choose the correct choice(s) given below : [JEE 2008]







100 200 A

(A) Fusion of two nuclei with mass numbers lying in the range of 1 < A < 50 will release energy
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(B) Fusion of two nuclei with mass numbers lying in the range of 51 < A < 100 will release energy
(C) Fission of a nucleus lying in the mass range of 100 < A < 200 will release energy when broken
into two equal fragments
(D) Fission of a nucleus lying in the mass range of 200 < A < 260 will release energy when broken
into two equal fragments
B. a, b , g, decay
23. The instability of the nucleus can be due to various causes. An unstable nucleus emits radiations if
possible to transform into less unstable state. Then the cause and the result can be
(A) a nucleus of excess nucleons is a active
(B) an excited nucleus of excess protons is b– active
(C) an excited nucleus of excess protons is b+ active
(D) an nucleus of excess neutrons is b– active
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® Modern Physics-2
24. In b-decay, the Q-value of the process is E. Then
(A) K.E. of a b-particle cannot exceed E.
(B) K.E. of anti neutrino emitted lies between Zero and E.
(C) N/Z ratio of the nucleus is altered.
(D) Mass number (A) of the nucleus is altered.
25. Consider the following nuclear reactions and select the correct statements from the options that follow.
Reaction I : n ® p + e– + v Reaction II : p ® n + e+ + v
(A) Free neutron is unstable, therefore reaction I is possible
(B) Free proton is stable, therefore reaction II is not possible
(C) Inside a nucleus, both decays (reaction I and II) are possible
(D) Inside a nucleus, reaction I is not possible but reaction II is possible.

26. When the nucleus of an electrically neutral atom undergoes a radioactive decay process, it will remain
neutral after the decay if the process is :
(A) a decay (B) b– decay (C) g decay (D) K-capture
C. Radioactivity
27. The decay constant of a radio active substance is 0.173 (years)–1. Therefore :
(A) Nearly 63% of the radioactive substance will decay in (1/0.173) year.
(B) half life of the radio active substance is (1/0.173) year.
(C) one -forth of the radioactive substance will be left after nearly 8 years.
(D) all the above statements are true.
B. a, b , g, decay
Paragraph for Questions 28 and 29
The b-decay process, discovered around 1900, is basically the decay of a neutron (n). In the laboratory,
a proton (p) and an electron (e–) are observed as the decay products of the neutron. Therefore,
considering the decay of a neutron as a two-body decay process, it was predicted theoretically that the
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kinetic energy of the electron should be a constant. But experimentally, it was observed that the
electron kinetic energy has a continuous spectrum. Considering a three-body decay process, i.e.
n® p + e– + ve , around 1930, Pauli explained the observed electron energy spectrum. Assuming the
anti-neutrino ( ve ) to be massless and possessing negligible energy, and the neutron to be at rest,
momentum and energy conservation principles are applied. From this calculation, the maximum kinetic
energy of the electron is 0.8 × 106 eV. The kinetic energy carried by the proton is only the recoil
28. If the anti-neutrino had a mass of 3 eV/c2 (where c is the speed of light) instead of zero mass, what
should be the range of the kinetic energy, K, of the electron? [JEE 2012]
(A) 0 £ K £ 0.8 ´ 10 6 eV (B) 3.0 eV £ K £ 0.8 ´ 10 6 eV
(C) 3.0 eV £ K < 0.8 ´ 10 6 eV (D) 0 £ K < 0.8 ´ 10 6 eV

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29. What is the maximum energy of the anti-neutrino? [JEE 2012]

(A) zero
(B) much less than 0.8 ×106 eV
(C) Nearly 0.8 × 106 eV
(D) Much larger than 0.8 × 106 eV
A. Binding energy of nucleus, nuclear fission & fusion
30. In the following, column I lists some physical quantities & the column II gives approx. energy values
associated with some of them. Choose the appropriate value of energy from column II for each of the

physical quantities in column I and write the corresponding letter A, B, C etc. against the number (i),
(ii), (iii), etc. of the physical quantity in the answer book. In your answer, the sequence of column I
should be maintained.
Column-I Column-II
(i) Energy of thermal neutrons (A) 0.025 eV
(ii) Energy of X-rays (B) 0.5 eV
(iii) Binding energy per nucleon (C) 3 eV
(iv) Photoelectric threshold of metal (D) 20 eV
(E) 10 keV
(F) 8 MeV

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® Modern Physics-2


A. Binding energy of nucleus, nuclear fission & fusion

1. Suppose that the Sun consists entirely of hydrogen atom and releases the energy by the nuclear reaction,
4 11H ¾® 42 He with 26 MeV of energy released. If the total output power of the Sun is assumed to
remain constant at 3.9 × 1026 W, find the time it will take to burn all the hydrogen. Take the mass of the Sun
as 1.7 × 1030 kg.

2. When two deuterons (1H ) fuse to from a helium nucleus 2He , 23.6 MeV energy is released. Find the
2 4

binding energy of helium if it is 1.1 MeV for each nucleon of deuterium.

3. Highly energetic electrons are bombarded on a target of an element containing 30 neutrons. The ratio of
radii of nucleus to that of helium nucleus is (14)1/3. Find [JEE 2005]
(a) atomic number of the nucleus
(b) the frequency of Ka line of the X-ray produced. (R = 1.1 × 107 m–1 and c = 3 × 108 m/s)
B. a, b , g, decay
4. The kinetic energy of an a - particle which flies out of the nucleus of a Ra226 atom in radioactive disintegration
is 4.78 MeV. Find the total energy evolved during the escape of the a - particle.
C. Radioactivity
5. U238 and U235 occur in nature in an atomic ratio 140 : 1. Assuming that at the time of earth’s formation the
node06\B0BC-BD\Kota\JEE(Advanced)\Enthuse\Phy\Module\5-Mod Phy-1, 2-EM & INS.-Semiconductor-PCS\Eng\2-MP-2\01_Th + Ex.p65

two isotopes were present in equal amounts. Calculate the age of the earth.
(Half life of u238 = 4.5 × 109 yrs & that of U235 = 7.13 × 108 yrs)
6. At t = 0, a sample is placed in a reactor. An unstable nuclide is produced at a constant rate R in the sample
by neutron absorption. This nuclide b— decays with half life t. Find the time required to produce 80% of
the equilibrium quantity of this unstable nuclide.
7. The activity of a freshly prepared radioactive sample is 1010 disintegrations per second, whose mean life is
109 s. The mass of an atom of this radioisotope is 10 –25 kg. The mass (in mg) of the radioactive sample is

E 91


1. Half-lives of two radioactive elements A and B are 20 minutes and 40 minutes, respectively. Initially,
the samples have equal number of nuclei. After 80 minutes, the ratio of decayed numbers of A and B
nuclei will be :- [JEE-Main-2016]
(1) 5 : 4 (2) 1 : 16 (3) 4 : 1 (4) 1 : 4
2. A radioactive nucleus A with a half life T, decays into a nucleus B. At t = 0, there is no nucleus B. At
sometime t, the ratio of the number of B to that of A is 0.3. Then, t is given by : [JEE-Main-2017]

T T log 2 log1.3
(1) t = T log (1.3) (2) t = (3) t = 2 log1.3 (4) t = T log 2
3. Two radioactive substances A and B have decay constants 5l and l respectively. At t = 0, a sample
has the same number of the two nuclei. The time taken for the ratio of the number of nuclei to become
çe÷ will be : [JEE Main-2019_April]
è ø
(1) 1 / 4l (2) 1 / l (3) 1 / 2l (4) 2 / l
4. Half lives of two radioactive nuclei A and B are 10 minutes and 20 minutes, respectively. If, initially
a sample has equal number of nuclei, then after 60 minutes, the ratio of decayed numbers of nuclei A
and B will be : [JEE Main-2019_April]
(1) 9 : 8 (2) 1 : 8 (3) 8 : 1 (4) 3 : 8
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5. In a reactor, 2 kg of 92U fuel is fully used up in 30 days. The energy released per fission is 200 MeV.

Given that the Avogadro number, N = 6.023 × l026 per kilo mole and 1 eV = 1.6 × 10–19 J. The power
output of the reactor is close to : [JEE Main-2020_Sep]
(1) 125 MW (2) 60 MW (3) 35 MW (4) 54 MW
6. You are given that Mass of 37 Li = 7.0160 u,
Mass of 42 He = 4.0026 u
and Mass of 11 H = 1.0079 u.
When 20 g of 37 Li is converted into 42 He by proton capture, the energy liberated, (in kWh), is: [Mass
of nudeon = 1 GeV/c2] [JEE Main-2020_Sep]
(1) 8 × 106 (2) 1.33 × 106 (3) 6.82 × 10 5
(4) 4.5 × l05

92 E
® Modern Physics-2

7. Given the masses of various atomic particles mp = 1.0072u, mn = 1.0087u, me = 0.000548u, m v = 0,

md = 2.0141u, where p º proton, n º neutron, e º electron, v º antineutrino and d º deuteron. Which
of the following process is allowed by momentum and energy conservation ? [JEE Main-2020_Sep]
(1) n + p ® d + g
(2) e+ + e– ® g
(3) n + n ® deuterium atom (electron bound to the nucleus)
(4) p ® n + e+ + v
8. Find the bindng energy per nucleon for 50 Sn . Mass of proton mP = 1.00783 U, mass of neutron
mn = 1.00867 U and mass of tin nucleus mSn = 119.902199 U. (take 1U = 931 MeV)
[JEE Main-2020_Sep]
(1) 8.5 MeV (2) 7.5 MeV (3) 8.0 MeV (4) 9.0 MeV

9. The half-life of Au is 3 days. If atomic weight of Au is 198 g/mol then the activity of 2 mg of
198 198

Au is [in disintegration/second] : [JEE Main-2021_July]
(1) 2.67 × 10 12
(2) 6.06 × 1018
(3) 32.36 × 10 12
(4) 16.18 × 1012
10. A radioactive sample has an average life of 30 ms and is decaying. A capacitor of capacitance 200 F
is first charged and later connected with resistor 'R'. If the ratio of charge on capacitor to the activity
of radioactive sample is fixed with respect to time then the value of 'R' should be ______ W.
[JEE Main-2021_July]
11. At time t = 0, a material is composed of two radioactive atoms A and B, where NA(0) = 2NB(0). The
decay constant of both kind of radioactive atoms is l. However, A disintegrates to B and B disintegrates
to C. Which of the following figures represents the evolution of NB(t) / NB(0) with respect to time t ?
é N A ( 0 ) = No. of A atoms at t = 0 ù
ê ú [JEE Main-2021_July]
êë N B ( 0 ) = No. of B atoms at t = 0 úû
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(1) (2)

1 1

(3) (4)
t t
1/2l 1/2l


E 93

12. Nucleus A is having mass number 220 and its binding energy per nucleon is 5.6 MeV. It splits in two
fragments 'B' and 'C' of mass numbers 105 and 115. The binding energy of nucleons in 'B' and 'C' is
6.4 MeV per nucleon. The energy Q released per fission will be : [JEE Main-2022_June]
(A) 0.8 MeV (B) 275 MeV (C) 220 MeV (D) 176 MeV

æ R ö
13. Which of the following figure represents the variation of In ç ÷ with ln A(If R = radius of a nucleus and
è R0 ø
A = its mass number) [JEE Main-2022_June]

In R In R
R0 R0

(A) (B)
O In A O In A

In R In R
R0 R0

(C) (D) MP0422

O In A O In A

14. Following statements related to radioactivity are given below: [JEE Main-2022_June]
(A) Radioactivity is a random and spontaneous process and is dependent on physical and chemical
(B) The number of un-decayed nuclei in the radioactive sample decays exponentially with time.
(C) Slope of the graph of loge(no. of undecayed nuclei) Vs. time represents the reciprocal of mean life
node06\B0BC-BD\Kota\JEE(Advanced)\Enthuse\Phy\Module\5-Mod Phy-1, 2-EM & INS.-Semiconductor-PCS\Eng\2-MP-2\01_Th + Ex.p65
time (t).
(D) Product of decay constant (l) and half-life time (T1/2) is not constant.
Choose the most appropriate answer from the options given below:
(A)(A) and (B) only (B) (B) and (D) only
(C) (B) and (C) only (D) (C) and (D) only MP0423

15. The Q-value of a nuclear reaction and kinetic energy of the projectile particle, Kp are related as :
[JEE Main-2022_June]
(A) Q = Kp (B) (Kp + Q) < O (C) Q < Kp (D) (Kp + Q) > 0
16. The activity of a radioactive material is 2.56 × 10 Ci. If the half life of the material is 5 days, after how

many days the activity will become 2 × 10–5 Ci? [JEE Main-2022_June]
(A) 30 days (B) 35 days (C) 40 days (D) 25 days
94 E
® Modern Physics-2
17. The disintegration rate of a certain radioactive sample at any instant is 4250 disintegrations per minute. 10
minutes later, the rate becomes 2250 disintegrations per minute. The approximate decay constant is :
(Take log101.88 = 0.274) [JEE Main-2022_July]
(A) 0.02 min –1
(B) 2.7 min –1
(C) 0.063 min –1
(D) 6.3 min–1
18. Two lighter nuclei combine to form a comparatively heavier nucleus by the relation given below:
1 X + 21 X =24 Y

The binding energies per nucleon 21 X and 42 Y are 1.1 MeV and 7.6 MeV respectively. The energy
released in this process is_______ . MeV. [JEE Main-2022_July]
19. What is the half-life period of a radioactive material if its activity drops to 1/16 of its initial value of 30

years ? [JEE Main-2022_July]
(A) 9.5 years (B) 8.5 years (C) 7.5 years (D) 10.5 years
20. The activity of a radioactive material is 6.4 × 10 curie. Its half life is 5 days. The activity will become 5 ×

10–6 curie after : [JEE Main-2022_July]

(A) 7 days (B) 15 days (C) 25 days (D) 35 days
21. A freshly prepared radioactive source of half life 2 hours 30 minutes emits radiation which is 64 times the
permissible safe level. The minimum time, after which it would be possible to work safely with source, will
be ________ hours. [JEE Main-2022_July]
22. A radioactive sample decays times its original quantity in 15 minutes. The half-life of the sample is
[JEE Main-2022_July]
(A) 5 min (B) 7.5 min (C) 15 min (D) 30 min
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23. Read the following statements:
(A) Volume of the nucleus is directly proportional to the mass number.
(B) Volume of the nucleus is independent of mass number.
(C) Density of the nucleus is directly proportional to the mass number.
(D) Density of the nucleus is directly proportional to the cube root of the mass number.
(E) Density of the nucleus is independent of the mass number.
Choose the correct option from the following options. [JEE Main-2022_July]
(A) (A) and (D) only. (B) (A) and (E) only.
(C) (B) and (E) only. (D) (A) and (C) only

E 95


1. A freshly prepared sample of a radioisotope of half-life 1386 s has activity 103 distintegrations per
second. Given that ln 2 = 0.693, the fraction of the initial number of nuclei (expressed in nearest
integer percentage) that will decay in the first 80 s after preparation of the sample is.
[JEE Advance-2013]
Paragraph for Questions 2 and 3

The mass of a nucleus AZ X is less than the sum of the masses of (A – Z) number of neutrons and Z
number of protons in the nucleus. The energy equivalent to the corresponding mass difference is
known as the binding energy of the nucleus. A heavy nucleus of mass M can break into two light
nuclei of masses m1 and m2 only if (m1 + m2) < M. Also two light nuclei of masses m3 and m4 can
undergo complete fusion and form a heavy nucleus of mass M' only if (m3 + m4) > M'. The masses of
some neutral atoms are given in the table below :- [JEE Advance-2013]

1 2 3 4
1 H 1.007825 u 1 H 2.014102 u 1H 3.016050 u 2 He 4.002603 u
6 7 70 82
3 Li 6.015123 u 3 Li 7.016004 u 30Zn 69.925325 u 34 Se 81.916709 u
152 206 209 210
64 Gd 151.919803 u 82 Pb 205.974455 u 83 Bi 208.980388 u 84 Po 209.982876 u

(1u = 932 MeV/c2)

2. The kinetic energy (in keV) of the alpha particle, when the nucleus 210
84 Po at rest undergoes alpha

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decay, is :-
(A) 5319 (B) 5422
(C) 5707 (D) 5818
3. The correct statement is :-

(A) The nucleus 6

3 Li can emit an alpha particle

(B) The nucleus 210

84 Po can emit a proton

(C) Deuteron and alpha particle can undergo complete fusion

(D) The nuclei 70

30 Zn and 82
34 Se can undergo complete fusion


96 E
® Modern Physics-2
4. Match List I of the nuclear processes with List II containing parent nucleus and one of the end
products of each process and then select the correct answer using the codes given below the lists:
[JEE Advance-2013]
List-I List-II
P. Alpha decay 1. 15
8 O ®15
7 N + .....

Q. b+ decay 2. 238
92 U ®234
90 Th + .....

R. Fission 3. 185
83 Bi ®184
82 Pb + .....

S. Proton emission 4. 239

94 Pu ®140
57 La + .....

Codes :
(A) 4 2 1 3

(B) 1 3 2 4
(C) 2 1 4 3
(D) 4 3 2 1
5. A nuclear power plant supplying electrical power to a village uses a radioactive material of half life T
years as the fuel. The amount of fuel at the beginning is such that the total power requirement of the
village is 12.5% of the electrical power available from the plant at that time. If the plant is able to meet
the total power needs of the village for a maximum period of nT years, then the value of n is.
[JEE Advance-2015]
6. Match the nuclear processes given in column-I with the appropriate option(s) in column-II.
[JEE Advance-2015]
Column-I Column-II
(A) Nuclear fusion (P) Absorption of thermal neutrons by 235
92 U

(B) Fission in a nuclear reactor (Q) 60

27 Co
(C) b-decay (R) Energy production in stars via hydrogen
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conversion to helium
(D) g-ray emission (S) Heavy water
(T) Neutrino emission
7. For a radioactive material, its activity A and rate of change of its activity R are defined as A = -

and R = - , where N(t) is the number of nuclei at time t. Two radioactive sources P (mean
life t) and Q (mean life 2t) have the same activity at t = 0. Their rates of change of activities at
RP n
t = 2t are RP and RQ, respectively. If = , then the value of n is : [JEE Advance-2015]
RQ e


E 97

8. A fission reaction is given by 236

92 U ®140
54 Xe + 38 Sr + x + y , where x and y are two particles. Considering

92 U to be at rest, the kinetic energies of the products are denoted by K Xe , K sr ,K x ( 2MeV ) and
Ky(2MeV), respectively. Let the binding energies per nucleon of 92 U, 140
54 Xe and
38 Sr be 7.5 MeV,,
8.5 MeV and 8.5 MeV, respectively. Considering different conservation laws, the correct options(s)
is (are) :- [JEE Advance-2015]
(A) x = n, y = n, Ksr = 129 MeV, Kxe = 86 MeV
(B) x = p, y = e–, KSr = 129 MeV, Kxe = 86 MeV
(C) x = p, y = n, KSr = 129 MeV, Kxe = 86 MeV
(D) x = n, y = n, KSr = 86 MeV, Kxe = 129 MeV

9. The isotope 12 5
B having a mass 12.014 u undergoes b-decay to 126 C. 126 C has an excited state of the
nucleus (126 C*) at 4.041 MeV above its ground state. If 125 B decays to 126
C*, the maximum kinetic
energy of the b-particle in units of MeV is (1u = 931.5 MeV/c , where c is the speed of light in

vacuum). [JEE Advance-2016]

10. The electrostatic energy of Z protons uniformly distributed throughout a spherical nucleus of radius R

is given by E = 3 Z(Z - 1)e

[JEE Advance-2016]
5 4pe 0 R

The measured masses of the neutron, 11 H , 157 N and 158 O are 1.008665 u, 1.007825 u, 15.000109 u and

15.003065 u respectively. Given that the radii of both the 157 N and 158 O nuclei are same, 1u = 931.5 MeV/c2

(c is the speed of light) and (4pe ) = 1.44 MeV fm. Assuming that the difference between the
node06\B0BC-BD\Kota\JEE(Advanced)\Enthuse\Phy\Module\5-Mod Phy-1, 2-EM & INS.-Semiconductor-PCS\Eng\2-MP-2\01_Th + Ex.p65

binding energies of 157 N and 158 O is purely due to the electrostatic energy, the radius of either of the
nuclei is (1fm = 10–15m)
(A) 2.85 fm (B) 3.03 fm (C) 3.42 fm (D) 3.80 fm
11. An accident in a nuclear laboratory resulted in deposition of a certain amount of radioactive material
of half-life 18 days inside the laboratory. Tests revealed that the radiation was 64 times more than the
permissible level required for safe operation of the laboratory. What is the minimum number of days
after which the laboratory can be considered safe for use? [JEE Advance-2016]
(A) 64 (B) 90 (C) 108 (D) 120

98 E
® Modern Physics-2
12. 131
I is an isotope of Iodine that b decays to an isotope of Xenon with a half-life of 8 days. A small
amount of a serum labelled with 131I is injected into the blood of a person. The activity of the amount
of 131I injected was 2.4 × 105 Becquerel (Bq). It is known that the injected serum will get distributed
uniformly in the blood stream in less than half an hour. After 11.5 hours, 2.5 ml of blood is drawn
from the person's body, and gives an activity of 115 Bq. The total volume of blood in the person's
body, in liters is approximately (you may use ex » 1 + x for |x| << 1 and ln 2 » 0.7).
[JEE Advance-2017]
13. In a radioactive decay chain, 232
90 Th nucleus decays to 212
82 Pb nucleus. Let Na and Nb be the number
of a and b– particles, respectively, emitted in this decay process. Which of the following statements is
(are) true ? [JEE Advance-2018]
(A) Na = 5 (B) Na = 6 (C) Nb = 2 (D) Nb = 4

14. Suppose a 226
88 Ra nucleus at rest and in ground state undergoes a-decay to a 222
86 Rn nucleus in its
excited state. The kinetic energy of the emitted a particle is found to be 4.44 MeV. 222
86 Rn nucleus
then goes to its ground state by g-decay. The energy of the emitted g-photon is _______ keV,
[Given: atomic mass of 226
88 Ra = 226.005u , atomic mass of 222
86 Rn = 222.000u , atomic mass of a
particle = 4.000u, 1u = 931 MeV/c2, c is speed of the light] [JEE Advanced-2019]
15. A heavy nucleus Q of half-life 20 minutes undergoes alpha-decay with probability of 60% and beta-
decay with probability of 40%. Initially, the number of Q nuclei is 1000. The number of alpha-decays
of Q in the first one hour is [JEE Advanced-2021]
(A) 50 (B) 75 (C) 350 (D) 525
16. A heavy nucleus N, at rest, undergoes fission N ® P + Q, where P and Q are two lighter nuclei. Let
d = M N – M P – M Q , where M P , M Q and M N are the masses of P, Q and N, respectively.. EP and

EQ are the kinetic energies of P and Q, respectively. The speed of P and Q are vP and vQ , respectively..
node06\B0BC-BD\Kota\JEE(Advanced)\Enthuse\Phy\Module\5-Mod Phy-1, 2-EM & INS.-Semiconductor-PCS\Eng\2-MP-2\01_Th + Ex.p65

If c is the speed of light, which of the following statement(s) is(are) correct ? [JEE Advanced-2021]
(A) EP + EQ = c2d

æ MP ö
(B) E P = çç ÷÷ c2d
è M P + MQ ø

vP M Q
(C) v = M

(D) The magnitude of momentum for P as well as Q is c 2 md , where m =
(M P + MQ )


E 99

17. The minimum kinetic energy needed by an alpha particle to cause the nuclear reaction
7 N + 42 He ® 11H +198 O in a laboratory frame is n (in MeV). Assume that 16
7 N is at rest in the laboratory

16 19
frame. The masses of 7 N, 24 He, 11 H and 8 O can be taken to be 16.006 u, 4.003 u, 1.008 u and
19.003 u, respectively, where 1 u = 930 MeVc–2. The value of n is_________.
[JEE Advanced-2022]
18. The binding energy of nucleons in a nucleus can be affected by the pairwise Coulomb repulsion. Assume

that all nucleons are uniformly distributed inside the nucleus. Let the binding energy of a proton be Ebp and

the binding energy of a neutron be Ebn in the nucleus.

Which of the following statement(s) is(are) CORRECT? [JEE Advanced-2022]

(A) Ebp – Ebn is proportional to Z(Z – 1) where Z is the atomic number of the nucleus.

(B) Ebp – Ebn is proportional to A 3 where A is the mass number of the nucleus.

(C) Ebp – Ebn is positive.

(D) Ebp increases if the nucleus undergoes a beta decay emitting a positron.

19. In a radioactive decay chain reaction, 230 214

90 Th nucleus decays into 84 Po nucleus. The ratio of the

number of a to number of b– particles emitted in this process is ______. [JEE Advanced-2022]


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® Modern Physics-2



Que. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
Ans. D C A A D A B A B D

Que. 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20
Ans. C C B C B A C D B B

Que. 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30
Ans. C A B C B C D D D D

Que. 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40
Ans. C B B B C A C C C A

Que. 41 42 43 44 45
Ans. B B C A (A)-P,Q; (B)-P,R; (C)-S,P; (D)-P,Q,R

Que. 46
Ans. (A)-R, P; (B)-Q, S; (C)-P; (D)-Q

Que. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
Ans. B B C D D C C B B C

Que. 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20
node06\B0BC-BD\Kota\JEE(Advanced)\Enthuse\Phy\Module\5-Mod Phy-1, 2-EM & INS.-Semiconductor-PCS\Eng\2-MP-2\01_Th + Ex.p65

Ans. B C A E B C A,B,D A,C C,D A,D

Que. 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29

Ans. B,C B,D A,C,D A,B,C A,B,C C,D A,C D C

Que. 30
Ans. (i)-A; (ii)-E; (iii)-F; (iv)-C

1. 8 3 ´ 1018 sec 2. 28 MeV 3. v = 1.546 × 1018 Hz; Z = 26 4. 4.87 MeV
æ ln 5 ö
5. 6.04 × 109 yrs 6. t = çç ÷÷ t 7. 1
è ln 2 ø

E 101


Que. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
Ans. 1 4 3 1 2 2 1 1 4 150
Que. 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20
Ans. 3 D B C D B C 26 C D
Que. 21 22 23
Ans. 15 A B


Que. 1 2 3 4 5 6
Ans. 4 A C C 3 (A)-R or R,T; (B)-P,S; (C)-Q,T; (D)-R
Que. 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16
Ans. 2 A 9 C C 5 A,C 135.00 D A,C,D
Que. 17 18 19
Ans. 2.32 to 2.33 A,B,D 2

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102 E

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