CP Student Guide v1.0 Updatedbooklist
CP Student Guide v1.0 Updatedbooklist
CP Student Guide v1.0 Updatedbooklist
Student Guide
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1. Module Overview and Objectives ............................................................................... 5
2. Learning Outcomes and Assessment Criteria .......................................................... 5
3. Syllabus ....................................................................................................................... 6
4. Related National Occupational Standards ................................................................. 7
5. Teaching and Learning ............................................................................................... 8
5.1 Project Sessions............................................................................................................8
5.2 Supervision ...................................................................................................................8
5.3 Private Study .................................................................................................................9
6. Assessment ................................................................................................................. 9
7. Further Reading List ................................................................................................... 9
Topic 1: Introduction ............................................................................................................... 11
1.1 Learning Objectives .....................................................................................................11
1.2 Timings........................................................................................................................11
1.3 Seminar Exercises ......................................................................................................12
1.4 Private Study Exercises ...............................................................................................15
Topic 2: Analysis Specifications ............................................................................................ 17
2.1 Learning Objectives .....................................................................................................17
2.2 Timings........................................................................................................................17
2.3 Seminar Exercises ......................................................................................................18
2.4 Private Study Exercises ...............................................................................................19
Topic 3: Design Specifications ............................................................................................... 21
3.1 Learning Objectives .....................................................................................................21
3.2 Timings........................................................................................................................21
3.3 Seminar Exercises ......................................................................................................22
3.4 Private Study Exercises ...............................................................................................23
Topic 4: Test Scripts ................................................................................................................ 25
4.1 Learning Objectives .....................................................................................................25
4.2 Timings........................................................................................................................25
4.3 Seminar Exercises ......................................................................................................26
4.4 Private Study Exercises ...............................................................................................27
Topic 5: Final Report ............................................................................................................... 29
5.1 Learning Objectives .....................................................................................................29
5.2 Timings........................................................................................................................29
5.3 Seminar Exercises ......................................................................................................30
5.4 Private Study Exercises ...............................................................................................31
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Topic 6: Topics 6-12: Project and Report Completion .......................................................... 33
6.1 Private Study ...............................................................................................................33
Appendix 1: Project Guidelines ......................................................................................... 34
Appendix 2: Project Assessment ....................................................................................... 39
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Module Overview
Through the combination of project sessions, private study and tutorial supervision on this
module, students will produce for assessment a proposal, report, demonstration and
presentation of their project.
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3. Syllabus
Topic Title Proportion Content
1 Introduction 1/12 Appropriate Artefacts
Planning your Project
2 hour Appropriate Development Methods
Appropriate Risk Management
Appropriate Configuration Management
2 hours of
tutorials Learning Outcome: 2
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6 -12 Project and Report 1/2 Private study time should include weekly
Completion meetings with your tutor to discuss your
71 hours progress.
private Project production
4 hours
with tutor Learning Outcomes: 1 - 6
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4.7.P.2 – Assist with the design of system/solution/service design;
4.7.P.3 – Monitor the progress of system/solution/service design activities;
5.1.P.1 - Perform systems development activities;
5.1.P.2 - Contribute to the management of systems development;
5.3.S.3 - Manage systems development activities;
5.1.L.2 - Control systems development activities;
5.2.P.1 - Plan software development activities;
5.2.P.2 - Perform software development activities;
5.2.P.3 - Control software development activities;
5.2.P.4 - Contribute to the management of software development;
5.3.A.1 - Carry out IT/Technology solution testing activities under direction;
5.3.P.1 - Carry out IT/Technology solution testing;
5.3.P.2 - Contribute to the communication of the results of IT/Technology solution testing;
5.4.P.2 - Perform systems integration activities;
5.5.P.1 - Perform systems installation, implementation and handover activities;
5.5.P.2 - Document and present systems installation, implementation and handover
The teacher-led time for this module is comprised of lectures and seminars (‘project sessions’),
with private study and tutorial supervision allowing students to complete their projects as
Every project session will contain a lecture coupled with either a seminar-based discussion or
an exercise. The PowerPoint slides are presented for use during this time. A key point to note
is that the lectures are not designed to present new content beyond the structure and content of
the project report, and an overview of the required depth of the project content. All other
content is covered in the other modules on the Level 5 Diploma in Computing programme and
is included here to highlight its relevance to the completion of a computing project.
5.2 Supervision
You should have access to personal tutorial supervision every week for the full duration of the
project (i.e. both during and beyond the taught element of the module). During this time you will
meet with your supervisor to discuss your projects and seek support and guidance. You should
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meet with your tutor individually for a minimum of 4 hours over the course of the project,
though you may require more time than this.
Advise you about the scope and viability of the work outlined in your project proposal;
Direct you to relevant books, papers and other sources of information that will support you
in the development of your project;
Advise you on the Harvard style of referencing and the penalties associated with plagiarism;
Maintain regular supervisory contact with you throughout the whole duration of the
computing project;
Assist you in managing the timetable of the project;
Assist you in identifying when problems are liable to be encountered and how they might be
Ensure that you are made aware of inadequate progress or standards of work below the
expected level;
Read and comment on draft sections of the project report, where this is requested by you,
and return such work with constructive criticism and in reasonable time.
You should also use this time to revise the content of lectures to ensure understanding and
conduct extra reading (using the supplementary textbooks or other materials available in the
library or online). You should bring any questions to the tutorial for additional guidance and
6. Assessment
This module will be assessed by means of a project based assignment worth 100% of the total
mark. The assessment will cover the learning outcomes and assessment criteria given above.
For a complete assessment breakdown, see Appendix 2.
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Weaver, P. (2003). Success in Your Project: A Guide to Student System Development Projects.
Pearson Education.
ISBN-10: 0273678094
ISBN-13: 978-0273678090
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Topic 1
Topic 1: Introduction
Project manage the analysis, design, development and deployment of a computing aretfact
1.2 Timings
Project Session: 2 hours
Tutorial: 2 hours
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1.3 Seminar Exercises
Read the scenario below and then use the content to produce a template for a configuration
management approach that could be modified to work with your project. When producing the
template you should also include:
Work on this exercise individually but be prepared to discuss this later with the rest of your
As DSDM (Dynamic Systems Development Method) is all about enabling change, the one area
where more effort is required during the development of the project is configuration
management. During the Functional Model Iteration phase and the Design and Build Iteration
phase, new versions of software will be developed. It is entirely possible that the latest iteration
is for some reason inferior to the previous version or that the development has taken a direction
that the users of the system had not intended. For this reason it must be possible to revert back
to a previous, acceptable state. This does not only include the prototype software but also any
supporting documentation, test plans, test results, prototype feed back documents, and in fact
anything that supports the project at a particular point in time.
The most convenient time to baseline the project in this way is at the end of the Feasibility and
Business Study phases and after each of the iterations of the Functional Model Iteration phase
and the Design and Build Iteration phase. This provides a stable base from which to develop
the system further in the knowledge that it is always possible to return to that state.
This project uses a variety of tools to develop the report and the system to go with it:
The documents, tables diagrams etc. are prepared using Microsoft Office and Visio
The UML diagrams are prepared using Rational Rose
Microsoft Project is the Project Management tool
Borland Delphi is the development tool
These clearly do not represent an integrated software tool for agile systems development. For
this reason and because DSDM does not recommend the implementation of new tools during a
project, my company uses a simple manual configuration management method which fulfils all
of the above requirements. This method uses unique folders for each of the five phases of the
project. It is a technique that has been in use within my company for some time and as such it
is both proven and familiar to most development personal.
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This simple structure has a number of features:
Each of the five phases of the project has a folder. The folder for the Functional Model Iteration
phase will contain three further folders, one for each of the iterations. In order to be able to
backtrack to any stage in the prototype development cycle, the prototype iterations are
baselined. This means having up to three more folders underneath each of the three partitioned
Functional Prototype folders.
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PHASE3_3 (Functional Prototype 3)
All files for the Feasibility Study are stored in their appropriate folders within the phase 1 folder.
Any of the files that are used in the Business Study phase are first copied to the appropriate
folder under the phase 2 folder before changes are made. In this way, all files within the phase
1 folder remain unchanged after the Business Study starts.
Good Configuration management software goes further than allowing developers to restore
previous versions of software. It can provide security by allowing only one person to ‘check out’
a program to be changed. Access can also be controlled by project status thereby enforcing a
degree of project control. Items such as source code, test scripts and general support
documentation can individually be put under version control and these can be linked to create a
complete release of the system. Changes can be tracked, in some cases from the initial change
request through to the implemented system, and this can also be used for reporting purposes
to identify why changes were made to individual programs and to monitor the overall progress
of the change request or project.
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1.4 Private Study Exercises
You should spend approximately 8.5 hours on the Private Study for this topic. You should use
this time to complete the exercises below as directed by your lecturer and to review the
contents of this topic.
Task 1
Refer to your project guidelines. You should use this private study time to think about the
project you are going to develop and to write a project proposal, using a template or format that
is acceptable to your tutor.
Be prepared to discuss your project ideas with your tutor and to show your work in progress.
Your tutor will guide you on the scope of your project and whether the proposal is acceptable.
By the end of this topic, you should have completed the following:
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Topic 2
2.2 Timings
Project Session: 2 hours
Tutorial: 2 hours
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2.3 Seminar Exercises
Take 5 minutes to write down at least two things that you either did not understand from the
lecture or that you feel you need further clarification on. Feed these back to your tutor.
Your tutor will then compile a list on the board and go through each one in turn to ensure that
all students understand the main concepts delivered in the lecture.
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2.4 Private Study Exercises
You should spend approximately 8.5 hours on the Private Study for this topic. You should use
this time to complete the exercises below as directed by your lecturer and to review the
contents of this topic.
Task 1
Refer to your project guidelines. At this stage, you should have developed a draft project
proposal for discussion and review with your tutor. If you have not done this, make sure this is
completed and shown to your tutor as soon as possible.
You should also use this private study time for planning to start the analysis of the project
based on your draft proposal.
Task 2
Prepare a progress statement to discuss with your tutor during your supervision sesison. This
should include:
By the end of this topic, you should have done the following:
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Topic 3
3.2 Timings
Project Session: 2 hours
Tutorial: 2 hours
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3.3 Seminar Exercises
Take 5 minutes to write down at least two things that you either did not understand from the
lecture or that you feel you need further clarification on. Also note at least two things that you
are very clear on and understand fully from the lecture.You will feed this back to your tutor.
Your tutor will then split you into groups within which you should attempt to resolve all of the
things that the group members did not understand.
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3.4 Private Study Exercises
You should spend approximately 8.5 hours on the Private Study for this topic. You should use
this time to complete the exercises below as directed by your lecturer and to review the
contents of this topic.
Task 1
Refer to your project guidelines. At this stage, you should have a draft analysis of the system
You should also use this private study time for planning the design phase of the project. Be
prepared to discuss the progress of your project with your tutor and to show the written sections
which should now be completed.
Task 2
Prepare a progress statement to discuss with your tutor during your supervision sesison. This
should include:
By the end of this topic, you should have done the following:
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Topic 4
4.2 Timings
Project Session: 2 hours
Tutorial: 2 hours
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4.3 Seminar Exercises
Presented below are two unit test scripts in the format that you should use for the test scripts in
your project. Read through the test scripts and then work through the tasks.
Data Source: User Entry Objective: Test basic functionality Tester: John Smith
Data Source: User Entry Objective: Test basic functionality Tester: John Smith
2. Define a unit test script for the Class JobDetails the inputs are EMPLOYEE NUMBER and
3. Add the unit test script that you produced in task 2 to the integration test script that you
produced in task 1.
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4.4 Private Study Exercises
You should spend approximately 8.5 hours on the Private Study for this topic. You should use
this time to complete the exercises below as directed by your lecturer and to review the
contents of this topic.
Task 1
Refer to your project guidelines. At this stage, you should have completed a draft design.
You should also use this private study time for planning how you are going to test your system.
Be prepared to discuss the progress of your project with your tutor and to show the written
sections which should now be completed.
Task 2
Prepare a progress statement to discuss with your tutor during your supervision sesison. This
should include:
At the end of this topic you should have done the following:
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Topic 5
5.2 Timings
Project Session: 2 hours
Tutorial: 2 hours
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5.3 Seminar Exercises
The aim of the seminar session is to provide you with an opportunity to discuss the structure
and content of the final report and gain a greater understanding of how it relates to your project.
This seminar does not have a particular practical exercise associated with it because what is
important for this topic is that you understand the structure and content of the project report.
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5.4 Private Study Exercises
You should spend approximately 8.5 hours on the Private Study for this topic. You should use
this time to complete the exercises below as directed by your lecturer and to review the
contents of this topic.
Task 1
Refer to your project guidelines. At this stage you should have completed draft unit testing test
You should also use this private study time for planning what tasks you still need to carry out
for your project and to keep writing up your project so that you are on target to meet the hand in
Be prepared to discuss the progress of your project with your tutor and to show the written
sections which should now be completed.
Task 2
Prepare a progress statement to discuss with your tutor during your supervision sesison. This
should include:
At the end of this topic you should have done the following:
At this point ensure that you are up to date and have completed all the tasks above and that
everything has been fully documented so that you can easily write up each stage of the project
in the final report.
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Topics 6-12
Refer to your project guidelines. You should now complete your project and report, as well as
prepare for your project demonstration and presentation.
Throughout this period you are expected to maintain contact with your tutor/supervisor and
inform them of the progress you are making and any problems or questions you have. You
should continue to prepare progress statements for each meeting with your tutor. You will also
be expected to produce evidence of your work and demonstrate continually improving versions
of your computing artefact in each meeting with your tutor.
You will need to manage your time carefully to ensure that you continue to work systematically
through your project. It is now your responsibility to manage the project plan and ensure you
keep making progress each week.
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Appendix 1: Project Guidelines
1. Scope
This is an individual project that should cover, in detail, the analysis, design coding and testing
of a computing project as outlined in the learning outcomes for the module. It should also give
an overview of the approaches used for project management, configuration management and
risk analysis.
What type of computing artefact you are going to develop? Why it is important to
produce the computing artefact? What are the project aims and objectives?
What are you going to develop? What features will and will not be developed? What
architecture will you use to develop the system?
For example: ‘The system will automate the following transactions ... It will provide an
online Help system supporting the following features ... It will provide a user guide,
focusing on the following ... It will not incorporate the following … because ... It will be
developed in Java Version X and MySQL Version Y, to run on the following platforms ...’
This section needs to provide a breakdown of the main tasks and activities that you will
need to undertake for the successful completion of your project. Indicate the key
milestones with dates. It is suggested that you use a tool such as Microsoft Project for
producing this information.
The project will not proceed until the plan is approved by your supervisor.
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3.1 Title Page
3.2 Abstract
This section should consist of a synopsis of the project (150-200 words) stating the nature and
scope of the work undertaken, and a high level summary of the outcomes.
This section should show the page numbers of chapters, sections and sub-sections, a list of
figures and tables, and a list of appendices.
3.4 Acknowledgements
This section is optional, but you may wish to pay tribute to particular people who have given
you special assistance or support.
3.5 Introduction
Further guidance with respect to the content of this chapter is provided in Topic 5.
3.6 Analysis
This chapter consists of the analysis specification of the proposed system in terms of:
Use Cases
Further guidance with respect to the content of this chapter is provided in Topic 2.
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3.7 Design
This chapter consists of the design specification for the proposed system in terms of:
Structural Model
Behavioural Model
Further guidance with respect to the content of this chapter is provided in Topic 3.
3.8 Implementation
Further guidance with respect to the content of this chapter is provided in Topic 5.
This chapter provides an account of your approach to project management, risk management,
configuration management and testing. You need to describe what particular techniques you
have used, why you have used these rather than others, and present a summary of your main
Further guidance with respect to project management, risk management and configuration
managed is provided in Topic 1, whilst Topic 4 provides further guidance with respect to
3.10 Conclusion
This chapter evaluates the substantive aspects of your work, within the context you have
established in the Introduction. It also comments on the extent to which the original aims and
objectives have been met. In addition, you might wish to comment on any envisaged future
development of the system.
Further guidance with respect to the content of this chapter is provided in Topic 5.
3.11 References
All references you cite within the body of your report should be fully referenced in this section,
using the Harvard Style. No reference should appear here unless it has been cited in the body
of the report.
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3.12 Appendices
Appendices may include any supporting material to which a reader might wish to refer, but
which is not essential for the main body of the report. Appendices for the computing project
may include some, or all, of the following:
Requirements Catalogue
Use Case Descriptions
Detailed Class Definitions
Test Scripts
User Guide
System Code
External Client Documents where applicable (see Section 4 below)
The presentation should contain between 10 and 15 slides and should be structured as follows:
PC and projection equipment will be available, so it is expected that you will give a PowerPoint
presentation. The audience for the session will be your supervisor plus one other tutor.
A letter of introduction from the Accredited Partner Centre to support the student.
A memorandum of understanding (MOU) between the student and client. This document is
typically prepared soon after a client has been chosen. Its purpose is to formally establish
the specific details of the project work with the intention of protecting both the client and the
student. It should cover:
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- A specification of the system project, including expected functionality, timeline, and
resources to be committed.
- Confidentiality of documents which may be passed from client to student.
- Liabilities of student to client in case of failure to deliver a working product.
- Financial compensation or remuneration. The MOU should make clear that the
student is not to be paid for any project work undertaken.
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Appendix 2: Project Assessment
There are four assessment components for the computing project:
Each component will be marked out of 100 according to the following criteria.
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The overview of the computing artefact to be developed
is very clear and appropriate
The aims and objectives, scope and architecture are very
70+ Distinction
clear and appropriate
The work breakdown structure and Gantt chart are very
clear and appropriate
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The Project Report
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The Introduction is generally clear and appropriate
The Analysis is generally clear and uses appropriate
The Design is generally clear and uses appropriate
60-69 Merit
The Implementation of the system is generally clear
Other Project Issues are generally clear and
The Conclusion generally clear and appropriate
References are used well and are in the Harvard style
The Introduction is very clear and appropriate
The Analysis is very clear and uses appropriate models
The Design is very clear and uses appropriate models
70+ Distinction The Implementation of the system is very clear
Other Project Issues are very clear and appropriate
The Conclusion generally clear and appropriate
References are used well and are in the Harvard style
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The Project Demonstration
System is unusable.
System does not have a help subsystem.
0-29 Poor Failure
System uses interfacing that is inconsistent.
System is unstable and constantly runs into errors.
System is nearly unusable.
System does not have a help subsystem.
30-39 Marginal Failure
System uses interfacing that is inconsistent.
System is unstable and constantly runs into errors.
System barely meets expectations.
System does not have a help subsystem.
40-49 Marginal Pass System uses interfacing that is inconsistent.
System is nominally stable and runs into frequent
System somewhat meets expectations.
System has a simplistic help subsystem.
50-59 Average Pass System uses interfacing that is usable but lacks general
System is somewhat stable but has some noticeable
System meets expectations.
System has a usable help subsystem.
60-69 Merit System uses consistent interfacing.
System is generally stable and has just some minor
software errors.
System meets or exceeds functional expectations.
System has comprehensive help subsystems
70+ Distinction System uses consistent interfacing.
System is stable and generally error-free.
System is of unusual scope or type.
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The Project Presentation
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Generally clear overview of the context/background of
the project
Appropriate and complete models used to overview the
the analysis and design activities
60-69 Merit Generally clear overview of testing
Generally clear critique of the process
Presentation is generally well organised with very good
use of visual materials
Competent in answering questions
Very clear overview of the context/background of the
Appropriate and complete models used to overview the
the analysis and design activities
70+ Distinction Very clear overview of testing
Very clear critique of the process
Presentation is very well-organised and structured with
excellent use of visual materials
Very competent in answering questions
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